I S S U E 1 2 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 #FINEDININGINDIAN WO R L D S F I N E S T I N D I A N F O O D M A G A Z I N E RESTAURANT New CHEF R O O H C H I C A G O B A L I TRESIND M U M B A I RESTAURANT New C O L O N I A L P A L A T E MA RC O p i e r r e w h i t e i n M u m b a i
Facts about Pumpkin The largest pumpkin pie ever baked weighed 3,699 pounds.Pumpkin pie originated in the colonies, just not as we know it today. Colonists would cut the tops of pumpkins off, remove the seeds, fill the pumpkins with milk, spices, and honey, then bake them in hot ashes. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 02 September 2019
07 Chef Anupam Gulati Fourseasons Mumbai September 2019 Issue 12 12 Chef Sarfaraz Ahmed 15 Table of Contents Learn about goose & foie gras NEW RESTAURANT OPENING ROOH | Chicago 18 20 LORE | BANGALORE 25 29 SALONI PANDA Food Influencer 42 Selected Fine dining Indian Recipe WWW . F I NED I N I NG I ND I AN . COM • @F I NED I N I NG I ND I A NEW RESTAURANT OPENING COLONIAL PALATE | Mumbai Progressive Startup Restaurant CHEF BALI Culinary Wizard Trains New Generatiosn of Oberoi chefs 07 10 2 121
Gratitude Letter Ed i tor Ms. Supri ya Prema ra j Dea r Readers, we a re happy to presen t ou r Th i rd Qua rter I ssue for 201 9 Si ncere Gra ti tude for a l l chefs who been fea tu red i n th i s I ssue by provi d i ng timel y a rti cl es, I n tervi ew, Images a nd Reci pes. I ts a n Immen se proud a nd ach i evemen t i n fea tu ri ng so a ny ta l en ted I nd i a n chef . Do l et u s know i f you know some one wou l d be deservi ng i n fea tu ri ng . We a re so g ra tefu l a nd happy tha t Fi ne d i n i ng I nd i a n i s Recog n i sed Worl dwi de for i ts Vi si on , Ou r readers a re i ncrea si ng da y by da y. We u rge a l l I nd i a n chefs a round the g l obe to provi de you r reci pes a nd a rti cl es for ou r fu tu re i ssues. We a re a l so l ooki ng for promoters, th roug h prod uct pl acemen t ad verti semen t. We stri ve to pu sh forwa rd i n ach i evi ng ou r vi si on " To be the face of Fi nest I nd i a n cu i si ne I n the worl d " Pl ea se wri te to chef@ f i ned i n i ng i nd i a n . com Wi th Gra ti tude, Founder Bobby Retna kuma r Geetha Wri te to us Chef@ f i ned i n i ng i nd i a n . com or send message th roug h I n stag ram #finediningindian #FINEDININGINDIAN | 05 Our Vision: " Being the world's best fine dining Indian cuisine website and magazine" We strive to achieve this by providing a platform for all Indian food lovers around the globe. September 2019 Courtesy Al l Images to thei r respecti ve chefs a nd provi ders Ms. Sana qureshi special correspondent
There are more than 45 different varieties of pumpkin.They range in color like red, yellow, and green, and have names like Hooligan, Cotton Candy, and Orange Smoothie. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 06 September 2019
Chef Anupam Gulati . Four Seasons, Mumbai Article by Sana Qureshi H ow you become a ch e f a n d wh y? My g r a n d mo t h e r wa s a f a n t a s t i c c o o k , wh e n we we r e ve r y yo u n g ; we s p e n t a l o t o f t i me wi t h h e r i n De h r a d u n . Sh e wo u l d o n l y c o o k a n d e a t f r e s h p r o d u c e h a n d p i c ke d f r om h e r k i t c h e n g a r d e n a n d s l ow c o o ke d o ve r a n a n g e e t h i ( a sm a l l c h a r c o a l f i r e ) . T h o s e we r e r e a l l y f u n d a ys a n d wo u l d g e t me e x c i t e d , We u s e d t o h a ve a h omem a d e t a n d o o r a n d a s a k i d i t u s e d t o e x c i t e me t o s e e m y Mo t h e r p u l l o u t h o t r o t i s wi t h h e r b a r e h a n d s . H e r p a s s i o n t owa r d s c o o k i n g a n d t u r n i n g e ve n t h e s i mp l e s t o f d i s h e s i n t o a c u l i n a r y d e l i g h t , wo u l d r e a l l y m a ke me d o t h i n g s a n d h e l p h e r a r o u n d d a i l y c h o r e s i n t h e k i t c h e n . Wh a t s t a r t e d a s a h o b b y s o o n b e c a me a p r o f e s s i o n . #FINEDININGINDIAN | 07 September 2019
How you explain your style of cooking? My food philosophy is pretty simple: use the best ingredients, keep the flavors authentic.Each dish has to be a work of art. I believe that a chef is only as good as his last plate. What are your memorable achievement in your professional life? why it was important for you ? To become an executive chef in an Oberoi hotel and so on... i never thought that i will survive this far... How you develop your team, what responsibilities and freedom you give to your juniors? We work as a family and every team member shares a responsible and important part in the culinary journey, we regularly discuss and share ideas cook for each other and discuss ...constructive criticism is an integral part...and each one is empowered to take decisions. How you keep up to date with a constantly evolving world's culinary scene? Its a ever evolving space and like they say change is the only constant.. you research and develop your selves and others working with you... and very importantly keep yourself open for learning ...encourage others to share ideas..This is how we progress together. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 08 September 2019
one of your worst food critic or comment you received and how you dealt with it? I guess criticism is part and parcel, but have always taken a serious note of constructive criticism, though not every criticism should be taken to heart, you should always try and improve as much as you can. What would you like to do more for a chef support system in helping each other in achieving success? Cross promotion. Chefs at all levels in the system or out of it should interact more ... we have chefs forums where in we are not afraid of sharing ideas (which is a great) ...i guess it is a great beginning. Any daily rituals you do and how it helps you to stay active, Motivated ? Ido listen to music a lot ... and of course my wife.. she keeps me going How you judge a young chef and how you test him for the long term? Well attitude and willingness to learn are the two most important aspects i usually look for in young chefs... rest everything can be worked upon. what will be Indian cuisine & Indian chef’s future according to you, what should be Indian chefs approach in making Indian cuisine best in The World? Indian cuisine has a great future, the need for good Indian food will always be there... the best thing about Indian cuisine... it is simple and yet so complex... more over it is being re discovered everyday ...some of the best chefs in the world have Indian origins. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 09 September 2019
Name Top Five Indian chefs of all Time according to you ? Chef Imtiaz Qureshi/ Chef Anando Solomon/ Chef Arvind Saraswat/ Chef Vineet Bhatia and Chef Sanjeev Kapoor, they all have contributed immensely to the cuisine and culture. A Book or an Incident that influenced you and how it changed your approach to life? Chef Grant Achatz....very inspiring to know that he was once diagnosed with stage 4 mouth cancer, yet he fought all odds to comeback and is a great chef, his restaurant Alinea was Number 1 How you choose an Indian restaurant to eat with the family, what dishes you look for in the menu? When visiting for the first we always choose a mix of dishes, few staples and few experimental. Though as a family we are very Punjabi when it comes to taste Does classic or modern dishes stand ahead of time, why according to you? Both have their own place and identity you cannot experiment or evolve unless you are deeply rooted. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 10 September 2019
PUMPKIN AND HALLOWEEN A long stading tardition and history A jack-o'-lantern (or jack o'lantern) is a carved pumpkin, turnip, or other root vegetable lantern associated with Halloween. Its name comes from the phenomenon of a strange light flickering over peat bogs, called will-o'-thewisp or jack-o'-lantern. The name is also tied to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a drunkard who bargains with Satan and is doomed to roam the Earth with only a hollowed turnip to light his way. Jack-o'-lanterns are a yearly Halloween tradition that came to the United States from Irish immigrants. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 11 September 2019
CHEF SARFARAZ AHMED Tresind | Mumbai Article by Sana Qureshi How did you become a chef and why? I have grown up under guidance of one of the well-known Indian chef who is very close to our family. That created interest in me to follow his path of success since childhood. What message do you want to give younger chefs out there ? This is a tough industry to survive and achieve success so have your focus on “LEARN” rather “EARN” rest everything will automatically follow. How can you explain your style of cooking? Anything that makes you and your guests happy. What are your most memorable achievement in your professional life? why was it important for you? There are many small and big achievements but most memorable could be my selection in The Leela Hotels management trainee program. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 12 Do classic or modern dishes stand ahead of time? why according to you? These are two sides of a same coin. Without classic there is no modern. Classic should always remain as it is and one should not play with grandmother’s recipe but can get inspiration to create something new with different style and inspiration.This is the time to welcome new inspirational dishes with traditional flavours and that makes modern dishes ahead of time. September 2019
What is your concept for a forming a new menu for your restaurant and how do you shortl ist the dishes? We do progressi ve I ndian food that requi res inspi ration and how you treat your ingredients in the recipe ul timatel y comes on to the plate. We can do an I ndian tradi tional di sh infl uenced wi th western technique and ingredients or we can go for a western di sh infl uenced wi th I ndian ingredients.Shortl i sting depends on flavours, textures and ingredients used and should fi t into our desi red place in the tasting menu. How do you develop your team, what responsibi l ities and freedom do you give your subordinates? Ki tchen brigade i s selected wi th each player having a key role.Responsibi l i ties are delegated according to thei r ski l l set and posi tion in the brigade.Developing a team requi res constant learning effort and road to perfection by each indi vidual . Performance by each indi vidual i s moni tored and apprai sed regularl y. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 13 September 2019
How do you keep up to date with the constantly evolving world's culinary scene? Latest trends and developments in the world culinary scene change rapidly and one need to read vigorously, be active on social media and constantly stay connected with your guests and friends working around the world. One of your worst food critics or comment you received and how did you deal with it? I don’t think till today I have got any critics or comment that I can term it as worst. What would you like to do more for a chef support system in helping each other in achieving success? Cross promotion, etc. Four hands promotions with other restaurants leads to success and learning for both the chefs and restaurants who participate. Any daily rituals you do and how it helps you to stay active, motivated? I don’t believe in rituals just like to stay positive to get better results every time. How do you judge a young chef and how you test him for the long term? Skills can be enhanced; knowledge can be gained with experience but attitude is what I look for with basic culinary training. Learning attitude definitely will lead to a long-term relationship. Name top five Indian restaurants around the world according to you? Indian Accent, Tresind, Jamavar, Benares London ,Karavalli Bengaluru what will be Indian cuisine & Indian chef’s future according to you, what should be Indian chefs’ approach in making Indian cuisine best in the world? Indian Cuisine is now entering to an era of what we called as Nouvelle Cuisine with more focus on exotic ingredients to be incorporated from around the world giving an ultimate dining experience to guests with small plates. The food is no more loaded with heavy curries and spices rather making it simpler.Indian cuisine should get the respect what it deserves breaking the barrier of Butter Chicken and Biryani tag from around the world as it very diversified and rich which people don’t know. This is my view on approach of an Indian Chef. Name Top Five Indian chefs of all Time according to you? Chef Bakshish Dean, Chef Avijit Ghosh, Chef Atul Kochhar, Chef Gaggan Anand, Chef Mir Zafar Ali. how do you choose an Indian restaurant to eat with the family, what dishes do you look for in the menu? Social media plays an important role in choosing a restaurant when it comes to dining with family.Menu should have a good selection of non – vegetarian and vegetarian dishes as some of my family members are vegetarians. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 14 September 2019
RESTAURANT OPENING ROOH Chicago, 736 W Randolph, About ROOH Chicago A Progressive Indian restaurant and cocktail bar nestled in the heart of the city’s West Loop neighborhood. Meaning soul or spirit, ROOH brings the spirit of modern India to Chicago through the restaurant experience by way of relaxed communal dining and world-renowned cuisine from Executive Chef Sujan Sarkar and experienced restaurateurs Anu and Vikram Bhambri in partnership with local Chicago restaurant group, Shindig Hospitality. The vibrant and modern restaurant design provides a quintessential platform for Chef Sarkar’s cuisine, mixing traditional Indian flavors with modern gastronomic techniques and local Chicago ingredients. ROOH’s menu guides guests through a culinary journey of Indian cuisine, highlighting regional dishes from India. ROOH’s cocktail list features drinks inspired by ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and the six tastes, or rasas, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, astringent and bitter, mixing Indian spices and house made shrubs with regional spirits. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 15 September 2019
The standout culinary concept conceived by renowned Chef Sujan Sarkar in partnership with experienced restaurateurs Anu and Vikram Bhambri, is set to be one of the most anticipated restaurant openings of 2019. With its innovative cocktail programming, and eclectic, modern design, ROOH, meaning soul or spirit, is determined to bring the spirit of India to the Windy City and provide Chicago locals and visitors alike with a never-before-seen dining experience. Fusing together rich cultural tradition and the vibrancy of modern India, key Indian Designer Debashish Sarkar, as well as Chicago-based Box Studios’ Gwen Harley (Senior Lead Designer), Ferdinand Dimaling (Principal/Architect), and Carlos Rivera (Technical Director) have constructed an unparalleled aesthetic within the interior of the restaurant. Split into three floors, ROOH Chicago aims to depict a distinct sense of style and experience at every level. To pay homage to the restaurant’s Indian roots, the design of the space employs the use of aged color washed wal ls, rich fabrics, ornate ti les, as wel l as textural panels and curtains. From luxurious, crystal chandel iers dripping from the cei l ing to imported floral wal l coverings from prominent Indian fashion designer, Sabyasachi , and an eye-catching mural of a woman confidently gazing towards the fi rst floor bar area, ROOH Chicago has incorporated elaborate detai ls into every corner of the restaurant to evoke a sense of discovery, cul ture, and place. With an emphasis on providing an innovative interpretation of authentic, newage Indian cuisine, Executive Chef Sujan Sarkar has developed a unique and elevated dining experience for patrons. Chef Sarkar, a Times Chef of the Year inIndia, wi l l combine the country’s rich traditional and regional flavors with the use and influence of local Chicago ingredients and modern techniques to create his beautiful ly plated and flavorful dishes. To complement the outstanding food menu, ROOH offers a distinguished beverage program that al lows guests to choose from 12 seasonal cocktai ls based on Ayurveda and its six tastes, or rasas – sweet, sour, sal ty, pungent, astringent and bitter. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 17 September 2019
The Colonial Palate Article by Sana Qureshi The historic lanes of South Mumbai gets a new restaurant that reminisce the old world charm in today’s modern times. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 18 September 2019
The Colonial Palate has opened its doors just a couple of months ago & has been a stop for all food explorers.In todays times where guest plans to visit restaurants not only to enjoy food but take back a dining experience & colonial palate stands amongst top listers while curating the same.The restaurant takes you through an experience of the old school elegance, unfaltering service and top-notch food often woven in with a whimsical historical narrative.Famously known as the Style Chef - Chef Shailendra, brings over 30 years of cooking experience has worked with the best chefs around the world handling restaurants and cafes in various countries comprising of Muscat, Italy, London and the USA. For the last 10 years he’s been consulting full time with various cafes and restaurants. He has put together his extraordinary experience and sensibilities and curated a one of its kind menu. Menu is an extravagant affair having mix of indigenous ingredients treated internationally and exotic ingredients used in an unassuming local fashion which are made from scratch inside the kitchen, showcases how cuisines continue to evolve with time. Some of the most loved & liked delicacies from their Menu justifying the term Influenced Cuisine are:· The Colonial Seekh, Quinnoa Biryani, Charred Burrata Makhanwala· Carbon Chicken, Shahi Red Velvette Adding grandeur to the colonial vibes, the restaurant has an amazing decorum with historic wall pictures. An entire wall dedicated to a map depicting The Colonials Journey to India.Be it food, décor or the staff the restaurant is one of the perfect choices to have an experiential meal. The Colonial Palate is sure to take you back in time with the restaurant's vibe but surprise you with the modern touch it give to their dishes. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 19 September 2019
Telling Stories Through Food: LORE’S POPUP SERIES IS SET TO TAKE BENGALURU’S CULINARY SCENE TO THE NEXT LEVEL,CONCEIVED BY THE ATRIA GROUP, LORE IS ALL ABOUT GIVING OUR GUESTS A MULTI SENSORY DINING EXPERIENCE; LORE’S RESTAURANT IS SLATED TO OPEN IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2020, Lore's mantra is to leverage the magical ability of food to tell stories, create new memories and rekindle old ones while giving importance to quality produce, directly working with farmers and artisans. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 20 September 2019
Mythrayie says “i am really Pop Ups give chefs the creative freedom to control the narrative of the diners experience." says Kaushik Raju Director - Co Founder JE, the Chef Patron- Co Founder says “Innovation is the key to unlock imagination and a great team with similar vision is all that matters to accomplish a dream. This is what I will bring to Lore,” he will bring fresh thinking to traditional recipes and invariably create new ones along the way too. excited to be here in Bangalore as i believe the diners here have a discerning palate and will enjoy what team Lore brings to the table ”. The head chef at Lore, she did a stint with Chef Rene of NOMA Copenhagen . She looks at things differently, not just cooking but everything about food, cuisine, and even the work culture at kitchens around the world. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 21 September 2019
TOP CHEFS BATTLE AS TASTES OF THE WORLD ADDS NEW FLAVOUR TO GULFOOD 2019 Cuisine of LORE Lore’s cuisine can be defined as “Eclectic”, It uses Locavore ingredients and creates menus which has a story to tell, Lore’s concept revolves around its 4 pillars. Locavore Omnisense Retrospective Eclectic Locavore: locavoreis a movement of people who prefer to eat foods which are grown or farmed relatively close to the places of sale and preparation. Omnisense : is a conceptualised word by Lore, in the same context of -Omnisciencecomes from the Latin omnismeaning "all" and scientiameaning "knowledge." Omniscience is a state of possessing all the knowledge there is — pretty impressive. In a religious sense, people believe in a higher being that has omniscience, What we refer here is a play of the senses. Retrospective : Retrospective means looking back, Food and its play on Nostalgia is what we are referring to. Eclectic : one who uses a method or approach that is composed of elements drawn from various sources. Farmlore : is the farming space dedicated for Lore, There we grow seasonal produces using #FINEDININGINDIAN | 22 September 2019
#FINEDININGINDIAN | 21 March 2019 #FINEDININGINDIAN | 23 September 2019
#FINEDININGINDIAN | 24 September 2019
Chef Parvinder Singh Bali Article by Sana Qureshi #FINEDININGINDIAN | 25 September 2019
This is the case with actually most of the chefs is of my generation, whereby we did not choose this profession but the profession chose us.I always wanted to be a nuero surgeon and I was doing my mechanical engineering in Kashmir. I went to join a Hotel management college, thinking that I will have enough time on my hand to prepare for my medical ventures. But then this industry grew on me. My Internship at Taj Bengal changed my outlook and I wanted to be in kitchen and become a chef. My style of cooking is keeping things simplistic. God has given us some wonderful ingredients; just use them in a way that you don’t take away the soul from the ingredient. Don’t complicate the flavours, instead use complimenting flavours. Use pastel colours on the plate; make the food which looks fresh and appetizing. Do not focus on complex presentation; after all you want your guests to enjoy wholesome and nutritious food There are many memorable events and achievements in my career as a chef. I have personally made wedding cakes for Ms Shweta Bachhan and Ms Priyanka Vaderah. Apart from this I have cooked for many dignitaries and bolly wood and holly wood actors. My greatest achievement was authoring 5 books, which are being used as text books in almost all catering colleges in India and few abroad. It was important to me because it gives me immense satisfaction, where I can contribute to the learning and development of young aspiring chefs #FINEDININGINDIAN | 26 Menu wri ting shoul d be simpl e and wi thout any fancy j a rgons. Sometimes the d i sh crea tes a very d i fferent pi cture i n a consumers mi nd and when the food i s presented , i t can l ead to d i ssa ti sfaction. As per me, the menu shoul d sel f-expl ana tory and shoul d be abl e to g i ve the guest the cl ea r understand i ng of the d i sh. The new d i sh i s tried and tested mul tipl e times. We a l so l et the guest experience the d i sh and once we have taken the feedback i nto consi dera tion, we put i t on our menus. To develop a team, you must be abl e to crea te fol l owers who can work for the common goa l s and objecti ves. A team i s devel oped by understand i ng tha t not a l l fi ngers a re a l i ke but each of them has a speci fi c rol e to pl ay. One must be abl e to rea l i se the potenti a l i n each empl oyee and we must g i ve them a l l the freedom to experiment and l ea rn from thei r mi stakes. There a re many pl a tforms ava i l abl e for thi s today, soci a l med i a l i ke FB and I nstag ram teach you so many thi ngs. I a l so make i t a poi nt to a ttend chef concl aves and travel for food and equipment shows. Apa rt from thi s I have to do a l ot of sel f study, because I tra i n chefs for Oberoi hotel s and before I take a cl ass, I need to be wel l prepared September 2019
About Criticism : Chef’s life is full of surprises. One man’s poison is another man’s cure, is an old age saying and I have experienced that many times in my career. There have been many a times, that a guest has returned the dish curated by me. I have learnt following things from these experiences- Every guest is special and treat their differences with patience and sensitivity. Its most important to be empathetic and listen to the guest (Mind you Listen and not just Hear)Do not try to push by saying that this is how the dish is made on the contrary, ask for specific feedback and curate what the guest needs. If its beyond your expertise, then offer alternative sources. Colloborations : Many things are already being done today through social media and various chefs groups on whatsapp keep sharing their experiences and offer help and support in case someone wants it. Being advanced technologically, we chefs can connect over live transmissions of lectures and mentoring without having to physically travel to such locations. Chefs conclaves are another great platforms, where all chefs form different companies, come together under one roof and exchange ideas. Young chefs are very energetic and full of ideas. I would like to see a young chef in my kitchen, who is humble, positive and always willing to improve. Continuous improvement is the key mantra for budding chefs. These traits go a long way in creating solid chefs, who can work in stressful environments efficiently and effectively Indian food i s the ta l k and the fl avour of the worl d today. Thanks to chefs such as Vi neet Bha ti a , Mani sh Mehrotra , Chef Gaggan and Chef Ga rima and many others who have made the peopl e rea l i se tha t I nd i an food i s much more than a curry and a naan. I feel proud when I see more and more I nd i an chefs getti ng Mi chel l i n sta rs and thi s defi ni tel y i nsti l s the confi dence tha t we a re on the right pa th. To make the I nd i an food best, we shoul d concentra te on ea rthy fl avours, organi c and seasona l food , whi ch i s trad i tiona l , whol esome, fresh and nutri ti ve. Paul o cohel os Al chemi st hel ped me rea l i se my d reams. I ts one of the best books tha t I have read . What message you want to give to young chefs out there? Perseverance, passion, d i scipl i ne and conti nuous l ea rni ng and devel opment a re wha t a re requi red to become a successful chef i n thi s i ndustry. There i s no short cut to success. I wi l l urge a l l of budd i ng chefs to focus on basi c l i ke kni fe ski l l s, understand i ng i ng red ients, the way the food reacts wi th one other to crea te fl avours and textures. Bui l d i ng a strong founda tion i n ea rl ier stages of your ca reer wi l l hel p you to be a crea ti ve chef i n future. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 28 September 2019
SOCIAL MEDIA use it for your advantage , Restaurants and food business must use this new age free platform efficiently . Influencers are there to help you out than take you out of business #FINEDININGINDIAN | 29 September 2019
I d e ve l o p e d a n i n t e r e s t i n t h i s 2 lets hear from an "In
A l o t o f peop l e ta l k n eg a t i ve l y a bou t i n f l u en ce rs . Th ey sa y we d o th i s a l l fo r f reeb i es a n d I h a ve pe rson a l l y h ea rd th i s too f rom ma n y, bu t be i n g a n i n f l u en ce r i sn ' t a s ea sy a s i t l ooks . I t ta kes u p a l o t o f h a rd wo rk, d ed i ca t i on , a n d commi tmen t . You n eed to be ve ry con s i s ten t i n you r con ten t a n d be t ru e to you r pa g e . I t ta kes a l o t o f e f fo r t to keep you r a u d i en ce en g a g ed on you r pa g e . Th e re a re some d a ys wh e re I d o n o t po s t a n d I l o se ou t on a l o t o f a u d i en ce rea ch . Yes , I t i s a LOT o f e f fo r t . Some th i n g th a t h e l ped me ma ke i t b i g i n th i s f i e l d I s d ed i ca t i on a n d th e i mmen se su ppo r t o f my pa ren t s a n d my b ro th e r . I l o s t my fa th e r a few mon th s a g o a n d h e u sed to a l wa ys te l l me “On l y you ca n ch a n g e you r l i fe , n o e l se wi l l d o i t fo r you ” . My pa ren t s h a ve a l wa ys ta u g h t me h ow to be po s i t i ve a n d h ow to l ea rn wh a teve r I wa n t to . I a l wa ys fo l l owed my d reams . Peop l e wi l l ta l k a bou t you , c r i t i c i ze you bu t you sh ou l d n eve r l e t th a t a f fec t you i n a n y wa y. Apa r t f rom a l l o f th i s , I spen d my f ree t i me wi th a n i ma l s . I h a ve rescu ed a n d fo s te red a l o t o f s t ra y a n i ma l s a n d a l so g o t th em a d op ted i n g rea t fami l i es . Th i s i s some t h i n g t h a t g i ve s me so mu ch h a pp i n e s s . Wh en I l o s t my f a t h e r , peop l e a s ked me “H ow d o yo u d o t h i s Sa l o n i , h ow d o yo u s t a y so s t ro n g ” bu t I t h i n k t h e se s i t u a t i o n s ma ke yo u s t ro n g . I s t i l l co n t i n u ed to wo r k h a rd . I d i d n o t s top my pa g e beca u se I kn ew i f my f a t h e r we re h e re , h e wo u l d n e ve r wa n t me to d o t h a t . E a ch t i me I 'm s t u c k i n a n y s i t u a t i o n , I t h i n k a bo u t h i m a n d te l l h i m my p rob l em a n d be l i e ve i t o r n o t , a so l u t i o n j u s t c l i c ks my m i n d i mmed i a te l y. We h a ve me t a l o t o f peop l e wh o h a ve h e l ped u s a n d a re h e l p i n g u s se l f l e s s l y. I t ' s ma d e me rea l i ze t h e re s t i l l a re g ood peop l e i n t h i s wo r l d . I t ' s ma d e me rea l i ze t h a t i f yo u d o g ood to o t h e r s , i t wi l l come ba c k to yo u somed a y i n some f o rm . Al l yo u h a ve to d o i s sp rea d l o ve a n d po s i t i v i t y, n e ve r h u r t peop l e . N e ve r h u r t someo n e f o r yo u r h a pp i n e s s . Be se l f l e s s a n d be a g ood pe r so n a n d t h a t i s wh a t wi l l h e l p yo u i n l i f e . Th a t i s wh a t wi l l h e l p yo u to be s u cce s s f u l . #FINEDININGINDIAN | 31 September 2019
R E C I P E S Cooking is a philosophy; it's not a recipe. Marco Pierre White #FINEDININGINDIAN | 32 September 2019
F r e s h P r a wn s Sa l t B l a c k p ep p e r L emo n J u i c e Temp u r a f l o u r O i l f o r F r y P r a wn Sa u c e O i l Ga r l i c c h o p Cu r r y l e a f Oys t e r s a u c e Co c o n u t Mi l k B r o t h p owd e r Su g a r L emo n j u i c e T u rme r i c E m u l s i o n O i l 2 5 0 g m 3 g m 3 g m 5 g m 5 0 g m 4 0 m l 2 0 m l 5 g m 2 g m 2 g m 1 0 0 m l 5 g m 5 g m 5 g m 5 m l T u rme r i c p owd e r 3 m l Co c o n u t m i l k Su g a r B r o t h p owd e r 1 0 0 m l 5 g m 5 g m ME THOD Ta ke t h a we d p r a wn i n a b owl , a d d s a l t , b l a c k p ep p e r , l emo n j u i c e . Mi x t h em we l l a n d ke ep i t c h i l l e r f o r 30m i n u t e s . Af t e r Ma r i n a t i o n , c o a t t h e p i e c e s wi t h t emp u r a f l o u r . F r y t h em i n o i l a t 1 60C t i l l g o l d e n b r own c o l o r . To s s t h e f r i e d p r a wn s wi t h p r a wn s a u c e f o r 2 0 s e c o n d s . Ga r n i s h wi t h c o c o n u t c r u n c h , t u me r i c em u l s i o n a n d m i c r o g r e e n . PRAWN SAUCE Ta ke a p a n , a d d o i l , c h o p p e d g a r l i c a n d c u r r y l e a ve s a n d s a u t e i t . Ad d c o c o n u t m i l k , o ys t e r s a u c e , b r o t h p owd e r a n d s u g a r a n d c o o k i t a t l ow f l a me f o r 5m i n u t e s F i n i s h i t wi t h l emo n j u i c e a n d t a ke i t o f f f r om f l a me . TURME RI C EMULS I ON Ta ke o i l i n a p a n a n d a d d t u me r i c p owd e r a n d m i x i t we l l a t l ow f l a me . Ad d c o c o n u t m i l k , s u g a r a n d b r o t h p owd e r a n d c o o k i t t i l l s u g a r d i s s o l ve s p r o p e r l y a t l ow f l a meCo o l a t r o om t emp e r a t u r e a n d f i l l i t i n s q u e e zy b o t t l e f o r p l a t i n g . #FINEDININGINDIAN | 33 September 2019
B o i l t h e c u t m u t t o n p i e c e s i n w a t e r f o r 2 0 m i n u t e s w i t h r e d c h i l l y p o w d e r . Boiled Mutton boneless- dice cut Oil Red chilly Madras Curry powder Mustard seeds Urad wash dal Chopped ginger Chopped green chilli Curry leaf Onion slices Coconut Milk Salt Black pepper Lemon juice Tomato ginger jam oil Ginger chop Tomato paste Sugar Salt 200 gm 15 ml 15 gm 3 gm 3 gm 3 gm 7 gm 5 gm 5 gm 100 gm 30 ml 3 gm 10 gm 5 ml 5 ml 20 gm 80 gm 5 gm 3 gm H e a t o i l i n a p a n a n d a d d m u s t a r d s e e d s a n d u r a d w a s h d a a l . A l l o w i t t o c r a c k l e , a d d c h o p p e d g i n g e r , g r e e n c h i l l y a n d c u r r y l e a v e s . S a u t e t h e m f o r 1 m i n u t e a t l o w f l a m e . A d d o n i o n s l i c e s a n d s a u t e i t f o r 2 m i n u t e s . A d d c o o k e d m u t t o n b o n e l e s s p i e c e s a n d c o o k i t f o r a n o t h e r 2 m i n u t e s a t m e d i u m f l a m e . A d d c r u s h e d b l a c k p e p p e r a n d c o c o n u t m i l k . A d d s a l t a n d l e t i n c o o k a t l o w f l a m e f o r 5 m i n u t e s . F i n i s h i t w i t h l e m o n j u i c e F o r T o m a t o G i n g e r J a m , A d d o i l i n a p a n , a d d c h o p p e d g i n g e r a n d s a u t e f o r a m i n u t e . A d d t o m a t o p a s t e & s u g a r w i t h l i t t l e w a t e r . C o o k i t o n l o w f l a m e f o r 2 m i n u t e s a n d a d j u s t s e s a o n i n g . P r e p r a t i o n o f C o c o n u t c r i s p C u t t h e d r y c o c o n u t i n t o s l i c e s a n d d e h y d r a t e t h e m . G a r n i s h w i t h c o c o n u t c r i s p . #FINEDININGINDIAN | 35 September 2019
Tellichery Mutton Boti | Tomato Ginger Jam | Air dried coconut RECI PE BY CH E F GAURAV CH AWLA PREPARATION TIME 1 HRS . COOKING TIME 30 MINUTES. SERVES 1 #FINEDININGINDIAN | 38 September 2019
Masala Prawns 6pc Prawns 16/20 size 20g Ginger Garlic paste 7g Kashmiri Degi Mirch powder 3g Salt 20g Rice Powder 10g Oil for Marinade 20g Oil to panfry Black Radish Pickle 40g Black radish Julienne 20g Vinegar white 40g water 10g sugar 5g salt 20g Mustard oil 10g chopped garlic 5g chopped green chilli Yellow Tomato Chutney 0g Yellow cherry tomato Halves 20g Mustard Oil 2g Asafoetida Powder 5g Mustard seed 2g Curry leaf 7g Chopped Green chilli 4g Salt Masala Prawns De vein prawn remove the di rt wash and drain · Mix wi th al l Mentioned Ingredients mix wi th oi l for marinade Keep i t refrigerated for 30 mins Pan fry ti l l both sides get cri sp and prawn cooked just before service or plating. Black Radish Pickle Heat mustard oi l add mustard seeds al low to crackle · Sauté in chopped garl ic for a minute, add water, vinegar · Adjust seasoning wi th sal t, sugar and chi l l i · Remove from fi re once the temperature reaches Lukewarm mix in wi th radi sh . Yel low Tomato chutney · Heat mustard oi l , add asafoetida powder cook for 30 seconds over medium heat .Add mustard seeds al low to crackle , saute garl ic to l ight brown color. Add curry leaf , yel low cherry tomato ,green chi l l i and sal t · Cook for 5 minutes over slow heat ti l l tomato gets smashed. Plating. Pan fry prawn keep in a ki tchen paper. In a bowl place two dessert spoon ful l tomato chutney · Arrange prawns on top of the chutney · Place a pickled radi sh above the prawn and serve . #FINEDININGINDIAN | 37 September 2019
Masala Prawns |yellow Tomato chutney |black radish pickle RECI PE BY BOBBY GE E TH A PREPARATION TIME 1 HRS . COOKING TIME 30 MINUTES. SERVES 1 #FINEDININGINDIAN | 36 September 2019
100 gms Hari Moong Dal 20 gms Desi Ghee 2 gms Cinnamon 5-6 pcs Cloves 4-5 pcs Green Cardamom 1 pcs Bay leaf 1 blade Mace 50 gms Dhaap Khoya 20 gms Broken Cashews 10 gms G.chillies 10 gms G.Coriander Salt to taste ½ tsp Turmeric For the lentils cooking Boi l the hari moong dal wi th turmeric powder, sal t and khada garam masala such as cloves, cinnamon, green cardamom, bay leaves and mace, unti l soft. In a heavy bottom pot, add ghee and sl iced onions and sauté unti l the onions turn pink.Add finely chopped green chi l ies and add the boi led dal .Cook unti l al l the water evaporates and you are left wi th a doughy consi stency. Preparation for the stuffing Roughly chop the cashewnuts and sl ightly roast in a pan.Mix chopped cashewnuts wi th sal t, chopped green chi l l ies and grated khoya and mix wel lMake smal l dumpl ings of these and keep aside for stuffing. Preparation Transfer the cooked lenti l mixture to a mixing bowl .Add chopped coriander leaves and check the seasoning.Add a spoon ful l of ghee and mix wel l .Shape into 50 gms and add the stuffing and shape into 1 cm high round tikki s and al low to cool . CookingTake a smal l amount of ghee and smear on a cast i ron pan.Shal low fry in hot ghee on both sides unti l cri sp. Assembly Plcae 4 kebabs on a platter wi th a green salad of lacha onions, lemon wedge and sl i t green chi l l iNote.Serve wi th any chutney of your choice. Mint or any herb chutney wi l l go wel l #FINEDININGINDIAN | 39 September 2019
Khaam KhataiGreen mung lentil kebabs Maharaja Bhupinder Singh year 1905 RECI PE BY CH E F PARVI N DE R SI NGH BAL I PREPARATION TIME 1 HOUR. COOKING TIME 1 5 MINUTES. SERVES 1 #FINEDININGINDIAN | 40 September 2019
8 pcs Quails 200 gms chopped Onion 300 gms chopped tomatoes 50 ml oil 10 gms red chili powder 2 gms turmeric powder 100 gms hung curd cheese 50 gms Ginger chop 20 pcs Green chilli whole 50 gms Garlic chopped Salt to taste 500 gms spinach 20 gms coriander fresh 10 gms fresh mint leaves 10 gms green part of spring onion 10 pcs pickled onion 10 pieces small tomatoes ½ tsp Black onion seeds 1 tsp fennel seeds ½ tsp fenugreek seeds 1 tsp mustard seeds 5-6 pcs whole red chilli 30 ml lemon juice 100 gms ghee 50 ml Mustard oil Cl ea n t h e q u a i l s a n d ma ke g a sh e s wi t h a sh a rp kn i f e . Ma r i n a te wi t h sma l l amou n t o f g i n g e r a n d g a r l i c pa s te a n d sa l t a n d l ea ve a s i d e f o r 30 m i n u te s . For the tandoori ma ri na t i on Cream the cu rd cheese to a creamy textu re . H ea t 25 ml o f mu s ta rd o i l a nd remove f rom f i re . Ad d tu rmer i c a nd ha l f o f red ch i l l i powd er a nd mi x we l l . N ow ma r i na te the q ua i l s wi th th i s ma sa l a a nd l ea ve to cook i n f r i d g e fo r a t l ea s t 3-4 hou rs . For the spi nach paste Cl ea n the sp i na ch a nd wa sh . Pl u ng e i n ho t bo i l i ng wa ter fo r 3 mi n u tes , d ra i n a nd i mmed i a te l y pu t i n i ce co l d wa ter . N ow g r i nd to a pa s te wi th no o r l ess wa ter . For the g reen paste Cl ea n the mi n t , co r i a nd er a nd sp r i ng on i on . Fry i n ho t o i l fo r l ess tha n 1 0 second s . Remove f rom o i l a nd d ra i n . N ow g r i nd to a pa s te . For the g ravy H ea t Ghee a nd a d d b l a ck on i on seed s , mu s ta rd seed s , fen ug reek a nd fen ne l seed s a nd sa u te . Ad d chopped on i on s a nd sa u té t i l l b rown . Ad d who l e red ch i l l i es , toma toes , red ch i l i powd er , tu rmer i c powd er a nd sa u té t i l l o i l oozes ou t . Ad d ha l f o f the who l e g reen ch i l i es a nd remove f rom f l ame . Sea son wi th sa l t . Cooki ng Skewer the q ua i l s a nd who l e toma toes on a seekh a nd cook i n ta nd oo r o r open s i g r i t i l l ½ d one . Reserve the who l e q ua i l s a nd cu t the toma toes i n to q ua rters . I n a po t a d d g hee a nd a d d chopped g i ng er , g a r l i c a nd chopped g reen ch i l l i es . Sa u te fo r few mi n u tes a nd a d d the on i on a nd toma to g ra vy a nd sa u té #FINEDININGINDIAN | 41 September 2019
Facts about Quails for Kids. Quails eat seeds, grain and insects. Quails can lay 10 to 20 eggs at one time. Cats, skunks, fox, snakes, owls and dogs hunt quail. Quails usually live alone, but they form flocks in the fall. Quails can only fly a short distance. .Add the pre cooked quails and sauté. Assembly Take an earthernware pot and place a spoonful of spinch paste.Now add half of the quails, tomato quarters, pickled onions and green paste. Now top up with left over quails, spinach paste , remaining pickled onions and tomatoes.Add spoonful of ghee, and seal with atta dough and cook in dum over simmering carcoals or in oven for 20 minutes at 180 Deg C.Open the lid and serve garnished with lime juice. Martabaan wali Bateyr Quails cooked in pickling spices in an PREPARATION TIME 30 MINUTES. COOKING TIME 1 5 MINUTES. SERVES 2 earthernware potMaharaj Raja Rajinder Singh, year 1892 RECI PE BY CH E F PARVI N DE R SI NGH BAL I #FINEDININGINDIAN | 42 September 2019
For Lamb chops Lamb Chops 1 rack Malt Vinegar 1 tbsp Salt to taste Hung curd ½ cup Heavy cream 2 tbsp. Oil 2 tbsp. Cashew paste 1 tbsp. Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp. Garam masala 1 tsp. Roasted coriander powder 1 tsp. Roasted cumin powder 1 oz. Lemon juice 1 tbsp For baby glazed carrots Baby carrots 5 no Butter 1 tsp Nigella seeds ½ tsp Honey 1 tsp Lemon juice ¼ tsp Salt pinch For Mint Jelly fresh mint, firmly packed 2 cups ginger ¼ cup serrano chili 2-3 no water 2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice 3 tbsp sugar 3 1/2 cups liquid pectin 3 ounces green food coloring 3-4 drops For Lamb chops Cut rack into indi vidual chops. Season wi th sal t and sprinkle wi th mal t vinegar. Set aside for 15 minutes. To a mi xing bowl and add hung curd, heavy cream, oi l , cashew paste, ginger garl ic paste, garam masala, roasted cumin, and coriander powder and form a smooth paste. Marinate lamb chops wi th thi s marinade and leave for 2 hours or overnight for best taste and tenderness. Serve wi th mint glaze. For baby glazed carrots Clean and blanch baby carrots and cut them in desi red shapes. Heat a pan add butter, when butter starts changing color add nigel la seeds and let them crackle. Add carrots and saute for a min, take off from the heat add honey, lemon juice and sal t. For Mint Jel ly Blend mint, ginger, serrano chi l i and the water in the jar of a blender unti l mint i s finel y chopped. Transfer to a saucepan; bring to a boi l . Remove from heat; let steep 45 minutes. Strain mi xture through a fine mesh sieve into bowl ; reserve l iquid ( 1 3/4 to 2 cups) . Di scard mint. Return l iquid to saucepan; add lemon juice and sugar. Bring to a boi l ; cook 5 minute. Add pectin, and return to a boi l ; cook 10 minute. Remove from heat; sti r in food coloring. Skim surface. Transfer to a large container; let cool completel y. Cover; let chi l l overnight. Transfer to a serving di sh, or store in refrigerator for up to 5 days. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 43 September 2019
LENTIL ESPUMA 100 gm Moong dal 50 gm Onions 20 gm Green chili 10 gm Garlic 10 gm Ginger 5 gm Turmeric powder 15 gm Coriander stem 1 no Lemon 50 ml Oil 100 gm Cream BUTTER SPHERE 50 gm Water 5 gm Calcium lactate 350 gms Ghee 2000gm Water 10 gm Sodium Alginate JAGGERY CRUMBLE 25 gm Ghee 100 gm Ragi flour 50 gm Jaggery powder 10 gm Chili powder TARTLET 250 gm Refined flour 100 gm Butter 25 ml Water 50 gm Icing sugar 6 gm Salt TARTLET Combine flour and butter using rubber in method to form sand like texture. Add the rest of the ingredients, knead quickly and chill the dough for about 12 hrs. Sheet the dough through a pasta sheeter and cut according to the tartlet mould size and shape it.Press with another mould to prevent puffing during baking. Bake at 170 degree for 15 mins or until golden brown.Reserve in an airtight container. BUTTER SPHERE In a medium sauce pan, bring 50 g water to a simmer. Add calcium lactate and stir to dissolveWhisk in ghee, slowly to form an emulsion. Remove from heat and fill it in hemisphere moulds and refrigerate until set.In a blender, combine 2000g water and 10 algin and blend on high speed for 2 mins. Pour into a large shallow pan.Unmould ghee spheres and drop into alginate solution. Flip the sphere after 15 mins and let it soak for another 15 mins. Remove from the bath and rinse in cold waterPlace in 90 degree celcius water bath. LENTIL ESPUMA Soak the moong dal for 1 hour. Rinse and boil it with some turmeric powder, 10 ml oil and salt.Heat oil in a sauce pan. Add chopped garlic, ginger and green chili and saute for about 1 min.Add chopped onions and saute till translucent and then add the remaining turmeric powder and stir well.Pour in the boiled moong dal and let this mixture simmer for about 10 mins.Finish with salt, coriander stem and lemon juice.Transfer the hot mixture to blender. Blend at high speed for about 2 mins adding the cream slowly.Strain and charge the mixture in an ISI siphon with 2-3 NO2 chargers. JAGGERY CRUMBLE. Toast the ragi flour tll nutty and slightly dark.Combine the rest of the ingredients and blend to form a homogenous powder.Sift and reserve. TO ASSEMBLE AND SERVE Place some jaggery crumble on the base of the tartlet. Drain the sphere on a cloth to remove excess moisture and place it on the crumble. Top it with the lentil espuma and garnish with some more jaggery crumble. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 45 September 2019
PREPARATION TIME 1 0 MINUTES. RESTING TIME 2 HRS COOKING TIME 7 MINUTES. SERVES 1 Tandoori Monk fish RECI PE BY TE AM LORE Step 1 Monkfish tail clean- 6 oz piece Ginger garlic paste- ½ tsp Salt- 1/4 tsp Step 2 Plain Greek Yogurt – 2 tbsp Chopped ginger- ¼ tbsp Chopped garlic- ½ tsp Chopped Green Thai Chili Peppers- ¼ tbsp Chopped curry leaves-½ tsp Red chili powder- ½ tsp Turmeric powder- ½ tsp Mustard oil- 1 ½ tsp Zest- from 1 whole lime Wash the monkfish tail and pat dry. Then, create a marinate for the monkfish by mixing the ginger garlic paste and salt. Apply this mixture to the monkfish in a bowl. Lastly, keep the marinated fish for 1- 2 hours in the fridge. In a mixing bowl, combine all of the step 2 ingredients together, and mix it well until it becomes a smooth marinade. Now add the second marinade after 1-2 hours (from the step 2 ingredients) to the already marinated monkfish. After adding the second marinade to the monkfish, refrigerate for an additional 2 hours. After the fish has marinated for a total time of 3-4 hours, cook the fish in a conventional oven at 425-450-degree Fahrenheit for 4 to 5 minutes. Butter brush the fish every 2 minutes. Cook the fish for roughly 6 – 7 minutes. Once the fish is cooked, it will remain firm outside and juicy inside. Sprinkle finely chopped cilantro and lemon juice on top of the monkfish after it is fully cooked. #FINEDININGINDIAN | 46 September 2019
Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. MARK TWA I N
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