Congratulations EHS Class of 2023 Graduates! ADVOCD Vol. 32, No.23 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net I ATTE Free Every Friday 617-387-2200 Friday, June 9, 2023 EHS Class 2023 Dismissed – Rain Couldn’t Dampen Graduation Exercises By Tara Vocino n spite of the inclement weather, Everett High School Class of 2023 graduates received their diplomas during Saturday’s graduation exercises at Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium. 5.0 %APY* INSURED 9 Month CD Your nest egg just got an upgrade. A GREAT RATE AND INSURANCE? NO WAY. YES WAY! Here’s your chance to reach your savings goal faster than ever. Everett Bank’s 9 Month CD with an amazing 5.0% APY* gets you closer to those financial goals much faster. Easily calculate better earnings with Everett Bank’s 9 Month CD. Go to everettbank.com to easily open your account on-line in just minutes. CONGRATULATIONS, NELFFY: Shown from left to right, are; cousins Ashley Tousaint, Ethan Surin, graduate Nelff y Gaspard, Rachida Surin, mother Natasha Williams, sister Naline Surin and nephew Baba Figaroo. Nelff y plans to enter trade school after graduation. See pages 14-15 for graduation photo highlights. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) School Committee votes 6-3 to form superintendent search committee By Tara Vocino A fter some cross debate, the School Committee voted 6-3 to form a School Superintendent Selection Process during Monday’s School Committee meeting at Everett High School. Ward 4 School Committee Chairman Michael Mangan, who put forth the motion, asked if anyone would like to comment. Starting the discussion, *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of the date posted and is subject to change without notice. APY assumes that interest remains on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Offer may be withdrawn at any time. Minimum of $500 is required to open a Certificate of Deposit and earn the advertised APY. Member FDIC | Member DIF All Deposits Are Insured In Full. SINCE 1921 Messinger Insurance Agency 475 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 Phone: 617-387-2700 Fax: 617-387-7753 NEW COMPETITIVE AUTO RATES AND BENEFITS AVAILABLE  ACCIDENT FORGIVENESS  DISAPPEARING COLLISION DEDUCTIBLE  11% DISCOUNT WITH SUPPORTING POLICY  10% COMBINED PAY IN FULL DISCOUNT AND GREEN DISCOUNT  10% GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNT Celebrating 100 years of excellence! Monday thru Friday: 8am to 6pm Saturdays 9am to 1pm! Check out our NEW website! www.messingerinsurance.com School Committee At Large member Samantha Lambert said it’s premature to implement a search. “We heard from numerous students, and they deserve to have a say,” Lambert said. “I urge anyone considering voting for this to pause, reconsider, and vote this down.” Ward 5 School Committee member Marcony Almeida Barros asked to hear Mangan’s side. Mangan said Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani has done a good job of trying to fi nd school space, adding he’s in agreement with her about choosing the former Pope John High School site as an option. “I’ve done a lot of thinking, and it wasn’t an easy decision,” Mangan said. “I was hoping some new dialogue with her would open up since budget hearings last month.” Mangan met with Tahiliani for approximately two hours, and Mangan said she’s disappointed in not waiting until after the 2024 election. He was quick to note that Tahiliani would be able to apply for the position. “None of us may be here in November,” Mangan said. “We’d be sworn in January, and her contract is up at the end of February.” Looking at surrounding communities, choosing a superintendent is a 4-to-5month process, according to Mangan. Barros said since Tahiliani’s contract doesn’t expire until the end of February, starting this process is premature. “It’s unexpected, surprising and shocking,” Barros said. “She received good evaluations from us and the student body, so are we pushing her out?” VOTES | SEE PAGE 19

Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 ANGELO’S A FULL SERVICE 1978-2023 Celebrating 45 Years in Business! s! Regular Unleaded $3.359 Mid Unleaded $3.739 Super $3.899 Diesel Fuel $3.739 Heating Oil at the Pump $4.759 $2.99 9 DEF HEATING OI 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN AVE • SAUGUS Hours. Mon.-Wed. 6AM - 6PM / Thurs. & Fri. 6AM - 7PM / Sat. 7AM / Sun. 9AM-5PM ~ Political Announcement ~ Jason Marcus to Run for Re-Election W ard 2 School Committee Member Jason Marcus has announced his campaign for re-election to Everett’s School Committee. Marcus is no stranger to public service, having served on Everett’s Common Council, Board of Aldermen, Charter Review Commission and now School Committee. Known for his compassionate leadership style, Jason Marcus has dedicated most of his adult life towards helping people and making Everett a better place. His motto has always been “Experience, Leadership, and Always Here to Help”. “My goal is to help people”, said Marcus. “It is what I have done all my life from a young adult, through the years, and continue to do so,” he added. In addition to his time in public service, Jason Marcus has spent his adult years volunteering for many causes and organizations near and dear to his heart. He has been a member of Big Brother of America, a volunteer for Perkins School for the Blind, and coached many Everett children in youth basketball. Earlier in his life, he attended Northeastern UniversiWard 2 School Committee Member Jason Marcus with his longtime companion, Claire Laidlaw ty, he served as a U.S. Army Reserve Combat Medic, and then worked for the MBTA as a member of Local 589. During Jason Marcus’ time in public offi ce, he has always had his constituents’ best interests at heart. He has been a leading voice on the Everett School Committee for increased school safety measures. He has a record of supporting new schools and increased classroom space. He recently voted to support a new Everett High School that incorporates vocational programing and he voted in support of renovating Pope John to help with overcrowding issues. Jason Marcus doesn’t just say he cares. He has a record of unselfish community involvement as a volunteer and elected offi cial. Jason Marcus doesn’t need to make empty promises. He has a proven record of service to the people of Everett. Jason Marcus doesn’t just say he loves Everett. He has a lifetime of showing it. Jason Marcus has been there for Ward 2. Now he needs and appreciates your vote on Election Day. Mayor announces Juneteenth Celebration Residents and their families are invited to unite in celebration with music, food and activities for children M Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net ayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the Juneteenth Flag Raising and celebration will take place on Monday, June 19, at Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium (Cabot Street) from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. All are invited to unite in celebration of Juneteenth with music, food and activities for the kids to enjoy as we raise the Juneteenth fl ag at Everett Stadium. The event will feature guest speakers and live performances by Angelena & the Unit, Big Redd’s House, DJ Troy Anthony, Drummers of Peace, Janey David and The Woo Factor. Juneteenth, which is a nationally recognized holiday on June 19 in the United States, celebrates when in 1863 Union Army General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, to tell enslaved African Americans they are now free. This was one of the last places in the United States to free slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. The City of Everett will be joining in celebrations across the country by raising the Juneteenth flag, which represents the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, and hosting an event for the community to participate in. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Prices subject to change DIESEL TRUCK STOP FLEET

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 3 Counciilor Al Lattanzi certifi es nomination papers www.eight10barandgrille.com OPEN DAILY FOR DINNER AT 4 PM. CATCH THE CELTICS, BRUINS & NCAA SPORTS ON OUR 6 LARGE SCREEN TV'S! om Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi is shown holding his nomination papers which were recently certifi ed at the city clerk’s offi ce as he readies his campaign for re-election. Al, who prides himself on his 100% attendance record, looks forward to a vigorous campaign beginning this summer. WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK.COM/ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA

Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Healey-Driscoll Administration announces tree planting grants R ecently, in an eff ort to help communities build resilience and mitigate the harms of the climate crisis, the HealeyDriscoll Administration announced $1.3 million in grants to support tree plantings in Gateway Cities across Massachusetts. Eight municipalities and two nonprofit organizations will receive awards totaling $988,300 through the Greening the Gateway Cities (GGCP) Implementation Grant Program, and an additional 15 projects are receiving awards totaling $313,571 through the GGCP’s Partnership Grant Program. “Recently, I got my hands dirty in Malden planting trees. I saw firsthand the tremendous benefi ts the Greening the Gateway Cities Program has on communities,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Our administration is proud to announce we’re investing in our future by creating more tree canopy in Gateway Cities across Massachusetts to ensure we are providing healthy and livable communities for generations to come.” “As a former mayor, I know how important the partnerships between municipalities and key stakeholders are in this program, not only by planting trees but also maintaining them,” added Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “By employing residents in each community, we’re fostering good stewards and providing them skills applicable to future employment in green industries.” The GGCP is a partnership between the Executive Offi ce of Energy and Environmental Aff airs (EEA), the Urban & Community Forestry Program of the Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR), the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), along with Gateway Cities and local grassroots organizations. These tree Governor Maura Healey and Mayor Gary Christenson are shown at a recent tree planting event in Malden. planting eff orts help decrease energy use, reduce flooding from storm water runoff , and improve the quality of life in these cities. “Our Gateway Cities are on the front lines of the climate crisis,” said EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “With summers getting increasingly hotter, it’s critical that Massachusetts curbs the urban heat island effect. Planting more trees provides a cooling eff ect in neighborhoods, and is especially important in environmental justice communities where there’s less tree canopy, older housing stock, higher wind speeds, and larger rental populations.” “Planting more trees in our Gateway Cities helps shield our environmental justice communities from the extreme heat driven by the climate crisis,” said DCR Commissioner Brian Arrigo. “Last year the Greening the Gateway Cities Program reached a milestone of 35,000 trees planted across the Commonwealth and we are excited to work with our partners create more urban tree canopies and green spaces in our communities that need them the most.” The GGCP Implementation Grant and Partnership Grant awards will facilitate tree planting in 16 Gateway Cities by funding municipalities and nonprofi t organizations seeking to maximize tree planting in urban residential areas of Gateway Cities to augment tree planting that DCR is actively pursuing within designated planting zones. The GGCP Implementation Grant awardees include the following: · City of Everett: $100,000 to plant 65 trees. · City of Malden: $100,000 to plant 154 trees in partnership with the Mystic River Watershed Association. For more information regarding the Greening the Gateway Cities Program, please visit the webpage https://www. mass.gov/service-details/greening-the-gateway-cities-program

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 5 Candidate DiPierro holds successful Ward 3 meet-and-greet C andidate for Ward 3 Councillor Anthony DiPierro held a successful neighborhood meet-and-greet this past Saturday at Elm Street Market. Dozens of Ward 3 residents were in attendance to offer support and bring their concerns forward. The event was the fi rst in a series of listening sessions DiPierro plans to host to hear directly from residents of the Ward, giving all an opportunity to bring their concerns and ideas forward. “I’m thankful for the residents that showed up to off er their early support in this race,” said DiPierro. “This is about Ward 3 getting the attention it deserves, and a Councilor that has the relationships to get the job done,” he added. Anthony DiPierro was fi rst elected to the City Council in 2015 and served until 2022. He is a lifelong Everett resident and a graduate of Everett High School. He went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree from Suff olk University in American Government & Politics. Anthony understands that working together, respectfully, is how we get the best results for people who live and work in our Ward and City. His experience in local government gives him a keen ability to be a leader in Ward 3. To learn more about Anthony’s campaign, visit www.anthonydipierro.com. IT’S TIME FOR A ROSIER OUTLOOK! ONLY $500 MINIMUM Visit massbaycu.org for branch locations and hours, and to see all our great rates. 5.00% massbaycu.org *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective 6/1/23. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. Subject to membership eligibility, see our website for details. APY* 10-Month Certificate

Page 6 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins hosts successful fundraiser W By Tara Vocino ard 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins hosted a campaign fundraiser at Oliveira’s on Tuesday night. Rev. Bishop Robert Brown introduced Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins, who said a portion of her heart is in this community. Shown from left to right: Ward 3 Councillor candidate Anthony DiPierro, Ward 2 School Committee Member Jason Marcus, Ward 1 School Committee Member Millie Cardello, Ward 2 Councillor candidate Paul Cardillo, Councillor-at-Large Irene Cardillo, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins, Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi, School Committee Members At Large Cynthia Sarnie and Jason LaMonica, Ward 5 Councillor candidate Rosa DiFlorio, Councillor-at-Large candidate Katy Rogers and Ward 2 School Committee Member candidate Joanna Garren. $2.95 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 Supporter Angelmarie DiNunzio. Our 50th Anniversary Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! Chris 2023 * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES ~ FATHER’S DAY GIFTS AVAILABLE! ~ ALL MAJOR BRANDS TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! SPECIAL SALE! TRAVEL HUMIDORS & ALL BONGS! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Supporters applauded Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martin’s speech. Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes Packs of 4 or 5 Premium Cigars or Buy the Box - All at Discount Prices! NEW STORE HOURS: Mon. - Sat.: 9AM - 7PM Sunday & Holidays: 9AM - 6PM R.Y.O. --------HUMIDORS ON SALE! STARTING AT $99. COMPLETE! --------Shown from left to right: Animal Control Officer Stacia Gorgone, Councillor-at-Large candidate Katy Rogers, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins, Ward 4 Councillor candidate Holly Garcia and Councillor-at-Large candidate Angelmarie DiNunzio. Shown from left to right: Karyn Alzayer, of Malden, Valery Joseph and Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins. FUNDRAISER | SEE PAGE 7

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 7 FUNDRAISER | FROM PAGE 6 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 Shown from left to right: Ward 4 School Committee Chairperson Michael Mangan, Ward 2 School Committee Member Jason Marcus, Ward 1 School Committee Member Millie Cardello, Councillor-at-Large Irene Cardillo, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins, Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi, and School Committee Members At Large Cynthia Sarnie and Jason LaMonica. We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday Shown from left to right: owner Wilton Rangel, Ward 6 School Committee Vice Chairperson Michael McLaughlin, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins, Councillor-at-Large candidate Katy Rogers and Ward 6 School Committee Member candidate Daniel Skerritt. Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins with Doug Soule, who said she is doing a wonderful job with the city. 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net FUNDRAISER | SEE PAGE 8 Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 Lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net

Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 FUNDRAISER | FROM PAGE 7 State Senator Sal DiDomenico said Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins is her own person, and that’s unique. Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. J& • Reliable Mowing Service • Spring & Fall Cleanups • Mulch & Edging • Sod or Seed Lawns • Shrub Planting & Trimming • Water & Sewer Repairs Joe Pierotti, Jr. Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 “Same name, phone number & address for over half a century. We must be doing something right!” •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed •Roofing • Fully Insured • Replacement Windows www.everettaluminum.com •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed Now’s the time to schedule those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about all winter! S LANDSCAPE & MASONRY CO. Masonry - Asphalt • Brick or Block Steps • Brick or Block Walls • Concrete or Brick Paver Patios & Walkways • Brick Re-Pointing • Asphalt Paving www.JandSlandscape-masonry.com • Senior Discount • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 617-389-1490 Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi with Oliveira’s owner Wilton Rangel. Celebrating 65 Years in Business! S Summer is Here! FUNDRAISER | SEE PAGE 10 Designing and Constructing Ideas that are “Grounds for Success” Landscaping Shown from left to right: Dispatcher Paul Dobbins, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins and Jeff McCabe. Shown from left to right: Oliveira’s Owner Wilton Rangel, construction owner Wesley, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins and Oliveira’s manager Richard Fausto.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 9 Christie Getto Young, Sen. DiDomenico’s Chief of Staff, receives Legislative Staffer of the Year Award L ast week, Senator Sal DiDomenico’s Chief of Staff, Christie Getto Young, Esq., was awarded Legislative Staffer of the Year by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC). Christie has worked with DiDomenico and led his team for over 13 years. She has mentored many staffers in the State House and dedicated her legislative efforts to helping children and families throughout the Senate district and the Commonwealth. People from inside and outside the State House have benefited from her leadership on so many issues that have positively impacted countless lives. “I have relied on Christie throughout our time in the Senate and she is a trusted friend and confidante,” said Senator DiDomenico. “I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award, and I want to thank MAPC for honoring Christie. She is respected and looked up to by so many people in the State Christie Getto Young is shown speaking at the ceremony after accepting her award. State Senator Sal DiDomenico and his team, pictured from left to right: Jim Henry, Senator DiDomenico, Christie Getto Young, Ayla Thorntona, Eli Fenichel and Ellie Kim. House and in our communities. We are fortunate to have her on our team, and our district is lucky to have her working on their behalf. Her work has made life better for people across Massachusetts and we are so proud of her. Congratulations again, Christie!” State Senator Sal DiDomenico gave a congratulations speech at the ceremony for Christie Getto Young. Christie Getto Young is shown with her husband, Josh, and their two children, Eli and Emma. State Senator Sal DiDomenico and his Chief of Staff, Christie Getto Young.

Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 your Local news in 7 Languages! Subscribe to the Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net GAMING DISTRICT MALDEN P www.MaldenGamingDistrict.com Questing, Billiards, Bouldering, e-Sports, VR, Room Escapes, Karaoke and Magic, plus many great restaurants, shops, and breweries all in Malden Center! Shown from left to right: Elio, Juscelia and Maria Gabriella LoRusso said it’s good to have mixed blood in city government. Shown from left to right: Lou Guerrier, Seth Garren, Ward 2 School Committee Member candidate Joanna Garren, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins and Alessandro Cornelio. GAMING DISTRICT check us out at FUNDRAISER | FROM PAGE 8 Shown from left to right: Jonatas Alves, Juliana Mendes, Helena Mendes, Junior Brandao and Daniele Santos. Shown from left to right: Miro Silva, Jailson Melo and Flavio Siqueira. Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins thanked her supporters during Tuesday’s campaign fundraiser at Oliveira’s.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 11 DiDomenico sponsors children’s mental health event at State House State Senator Sal DiDomenico spoke alongside Baker Center experts. State Senator Sal DiDomenico standing with The Baker Center for Children and Families staff S tate Senator Sal DiDomenico was the Legislative sponsor and spoke at The Baker Center for Children and Families’ May 9 legislative briefing on their new policy report, “Mental Health and Schools: Best Practices to Support Our Students.” The policy forum and report offered nonbiased, evidence-based information to support policymaking and budgetary efforts. Senator DiDomenico is a longtime supporter of increasing funding for mental health services in our schools and for all Massachusetts residents. “Mental Health Awareness Month is a great time to identify actionable strategies to support our students in the ‘new normal,’ and discuss the important role of schools in addressing children’s mental health needs. I am proud to work with great organizations like the Baker Center to advocate for more mental health funding across our state,” said Senator DiDomenico. 9

Page 12 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 MBTA Receives $2.96 Million in Federal Funding for Advancing Transit Reliability in Chelsea, Everett, Revere B OSTON – The MBTA is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded the T with $2.96 million in funding for implementing transit signal priority and signal metrics to prioritize buses through 37 signalized intersections in Chelsea, Everett, and Revere. The award is part of the Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) program grant, a $52.78 million investment package under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). In this round, ATTAIN expanded eligibility for projects in communities previously lacking in investments, including rural areas and areas of persistent poverty. “Your zip code shouldn’t determine whether you have access to safe, affordable transportation,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in the USDOT FHWA press release. “With President Biden’s investments in innovative technology, we’re helping communities make transportation safer and more effi cient, particularly in places that haven’t received enough resources in the past.” The MBTA’s project, which aligns with the Biden Administration’s environmental justice initiatives, was one of eight national projects selected to deliver innovative, technology-based solutions designed to improve the travel experience for the millions of Americans who use highway and transit systems. Communities benefi tting from this grant award are home to some of the MBTA’s most transit-dependent riders and have historically lacked access to frequent and reliable bus service off ering connections to the rest of the network. “We’re helping deliver a leading-edge transportation system designed to reach everyone and to work for everyone, especially those in communities who have lacked access to effi cient transportation,” said Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt in the USDOT FHWA press release. “In Boston, we’re making transit more reliable and accessible for people from all walks of life with this advanced technology grant to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.” “We congratulate the MBTA, especially the Transit Priority and the Capital Program Planning teams, for being awarded this critical funding that will ultimately result in faster bus trips in some of the MBTA’s most transit-dependent communities,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Gina Fiandaca. “The improvements to come to these bus corridors prioritize reliable, equitable service, and we are grateful to the municipal leaders, members of the Commonwealth’s Congressional delegation, offi cials, and advocates for their collaboration on this win that builds us toward better service at the MBTA.” “Thank you to the FHWA for awarding the T these funds. Upgrades to come as a result of this award include the technology to create a regional Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measurement (ATSPM) system that will support current and future intersections where the MBTA implements transit signal priority,” said MBTA General Manager and CEO Phillip Eng. “This will result in more effi cient bus service for residents who rely on transit to get to and from work, school, healthcare appointments, and recreational opportunities. Thanks to the collaboration and support of everyone involved, the cities and towns we serve, key stakeholders and elected offi cials, MassDOT, and the Congressional delegation, I’m confi dent we will be able to deliver faster and more reliable transit service to our riders in these underserved communities.” “For households in Chelsea, especially our most vulnerable residents, dependable public transit service represents a lifeline,” said Ned Keefe, Acting City Manager of Chelsea. “The City of Chelsea is grateful to the FHWA for investing in the deployment of next generation transit signal priority systems. The City looks forward to collaborating with the MBTA to improve the reliability of bus service in Chelsea and the broader region.” “In Everett, where our residents lack rapid transit service, it is imperative that we work together with our state and federal partners to make the existing bus service as effi cient as possible,” said City of Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “We look forward to these investments as a building block for future improvements as part of Bus Network Redesign and the Silver Line Extension.” “Many of Revere’s residents rely on the MBTA bus system to get to school, work, and to access services and amenities throughout the region,” said Patrick Keefe Jr., Acting Mayor of the City of Revere. “These improvements will help support those residents, and hopefully entice new users to access a more effi - cient and reliable bus system. We applaud MBTA for their eff orts in securing this grant and thank USDOT for their leadership in making this happen.” The intersections to be upgraded under this grant award are part of Phase I of the Bus Network Redesign. This work is folded into the Better Bus Project, which focuses on improving system-wide bus service and emphasizes equity within high-frequency bus corridors. This grant award marks another funding win for the MBTA, which has followed an aggressive strategy to pursue Federal discretionary funding to support capital needs across the system. Since the passage of the BIL in 2021, the MBTA and its partners have won more than a dozen competitive grant awards exceeding $250 million in support of MBTA capital needs. The design work for the project is expected to be complete by the end of 2024. Construction is expected to begin in 2025. For more information, please visit mbta.com/BetterBus, or connect with the T on Twitter @ MBTA and @MBTA_CR, Facebook /TheMBTA, Instagram @ theMBTA, or TikTok @thembta.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 13 ~ Everett Public Libraries Calendar of Events ~ June 12–17, 2023 Monthlong Grab & Go Bookmarks: Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Everett Public Libraries, both Libraries have Grab & Go bookmark kits for you to take home! What is the catch? Borrow two books with your library card at any time during the month of June – just ask for a kit at the adult circulation desk! It is open to any age and is limited to one kit per person; first come, first served until supplies run out! For any questions, please contact either circulation desk at 617-394-2308 or 617-3942300. Happy Reading! Parlin Adult and Teens Chess Club: Parlin Fireplace Room, Wednesday, June 14, from 3-5 p.m. Play, learn and practice chess at our club meetings every other Wednesday. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Call 617-394-2300 with any questions. No registration required. Thursday Night Movies: Parlin Meeting Room, Thursday, June 15, at 6:30 p.m. Join us for a showing of “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” (PG-13). Origami Club: Parlin Fireplace Room, Saturday, June 17, at 12 p.m. Come and practice the ancient art of paper folding. All ages and skill levels are welcome! Parlin Children’s Lego Club: Parlin Children’s Room, Monday, June 12, from 3-5 p.m. Attention all Lego lovers: Lego Club is back at the Parlin Memorial Library! Come to the Children’s Room after school on Mondays for some free building Lego fun. Open to all ages; children under six years old must be accompanied by an adult; no registration required. A Dragon’s Hoard of Stories: Parlin Children’s Room, Tuesday, June 13, at 12 p.m. Join us in this story time to experience roaring adventures and flaming friendships! Crafts for Kids: Parlin Children’s Room, Tuesday, June 13, at 3 p.m. Let’s make a Dino-Mite Dad Card, just in time for Father’s Day! All kids ages three and up are welcome; please come and join the fun! Registration is required; sign up online or at the Parlin children’s desk. Story Time and Singalong with Karen: Parlin Children’s Room, Wednesday, June 14, at 11 a.m. Join us for a fun-filled morning of singing and storytelling with Karen! Suggested ages: EVENTS | SEE PAGE 23 M Mayor announces annual Senior Summer BBQ Everett’s older adults are encouraged to wear boots, jeans and cowboy hats for this year’s Country Western theme ayor Carlo DeMaria, in collaboration with the Council on Aging, is pleased to announce that the City of Everett will host the annual Senior Summer BBQ on Thursday, July 13, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Connolly Center (90 Chelsea St.). You’ll want to put on your boots, jeans and cowboy hat to join us for this year’s Country Western theme. We’ll have plenty of traditional barbecue food like hamburgers and hot dogs with vegan and vegetarian alternatives, live music and dancing to “Stomp & Holler” Country Band and plenty of fun for all. Everett’s older adult residents who are interested can get tickets at the Connolly Center from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday through Friday, beginning Tuesday, June 20, to Friday, July 7. Please note that proof of residency will be required upon registering. If you require transportation to the event, please indicate so at the time of reservation. This event is sponsored by the Everett Foundation for Aged Persons. For additional information, please call 311 or 617-394-2270 to be connected to the Connolly Center.

Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 EHS Class 2023 Dismissed – Rain Couldn’t Dampen Graduation Exercises Class Vice President Kristi Skane, who earned a 4.2 GPA, will attend the University of Southern California to major in astronomy, and Class President Riley Avelar, who earned a 4.7 GPA, will attend Yale University to major in ethics, politics and economics. Shown from left to right: Lafayette School Assistant Principal Paulo Lambresa, School Committee Chair Michael Mangan, EHS Athletic Director Tammy Turner, School Committee Vice Chair Michael McLaughlin and School Committee Member Cynthia Sarnie. Some of the National Anthem performers, pictured from left to right: Seated: Leyna Nguyen and Isadora DeCastro Mendes; standing: Alejandro Sanchez, Gabrielle Gouveia and Music Director Gene O’Brien; seated: Saskya Charles and Nicole Damaceno. Shown from left to right are aunt Vanessa Bento, uncle Keith Spencer, graduate Fludjy Moise, aunt Sofie Leveille, uncle Pat Leveille and cousin Allie Leveille. Matthew DiDomenico and his dad, State Senator Sal DiDomenico. Matthew plans to attend Boston College. The senator handed the diploma to his son. Laury Vaz thanked her parents on her cap. “I did this last minute” was featured on this cap. Honor medal recipients stood to be recognized. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 15 EHS Class 2023 Dismissed – Rain Couldn’t Dampen Graduation Exercises Some of the National Anthem performers, pictured from left to right: Front: Salina Shrestha, Natalia Tejada, Ashley Pineda Ramos, Amelia McNally and Allison Alarcon Acosta; rear: Keely Paolucci, Nicholas Middleton, Tam Tran and Salvatore DiDomenico. Umbrellas lined the bleachers. State Senator Sal DiDomenico, who has served this community for 18 years, said this class is exceptional, from robotics, STEM and athletics to the award-winning percussion ensemble. State Representative Joseph McGonagle said he couldn’t be prouder of the graduates, who got through a COVID-19 pandemic. Senior class officers during Saturday’s Everett High School graduation at Veterans Memorial Stadium, shown from left to right: Treasurer Emanuelly Fernandes, Vice President Kristi Skane, President Riley Avelar and Secretary Aaliyah Desdunes. EHS Class President Riley Avelar told her classmates to embrace a new beginning. Class Valedictorian Shreeya Musyaju said shared experiences have connected classmates. Class Salutatorian Raphael Lemus Solis gave an address on the sacrifices that students make. The graduates were all smiles during the procession. Director of Veterans Services Antoine Coleman, who graduated from Everett High School 18 years ago, told graduates to never forget where they come from. Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani addressed the graduates. Anthony Cooper received his diploma from School Committee Chair Michael Mangan. Julianna Edwards has eight years of perfect attendance. Here she is shaking hands with School Committee Vice Chair Michael McLaughlin. Omar Marshall was happy to graduate. Vice Principal Stanley Chamblain recognized students for having perfect attendance. EHS Principal Dennis Lynch read the graduates’ names as they crossed the stage.

Page 16 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 EHS Class of 2023 Graduates Abderazzak, Salma +* Abranches, Italo * Acevedo, BrookeLynn +* Adonis, Joshua Aguiar, Kamily Aguirre Jimenez, Walter * Alcin, Tysenger Alexis, Frantz Alexis, Fritznel Almonte, Vanessa Alvarado Coto, Alba Alvarado, Mariela * Alvarez, Luis Anaya Tejada, Raul Andrade, Katie +* Andrade, Thalyta +* Angulo, Elizabeth +* Anjos De Lima, Mara Arcia-Cordero, Jonathan Ardon Perez, Orlando Arevalo, Brian Aristhene, Shinay-Berto * Arriaza Sageth, Ashley Avelar +* , Riley (President) * Avila Ruiz, Nashaely Barbosa, Gustavo Lucas Barbosa, Kamely Beauvil, Owen Becke, Cleto Belguedari, Salma +* Benitez Escobar, Camila * Betancur, Zyana Betts-Augustin, Tiffany * Bien-Aime, Patrick Bittaye, Ida +* Bonilla Avlarez, Lina +* Bonilla Rivas, Jerso Bosquet, Kai Botte, Rianna +* Bradley, Shaniya Braga Pinheiro, Mirele Brandiao, Fabricia * Brazzo, Charles Brizuela, Roberto * Brun, Jessy * Buissereth, Lucas Caballero, Kaycy Cabral, Maria * Cabreira Candido, Lucas Cadet, Kayla +* Cajamarca Diaz, Alejandra Calderon Lopez, Jason Calderon Valle, Jonatan Calle Souza, Iasmin * Callejas Portillo, Douglas Cano Granados, Jonathan Cardona, Belgica Cardoso Beti, Caroline Cartagena Leon, Elmer * Carvalho, Giselle Castilho, Laura Teresa Castro Sanchez, Hellen Cerundolo, Massimo Chabot, Gabriel Chacon Vivas, Dania Charlmont, Jaynelsen Chaudhary, Swarnim * Chinchilla Castro, Jason Choosri, Renuka Ciampi-Dugan, Timothy Cipidon, Wolky Clavel Abrego, Ashley +* Colantonio, Nicole +* Colman, Jessica +* Cooper, Anthony +* Cordero, Steven Costa Fernandes, Adail Costa, Julie Coto Godinez, Kasandra Crowder, Nyla +* Curran, Julia Currie, Caitlin Da Costa, Lucas Da Cruz, Heitor Da Silva, Hudson Gabriel Da Silva, Luisa +* DaSilva, Reinaldo De Abreu Gomes, Sther Vitoria * De Almeida, Robert Ivo * De Andrade, Gabriel Diniz * De Barros, Gabriela De La Rosa Mercedes, Grace +* De Lima, Bianca +* De Oliveira, Natalie De Oliveira, Raisa De Santa Rita, Erik De Sousa, Bryan Gabriel De Sousa, Maria Gabriella De Souza Alpino, Jhonathan Mateus De Souza, David De Souza, Kathleen +* De Souza, Lorenna * De Souza, Marcela +* Debrosse, Charles Desdunes, Aaliyah Desir-Mafouana, Samuel +* Desmangles, Maya DeSouza Drumond, Samela +* Desouza, Jessica +* DeSouza, Joshua Dias, Caua Diaz Luarca, Joselin * DiDomenico, Matthew +* Dimitrov, Dimitar * Diniz, Alessandro * Diniz, Renato Domingos, Luan Carlos * Donne, Mendeleiev Dorcent, Jerry Dos Reis Silva, Henrique Dos Santos Andrade, Rayssa Fernanda Dos Santos Louzada, Vinicius Dos Santos, Alessandra Dove, Deniel +* Driscoll, Mark Dutra Lopez, Ricardo Ebay, Jane Nicolle Edwards, Julianna +* Elena Alvarez, Josue Eleuterio, Yohanna Elie, Tanaeja Ellerbe, Karmarri Ellerbe, Karyana Emile, Pitt Joyce Erazo Nunez, Brayan Erazo, Alejandro Escalon Landaverde, Jessica Escobar Aguilar, Karen Escobar Garcia, Destiny Escobar Lopez, Natalie Escobar, Emily +* Espana Perez, Julmary Eustache, Daenli + Exil, Samantha +* Fernandes, Emanuelly +* Ferullo, Leah * Figueroa Reyes, Carlos Flores Granados, Nilthon * Flores Guerra, Jackie +* Flores, Araceli Flores, Diana +* Flores, Julissa Flores, Larry Fonseca, Mathew Fonseca, Philip Francois, Ryan Freni, Makayla +* Fuller, Josiah Galdames Machado, Tamara Galeano Euceda, Fabio Garcia Lemus, Xenia * Garcia, Khari Gaspard, Nelffy Gebretsadik, Biruk * Germain, Leandra +* Gesse, Terell Gilbert, Nicholas +* Gilet, Chrisler * Goulart, Emily Gouveia, Lucas Granados, Arianna Green, Jade Guarino-Mathis, Micheal Guerrero Iraheta, Walter Guerrero, Thomas Guevara Contreras, David * Guevara, Carla Gutierrez, Lizandro Guzman, Koby * Hall, Darnell Hernandez Espinoza, Steven Hernandez Maldonado, Yaneth Herrera, Kimberly Hickey-Schultz, Ella +* Ho, Krystal +* Horgan, Jonathan * Hyppolite, Brumie Ikanovic, Benjamin +* Jacquet, Geralisha * Jahzely, Rivera Javier, Ashley Jean Noel, Luca +* Jose, Daniel * Joseph, Albertson * Joseph, Anderson Joseph, Nehemie * Juarez Ponce, Daniel Jumique Garcia, Edin Kaddouri, Yassmine +* Komnenus, Giulia Lageroy, Reklov + LaLane, Vladimir Lamas, Diogo Teodoro Lamour, Brian Lancaster, Kailey Landaverde, Elmer Lau, Kien +* Lavarreda Cerezo, Maria +* Le, Benjamin * Le, Linh * Leal, Natalia Lemus Martinez, Maria Lemus Solis, Raphael +* Leyva Carrasco, Jesus Lima Raymundo, Maria Lisboa, Anna Carolina * Lopes, Kaiq Lopes, Rafaela * Lopes, Solene Lopez Linares, Karla Loriant, Wendy Louis, Dyna +* Lozada Fonseca, Angel Lozano, Andres Lucarotti, Tessa Lucien, Nehemie * Ly, Thang * Machado, Jacqueline Machado, Nicole +* Maharjan, Nancy +* Maitre, Kervin Maldonado-Hercules, Jasmin Maldonado, Ashley Manandhar, Aadit * Mancia, Andy Marchetti, Joao Pedro Marshall, Omar Martinez Tejada, Jason Martinez-Zuniga, Margie +* Massiah, Kyra Matias Calmo, Yenifer McCann, Olivia McPherson, Erik Medeiros, Ryan +* Mejia Castaneda, Margie +* Mejia Murcia, Julissa Mejia, Christopher Melara, Anthony Mendez Vasquez, Kerlin Mendez Zelaya, Roger Mendez-Solano, Katie * Mendoza Esquivel, Yeylin +* Merlim, Thais * Miller, Benjamin Miranda, Julie Miranda, Karl Modesto, Derick Mohammed, Mustafa +* Moise, Fludjy Morales Monterola, Cristian Moran Gomez, Gary Moran Pacheco, Tatiana Moran-Leal, Gavin Moutaouakkil, Selma +* Mumbi, Christopher +* Mustacchia, Aleksandr * Mustafa, Arman * Musyaju, Shreeya +* Najarro, Mariana +* Navarrete Ortiz, Rocco +* Nedelcu, Alexander Nee, Liam Neri Dias Rodriguez, Marcele Vitoria Ngamne, Clinton * Ngo, Daniel Ngo, Michelle * Nguyen, Cindy +* Nguyen, Nghi * Nguyen, Nyla-Nhi +* Nguyen, Phat +* Nguyen, Thinh Nguyen, Tommy * O’Sullivan Baez, Angelina Oajaca Rojop, Selvin Ochoa, Alexia Omar, Omar Orellana Lemus, Brandon +* Orellana Ramos, Heidi +* Orozco, Sarah Oscar, Alex Oscar, Sundjimar * Palacios, Bethy Palencia, Mariel Paradis, Bella Patel, Deval * Paul, Luc-Hashmir Paz, Jesslexis Penaflor, Adam +* Pereira Gomes, Nubia Pereira, Ellen Pereira, Emily Pereira, Marcos * Perez Perez, Yan Carlos Perez Ramirez, Milton Perez Sandoval, Nahum Perlera De Leon, Jose Perlera Martinez, Stephanie * Peronni, Isabella * Pessoa, Nicolly Pham, Johnny * Philippe, Djavinskey Philippe, Madjenskey Picardi, Michaela Pierre, Japhnie Pierre, Kederson Pierre, Ralph Pierre, Valandy +* Pina, Anais Pineda Espana, Melanie Pineda Flores, Lindsey Pineda Martinez, Marvin Pineda, Vanessa +* Pinto, Kelita * Pleitez Sola, Juana Pokhrel, Shishir * Portillo Granados, Danay +* Portillo Portillo, Jose Portillo Raymundo, Ericka Veronica +* Portillo Sola, Jennifer * Portillo-Hernandez, Estefani Portillo, Briana Previlon, Raeliyah Quinones Cortes, Marcanthony Quintanilla, Leah Rafaelano Monterrosa, Dayana Ramirez Gomez, Kathya Ramos, Isabelle Rattan, Moonhack Raymond, Nicholas * Reis Souza, Arlonn Rene, Cedric Reyes, Sasha Ribeiro, Filipe Rivas Moreno, Stephanie * Rivas, Daniel Rivera Tejada, Fernando Rivera, Anaya Rivera, Elena Roberts, Moises Rodrigues, Guilherme Rodrigues, Vanessa * Rodriguez Arroyo, Joseph Rodriguez Lebron, Albert Rodriguez Merino, Jonathan Rodriguez Rojas, Asdrubal * Rodriguez, Jaden Rojas Quiceno, Mariaisabel * Romero Godoy, Misael Romero Mateo, Stiven Rosenstein, Cedric Rossi, Kayley +* Rowe, Devin Ruiz, Kevin Ruiz, Lusbin Ruiz, Steven Ruiz, Wilber * Saia, David Sales, Sarah +* Salgado-Constancia, Sara Salguero Gonzalez, Jesus Salguero Gonzalez, Jonathan Salvador Lopez, Jemima * Salvador, Katherine +* Samrin, Sidal * Santamaria, Daniela Santana Hernandez, Sabrina Santizo Coronado, Luis Enrique Santos De Oliveira, Jose Santos-Dias, Erick Santos, Brian * Santos, Yariel Saravia Fernandez, Erika Shaikh, Younus Shand, Sicari +* Shrestha, Simon * Sical, Genesis Silva Alves, Adryelly Silva, Aline +* Silva, Gabriel Silva, Layrany Silva, Rafael * Simao, Jade Singh, Amrit Skane, Kristi (Vice President) * Smth-Thompson, Christopher Snook, Cristina Soaib, Said +* Sodre, Thaynara Soni, Ansh +* Sorto Rosales, Edwin +* Sorto, Estefani +* Sousa, Isabella * Sousa, John Victor Sousa, Sophia +* St. Jean, Manoah St. Jean, Obed Strassmann, Guilherme Lucas * Stuart, Amanda Sylince, Sherissa Sylvestre, Allen Tejada Hernandez, Nayely Tejada Pena, Daniela Tejada, Adelaida Tejada, Isela Telson, Matth Telson, Stephane * Tesfaye, Emanuel * Thapar, Mohit Thevenin, McKenzier Timoleon, Chandler Torres, Angel Torres, Angelee Trejo Tejada, Johnny Troncoso, Osiris Turilli, Matthew Umana, Moises Valbrun, Shiena Vales, Ohsemenard * Valiente, Asley Valle Hernandez, Cristian Vaquerano Serrano, Luis Vargas, Elias Vasquez Bedoya, Maicol Vasquez Lazo, Meylin Vautour, Jordan Vaz, Laury Vega Martinez, Rendy Velasco, Alexander +* Velasquez, Ariana Velez Rosario, Alejandro Veras, Emmily Villanueva Figueroa Villeda, Ashley * Vincent, Kerry Walsh, Maya Ward, Giacobbe Wedge, Tyler Wyzard, Lamiah +* Yanes, Jimmy You, Nicolas Zajac, Justin Zorzal McKensi, Karla + National Honor Society * Honor Medal

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 17 Crimson Tide softball team drops state tournament opener to Needham Everett girls complete memorable GBL title-winning season with several players earning postseason awards By Joe McConnell he Everett High School softball team (18-2 regular season, 18-3 overall) lost just three games throughout the spring season, but unfortunately one of those defeats occurred during the Division 1 state tournament in the preliminary round against host Needham last Friday afternoon (June 2), 12-0. The game was called after five innings, because of the mercy rule. “We faced faster pitching T before, but in this game, we just did not hit,” said coach Stacy Schiavo. “Needham did make some good plays, but we needed to hit throughout the lineup. This should not have been a 12-0 game, and waiting around did not help us, as well. We had a long bus ride, before warming up quickly, only to wait around [for the rain to lighten up]. “Overall, we had a great season,” added Schiavo. “We won the GBL title, which we need to embrace.” Ironically, both teams were close in the final power rankings, as Needham was the 31st seed with an 8-10 regular season record, while Everett ended up 34th overall out of 39 Division 1 clubs that qualified for the postseason. However, the Rockets, who play in the Emilia Maria-Babcock took off from first base during Friday’s playoff game at Claxton Field in Needham. Bay State Conference during the regular season, dropped their next game to King Philip Regional (21-2), the second seed, in the Round of 32 by the closest of margins on Tuesday, June 6, 3-1. Everett senior captain Kristi Skane, who was also the Greater Boston League MVP, pitched all five innings against the Rockets, allowing 13 hits and one walk, while striking out one. After the Everett girls were retired in order to start the game in the top of the first, the Rockets immediately put four runs up on the scoreboard in the home half to send a quick message to the Crimson Tide. Gianna Masucci works to make the out at second base. Ashley Seward was then credited with Everett’s first hit in the game, when she singled with one out in the second. However, she was stranded on first after the next two batters recorded the final two outs. The score remained the same until the Rockets exploded for four more runs in the fourth to take an 8-0 lead. In the top of the fifth, the Crimson Tide tried to make a comeback started by Seward again, who picked up her second single of the game. Gianna Masucci followed with a walk, but once again the visitors failed to get that clutch Kristi Skane on the mound for the Crimson Tide. (Advocate photos by Emily Harney) hit that would have gotten them on the scoreboard. The Rockets then invoked the mercy rule with another four runs in the bottom half of the fifth inning. At the conclusion of the game, Schiavo wanted to thank the parents for sacrificing their free time to support the team throughout the spring season, while adding, “You may not always agree with us, but we appreciate you for trusting us with your daughters. “I would also like to thank the coaching staff for always being there for both me and the girls. We would not have been as successful without you. Alexa Uga tries to catch a Needham runner at third base. “This team taught me how to be a better coach and person, and also made me realize that while it is fun to win it was more important to see each of them become better players and people. We had an amazing season that created many memories, which we can now look back on [proudly].” To the victor goes more acclaim The GBL announced its 2023 softball all-star team, and Everett senior co-captain and catcher Kayley Rossi, junior shortstop Gianna Masucci and sophomore centerfielder Emilia Maria-Babcock made the elite squad, along with Skane, who was also chosen league MVP. The senior co-captain certainly had one tremendous season in the circle and also at the plate.

Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Everett vs Needham Softball Location: Claxton Field, Needham, MA June 2, 2023 Photographer Emily Harney Everett 0 Needham 12 Senior captain Kristi Skane gives high fives to her teammate during the Tide’s playoff game against Needham Friday. The Everett softball team cheers together before they kick off their game with Needham Friday in the first round of the playoffs. Head softball coach Stacy Schiavo. Emma Longmore at bat for the Tide. Everett’s #7 Emma Longmore exits the field area and looks back to her family as the Tide’s playoff game was halted for two hours due to lightning. Kayley Rossi at bat for Everett. Bryanna Mason at first base for the Tide as a player from Needham looks to take off for second base. Emilia Babcock looks back towards first base as she makes her way to second base. Everett’s Emma Longmore checks out her bat before getting up to the plate. Catcher Kayla Rossi works to make the out at home-plate as a player from Needham slides home. Kristi Skane at bat for Everett. Julia Curran and Emma Longmore console each other after the Tide’s softball season comes to an end.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 19 ~ Legal Notice ~ Tide baseball falls to host Braintree in Division 1 state tournament preliminary round game Worthy Everett threesome chosen to the 2023 GBL all-star team to cap off exemplary campaigns By Joe McConnell N obody can say that the 2023 Everett High School (EHS) baseball team (10-11) didn’t have grit and determination to keep on striving to reach its goals. Back on March 20, when coach Joel Levine got together with his prospective players for the first day of practice in the EHS gym, there was only one thought on their minds, and that was to qualify for the Division 1 state tournament for the second straight year. And they did just that just over two months later after winning their last two out of three regular season games against Greater Lawrence and Mystic Valley Regional Charter School. They then played the waiting game, while also practicing some more, before the tournament pairings were announced on May 31, when they found out they will be heading to Braintree the next day to take on the Wamps (11-11) in a preliminary round game. The host team was the 23rd seed, while the Everett boys ended up 42nd . Despite scoring the first run of the game, the Crimson Tide eventually fell to Braintree, 9-3. For their efforts, the Wamps moved on to play St. John’s Prep (13-8, 10th vincingly in the Round of 32, 9-1. The Eagles were now Sweet 16-bound, and Catholic Conference rival Boston College High (13-8, seventh seed) provided the competition on June 7 in Dorchester after press deadline. Those Dorchester Eagles shutout Barnstable (14-8, 26th seed) in their Round of 32 encounter. In what turned out to be their final game of the year, the Tide jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the second on an RBI single by Matt Turilli. But the lead did not last long. After a few Everett defensive miscues that loaded the bases with two outs, Braintree’s Jack Fitzgerald belted a grand slam to get his teammates on the scoreboard for the first time in the game. “Matt (Turilli) (4 Innings, 3 hits, 1 earned run) threw the ball extremely well, but unfortunately his only mistake was hit out of the park,” said Levine. Braintree tacked on a few more, but Everett was still scratching and clawing to narrow the deficit. Omar Marshall (2-4) was credited with an RBI single, and Alex Lara (1-3) had a run-producing double to account for the other two Tide runs. Nordeivy Santana also contributed to the offense with two hits. “I’m extremely proud of seed) in Danvers on June 5, where they lost rather conVOTES | FROM PAGE 1 Ward 3 School Committee member Jeanne Cristiano said six weeks ago, the School Committee gave her a proficient rating, and now they want to tell her to get lost? “I think she’s fabulous, visionary, and connects with students like we’ve never seen before,” Cristiano said. “I think we should have community meetings this summer to see what other people think of her.” School Committee member Cynthia Sarnie asked Mangan to explain the process. Since the Mass. Assoc. of School Superintendents and what this team has accomplished this season,” said Levine. “At the beginning of the Collins Center at UMass/ Amherst chose to sit this one out, they’d have to find an alternate search firm. It could take a month or so to find a screening committee. The process would involve public hearings, a screening committee, who would select 2-4 finalists to be presented before the School Committee. Ward 1 School Committee member Millie Cardillo asked what Mangan meant about exclusion. He said although he wasn’t there, certain candidates were told not to apply. Cardillo said the chair at that time said internal candiVOTES | SEE PAGE 26 the season, we as a coaching staff thought it would be incredibly difficult to make the tournament, because of the way we played early on. However, these kids kept on battling to win some really big games. It was simply a pleasure to coach such a great group of kids.” Star-studded Tide trio Seniors David Saia (.354 batting average, 15 RBI, 25 runs scored) and Alex Velasco (.371 batting average, 10 RBI, 19 runs scored), and junior Alex Lara (.364 batting average, 22 RBI, 14 runs scored) are the Everett representatives on the 2023 Greater Boston League all-star team. WATER FILLING STATION INSTALLATIONS for the Everett Public Schools” Contract No. 24-02. The invitation for bids may be downloaded via the city’s website https://cityofeverett.com/city-hall/ departments/finance-department/purchasing/ after June 14, 2023 at 9 am. Please note that City Hall is closed on Fridays. Bids must be submitted to the Purchasing Office, Room 14 at 484 Broadway, Everett, MA before 1:00 P.M. on June 28, 2023. The contract will be awarded under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 149 to the lowest cost responsible and responsive bidder offering the lowest total price. Bidder must be DCAMM Certified in Plumbing and a 5% bid deposit is required. It is the responsibility of prospective proposers and or bidders to check the City of Everett’s website for new information any addenda or modifications to any solicitation. This project is subject to Mass Prevailing wage rates. The City of Everett reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to award or not to award the contract for any reason the mayor determines to be in the City’s and/or the public’s best interest. CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 19 Paris Street Map/Lot: K0-08-000006 Person Requesting: Sanderson Nascimento 123 Pleasant St. Wakefield, MA 01880 PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to demolish the existing two-family structure at 19 Paris St and construct a nine (9) unit apartment building as per plans by registered architect Eric Zachrison from Context Design Workshop, dated 01/27/2023. 19 Paris St is a 7,033 S.F lot located in the Industrial Limited District. In the plans provided there are 12 proposed parking spaces. REASON FOR DENIAL: Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance. The applicant shall seek relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals as follows: Section 17. A. 2. Multifamily dwellings 2 spaces per dwelling unit. The applicant must either obtain a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals or participate in the Transportation Demand Management Program, pursuant to Section 35 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 21. Industrial Limited District. A. Uses. The existing use of the property as a two-family residence is nonconforming. The applicant must obtain a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals to change from a preexisting nonconforming use to another nonconforming use, pursuant to Section 3.C of the Zoning Ordinance. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals June 02, 09, 2023

Page 20 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Mayor announces rescheduled date for Kids to Parks Day event A fun day with activities for kids and families at Swan Street Park M ayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the annual Kids to Parks Day event has been rescheduled and will be held on Saturday, June 17, at Swan Street Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All families are invited to enjoy various activities, interactive games, inflatable attractions, characters, face painting, music and much more. Kids To Parks Day is a nationally recognized day celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. However, the originally scheduled date was postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions. The goal is to get kids and families outside and off their electronic devices to utilize and enjoy their community’s recreational resources, parks and playgrounds. The City of Everett is joining in the celebration by inviting our youngsters to participate in this day by hosting an event at Swan Street Park for all to attend. For more information, please visit cityofeverett.com/events/kids-toparks-day. Law Offices of JOSEPH D. CATALDO, P.C. “ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW” • ESTATE/MEDICAID PLANNING • WILLS/TRUSTS/ESTATES • INCOME TAX PREPARATION • WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT PLANNING • ELDER LAW 369 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 (617)381-9600 JOSEPH D. CATALDO, CPA, CFP, MST, ESQUIRE. AICPA Personal Financial Specialist Designee ~ Legal Notice ~ CITY OF EVERETT RELOCATING OUT OF MASSACHUSETTS FOR ESTATE TAX SAVINGS I f you were to move to Florida, Texas, New Hampshire, or to any other state that has no estate tax, or to a state with a much higher estate tax exemption than Massachusetts, you still need to be aware that if you own real estate in Massachusetts, you will most likely have to pay a Massachusetts estate tax. Let’s say you have a rental property in Boston worth $750,000 and you live in Florida. You also have $1million in stocks, bonds and savings accounts. The Estate Tax Bureau in Massachusetts will require you to file a Massachusetts estate tax return. If you divide $750,000 by $1,750,000, you arrive at 42.86 percent of your total estate located in Massachusetts. You would then calculate the Massachusetts estate tax based upon the $1,750,000. After that initial tax is calculated, you would then multiply it by 42.86 percent to arrive at the balance due to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In this example, the initial PUBLIC HEARING FOR PETITION FROM MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A NATIONAL GRID OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS To all parties interested in the public hearing. Be it hereby ordered: Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid of North Andover, Massachusetts, that it desires to construct a line of underground electric conduits, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, under and across the public way or ways hereinafter named. The following are the streets and highways referred to: Plan # 30783332 Norman St & Air Force Rd - National Grid to install beginning at a point approximately 40 feet northwest of the centerline of the intersection of Norman St & Air Force Rd and continuing approximately 10 feet in a northeast direction. National Grid is petitioning on behalf of the customer to excavate the sidewalk to install (1) 3” PVC conduit to serve a street light control cabinet owned by the City of Everett. Wherefore it prays that after due notice and hearing as provided by law, it be granted permission to excavate the public highways and to run and maintain underground electric conduits, together with such sustaining and protecting fixtures as it may find necessary for the transmission of electricity, said underground conduits to be located substantially in accordance with the plan filed herewith marked: Norman St & Air Force Rd - Everett - Massachusetts. Hearing to be held with the Everett City Council, held on Monday at 7:00PM, on the 26th of June, 2023 at the Everett City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Everett City Hall. June 09, 2023 Massachusetts estate tax would approximate $81,000. You would then multiply $81,000 x 42.86 percent to arrive at a balance due to the Commonwealth of $34,717. One way to avoid this $34,717 estate tax is to place the rental real estate into a limited liability company (LLC). Once title is transferred to the LLC, you will own a membership interest in the LLC which is similar to owning stock in a corporation. As a Florida resident, the value of the membership interest in the LLC (i.e. the value of the real estate) will not be part of your Massachusetts taxable estate thereby eliminating the need to file Form M-706, Massachusetts Estate Tax Return. If you are a resident of Florida, if you decide to keep your old primary residence in Massachusetts to reside there during the summer months for example, if you place that residence into an LLC, you may not be able to claim the capital gain exclusion of $500,000 for a married couple upon the sale of your primary residence. However, if the old primary residence was owned by you in your own name for at least two of the five years prior to the sale, you would still be able to claim the $500,000 exclusion even if for three of those five preceding years, title was in the name of the LLC. If the rental property located in Massachusetts is held by the LLC and you are the only owner of the membership interest, then no separate tax return needs to be filed for the LLC as it is a single member LLC for tax purposes. Likewise, if a Trust owns the membership interest in the LLC, it is still considered to be a single member LLC and no separate tax returns need to be filed. The rent income and expenses are reported on Schedule E. If two or more individuals or two or more Trusts own membership interests in the LLC, then partnership income tax returns would need to be filed. If a partnership income tax return needs to be filed, each member of the LLC will receive a K-1 form in order to report his or her distributive share of the net rental income or loss on his or her individual income tax return. Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a masters degree in taxation.

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 21 Say nr Sa a y Senior Seni by Jim Miller What Happens if You Work While Receiving Social Security? Dear Savvy Senior, I started drawing my Social Security retirement benefi ts back in 2021 when I was forced to retire early, but I’m now interested going back to work part-time. Will this aff ect my benefi ts, and if so, how much? Back to Work Dear Back, You can collect Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time but depending on how old you are and how much you earn, some or all of your benefits could be temporarily withheld. Here’s how it works. SSA Earning Rules Social Security says that if you’re under your full retirement age and are collecting benefi ts, then you can earn up to $21,240 in 2023 without jeopardizing any of your Social Security if you don’t reach your full retirement age this year. But if you earn more than the $21,240 limit, you’ll lose $1 in benefi ts for every $2 over that amount. Full retirement age is 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954, but it rises in two-month increments every birth year to age 67 for those born in 1960 and later. You can fi nd your full retirement age at SSA.gov/benefi ts/retirement/planner/ageincrease.html. In the year you reach your full retirement age, a less stringent rule applies. If that happens in 2023, you can earn up to $56,520 from January to the month of your birthday with no penalty. But if you earn more than $56,520 during that time, you’ll lose $1 in benefi ts for every $3 over that limit. And once your birthday passes, you can earn any amount by working without your benefi ts being reduced at all. Wages, bonuses, commissions, and vacation pay all count toward the income limits, but pensions, annuities, investment earnings, interest, capital gains and government or military retirement benefi ts do not. To fi gure out how much your specifi c earnings will aff ect your benefi ts, see the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test Calculator at SSA. gov/OACT/COLA/RTeffect. html. It’s also important to know that if you do lose some or all of your Social Security benefi ts because of the earning limits, they aren’t lost forever. When you reach full retirement age, your benefi ts will be recalculated to a higher amount to make up for what was withheld. For more information on how working can aff ect your Social Security benefi ts see SSA.gov/benefi ts/retirement/ planner/whileworking.html. Be Mindful of Taxes Too In addition to the Social Security rules, you need to factor in Uncle Sam too. Because working increases your income, it might make your Social Security benefi ts taxable. Here’s how it works. If the sum of your adjusted gross income, nontaxable interest, and half of your Social Security benefi ts is between $25,000 and $34,000 for individuals ($32,000 and $44,000 for couples), you have to pay tax on up to 50 percent of your benefi ts. Above $34,000 ($44,000 for couples), you could pay on up to 85 percent, which is the highest portion of Social Security that is taxable. About a third of all people who get Social Security have to pay income taxes on their benefi ts. For information, call the IRS at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you a free copy of publication 915 “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” or you can see it online at IRS.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p915.pdf. In addition to the federal government, 12 states – Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia – tax Social Security benefi ts to some extent too. If you live in one of these states, you’ll need to check with your state tax agency for details. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. ~ Home of the Week ~ SAUGUS....Desirable one-owner Ranch features 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, spacious kitchen with dining area and slider to deck, large, unfinished lower level, walk-up attic for future expansion, laundry hook-ups in kitchen and lower level, wrap-around cement, circular driveway, gorgeous, gorgeous level yard!! Located in sought-after Iron Works neighborhood! Great opportunity to own this one-level home! Offered at $499,900. 335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 41 High Street Map/Lot: L0-02-000125 Person Requesting: Mr. Anthony Rossi 516 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to convert the existing 2 family residence built approximately in 1970 into a 3-family residence. No exterior alterations or alterations to the existing parking configuration are proposed. The property is located in Dwelling District Permit was denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix Part II as follows: Zoning and Violations: - Section 4 (A) – conversion to a three-family use is not permitted if the structure was built after the city adopted its first Zoning Ordinance in August 1926. A use variance is required. - Section 4 (B)(2)(c)-all uses other than one-family and two -family dwellings require a floor area ratio of no more than .50. The property is already nonconforming as to lot area, as it contains on 3,800 s.f. of area, whereas 7,000 s.f. is required. The proposed conversion will increase the area nonconformity. A special permit is required under Section 3 (C). - Section 17 (A)(2) requires two parking spaces per dwelling unit. The property is already nonconforming as to this requirement, as it contains only three spaces, whereas four are required. A special permit will be required to increase this nonconformity, pursuant to Section 3 (C) of the Ordinance. Alternatively, the applicant may opt in to the Transportation Demand Management provisions of Section 35 of the Ordinance. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals June 02, 09, 2023 View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com nior ior

Page 22 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Middlesex Sheriff’s Offi ce issues phone scam awareness reminder Perpetrators claiming to be members of law enforcement W OBURN, Mass. – The Middlesex Sheriff ’s Office is once again warning area residents to be aware of active telephone scams in which perpetrators pose as members of law enforcement. Over the past several days, the Middlesex Sheriff ’s Offi ce CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 33 Oakes Street /41 Oakes Street. Map/Lot: E0-03- 000057 E0-03-000055 Person Requesting: Francis J. LaRovere II Trustee Oakes Realty Trust 492 Broadway. Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: The applicant requests unspecified relief from Section 32 (Inclusionary Zoning) of the Everett Zoning Ordinance in connection with its proposed construction of six (6) additional dwelling units on the subject property, which currently contains fourteen (14) dwelling units in an existing twelve (12) unit apartment building, which the applicant proposes to enlarge and a detached two-family residential structure. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals June 02, 09, 2023 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 117 Central Ave. Map/Lot: B0-02-000235 Person Requesting: Jason Dixon 117 Central Ave. Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: The owner wishes to erect a garage in their backyard at 117 Central Ave. The proposed garage is 20’0” x 12’5” x 11’9 5/8”. The owner is seeking relief for the garage to be located within the four (4) foot setback space required to be had from the rear lot line. The property at 117 Central Ave is a 3,152 S.F lot according to Otte & Dwyer INC. Land Surveyors. The plans for the proposed garage were provided by Alison M. Cutler, registered architect. REASON FOR DENIAL: Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance. The applicant shall seek relief from the zoning Board of Appeals as follows: Section 4. Dwelling Districts. B. Dimensional Requirements. 7. Rear Yard: b. Garages and Sheds. Four (4) feet minimum. In the plans provided the shed will be 1’2” from the back lot line where four (4) feet is required. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals June 02, 09, 2023 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK (MSO) has received information from four residents alleging they have been contacted by individuals posing as members of the MSO. In one call, the scammers utilized the name of a current MSO employee, while in three others the perpetrators actually provided the name of an employee of another area law enforcement agency. “By utilizing the names of real correction offi cers, deputy sheriff s and police offi cers, these perpetrators are trying to lend an additional layer of creditability to their scams,” said Middlesex Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian. “Fortunately, in all four of the recently reported cases, most of the those contacted quickly realized the calls were fraudulent and none lost any money.” In each of the cases reported to the MSO, perpetrators indicated they were calling to discuss legal matters including outstanding warrants. In one case, the scammer claimed the person he was calling had failed to appear in court as an expert witness and was subject to arrest, however the victim could avoid arrest if she used Venmo to pay a $4,000 fi ne. “No legitimate member of law enforcement will ever ask a member of the public to pay a fi ne using Venmo, bitcoin or by wire transfer,” said Sheriff Koutoujian. “This is tell-tale sign that you are dealing with a scammer and should immediately hang up the phone.” Residents who receive scam calls in which individuals identify themselves as MSO deputies may contact the MSO at 978-667-1711 and ask to speak with the Inner Perimeter Security (IPS) Unit. Individuals are also encouraged to notify their local police department. To learn more about law enforcement arrest scams and how to protect yourself, please visit our website at www.middlesexsheriff .org/ arrestscams - LEGAL NOTICE - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Middlesex Division Docket No. MI23P2918EA Estate of: PODRESS AARON NILES Date of Death: June 17, 2021 INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Priscilla Harewood of Everett, MA Priscilla Harewood of Everett, MA, has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders terminating or restricting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed under informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. June 09, 2023 ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK.COM/ ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 23 EVENTS | FROM PAGE 13 newborn to six. Drama Class: Parlin Children’s Room, Wednesday, June 14, at 3 p.m. Do you have a drama queen or king at home? Drama Class in the Parlin Children’s Department is the perfect opportunity for your child to put those acting skills to use with our drama coach! Suggested ages: six to 14. Pixel Perfect: Parlin Meeting Room, Thursday, June 15, at 3:30 p.m. Pixel Perfect is an interactive educational video game exhibit that will give visitors a handson experience with gaming history. From Pac-Man to Sonic the Hedgehog, many iconic retro gaming classics are readily available to play at the Parlin Library. While playing them, you’ll learn a bit about their history, too! Presented by Arcade Awesome. Recommended for ages 10+; younger patrons will need parental supervision. Friday Family Movie Night! Parlin Meeting Room, Friday, June 16, at 3 p.m. Break out the popcorn! Come and watch “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation” with your friends and family. Shute Adult and Teens Yarn Club: Shute Meeting Room, Tuesday, June 13, at 3 p.m. Come chitchat and stitch! Bring your crocheting, knitting or any other yarn craft and sit and socialize with other members of the crafting community. Recommended for ages 14-109! Resume Writing: Shute Adult Department. Do you need help sprucing up an old resume or creating a new one? Sign up for a 30-minute session at both the Parlin and Shute Libraries; by appointment only. Please call 617-394-2302 for the Parlin Library and 617394-2308 for the Shute Library to register for an appointment. Computer Basics 101: Shute Adult Department. Not familiar with the computer? Learn the basics: how to start up and shut down a computer, perform mouse and keyboard functions, use applications, learn Microsoft Word, navigate the Internet, set up an email account and more! By appointment only. Please call 617-394-2302 for the Parlin Library and 617-394-2308 for the Shute Library to register. American Exterior and Window Corporation OBITUARY Evodie Thomas Pierre O f Everett, passed away peacefully on June 1, 2023, at home surrounded by her loving family. She was 78 years old. Visiting hours will be held at the A. J. Spadafora Funeral Home, 865 Main Street, Malden on Friday June 9th from 5:00pm-8:00pm and again on Saturday morning at Our Lady of Grace Church, 194 Nichols Street, Everett from 9:00am-10:00am followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00am. Interment will be in Lakeside Cemetery, Wakefield. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Contact us for all of your home improvement projects and necessities Telephone: 617-699-1782 Toll Free: 1-888-744-1756 Email: info@americanexteriorandwindow.com For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net Windows, Siding, Roofing, Carpentry & More! All estimates, consultations or inspections completed by MA licensed supervisors. *Over 50 years experience. *Better Business Bureau Membership. Insured and Registered Complete Financing Available. No Money Down.

Page 24 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 81 Elsie Street Map/Lot: M0-04-000268 Person Requesting: Sergio Cornelio 43 Luke Rd. Everett, MA 02149 Applicant has requested that the Board reconsider its vote and reopen the public hearing to consider a revised plan that proposes connecting the two proposed structures to create a single building containing three dwelling units and a parking plan that depicts seven total parking spaces, including five existing parking spaces and two newly proposed parking spaces, one in the proposed garage and one in front of the proposed garage. Relief may be required from Section 17(F), (J) and (K) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow tandem parking in front of the proposed garage. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals June 02, 09, 2023 CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 71 Wellington Ave. Map/Lot: G0-01-000034 Person Requesting: Andrew B. Delory 365 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks to substantially renovate the existing two-family dwelling located on 71 Wellington Ave. and construct a two-unit townhouse-style building with four (4) exterior parking spaces on the rear of the lot which fronts Kelvin St. The lot size that fronts Kelvin St. is 4,947 S.F and the lot that fronts Wellington St. is 2,995 S.F with two (2) proposed parking spaces. Reason for Denial: Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance. The applicant shall seek relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals as follows: 71 Wellington St: 1. Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 4(B)(2)b requires 7,000 s.f. of lot area for a two-family dwelling. 2. Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 4(B)(7) a requires 25 ft. minimum rear yard setback. 3. Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 4(B)(4) Front yard: requires 20ft minimum. 4. Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 17 Off-Street Parking (A)(1) One- and two-family dwellings – 2 spaces per unit. 43 Kelvin St: 1. Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 4(B)(2)b requires 7,000 s.f. of lot area for a two-family dwelling. 2. Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 4(B)(7) a requires 25 ft. minimum rear yard setback. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals June 02, 09, 2023 1. On June 9, 1973, what horse won the Belmont Stakes – also winning the Triple Crown? 2. What are the two June birth flowers? 3. The “Magic Roundabout” in Swindon, England, is a “Ring Junction” of how many mini-rotaries: three, four or five? 4. What reptile has American and Chinese species? 5. On June 10, 1898, U.S. Marines landed at what Cuban bay? 6. Which of these is not one of the fastest dog breeds: Boston terrier, Afghan hound or Lhasa apso? 7. What African country has “The” as part of its formal name? 8. What type of grape was developed in New England? 9. On June 11 is the 76th Tony Awards; what show has had the most Tony nominations? 10. In 1796 what U.S. president (born in Mass.) was elected when 11 other candidates also received Electoral College votes? 11. How are Gentoo, Emperor and King similar? 12. On June 12, 1939, the Baseball Hall of Fame opened where? 13. Who was the first Frenchwoman to get a doctorate? 14. What does the “O” prefix in Irish names mean? 15. On June 13, 1774, what New England state became the first of the American colonies to ban importing slaves? 16. What related to geology does a speleologist study? 17. June 14 is National Bourbon Day; bourbon originated in what country? 18. What well-known ordained priest in 1525 married a former nun – defying convention? 19. What food do koalas eat that is toxic to many animals? 20. On June 15, 2007, Bob Barker stepped down as host of what TV show? ANSWERS 1. Secretariat 2. Honeysuckle and rose 3. Five 4. Alligator 5. Guantánamo 6. 7. Lhasa apso The Gambia 8. Concord 9. “Hamilton” 10. John Adams 11. penguins. 12. They are types of Cooperstown, N.Y. 13. Marie Curie 14. Descendent of 15. Rhode Island 16. Caves 17. USA (named after Bourbon County, which was named in honor of the French royals after the American Revolution) 18. Martin Luther 19. 20. Eucalyptus leaves “The Price Is Right”

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 25 Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. We also do demolition. Best Prices Call: 781-593-5308 781-321-2499 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net ~ HELP WANTED ~ * PIZZA MAKERS * COUNTER HELP * DELIVERY DRIVERS Please call: (617) 259-4482 or in-person: 340 Central St., Saugus RON’S OIL Call For PRICE MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM Frank Berardino MA License 31811 • 24 - Hour Service • Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial Service Gas Fitting • Drain Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! ADVOCATE Call now! 617-387-2200 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net ADVERTISE ON THE WEB AT WWW.ADVOCATENEWS.NET CLASSIFIEDS

Page 26 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 VOTES | FROM PAGE 19 dates wouldn’t be considered. Lambert made a motion, seconded by Barros, to refer this to the next elected School Committee in 2024. The motion was defeated, 6-3. “The public made it clear at that time that they were looking for someone outside Everett,” Lambert said. “It was a trust issue.” Cristiano asked why the Collins Center and Mass. Association of School Superintendents didn’t want to become involved. Mangan said they said “they’d sit it out,” but they didn’t elaborate as to why. “I ’m concerned about spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money,” Cristiano said. “I used to work in the private sector, so I know how much these headhunters’ cost.” Barros said if two organizations who normally help out with the selection process are choosing to lose money by not getting involved, shame on the School Committee. “They’re rejecting money, because it’s so bad what this body is trying to do,” Barros said. “They hire superintendents across the commonwealth — shame on us.” However, Ward 1 School Committee member Millie St. Anthony’s Church Flea Market & Bazaar Saturday, June 17 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Featuring Crafts, Nick-Nacks & So Much More! ~ Admission Only .50 Cents ~ For info, call Linda: (781) 910-8615 All proceeds benefit St. Anthony’s Church Cardillo thought this vote was imperative. “You need time to go forward with this,” Cardillo said. “I remember sitting at the library, and no one had made any suggestions.” Cristiano asked Mangan what an outside agency would know about hiring someone in Everett. Mangan said the two agencies would likely charge a fee. Ward 6 Vice Chairman Michael McLaughlin said he’s enjoyed working with Tahiliani, adding members are making it personal when it’s not. “It doesn’t exclude her from the process,” McLaughlin said. “Mangan said she could apply.” He feels an outside agency should come in to help choose. Cristiano asked if he was looking at her instead of the room as a whole while talking. McLaughlin said that wasn’t his intention. McLaughlin said Mangan’s request was thoughtful and well laid out. Lambert asked if members are afraid of what voters want. “What’s the rush?” Lambert said. “You’re bad at keeping secrets.” She was quick to note she was looking at Mangan because he’s the chair, and not at him personally. Mangan said he’s not afraid, and he ceased debate. Hammersmith - Saugus Classic Center Entrance Colonial in much desired Hammersmith Village on a quiet cul-de-sac. 8 inviting rooms, 2.5 baths and two-car garage. Asking $929,000 Paul Coogan Cell: 617-851-5381 Email: paul@bradhutchinson.com SAUGUS SAUGUS mangorealtyteam.com 38 Main St. Saugus (781) 558-1091 20 Railroad Ave, Rockport (978)-999-5408 14 Norwood St, Everett (781)-558-1091 ~ Don Obdenz ~ Outstanding service! I am a lifelong Saugus resident and this firm knew exactly what to do and when to do it. I was treated with compassion and respect throughout the process of selling my family home. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND MANGO REALTY if you have a Saugus home to sell. SAUGUS This immaculate brick front home has been loved by the original owner since 1958. Pride of ownership shines throughout. This lovely home opens up to a cozy enclosed front porch through a large eat in kitchen. Entertain friends and family in the open concept of dining room and living room. So much space. The yard is nestled with a fenced in yard, Oversized 2 car garage ideal for the hobbyist, driveway, patio and more. Convenient access to major routes, Boston, and Logan Airport. You will love this home just as the previous owner did. Welcome to Saugus, where this cozy home awaits your creative touch! Nestled on a peaceful dead-end street where you can offer serene space for your ideas and settings. Leave it as is or upgrade the kitchens and baths. This level yard boasts a 1 car garage, fenced in yard and parking for 4-6 cars. The location is excellent with easy access to major routes, market street in Lynnfield, Boston, Transportation and Logan Airport. $419,000. Call/Text Sue at 617-877-4553 Say Yes to this address! This lovely move right in home hosts a nice large eat in kitchen. This welcoming floor plan open concept of living and dining room offers nice hardwood floors where you could enjoy casual or formal gathering. The easy access for washer and dryer hook-up on first floor along with a 1/2 bath is a great benefit. The roof is updated in 2011. The upstairs 3 bedrooms shares a full bath with all hardwood. The outdoor space offers a low maintenance with handicap railing, 2 driveways, shed and more. Close to major routes, transp., Boston, and Airport. Don't miss out. $599,000. Call/text Sue: 617-877-4553 $25,000 to buyer towards concession. This charming tri-level is located in the highly desirable Indian Rock Farms development. The open concept kitchen offers S.S. appliances and a center island that adjoins a double sliding door that leads to the screened in porch. Open and inviting the first floor can flow like a breeze into the dining room which offers a cozy spot for family meals that leads into the living room. Stepping down into the Family Room welcomes an inviting fireplace where family and friends can hang out for casual entertaining. Move to the 3 large bdrms that offer gleaming hardwood floors along with a spacious closet for the main bedroom. A 1 car garage attached to this lovely home and bonus rooms in the basement. A 5-7 car detached garage awaits the ideal buyer that has loads of untapped potential above the garage that is heated. Minutes from major routes....$975,000 Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 SAUGUS Welcome to the Lynn fells area where this home awaits your creative touch. This home is nestled on a great street that offers a serene and idyllic setting for your ideas and dreams. Easy access to major highways making it a convenient commuter location for those who would like to commute to Boston or nearby towns. With new Saugus schools, easy access to trails, restaurants, banks etc. What more can you ask for? Don't miss out on the opportunity to make Saugus your new home $649,000. Call/text Rosa at 781-820-0096 SAUGUS Just Sold UNDER AGREEMENT UNDER AGREEMENT

THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 27 REAL ESTATE TRANSAC TIONS Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. BUYER1 Sanchez, Jose BUYER2 SELLER1 Storella Jr, Thomas A SELLER2 Storella, Donna M ADDRESS 3 Westover St Everett CITY DATE 05.12.23 PRICE 425000 379 Broadway Everett 617-381-9090 All occasions florist Wedding ~ Sympathy Tributes Plants ~ Dish Gardens Customized Design Work GIFT BASKETS Fruit Baskets www.EverettFlorist.net CAVARETTA AND SON, LLC ~ DRAIN CLEANING SERVICES ~ Frank Cavaretta - Over 21 Years Experience * Main Lines * Kitchen Sinks “You clog it, we clean it!” 24-Hour Service * 781-526-4750 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Happy Spring! H Sandy Juliano Broker/President Open House Sunday, 6/11 from 12-1:30 709 Broadway, Everett, 4 unit $1,350,000. SOLD OVER ASKING! LISTED BY SANDY! Follow Us On: Norma Capuano Parziale 617-590-9143 LISTED BY NORMA! 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath Ranch, 6 Bridge Street, Tewksbury - $499,900. Call Sandy with questions, 617-448-0854. List Your Home or Apartment With Us! Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Joe DiNuzzo 617-680-7610 Rosemarie Ciampi 617-957-9222 Denise Matarazzo 617-953-3023 617-294-1041

Page 28 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 ............. # 1 Listing & Selling Office in Saugus “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service” Free Market Evaluations CRE CarpenitoRealEstate.com SEE WHY MORE PEOPLE CHOOSE CARPENITO REAL ESTATE SAUGUS- 1st AD - 8 rm, 3-4 bedrm multi level home offers 3 full baths, granite kit, 1st floor laundry, fireplace lvrm, desirable 1st floor main bedrm, additional living space in lower level, deck, updated roof & vinyl siding, side street, located just outside of Saugus Center…$649,900. View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300 REVERE - 1st AD - 7 room Split Entry Ranch offers 2 full baths, eat-in kitchen, dnrm, lvrm, hardwood flooring, finished LL offers family room with fireplace, and wet bar, central air, garage, plenty of storage…$575,000. Lisa M. Smallwood SAUGUS -1st AD - Desirable one-floor living in this 2 bedroom ranch, eat-in kitchen with slider to deck overlooking an amazing, 24,000 sq. ft. yard, circular, cement driveway, located in sought-after Iron Works neighborhood…$499,900. Lisa was great to work with. She really advocated for us through the purchasing process ensuring we had all the questions answered. When things with a seller went left, she made them right. She also sold our home in one weekend. SAUGUS - Two Bedroom Condo. Fully appliance, eat-in kitchen with granite counters and ceramic tile flooring NEW central air and GAS heat, NEW windows, freshly painted, off street parking, coin-op laundry in building…$329,900 She made sure we were protected through the entire process. - Kenny and Kristen Lewis SAUGUS - Custom, Sprawling Ranch features 8+ rms, 4+ bedrms, 4 full baths, granite kitchen, finished LL provides great space for the extended family, central air, security system, updated roof, large, level, corner lot w/inground pool, 1 car attached gar, circular driveway, located in Forest Highlands....$1,200,000. THINKING OF SELLING? Carpenito Real Estate can provide you with the BEST price, T BEST service and BEST results! T Call us today! COMING SOON - 3+BED, 2 BATH CAPE LOCATED ON A NICE SIDE STREET IN A GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD. UPDATED KITCHEN AND ONE BATH. 1 CAR GARAGE. FENCED YARD. PEABODY LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL ? CALL CALL DEBBIE: 617-678-9710 Danielle Ventre 978 FOR SALE - RARE FIND! BRAND NEW HOME FEATURING 3 BEDS, 3 BATHS,QUALITY CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. FLEXIBLE FLOORPLAN. OPEN CONCEPT, CATHEDRAL CEILINGS, SS APPLIANCES, LARGE ISLAND, SLIDER TO DECK. MAIN BED HAS 2 CUSTOM CLOSETS AND EN SUITE. FINISHED WALK OUT LL OPEN FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. SAUGUS $859,900 CALL DEBBIE: 617-678-9710 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE- 3 BED, 1.5 BATH RANCH. VINYL SIDING, GAS HEAT, CENTRAL AC,GARAGE, HARDWOOD, LARGE BASEMENT, ALARM SYSTEM, NEWER ROOF. SAUGUS $599,000 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE -SAUGUS SPLIT-ENTRY, 2000 SQUARE FEET, 3 BEDROOM, 1.5 BATH, HARDWOOD FLOORING, GARAGE UNDER, FENCED IN PRIVATE YARD. SAUGUS $599,900 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE- 3 BED, 2 BATH RANCH. UPDATED SYSTEMS, 2 FIREPLACES, GARAGE, FENCED YARD, IN-GROUND POOL, GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD. SAUGUS $565,000 CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 987-9535 MOBILE HOMES WE ARE HIRING! WE ARE LOOKING FOR AGENTS IN OUR SAUGUS OFFICE. OFFERING A SIGN ON BONUS TO QUALIFIED AGENTS! FOR SALE- 3 ROOM, 1 BED, 1 BATH NICELY UPDATED HOME WITH NEW PITCHED ROOF, ELECTRIC, HOT WATER AND MORE. SAUGUS $119,900 FOR SALE-4 ROOMS, 2 BED, 1 BATH, NEW ROOF AND FURNACE. DESIRABLE PARK. NEEDS SOME UPDATES. PEABODY $119,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE - 3 BED, 1 BATH, VINYL SIDING, HARDWOOD, GAS HEAT, CENTRAL AC, GREAT LOCATION, SAUGUS $425,000 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE-BRAND NEW 14 X 52 UNITS. ONLY 2 LEFT! STAINLESS APPLIANCES AND FULL SIZE LAUNDRY. 2BED 1 BATH. FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH 10% DOWN DANVERS $199,900 Thinking of BUYING OR SELLING soon? CONFUSED about the current market? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! GIVE US A CALL TODAY!

1 Publizr


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