Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 your Local news in 7 Languages! Subscribe to the Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net GAMING DISTRICT MALDEN P www.MaldenGamingDistrict.com Questing, Billiards, Bouldering, e-Sports, VR, Room Escapes, Karaoke and Magic, plus many great restaurants, shops, and breweries all in Malden Center! Shown from left to right: Elio, Juscelia and Maria Gabriella LoRusso said it’s good to have mixed blood in city government. Shown from left to right: Lou Guerrier, Seth Garren, Ward 2 School Committee Member candidate Joanna Garren, Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins and Alessandro Cornelio. GAMING DISTRICT check us out at FUNDRAISER | FROM PAGE 8 Shown from left to right: Jonatas Alves, Juliana Mendes, Helena Mendes, Junior Brandao and Daniele Santos. Shown from left to right: Miro Silva, Jailson Melo and Flavio Siqueira. Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins thanked her supporters during Tuesday’s campaign fundraiser at Oliveira’s.

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