Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 EHS Class 2023 Dismissed – Rain Couldn’t Dampen Graduation Exercises Class Vice President Kristi Skane, who earned a 4.2 GPA, will attend the University of Southern California to major in astronomy, and Class President Riley Avelar, who earned a 4.7 GPA, will attend Yale University to major in ethics, politics and economics. Shown from left to right: Lafayette School Assistant Principal Paulo Lambresa, School Committee Chair Michael Mangan, EHS Athletic Director Tammy Turner, School Committee Vice Chair Michael McLaughlin and School Committee Member Cynthia Sarnie. Some of the National Anthem performers, pictured from left to right: Seated: Leyna Nguyen and Isadora DeCastro Mendes; standing: Alejandro Sanchez, Gabrielle Gouveia and Music Director Gene O’Brien; seated: Saskya Charles and Nicole Damaceno. Shown from left to right are aunt Vanessa Bento, uncle Keith Spencer, graduate Fludjy Moise, aunt Sofie Leveille, uncle Pat Leveille and cousin Allie Leveille. Matthew DiDomenico and his dad, State Senator Sal DiDomenico. Matthew plans to attend Boston College. The senator handed the diploma to his son. Laury Vaz thanked her parents on her cap. “I did this last minute” was featured on this cap. Honor medal recipients stood to be recognized. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

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