THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Page 15 EHS Class 2023 Dismissed – Rain Couldn’t Dampen Graduation Exercises Some of the National Anthem performers, pictured from left to right: Front: Salina Shrestha, Natalia Tejada, Ashley Pineda Ramos, Amelia McNally and Allison Alarcon Acosta; rear: Keely Paolucci, Nicholas Middleton, Tam Tran and Salvatore DiDomenico. Umbrellas lined the bleachers. State Senator Sal DiDomenico, who has served this community for 18 years, said this class is exceptional, from robotics, STEM and athletics to the award-winning percussion ensemble. State Representative Joseph McGonagle said he couldn’t be prouder of the graduates, who got through a COVID-19 pandemic. Senior class officers during Saturday’s Everett High School graduation at Veterans Memorial Stadium, shown from left to right: Treasurer Emanuelly Fernandes, Vice President Kristi Skane, President Riley Avelar and Secretary Aaliyah Desdunes. EHS Class President Riley Avelar told her classmates to embrace a new beginning. Class Valedictorian Shreeya Musyaju said shared experiences have connected classmates. Class Salutatorian Raphael Lemus Solis gave an address on the sacrifices that students make. The graduates were all smiles during the procession. Director of Veterans Services Antoine Coleman, who graduated from Everett High School 18 years ago, told graduates to never forget where they come from. Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani addressed the graduates. Anthony Cooper received his diploma from School Committee Chair Michael Mangan. Julianna Edwards has eight years of perfect attendance. Here she is shaking hands with School Committee Vice Chair Michael McLaughlin. Omar Marshall was happy to graduate. Vice Principal Stanley Chamblain recognized students for having perfect attendance. EHS Principal Dennis Lynch read the graduates’ names as they crossed the stage.

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