Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 9, 2023 Everett vs Needham Softball Location: Claxton Field, Needham, MA June 2, 2023 Photographer Emily Harney Everett 0 Needham 12 Senior captain Kristi Skane gives high fives to her teammate during the Tide’s playoff game against Needham Friday. The Everett softball team cheers together before they kick off their game with Needham Friday in the first round of the playoffs. Head softball coach Stacy Schiavo. Emma Longmore at bat for the Tide. Everett’s #7 Emma Longmore exits the field area and looks back to her family as the Tide’s playoff game was halted for two hours due to lightning. Kayley Rossi at bat for Everett. Bryanna Mason at first base for the Tide as a player from Needham looks to take off for second base. Emilia Babcock looks back towards first base as she makes her way to second base. Everett’s Emma Longmore checks out her bat before getting up to the plate. Catcher Kayla Rossi works to make the out at home-plate as a player from Needham slides home. Kristi Skane at bat for Everett. Julia Curran and Emma Longmore console each other after the Tide’s softball season comes to an end.

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