L.A. TIMES Lake Ashton Community Newsletter April 2025 Simply the Best! Get Your Green Thumb On ... Support the Garden Club's Plant Sale Fundraiser April 9 see p. 32 4141 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 Lake Ashton is a 55 & Older Deed Restricted Community 863.324.6032 863.324.5457 www.lakeashtoncdd.com

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NEWSLETTER STAFF Christine Wells Editor cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com 863.324.5457 Valerie LeBlanc Advertising Sales, Layout & Design valerie@lakeashtoncdd.com SUBMISSION GUIDELINES May Issue Deadline: April 14 • Articles can be submitted on behalf of Lake Ashton clubs/ groups/organizations to promote lifestyle enhancing, opportunities, and must be approved by the group leader prior to publication • Email articles to: valerie@lakeashtoncdd.com • 150 word limit. Articles will be edited for length, clarity, and to ensure compliance with districts’ media policies • Include your club contact and phone number • The writing style is third person — avoid using I, me, my, we, our, or personal pronouns Photo Specifications: • All photos must be high-res digital images in “jpeg” format and submitted via email or CD/flash drive • Space will generally allow only one photo per article • The designer and printer will make the final determination as to the print quality of photographs for publication THE LAKE ASHTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DOES NOT ENDORSE OR SUPPORT ANY PARTICULAR POLITICAL CANDIDATE, PARTY, MEASURE OR ISSUE, OR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE. APRIL 2025 Lake Ashton employees are at your service. We want your experiences in the Clubhouse, Golf Course and HFC to be as pleasant and memorable as possible! Do not hesitate to contact any of the below with comments, questions or concerns. LAKE ASHTON CLUBHOUSE 4141 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 Phone: 863-324-5457 Fax: 863-324-5829 LACDD Community Director: Christine Wells cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Office Manager: Sheila Moreland smoreland@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Activities Assistant: Caroline Lane, 863-324-6032 clane@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Operations Manager: Matt Fisher, 863-956-6207 mfisher@lakeashtoncdd.com LW Homeowners Association (HOA) Golf Club - Ron Lavoie, General Manager Ian Peterson, Head Golf Professional Eagle’s Nest - Sandra Goodwin, Manager RV & Storage Center Office Hours Charm City Nik Minadakis, Owner EmpowerMe Wellness ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Polk County Sheriff: 863-298-6200 LAKE ASHTON HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER (HFC) 6052 Pebble Beach Boulevard Winter Haven, FL 33884 Phone: 863-595-1562 Fax: 863-595-1567 LAIICDD Community Director: Karen Van Kirk kvankirk@lakeashton2cdd.com HFC Activities Office Manager: Krystle Funk kfunk@lakeashton2cdd.com GATE HOUSES & SECURITY OFFICERS: Thompson Nursery Rd. (LW): 863-324-7290 County Road 653 (WH): 863-318-0237 863-325-0065 directors@lakeashtonhoa.org lakeashtonhoa.com 863-326-1032 863-326-1032 rlavoie@lakeashtongc.com ipeterson@lakeashtongc.com 863-326-1085 sgoodwin@lakeashtongc.com 863.326.1304 Mon — Fri jsullivan@lakeashtonstorage.com 8 am to 4 pm 863-662-3300 charmcityfl@gmail.com 863-358-0809 kshipley@empowerme.com In case of emergency, dial 911! Police Non-Emergency Numbers: Lake Wales: 863-678-4223 | Winter Haven: 863-291-5858

MONDAY COFFEE Meet new neighbors and to hear about local community happenings, community events and receive information on current projects within Lake Ashton. Mondays at 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom — coffee & donuts available for $3. APRIL 7 • Birthdays and Anniversaries • We "Donut" What We Would Do Without You - Free Donut For All Volunteers - Sponsored by Dunkin' Donuts on SR 60 in Lake Wales • Featured Speaker: AdventHealth • Featured Vendors: Christine Graves Insurance, Edward Jones - Matt Simpson, Tessier Law, Freedom Boat Tours APRIL 14 - NO MONDAY COFFEE - LACDD BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING & BUDGET WORKSHOP • Bite Me Monday — Donations of pet food and/or supplies for the Humane Society of Polk County APRIL 21 - NO MONDAY COFFEE - EASTER MONDAY • Peanut Butter Monday - Non-perishable food donations for the Lake Wales Care Center. APRIL 28 • Featured Speaker: City of Winter Haven Updates with the City Manager • Featured Vendors: CPS Investments, Iceberg Home Services KNIFE & SCISSORS SHARPENING The Lake Ashton Woodworkers continue to sharpen knives and scissors as a fundraiser. Contact Fred or Shelba Powell if you are in need of their services at 863-280-6546. IN THIS ISSUE NEWS 6 LA LOOKS 18 SAFETY 24 MOVIES 26 EVENTS 28 CLUBS 32 MIND & BODY 40 GOLF 44 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETINGS LAKE ASHTON (LW) CDD Monday, April 14 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom LAKE ASHTON II (WH) CDD Friday, April 18 9 am at the Health & Fitness Center CIT Y COMMISSION MEETINGS LW: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm, Commission Chambers, Municipal Administration Bldg., 201 W. Central Ave., Lake Wales WH: 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30 pm, John Fuller Auditorium in City Hall, 451 3rd St. NW, Winter Haven POLK COUNT Y BOCC MEETINGS 1st & 3rd Tues. , 9 am, Board Room, 330 W. Church St., Bartow


HOURS OF OPERATION CLUBHOUSE: 6 am – 10 pm daily CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES OFFICE: 9 am – 5 pm Mon. - Fri. see p. 8 for Club Office hours HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER: 5:30 am – 10 pm daily HFC OFFICES & ACTIVITIES DESK: 8 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday PRODUCE Every Wednesday from 10 am – 2 pm in the Clubhouse West parking lot BAXTER’ S QUAL ITY MEATS & FRESH PRODUCE Fresh poultry, fish, beef in the Clubhouse West parking lot Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm BOOKMOBILE IS BACK! Second & fourth Wednesdays, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch 12:30 to 1:15) in the Clubhouse West Parking Lot. Polk County library card holders can check out and return books, movies, & more! VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION MONTH - THANK YOU ! April is Volunteer Appreciation month and the LACDD Board of Supervisors, LAIICDD Board of Supervisors, Clubhouse and HFC staff would like to thank Lake Ashton volunteers for all they do to make Lake Ashton "Simply the Best.” Be sure to take time to thank a volunteer because their dedication is truly what sets Lake Ashton aside from the rest. 6 SHREDDING EVENT Monday, April 7 from 9 am to 12 pm (during and after Monday Coffee) in the Clubhouse Parking Lot. Sponsored by The Tessier Law Firm, P.A. Suggested (optional) donation of $5 will go directly to the Alzheimer's Association of Polk County. VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Are you interested in meeting new people? Are you interested in helping residents with signing up for events on Ticketleap? If you answered yes to these questions, we would love to have you complete an application to be a Clubhouse Activities Desk volunteer. Stop by Monday - Friday from 9 am - 5 pm to complete an application for review. NEW RESIDENT ORIENTATION Get introduced to the community and meet other new residents and community leaders April 9 at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Sign up online or at either Activities Office. Club, group and organization facilitators who would like to set up an information table at the New Resident Orientation should email Christine Wells at cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com to reserve a table. HOMELESS GRADUATING SENIORS By Doris Reisinger Are you a worrier? Dr Julio Caba spoke about his homelessness at the Monday Coffee meeting March 10. At 16, he was a father of 3 and homeless, ready to give up his struggle. A warrior kept encouraging him by caring. He wanted us to know that we are warriors for these students no matter how little or large our giving because we care. He also delivers a message to the students that only they with the help of warriors can correct their situation. These students are ready and willing to work hard. Let’s be their warrior! The last date for giving for this year is April 10. Any donations can be dropped off at either Activities Desk contact Doris at 217-652-6636 to arrange for pickup. Please make checks payable to Polk County Schools with Homeless HS Seniors in the memo section.


IMPORTANT UPDATES Amenity access controls at the Clubhouse are now active. Residents must bring their Photo Amenity Access Cards when visiting the Clubhouse to gain access to the Amenity Rooms in addition to the Outdoor Pool and Spa. Residents should not use their cards to allow guests or other residents who have forgotten their card to enter these areas. CLUBHOUSE OFFICE HOURS Monday: 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday: 2 - 5 pm Wednesday: 2 - 5 pm Thursday: 9 - 5 pm Friday: 9 am - 5 pm Residents needing help with clerical services during Clubhouse Office closure times can get help at the Health and Fitness Center (HFC). Please note, the Clubhouse Activities Office will be open Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm starting April 1. Tickets can be purchased online by scanning this QR code with your smartphone. HOURS TO OBTAIN CREDENTIALS AT THE CLUBHOUSE LW Residents: Amenity access cards & RFID tags WH Residents: Amenity access cards only Tuesdays: 10 am - 1 pm Wednesdays: 10 am - 1 pm Appointments can be made on an as needed basis. Gate clickers no longer work at the Thompson Nursery Road gate. Lake Wales Residents can stop by the Clubhouse Tuesday - Wednesday (10 am - 1 pm) and Winter Haven Residents can stop by the HFC during posted office hours to receive a RFID tag. Bring your government issued ID, vehicle, and vehicle registration to receive your RFID tag. PARKING REMINDER The Clubhouse circular driveway is a drop-off only area. Under no circumstances should vehicles be left unattended. An unattended vehicle in the driveway makes it difficult for emergency vehicles to access the Clubhouse in an emergency situation, which delays getting help getting to the person in need and every second counts. Under no circumstance should vehicles park in the circular drive. It is for golf cart parking only.

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RESIDENT TRAINING FOR VISITOR MANAGEMENT RESIDENT PORTAL The majority of residents have received their Amenity Access Cards and RFID tags and are getting acclimated to the new way of accessing the community and Clubhouse Amenities. There is another layer of the security system that we would like to introduce: the Visitor Management Resident Portal. This portal will allow residents to manage their guests and resident profile. Not only will Residents be able to register guests ahead of time, sending them a QR code to enter the community, they will also be able to sign up to receive notifications of guest arrivals at the gate, and much more. There will be 2 sessions on April 10 in the Clubhouse Ballroom, noon or 2 pm. No need to sign up — just show up to one of the two sessions. The training will be available via Zoom as well for those Personalized care in the comfort of home. Customizable and reliable in-home care, so you can experience a better what’s next. homeinstead.com/333 (863)294-9141 who may be away or otherwise unable to attend in person. After training all residents will receive a welcome email to set up their account. Please be sure to attend so you know what to do when you receive this email. AVOID A GATE STRIKE When entering Lake Ashton via the Thompson Nursery Road gate please stop at the stop sign and wait until the vehicle in front of you has gone under the gate before proceeding forward. Please ensure the gate is going in the downward direction before proceeding from the stop sign to ensure the reader has read your RFID tag. If you get too close to the vehicle in front of you it is possible the reader will not read your tag and start going down before you are able to cross. Waiting at the stop sign for the car in front to proceed will eliminate the need to back up so the reader can read your tag. Residents that hit the gate are charged a fee of $770. Please take your time entering the community to avoid this charge. 10


LACDD NEWS By Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director (cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com) Supervisors and Staff would like to wish residents a Happy Passover and Happy Easter. Staff welcomes guests visiting for the holidays and wishes safe travels to those leaving for the summer. Residents leaving can remain in touch with their community while away by reading the electronic version of the newsletter, participating in CDD meetings via Zoom, and keeping up to date with community happenings through email blasts. For those remaining in Lake Ashton throughout the summer, Staff is working hard to create a fun summertime activities schedule including the second Annual Summer Music Series featuring local bands playing at the Clubhouse and HFC from May - September. Check out the schedule on page 29. Also...Camp Lake Ashton is coming back this summer. More info to come in the June newsletter. In April be sure to get tickets to the last Entertainment Series Show for the season (Uptown - April 3) and don't forget to get your tickets for the Pool Party on April 13. There will be live entertainment and Charm City's grilled burgers and hotdogs with all the fixings including a cup of their delicious ice cream! April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month, a time to celebrate those who dedicate their time to be stewards of this community. This is a perfect time to recognize and say thank you to the volunteers who work hard to ensure Lake Ashton maintains its reputation of being “Simply the Best.” Lake Ashton has a plethora of Volunteers from the Governing Bodies (CDD, HOA, and ARC) and Public Safety Volunteers (NW, CAP, CERT) to Special Event Volunteers, Activities Desk Volunteers, Media Center Volunteers, Bowling Alley Pinsetter Volunteers, Club Facilitators, and more! These volunteers, among hundreds of others, work hard to ensure residents, like themselves, have an enjoyable experience at Lake Ashton. LACDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS CONTA CT INF O Brenda Van Sickle, Chair 863-324-6191 brenda.vansickle@lakeashtoncdd.com Michael Costello, Vice Chair 863-875-9228 or 732-718-7431 mcostello@lakeashtoncdd.com Debby Landgrebe, Assistant Secretary 863-268-8193 dlandgrebe@lakeashtoncdd.com Steve Realmuto, Assistant Secretary 863-949-0304, steve.lacdd@gmail.com Office Hours After Monday Coffee in the Clubhouse Ballroom Greg Ulrich, Assistant Secretary 863-969-7595 gulrich@lakeashtoncdd.com 12 March was full of many resident events, from the 17th Annual Fine Arts and Photography Show to the LA Purple Stars Walk for a Cure and St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser, BOLLA'S Trash to Treasure, and LAPAC's Annual Community Showcase, to name a few. Lake Ashton residents are truly amazing, not only because of their immense amount of talent, but their willingness to help those in need. A budget workshop and regular board meeting was held on March 17. The board reviewed the updated Reserve Study. During this time of year Supervisors and Staff are actively working on the preliminary 2026 budget. Residents are encouraged to attend both LACDD and LAIICDD meetings to be part of the budgeting process and let your opinions be heard. A wrap up report of actions taken at the March meeting was sent out on March 25.

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LAIICDD NEWS By Karen Van Kirk, LAIICDD Community Director (kvankirk@lakeashton2cdd.com) LA II CDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS Jim Mecsics, Chairman Public Safety & District Operations/Programs Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12 pm 863.875.4554, mecsicsj@msn.com Bob Zelazny, Vice Chairman Golf Course, Pro Shop, Eagle’s Nest, Facilities and Field Operation, Transportation System Office Hours: Mondays 1 to 3 pm 863.325.8098, bzelazny@lakeashton2cdd.com Bill Martin, Assistant Secretary Public Works & Infrastructure, Including Roadways Office Hours: Mondays from 10 to 11 am bmartin@lakeashton2cdd.com Duff Hill, Assistant Secretary Special Projects, Landscaping Area incl. Pet Play Parks Office Hours: Wednesdays from 11 am to 12 pm dhill@lakeashton2cdd.com Roy Aull, Assistant Secretary Facilities/Amenity Management Office Hours: Friday 9 to 10:30 am 973-670-2709, raull@lakeashton2cdd.com April usually represents a time of transition for Lake Ashton. Some of our 'Northern Friends' leave for their summer home, and you will be missed! We wish you safe travel and a happy, healthy summer from the HFC staff! If you are a chairperson for a seasonal activity, do not forget to schedule your group activities before you leave so that you can continue the fun where you left off this year! Paperwork will also need to be signed, so a visit in person to the HFC Activities Desk is required to complete the scheduling process. Exercise programs are again in full swing at the HFC. Our classes are well attended, and we are excited about the new programs and their implementation. HFC would like to introduce Rebekah Spangler as our new fitness instructor. On Monday she will instruct Chair Barre, which is low intensity, standing workout using a chair to help with balancing, while Tuesday's Pilates is a slower, low intensity full body workout. If you would like to know more about the classes, please stop by the Health and Fitness Center as there is written information about each class available in the wall kiosk. The HFC began issuing new Golf Cart Stickers in March. All golf carts must be registered for safety, identification, and accountability, thereby replacing Lake Ashton's existing golf cart stickers. Lake Ashton residents can get their new golf cart stickers at the HFC, Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. You will not want to miss the Chrome 57 Band on April 11, a throwback to those rock and roll days. April is also Volunteer Appreciation Month, and a special event will take place on April 25, at the HFC's Community Center, honoring Lake Ashton's Service Volunteers. Invitations for this event will be sent out by both the HFC and Clubhouse, who want to thank them for their overall generosity. Join the HFC for a Fiesta on Friday, May 2, in celebration of Cinco De Mayo which takes place historically on May 5. Lakes Ashton's House Band, Perfect Pitch will be performing, and the Eagles Nest will be providing tacos along with other Mexican-style food treats. You may purchase tickets for this event at the HFC's Activities Desk during the month of April. Please look for emails announcing meeting dates for the LA IICDD BOS meeting and the Winter Haven ARC and HOA meetings, as well as other activities taking place at the HFC. The HFC team thanks you for your continued support. 14

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17TH ANNUAL LA FINE ARTS & PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW By The Art Show Committee We wish to thank the over 400 residents who came to the show and hope you enjoyed it. Thank you to the generosity of the sponsors, who enabled guests to have free admission, iced tea and cookies: Authorized Appliance Repair, Boyett Family Dentistry, The Gallery & Frame Shop, Kevin Weltlin, State Farm Agency, Snowbird Heating & Cooling, and The Tessier Law Firm. Our hardworking committee members and volunteers worked very hard to give you a pleasant experience: Steve Bachleda, Ann Boogher, Charles Inman, Pam Klawinski, Sharon Makela, Marilyn Noffsinger, Lyn Rogers, and Larry and Joanne Hillock. Again, thank you for attending and participating; we’ll see you next year. PHOTOGRAPHY WINNERS: Pictorial: First: Barbara Comer Second: Steve Bachleda Third: Linda Ford Honorable Mention: Julian Polgar Nature: First: Barbara Comer Second: Brad Kirwan Third: David Birkholz Honorable Mention: John Candler People: First: Larry Hillock Second: Pam Klawinski Third: Renee Schupp Honorable Mention: NONE AWARDED Things: First: Patti Zakrajsek Second: Barbara Comer Third: Bill Winchester Honorable Mention: Joanne Hillock Creative: First: John Candler Second: Walter Ebner Third: Ron McKie Honorable Mention: Bill Winchester Best In Show: Renee Schupp 16 FINE ARTS WINNERS Painting (Oil or Acrylic) First: Lyn Rogers Second: Cathy Libra Third: Cathy Libra Honorable Mention: Charles Inman Painting – Watercolor First: Patty Wallner Second: Barbara Staschke Third: Sharon Makela Honorable Mention: Lyn Rogers Drawing/Illustration (pastels; colored pencils, pen & ink & graphic art) First: Karen Ferrande Second: Cathy Libra Third: Lyn Rogers Honorable Mention: Ron McKie Best In Show: Cary Davis NOBO TERMINATES By David Fix Friends and Neighbors, This is so difficult to write and I feel I not only failed in my 50-yo Bucket List to thru hike the 2,197 mile Appalachian Trail, but that I failed you too. I have decided on March 18th that I cannot continue this journey. As other hikers have found, the grueling daily hiking easily breaks down the body. Intense pain in feet, shoulders, hips and other areas of the body have taken any fun from the hike. I have hiked as low as 6 miles in a day to as high as 17 miles in a day. I have hiked in 18° days and 60° days. I have hiked in snow and ice and bright sunshine with blue skies. I have gotten my trail legs and have been able to keep up with others decades younger than me. Sadly, my body cannot continue any longer. It is with sadness (and embarrassment) that I have to return to Lake Ashton with my unfulfilled dream. Through tears I thank you for your encouragement and support. Editor’s Note: Chasing your dreams is never a wasted effort. Success isn’t just about reaching the destination—it’s about the courage to take the journey in the first place. Lake Ashton is proud of you, David! Thanks for sharing your journey with us.


L.A. LOOKS Wildlife Corner Photo & Article By Barbara Ann Comer The Northern Cardinal, a familiar and favorite bird of many, adorns numerous Christmas cards this time of year. Mrs. Cardinal may not be a Christmas-card-cover bird like her husband, but she is a subtle beauty in her own right with lovely hues of olive and tan tinged with red. She is one of the few female North American songbirds that actually sings! Many Lake Ashton residents do not realize what a common yearround bird this is in Florida. Residents who landscape with native plants, providing natural cover in their backyards, could be treated with a nesting pair. However, be prepared for them to attack their reflections in your house windows or your car's mirrors. It can be a battle to get them to stop their daily attacks once they have spotted a supposed interloper! Northern Cardinals are easily seen at Bok Tower Gardens at the bird feeder near the Window by the Pond. WHAT IS AN HOA ARC? By Bill Testa, LA II HOA President An HOA architectural review committee (ARC) is a committee that oversees architecture compliance in a Homeowners Association. Homeowners Associations typically have strict architectural rules that all residents must follow. The ARC ensures that homeowners adhere to these rules, and inspect and review architectural changes to ensure that the community retains its aesthetic appeal. In general, the responsibilities of the ARC include: • Managing the application and approval process for architectural modifications, improvements, and changes; 18 • Routinely inspecting homes in the community for any breaches or violations of the HOA’s architectural guidelines; • Reviewing the current architectural guidelines and proposing valuable changes to the HOA board; • Consistently enforcing the community’s architectural standards; • Reviewing architectural proposals and recommending decisions to the HOA board; • Conducting progress inspections for ongoing architectural modifications or improvements to ensure they follow the community’s standards; • Educating the homeowners on the architectural guidelines and the process for approval. The scope of authority for planned developments may include the following: • Lot setback requirements • Structure improvement and design • Exterior materials, paint colors, and finishes • Roofing materials and colors • Fencing • Landscaping • Solar panels • Satellite dishes The Architectural Review Process establishes a standard procedure when it comes to architectural change applications. This will help streamline the process and minimize any delays. If a homeowner violates the architectural rules, they can face a few possible penalties. State laws and governing documents permitting, penalties can include everything from fines to a temporary suspension of privileges. The HOA will order the homeowner to correct the violation or reverse an unapproved modification at the owner’s expense. In some cases, the HOA may also take legal action. Any resident member in good standing can join the ARC. The HOA collects fees from homeowners to maintain the community, covering upkeep and enforcing Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). Lake Ashton is a CDD Community, and the CDD Board is responsible to maintain the infrastructure, facilities and amenities. The HOA is responsible for the standards and appearance of the homes.

LA II (WH) HOA NEWS By Connie Strassberg, Treasurer Thank you to Sophia Brennan, Nancy Rudy and Charlie Statler, for organizing the "West Connection" BBQ hosted by the HOA. It was enjoyable meeting all who came. We hope you had a wonderful afternoon. The HOA's two flyer slots at the top of the flyer board at the Health and Fitness Center (HFC) currently contain "Email Contact Authorization Forms" and "Age Verification Forms". To get email notifications from LA2 HOA, you must submit a completed Email Authorization Form to our management company, Stambaugh. Pick up a copy of the form from our flyer slot; fill out the requested information; either mail the form back to Stambaugh or simply put it into the White HOA mailbox at the HFC. Age Verification of our homes' occupants is required by state law to be completed every two years. Every home in Lake Ashton West will soon receive a copy of the Age Verification form and instructions from Stambaugh. You can also pick up a copy of the form from our flyer slot. Please fill this form out according to the directions and return it to Stambaugh as quickly as possible. We do not want to risk losing our 55+ designation. If you are a snowbird please take care of this before leaving Lake Ashton. To have access to announcements, posted documents, directory, calendar, and more, sign up at https://stambaugh.cincwebaxis.com. . First time users: In the upper right hand corner of the page, you will find the button marked "Sign In”. Push this button and you will be prompted to sign up. The LA2 HOA Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the HFC (check at the front desk for location). The next meeting is scheduled for April 15. The agenda along with the time of the meeting will be emailed to all who are signed up to receive email. ARC meetings are the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 1 pm at the HFC (please check at the front desk for the location).ARC Tracker: arctracker.com; area: Lake Ashton 2. To contact the ARC, follow instructions in the ARC Tracker. 20 Central Native Plants of Florida By Lynn Davis The meadow garlic is an instant winner for anyone with a herb garden. This native variety grows well in sandy or clay soil. It’s a great companion for other alliums. This plant reaches approximately one foot tall and clumps or mounds. The meadow garlic will go dormant in the summer and fall. The plant is edible and also deer plus rabbit resistant. So plant it with your herbs or use as a deterrent for those munching critters. Enjoy the swaying and aroma of these white/ lilac blooms. LA II (WH) HOA BOARD • President Bill Testa, PresidentLA2HOA@gmail.com • VP- ARC Mike Brennan, VPArcLA2HOA@gmail.com • Secretary Joe Ellwanger, SecretaryLA2HOA@gmail.com • Treasurer Connie Strassberg, TreasurerLA2HOA@gmail.com • Asst Treasurer Ray Rudy, VPTreasurerLA2HOA@gmail.com LA (LW) HOA CONTACTS • Marti Schmidt, President/Treasurer president@lakeashtonhoa.org • John Donahue, VP & ARC Director vp@lakeashtonhoa.org • Glen Hart, VP2 & Compliance Director vp2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Tim Doyle, Secretary secretary@lakeashtonhoa.org • Deanne Mayne, Secretary 2 & Compliance Director, sec2@lakeashtonhoa.org


JOINT AMENI TY FACI L I T I ES POL ICI ES HIGHLIGHT This is an excerpt from the Joint Amenity Facilities Policies. The full policy can be found online at lakeashtoncdd.com and lakeashton2cdd.org. Questions regarding these policies can be directed to Christine Wells, LA(LW)CDD Community Director or Karen Van Kirk, LA(WH)CDD Community Director. Contact information can be found on page 3. xix. PONDS (FISHING) 1. Individuals may fish from any District owned Pond within the Lake Ashton Community Development District and Lake Ashton II Community Development District. Please check with the Amenity Manager for rules and regulations pertaining to fishing and for proper access points to these bodies of water. 2. No water crafts of any kind are allowed in the Ponds, except for small remote-controlled boats intended for recreational purposes. 3. Swimming, wading, and/or pets are not allowed in any Pond. 4. The Ponds may be occupied with Alligators and other wildlife that can present a danger to Individuals along the Pond banks. All Individuals should exercise Attorney Advertisement extreme caution, but Individuals must be especially mindful of the risk if small children or pets are present. They should not be left unattended. 5. Regarding Ponds within the Districts: a. The Districts have a “catch and release” policy for any fish caught in the Ponds because of the frequency of treatments with herbicides and fertilizers which may produce run-off into the Ponds. b. Individuals using the Ponds along the Golf Course must exercise extreme caution when Golfers are present and playing golf because of the risk of being hit by an errant golf ball or golf club. Individuals using the Ponds should position themselves away from the flight of any Golfer’s shot and be aware of Golfers hitting. Golf Carts being used by Individuals using the Ponds should be parked way from play and off the Pathways/ Bridges. WHAT FISH ARE LIVING IN LAKE ASHTON PONDS? Many Lake Ashton residents enjoy fishing in the community's ponds. Because of the frequency TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE’S TRANSITIONS Estate Planning Wills Trusts Asset Protection Elder Law Medicaid Planning Probate 863-220-7927 TessierLawFirm.com info@TessierLawFirm.com 520 6th St. NW Winter Haven, FL 33880 22 Attorneys Denise Tessier and David Fall of herbicide and fertilizer treatments that may cause run-off into the ponds, the district has a catch and release policy for all fish caught. Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, channel catfish, and Tilapia are the most common fish species in ponds. Largemouth Bass are fun to catch and are a popular sport fish in the community. These fish are predators that need a lot of small fish to eat in order to stay healthy and grow. A Bluegill is an example of a prey species. Tilapia is an invasive fish native to Africa. This species is a warm-water fish that cannot survive in water temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Residents may notice dead Tilapia along their pond's shore line during cold spells. If there are any questions or concerns, email Matt Fisher at mfisher@lakeashtoncdd.com.

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SAFETY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH (NW) CORNER By Fay Wood, NW Chief The Lake Ashton Neighborhood Watch “Meet the Police Chiefs Forum” took place at Monday Coffee on February 3. Chief Velasquez from the Lake Wales Police Department and Chief Vance from the Winter Haven Police Department were there to give City updates and answer questions from residents. On March 10, your Neighborhood Watch Team hosted an afternoon with Sheriff Grady Judd! It was standing room only, with community residents in full attendance. He updated residents on what the Sheriff's Office is working on and gave his perspectives on current issues. At the conclusion, he received a standing ovation and shared a photo opportunity with some of the NW Deputies and residents in the immediate area before leaving. NW leadership wants to thank all of you for coming out and making this event the success that it was! Stay tuned for more exciting updates along the way. • Check to see if the text is legit. Reach out to the tolling agency using a phone number or website you know is real — not the info from the text. • Report and delete unwanted text messages. Use your phone’s “report junk” option to report unwanted texts to your messaging app or forward them to 7726 (SPAM). Once you’ve checked it out and reported it, delete the text. • Learn more about spotting and avoiding text scams at ftc.gov/textscams. WILDLIFE ALERT - WATCH FOR ALL IGATORS Alligator courtship typically begins in early April, with mating occurring between May and June. Residents may notice male gators lifting their tails high and slapping the water with their jaws to create vibrations throughout the water during mating season. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds residents to be cautious when having fun in and around water. The FWC recommends keeping pets away from the water. FWC's Nuisance Alligator Hotline: 866.FWC.GATOR (392-4286). They will give you a reference number that will need to be provided to staff at the Clubhouse if the alligator is in a body of water in Lake Wales or to staff at the HFC if in a body of water in Winter Haven. Alligators and crocodiles are an important part of Florida's heritage and play a valuable role in the ecosystems where they live. Remember, it is illegal to feed or harass alligators. • Always give these reptiles a respectful distance — at least 10 feet — and always leave them alone. • Alligators are nocturnal (more active at night). After dark, avoid fresh and brackish bodies of water, though alligators sometimes lurk in salt water. Unprovoked bites will often occur at the edge of the water. • Never feed alligators; it encourages them to lose their natural fear of people. • Small animals, like pets, and small children are generally more at risk than large adults. To avoid a text scam like this: • Don’t click on any links in, or respond to, unexpected texts. 24 • Female alligators protect their nests by hissing and opening their mouths; this does not mean they are preparing to attack. • Alligators under four feet in length are not considered a threat to humans.

In Recognition of my Real Estate Work Curious about your home’s current market value? Call for a free Comparative Market Analysis. BRAD KIRWAN 863-280-0390 25

MOVI ES APRIL 2 — 3 (NO MOVIES APRIL 1, NO 11 AM SHOWING APRIL 2, NO 3 & 7 PM APRIL 3) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM THE OUTRUN 2024 | R | 1H 58MIN (Brief sexuality | Language) Rona (Saoirse Ronan), fresh out of rehab, returns to the wild Orkney Islands after more than a decade away. As she reconnects with the dramatic landscape where she grew up, memories of her childhood merge with the more recent challenging events that have set her on the path to recovery. APRIL 8 — 10 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM A COMPLETE UNKNOWN 2024 | R | 2H 21MIN (Language) New York, 1961. Against the backdrop of a vibrant music scene and tumultuous cultural upheaval, an enigmatic 19year-old from Minnesota arrives with his guitar and revolutionary talent, destined to change the course of American music. He forges intimate relationships with music icons of Greenwich Village on his meteoric rise, culminating in a groundbreaking and controversial performance that reverberates worldwide. Timothée Chalamet stars and sings as Bob Dylan in this electric true story behind the rise of one of the most iconic singer-songwriters in history. APRIL 15 — 17 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM THELMA 2024 | PG-13 | 1H 37MIN (Strong Language) Inspired by a real-life experience of director Josh Margolin's own grandmother, THELMA puts a clever spin on movies like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, shining the spotlight on an elderly grandmother as an 26 unlikely action hero. With infectious humor, Margolin employs the familiar tropes of the action genre in hilarious, age-appropriate ways to tackle aging with agency. In the first leading film role of her 70-year career, Squibb portrays the strong-willed Thelma with grit and determination, demonstrating that she is more than capable of taking care of business -despite what her daughter Gail (Parker Posey), son-inlaw Alan (Clark Gregg), or grandson Danny might believe. APRIL 22 - 24 (NO 11 AM & 3 PM APRIL 24) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM THE PIANO LESSON 2024 | PG-13 | 2H 7MIN Set in 1936 Pittsburgh during the aftermath of the Great Depression, The Piano Lesson follows the lives of the Charles family in the Doaker Charles household and an heirloom, the family piano, which documents the family history through carvings made by their enslaved ancestor. Stars Samuel L. Jackson and John David Washington, directed by Malcolm Washington. APRIL 29 — MAY 1 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM HAVOC 2025 | R | 1H 45MIN Walker (Tom Hardy) is a bruised detective fighting his way through the criminal underworld threatening to engulf his entire city. In the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, Walker finds himself with a number of factions on his tail; a vengeful crime syndicate, a crooked politician, as well as his fellow cops. When attempting to rescue the politician's estranged son, whose involvement in the drug deal starts to unravel a deep web of corruption and conspiracy, he is forced to confront the demons of his past. CLOSED CAPTIONING: 11 AM DAILY AND ALL TUESDAY SHOWINGS CINEMA CAPACITY: 55

FEATURE FILM FRIDAYS — CLASSIC AND SPECIAL INTEREST FILMS APRIL 25 AT 11 AM (NO 3 & 7 PM) DRAFT DAY 11 AM SHOWTIME IS CLOSED CAPTIONED MAY APRIL 4 AT 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM FOR LOVE & LIFE: NO ORDINARY CAMPAIGN 2024 | NR | 1H 22 MIN An emotionally gripping documentary illustrating the power of love and determination in the face of adversity. The film follows the life of Brian Wallach and his wife Sandra, in the aftermath of his ALS diagnosis at age 37. Exemplifying bravery, inspiration and hope, Brian and Sandra continue to fight against a broken system for their own future, while seeking to build a brighter one for countless others. APRIL 11 AT 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM AWAKENINGS 1990 | PG-13 | 2H 1MIN The story of a doctor's extraordinary work in the Sixties with a group of catatonic patients he finds languishing in a Bronx hospital. Speculating that their rigidity may be akin to an extreme form of Parkinsonism, he seeks permission from his skeptical superiors to treat them with L-dopa, a drug that was used to treat Parkinson's disease at the time. Stars Robin Williams in a dramatic role, alongside Robert DeNiro. Directed by Penny Marshall. APRIL 18 AT 11 AM (NO 3 & 7 PM) ON A WING AND A PRAYER 2023 | PG | 1H 42MIN In this extraordinary true story of faith and survival, On a Wing and a Prayer follows passenger Doug White's (Dennis Quaid) harrowing journey to safely land a plane and save his entire family from insurmountable danger, after their pilot dies unexpectedly mid-flight. 2014 | PG-13 | 1H 49MIN Sonny Weaver Jr. is the general manager of the Cleveland Browns. One of pro football's most important days, NFL draft day, is drawing near, but Sonny has much more on his mind than just which players to recruit. His lover is pregnant, and the team's owner wants to fire him. After Sonny accepts a deal with Seattle that nets him that team's first-round pick, he immediately wonders if he has made the right choice for himself and the Browns. SPECIAL RESTAURANT ADVERTISING SECTION ALL STAR GRILL 2019 SR 60 E., Lake Wales, FL 33898 (833) 679-9689, allstargrillfl.com Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11 am - 10 pm Friday & Saturday 11 am - 12 pm Happy Hour 2 - 7 pm Two time champions for best wings! Dine in or take out. Full bar with TVs, NFL Ticket, pool tables, darts, games. CHERRY POCKET STEAK N SEAFOOD SHAK 3100 Canal Rd., Lake Wales FL 33898 (863) 439-2031, cherrypocket.com Hours: Sun-Thurs 11 am-9 pm, Fri & Sat 11 am-10 pm. We offer Indoor & Outdoor Seating, Pick-Up, & Delivery THE CROOKED BASS GRILL & TAVERN 1010 N. Scenic Hwy., Babson Park, FL 33827 (863) 589-5887, crookedbass.com Hours: Mon - Thurs 11:30 am-8 pm; Fri & Sat 11:30 am-9 pm; Sun 12-7 pm We serve delicious Seafood, Steaks (including Prime Rib), Burgers, Pizza, Salads, Chicken, Pork Chops, Pasta, Wings, AYCE Specials & a Full Liquor Bar. OVATION BISTRO & BAR Locations in Winter Haven, Lakeland & Davenport ovationbistro.com Offer 1: Free appetizer or dessert with the purchase of 2 entrees/drinks Offer 2: $10 off the purchase of $60 or more Offer 3: Lake Ashton Residents get a free glass of house wine, beer or cocktail with any purchase. Bring this coupon to redeem.

EVENTS ENTERTAINMENT SERIES We’ve made it to the last show of the LAPAC SHOWCASE By Cheryl Winchester The Lake Ashton Performing Arts Corporation (LAPAC) would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all the residents who attended the LAPAC Showcase, “Four Seasons of Love.” Your support and enthusiasm brought the performance to life and made it truly special for the cast and crew, who cherished every moment. We also want to express our sincere appreciation to our generous sponsors: Mahalak Auto Group, Fay Wood, Ed Maxwell, Tessier Law Firm, Dan Murphy, Anita Piasecki, Estate of Bill Hoff, The Lake Ashton Women’s Bible Study Group, whose contributions make it possible for us to bring these events to fruition. Your support is invaluable and helps us continue to nurture the arts in our community. With the curtains drawn on this year’s showcase, the hard work now begins as we look ahead to preparing an even more spectacular production for next year. Thank you for being part of our journey, we can’t wait to create more memories with you all! EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE By Debby Landgrebe The blessing of Easter is nearly here so plan on attending, Lake Ashton Resurrection Easter Sunrise Service on April 20. Service will begin promptly at 7 a.m, at the Clubhouse garden/lawn, overlooking Lake Ashton (the chess set area). Come join your friends, neighbors, and guests on the lawn overlooking Lake Ashton, watch the sun rise while singing praises to the Risen Lord. Golf carts are welcome and seating will be available. A local Pastor will deliver an Easter message and as we experience the wonderful victory of Easter. If chilly, remember your blankets! An offering will be taken. See you there. Everyone is welcome. Any questions, please contact Debby 863-268-8193. series, Uptown on April 3! Tickets are still on sale for this group of men who combine smooth stylings of R&B with the fresh hits of today. Be sure to get your tickets online today for the 5 pm or 8 pm show! SIMPLY HEALTHY CHILI COOK-OFF The Simply Healthy group is sponsoring an all plantbased Chili Cook-off Wednesday, April 23 from 5:30 to 8 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. To enter the contest, bring your best homemade chili using all plant-based products — no meat or dairy, but beans, vegan meats and cheese are encouraged. Bowls and utensils will be provided, but feel free to bring your own (non-alcoholic) drinks. Contestants are free to enter via TicketLeap. Tasters can buy $5 tickets at the Clubhouse Activities Office cash or check made out to Judy Armstrong. Prizes will be given for the top three best chilis. Let’s show the community how plant-based foods can be tasty AND healthy! PEBBLES & PINES DANCE By Jill Groves The Pebbles & Pines Social Club is sponsoring a Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Dance at the HFC on May 3 from 7 to 10 pm. The social hour will be from 7 to 8 pm and DJ Itsy will be spinnin’ the tunes from 8 to 10 pm. The cost is $10 pp at the door. Table reservations may be made in advance for $10 at the HFC beginning on April 1. Bring your favorite snacks and beverages and a non-perishable food item or make a cash donation to the Lake Wales Care Center. Invite your friends and neighbors for an evening of fun while supporting a charitable cause. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the Lake Wales Care Center. 28

THE LINEUP: SUMMER MUSIC SERIES Jam out to these rad local bands with your friends & neighbors! Tickets go on sale April 5 online for Clubhouse Shows or April 7 at either Activities Desk. Shows at the HFC need to be purchased at the HFC ($10 table reservation and $10 each at the door) and shows at the Clubhouse need to be purchased at the Clubhouse ($15 each). CLUBHOUSE SHOWS May 23 – Indoor Block Party with Southbound Known as Polk County's "busiest" cover band playing a wide variety of music including Southern rock, classic rock, today’s rock, and even some country and blues. June 27 – So lo Cup Soiree with Free Whiskey A talented jam/rock/blues local band, the love and friendship between this bunch of vibrant, fun loving musicians is infectious and draws the listener into their dynamic sound. July 18 – Peace, Love & Music with This five-piece band plays all your favorite music from the 1960s, covering the incredibly wide range of styles of that historic decade. AUGUST 29 – Beach Party Bash with With over 15 years of experience, DJ ITSY ROC plays a wide variety of music, incorporating professional sound and lighting equipment to make your event unforgettable. September 26 – End of Summer Shindig with the Southshore Cruisers Band Lifelong musicians who tailor the best dance hits of the ‘60s, ’70s and ’80s to their 55+ crowds to keep their fans rockin’ on the dance floor. 29 HFC SHOWS MAY 9 - Speed Limit 70 An energetic and entertaining five-piece cover band that performs classic hits from the 1970s to the 2000s, with a strong focus on the iconic songs of the 70s and 80s. June 20 - Rusty Trumpet Band Be transported to a simpler time and become active participants, not just spectators. Enjoy tributes to famous personalities including Elvis Presley, Willie Nelson, Patsy Cline, Aretha Franklin, Louie Armstrong, Motown legends, and various rock stars, as well as disco and country. July 25 - Carlos and Company A husband & wife duo who perform hits from the 50's to the present in all genres. August 22 - The Dukes The Dukes keep the music of the 50's & 60's alive by singing their unique blend of Doo Wop and Rock & Roll. September 12 - Josh Blevins Josh Blevins started singing as a young boy and his voice carries a traditional yet current county sound! Get ready for an energetic and unforgettable night of live music.

TRI-SERVICE BIRTHDAY BALL By Cal Posner Individual tickets are now on sale for $55 at the Clubhouse Activities Desk (payable by check to LAVA). Tickets include downloadable arrival and table photos, plus a dinner catered by Cam’s Catering featuring top round of beef, chicken parmesan, sautéed green beans, garlic cheddar mashed potatoes, French rolls, garden salad, water, iced tea, lemonade, and birthday cake. A vegetarian option is available upon request at purchase. Charm City will provide a cash bar and a bottle of red and white wine per table. Music and entertainment will be provided by DJ Wayne. This event honors all U.S. military branches, with a focus on the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, which mark their 250th birthdays this year. Our theme: "Remembering the Past; Defending the Future." Dress for this milestone event is formal: service dress uniform, tuxedo or dark suit, formal pantsuit or cocktail dress. FAQs: • Who can attend? All Lake Ashton residents— veterans and non-veterans alike. • Is this a fundraiser? No. Some proceeds cover invited guests, including military widows and active-duty personnel. • Can I sit with friends? Yes. Purchasing a table (8 seats) guarantees group seating. Tables assigned at purchase. • When are tickets available? March 31–April 15 for Lake Ashton residents; remaining tickets open to the public. • Why is the dress formal? The event includes a modified military “Dining Out” with a formal ceremony. • Why June 14? On this date in 1775, the Second Continental Congress created the U.S. Army, followed by the Navy (Oct. 13) and Marine Corps (Nov. 10). Join us to honor the service and sacrifices of American Soldiers, Sailors and Marines who have fought for the last 250 years to protect you and the American way of life. 30

grillin’ . chillin’ . splashin’ . groovin’ April 13 3 - 6 pm Music, food & fun by the Clubhouse Pool Menu: Burgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, baked beans, ice cream, water, tea and lemonade. Cash bar - no outside alcoholic beverages permitted. Tickets: $20 online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. 31

CLUBS GARDEN CLUB By Pam Klawinski The recent Garden Club March meeting had Gene, The Barefoot Gardener, share his wealth of knowledge on preparing our gardens for summer. He answered the many questions from our Club members. The Lake Ashton Garden Club Plant Sale is Wednesday, April 9 from 9 to 11:30 am in the Pavilion. Everyone in the community is welcome. This will be the Garden Club's fourth annual fundraiser. This year there will be a variety of plants along with garden related items. A “silent auction” will be held from 10 to 10:30. Any plant or garden related items to be donated to the sale from the community are most welcomed and can be dropped off at the Pavilion on Tuesday, April 8 from 4 to 6 pm. The Garden Club does not collect dues. All monies from the fundraiser go towards upkeep of current and planned projects, guest speakers and other materials needed for club meetings. Lake Ashton's Garden Club appreciates your support. LA BELLES By Pam Straws All LA women are invited to a luncheon at Charm City on April 30 at 1 pm. This is a no hostess event. Please bring a friend! Sign up online. ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB By Susie Escoda The Italian American Club hosted its annual dance on February 28 with wonderful music and entertainment by Happy Days. You just had to get up and dance! A fun time was had by all. Tickets were sold out. Next year’s date is March 20, so get your tickets early. $400 was also donated to Homeless Seniors. The last gettogether of the Club until September is the annual Pizza Party April 17 at 6 pm at the HFC for pizza, salad and dessert. BYOB. No RSVP. Any questions call Susie at 863-206-6566. 32 GENEALOGY CLUB By Jane Imparl Come to our meeting April 9 at the HFC at 2 pm in the Craft room to learn more about how to research your family ancestors. Guest speaker Neil Brown, an associate with the Imperial Polk Genealogy Society, will be informing us of his Genealogy Society and other subjects pertinent to genealogy research. Questions? Contact Jane at 815-545-6655. Hope to see you there. LAVA AUXILIARY By Chris Graves Y'all are welcome to come to our April 16th meeting of the LAVA Auxiliary at 6:30 p.m. We meet at the Main Clubhouse near the stage. This month's meeting we will be sharing ideas for FUNd Raising Activities. Thanks to all who have shared their ideas. The LAVA Auxiliary is open to anyone who loves our country and wants to honor our active military and veterans. We have 2 FUNd raisers coming up: Satisfy your chocolate cravings by purchasing raffle tickets for 1 - 3 pound Milk Chocolate Rabbit and 1-3 pound Dark Chocolate Rabbit held on April 7. These were made and donated by our own Dottie Dernbach. Tickets are $5 for 14 tickets. Yes, $5 will get you 14 tickets! Tickets will be sold at Monday Morning Coffee and other events. It’s Bow Time! Patriotic Bows to honor veterans will be sold in April and May for $5 at Monday Coffee, both Activities Desks, and the Pro Shop. Show your patriotism and display the bows on mailboxes and golf carts the entire month of May. Not here in May? Auxiliary members will put up and/or remove your bow - fill out the form at the Activities Desks or sent via email blast and drop off at the HFC, Clubhouse or Pro Shop along with $5.


CAMERA CLUB By Larry Hillock LA BLACK HERITAGE CLUB By Charles Roland & Pamela June The April camera club meeting is Monday, April 14 at 10:30 am in the cinema. All LA residents with an interest in photography are welcome to attend. Last month we held a photo shoot at Lake Morton in Lakeland and at our March meeting Shelley Brodka spoke to us on portrait photography. This month we will welcome back professional photographer Reinier Munguia as our guest speaker. Club members are encouraged to bring along a few pictures on a USB drive to share with the group. Remember to visit the club’s Facebook page for further information, shared photos and club activities. This should be a good month to get outdoors and capture some great pictures. COMMUNITY GARDEN BUZZ: GROWTH, HARVEST AND MORE ! By Lynn Davis & Karen Macklemore Exciting things are happening at the Community Garden! With more raised beds in place, members have been busy planting and harvesting —our first crisp, homegrown lettuce was picked last month! A variety of veggies are thriving, and in March, we added beautiful pollinator beds to attract beneficial insects and create a peaceful space to relax. Want to get involved? Our next evening meeting on April 16 in the evening makes it easier for new and current members to participate. Whether you’re a gardening pro or just curious, stop by and see what we’re growing! Find us near the back exit onto Hwy. 653 and follow LA Community Garden Club on Facebook for updates. Come plant, learn, and connect with us! 34 One of the long-standing values of African Americans is the importance of family. Historically, Black families in America became grounded in taking care of extended family, distant relatives and family by association, not necessarily by blood. The historical and modern-day importance of the Black family is deeply rooted in resilience, unity, and community. This enduring sense of relatedness and mutual support has been crucial in overcoming the challenges of systemic racism and preserving cultural heritage. One aspect of Black family values is embracing each other despite shortcomings and recognizing the differences between our people. Today, the Black family remains a cornerstone of strength and identity in Black culture. Black family represents a community that fosters a sense of belonging and provides emotional and social support. By embracing our shared heritage, we continue to strengthen the bonds in our community and maintain unity and resilience for the future. LA SINGLES CLUB By Carol Corley The Lake Ashton Singles Club met last month to discuss activities. We also made a preliminary decision on adopting Senior Orphans in Polk County to provide Christmas in July — something we have been doing the past few years in addition to adopting some for Christmas. Our Single Orphans come from a list of Polk County elders who have no family and very little money. We provide gifts of things they request — and most are very simple and basic. We also discussed some fun activities that we could enjoy, such as a Bok Tower visit, or our Mingle, which takes place in the Pavilion from 4-6 p.m. the 4th Thursday of most months. And we learned about places to go strawberry and blueberry picking. Every Sunday at 2 p.m. we play cards (Five Crown) in the Clubhouse Ballroom, or the card room if the ballroom has been reserved, then it’s dinner out somewhere. Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 6 at 2 p.m., followed by cards. We hope you join us.

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LAKE ASHTON FRIENDS OF MEALS ON WHEELS By Marcia Santino This month we shine a spotlight on Meals on Wheels recipient, Alice, 83, who has been receiving meals for 5 years. She is a retired chef no longer able to prepare meals for herself. She calls MOW frequently and leaves long messages commenting on how good the food is that particular day. She also likes to give suggestions on what she would like to have to eat. “We love to get her messages. They are so positive and we enjoy how she comments on the food and volunteers. You can tell that she loves both! Meals on Wheels of Polk County loves to cheer and uplift our recipients. In Alice’s case she uplifts us as well – reminding us of how great a program Meals on Wheels is as we deliver meals to homebound recipients” said Executive Director Susan Eldridge. Please consider becoming a MOWPolk volunteer and/or joining Lake Ashton Friends of Meals on Meals (“LA FOMOW”) to help promote this very deserving non-profit organization in our community. To become a member or for more information please email lafomow@gmail.com. Reminder: Next “Third Thursday Second Chance Donation” drive is April 17. DUPLICATE BRIDGE By Don Fuller & Liz Leigh Duplicate bridge is played on Monday at 12:45 pm in the Clubhouse Card Room. The game is open to all residents regardless of skill level. Participants should have some experience playing bridge plus a partner is required. We have approximately 60 players in the group and can assist new players in finding a partner. Registering in advance is suggested by signing up in the Red Book in the Clubhouse Card Room, or by emailing Don at dfuller627@yahoo.com. February 17: North-South: 1st Howard Mayne & Nancy Golding; 2nd Jim Ford & Don Fuller; 36 3rd Maureen Ziegler & Nelda Sedlacek; East-West: 1st Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson; 2nd Janice Fleming & Tom Fleming; 3rd Liz Smith & Chris Verges February 24: North-South: 1st Jim Ford & ; 2nd Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson; 3rd Marion Nelson & Lois Dole; East-West: 1st Marian Oshinsky & Trish Kellar; Janice Fleming & Tom Fleming; 3rd Marge Kniat & Marti Dehn March 3: North-South: 1st Jim Ford & Don Fuller; 2nd Sonny Robinson & Pat Foster; 3rd Graham Littlehales & Jeannine Connors; East-West: 1st John Sammons & Pat Sammons; 2nd Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson; 3rd Marge Kniat & Marti Dehn March 10: North-South: 1st Sonny Robinson & Pat Foster; 2nd Marion Nelson & Lois Dole; 3rd Nelda Sedlacek & Maureen Ziegler; East-West: John Sammons & Pat Sammons; 2nd Graham Littlehales & Tom Fleming; 3rd Chris Verges & Marge Kniat LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Howard Mayne The Lake Ashton Democratic Club will hold their monthly meeting April 3 in the HFC Community Room at 6:30 pm with social time at 6:00 pm. The speaker will be Juanita Zwaryczuk. In addition, the Club will hold a Social on April 22 in the Clubhouse Ballroom at 5:30 pm. Pizza and beverages will be provided. Members are encouraged to bring a salad or dessert. Dishes can be coordinated with dee.mayne@gmail.com. Guests are welcome and encouraged for both events. Contact lakeashtondemocraticclub@gmail.com for more information. LA REPUBLICAN CLUB By Bud Colburn The Lake Ashton Republican Club will meet Wednesday April 23rd at the Clubhouse. Check-in and social time starts at 3:30 p.m. and the meeting begins at 4:00 p.m. The guest speaker is Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr., Mayor, Winter Haven. Guests are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!

3RD ANNUAL TOUR DE LA By Bob LeMaster All bicycle riders (two wheel, trikes, recumbents, ebikes, anything that moves by pedaling) are invited to join the Lake Ashton Pedalers on April 12 at noon at the HFC for a group fun ride. The objective of the ride is to promote a healthy and fitness-oriented lifestyle. There will be ten- and twenty-mile routes through the neighborhoods of Lake Ashton, ending back at the HFC. Bring your pedaled mode of transportation to the HFC and join in. Handouts showing the routes will be available, plus the route will be marked with arrows on signs. Lake Ashton Pedaler and Lake Ashton CERT volunteers will be available to help you find your way or provide assistance if needed. It’s recommended that you bring water or a beverage along to consume during the ride. For your safety, a helmet is strongly recommended and all participants will be required to sign a waiver the morning of the ride. Questions? Call Bob at 731-514-0628. We look forward to seeing you on April 12! LA PICKLEBALL By Coach Dennis Santino We all moved into a 55 plus community to enjoy an active lifestyle. There is no better way to do this then joining the Lake Ashton Pickleball Association (LAPA) community pickleball club. Enjoy the game, meet new friends and participate in many fun activities. There is something for everyone. Whether you want to participate in recreational play or join one of our competitive leagues there is something for everyone. Come join us for open play Monday though Saturday 8-11 AM and see for yourself. There is no better way to get some exercise and fresh air. I am Coach Dennis and I invite you to attend one of my two-day Newbie Clinics to learn the fundamentals of Pickleball, offered the first and second Mondays of each month, Nov - May. If you find that the game is for you, I encourage you to join LAPA to be eligible to participate in our many club activities including potlucks, fun days, mixer events, tournaments, Halloween Games, Sadie Hawkins Games, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day events. The membership is only $12 a year. If you 37 retired to have fun, meet new people and enjoy life then LAPA is a wonderful way to achieve your goal. Looking forward to seeing you at the courts! FRIENDLY BOCCE GROUP By Stephanie Iszak All Lake Ashton residents to come out on Mondays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm to play some fun games of Bocce Ball. No experience is required. Anyone who is playing would be more than happy to teach you and go over the Lake Ashton Friendly Bocce Ball rules and regulations. Friendly Bocce Tailgate parties for 2025 will be held January through April from 4 to 6 pm on the first and third Fridays of the month. Bring your non-alcoholic drinks and an appetizer to share (alcohol may be purchased at Charm City). This is a great opportunity to socialize and play some games. Contact Stephanie (609-980-9505, siszak@comcast.net) or Tammy (863-632-2024, tammy.shields1221@gmail.com) with any questions. Looking forward to having many new Friendly Bocce players.

LA TENNIS By Alan Binkelman no cost to joining our group, just a donation of a sleeve (3 tennis balls) per month. Tennis is Our annual Tennis Group Social was held on February 18 at the HFC. A great time was had by all thanks to our outgoing President, Deb Grabb and several other volunteers. Great food and desserts were enjoyed by everyone. After dinner, donated door prizes were won by 15 lucky attendees. Next, election of a new president was held, and Alan Binkelman was the overwhelming choice. We are all looking forward to another fun year for our social and challenge tennis members. Anyone interested in joining our tennis group is welcome regardless of ability. There is offered at two levels: - Social tennis- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 am perfect for beginners. - Challenge tennis- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 am for more advanced players. All new players are welcome! Tennis is played at the newly refurbished courts located at the Clubhouse (Lake Wales side of Lake Aston). We are a super friendly group and welcome new players regardless of skill. Hope to see some new faces on the courts. For more information call or text Alan Binkelman at 262-470-1061. LA ROCKERS By Annie Lutz Have you been walking and found a rock with a message on it that brought you some joy or a smile? The LA Rockers continue to paint and hide rocks throughout the community to spread kindness. We so appreciate it when you post a picture of your find on the Facebook page “Talk of Lake Ashton” because it not only shows us that our rock was found, but it brings a smile to those who see your post. Thank you for spreading the kindness! You can keep your rock or re-hide it to share it with others. If you might be interested in joining us, we have an orientation class on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm at the HFC. Just drop an email to MJ at mjmrichards517@gmail.com, and she will set you up with all the supplies you need for your first try at us! THIS IS WHERE NEW MEMORIES ARE MADE CRUISE & LAND VACATIONS Sally & Ear l Schle y 863-308-295 0 | earl.schley@cruiseplanners.co m www.SandEtravelplanners.co m sally.schley@cruiseplanners.co m FLST # 3906 8 • CST # 2034468-5 0 • HST # TAR-705 8 • WAST # 603-399-50 4 38

Bronze Medals in Table Tennis: JAY BROOKS & DOUG EPLER, below left, Doubles VINCENT LITTLE, below, Singles CYNDY BERRY, left, won gold in Sudoku, age group 70-74 KATIE O’SHEA, below, won gold in archery (plus, broke the Florida state record! She also recently got a second at the Florida State tourney and a second at the Florida State Senior Games.) TOM PAVEL & RICHARD GILCRIST, above left, Doubles GINA KRALL & RICHARD GILCRIST, above right, Mixed Doubles PAMELA JUNE, right in red, won gold in Scrabble, and bronze in Senior Smarts HOWARD MAYNE, right, won gold in chess CHARLES ROLAND, pictured left with Pamela, won silver in Senior Smarts CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS & WINNERS!

MIND&BODY SCAN WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO SIGN UP FOR CLASSES & EVENTS AT THE CLUBHOUSE! TRIVIA IN THE BALLROOM Lake Ashton Sunday Night Trivia will be played every Sunday Night in the Clubhouse Ballroom. There is a maximum of eight players per table, but no minimum. Bring $1/person to play. All money is returned to the winning tables. Trivia starts at 7 pm. Doors open at 6 pm, so come early, bring snacks, pick your favorite table and socialize. CHARM CITY TRIVIA Charm City Trivia is held every Tuesday Night in the Restaurant beginning at 6 pm. You can have a group or just come and play. Each group can have up to eight players. Charm City Gift cards will be awarded to the 1st , 2nd , and 3rd place winners. Reserve your table. Come early, have dinner, a few drinks, socialize, and HAVE FUN. We look forward to seeing everyone. LUNCH & LEARN Get the Facts, Stay Covered, Live Confidently This Lunch & Learn on April 23 at 11:30 am in the Craft Room is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of Medicare options as well as other options that complement or supplement every situation. A big focus of the seminar will be focused on breaking down some of the complexities of Medicare-based options into bite-sized, easy-to-understand information, so you can feel confident with your decisions. The event will include an informative presentation followed by an interactive Q&A session, ensuring questions aren't left unanswered. Whether you're new to Medicare or just looking to clarify your options, this seminar is the perfect opportunity to get the facts and stay covered. Free! Sign up online today! 40 LORRIE’S LINE DANCING Every Thursday in April at the HFC 1 pm Beginner, 2 pm Improver Come join us this month and learn how to Line Dance! It’s a good way to keep moving and exercise while having fun! TAP JAMMERS Facilitator: Julie Bombard (jbombard73@gmail.com) Fridays, 10 to 11 am HFC Sport Court or Clubhouse Stage. Free! LINE DANCING: NEWBIES & BEGINNERS Instructor: M. Christine Baxter Tuesdays 6 to 7 pm: Newbies (no experience needed) 7 to 8 pm: Beginners (basic steps known) Thursdays 9 to 10 am: Newbies (no experience needed) 10 to 11 am: Beginners (basic steps known) Free — bring your own water for hydration. LA DANCE CLASS - NIGHTCLUB TWO STEP Instructor Connie Wilkinson, certified DVIDA instructor (863.875.6728) Mondays 4:30 to 5:30 pm, HFC Community Room FREE and no partner needed. BEADING IN THE BALLROOM Join The Art of Beading to make your own wrap bracelet Friday, April 11 at 11:30 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom. All materials and instructions will be included for $10 which is due at the class. Sign up online today! TECH CLASS Q&A for any questions on all types of phones, tablets, and computers. April 29 at 1 pm Clubhouse Craft Room Free. Sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office.

CARDS FOR ALL AGES Make these cards on April 2 at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Craft Room. Please bring your "travel kit" which includes scissors and your favorite adhesive (liquid glue or tape runner). Cost for the class is $5. If you need liquid glue or double sided tape runners we sell it for $4/bottle. Class is limited to 18 but we can squeeze in a couple of extras if needed. Text Marianne at 860-712-9440 or Judy at 650-678-1174 to attend. You must reserve your spot. CREATE A CARD April 15 at 10 am in the HFC Sports Court. A guest expert will provide instruction, from beginner to expert, all supplies and equipment, and three beautiful cards to take home for $12. No experience needed. Sign up at the HFC. Call Karen at 262-497-3272 with questions. 42

BODY MIND SOUL Simply Healthy Everything is Connected MONDAYS ✴ 9 am: Total Body Toning - HFC ✴ 10 am: Chair Barre - HFC ✴ 11 am: Classical Stretch - HFC ✴ 12 pm: Aqua Pump - HFC Pool ✴ 3 pm: Free Virtual Meditation Session via Zoom: yogawinterhaven@gmail.com TUESDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - Clubhouse Pool ✴ 9 am: Chair Yoga - Clubhouse Ballroom, $5, no equipment or experience needed ✴ 9 am: Dynamic Cardio Movement - HFC ✴ 10 am: Functional Fitness - HFC ✴ 11 am: Pilates - HFC Community Center ✴ 4 pm: Aqua Motion - HFC Pool WEDNESDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - Clubhouse Pool ✴ 8:45 am: Yoga Share - Clubhouse Ballroom ✴ 9 am: Core Conditioning & Strength - HFC ✴ 10 am: Aqua Locomotion - HFC Pool FRIDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - Clubhouse Pool ✴ 9 am: Instructor's Choice - HFC ✴ 10 am: Aqua Pump - HFC Pool SATURDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - Clubhouse Pool ✴ 10:30 am: Fit Body By Clinton - HFC - $5 SUNDAYS ✴ 10 am: Well-being Is Now (W.I.N.) with Rea - HFC - $5 PUT YOUR BEST FACE (AND NECK) FORWARD April 17 at 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom Learn Facial Toning Exercises and Practices to help you relax your autonomic nervous system, improve circulation to the skin, and feel more calm in social situations. $5. 43 THURSDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - Clubhouse Pool ✴ 9 am: Dynamic Cardio Movement - HFC ✴ 10 am: Pilates - HFC ✴ 11 am: Classical Stretch - HFC ✴ 11 am: Hatha Yoga with Gina - HFC ✴ 4 pm: Aqua Motion - HFC Pool

GOLF LWHS GIRLS GOLF + LALGA By Jackie Dressler The LALGA has created a committee to support the Lake Wales High School Girls Golf team. What started as a simple donation has morphed into an ongoing commitment to support and mentor the girls team. The committee will be supporting the Girls Team in three areas. First, encouragement and mentorship through attending some practices and matches, along with arranging skills clinics at Lake Ashton. Second, through an event of nine holes playing with LALGA members and a light meal afterwards in the Eagles Nest. We feel showing the young women how they will be able to use the game of golf for fellowship (not to mention business) into their nineties! Third, ongoing fundraising support. Lake Wales High School is a Title I school, so very little funding and discretionary funds. The Girls Team currently works on a budget of $500 per year. The team has achieved high as 5th overall in the State. Usually there are between 8-12 young ladies on the team. The first needs identified by Coach Stacey Butcher were for uniforms and push carts. On March 6. 2025 Jackie Tressler, Dori Krogman, and Lynne Abbott on behalf of the LALGA presented the first donations of push carts, four sets of ladies clubs, numerous pieces of golf apparel, monetary support, and a member’s donation to cover the cost of uniforms and perhaps some swing training needs. This was without the committee even beginning to develop a process for donations and fundraising! Once steps are in place for future support and fundraising, we will be encouraging donations. Pictured L-R: Dori Krogman (LALGA VP), Jackie Tressler (Committee Chair), Natalia Moreno, Maddie Arthur, Kylie Schick, Gabby Stafford, Nidhi Masani, Bowen Keene, Ally Donley, Coach Stacey Butcher, Lynne Abbott (LALGA Treasurer) WWW.BROCKSWINDOWCLEANING.COM

LAMGA By David Kubissa Bill Ferrieri lines up a putt on No. 2 East before sinking it for a birdie. A well-worn weather proverb describes March as a month that comes in like a lion. That saying aptly applied to the start of the 2025 Member-Guest tournament, March 6-8, amid gusty winds that pounded the first day of play. But over the next two days, the weather turned tame for the 120 golfers who vied for prizes in an atmosphere of camaraderie and love of golf. This year’s event drew a record number of sponsors – 74 in all, and their generosity helped underwrite the gifts and prizes that went to the 10 flights of golfers. You can find a complete list of the top three finishers in each flight on the LAMGA web page on lakeashtonliving.com. Use the LAMGA link under the “Community” listing in the main menu. What was arguably a highlight of the event occurred during a practice round when Jeff Fleming, partnering with his dad Tom, launched what he described as a 177-yard shot that found the bottom of the cup on No. 2 East. Had Jeff done so on Day 2, he would have earned a $50,000 gift certificate toward a vehicle at Huston Cadillac in Lake Wales. There must be good golf genes in the family. Tom had two closest to pins on Day 1. Huston was one of eight major sponsors whose contributions were crucial to the tournament’s success. Art’s Golf Carts and Snowbird Heating and Cooling provided prize money for nine closest-to-the pins. Red Hoagland Hyundai sponsored prizes for a shootout. Chris Bruser of Mutual of Omaha, Burris Warner of Amerity Financial, Ryan Bates of Bates Capital, and Jr Golf Carts covered the cost of meals. Mahalak Auto Group, also a major sponsor, contributed to the general tournament fund. See the LAMGA web page for a full list of sponsors. Red Hoagland Hyundai Challenge standings through Feb. 28: 1. Pat O'Neil $47.50; 2. Jim Salb $42.50; 3. Ron Goldade $ 41.75; 4. Darrell Reid $ 41. Pictured: On No. 2 East, golfers shared the tee box with a Huston Cadillac SUV that gave them a sample of what they might buy with a $50,000 gift certificate for a hole in one. 45 Tournament Chairman Tim Wayt welcomes golfers during a pretournament party at the Eagle’s Nest. LA NINERS By Sandy Hockenberry Welcome Tassy DeAngelo to the Niners! We all look forward to golfing with you this season. If you are interested in joining a fun group of women Tuesday mornings for nine holes of golf, please stop at the Pro Shop and fill out an application. April games will be: April 1: Modified Alternate Shot with Closing Day Luncheon and Events following golf at the Eagles Nest. New officers will be introduced to the membership. (Team Game) April 8: Par 3 Scramble (Team Game) April 15: 1 Best Net on even holes / 2 Best Nets on odd holes (Individual Game) April 22: Las Vegas Scramble, followed by Lunch with Friends (Team Game) April 29:Convert 1 hole to Par (Individual Game) The Niners got a little wet on the first day of the Niners 2-Day Ringer Tournament, but the second day was the perfect weather for golf. Congratulations to the winners: Combo Flight – Tied for 1st Gross: Lisa Snook/Brenda Bowden and Liz Meigel/Diane Struble; 1st Net and Most Improved: Linda Reardon/Cecily Harmon Green Flight #1 – 1st Gross and Most Improved: Nancy Collina/Evana Scianna; 1st Net: Laverne Anderson/Gerry Krigelski Green Flight #2 – 1st Gross: Terry Moskalik/Marge Schwartz; 1st Net: Mary Lopez/Beth Buie; Most Improved – Jan Wagner/Sharon Connell Closest to the Pin #3 West Round 1 Mary Lopez and Round 2 Nancy Scali

LALGA By Beverly Hines Beat the Pro league play was held on February 25. Sixty-two LALGA members played in the event. Congratulations to the 20 ladies (10 teams) who Beat the Pros with their net scores against the Pros gross scores. It was a fun event! The annual West vs East event was held on March 11. LALGA members who live in the West partnered up and played against partnered members on the East. One best net of partners in match play by handicap resulted in the West capturing the victory this year. A luncheon in the Eagles Nest followed play. LALGA Play Day and Closing Luncheon with the annual meeting is April 8th. The primary purpose of the closing luncheon is to present awards to the members for accomplishments in golf and to formally announce the elected officers for the upcoming season. Elections for the office of VicePresident and Treasurer were held in March. New officers will begin their terms on June 1. LALGA Play Days will continue during the spring and summer months. Dates and information about the Play Days are posted on the LALGA bulletin board in the Pro Shop. Congratulations to Lydia Fichtman on her Eagle on Hole #7 East February 18, Janice Fleming on her Eagle on Hole #1 West February 25, and Mary Lou Wheat for a hole in one on Hole #8 East March 4. 2024 WOMEN’S NATIONAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Donna Larsen, 2024 LALGA Club Champion, participated in the 5th Annual PGA National Club Championship in Greensboro, GA, March Pictured: Lisa Kennedy and Deb Louder rece ived the honor of playing with the Pros, Matt Auen and Ian Petersons on February 25 for the LALGA Beat the Pro event. 8 – 10, sponsored by Taylormade. Competition rounds took place across Reynolds’ Great Waters, Oconee, and National (Ridge and Cove) courses. This invite-only tournament field is made up of the top amateur golfers from around the country who have won their club championship during the 2024 calendar year. The championship brings together a wide variety of golfers from all 41 PGA Sections and all 50 states. The championship is a 3-day, 54 hole stroke play competition with Women’s (Any Age), Senior Women’s (50+) and Legend Women’s (65+) divisions, each with separate prizing. Donna’s division was the legends 65+. She had 69 in her field and after 36 holes ended up tied for 30th. She said, “For the most part I am happy with my play this weekend and the difference between top 20 and top 30 was two shots into the wind and rain that came up 1 yard short. So Close. Having an opportunity to compete in an event like this, although nerve wracking and exhausting, is an experience that should not be missed. You learn a lot about yourself and your game. You meet women from all over the country and you hear a lot of ‘I played with you last year.’” This was Donna’s second time playing in a National Club Championship. Lifetime Limited Warranty Guaranteed Low Pricing 12 Months No Interest1 Free No-obligation In-home Quotes 863-400-5082 • WindowWorldPolkCounty.com 101 Industrial Blvd. West, Winter Haven, FL This Window World® franchise is independently owned and operated by Window World of Polk County Inc. d/b/a Window World of Lakeland under license from Window World Inc. Fully licensed & insured. License No. CBC1257854 Previous sales are excluded and offers cannot be combined. Minimum 10% down required when ordering. ¹No interest if paid in full within 12 months with regular monthly payments. Bank approval needed. Must qualify. Ask for details.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS AND PARTICIPANTS OF Fine Arts & Photography Show Lake Ashton’s 17th Annual The Committee would like to thank all who attended, the judges, and sponsors of this year’s show. Above: PHOTOGRAPHY BEST IN SHOW WINNER Renee Schupp Right: FINE ARTS BEST IN SHOW WINNER Cary Davis SEE P. 16 FOR FULL LIST OF WINNERS

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