   Vol. 32, No.35 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net Free Every Friday 781-286-8500   Your Local News in 6 Languages! Scan Here to Subscribe! Friday, September 1, 2023 Councillor requests information on Gov.’s state of emergency on migrants MIGRANTS | SEE Page 2 seeking information about any available state funding to help the city off set the eff ects of the migration. “It’s been said that there’s more here than we anticipated already,” said Cogliandro, who added, “If we’re going to EARLY VOTING AND VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE The Preliminary Election is on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The Polls open at 7:00 am and close at 8:00 pm. ANTHONY COGLIANDRO Ward 3 Councillor By Barbara Taormina W ard 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro asked this week that the acting mayor, the school superintendent and members of Revere’s state delegation provide information to the community about the state of emergency declared by Gov. Maura Healey concerning the infl ux of migrants into Massachusetts. Cogliandro wants to learn what impact the migration will have on the city, its available shelter facilities and local schools. Cogliandro is also Early voting is available for the Preliminary Election to all registered voters in the City of Revere. Registered voters wishing to cast an early ballot may do so in person at Revere City Hall, 281 Broadway on: Saturday, September 9, 2023 Sunday, September 10, 2023 Monday, September 11, 2023 Tuesday, September 12, 2023 10:00 am-2:00 pm 10:00 am-2:00 pm 8:00 am-7:00 pm 8:00 am-5:00 pm Wednesday, September 13, 2023 8:00 am-7:00 pm Thursday, September 14, 2023 8:00 am-5:00 pm The deadline to register to vote or submit voter registration changes for this election is Saturday, September 9, 2023. The Election Department will be open from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Online voter registration is also available at https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr. The Pleasant Street entrance to Revere City Hall is accessible for people with disabilities. If you have any questions, contact the Election Department by phone at (781) 286-8200. be providing help, we should have a plan.” Cogliandro said if incoming migrants needed a place to stay, VOTACION TEMPRANA Y LA FECHA LÍMITE PARA REGISTRARSE PARA VOTAR La Elección Preliminar es martes, 19 de septiembre de 2023. Las urnas abrirán a las 7:00 am y cerrarán a las 8:00 pm. La votación temprana está disponible para la Elección Preliminar para todos los votantes registrados en Revere. Los votantes registrados que deseen emitir una votación temprana pueden hacerlo en persona en Ayuntamiento de Revere, 281 Broadway en: Sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2023 10:00 am-2:00 pm Domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023 10:00 am-2:00 pm Lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2023 8:00 am-5:00 pm 8:00 am-7:00 pm Martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023 8:00 am-5:00 pm Miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2023 8:00 am-7:00 pm Jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2023 La fecha límite para registrarse para votar o para hacer cambios a su registración de votante para esta elección es sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2023. El Departamento de Elecciones estará abierto de 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Registración de votante en línea está disponible también en https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr . La entrada por la calle Pleasant del Ayuntamiento de Revere es accesible para las personas discapacitadas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame al Departamento de Elecciones al teléfono: (781) 286-8200. that the empty Amazon facility should be considered as a shel

Page 2 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 ~ GUEST COMMENTARY ~ Revere deserves better from Massachusetts Water Resources Authority By Alexander Rhalimi I n the upcoming Revere City Council elections, one candidate stands out as a potential advocate for change: Alexander Rhalimi. As a candidate for Revere Councillor at Large, Rhalimi has demonstrated a deep commitment to addressing a critical issue that aff ects every resident: the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's (MWRA) management of water resources. Our 51st Anniversary Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! ALL MAJOR BRANDS Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES SMOKER’S DELIGHT! 15 HANDMADE CIGARS! Four-Year-Old Tobacco * 100% Long Filler * Cellophane $43.95 STORE HOURS: Mon. - Sat.: 9AM - 7PM Sunday & Holidays: 9AM - 6PM R.Y.O. TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! WE MAKE ALL HOUSE KEYS! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 MIGRANTS | FROM Page 1 ter since there is plenty of room available there. City Council President Pro Tempore Joanne McKenna said she received a call from the emergency director last week that a number of people were brought and just left in Revere and neighboring communities. “The state dropped the ball, the federal government dropped the ball, they didn’t communicate with us that those people were here,” said McKenna. “These people had nothing,” continued McKenna, who explained that a program was started to provide diapers and other personal hygiene supplies to the migrants. But Mckenna seemed most concerned about the tone of conversation taking place on social media about the infl ux. “We are people, we are all human beings. We’re all the same,” said McKenna, adding that she was troubled by the hatred spewing on Facebook about the migrants. “I just don’t understand it,” she said. “Revere has always been there for everybody. We have to love one another. Let’s step up, Revere and help these people.” Chris 2023 For far too long, Revere has been subject to the ineffi ciencies and shortcomings of the MWRA's water management practices. Residents have experienced water quality issues, high bills, and a lack of transparency in decision-making. Alexander Rhalimi’s campaign highlights the urgent need for reform in how the MWRA operates, emphasizing the importance of clean, accessible, and aff ordable water for all. Rhalimi’s comprehensive approach to tackling these issues showcases his dedication to ensuring that Revere receives the treatment it deserves. His proposals include advocating for increased community involvement in water resource decisions, pushing for greater oversight of the MWRA’s actions, and championing initiatives to improve water infrastructure. Revere deserves a leader who will actively engage with the MWRA to secure fair water rates, safe drinking water, and eff ective water resource management. Alexander Rhalimi’s platform aligns with the aspirations of Revere’s residents, promising a more transparent, responsive, and accountable MWRA. By electing Rhalimi as Councillor at Large, Revere can take a signifi cant step towards holding the MWRA accountable for its actions and ensuring that residents receive the high-quality water services they deserve. In this pivotal election, Revere has the opportunity to demand better from the MWRA and secure a brighter, healthier future for all. Alexander Rhalimi’s candidacy off ers a ray of hope and a chance for meaningful change. It’s time for Revere to seize this opportunity and vote for the candidate who will prioritize the city’s water resources and the well-being of its residents. (Editor’s Note: Alexander Rhalimi is a candidate for Councillor-at-Large. Campaign contact email: Vote@RhalimiforRevere.org Website: www.RhalimiforRevere.org.)

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 3 ~ LETTER TO THE EDITOR ~ I believe there is only one candidate for the job Dear Friends and fellow Revere voters, On September 19th the city will go to the polls to vote in Revere’s Primary Election for Mayor. Over the past few months, I’ve received several emails and texts asking me who I believe is the most qualifi ed candidate. I believe there is only one candidate with the experience and temperament for the job, Dan Rizzo. Dan’s fi rst tenure as mayor was met with some extreme adversities. The fi rst ever tornado that devastated many of our neighbors’ homes. A winter that paralyzed not just Revere, but the entire state. And of course, the missed opportunity to host one of the most successful casinos on the east coast. Yet, through all these adversities Mayor Rizzo maintained his composure, he understood the struggles we were going through and rose to the challenges. In essence, he did the job that was expected of him, and he did it well. Unfortunately, during this time, there were people lurking in the weeds looking to take advantage of the situation while Mayor Rizzo was focused on restoring harmony to our city. It quickly became apparent that these people lurking in the weeds, waiting for an opportunity to strike, were only concerned with their own interests and agenda. Something that over the last administration became clearly obvious. Once they accomplished their goals, they abruptly left Revere for other personal opportunities, leaving Revere in disarray. ~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ The Greater Boston Labor Council endorses Alexander Rhalimi for Revere City Council at Large R epresenting more than 100,000 hardworking families, 24 cities and towns, and dozens of affi liated unions, the Greater Boston Labor Council released a statement endorsing Alexander Rhalimi for Revere City Council at Large. Darlene Lombos, chief offi cer and Executive Secretary of the Council released this statement: “I am pleased to inform you that the Greater Boston Labor Council has endorsed your candidacy for Revere City Council at Large. Thank you for engaging in our endorsement process and for pledging to fi ght together for our communities.” In Alexander Rhalimi, we fi nd a candidate who isn’t just running for offi ce, but running to uplift our community. His diverse policy platform reflects his unwavering dedication to a Revere that is inclusive, prosperous, and responsive to the evolving needs of its diverse residents. As we stand at the crossroads of our city’s future, let us choose a leader who will guide us toward progress and unity. Let us choose Alexander Rhalimi for Revere Councillor at Large. Alexander Rhalimi, candidate for Councillor at Large, Email: Vote@rhalimiforrevere.org Website: www.rhalimiforrevere.org Phone number 617.312.4755 During his tenure as mayor, Dan Rizzo negotiated positive commercial development like Market Basket while others were burdening our city with apartment buildings and condominiums – thousands of them. This type of development only benefi tted the developers and not the residents of Revere. While there is very little we can do to change these facts now, we can strive to get Revere back-ontrack. To do this we need to restore strong qualifi ed and compassionate leadership. I believe that starts with re-electing Dan Rizzo as Mayor of Revere. To that end, I ask that you please consider voting for Dan Rizzo in the September primary and again in the November General Election. Thank you for your time, understanding and most importantly, your consideration. Revere needs our help now. Respectfully, Richard Ireton HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY LABOR DAY! ANGELO’S FULL SERVICE 1978-2023 Celebrating 45 Years in Business! Regular Unleaded $3.499 MidUnleaded $3.989 Super $4.189 Diesel Fuel $4.189 Heating Oil at the Pump $4.759 $3.64 9 DEF HEATING OIL 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN A  A Hours. Mon.-Wed. 6AM - 6PM / Thurs. & Fri. 6AM - 7PM / Sat. 7AM / Sun. 9AM-5PM Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net                                        Prices subject to change    FLEET

Page 4 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 If a City Councillor tells you the truth, THEY CARE ABOUT YOU... If they tell you what you want to hear, they care about themselves! Keefe campaign wins important endorsements Organizations that represent working families line up behind Acting Mayor Keefe I AALWAYS TELL YOU THE PATRICK KEEFE, JR. VOTE TUESDAY SEPT. 19TH ANTHONY T. ZAMBUTO 6th TRUTH Name on the Ballot PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT ANTHONY ZAMBUTO For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net Acting Mayor/Candidate for Mayor T wo of the region’s largest labor unions, IBEW 103 and the Northeastern States Regional Council of Carpenters, have weighed in on the Revere Mayor’s race, endorsing Patrick Keefe in this year’s city elections. Representing thousands of workers across Massachusetts, with hundreds of Revere residents in their ranks, these two unions show the growing momentum and support for Patrick Keefe’s work as Mayor and his vision for moving Revere forward. “I am honored and humbled to receive these endorsements,” Keefe said in a statement about the recent announcement. “I was raised in a working-class home and always strive to create opportunities for working families to grow and thrive. As Mayor, I will continue to make sure that the people doing the work are treated fairly and Revere is a place where the rising tide of success lifts all boats.” SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available Sabatino Insurance is proud to welo welcome the loyal cust mers o tino Insur nce is p yal customers of co PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 5 ~ OP-ED ~ Delivering The New High School In A Fiscally Responsible Way: The Facts And The Truth By Gerry Visconti W ithout question, a new high school is long overdue. Every member of the City Council, our students, teachers, administrators can all agree. It’s one of the most urgent issues this election. The decisions we make and the resources we commit during the next administration will impact citizens of Revere for decades to come. We all want the best facilities we can provide for our children’s education, preparing them for the opportunities of the future, which is why it’s critical to follow a process as transparent and accurate as possible with respect to the risks, funding, and timeline of this project. The Wonderland site was ultimately voted down because of ballooning costs and lack of transparency. At the debate, Councillor Keefe’s poorly contrived, fi nger pointing tirade “You’re gonna kill these kids!” and his baseless statement that Wonderland is now inevitably “slated for more residential development” were rightfully called out and rebuff ed by EVERY other candidate on the stage. Voters came to hear an adult conversation on serious issues. This is an undertaking of unprecedented size and scope for the city. “Don’t let the facts get in the way of the truth?” It’s the same old willful ignorance of the previous administration’s failed agenda – NO MATTER THE COST. Here are the facts and the truth: Before the council voted on eminent domain takeover of Wonderland, all-in construction costs were estimated at $380 million. After that vote, construction costs increased signifi cantly to $500 million, not including the initial $30 million for the takeover, and additional costs of litigation up to $100 million to the taxpayers of Revere. At over half a billion, WITH A B, plus a hundred million in litigation, The Wonderland site, to coin a phrase, amounted to Pay Now, Pay Later, and Keep on Paying. The council was told we could NOT rule out a Proposition 21/2 Override or a debt exclusion at the same time we were building on our largest remaining redevelopment site, eliminating millions in potential commercial tax revenue; tax revenue we need to help pay for the largest project in the city’s history. When the facts change, responsible and capable leadership adapts, and changes course. But the previous administration continued to push the false narrative that a central middle school could be completed at the existing site within a year of the new high school opening. That was a lie. Today, we’re told it could take between 7 and 10 years. By then, the building would need signifi cant upgrades, even further expanding our unserviceable debt. There are clearly distinctions in our mayoral candidates’ qualifi cations and abilities to take on the complex challenges facing the city. I’m the only candidate drawing upon a 30-year career in Finance. I’m currently serving as Chair of Ways and Means with a record of fi scal responsibility, transparency, and accountability. I’ve also served on the School Committee, advocating for our children, our teachers, and administrators. I understand the urgency, and their concerns, from their perspective. The construction of a new high school is a project of paramount importance to our community, and to our future. It’s our responsibility to provide the best solution for our children, while protecting the long-term fi nances of the city. As Mayor, I will work closely with my administration, committed to delivering the facilities our students deserve in a fi scally responsible way. right. We CAN, and we WILL, get it (Editor’s Note: Gerry Visconti is a Councillor-at-Large and candidate for Mayor.) JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM

Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 ~ ELECTION 2023 ~ Morabito’s run for mayor has roots in customer service By Barbara Taormina C ouncillor-at-Large Steve Morabito chose not to seek a sixth term on the City Council and instead he joined the four-way mayoral race with fellow Councillors Dan Rizzo, GerGerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. ry Visconti and Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe. “I’ve done things that impact people,” said Morabito of his decade of service on the council. While he intends to continue making an impact as mayor, he has broader ambitions. Morabito said he wants to create a sense of belonging among all of Revere. “I’m vested in this community; I grew up here. I’m a people person. I have a genuine desire to serve the community,” said Morabito in an interview with The Advocate. Many people who know Morabito know him from his days as the manager of Johnny’s Food Master, a job that demands a keen understanding of customer service. And Morabito sees residents and voters as customers of local government who deserve the best service possible. “At the end of the day, people want someone to be out there on the front line of the customer experience,” he said. Morabito’s personal, door-todoor campaign is a frontline approach to connecting with voters. “I’ve knocked on 3,000 doors – it’s very important – people want to talk to the candidate, not the team,” he said, adding that residents are very engaged in the election. And as Morabito sees it, this is a very diff erent election. “Residents are fed up with development,” he said. With that in mind, during the Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Debate last week, Morabito pledged not to accept any fi nancial contributions from developers, and he challenged his fellow candidates to do the same. He acknowledges that all candidates in Revere have accepted past contributions from developers. But this year is diff erSTEVE MORABITO Mayoral Candidate ent. “It’s important to show residents there’s no outside infl uence,” he said. While on the council, Morabito served as chairman of the Economic Development Committee, which strived to create businesses and job opportunities and generate revenue for the city. “But now we need to put a hold on it,” he said. “I want to guide the city’s growth and development.” Morabito has made an affordable Revere a cornerstone of his campaign. He points out that he was the only member of the council to vote in favor of inclusionary zoning, which would have required residential developers to set aside a certain percent of units in a project as affordable for lower and moderate-income families. As mayor, he intends to support more senior housing, the expansion of the Aff ordable Housing Trust Fund, property tax relief for seniors and more rental assistance programs in the city. Morabito sees Revere, and its wealth of natural resources, as perfectly positioned to become a leader in environmental sustainability for Massachusetts. He has called for investments in green infrastructure and climate resilience measures that will protect neighborhoods from storm surges and fl ooding. He plans a citywide audit to discover ways to reduce Revere’s carbon footprint and save taxpayer dollars. Like other candidates, Morabito said expanding the police force to increase public safety is a priority. He also favors establishing a Revere Beach Task Force that could proactively prepare for and prevent any problems, such as the shootings that occurred Memorial Day weekend. He regrets the new high school has become a political issue and feels residents just want to see a new school built. He believes Revere will make it work in any location. Morabito’s plans for education also include launching a universal pre-K program, a signifi cant benefi t for working families struggling with the crushing cost of early childhood care and education. In addition to specifi c issues, Morabito notes that his candidacy is the fi rst time in Revere’s political history that an openly gay candidate has run for mayor. He feels it’s important not just because of what it signals to the gay community, but because it represents the distance covered in the eff ort to make Revere a diverse and inclusive city. “When you hear people say they want a change in representation, that’s equivalent to electing the fi rst gay mayor,” he said, adding that all marginalized groups will be bolstered by seeing him succeed. And for Morabito, it’s another step toward creating a community of belonging for all residents of Revere.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 7 ~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ Firemen and Oilers Back Michelle Kelley in Revere City Council Race ley has proposed an enlarged abutter notifi cation zone for development projects. Once in offi ce, she will seek to enact a code of ethics for the Revere City Council, similar to those adopted by other governing bodies and professional organizations. She has also advocated for an increased emphasis on vocational education at the new Revere High School. And she will ensure that Revere’s seniors receive more respectful treatment from their government, including common courtesy from city officials and at public meetings. The fi rst person in her family to graduate college, Kelley attended Revere Public Schools and worked her way through both college and law school, receiving degrees from Salem State University and New England School of Law. She is admitted to practice in Massachusetts state and federal courts. Kelley lives in West Revere with MICHELLE KELLEY Candidate for Councilor-at-Large A prominent local chapter of the Service Employees International Union whose members provide maintenance at Revere’s public housing has thrown its weight behind Councilor At Large candidate Michelle Kelley, building momentum in advance of the Sept. 19 preliminary election. Firemen and Oilers Local 3 SEIU, whose activism for working families dates to the 19th century, praised Kelley’s plan “to advance and defend collective bargaining rights and to use your experience to provide eff ective representation for the people of Revere.” “We at Local 3 believe you have demonstrated the strength, commitment, and experience that it will take to stand up for working families and wish you success in the upcoming election,” said Anthony Donovan, President of F&O Local 3 SEIU, which represents, among many others, maintenance workers at the Revere Housing Authority. Kelley, a lifelong resident, attorney and realtor, has vowed to bring a “neighborhood watch” approach to the Revere City Council – running from outside the political establishment to provide a voice for Revere’s working families. Kelley said she was proud to have the support of F&O Local 3 SEIU, where her late father was a longtime member and shop steward. “I was fortunate to grow up in a union household, and I’ve never forgotten the lessons I learned about the value of a good job at good wages,” said Kelley. “The men and women of F&O, Local 3 help keep this city in shape, and I’m going to City Hall with the same attitude: to put in a hard day’s work, and give the people of this city the representation they deserve.” “Having the support of the people my dad worked alongside has special meaning for me,” Kelley added. “He loved Revere and its people, and I know he’d be proud of the improvements I’m trying to make to the city and of the campaign I’m running.” A fi rst-time candidate for public office, Kelley launched her campaign in May after becoming increasingly dissatisfi ed with Revere city government. Since, she has been listening to residents across Revere, and sharing with them her vision for a more transparent and responsive City Hall. “People want accountability for how their hard-earned tax dollars are spent, and they want a government that treats them with respect,” Kelley said. “That’s why I’m running, and that’s the spirit of service I’ll instill when I’m elected.” Targeting sweetheart deals for developers that routinely bend the municipal zoning code authored by Revere residents, Kelher husband, David. For more information, or to get involved with Kelley’s campaign for Councillor At Large, please visit: KelleyForRevere. com; on FaceBook @ MichelleKelleyForRevereCityCouncillorAtLarge; Email: KelleyForRevere@gmail.com; or call: 781854-1717.

Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Saluting Revere’s Working Men and Women Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend! State State Representative Jessica Giannino   Councillor-at-LargeCouncillor-at-Large & Candidate for Candidate for Mayor Mayor Dan Rizzo Candidate forCandidate for Councillor-at-Large Councillor-at-Large Juan Jaramillo Candidate for WCandidate for Ward 4ard 4     Paul Argenzio Representative  Turco   Councillor-at-Large Anthony Zambuto School Board Member Carol TyTye School Board Member Michael Ferrante

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 9 Saluting Revere’s Working Men and Women Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend! Councillor-at-Large andCouncillor-at-Large and        Visconti   Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky This weekend and throughout the year, we celebrate all those who labor to make our community better. Candidate for WCandidate for Ward 6ard 6     Christopher Giannino Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School Committee & Candidate for Revere School Committee  Caggiano 100 Salem Turnpike, Saugus, MA 01906 WIN-WASTE.COM Local residents named to Simmons University’s Dean’s List he following students of Revere were named to the 2023 spring semester Dean’s List at Simmons University in Boston: Khadija Chafi q, Mayma Chaibi, Ashley McGrath, Sarrah Naittalb, Tatiana Roman, Elba Tejada, Olivia Winsor. To qualify for Dean’s List status, undergraduate stuT dents must obtain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credit hours of work in classes using the letter grade system. About Simmons University: Located in the heart of Boston, Simmons is a respected private university off ering more than 50 majors and programs for undergraduate women and graduate programs open to all on campus, in blended formats or entirely online in nursing and health sciences, liberal arts, business, communications, social work, public health and library and information science. Founded in 1899, Simmons has established a model of higher education that other colleges and universities are only recently beginning to adapt: the combination of education for leadership in high-demand professional fi elds with the intellectual foundation of the liberal arts. Learn more at https:// www.simmons.edu/ For Advertising with Results, call The Adv call The Advocatocate Newspapers Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net

Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Daily 4:00 PM Open Sundays 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM WE’RE NOW OPEN SUNDAYS BEGINNING WE’RE NOW OPEN SUNDAYS BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 10TH FOR FOOTBALL! SEPTEMBER 10TH FOR FOOTBALL! Come in for some football, our Famous 8/10 Grille Pizza & Special Sunday Menu! Dine-in or Take-Out www.eight10barandgrille.com Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma ~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ Jaramillo earns endorsement of electrical workers C andidate for Councilor at-Large Juan Pablo Jaramillo has been endorsed by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 103, one of the most infl tial labor unions in the Gr Boston area which includes Revere. The more than 10,000 workers at Local 103 that live or work in or around Revere have weighed in the crowded Revere City Council at-large race in support of Jaramillo citing his strong pro-worker and pro-union record and stances, said Lou Antonellis the Business Manager and Financial Secretar for the union the “International Brotherhood of Elec ers – “Local 103 is proud to endorse Juan Pablo Jaramillo for Revere City Council at-large. Juan is a powerful advocate for working people and has a strong record delivering results for Revere. That’s why we trust him to stand strong for working families as Revere’s next city councilor, At Large. Together, we will build a Revere that works for working people.” Jaramillo, a union member, has centered his campaign around making Revere a city for and by working families. He was excited by the endorsement saying, that “IBEW Local 103 is powering a working-class movement that crees sustainable jobs and strong ts with good wages and good benefi ts. I am in this ce to fi ght for the working people they represent and to be a partner in ensuring that Revere is the most pro-union, pro-worker city north of Boston. I am humbled by the support of the union and look forward to partnering with them to ontinue to deliver for our esidents.” his is the latest of endorseor Jaramillo who has received the support of former and current Revere elected offi cials, state offi cials that represent Revere, and organizations like the Environmental League of Massachusetts, Run For Something, Climate Cabinet and others. The council race fi eld is set and a preliminary election scheduled for September 19th. Of the 11 at-large candidates, only 10 will move on to the General Election which will be held on November 7th. Let’s Go, PATS!

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 11 Councillor candidate Damiano holds standout just before the mayoral debate By Tara Vocino C ouncillor-At-Large candidate Stephen Damiano, Jr. held a standout in front of Vinny’s Market on Tuesday. Councillor-At-Large candidate Stephen Damiano with Councillor-At-Large candidate Anthony Parziale and a young supporter, Avery Councillor-At-Large candidate Stephen Damiano, Jr. with his supporters Savanah Carlson, who is the niece of Ward 4 Councillor candidate Paul Argenzio, gave a thumbs up. Geri Damiano and Charlie Russo were all smiles. Councillor-At-Large candidate Stephen Damiano with Councillor-AtLarge candidate Anthony Parziale. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Councillor-At-Large candidate Stephen Damiano with his grandmother, Geri, and her partner, Charlie Russo Matt Smith, Devon Punch and Avery Smith

Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Chelsea man indicted for unlawful trafficking of machine gun conversion devices A Chelsea man has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Boston with illegally selling machine gun conversion devices. Michael Williams, 49, was indicted on two counts of transferring or possessing a machine gun and one count of being a felon in possession of ammunition. Williams was previously arrested and charged by criminal complaint on July 28, 2023. According to the charging documents, in January 2023, Williams agreed to sell several machine gun conversion devices and other fi rearm accessories to an undercover federal agent. It is alleged that, following a series of communications, Williams met the undercover agent twice at a prearranged location. It is further alleged that on January 12, 2023, Williams sold the fi rst machine gun conversion device, along with numerous rounds of ammunition, to the undercover agent. On the following day, Williams allegedly sold two additional machine ~ Home of the Week ~ SAUGUS....Nicely cared for 7 room, 3-4 bedroom Colonial features eat-in                                                View the interior of this home right on your smartphone.       gun conversion devices to the undercover agent. Williams is prohibited from possessing a fi rearm or ammunition due to a prior felony conviction. The charge of unlawful transferring or possession of a machine gun provides for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, up to three years of supervised release and a fi ne of up to $250,000. The felon in possession charge provides for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fi ne of $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and statutes that govern the determination of a sentence in a criminal case. Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua S. Levy; the Acting Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Boston Division, Christopher DiMenna; and Chelsea Police Chief Keith Houghton made the announcement. Assistant U.S. Attorney John T. Dawley of the Organized Crime & Gang Unit is prosecuting the case. RevereTV Spotlight R evereTV thanks everyone involved with last week’s Mayoral Primary Debate at Revere High School. The debate was hosted by the Revere Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Revere Journal. Prior to the event, the RTV crew worked all day to ensure that all technical aspects were fi gured out and ready to go for a live multi-camera shoot. This event coverage was done in coordination with staff on scene and back in the studio. The live coverage went off without a hitch, and the full recording is now replaying on RTV GOV. You can still watch the debate online as it remains posted to the RevereTV Facebook and YouTube pages. Campaign season is in full swing, but the current City Council and Sub-Committee members are still carrying on as usual in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. For meetings this week, expect to see replays of Monday’s City Council Meeting and the RHS Building Committee, License Commission and Traffic Commission from the past few weeks. As mentioned above, the Mayoral Primary Debate will also be sprinkled into the RTV GOV schedule in between meetings at various times through the preliminary election, which is on September 19. The Community Channel is now featuring new episodes of “The Wave” and “Fabulous Foods with Victoria Fabbo.” On the new monthly episode of “The Wave,” the Revere Chamber of Commerce had two guests: Steve Borgerson, representing First Priority Credit Union, and board member Francisco Rosa from Rosa & Taing Law, LLC. The two guests shared insight about their business practices and the fascinating stories of how they ventured into their respective fi elds. On “Fabulous Foods,” Victoria Fabbo focused on backto-school breakfast and lunch recipes. These recipes include chia seed pudding, smoothies, a healthy sandwich option and salads. Watch “The Wave” and “Fabulous Foods with Victoria Fabbo” now playing on RTV and posted to RevereTV’s social media pages. Watch the past two weeks of “In the Loop” to learn about early voting for the preliminary city election and the highly anticipated Revere Fall Festival. You can fi nd the short video PSAs playing in between all programming on RevereTV and posted to Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. “In the Loop” is a public service announcement series recorded in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. If you haven’t already, please follow RevereTV on Instagram and YouTube to not only stay in the loop, but to view all other content produced by RTV. For Advertising with Results, callcall The Advocate Newspapers The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 13 Wreaths Across America and American Legion Auxiliary Enter Partnership Nonprofi ts agree to work together to help support common missions for veterans and their families. COLUMBIA FALLS, Maine, and CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Aug. 29, 2023 – Today, national nonprofits Wreaths Across America (WAA) and the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) are proud to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two organizations. Together, they will build a stronger awareness of each group’s common missions while supporting fundraising efforts nationwide. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Columbia Falls, Maine, WAA is best known for its annual wreath-laying ceremonies each December. The organization’s yearlong mission is to Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom. Now in nearly 4,000 communities nationwide, WAA volunteers are committed to sharing the mission through education and stories of service and success. ALA is a community of volunteers serving veterans, military, and their families. Their members also support the mission of The American Legion to improve the quality of life for our nation’s veterans. Founded in 1919, the ALA is one of the oldest patriotic membership organizations in the United States. The ALA has been essential in increasing veterans’ welfare and rehabilitation nationwide, including participation in the annual National Wreaths Across America Day events. The signed MOU between the two groups focuses on engagement with ALA members and WAA volunteers to create opportunities for joint community service activities that bring awareness to both groups’ missions. ALA will expand its participation in WAA’s Group Sponsorship Program – there are already more than 100 ALA groups participating nationwide – which raises awareness and sponsorships to place veterans’ wreaths and support programming while off ering ALA an option for fundraising. ALA will use its fundraising dollars earned through this program to support the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation, which positively impacts the lives of our veterans, military, and their families by funding American Legion Auxiliary programs today and for future generations. Founded in 2007, the purpose of the ALA Foundation is to assist in carrying out the educational, charitable, and other exempt purposes of the Auxiliary by raising funds for, assisting in the conduct of, and providing support to the Auxiliary programs. VOTE BOB HAAS for Councillor-at-Large NUMBER 8 ON THE BALLOT “We are excited to partner with Wreaths Across America. Both of our organizations have a common goal of making sure the sacrifi ces of our veterans are not forgotten,” said Vickie Koutz, 20232024 ALA National President. “Many of our members have already worked with WAA in their own communities. We are proud to now work together at the national level.” “This partnership is one that I feel strongly will positively impact so many communities across the country,” said Karen Worcester, executive director of WAA. “The work of the ALA members is so important, and to know that we can assist them in their efforts to raise awareness for their mission and necessary funding to continue to support veterans and military families across the country is quite humbling.” Worcester and Koutz signed the MOU and jointly announced it to membership today as part of the American Legion Auxiliary’s 102nd National Convention held in Charlotte, N.C. To support the ALA’s eff orts through the WAA program, you can make a $17 sponsorship at www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/amlegaux. Learn more here: https:// www.wreathsacrossamerica. org/Home/News/1004 Your local Post Office will be closed to celebrate Labor Day Full retail and delivery service will resume on Tuesday U.S. Postal Service employees across the Commonwealth will celebrate Labor Day as all Post Offi ces will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023. There will be no delivery of mail on the 4th , with the exception of guaranteed overnight parcels. Full retail and delivery services will resume on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. As we celebrate our nation’s labor force, if you’re considering a new career or looking for work, visit www.usps.com/careers and you can search, by state, for available jobs near you. As the Postal Service’s Delivering for America Plan transforms USPS into the premier shipping provider in the nation, we need your help moving the nation’s mail and are currently hiring for positions in your area. 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Councillor at Large Candidate Anthony Parziale hosts fundraiser C andidate Anthony Parziale and committee greeted many supporters last Tuesday evening at The Good Diner on Broadway. The Good Diner on Broadway was fi lled last Tuesday evening with friends and supporters of Anthony Parziale for Councillor at Large. Parziale spoke on Revere First above all else. Supporting Candidate Parziale were Carole and Larry Smith. Candidate Anthony Parziale with his wife Kali and daughter Presley Monsignor John McLaughlin of St. John’s in Swampscott joined Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale and gave a blessing before dinner was served. The Good Diner on Broadway was fi lled with supporters and friends of Councillor at Large Candidate Anthony Parziale. Shown in the photo are Candidate for Revere School Committee Member Anthony Caggiano, Annie Lombardo, Presley and Kali Parziale, State Representative Jeff Turco, Candidate for Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya and Ed Turell. Candidate for Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya is shown at The Good Diner with owner Sabra Abougalala, Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale and his family, Kali and Presley Parziale. Businessman Michael Zaccaria was on hand to support Candidate Anthony Parziale. Acting Mayor and Candidate for Mayor Patrick Keefe, Jr. joined Candidate Anthony Parziale at The Good Diner. The City Council candidate with friends Michael Wells, Chris Courage and Marc Hilton Some neighbors of Candidate Anthony Parziale, Catherine McInnes and Pamela Hoysradt, joined Anthony and Kali Parziale at The Good Diner. Owner of The Good Diner Sabra Abougalala is shown with Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale and Kali Parziale.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 15 Joining candidate Parziale: Irma Accettullo, Geri Damiano, Marian Maff eo and Charlie Russo. The Good Diner owner Sabra Abougalala helped serve the many guests who visited The Good Diner in support of Candidate Anthony Parziale. Candidate support: Candidates for Revere Councillor at Large Edward Almeida, Anthony Parziale, Don Martelli and Stephen Damiano Jr. Brotherly love and support: Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale with his brothers, Jessie and Mike Parziale. Candidate Anthony Parziale with his committee, Treasurer Michael LaBerge and Campaign Manager Ryan Waldron Marie Cyefl o and Emily Soscia with Candidate Anthony Parziale Candidate for Councillor Anthony Parziale, his wife, Kali, and daughter, Presley, greeted many friends, including Ward 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro, Candidate for Revere School Committee Member Anthony Caggiano, City Council President Pro Tempore/Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna and State Rep. Jeff Turco. Seven Tips Towards Healthy Aging By Laurie Fullerton S eptember is known as Healthy Aging Month, as it is just a great time of year to make some lifestyle changes. As our hot, summer days wind down, we all tend to draw on that “back to school” urge embedded in everyone from childhood. It is a time to focus and take precautions to help face the challenges that come with aging. Healthy Aging Month started over 30 years ago in 1992 when a television special aired that inspired people to make lifestyle and dietary changes to prevent heart problems. At the time, the show received the American Heart Association’s Howard Blakeslee Award. Many campaigns followed, including the distribution of books, brochures, videotapes, etc. In 2000, the “Healthy Aging Magazine” was launched followed by their website launch in 2014. The founder of Healthy Aging Magazine, Carolyn Worthington, notes that September is a perfect time to celebrate Healthy Aging Month when many people think about getting started on new tasks after the summer. Over the years, it has featured articles and information on positive lifestyle changes that could boost one’s health and well-being. The publication draws on the observance month’s activities that are designed to encourage people to rejuvenate and get going on positive measures that can impact the areas of physical, social, fi nancial and mental wellness. Here are Seven Tips for Reinventing Yourself during September according to Healthy Aging Month magazine. 1. Do not act your age or at least what you think your current age should act like. What was your best year so far? 28? 40? Now? Picture yourself at that age and be it. Some people may say this is denial, but we say it’s positive thinking and goes a long way toward feeling better about yourself. (Tip: Don’t keep looking in the mirror, just FEEL IT!) 2. Be positive in your conversations and your actions every day. When you catch yourself complaining, check yourself right there and change the conversation to something positive. 3. Surround yourself with energetic, happy, positive people of all ages and you will be happier too. (Tip: Smile often. It’s contagious and wards off naysayers.) 4. Start walking not only for your health but to see other people and stay social. 5. Make this month the time to set up your annual physical and other health screenings. Go to the appointments and then, hopefully, you can stop worrying about ailments for a while. 6. Find your inner artist. Who says taking music lessons is for young school children? You may have an artist lurking inside you just waiting to be tapped. Have you always wanted to play the piano, violin, or tuba? Have you ever wondered if you could paint a portrait or scene in oil? What about working in wood? 7. Eat and Drink Healthy – Make healthy choices like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products and plenty of water!

Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Veteran Stott has memorial sign dedicated on Washington Ave. By Tara Vocino Memorial Sign Dedication for PFC Robert “Randy” Stott was held at the corner of Washington and Cecilian Avenues on Saturday morning. He served in the US Army from 1947 to 1949, just after World War II and just before Korea. Stott assisted returning World War II troops and helped prepare troops for Korea. A A Memorial Sign Dedication for PFC Robert “Randy” Stott, a Veteran, was held at the corner of Washington and Cecilian Avenues on Saturday morning. Shown from left to right: Revere School Committee Member candidate/Northeast Metro Tech School Committee Member Anthony Caggiano, State Representative Jeff Turco, Councillor-at-Large Anthony Zambuto, Mayoral candidate/Councillor-at-Large Gerry Visconti, son John Stott, Acting Mayor/Mayoral candidate Patrick Keefe, Jr., Veterans Service Director Donna Dreeszen and Veterans Service Offi cer Julia Cervantes. Director Donna Dreeszen and Veterans Service Offi cer Julia Cervantes are the new leadership for the Veterans Service Offi ce. Shown from left to right: daughter Patricia and sons Robert, Dino and John. The Memorial Sign is unveiled. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) A round of applause followed the sign unveiling. The Stott family with relatives and elected offi cials

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 17 Principal and Acting Mayor welcome back students to the SBA and Whelan By Tara Vocino A Veterans Service Offi cer Julia Cervantes thanked the Stott family for PFC Stott’s service to our country. cting Mayor Patrick Keefe, Jr. welcomed students back to school at Susan B. Anthony Middle School and A.C. Whelan Elementary School on Tuesday. Students walked in. Crossing Guard Annamaria Leone helped students. Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe, Jr. said PFC Stott, who enlisted at age 17, received the National Defense Medal. Eighth-graders, shown from left to right: Douglas Martinez, Josue Oritz, Cesar Estrada and Juan Martinez. Sixth-grader Emily Menor and her mother, Gloria Menor, said she’s excited to be back. Veterans Services Director Donna Dreeszen said memorial poles are a great reminder of sacrifi ce and service to America. Walid Karaf, sixth-grader Ayhm Karaf and his mother, Naajla Sixth-grader Michael Diorio and fourth-grader Alyssa Diorio said their favorite class is art. Stott’s son, John, thanked everyone for attending. Susan B. Anthony Middle School Principal Joanne Willett and Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe, Jr. welcomed students back to school on Tuesday. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

Page 18 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Pats’ Football Head Coach Cicatelli hopes for injury-free season start Retirement Planning Tips for Single Women Dear Savvy Senior, What retirement planning tips can you recommend to single women? I’m a divorced 58-year-old women with a teenaged son and have very little saved for retirement. Financially Vulnerable Dear Vulnerable, It’s an unfortunate reality, but RHS Patriots Football Head Coach Lou CicateIIi talked with his team before halftime during last year’s season opener against the Peabody Tanners. (Advocate fi le photo) By Don Nicastro L ou Cicatelli wants a lot of things for the Revere High School football Patriots as he embarks on his 22nd season this fall. Wins. Greater Boston League success. Postseason competition. And, of course, a win over Winthrop on Thanksgiving Day. However, as the Patriots gear up for their Week 1 matchup on Friday, Sept. 8, at defending Northeastern Conference Lynch Division champion Peabody, Cicatelli simply wants one thing above all else: health for his players. Last year, the Patriots lost seven starters by Week 3. Football will always have its injuries and nicks and bruises each week, but seven starters? Talk about a snake-bit 2022 campaign. “If we can stay healthy, we’ll make some noise,” Cicatelli said. “The problem last year was we lost seven starters before Week 3. It was a nightmare. A nightmare.” The 2023 Patriots so far are a team with a blend of raw talent, seasoned skill and an unyielding spirit. Of course, they’ve yet to play a game that counts, so time will tell how things unfold. That said, Cicatelli knows he has a team that was “hungry” in the off season to improve from last year’s 4-7 campaign, in which Revere grabbed the No. 14 seed in Division 3 and lost the playoff opener to Plymouth South, 28-6. The Patriots lost their fi nal three games of the season. But the team had a tremendous offseason, focusing on strength training and teambuilding activities. The weight room attendance was notably high, indicating the players’ commitment. “They’re very hungry,” Cicatelli said. “Weight room attendance was off the charts. We had to do splits to get the kids in and out, and we got better, we got stronger and there was a good amount of team building. So far, so good.” Revere will carry a roster of about 62 players. That’s a good number, according to Cicatelli. The coach liked what he saw in the first preseason scrimmage against Burlington. Revere found the end zone five times to Burlington’s one. “It was pretty good,” Cicatelli said. “We’ve got a lot to clean up, but you know what? For the fi rst scrimmage, I was very, very pleased.” Revere’s strength this fall may lie in its skill players, especially the tailbacks and the quarterback. However, the Patriots do have a young off ensive line that will require more teaching. Carlos Rizzo, a senior captain, is once again calling the shots at quarterback. He has shown signifi cant improvement in his poise, strength and speed. And he’s also taken on a leadership role as a captain. “His poise,” Cicatelli said when asked for one of Rizzo’s top traits. “He’s got a lot of poise, and he’s also a captain. He’s a good leader.” Fellow senior captains for Revere include Hakim Malki, a defensive end and guard; Walter Rodriguez, a defensive end/ tight end; and Abbas Atoui, a fullback and linebacker. Giovanni Woodard, a junior, will get plenty of looks at tailback and will get linebacker looks on the other side of the ball. Fellow junior Danny Hou will spark the off ense at wide receiver. Woodard’s speed and Hou’s versatility are notable. The team has a strong junior class, with some promising freshmen coming in, especially in terms of size – size of the young players, that is. “It’s probably the biggest class I’ve had in a long time, size-wise,” Cicatelli said. Revere’s wasting no time throwing itself into competition this season. After that Peabody opener, it travels to its playoff foe from last year, Plymouth South. Then it’s on to the Greater Boston League for the six-game league stretch, starting with Medford on the road on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. Everyone wants to know when Everett lands on the schedule – and it’s Friday, Oct. 6. “I think we’ll be OK in the league,” Cicatelli said. “The GBL I think is getting better and better. Again, for us, I think everything goes through Everett until it doesn’t. I don’t see much change there.” many single women – whether they’re divorced, widowed or never married – face much greater fi nancial challenges in retirement than men. The reasons behind this are because women tend to earn less money – about 82 cents for every dollar that men make, on average, and they have shorter working careers than men due to raising children and/or caring for aging parents. And less money earned usually translates into less money saved and a lower Social Security benefi t when you retire. In addition, women live an average of fi ve years longer than men, which requires their retirement income to stretch farther for living expenses and healthcare costs. And, according to some studies, women tend to have less confi dence about fi - nancial issues than men, which means they don’t always manage their money as well as they should. Because of these issues, it’s very important that women educate themselves on financial matters and learn how to save more eff ectively. Here are some tips and resources that may help. Start Saving Aggressively If your employer off ers a retirement plan, such as a 401K, you should contribute enough to at least capitalize on a company match, if available. And if you can swing it, contribute even more. In 2023, you can save as much as $22,500 in a 401(k), or $30,000 to those 50 and older, due to the catch-up rule. If you don’t have a workplace plan, consider opening a Traditional or Roth IRA. Both are powerful tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts that let you contribute up to $6,500 annually, or $7,500 when you’re over 50. And if you’re self-employed, consider a SEP-IRA, SIMPLE-IRA and/or a solo 401(k), all of which can help reduce your taxable income while putting money away for retirement. Also, if you have a high-deductible health insurance policy (at least $1,500 for self-only coverage or $3,000 for family coverage), you should consider opening a health savings account (HSA). This is a triple tax advantage tool that can be used to sock away funds pre-tax, which will lower your taxable income; the money in the account grows tax-free; and if you use the money for eligible medical expenses, the withdrawals are tax-free too. Pay Off Debts If you have debt, you need to get it under control. If you need help with this, consider a nonprofi t credit-counseling agency that provides free or low-cost advice and solutions, and can help you set up a debt management plan. To locate a credible agency in your area, use the National Foundation for Credit Counseling website at NFCC.org (800388-2227), or the or the Financial Counseling Association of America FCAA.org (800-450-1794). Find Help To help you educate yourself on fi nancial matters like retirement planning, saving and investing, health care, annuities and more, a top resource is the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement at WiserWomen.org. And to help you get up to speed on Social Security, visit SSA.gov/people/women. This web page, dedicated to women, provides helpful publications like “What Every Woman Should Know,” along with links to benefi t calculators and your personal Social Security account to help you fi gure out your future earnings at diff erent retirement ages. You should also consider getting a fi nancial assessment with a fee-only fi nancial advisor. Costs for these services will vary from around $150 to $300 per hour, but this can be very benefi cial to help you set-up a retirement plan you can follow. See NAPFA.org or GarrettPlanningNetwork.com to locate an advisor in your area. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 19 Sports Preview with RHS Patriots Athletic Director Frank Shea By Don Nicastro A s another athletic season dawns upon Revere High School, the school’s athletic landscape presents a mosaic of challenges, achievements and transitions. From the fl uctuating dynamics of freshman teams to value of coaches new and returning, the school’s athletic director, Frank Shea, provides an insightful glimpse into the state of Revere athletics. With a history of both successes, such as the undefeated run of the girls’ volleyball team last fall, and challenges like the decline of the varsity hockey team, Revere High School stands at a crossroads of tradition and change. Shea caught up with the Revere Advocate as his teams soon begin their fall competition. Shea has a rich history with Revere High School and its athletic programs. His journey from being associated with the old Savio Prep in Boston to his current role as the athletics director at Revere High School showcases his commitment and experience in the fi eld of school athletics. He is in Year No. 9 now. The onset of the athletic season brings a fl urry of activity and excitement. While the atmosphere remains consistent with previous years, the logistics and coordination eff orts are immense, especially at the beginning. Football started Friday, Aug. 18, and all other sports began their preseason the following Monday. “You know, I don’t think it’s any diff erent than any of the previous years. I think kids are excited,” Shea said in the Advocate’s Aug. 21 interview. “Coaches are kind of running around with their heads cut off trying to get kids cleared with physicals. They’re looking at times for tryouts and how many kids they’re going to have and if they have to make cuts, and so it’s kind of hectic with them. Coordinating all the sports, especially for the fall, is the most diffi cult because people have been away for the summer and no one’s really in that mode yet. And it just all comes and hits you right at once.” The school has a mix of new and veteran coaches. While new coaches bring fresh ideas and energy, the experienced ones provide stability and a deep understanding of the school’s athletic culture. Alex Butler will take over the fi eld hockey program. Sabrina Sloan and Kylie Pezzuto will grab the reins of the cheerleading program. Emilie Hostetter takes over the volleyball program – coming off a tremendous season for which he was an assistant. Lou Cicatelli (football), Michael Flynn (boys’ cross-country), Katie Sinnott (girls’ cross-country), Manual Lopes (boys’ soccer), Megan O’Donnell (girls’ soccer) and Brendon Pezzuto (golf) all return. Shea said he’s excited with the mix of coaches, new and old. While the returning coaches like Cicatelli (22 seasons) “make things much easier,” the new ones “come with a lot of new ideas and a new energy, which is good. They are quality candidates who went through the interview process … and have a level of experience, expertise and enthusiasm.” The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a decline OBITUARIES Patricia E. “Pat” (DiBenedetto) Lino Metro Vocational Technical High School, class of 1953. Following High School, Patricia met her husband, Richard Lino. They married in May of 1957 and shortly after moved to East Boston to start and raise their family. She remained there until moving to Revere in 1979. Patricia worked for Ames DeO f Revere. Passed away peacefully on Monday, August 21, 2023. She was 88 years old. Born in Chelsea, she was the daughter of the late Robert A. and Violet (Breen) DiBenedetto. She was raised and educated in Melrose and was a graduate of Northeast partment Store in the fabric department for many years, until the time of her retirement. She was also a talented seamstress and she loved to sew and make her own clothing. She eventually turned her passion into a career and started her own business as a dress maker in her home. Pat was an avid reader. She was very active and walked 2 miles a day. She enjoyed chatting with friends and being around other people. Above all she adored her family and cherished spending time with them. She was a loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend who will be missed by all who knew her. Patricia was the beloved wife of the late Richard Lino; the devoted mother of Stephen Lino of Bellfl ower, CA., the late Richard K. Lino, the late Mark Lino, and the late Richard Lino, Jr.; cherished grandmother of Robert Gaskell, Amanda Gaskell, Brittany Lino and Richard Lino; adored great grandmother of Anthony, Royale and Ashawn; dear sister of the late Phyllis Moreau and Frances O’Brien. She is also lovingly survived by many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Family and friends were invited to attend Visting Hours on Monday, August 28 in the Vertuccio Smith & Vazza, Beechwood Home for Funerals, Revere. Her Funeral was on Tuesday, followed by a Funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Parish in East Boston. Interment followed in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden. in sports participation. However, the school has managed to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels. There’s a noticeable trend of students becoming selective in their sports choices, with some sports gaining popularity and others seeing a decline. “We did have a big drop coming the fi rst year coming out of COVID,” Shea said. “But we’ve kind of got back to where we were numbers-wise, at least overall numbers, prior to COVID, which is a plus.” Urban schools like Revere face unique challenges in boosting athletic participation, according to Shea. Many students have external responsibilities, making it diffi cult to achieve high participation rates. Shea said they’re in the upper-30s for percentage of Revere High School students who play a sport. Despite this, the school has seen a positive trend in recent years. Certain sports like football, volleyball and soccer have witnessed high, consistent participation rates, while others, such as cross-country, baseball and golf, have seen a decline. “Football has done very well, numbers-wise, and boys’ soccer and girls’ soccer always have really good numbers,” Shea said. “The boys have well over 100 kids try out every year.” Over the years, some sports teams at Revere High School have faced challenges in maintaining their status. For instance, the varsity hockey team had to give up its host status due to a decline in participants. It now plays with a cooperative team of student-athletes from Malden, Everett and Mystic Valley. The school has experienced fluctuations in the number of participants for freshman teams in various sports. While there’s great participation at the middle school level, it doesn’t always translate to high school. As for the decision to move back to the Greater Boston League (GBL) a few years ago from the Northeastern Conference (NEC), that strategic move has proven benefi cial, especially for the girls’ teams. The GBL offers a more competitive and rewarding environment for Revere’s athletes. “Overall, I think it was a slam dunk for us,” Shea said. “We’ve had a lot of success, especially on the girls’ side, with winning GBL titles.” 1. On Sept. 1, 1897, the fi rst American subway opened in what city? 2. What percentage of the world’s tea is made in China: 1/3, 2/3 or 7/8? 3. How many Qs are in a Scrabble game? 4. On Sept. 2, 1935, composer George Gershwin signed the orchestral score of what opera that has the song “Summertime”? 5. How are erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and plasma similar? 6. What state has a city called Beach: California, Michigan or North Dakota? 7. On Sept. 3, 1838, Frederick (Bailey) Douglass escaped from slavery; he chose his last name (Douglass) from a name in what poem by Sir Walter Scott? 8. Why did Bhutan ban high-altitude mountain climbing? 9. What is another word for corn? 10. Who has had several Dream Houses, a Motorhouse and a Folding Pretty House? Answers 11. September 4 is Labor Day; an old tradition said it is a faux pas to wear what color after Labor Day? 12. In Poor Richard’s Almanack, who stated, “No man e’er was glorious, who was not laborious”? 13. How are bunny ear, Christmas and pincushion similar? 14. On Sept. 5, 2001, scientists described observing energy fl ares – evidence of a black hole at the center of what? 15. On what old radio show would you fi nd “Bebopareebop Rhubarb Pie?” 16. New York and Texas both have pro sports team names that include what word? 17. On Sept. 6, 1997, what funeral after a car accident death was televised? 18. Do cats blink? 19. What Caribbean island’s two-word name includes a nickname for Christopher? 20. On Sept. 7, 1979, what sports cable network debuted? 1. Boston 2. 1/3 3. One 4. “Porgy and Bess” 5. They are components of blood. 6. North Dakota 7. “The Lady of the Lake” 8. To respect the local spiritual belief that the mountains are sacred 9. Maize 10. Barbie 11. White 12. Benjamin Franklin 13. They are types of cactus. 14. The Milky Way Galaxy 15. “A Prairie Home Companion” 16. Rangers 17. Princess Diana’s 18. They blink infrequently and do not close their eyes fully. 19. St. Kitts 20. ESPN

Page 20 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 September Service Changes Will Allow Crews to Continue Improvement Work Across MBTA System Service changes are planned for the Red, Green, Orange, Kingston, Middleborough, Greenbush, Newburyport/ Rockport Line, and Haverhill lines. BOSTON – The MBTA today announced service changes in September on the Red, Green, Orange, Kingston, Middleborough, Greenbush, Newburyport/Rockport, and Haverhill lines. The MBTA will continue working to improve service reliability across the system. S ervice changes will take place on the Red Line Braintree Branch this month in order for MBTA crews to perform critical rail and tie replacement work. Accessible shuttle bus service will replace Red Line trains between North Quincy and Braintree Stations on the following dates: • Beginning at approximately 8:45 PM through the end of service Tuesdays through Thursdays, September 5-7 and September 12-14, as well as Tuesday through Friday, September 19-22.                                 • All day from start to end of service during the weekend of September 23-24. Accessible shuttle bus service will also replace Red Line trains between Quincy Center and Braintree Stations beginning at approximately 8:45 PM on Friday, September 8, and through the weekend until the end of service on Sunday, September 10. Accessible shuttle bus service                                                       will also replace Red Line trains between Broadway and Ashmont Stations on the Ashmont Branch and between Broadway and North Quincy Stations on the Braintree Branch all day from start to end of service during the weekend of September 30-October 1. This service change allows MBTA crews to perform critical work on the Savin Hill Avenue and Dorchester Avenue bridges, to perform necessary tunnel inspections on the Ashmont Branch, and to accomplish station brightening work at JFK/UMass Station. The Kingston, Middleborough, and Greenbush Commuter Rail lines, which run adjacent to the Red Line, will also experience service changes. Accessible shuttle bus service will replace trains between South Station and Braintree on the following dates: • After 7:30 PM through the end of service Tuesdays through Thursdays on September 5-7 and September 12-14 as well as Tuesday through Friday September 19-22. • All day from start to end of service during the weekends of September 9-10, September 23-24, and September 30-October 1. • Accessible express shuttle bus service will also operate directly between South Station and Braintree Station. • Passengers should note that bicycles are not allowed on shuttle buses, and regular Commuter Rail fares will be collected between Kingston, Middleborough, Greenbush, and Braintree Stations. Keolis Customer Service Agents, MBTA staff , and Transit Ambassadors will be onsite at impacted stations to support riders. • The diversion schedule will be available online soon at mbta.com/CommuterRail. Due to the continued demolition of the Government Center Garage by private developer HYM Construction, Orange and Green Line service changes will take place in the downtown Boston area all day for 25 days from September 18-October 12: • Orange Line trains will bypass Haymarket Station. Orange Line riders should instead exit at North Station or State, less than a half-mile from Haymarket (or a four- to eight-minute walk), and travel to the Haymarket area. • Green Line service will be suspended between North Station and Government Center Station. Riders are instead asked to walk above ground between these stations – Government Center, Haymarket, and North Station are each less than a half mile from each other (about a five- to 10-minute walk). The distance between Government Center to North Station is about three-quarters of a mile (about a 13-minute walk). • Riders are also reminded that Orange Line / Green Line connections can also be made via the Winter Street Concourse, which connects Park Street and Downtown Crossing Stations. • Accessibility vans will also be available for on-demand transportation – Orange and Green Line riders should ask MBTA personnel for information and assistance. Accessible shuttle buses will replace Newburyport/ Rockport Line trains between Swampscott and North Station during the weekend of September 9-10. This service change will allow for work on the future temporary platform at Lynn Station. There will be no service at Chelsea Station with passengers instead encouraged to utilize Silver Line 3 service. Passengers should note that bicycles are not allowed on shuttle buses. Regular train service will operate between Newburyport/Rockport and Swampscott with regular Commuter Rail fares collected. A dedicated diversion schedule will be in eff ect and is available on mbta.com. As previously announced, accessible shuttle buses will replace Haverhill Line trains between Ballardvale and North Station for 58 days from September 9-November 5. This service change allows crews to perform Automatic Train Control (ATC) work. ATC is a federally mandated safety system that sends signals to trains about potentially unsafe conditions, automatically slowing and stopping a train if needed. Shuttle buses will replace train service between Reading and Oak Grove where passengers can make an Orange Line subway connection. A shuttle bus will also provide service between Reading and Anderson/Woburn for connections to the Lowell Line and Haverhill Line. The shuttle service between Reading and Oak Grove will make stops in Wakefi eld, Greenwood, Melrose Highlands, Melrose Cedar Park, WyMBTA | SEE Page 21

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 21                     WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES!    AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976                                                     We follow Social Distancing Guidelines!                       ADVOCATE Call now! 781-286-8500 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net       MBTA | FROM Page 20 oming Hill, and Oak Grove. Train service for passengers between Ballardvale and Haverhill will be re-routed along the Lowell Line after Ballardvale, making one additional stop at Anderson/Woburn station then running express to North Station. A dedicated diversion schedule will be in eff ect and will be available online soon. Riders can fi nd more information on service changes through in-station signage, instation public announcements, and at mbta.com/alerts. Transit Ambassadors and MBTA staff will be available on-site during these service changes to off er information and assistance. Riders are encouraged to sub                              scribe to T-Alerts or to follow the MBTA on Twitter @MBTA for up-to-date service information. The MBTA previously announced service changes in August on the Red, Green, Orange, Silver, Kingston, Middleborough, Greenbush, and Lowell lines. More information is available here. The MBTA apologizes for the inconvenience of these scheduled service changes and appreciates the understanding and patience of riders as this critical and necessary work to maintain, upgrade, and modernize the system takes place. For more information, please visit mbta.com/alerts, or connect with the T on Twitter @ MBTA and @MBTA_CR, Facebook /TheMBTA, Instagram @ theMBTA, or TikTok @thembta. Classifiedsfieds    

Page 22 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Senate president rarely votes. The senator who voted with By Bob Katzen If you have any questions about this week’s report, e-mail us at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com or call us at (617) 720-1562 GET A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO MASSTERLIST – Join more than 22,000 people, from movers and shakers to political junkies and interested citizens, who start their weekday morning with MASSterList—the popular newsletter that chronicles news and informed analysis about what’s going on up on Beacon Hill, in Massachusetts politics, policy, media and infl u~ Legal Notice ~ ence. The stories are drawn from major news organizations as well as specialized publications selected by widely acclaimed and highly experienced writers Keith Regan and Matt Murphy who introduce each article in their own clever and inimitable way. MASSterlist will be e-mailed to you FREE every Monday through Friday morning and will give you a leg up on what’s happening in the blood sport of Bay State politics. For more information and to get your free subscription, go to: https://lp.constantcontactpages. com/su/aPTLucK THE HOUSE AND SENATE: There Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that         hearing on Monday evening, September 25, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the       cil Chamber of Revere       relative to the following proposed amendment to the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere: AN ORDINANCE FURTHER AMENDING THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF REVERE REPEALING THE POLITICAL SIGN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the City of Revere, MA as follows: Section 1. Section 9.12.030 Posting political signs of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere is hereby deleted in its entirety. A copy of the aforementioned proposed amendment is on           the City Clerk, Revere City                 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. Attest: Ashley E. Melnik City Clerk September 01, 2023 You’ve Earned It. We’ll be closed Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. You can access your accounts using our ATMs and Online & Mobile Banking. Thank you! were no roll calls in the House or Senate last week. This week, Beacon Hill Roll Call reports on the percentage of times local senators voted with their party’s leadership in the 2023 session through August 25. Beacon Hill Roll Call uses 61 votes from the 2023 Senate session as the basis for this report. This includes all roll calls that were not quorum calls or on local issues. The votes of 34 Democrats were compared to Senate Majority Leader Cynthia Creem (D-Newton), second-in-command in the Senate. We could not compare the Democrats’ votes to those of Senate President Karen Spilka (DAshland) because, by tradition, the Creem the least percentage of times is Sen. Walter Timilty (D-Milton) who voted with her only 52 times (85.2 percent). Rounding out the top four who voted with Creem the least number of times are Sens. John Keenan (D-Quincy) who voted with her 55 times (91.6 percent); and Barry Finegold (D-Andover) and Becca Rausch (DNeedham) who each voted with her 57 times (93.4 percent). Beacon Hill Roll Call contacted these four senators and asked them to comment on the percentage of times, lower than the other senators, each one voted with the leadership. Only one of the four responded. “I always respect and value the views and contributions of all my colleagues,” said Sen. Keenan. “I also recognize the diff erence in our perspectives and the politics of the districts we represent, and these sometimes lead to differences in voting records. What has always guided me in voting is doing what I believe is right and what best benefi ts my constituents and all the residents of the commonwealth.” Sens. Timilty, Finegold and Rausch were contacted three times but did not respond. Overall, 33 of the 34 Democrats (97 percent) voted with Creem 90 percent or more of the time -- including 19 (55.8 percent) who voted with Creem 100 percent of the time and nine (26.4 percent) who voted with Creem all but one time. The votes of the two Republican senators were compared with those of GOP Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). Sen. Patrick O’Connor (R-Weymouth) voted with Tarr 61 times (100 percent) while Sen. Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton) voted with Tarr 60 times (98.3 percent). SENATORS’ SUPPORT OF THEIR PARTY’S LEADERSHIP IN 2023 THROUGH AUGUST 25 The percentage next to the senator’s name represents the percentage of times the senator supported his or her party’s leadership so far in 2023. The number in parentheses represents the number of times the senator opposed his or her party’s leadership. Some senators voted on all 61 roll call votes. Others missed one or more roll calls. The percentage for each senator is calculated based on the number of roll calls on which he or she voted. Sen. Lydia Edwards 98.3 percent (1) ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL DUELING VERSION OF TAX REDUCTION BILLS ARE STILL STUCK IN COMMITTEE (H 377 and S 2406) – A 6-member House-Senate conference committee, appointed on June 20, is still negotiating the hammering out of a compromise version of diff erent versions of competing tax relief packages approved by each branch. The Senate’s package would cost the state about $590 million annually, while the House’s would cost close to $1.1 billion. In the meantime, there are dozens of tax relief bills pending before the Revenue Committee. Here are some of them: CHARITABLE DEDUCTION (S 1801) – Would allow the state’s charitable deduction to be claimed only by taxpayers who do not itemize their federal returns -- a group that supporters say generally consists of lower to moderate income people. They say the bill makes the charitable tax deduction more progressive. “This bill strikes the right balance between encouraging charitable contributions and ensuring that our tax code is fair,” said sponsor Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Marlborough). DEDUCT COLLEGE TUITION COSTS (S 1884) – Would allow students or their parents, on their state tax returns, to deduct up to 50 percent of their tuition payments to public colleges in the Bay State. “An individual choosing to pursue higher education is a student making an investment not only in their own future, but also in the future of the commonwealth,” said sponsor Sen. Mike Moore (D-Millbury). “I believe we ought to encourage and celebrate that. At a time when higher education is becoming increasingly unaff ordable, creating a tax deduction for students pursuing a degree at one of Massachusetts’ world-class colleges or universities seems like a nobrainer. Increasing access to education makes all of us more competitive, more productive and more successful. Let’s do what we can to make higher ed possible for every student who wants it.” ALLOW STATE INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR SCHOOL AND MUNICIPAL FEES PAID BY RESIDENTS (H 2868) – Would provide a tax deduction for the school fees that parents must often pay for their public school children and for trash pick-up and disposal fees. Supporters say most public schools levy a variety of fees on their students including fees to park cars in school lots, to enroll in full-day kindergarten, to ride the school bus, to participate in after-school sports and to join clubs and other extracurricular activities. “I fi led this bill because many families in my district and in MetroWest pay over $1,000 per year in school fees,” said sponsor Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick). “All these services were formerly funded through the local property tax, though that is no longer the case. [The bill] will benefi t the middle class and help to uplift the purpose of well-rounded public schools.” CONSERVATION LAND TAX CREDIT (H 2839) – Makes changes to the state’s current Conservation Land Tax Credit (CLTC) law which provide an incentive for individuals to donate land in Massachusetts to a public or private conservation agency. The CLTC provides an up to $75,000 refundable state tax credit equal to 50 percent of the fair market value of the donated property. The land being donated must have signifi cant conservation value, which includes forest land, farmland, land used for wildlife protection and projects essential to water quality protection. BEACON | SEE Page 23

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Page 23 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com Georgescauld, Yuyu S Georgescauld, Florian Dibella, Stephen J Dibella, Karen L 360 Revere Beach Blvd #317 BUYER1 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS SELLER1 BUYER2 BEACON | FROM Page 22 The bill would increase the current annual statewide maximum total CLTC cap allowed from $2 million to $5 million over a threeyear period. The $5 million cap will remain in eff ect until December 31, 2034, at which time the cap will revert back to $2 million. “For every $1 in tax credits paid out under this program, the state has leveraged $4.16 of private land donated value, which is a tremendous return,” said sponsor Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading). “Since the CLTC was launched, it has protected over 15,000 acres of land with an appraised value of over $89 million, with many more projects already lined up seeking a tax credit. Increasing the annual cap will help clear up the waiting list and allow more landowners to take advantage of the tax credit while also ensuring that more of the state’s natural resources are protected.” QUOTABLE QUOTES “As senseless acts of gun violence continue to take the lives of innocent people across the commonwealth and country, we should be doing everything we can to protect the public – including barring those with restraining orders for domestic violence from having access to deadly weapons. The lower court’s ruling makes society less safe and ultimately places domestic violence survivors in a position of greater danger. Commonsense gun measures save lives and now more than ever, we need our courts to recognize this fact.” ---Attorney General Andrea Campbell on behalf of 25 state attorneys general urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court’s decision striking down a federal statute that bars individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders from accessing guns. “This is a great day for our state. This is a big step forward for students who have grown up here, worked here and followed their dreams here in Massachusetts. It’s what is fair and what is right. They’re going to continue their journey on the same terms as their peers.” ---Gov. Maura Healey on the new state law that would allow SELLER2 undocumented/illegal immigrants to qualify for the lower instate college tuition rate if they attended high school here for at least three years and graduated or completed a GED. “Many municipalities are eager to replace their failing culverts with larger, climate-ready structures, but they often lack the technical knowledge and fi nancial resources to do so. This grant program fi lls the gap by providing both necessary funding and technical assistance to local communities. ---Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll announcing a $6.4 million grant program to strengthen community preparedness for large storms, improve climate-ready infrastructure, restore fl ood storage capacities and protect fi sheries, wildlife and river habitat. “Data equity has been a priority for the House Asian Caucus for a number of years now and we’re extremely proud to have gotten it over the fi nish line. Accurate data collection is imperative to combatting systemic inequities and better understanding the needs of our diverse communities.” 38 Main St. Saugus (781) 558-1091 20 Railroad Ave. Rockport (978)-999-5408 mangorealtyteam.com SAUGUS 14 Norwood St. Everett (781)-558-1091 Saugus Condo for Rent W. PEABODY MOVE RIGHT IN..This Spectacular sun-filled home with exceptional flow. Details matter & this lovely home is brimming with great potential and character. Walk into a screened in porch & read your favorite book or just have your favorite drink w/ a friend or family member. The kitchen leads and flows into the living & dining room that offers gleaming hardwood floors & a full bath on the first floor. The second floor has 3 generous bedrooms that have hardwood floors with an additional new full bath. The roof is approximately 2 years old. The Driveway can park 3-4 cars tandem, Easy access to public transportation, 20 minutes from Boston, close to shopping malls & restaurants. Saugus is an energetic town featuring new schools, low property tax rate. Something this sweet will not last. $599,000. CALL/TEXT Sue 617-877-4553 Commercial Rental ROCKLAND If your dreaming of starting your own business, this space is for you. This professional office or retail space is located on busy Union Street right outside of Rockland Center. Space has two front entrances and one rear exit. There are two rest rooms. Additional storage space in the basement! Multiple parking spaces in the rear of the building. Tenant pays their own electricity and heating costs. Exterior maintenance (snow plowing and landscaping) is shared with adjoining tenant. High traffic and strong visibility location close to the areas major highways. Flexible terms for start-up business. Parking for these two units will be out back or on side of building, not in front, and there is plenty! Large basement for storage included in lease. Other uses are permitted with special permit. Lessee to conduct due diligence with Rockland building department $1,750. CALL/TEXT Peter 781-820-5690 Commercial ba a Opportunity Is KNOCKING Saugus Ctr location! Are you ready to move into this newly remodeled 5 bedroom Colonial. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout. From your kitchen window you will view the historic Victorian spires of the Saugus Town Hall. From your first-floor main bedroom you will see historic recently restored Round Hill Park. Outside of your front door you will find easy access to the Northern Strand rail trail, the MBTA bus, and local businesses. Stainless steel appliances, a farmers sink and granite counter tops glisten under recessed first floor lighting. State of the art programable heat pump provides energy efficient year-round temperature control. All new bathrooms with first floor laundry hookup. New plumbing, wiring, and newly recent vinyl clad windows. Spacious basement, with storage. Fully electrified 10' x 20' custom built shed. $779,000 CALL/TEXT Peter 781-820-5690 Business Opportunity LYNN MANGO Realty is offering a great opportunity to acquire a long established active restaurant/bar with common victualer/all alcohol license in a prime down town Lynn location. The owner of this business is retiring after 29 years of success at this location. Loyal customer base. Kitchen facilities updated. Two rest rooms. Seats 92/ Plenty of off-street parking. Documented revenue for both food, liquor and lottery allows you to have a quick return on your investment. Favorable lease terms for this corner location. $200,000. e owner of t e owner 29 year hen facil n faci hen faciliti hen faciliti en faciliti hen facilitie en faciliti e for both en facilitie en facilities n facilitie acilitiese acilities facilities mented revenue for both o have a 92/ P s 92/ Plen s 92/ Plen 2/ Plen s 92/ Plent 92/ Plent 2/ Plent 2/ Plent 2/ Plenty mented revenue for bot s you to have a s bl t 29 years of success at ase. Kitchen facil ess at s at s at t t ss at ess at h t this loc t this lo facilities updated ts 92/ Plenty of off-street p acilities updated reet p c acilities updated. You will be stunned the very moment you enter into this condo. This spacious unit is like new and has been tastefully renovated with the past 5 years and impeccably maintained since. The large eat in kitchen offers stainless steel appliances, granite countertops. The open concept floor plan is perfect for entertaining Assigned garage space and ample visitor parking are just a few more perks to mention. Easy and low maintenance living. this is true value and convenience at its best. This fantastic W Peabody location is ideal for commuters boasting access to Rte 1 and I 95 and is just minutes away from the North Shore Mall. Condo has a function room, a beautiful pool, tennis courts and more. No Pets, No Smoking, This will not last. Great credit score and references required.$3,000. CALL/TEXT Sue 617-877-4553 Condo for Sale LYNN Studio Condo, 1 Bed/bath. Currently vacant. Condo must sell as owner occupied, per condo rules. FHA approved. This condo is a professionally managed unit, with a pool, dog park, gazebo, and parking. H/P accessible via elevator. Restaurants and bus route nearby within walking distance..... $235,000. sell as owner occupie proved. Th sell p a z s sell as ma proved. T onally managed unit, with zebo, and parkin Res oved. T man parkin oved. This c oved. Th ved. This c ved. This c ved. This co d. This co /bath. Current y vaca occupie /bath C ied ied ied d y occupied, pied, . This condo is a nit, with This condo is a pied, per c a SAUGUS This tri-level is located in the highly desirable Indian Rock Development. The open concept kitchen offers S.S. appliances & a center island that adjoins a double sliding door that leads to the screened in porch. A 1 car garage attached to this lovely home and bonus rooms in the basement with so much more space. Don't Wait Too Long to Answer....Many agents will tell you they can sell your home. However, taking a chance on an agent with no experience selling in your area is TOO big of a risk for such a large financial asset. I would love to help ensure you get the most money for your home in the least amount of time for you and your family. CALL/TEXT SUE FOR A PRE-LISTING CONSULTATION 617-877-4553 ADDRESS ---Rep. Tackey Chan (D-Quincy), chair of the House Asian Caucus, on a new law signed by the governor as part of the fi scal 2024 budget, that mandates better reporting for racial and ethnic data including requiring uniform data collection by all state agencies that include a race/ethnicity question on their state forms and mandate that such data be made publicly available. HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been fi led. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misDATE PRICE 08.09.23 550000 guided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of August 2125, the House met for a total of 42 minutes while the Senate met for a total of 36 minutes. Mon. August 21 House 11:02 a.m. to 11:28 a.m. Senate 11:06 a.m. to 11:33 a.m. Tues. August 22 No House session No Senate session Wed. August 23 No House session No Senate session Thurs. August 24 House 11:03 a.m. to 11:19 a.m. Senate 11:12 a.m. to 11:21 a.m. Fri. August 25 No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019. Revere Check our Google Reviews Sue and Christine were just so helpful. Always there when we needed them!!! Thank you Mango Realty!! ~Andrea Callahan~ CO CONTRACT CONTRACT U UND NDER NDER UNDER UNDER T CO ONTRACT UNDE CONTRACT U UNDER ER C

Page 24 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 # ............. 1       “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service”        View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300 SAUGUS - 10 rm Split Entry offers 10 rms, 2 kitchens, gorgeous kitchen with granite counters, 3 full baths,                   for the extended family, deck, AG pool, 1 c garage, culde-sac location. Offered at $899,900. SAUGUS - 8 rooms, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, desirable, 1st floor family room with woodstove & slider to deck, living room, dining room, finished room in lower level, large yard, convenient location. Offered at $575,000. SAUGUS - 9+ rm Colonial offers 2 ½ baths, updated        place and sliders to sunroom w/glass ceiling w/slider                    porch, located on cul-de-sac. Offered at $959,900. SAUGUS - 6 room, 3 bedroom Cape, 1 full bath, 25’ living room, many updates, inground, heated pool, located on dead-end street. Offered at $489,900. SAUGUS - 7 room, 3-4 bedroom Colonial featuring                     just outside Saugus Center. Offered at $499,900. Saugus’s newest condo complex featuring 2 bedrooms, bright and sunny, fully appliance, eat-in kitchen with granite counters and ceramic                street parking, coin-op laundry. Offered at $329,900. FOR SALE FOR SALE-NEW CONSTRUCTION ONE OF A KIND CONTEMPORARY MODERN HOME WITH AMAZING VIEWS OF PILLINGS POND, 4590 SQFT. OPEN CONCEPT, 3 LEVELS, 4 BEDS, 6 BATHS, TOP OF THE LINE MATERIALS AND FINISHES, HOME THEATER, WORK-OUT ROOM AND SO MUCH MORE! LYNNFIELD CALL DANIELLE FOR MORE DETAILS 978-987-9535 MOBILE HOMES YOUNG ONE BEDROOM IN GOOD CONDITION IN A DESIRABLE PARK WITH 2 PARKING SPOTS. SOLD AS IS. SUBJECT TO PROBATE DANVERS $119,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289 COMING SOON COMING SOONNEW CONSTRUCTION 4 BEDROOM, 3.5 BATH WITH HARDWOOD THROUGH-OUT. BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN AND BATHS. GARAGE UNDER. NICE SIDE STREET LOCATION. SAUGUS CALL KEITH FOR MORE DETAILS 781-389- 0791 FOR SALEFOR SALE COMMERCIAL SPACE GREAT BUSINESS OR DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY. SAL'S DRY CLEANERS. BUYERS TO PERFORM DUE DILIGENCE REGARDING ZONING/USAGE. EVERETT $999,900 CALL ANTHONY 857-246-1305 SAUGUS SOLD $55K OVER ASKING UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE- TOP FLOOR 2 BED, 1.5 BATH UNIT WITH SPACIOUS KITCHEN AND NEW APPLIANCES. LARGE DINING AND LIVING ROOMS WITH CROWN MOLDING. MAIN BEDROOM HAD DOUBLE CLOSETS AND A HALF BATH. NEWER VINYL PLANK FLOORING THROUGH OUT. CONDO FEE INCLUDES HEAT AND HOT WATER. SMALL PETS ALLOWED. ADDITIONAL STORAGE & 2 DEEDED PARKING. AMESBURY $299,900 BRANDI 617-462-5886 LITTLEFIELD REAL ESTATE WELCOMES LAUREN BARTON 781-835-6989 RENTALS 2 BEDROOM, FULLY APPLIANCED KITCHEN, ONE CAR PARKING. ALL UTILITIES ARE INCLUDED. SAUGUS $2,000 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 CALL HER FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS WISHING ALL STUDENTS A SAFE AND HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR! SAUGUS SOLD $68K OVER ASKING FOR SALE- CHARMING 4 BED, 2 BATH CAPE WITH GREAT SPACE AND FLOW. UPDATED KITCHEN WITH GRANITE, 2 BEDS AND A BATH DOWN AND 2 BEDS AND A BATH UP. EXERCISE ROOM IN BASEMENT. GREAT LOCATION AND YARD. LYNNFIELD $649,999 CALL JUSTIN 978-815-2610 JUST STOP, IT’S THE LAW! PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR CHILDREN CROSSING.

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