Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Councillor at Large Candidate Anthony Parziale hosts fundraiser C andidate Anthony Parziale and committee greeted many supporters last Tuesday evening at The Good Diner on Broadway. The Good Diner on Broadway was fi lled last Tuesday evening with friends and supporters of Anthony Parziale for Councillor at Large. Parziale spoke on Revere First above all else. Supporting Candidate Parziale were Carole and Larry Smith. Candidate Anthony Parziale with his wife Kali and daughter Presley Monsignor John McLaughlin of St. John’s in Swampscott joined Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale and gave a blessing before dinner was served. The Good Diner on Broadway was fi lled with supporters and friends of Councillor at Large Candidate Anthony Parziale. Shown in the photo are Candidate for Revere School Committee Member Anthony Caggiano, Annie Lombardo, Presley and Kali Parziale, State Representative Jeff Turco, Candidate for Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya and Ed Turell. Candidate for Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya is shown at The Good Diner with owner Sabra Abougalala, Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale and his family, Kali and Presley Parziale. Businessman Michael Zaccaria was on hand to support Candidate Anthony Parziale. Acting Mayor and Candidate for Mayor Patrick Keefe, Jr. joined Candidate Anthony Parziale at The Good Diner. The City Council candidate with friends Michael Wells, Chris Courage and Marc Hilton Some neighbors of Candidate Anthony Parziale, Catherine McInnes and Pamela Hoysradt, joined Anthony and Kali Parziale at The Good Diner. Owner of The Good Diner Sabra Abougalala is shown with Candidate for Councillor at Large Anthony Parziale and Kali Parziale.

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