Maldden alld a Vol. 32, No. 26 den AADD -FREELouis and Anthony Maglione By Steve Freker he Maglione brothers of Malden enjoyed the simple pleasures of life, like many others in T both this community and those around New England. They loved cheering on the Boston Red Sox, following local Malden politics, attending local events and watching the programming on WGBH-TV. The Magliones, Louis and Anthony, espeWGBH-PBS | SEE PAGE 8 On the Campaign Trail with Councillor Paul Condon Have a Safe & Happy July 4th! CTE CAT AT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday Late Malden brothers leave $6 million to WGBH-PBS Television and Educational Foundation Louis and Anthony Maglione left their combined life savings; largest gift in GBH history 617-387-2200 T he Malden High School community is mourning the passing of longtime educator Charlie Bowers, who died Tuesday after a lingering illness. Mr. Bowers was a business education teacher, in the 10th year of his second stretch as a member of the Malden High School faculty, having taught before in the Malden Public Schools for a number of years, beginning in 2001. He had also formerly taught at the Salemwood K-8 middle school. Mr. Bowers had recently offi - cially retired at the conclusion of the recently completed academic year two weeks ago on June 16. He had missed most of this past year battling health issues. Mr. Bowers was a Northeastern University graduate who went on to attend and receive a degree from Suff olk University Law School. After a number of years working as a tax attorney, he decided to change professional careers and join the academic life. According to a story in a past MHS edition of the school newspaper, The Blue and Gold, Mr. Bowers enjoyed reading, cooking and travel. For a number of E Friday, June 30, 2023 Malden High School mourns passing of longtime educator Charlie Bowers Two other retired MHS teachers and former Malden High Principal John E. Wright also passed recently By Steve Freker Charlie Bowers years, Mr. Bowers spent a lot of time in the summer months in Italy with his wife and daughters and their families, having owned a home in Milan. Malden High School Principal Chris Mastrangelo, who had worked alongside Mr. Bowers for nearly 20 years at MHS, recalled him in announcing his passing to the staff via an email on Wednesday. “Charlie will always be remembered for his great stories, infectious laugh, love for his family, and the great pride he took in Malden High School,” he stated. “He loved the kids and the kids loved him, he will be missed.” EDUCATOR| SEE PAGE 12 WELCOME: Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon is shown welcoming Mayor Gary Christenson and Councillor-at-Large Craig Spadafora to his recent reelection fundraiser last week. See page 17 for photo highlights.

Page 2 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Malden High School Class of 2023 Dedicates Yearbook to Director of Athletics Charlie Conefrey. ~ Letter-to-the-Editor ~ City Councillor Addresses Mass. State Ethics Commission Decision Dear Editor, Co-Coordinating the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program from 2011-2020 is something I will forever be proud of. Under the direction of the Mayor’s offi ce, and with substantial grant funding from the state, private companies and foundations, we were able to expand the diversity of the youth in the program, make the program more transparent and inclusive, and open the program up to reach thousands of young people across Malden. During a ten-year span, we hired over 3,000 youth, two of whom were my daughters. All jobs, including staff positions, were publicly posted and hired by the Human Resources Department (public records support this). Everyone who was hired went through the same rigorous and transparent process: • Completing an application, which was scored by multiple city employees and volunteers in a blinded process (no names were shown). • Being interviewed in an open, 9 transparent, community process with over 40 volunteer interviewers including the Mayor, state representatives, Malden High School educators and administrators, and countless staff from our city government and local organizations. I strongly believe in fairness and transparency, and acted on those beliefs in co-creating this rigorous process for all 3,000 applicants. In the spirit of transparency, I am letting you know that in 2021, based on an anonymous tip, the Mass. State Ethics Commission began a preliminary investigation into me personally. They did so after my employment with the city had ended and after I had announced I was running for public offi ce in Malden. The investigation was undertaken pursuant to G.L. c. 268B, § 4(a), claiming possible violations of the confl ict-of-interest law, G.L. c. 268A. The anonymous person claimed I violated state ethics laws because two of my three daughters were chosen by the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program committee to be hired in 2017. All jobs, including staff positions, were publicly posted and fi lled by the Human Resources Department (public records support this). Staff positions, including my daughters, were also publicly posted and interviews for staff were held by Ms. Collomb in 2019. Ms. Collomb hired my daughter among others into a staff position located in Malden High School. At this time, I inquired with the Malden legal department and the Mayor’s offi ce whether or not I should get a legal opinion or sign a disclosure under the applicable ethics statutes and I was told in writing that no opinion or disclosure was necessary because I would not be supervising my daughter (public records support this in 2018 & 2019). I did not hire or supervise my daughters. I never evaluated their performance, set or adjusted their pay rates, or directed them in the job they were hired to do. Occasionally, I was called upon to Enjoy. Connect. Celebrate. We’ll be closed Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the holiday. The bank will be open for regular business hours on Saturday July 1st and Wednesday, July 5th. You can access your accounts using our ATMs and Online & Mobile Banking. Thank you! sign forms and timesheets approving payroll for all employees in the program, but only to comply with city policy when other signatories were unavailable. All forms, payroll registers and timesheets were reviewed for accuracy and my role was to sign payroll registers, as every other director must do, in order to comply with city policy. The State chose to interpret this as “supervision.” If you have read this far, you may be wondering why I am now telling you all this. I am sharing these details with you because after a year of fi ghting this claim and an initial retainer of $7,500 in legal fees, I am at a pivotal point. In June, I was off ered a proposed disposition agreement I by the state ethics investigator contingent on me signing a document stating that I violated ethics laws (when I still believe I did not) and agreeing to the conditions below: (1) that Colón Hayes pay to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with such payment to be delivered to the Commission, the sum of $15,000 as a civil penalty for violating G.L. c. 268A, §§ 19 and 23(b) (3); and (2) that Colon Hayes waive all rights to contest, in this or any other administrative or judicial proceeding to which the Commission is or may be a party, the fi ndings of fact, conclusions of law and terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. A $15,000 fi ne for actions relating to a temporary summer job is unprecedented. So, we decided to fi ght it. After using the entire $7,500 of the retainer in legal fees plus an additional $9,442.00 in further legal fees, the state ethics commissioner decreased the fi ne to $7,500. To pursue this further would compromise my family’s fi nances even further, so it no longer makes sense for me to do so. I have two children with chronic health issues and a daughter entering college in the fall. So, I made the decision to sign the document that attacks my integrity in order to stop the fi nancial bleeding. This was an extremely hard decision, but it was the sensible fi nancial decision to make and it was the decision that will protect my family from further harm. Others know me to be an honest, hard-working person and I take ethics laws very seriously. My actions in the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program were part of a team eff ort; they had the approval of my superiors and the city solicitors. I continue to be extremely proud of everything we accomplished in the program. However, I apologize to the residents of Malden for any appearance of impropriety. I should have been more aware of how my actions might appear and their potential consequences. I am continually learning. I am happy to answer questions, as I am forever trying to be as transparent as possible. Please feel free to call me at 781-704-6342. Thank you. Karen Colón Hayes Councillor-at-Large CORRECTION: t has come to the attention of this newspaper that a picture in a political announcement published in the Friday, June 23rd edition of the Malden Advocate titled “Discover the Inspiration Behind My Campaign to Lead Malden” was captioned incorrectly. The picture was incorrectly captioned as “Victor Alvarado who is currently running for Mayor of Malden, and his daughter, Lissette.” The correct caption should have read “Victor Alvarado and his daughter, Lissette Alvardo, who is currently running for Mayor of the Malden.” The Advocate Newspapers regrets the error.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 3 ~ Malden Musings ~ “Frankie DiSano 1945” “M y Scrapbook of Malden High School Football” by Frank DiSano – Right End, Class of 1945. These are the words of MHS senior Frank DiSano as inscribed in his scrapbook. “Every high school football player cherishes the remains and the reminders of his football career. To look back and see what his team did or did not do is a heartwarming reading period. This is why I have pasted into this book my treasures. I shall always wish that I could again, one day, repeat my football career. Although I had many faults, I have no regrets.” An aging scrapbook was entrusted into my care recently. It contains a young man’s childhood memories and dreams long before the real world reared its (sometimes) ugly head. It was packed tight with newspaper clippings meticulously culled from various local dailies from Boston to Malden. Frankie DiSano hailed from Edgeworth – a proud family dating back to the early half of last century with Pearl Street the center of their universe. He played football growing up, but Frank’s obsession became MHS football. He passionately cut articles out of newspapers before, during and after high school. MHS Blue & Gold football! There are literally hundreds of articles spanning decades of MHS gridiron action. Frankie DiSano came out of Beebe Jr. High and was a “right end” on the MHS football squad, graduating in 1945. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orazio DiSano of 265 Pearl St. His niece Carol and nephews Vinnie, Ronny and Jimmy lived there growing up with Vinnie – selling the family property recently. His nephew Vinnie and I go back to at least 1965, when we dined by candlelight on my mom’s homemade chicken soup during the Northeast Blackout of 1965. Vinnie was a classmate of my brother Joe’s at Emerson School in Miss Pearl’s third grade class. He got caught at our house during the blackout and stayed for dinner till the coast was clear for him to walk home, alone. “My Uncle Frank was my father’s youngest brother; he was the father of Steve and Diane Disano and passed away in August of 2001. I think he was a union rep. He lived with his wife Lillian on 47 Garden St. He was a good guy. He was the least combative of my other uncles of which my Uncle Joe is still alive at 100. I think he and my father and my uncle Augustine, (Gus), oversaw the school lunches, and a plaque for Uncle Gus hangs above the MHS cafeteria. They all used ANGELO’S FULL SERVICE 1978-2023 Celebrating 45 Years in Business! Regular Unleaded $3.359 MidUnleaded $3.739 Super $3.989 Diesel Fuel $3.739 Heating Oil at the Pump $4.759 $2.99 9 DEF HEATING OI 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN AVE • SAUGUS Hours. Mon.-Wed. 6AM - 6PM / Thurs. & Fri. 6AM - 7PM / Sat. 7AM / Sun. 9AM-5PM Frankie DiSano in 1945 to go bowling at Townline every Thursday night I believe. I could only remember going to Frank’s house in Maplewood a few times. That side of the family was not as close as my mother’s side. But he was involved in the Edgeworth community activities with my uncle Gus, Bobby Goodwin’s mother, Mary McNeil, Laura Damiano, and others that I can’t remember. Frank also had a daughter Diane. He talked about his football days quite a bit. He was very proud of his time wearing the B&G.” Apropos of nothing...the 1960s changed the political landscape, not only here in Malden, but across the world. Courageous young men and women with strong belief systems held government/society accountable and brought us boldly into the future. Students at MHS were no exception, especially the Class of 1965. Here we take a small glimpse at the 1965 Maldonian Yearbook – their motto: “Here at M.H.S. We Strive for “Peace through Understanding.” • The School Committee is stacked with some of Malden’s best and brightest! Mrs. Marguerite Holland is joined by future mayor “Gentleman Jim” Conway, Mrs. Bertha Gordon, George Lodgen, and longtime Malden folklorist – the great Bill Mini. • John Carroll was a Meteorology teacher. He also coached the Rifle Club, who although they didn’t win the Middlesex Scholastic Rifl e Championship, had a 907 average – highest in MUSINGS| SEE PAGE 15 www.eight10barandgrille.com OPEN DAILY FOR DINNER AT 4 PM. CATCH THE CELTICS, BRUINS & NCAA SPORTS ON OUR 6 LARGE SCREEN TV'S! om WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 Prices subject to change DIESEL TRUCK STOP FLEET

Page 4 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Historical Reenactment Reading of Malden Town Instructions 2023 I n celebration of the July 4 holiday, all are invited to the Malden Public Library (36 Salem St.) on Friday, June 30, at 5 p.m. to reexperience the events in Malden that led up to the drafting of the “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” – Malden’s declaration of support for American Independence. Local Historian and period actor Tom Coots will perform the 7th Annual Reading of the town “Instructions” on the lawn of the Malden Public Library. The May 27, 1776, document titled “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” was unanimously voted on by the townspeople of Malden to be de“Instructions From The Inhabitants of Malden” livered to the Second Continental Congress via their representative Ezra Sargeant. In this communication, the voting citizens of Malden renounce the Colony’s ties to the Kingdom of Great Britain and set forth their wish to become an independent “American” republic. The document is credited as a precursor to the Declaration of Independence – written in July 1776 –when the Continental Congress formally declared their independence from England. The original historical document is on display in the Library for viewing.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 5 Greater Boston nonprofits sharing in $30M from Cummings Foundation – 150 charities awarded multiyear grants S ummer heralds major growth for 150 greater Boston nonprofi ts. These community organizations have been awarded substantial multiyear funding through the annual Cummings $30 Million Grant Program. In keeping with Cummings Foundation’s focus on local giving, nearly all the grantee organizations are based in and serve Essex, Middlesex and Suff olk Counties. They represent a wide variety of causes, including housing and food insecurity, workforce development, immigrant services, social justice, education and mental health services. “We’re so inspired by the passion of the nonprofits we’ve heard from since notifying the grant winners,” said Cummings Foundation Executive Director Joyce Vyriotes. “Their enthusiasm is not so much about the money but rather what the money will allow them to do for others.” A total of 125 organizations were awarded threeyear grants of up to $225,000 each. The remaining 25 nonprofi ts received 10-year funding of $300,000 to $1 million each. The Chinese Culture Connection in Malden received $105,000 to expand the Youth Leadership and Mentoring Program (YLMP) to more schools, enabling an additional 200 students to fi nd their voices in the community. Malden Catholic High School received $225,000 to provide urban youth from Gateway communities with an innovative and challenging afterschool and summer STEM program. A night to remember More than 350 nonprofit professionals, community leaders and friends of the Cummings Foundation gathered last Thursday evening to honor the Foundation’s 2023 grant winners. Encouraged to “come as your authentic self,” attendees arrived at Woburn’s TradeCenter 128 campus to fi nd a light-hearted, festive atmosphere. Special guests included former Massachusetts Governor and First Lady Charlie and Lauren Baker as well as Woburn Mayor Scott Galvin and former Medford Mayor Mike McGlynn, who both served as Grant Selection Committee volunteers. A unique philanthropic model Vyriotes is quick to redirect the gratitude expressed by grant recipients. “It is us who are thankful for them, the nonprofi ts doing critical daily work that improves local communities and the lives of local residents,” said Vyriotes. “Also, these grants are the result of so many people behind the scenes: Cummings’ leasing clients, Cummings Properties employees, and the Foundation volunteers who actually select the majority of grant winners.” One of the largest private foundations in New England, Cummings Foundation has awarded $480 million to greater Boston nonprofi ts to date. A meaningful percentage of Cummings Foundation’s more than $3 billion in assets is in the form of commercial real estate. The now sizeable portfolio was donated over time by Bill and Joyce Cummings of Winchester. It serves as a stable, ongoing source of revenue for the Foundation’s philanthropic programs. The Foundation’s buildings are all debt free and operated on a pro bono basis by Cummings Properties, which Bill Cummings founded more than 50 years ago. One hundred percent of their rental profi ts go directly to the Foundation for philanthropic purposes. “These annual grants would not be possible without the 2,000 or so businesses that are located in Cummings buildings and the 300-plus talented, hard-working colleagues who design, build, maintain, and lease them,” said Cummings Properties Chairman/ CEO Dennis Clarke, who is a trustee of Cummings Foundation. The next funding opportunity While wrapping up the 2023 grant cycle, Cummings Foundation is already looking ahead to the next one. Local nonprofi ts are invited to visit CummingsFoundation.org in early July to view updated eligibility requirements and submit a letter of inquiry for the Cummings $30 Million Grant Program. One change, according to Vyriotes, will be an expansion of the program’s geographic parameters, which previously were limited to Middlesex, Essex and Suff olk Counties. In the upcoming cycle, the Foundation will broaden eligibility to include several other communities close to Boston: Brookline, Dedham, Milton, Needham, Quincy and Wellesley.

Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Grand Reopening of Dunkin’ at 619 Broadway M ayor Gary Christenson celebrated the Grand Reopening of Dunkin’ at 619 Broadway. Improvements include installing a new ice coffee tap system, digital menu boards, self-serve kiosk and an entire interior renovation. Owner John Malachowski is looking forward to continuing their great customer service to the community. On this occasion they took the opportunity to present Bread of Life with a donation of $1,000 as part of their commitment to continue giving back to the Malden community. “I’m truly grateful to John Malachowski for their continued support of our community,” said Mayor Christenson. Ward 8 Councillor Jadeane Sica, Dunkin’ Owner John Malachowski, Dunkin’ Manager Quil Borges and Mayor Gary Christenson (Courtesy of the City of Malden) Northeast Metro Tech students get safety harness training from Gilbane Building Company Representatives of Gilbane Building Company, Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware provided Northeast Metro Tech students with a demonstration of the latest safety equipment. (Courtesy Northeast Metro Tech) S uperintendent Dave DiBarri is pleased to report that, as part of the new Northeast Metro Tech building project, students in the construction trades got real-life experience and training in the proper use of modern safety equipment and practices thanks to the project’s construction manager – Gilbane Building Company – and the project team. In support of the school’s mis                                                9AM - 1PM JULY 1, 2023 DOG PARADE AT 12:00 NOON                       9AM - 1PM JULY 2, 2022 sion to educate students through experiential learning, Gilbane and the project team enlisted Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware to ready students for their entry into the field, demonstrating construction site best practices for fall protection. Gilbane, Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware gave a one-hour demonstration with jobsite simulation with a student volunteer. Angel Santana, a junior carpentry student from North Reading, volunteered for the demonstration, getting a unique opportunity to experience a jobsite experience that afternoon. “The main objective of this training was to ensure our students are trained in using the latest best-in-class safety equipment by those with first-hand knowledge and experience in the field. We are extremely grateful to Gilbane, Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware for organizing and presenting this training,” said Superintendent DiBarri. “Gilbane has been a great partner to Northeast Metro Tech, and this is yet another example of the ways in which the company has really gone above and beyond.” The demonstration was one of several Gilbane and the project team have put on for Northeast Metro Tech students this year. Other presentations were focused on topics like safety, injury prevention, and guidance from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 7 Everett native is appointed Malden Catholic Board Chair M ason Tenaglia ’74 has been appointed Board Chair of Malden Catholic (MC), and he will assume the position on July 1, 2023. Jim Donovan Hon. ’11 has completed his term after serving 10 years at the school as Board Chair and 22 years overall. Mason Tenaglia, an Everett native, joined the MC Board in 2001 as MC Finance Committee Chair and remained in the position for three terms. He stepped off the Board in 2012 but remained involved in an advisory capacity for the addition of MC’s Girls Division and the hiring of the school’s current President in 2019, John K. Thornburg. He rejoined the MC Board once again in 2019 as Finance Committee Chair and took the position of Vice Chairman of the Board in 2022. According to Tenaglia, “The trajectory that both past Board Chairmen, Ted Legacy ’63 and Jim Donovan Hon. ’11, created over the last two decades emphasized operational improvements and bold ambitions that ensured the school’s growth and sustainability. As a result, we have seen a complete rewriting of Malden Catholic’s future with the school solidly positioned as a leader in private college preparatory education. With so many Catholic schools closing over the past few years, my goal is to ensure that MC continues to offer a strong Catholic education based in the Xaverian traditions to the hard working and determined young men and women in Boston and the North Shore.” Thornburg commented, “We are very fortunate to have Mason serve Malden Catholic in the capacity as Board Chair. Over the past two decades he has devoted his expertise in finance and planning, time and attention to the financial health of this institution and we are in strong position due to his efforts. He has also worked very closely with Jim Donovan, and they have a shared vision for MC’s future. Additionally, hailing from Everett, Mason has benefited greatly from his Malden Catholic education. He cares deeply about providing the same opportunities that were afforded to him to the young men and women visor and U.S. Thought Leader. Tenaglia holds a BS degree in Mason Tenaglia Newly appointed Malden Catholic Board Chair who live in the surrounding urban communities.” Tenaglia added, “I am also incredibly impressed with the ever-increasing quality of the Malden Catholic Board. Our Board has attracted individuals from a wide variety of relevant disciplines including law, finance, marketing, higher education, health care, engineering and consulting. This, in combination with the extraordinary MC leadership from John Thornburg and his administrative team provides a tremendous foundation to support Malden Catholic’s plans for future expansion.” About Mason Tenaglia ’74 Tenaglia, the son and grandson of Italian immigrants, was raised in Everett by his parents Masimilliano (Mason) Tenaglia and Fiorentina (Florence) Mastrocola. He has spent his business career as a management consultant and consulting firm entrepreneur with a focus on the global pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Starting at McKinsey & Company in 1981, Mason has served nearly every major pharmaceutical company in the United States and in Europe. In the 1990s he launched and built and sold Planning Technologies Group, a tech-driven consulting firm that was acquired by Michael Milken (Knowledge Universe) and Larry Ellison (Oracle). Subsequently, he was the founder and Managing Partner of Amundsen Group, a specialized firm focused on drug pricing and market access that was acquired by IQVIA Holdings in 2013. He continues to serve IQVIA as a Senior AdLike us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/ Advocate.news.ma Dan - 1972 International Economics from the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and an MBA in Finance and International Business from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. He graduated from Malden Catholic in 1974 and joined the Board in 2001. Tenaglia stepped off the MC Board in 2012 and rejoined in 2019, taking the position of Vice Chairman in 2022. For 15 years, Mason has funded MC scholarships in his mother’s name for students from immigrant families from his native city of Everett. About Malden Catholic High School Since 1932, MC has shaped emerging leaders in our community, claiming a Nobel Laureate, a Senator, two ambassadors and countless community and business heads among its alumni. Annually, graduates attend some of the nation’s most renown universities: Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, University of Chicago, Georgetown, Cornell, Brown, Tufts University, Carnegie Mellon, Duke, Notre Dame, Northeastern University, Boston College and College of the Holy Cross, just to name a few. Foundational to student success is MC’s codivisional model, which offers the best of both worlds: single-gender academics during the day and integrated social and extracurricular opportuniGerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Our 50th Anniversary We Sell Cigars & Accessories! 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Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 WGBH-PBS| FROM PAGE 1 cially enjoyed watching the historical documentary shows on PBS like American Experience. Until their health declined and, sadly, they each passed away within a year and a half of each other, Louis and Anthony – both never married – were inseparable and lived in the house at 9 Starbird St. in which they grew up, in the city’s Faulkner neighborhood. Louis Maglione, the younger of the two Malden brothers, passed away on November 29, 2019, at 67. Anthony died about a year and a half later, at age 70, on March 12, 2021. In addition to ingraining themselves in the Malden community and being lifelong WGBH-TV (now known simply as “GBH”) and PBS television connoisseurs and annual pledge ter high school, Louis joined the U.S. Air Force, where he served during the Vietnam War era and was later discharged as a 2nd Lieutenant. He was a graduate of Lowell College and a retired longtime employee of the federal Veterans Administration in Jamaica Plain. Like his brother Anthony, Louis was an avid Boston Red Sox fan. He was a member of the Revere Italian American Post, where he served as adjutant. A voracious reader and volunteer historian at the Malden Public Library, he often carried a dictionary in case he came across a word he didn’t know. He, too, enjoyed researching stocks and Tanning Salon anning Salo Come See Why Sizzle Tanning is The Best on the North Shore! The Maglione brothers of Malden, Anthony and Louis, who are shown on a “thank you” billboard on the side of the GBH building on Guest Street in Brighton, bequeathed their combined life savings – totaling $6 million – to GBH and its programming, the largest unrestricted gift in the public media company’s history. (Courtesy Photo) P9S REDLIGHT Therapy Tanning SIZZLE OFFERS HIGH-END, STATE-OF-THE-ART SUNLESS AND UV TANNING! VERSA SPA PRO Sunless Tanning FULL SERVICE HAIR SALON & ESTHETICS ALSO OFFERED! 302 Lincoln Ave., Saugus Cogliano Plaza * 781-231-1006 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 AM - 8 PM / Sun. 8 AM - 7 PM C Check us out at: www.SalonatSizzle.com Sizzlesaugus Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 “Same name, phone number & address for over half a century. We must be doing something right!” •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed •Roofing • Fully Insured • Replacement Windows www.everettaluminum.com •Free Estimates •Fully Licensed Now’s the time to schedule those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about all winter! Instagram@sizzlesaugus supporters, both Maglione brothers were drawn to the stock market and apparently made some wise choices through the years. It was recently revealed that those investments by the late Malden brothers are now going to go a long way toward helping in securing the fi nancial future of GBH and its continued programming. Together, according to their attorney, John McLaughlin, a partner at law fi rm Berluti McLaughlin & Kutchin, who handled Anthony’s estate, Louis and Anthony Maglione bequeathed their entire life savings – a total of $6 million between the two of them – to GBH and its mission. With $4.5 million from Anthony and $1.5 million from Louis, it represented the largest unrestricted gift in GBH history. According to GBH spokespersons, the Magliones’ gift will support local community outreach, including events and programming at the GBH Boston Public Library Studio, innovation in content distribution, and, among other things, GBH News’ digital transformation. Anthony Maglione was a 1968 graduate of Malden High School, and he worked at the Gillette Company in North Andover for 25 years. In his free time, he enjoyed watching baseball, particularly cheering on the Boston Red Sox. Anthony loved going to Fenway Park and had a deep knowledge of the team and its history. Anthony also had a passion for the stock market and was happy to impart investment advice to anyone he met. “He bought conservative, dividend-paying stocks like Gillette, General Mills, and the telephone company. He didn’t buy any high-flying stocks,” McLaughlin said. Louis Maglione graduated from the former Don Bosco High School in East Boston, where he excelled on the track team. AfCelebrating 65 Years in Business! S investment opportunities. “We are honored by the trust that Anthony and Louis Maglione have placed in us with this wonderful gift,” said Susan Goldberg, President and CEO of GBH, in an online release. “An unrestricted grant allows us to direct the funds in the ways that will have the most signifi cant impact, strengthening the organization for the future and helping us reach new audiences.” “We hope this gift will inspire others and highlight the deep level of public trust that GBH has with its audience,” Goldberg added. According to information on its website, www.gbh.com, “GBH is the leading multi-platform creator for public media in America. As the largest producer of content for PBS and partner to NPR and PRX, GBH delivers compelling experiences, stories and information to audiences wherever they are. “GBH produces digital and broadcast programming that engages, illuminates and inspires, through drama and science, history, arts, culture and journalism. “GBH has been recognized with hundreds of the nation’s premier broadcast, digital and journalism awards.” Summer is Here! Sizzle Voted #1 Tanning Salon!

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 9 Sen. Lewis receives Animal Welfare Award S tate Senator Jason Lewis was recognized by numerous animal welfare organizations during “Lobby Day for Animals” at the Massachusetts State House on June 7, 2023. Senator Lewis received an award for his many years of championing animal welfare policies and legislation, especially his leadership in ensuring more humane confi nement standards for farm animals. Senator Lewis was the lead sponsor of a bill – resoundingly approved by Massachusetts voters in 2016 – requiring minimum humane standards for farm animals, including pigs, calves and egg-laying hens. He also led the eff ort in the State Senate to update this law in 2021. “I have long viewed animal welfare and human welfare as two sides of the same coin,” said Senator Lewis. “I’m honored to receive this recognition and will continue to work alongside my colleagues, animal welfare groups, and constituents to protect animal welfare in Massachusetts, including pets, farm animals, and wild animals.” “At the 2023 Lobby Day for Animals, it is our honor to recognize Senator Lewis – a true champion for animals – for his years-long eff ort to phase out cruel confi nement in the Commonwealth,” said the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Senior Legislative Aff airs Manager, Stephanie Harris. “Senator Lewis laid a strong foundation for the successful Question 3 ballot campaign in 2016, and we are eager to celebrate its anticipated full implementation.” “We are extremely grateful for Senator Lewis’s leadership and long-term support for making the state a more humane place for animals,” said the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty’s Director of Advocacy to Animals, Kara Holmquist. “His unwavering commitment to the State Senator Jason Lewis and the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Senior Legislative Aff airs Manager, Stephanie Harris plight of farm animals confi ned in spaces so small they cannot even turn around is appreciated by all those who worked on the ballot question and its upgrade. The MSPCA is continually reminded of how fortunate we are to have him as an ally in the Senate.” “Lobby Day for Animals” was organized by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, the Animal Rescue League of Boston and the Humane Society of the United States. Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/ Advocate.news.ma Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m.

Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Malden Public Schools Summer Eats Program kicks off with barbeque T he Summer Eats Program, coordinated by the Malden Public Schools Food Service Department, in collaboration with the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and Project Bread, kicked off with a free barbeque at the Courtyard of Malden High School recently, with over 250 in attendance. Mayor Gary Christenson was on hand for the event, manning the grill and helping serve hot dogs and hamburgers for the whole shift. Malden Public Schools Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Business Toni Mertz was also on hand, pointing out that the MPS Food Truck will be in use all summer at mobile locations at the city's parks, primarily, to distribute free lunches to all who would like to take advantage of the program. Representatives of the Malden Police Department, Malden Fire Department and Cataldo ambulance were also on hand to invite children to sit inside the various vehicles and use the sirens. A free "make your own slush" truck and a popular petting zoo were also part of the big event. Free lunches begin on Wednesday. July 5 and continue weekdays during the summer. Go to maldenps.org or projectbread.org/summer eats for more information. MAYOR JOINS THE CREW— Mayor Gary Christenson joined the Food Service Crew and Malden Police to help prepare, grill and serve the food at the Summer Eats Program Kickoff Barbeque. (Advocate Photos) FAMILY LUNCH DATE— A family day at the barbeque for these Malden residents. TOUCH A TRUCK— Malden Firefighter Martin Cahill and his colleagues were on hand for a "Touch a Truck" portion of the event. GOOD RESOURCES— Malden Public Schools resource offi cers from Malden Police Sgt. Rob O'Brien, left, and Connor Cloherty, right. were on hand at the barbeque. GAMING DISTRICT MALDEN GAMING DISTRICT check us out at BABY BOY— One of the youngest attendees is all set for summer. HOT DIGGETY DOG! — Malden Mayor Gary Christenson helps serve hot dogs at the event. P www.MaldenGamingDistrict.com Questing, Billiards, Bouldering, e-Sports, VR, Room Escapes, Karaoke and Magic, plus many great restaurants, shops, and breweries all in Malden Center! HAVE A GREAT DAY! — Malden High House Principal Ewald Charles and Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance Toni Mertz were having a blast at the barbeque. SUNSHINE KIDS— Fr ee sunglasses for all was part of the Summer Eats kickoff .

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 11 Malden man, 19, held without bail in connection with Revere Beach shooting incident Suspect allegedly fi red seven shots into a crowd, hitting a woman, over Memorial Day weekend; Was arrested and charged with Everett and Malden men in unrelated incident involving loaded fi rearm in 2022 Advocate staff report A 19-year-old Malden man is facing assault and weapons charges stemming from a chaotic shooting where a female teen,17, was shot on Revere Beach over the Memorial Day weekend, District Attorney Kevin Hayden announced. Dashawn Teleau, 19, was charged in Chelsea District Court on June 8 with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, carrying a loaded fi rearm, illegal possession of a fi rearm and ammunition and discharging a fi rearm within 500 feet of a dwelling.Judge Paul Tressler ordered Teleau held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing. On May 28, Revere Police responded to a ShotSpotter alert reporting seven shots fi red in the area of 127 Centennial Ave. on Revere Beach in Revere. A witness to the shooting provided police with a 41-second video of the incident, which shows a large group of males fi ghting. jy Aurelien, 18, of Everett, produce a driver's license, Aurelien stated he did not have a license and did not know who the owner of the car was. There were two other passengers inside the vehicle later identifi ed as Dashawn Teleau, then 18 andZédarius Walle both of Malden. MALDEN MAN CHARGED IN SHOOTING— Dashawn Teleau, 19,of Malden is charged as being the shooter in a May 29 incident in which a 17-year-old teen girl was shot on Revere Beach. (Courtesy/NBC news) tively been identifi ed as another Malden man. In addition to that shooting on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, a juvenile was previously charged in connection to a separate shooting at the beach at around the same time. Three people were reportedly shot in the incidents, as several fi ghts broke out amid an eruption of chaos in the area. The suspect was later identiBased on the behavior of the STATE AND REVERE POLICE ON SCENE— At Memorial Day weekend shooting on Revere Beach where Dashawn Teleau, 19, was arrrested as the alleged shooter in the incident, where a 17-year-old teen girl was shot. (Courtesy/MBTA Transit Police) mately 9:45 p.m., a Transit Police officer assigned to the North District was at the MBTA's Wellington Station when they observed a motor vehicle driving the wrong way in the bus way into the offi cer's path of travel. The offi cer activated his emergency lights to get the operator's attention and stop the vehicle from proceeding any forward. The offi cer approached the vehicle and requested the operator, later identified as Tahoccupants the offi cer requested additional offi cers respond and subsequently officers located a loaded 40 caliber fi rearm inside the vehicle which all occupants had access to. All occupants were placed into custody for various fi rearm violations. Teleau was additionally charged with operating a motor vehicle w/out a license. All three were transported to TPD HQ for the arrest booking process. Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s office serves the communities of Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop, Mass. CONNIE GUERRIERO, ESQUIRE Law offices of Howard M. Kahalas 6 Beacon Street, Suite 1020 Boston, MA 02108 Cell: (781) 405-5053 Office: (617) 523-1155 Email: cguerriero@kahalaslaw.com LOADED WEAPON— The suspect in the Memorial Day shooting in Revere, Dashawn Teleau, 19, was also arrested in connection with an incident involving this confi scated, loaded .40 caliber handgun in April 2022. Tahjy Aurilien of Everett and Zejarius Walle, of Malden were also arrested on fi rearms charges in that incident. (Courtesy/MBTA Transit Police) One of the males, wearing gray shorts with a large Nike logo on one leg, a white tank top and gray sneakers, pulls a black fi rearm from his pocket and fi res seven or eight shots into the crowd. One victim received non life-threatening injuries and was transferred to MGH for treatment.Seven rounds of 9mm ammunition were recovered from the scene. Other suspects are expected to be charged in connection with the incident as another male is seen grabbing the fi rearm, throwing it in a bag, and running away. According to sources, that suspect has tentafi ed as Teleau in a photo array by the victim. “This was an extraordinarily dangerous and reckless action that could have led to more injuries, or even fatalities.The brazenness of sending bullets fl ying in a destination area for children and families is truly frightening,” Hayden said. The case remains under investigation by Revere Police, State Police and Staassigned to the Suff olk District According to MBTA Police, Teleau was arrested and charged n connection with an unrelated fi rearm incident in April 2022. On April 4, 2022 at approxiMotor Vehicle Accidents Slip and Falls Premises Liability Dog Bites Injured on the Job Our firm Specializes in Personal Injury, Workers Compensation & Criminal Defense. We have over 80 years of Combined Experience

Page 12 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 1970s Multi-Media Event in Malden – July 17, 2023 T he ME Decade – A Cultural Review of the 1970s Through Music will be presented in Malden on Monday, July 17, beginning at 12:30 p.m. at the Malden Senior Center (7 Washington St., Malden). American author Tom Wolfe coined the phrase “The Me Decade” to describe the changing values that took place during the 1970s. One of the major characteristics of this decade was the shift from concerns about society at-large, and the general welfare of people as a whole, to a more self-centered focus on an individual’s needs and desires. In this one-hour presentation, music is used as a “lens” into the major events and ponderings of the decade. Some of the issues that marked the 1970s were inflation, the Vietnam War, women’s rights, racial injustice and unemployment. And who can forget the 1973 oil crisis with its long lines and rationing? There is no shortage of music that tells the story of the 70s. This multimedia presentation includes audio and video clips coupled with live music and even a few sing-alongs. The presenter is Fran Hart, founding member of the Beatles tribute band 4EverFab. The presentation is family-friendly and suitable for all ages. The presentation is hosted by the Malden Senior Center. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Malden Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. EDUCATOR | FROM PAGE 1 Funeral arrangements, which are being handled by the Mackey Funeral Home in Middleton, were incomplete as of Thursday. **** Two other retired MHS teachers, Lee Johnson and John Deveney, former Malden High Principal John E. Wright also passed recently Along with Mr. Bowers, two other former well-known retired Malden High School educators, Lee Johnson and John Deveney also passed away recently. Also, former longtime Malden High School and Browne Junior High School Principal John E. Wright Jr. died on March 13, 2023, at his home in Dover, N.H. He was just over a week before his 86th birthday on March 23. Mr. Wright was born on March 23, 1937, and raised in Springfield, Mass. He was a graduate of Springfield College and earned an advanced degree at Boston College. He was a U.S. Marine Corps and USMC Reserves veteran and the father of two. His family called him “Jack.” Most recently he had made his home in New Hampshire. Mr. Wright was an educator and administrator in the Malden Public Schools from 1971 through his retirement in 1998. He served as Principal and teacher at Browne Junior High School, Vice Principal at Malden High School, and after the death of his dear friend and colleague, Arthur P. Boyle, as Principal of Malden High School from 1984 through his retirement in 1998. John W. Deveney, 83, of WakeJ& • Reliable Mowing Service • Spring & Fall Cleanups • Mulch & Edging • Sod or Seed Lawns • Shrub Planting & Trimming • Water & Sewer Repairs Joe Pierotti, Jr. S LANDSCAPE & MASONRY CO. Masonry - Asphalt • Brick or Block Steps • Brick or Block Walls • Concrete or Brick Paver Patios & Walkways • Brick Re-Pointing • Asphalt Paving www.JandSlandscape-masonry.com • Senior Discount • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 617-389-1490 Designing and Constructing Ideas that are “Grounds for Success” Landscaping field, Mass. and Kennebunk, Maine, passed away on April 24 after a brief illness, leaving his wife of 56 years, Dorothy-Ann Giardino Deveney. John retired in 2007 after 40 years as a Physics teacher, teaching in Brockton, Woburn, Weston and Malden High Schools. He graduated from Boston State College in 1961 and continued his graduate work in Astro-Nuclear Physics at MIT, BU, Rensselaer and Yale. He received an award as Outstanding Physics Teacher in the state and before entering the academic field, was a candidate for NASA’s Astronaut in Space program as well as a military veteran, receiving an honorable discharge from the U.S. Air Force, and participated in Wakefield’s Citizen Police Academy. Long known as “Mr. Dev” to his students and educator peers, he loved teaching and eating out, especially at Wakefield’s North Ave. Diner and MalJohn Deveney Lee Johnson John E. Wright Jr. den’s 621 Restaurant. Lee C. Johnson, 90, of Saugus, who was active in many capacities in that town, died peacefully on Saturday, June 24, 2023, after a brief illness. He was the husband of Phyllis (Lindsey) Johnson, with whom he shared more than 60 years of marriage. Born in, raised and a lifelong resident of Saugus, he was a graduate of Saugus High School; he later earned his degree in education after working for many years in carpentry as well as being a Carpenters Union member. Mr. Johnson then taught shop at Malden High School for over 30 years. During his teaching career he become president of his local teachers’ union. Prior to teaching Lee served in the Army during the Korean Conflict; one would see him most of the time still sporting his U.S. Army cap. While raising his family in his family home he served the Saugus community in many ways: former Saugus Town Meeting Precinct 5 member, the Lynnhurst Men’s Club, the Saugus Playground Commission, being instrumental in the creation of the Dana B. Johnson Memorial Park.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 13 Please Drive Safely! y Fu or Steven Ultrino State Representative Mayor Gary Christenson & The Citizens of Malden Paul J. Donato State Representative Spadafora Councillor-At-Large Craig Malden Trans / Malden Taxi 781-322-5050 Lester, Peggy & David Morovitz Jason Lewis State Senator Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli Rob McCarthy Ward 2 School Committee f o H h t ap p

Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Burgess Properties brokers $3.23MM flex/industrial sale with Cabot & Co. B Burgess Properties, LLC Senior Associate Charlie Jacob Burgess Properties, LLC President Stephen Nohrden JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM Law Offices of Terrence W. Kennedy 512 Broadway, Everett • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Tel: (617) 387-9809 Cell: (617) 308-8178 twkennedylaw@gmail.com urgess Properties, LLC, one of Greater Boston’s premier suburban commercial brokerage fi rms, announced that it has brokered the sale of 344 Eastern Ave. in Malden for $3,230,000. The +/11,760 square foot building on +/-0.51 acres features a combination of showroom, offi ce and warehouse space. For decades it had been occupied by a tile retailer and wholesaler – previously as Smethurst Tile and most recently as Genrose Stone and Tile. The property is located directly on highly traffi cked Route 60. The buyer, plumbing contractor DR 344 Eastern Ave., formerly Genrose Stone and Tile Howard, plans to renovate and occupy the newly acquired building. In this transaction Andrew Bemben and Eric Shabshelowitz of Cabot & Co. represented the buyer and Steve Nohrden and Charlie Jacob of Burgess Properties, LLC represented the seller. Malden artist will be featured at book signing M alden artist Sarah Morrison will be featured at a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in Lynnfi eld this Saturday, July 1, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sarah is an Illustrators of the Future contest winner and she illustrated the story “Death and the Taxman” by David Hankins of Bettendorf, Iowa, which is published in “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39.” The contest is in its 40th year and is the longest running, most prestigious competition of its kind! Hubbard founded the Writers of the Future contest in 1983, and due to its success, the Illustrators of the Future contest was initiated in 1988. Hubbard’s estate continues to fund the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contests in perpetuity. Sarah was honored at our awards event in Hollywood this past April along with her author, David Hankins. Malden artist Sarah Morrison and author David Hankins Malden artist Sarah Morrison and author David Hankins. ~ Home of the Week ~ LYNN.... Welcome to this lovely well maintained Ranch offering 5+ rooms, 3 bedrooms, full bath. Located on side st abbutting Lynn Woods Conservation. Kitchen with S/S appliances, open concept to dining area, spacious and bright fireplace living room with hard wood floor, 3 good size bedrooms, good closets and hardwood floors,newer remolded full tile bath, lower level semi finished with bonus room, roof & front steps approximately 10 years, Furnance & central air approximately 15 years. Don’t miss this one! Offered at $ 489,900. 335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com Malden artist Sarah Morrison accepted her award this past April. ~ Letter to the Editor ~ Malden High Baseball Team thanks Joe Crowley and Pisa Pizza for support in fundraiser To the Editor, The Malden High School Baseball Team and the parents of the players would like to thank Joe Crowley, owner of Pisa Pizza, 133 Pearl St., Malden, for his support in a fundraising drive this year where he generously provided coupons for the players to sell to friends, family and members of the public. This was one the fi rst fundraisers in many years for the Golden Tornado baseball team, which used some of the proceeds to provide jackets and tee shirts for members of the varsity and junior varsity teams. The MHS varsity team had a memorable year in making it back to the MIAA State Tournament this year for the fi rst time since 2012 and the support of Joe Crowley and Pisa Pizza made it even more special. We look forward to continuing this valued relationship in years to come. Malden High Baseball Team and Parents

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 15 Dolphins win 2023 Malden Youth Baseball Major League Division Playoff Championship Chase Clough leads way at plate (3-for-3, 5 RBIs), on the mound (9 Ks) for the Dolphins By Steve Freker C hase Clough did it all for the Dolphins with a championship flair Saturday at Kierstead Park to lead the team and manager Kenny Mazonson to the 2023 Malden Youth Baseball (MYB) Major League Division Championship. Clough went 3-for-3 at the plate with 3 hits, 2 doubles and 5 RBIs for the Dolphins in an 8-4 win over the Red Sox in the deciding final game of the MYB Playoffs. He also was solid on the mound with nearly 5 innings of work, scattering 4 hits and striking out 9. The Dolphins finished atop the regular season standings as well and carried the momentum into the playoffs with two more wins. For the team manager, Mazonson, it was the first championship since the Dolphins won back-to-back titles in 2007 and 2008, as this year they broke a 15-year drought. “We have been MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 3 the league in ’65! John was still teaching at MHS when I got there, and I had him as a senior – a sweet man with a killer sense of humor in tune with the many misfits he had as students. John was a traveler, having journeyed around the world, including Cuba, California, Mexico and Canada. Mr. Carroll’s personality, in my eyes, was bigger than life, with a brilliant mind and a quick wit. Wish I could have questioned him on his many travels. Would love to have known, was Cuba pre-Castro? In Mexico did his curiosity get the best of him (Psilocybin Mexicana, anybody)? California: Market Street in San Francisco? La Jolla Beach in San Diego? • Carmine Belmonte was the Merchandising & Salesmanship teacher. Although I never had him as a teacher, he did hook me up with my first “real” job in 1978 at Faulkner Manufacturing on Eastern Ave. Little known fact: He was Little League President in Beverly. • Mabel “Miss Malden High” McQuesten functions as a clerk for Principal Webster. But she was so much more to students at MHS throughout the years. A beloved figure in the history of MHS dating back to the 1940s, CHASE DOES IT ALL: The Dolphins were led by Chase Clough in the championship game win over the Red Sox. Clough was clearly the Most Valuable Player, going 3-for3 with 2 doubles and 5 RBIs. On the mound he went 4-plus innings with 9Ks. Miss McQuesten was an “enthusiastic supporter” of athletics at MHS and was said to have accumulated the largest collection of press clippings in Malden from athletic events at MHS. She enjoyed summer vacations in New Hampshire, where I believe the McQuesten family were originally from. From what has been told to me by those that knew her personally, there will never, ever be another Mabel McQuesten. • The legendary Samuel Winerman teaches business math and algebra. Mr. Winerman was another respected guy back in the day who mentored and coached many youngsters throughout his storied career. Greater Boston League Basketball Commissioner – he was also the City Recreation Commissioner as well as assistant Track Coach at MHS. Sam spent 1950 through 1952 as Recreation Supervisor for the US Army throughout Europe. “Holy cow,” as Phil Rizzuto used to say. • Miss Grace Crowe, Director of School Nurses, retires after 32 years in the school system. That means Miss Crowe started in 1933. In ’33, Franklin D. Roosevelt was sworn in as the 32nd president. The Great Depression was raging when he uttered DOLPHINS ARE 2023 CHAMPS! The Dolphins and manager Kenny Mazonson (back row at left) broke a 15-year championship drought with an 8-4 win over the Red Sox in the championship final. (Advocate Photo/Steve Freker) very close a couple of years since then but have come up a little short in close losses,” Mazonson. “It was great to see us play well these famous words: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Miss Crowe witnessed history in person. It is said in “Malden Musings”... This might be fun. Saw this on Facebook (where else!), and thought I’d give it a whirl. Let me know what you think, but if your list consists of New Kids on the Block as your best concert and not your worst, you need not contact me: 1. First concert: (1972) The MUSINGS| SEE PAGE 18 and be consistent all year long.” MYB President Felice D’Anna said the win capped a very successful year for the program. “We had one of the highest participation rates in a number of years and despite a few small battles with the weather, we were to get all the games played in a timely manner.” “The Executive Board would like to thank all of the players, coaches and families who worked together to make this such a great season,” D’Anna added. $2.95 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net

Page 16 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ Invitation to Bid City of Malden Trafton Park Phase II Improvements Notice to Bidders The City of Malden invites the submission of sealed bids for Construction of Trafton Park Phase II Improvements. The proposed improvements include new rice stone surfacing, fencing and entries/site amenities at the existing dog park; new infield and outfield with irrigation, plus modification of the existing backstop at the youth baseball field; and modification and replacement of fencing, new asphalt overlay and new posts/nets at the two tennis courts, one of which will become a basketball court and paved play space. Work also includes new electrical service, irrigation at the outfield, and water service, plus planting and seeding. Trafton Park is located at the intersection of Jacob Street and Granite Street in Malden, MA. BID OPENING will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 1:00pm at the Office of Strategic Planning & Community Development (OSPCD), City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, 3rd Floor, Malden, MA 02148. A Bid Summary will be made available to all Bidders, and other interested parties, within twenty-four (24) hours of the Bid Opening. Plans, specifications and all bid documents may be obtained electronically from Shadley Associates beginning Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 10:00am. Requests for electronic files may be made to Skyler Chick, Shadley Associates, at schick@shadleyassociates.com or (781) 652-8809. A pre-bid meeting will be held on July 12, 2023 at 10:00am at the tennis courts at Trafton Park, which is located at the intersection of Jacob Street and Granite Street. All sealed bids must be hardcopy and delivered to the Office of Strategic Planning & Community Development (OSPCD) prior to the BID OPENING, as stated above. Bids shall be delivered to OSPCD at Malden City Hall during these hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday between the hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm, and Tuesday between 8am - 7pm. The office is closed on Fridays. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay due to mail or other delivery. Bids received after the official BID OPENING will be returned unopened. The City of Malden reserves the right to waive any informalities in Bids, to reject any or all Bids, or to accept any Bid that in their judgment will be in the best interest of the City. Publish Date: June 30, 2023 Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ Classifieds

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 17 Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon hosts successful campaign kickoff O n June 22, 2023, an overflow throng of relatives, friends, supporters and well-wishers were present to kick off the reelection campaign for Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon. The crowd enjoyed a beautiful evening with the usual hospitality from Anthony’s of Malden. Attendees included extended family, local dignitaries and many ward residents. The evening was a resounding success and bodes well for the candidate’s reelection. Supporters are pictured enjoying and mingling. Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon with former City Controller Dom Fermano and former Mayor Ed Lucey The candidate with supporters from 89 Pearl St. Last Thursday, Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon hosted his kickoff campaign for reelection at Anthony’s Restaurant. Attending in support, shown from left to right: Ha Tang, Jason Law, Councillor Paul Condon and State Representative Paul Donato. Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon with some longtime supporters at Anthony’s in Malden Former City Clerk Greg Lucey introducing Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon talking about recent accomplishments in Ward 2 State Representative Steven Ultrino and Ward 2 Councillor Paul Condon Thank You to all my family, friends and supporters for making my Reelection Campaign Kickoff a Great Event! Paul Condon Your Ward 2 City Councillor (Paid Pol. Adv.) Re-Elect

Page 18 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net LIFE ESTATES AND STEP UP IN COST BASIS O ne common dilemma facing the remaindermen listed on a deed is how tocalculate the cost basis of the real estate in question upon the death of the life tenant or life tenants. This is an important issue as the remaindermen need to know their cost basis in the event they subsequently sell the real estate or rent it out thereby requiring depreciation calculations. If, for example, a father deeded his home to his two children and reserved a life estate on the deed itself (essentially the right to use, occupy and possess the home for the rest of his life), upon the father’s death, under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 2036(a)(1), the fair market value (FMV) of the home at the time of the father’s death would be the starting cost basis in the hands of the children going forward. If the FMV of the home was $600,000, the law treats it as though the children paid $600,000 for the home. This of course helps tremendously to avoid or greatly eliminate any capital gains tax upon a subsequent sale of the home. What if the father and mother both deeded the home to the children with reserved life estates? In this situation, since the father deeded his 50% interest in the home to the children with a reserved life estate, upon the father’s death, only 50% of the property is stepped-up to FMV upon his death. Since the mother deeded her 50% interest in the home to the children with a reserved life estate, upon the mother’s death, only 50% of the property is stepped-up to FMV upon her death. As a result, the home would have to be valued at both the father and mother’s death in order to obtain the new cost basis in the hands of the children upon the second to die. You would take 50% of the FMV of the home upon the father’s death and add that figure to 50% of the FMV of the home upon the mother’s death. Furthermore, 50% of the FMV of the home would be includible in the taxable estate of each spouse upon his or her death. What if the father and mother reserved a life estate, as husband and wife, tenants by the entirety? Would that make a difference in the calculation? The answer is no. Upon the father’s death, he in essence gifts his life estate to his wife. This is referred to as a life estate pur autre vie. Upon the subsequent death of his wife, there will not be a step-up in cost basis of the husband’s 50% life estate given to her as she simply did not retain a life estate in 100% of the home. She only retained a life estate in the 50% that she originally gifted to the children. She did not retain a life estate in the husband’s 50% interest. Only he did. This is pursuant to IRC Section 2036(a)(1) dealing with retained interests. Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a master’s degree in taxation. THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 15 James Montgomery Blues Band with Peter Myles’ Asylum opening. Jenkins Auditorium at MHS (all I remember about the night is Schlitz in cans, lots of weed, and finishing the night at Signor Pizza in Malden Square (think the movie “Dazed and Confused”). 2. Last concert: (2022) Aerosmith/Extreme, Fenway Park (Malden boy makes good). 3. Worst concert: (1978) Ted Nugent, Boston Garden (dreadful – we were back in Malden before “Cat Scratch Fever”). 4. Loudest concert: (1994) Social Distortion at Metro on Lansdowne Street (name dropping alert): Standing onstage with Social D’s manager Jim Guerinot right behind the drum kit reduced my hearing ability for years. 5. Best Concert: (so many) Ramones/Stompers, Club Casino 1981 (?) Sal Baglio & Joey Ramone (?). Forgetaboutit! A night that will go down in infamy. Insert a great big smiley face. 6. Seen the most: Extreme. From Gary’s first band Adrenaline in July of 1979 at the Pegasus Club in Ipswich to Fenway Park in 2022 (and many, many stops in between). 7. Most surprising: Allman Brothers Band (surprised because they sounded so good live). 8. Happy I got to see: (1993) The Cure, Great Woods (they commanded the stage from the moment they hit it until the wee small hours). 9. Wish I could have seen: Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis, Miles Davis, Merle Haggard, John Prine, The Jam, George Harrison, Elvis, The Clash, Tiny Tim, Frank. 10. Still need to see: Elvis Costello, Paul Weller, Roxy Music, Engelbert. As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo’ would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – Malden slice of life brought to you by longtime (where else) Edgeworth resident Jimmy “Moe” Molinari: “I posted a Ma story and my lifelong friend Johnny Flanagan said, ‘Eleanor always told me to eat and then she fed me!’ That reminded me of a time me, Chris Parker, ‘Bubba’ Hatch and Michael Hagerty raced a car and hit a curb blowing out a tire. So, we got another tire and in my yard under lights 2 in the morning are replacing the rim. My mom wakes up and says, ‘Jimmy what are you doing?’ I reply, ‘Bubba got a flat, we’re fixing it.’ Ma says, ‘oh okay, you boys hungry I’ll heat up macaroni.’ Got me laughing out loud! Just like the Goodfellas scene! Three in the morning in my kitchen me, Park, Bub, Hags just broke about five laws and we’re joking and laughing eating macaroni and meatballs with Ma! Dad was away somewhere with his friends, if not, we’d be behind Spady’s under streetlights changing it because dad just knew we were ‘up to no good,’ as he would say. Ma? She had an entirely different mindset. Food was the answer to 90 percent of any of life’s problems!” Classic Moe, thanks for sharing, Jimmy. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma ~ Legal Notice ~ NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) American Rescue Plan Act Funds Available for Vacant Property Acquisition and Development The City of Malden has received $45.7 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Local Fiscal Recovery funds and has granted $2 million to the Malden Redevelopment Authority (MRA) to acquire, rehabilitate, and sell vacant and blighted properties as affordable homes to income-eligible households. The City of Malden is seeking proposals from non-profit housing developers, for-profit housing developers, and public housing authorities to develop affordable homeownership under the Neighborhood Hub Program. Eligible projects for ARPA funding include the acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of affordable homeownership. The City’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) will review applications for accuracy and completion. OSPCD staff may request additional information after an application has been received. The full Notice of Funding Availability will be available at https://www.cityofmalden. org/bids.aspx beginning on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023. Applications are available upon request and will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please direct any questions to Kristina Tseng, HOME Director, at ktseng@cityofmalden.org June 30, July 7, 14, 21, 2023 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BUYER1 CAO, YIN LAM, WAI K BUYER2 XIE, YAN X SELLER1 690-692 MAIN STREET LLC SOMVERVILLE CITY CLUB INC SELLER2 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. ADDRESS 690-692 MAIN ST 119-R OAKLAND ST CITY MALDEN MALDEN DATE 06.08.23 06.06.23 PRICE 1668000 1200000

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 19 OBITUARIES Bruce Seymour Schlosberg Bruce Seymour Schlosberg passed away at age 79 from a two-year battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma on Monday, June 26. Born in Everett, MA on March 25, 1944, to Freda and David Schlosberg, Bruce attended UMASS where he graduated with a BA in Political Science and received a Master of Public Administration from the SUNY Albany. Bruce decided to venture into urban renewal to work to make city living more dynamic and functional. Infl uenced by political conversations around the table, - LEGAL NOTICE - City of Malden Massachusetts 215 Pleasant Street, 3rd Floor Malden, Massachusetts 02148 (781) 397-7000 ext. 2044 MALDEN PLANNING BOARD and MALDEN CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING The Malden Planning Board and Malden City Council Ordinance Committee will jointly hold a public hearing in the Herbert L. Jackson Council Chamber, Malden City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, July 17, 2023, in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 32, Section 050 of the Code of the City of Malden, regarding petitions for zoning amendments, as proposed in City Council Papers ##197/2023,198/2023, 227/2023 and 236/2023, to further amend the following sections of Title 12 of the Code of the City of Malden (MCC), as follows: A. Section 12.08.020, MCC (Zoning Map) (CCP 197/2023). To amend the zoning map to change the zoning district from Highway Business to Neighborhood Business for the following parcels: 5 Island Hill Avenue (Assessor’s Parcel Identification #044 855 505A) 1038 Main Street (Assessor’s Parcel Identification #044 855 510) 1100 Main Street (Assessor’s Parcel Identification #044 855 507) 1128 Main Street (Assessor’s Parcel Identification #044 855 506) B. Section 12.12.030, MCC (Use Regulations) (CCP 198/2023). To amend use regulations to prohibit self-storage facilities in the Industrial 1 and 2 zoning districts. C. Sections 12.12.030 and 12.12.150, MCC (Use Regulations) (CCP 227/2023). To amend use regulations to prohibit drive-thrus in the Neighborhood Business and Central Business zoning districts. D. Section 12.28.140, subsections B, C, D, F, J, MCC (CCP 236/2023). To amend use regulations for the Rowe’s Quarry Reclamation and Redevelopment District (RQRRD), Subdistrict RQ3 to allow multifamily residential use, establish requirements for affordable and age-restricted housing and general requirements for development, and amend dimensional regulations and parking requirements; and to amend use regulations for RQRRD, Subdistricts RQ1 and RQ2 to set a six-story maximum height for multifamily dwellings. The full texts of the proposed zoning amendments (City Council Papers ##197/2023, 198/2023, 227/2023 and 236/2023) are available for public review on the City of Malden website at https://cityofmalden.legistar.com/Legislation.aspx and with the City Planner, Inspectional Services, 3rd floor, and the City Clerk, 2nd Floor, 215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA. By: Diane M. Chuha, Clerk Malden Planning Board By: Peg Crowe, Chair Malden City Council Ordinance Committee June 30, July 7, 2023 Bruce’s parents instilled in him, his brother Paul, and sister Phyllis (of blessed memory), a passion for helping the underprivileged. He was a lifelong ardent Democrat who frequently took to Facebook to air his grievances. Throughout his life, failure was never an option for him. When OBITUARIES| SEE PAGE 20 aavvyvy S avy avvy S oiorenniioor nior by Jim Miller Health Insurance Options After a Spouse Retires Dear Savvy Senior, My 63-year-old wife, who’s doesn’t work, is on my health insurance plan through my employer. When I retire next month and go on Medicare, what are our options for getting her health coverage until she turns 65? Is there some kind of Medicare coverage for dependent spouses? Need Insurance Dear Need, Unfortunately, Medicare does not provide family coverage to younger spouses or dependent children when you qualify for Medicare. Nobody can obtain Medicare benefi ts before age 65, unless eligible at a younger age because of disability. With that said, here are your best options for covering your wife. Aff ordable Care Act: In most cases, your best choice is to get your wife an individual health insurance policy through the Aff ordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance Marketplace (a.k.a. Obamacare). The Marketplace off ers comprehensive health coverage, and she won’t be denied coverage or charged extra for preexisting health conditions. And thanks to the American Rescue Plan and Infl ation Reduction Act, the Marketplace now provides enhanced subsidies through 2025. If your income falls below the 400 percent poverty level after you retire – anything below $73,240 for a couple or $54,360 for a single in 2023 – your wife will be eligible for a tax credit that will reduce the amount you’ll have to pay for her policy. The Marketplace also ensures that households with incomes above that 400 percent poverty level will not have to pay more than 8.5 percent of their income for a benchmark policy. To see how much subsidy you may be eligible for, use Kaiser Family Foundation calculator at KFF.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator. To shop for Marketplace plans in your state, visit HealthCare.gov or call 800-318-2596. Or, if you want some extra help, contact a Marketplace-certifi ed agent or broker at HealthCare.gov/fi nd-assistance. COBRA: Another option is the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), which is a federal law that would allow your wife to remain with your company insurance plan for at least 18 months after you make the switch to Medicare. But not every employer plan is COBRA eligible. Contact your employer benefi ts administrator to fi nd out if yours is one of them. You also need to be aware that COBRA is not cheap, requiring you to pay the full monthly premium yourself. But, if you’ve already met or nearly met your employer plan’s deductible or outof-pocket maximum for the year, and don’t want your wife to start over with a new plan; or if you fi nd your employer’s health plan to be more aff ordable than the Marketplace plans, it makes sense for your wife to keep her current coverage under COBRA. Short-Term Health Insurance: If you can’t fi nd an aff ordable Marketplace plan and COBRA is too expensive, the next option is short-term health insurance. These plans, which are not available in every state, are cheaper, bare-bones health plans that provide coverage for one to 12 months and may be renewed for up to three years in some states. But be aware that short-term plans don’t comply with the ACA so they can deny sick people coverage, they don’t cover preexisting conditions, and they can exclude coverage essentials like prescription drugs. To find and compare short-term health plans, try sites like eHealthInsurance.com or PivotHealth.com. Healthcare sharing ministries: One other coverage option you should know about is healthcare sharing ministries (HCSM). These are cost-sharing health plans in which members – who typically share a religious belief – make monthly payments to cover expenses of other members, including themselves. HCSM’s are cheaper than paying full out-of-pocket costs for traditional health insurance but be aware that HCSM’s are not health insurance. They don’t have to comply with the consumer protections of the ACA. They can also reject or limit coverage for having pre-existing health issues and can limit how much you’ll be reimbursed for your medical costs. To look for HCSM plans, comparison shop at the three largest providers: SamaritanMinistries.org, MyChristianCare.org and Chministries.org. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Page 20 OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 19 he fi rst applied to be a recruiter with Siter-Neubauer & Associates, he was turned down. A year later, he reapplied and was accepted. He began his 23year career as a recruiter. He refused to fail. The second year he was the top biller and has been that since. His dedication to his work and the relationships he built with his clients and candidates are a testament to his character and professionalism. Many of his clients and candidates became his friends. Bruce never looked his age and did not act his age – he had an infectious zest for life and a passion for family, music, Judaism, politics, and sports. He knew no stranger – he was comfortable talking to anyone about anything. He was the most positive, resilient, upbeat person around. Aff able and gregarious, Bruce was an engaging conversationalist. He had that Schlosberg laugh which he said with great pride that his kids inherited. It was infectious and defi nable; and along with his sonorous baritone voice, Bruce was a standout. A die-hard Red Sox, Celtics, and Patriots fan, Bruce, unfortunately, had to somewhat curtail late night viewing of games because of his blood-pressure. His friends and family knew, although he was grateful for their relationships, he would ignore their phone calls during a game. Bruce is survived by his wife, THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Joe worked as an autobody Karen Schlosberg, his two children, Evan and Sara Schlosberg, his two stepchildren, Adiel Cohen and Moriah Polanco, his brother, Paul Schlosberg, nieces Marisa Randall, Michela Schlosberg and Lois Graff . Bruce is predeceased by his parents (Freda and Dave Schlosberg), sister (Phyllis Schlosberg), sister-in-law (Christine Luongo) Contributions in his memory may be made to Shaare Tefi - la Synagogue and Dallas Jewish Burial Fund (dallasjewishburialfund.org). Burial services were held on Tuesday, June 27. Joseph A. Saro A longtime resident of Malden, passed away on Wednesday, June 28. Joe was born in New Brunswick New Jersey in 1943, the son of Frank and Mary Sgro. He grew up in East Boston where he met and married his sweetheart, Joanne M. DiMartino in 1964. They fi rst lived in East Boston together before settling down in Malden in 1967 where they raised their family. CAVARETTA AND SON, LLC ~ DRAIN CLEANING SERVICES ~ Frank Cavaretta - Over 21 Years Experience * Main Lines * Kitchen Sinks “You clog it, we clean it!” 24-Hour Service * 781-526-4750 American Exterior and Window Corporation repairman most of his life, and had opened his own shop in Saugus in the 80’s. He later also worked as an insurance appraiser. Joe was a skilled artist, mostly working in watercolors, but also comfortable with pencil sketches and charcoal. He loved to cook, and was like an “Emeril Legasse” in the kitchen. In addition, Joe was an avid, dedicated ~ Legal Notice ~ INVITATION TO BID MHA #053022 ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT TO 89 PEARL STREET MALDEN, MASSACHUSETTS The Malden Housing Authority (Awarding Authority) will receive bids for Roof Replacement to 89 Pearl Street located in Malden, MA. The estimated construction cost for this Project is $750,000. Bidders shall be DCAMM Certified in Roofing. Sealed General Bids will be received until 2:00 PM on July 20, 2023 at which time they will be publicly opened, forthwith online. All General Bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a certified, cashier’s or treasurer’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company made payable to the Malden Housing Authority or a bid bond, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the value of the bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material (Payment) Bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract sum. Bonds shall be obtained from a surety licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the form shall be satisfactory to the Malden Housing Authority in its sole and absolute discretion. The cost of such bonds shall be included in the bid price. Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at www.projectdog.com (may be viewed electronically) starting at 10:00 a.m. on June 28, 2023. This project is being Electronically Bid (E-Bid). All bids shall be submitted online at www.Projectdog.com. Hard copy bids will not be accepted by the Awarding Authority. Tutorials and instructions are available online at www. Projectdog.com. For assistance, contact Projectdog Inc. at 978.499.9014. Bid Forms and Contract Documents are available online at www.Projectdog.com. Enter Project Code 856612 in the project locator box and select “Acquire Documents” to download documents. All plan holders must have an active online account on www.Projectdog.com to download documents, receive e-mail notifications, and to submit bids electronically. Documents may also be viewed, but not removed, from the offices of Projectdog Inc., 18 Graf Road - Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for July 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. starting at the 89 Pearl Street, Malden, Massachusetts. The deadline for questions is July 13, 2023 at 5:00 PM. Questions shall be submitted in writing only to Rich Gorham, Russo Barr Associates A Division of SOCOTEC by email (Richard.Gorham@socotec.us). Attention is directed to the Davis Bacon Federal Wage Rates to be paid a copy of which is included in the Contract Documents, and will be made a part of the Contract. a copy of which is included in the Contract Documents, and will be made a part of the Contract. The Malden Housing Authority reserves the right to award or not award the project. June 30, 2023 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY HOME-ARP FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Contact us for all of your home improvement projects and necessities Telephone: 617-699-1782 Toll Free: 1-888-744-1756 Email: info@americanexteriorandwindow.com Windows, Siding, Roofing, Carpentry & More! All estimates, consultations or inspections completed by MA licensed supervisors. *Over 50 years experience. *Better Business Bureau Membership. Insured and Registered Complete Financing Available. No Money Down. The North Suburban Consortium (NSC), which includes the communities of Arlington, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Medford, Melrose, Revere, and Winthrop, has allocated $4,000,000 for the acquisition, construction, and/or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing for HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Qualifying Populations pursuant to Section 3205 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and 42 U.S.C. 12701 et seq. The NSC is seeking proposals from non-profit housing developers, for-profit housing developers, and public housing authorities to develop rental housing under HOME-ARP. Eligible projects for HOME-ARP funding include the acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of rental housing. HOME-ARP funding must follow the requirements set forth on Notice CPD-21-10, https://www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/OCHCO/documents/2021-10cpdn.pdf, and applicants for rental development funding should be familiar with pages 3-9, and 20-37 of the Notice. In addition to the specific new requirements for HOME-ARP set forth in the Notice, many of the operational and administrative requirements are the same as under the HOME program. The full Notice of Funding Availability will be available at https://www.cityofmalden.org/ bids.aspx beginning on Thursday, June 8th, 2023. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Please direct any questions to Kristina Tseng, HOME Director, at ktseng@cityofmalden.org. June 09, 16, 23, 30, 2023 Bruins fan. He is survived by his wife of almost 60 years, Joanne, his daughters Cheryl L. Fries of LitOBITUARIES| SEE PAGE 22

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 21 RON’S OIL Call For PRICE MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 Frank Berardino MA License 31811 We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! ● 24-Hour Service ● Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating J.F & Son Contracting Snow Plowing No Job too small! Free Estimates! Commercial & Residential 781-656-2078 - Property management & maintenance FIRE • SOOT • WATER Homeowner’s Insurance Loss Specialists FREE CONSULTATION 1-877-SAL-SOOT Sal Barresi, Jr. - Your fi rst call 617-212-9050 SPADAFORA AUTO PARTS JUNK CARS WANTED SAME DAY PICK UP 781-324-1929 Quality Used Tires Mounted & Installed Used Auto Parts & Batteries Family owned & operated since 1946 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net Shoveling & removal Landscaping, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Roofing, Carpentry, Framing, Decks, Fencing, Masonry, Demolition, Gut-outs, Junk Removal & Dispersal, Clean Ups: Yards, Garages, Attics & Basements. Truck for Hire, Bobcat Services. Gas Fitting ● Drain Service Residential & Commercial Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES! Office: (781) 233-2244 $ $ $ $ Classifieds

Page 22 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 20 1. On June 30, 1864, President Lincoln signed the Yosemite Valley Grant Act to protect the area; what Yosemite Board of Commissioners member was a landscape architect who died in Belmont, Mass.? 2. The Los Angeles Dodgers’ name comes from the need to dodge what? 3. What vegetable has the most water? 4. In 1987 what John Philip Sousa march became the offi cial National March of the USA? 5. On July 1, 1963, the U.S. Postal Service began ZIP Code, which stands for what? 6. The Grand Banks are closest to what island? 7. What popular song is Georgia’s offi cial state song? 8. On July 3, 1996, the British Prime Minister announced that the Stone of Scone would go back to Scotland; what is the stone used for? 9. In the 1600s what beverage in Europe was so expensive that it was kept locked in wooden boxes? 10. What is the more common name for Liberty Enlightening the World? 11. On July 3, 1878, what songwriter of “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” “Give My Regards to Broadway” and “You’re a Grand Old Flag” was born? 12. Where would you fi nd the largest tortoises? 13. What document does July 4th commemorate? 14. On July 4, 1804, what author was born in Salem, Mass.? 15. What kind of similar buildings would you fi nd in Dubai, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai? 16. What French playwright of “The Doctor Despite Himself” and “The Would-Be Invalid” said, “One must eat to live, not live to eat”? 17. On July 5, 1971, the 26th Constitutional Amendment was certifi ed, granting voting rights to those of what age? 18. Do centipedes have 100 legs? 19. What food is known as a hand? 20. July 6 is National Fried Chicken Day; reportedly, in the 1930s the Chicken and Waffl es dish was created in what locale? ANSWERS Sandy Juliano Broker/President tleton, Marianne S. Figueiredo of Middleton, his son in law, William M. Fries, L (Lucy's) father, Jason M. Figueiredo, and his grandchildren, L (Lucy) S. Figueiredo and Randi L. Fries. He will be greatly missed by countless members of their extended friends and family. Joe was preceded in death by his sister, Shirley Band. Visitation will be held at the Weir-MacCuish Golden Rule Funeral Home, 144 Salem St, Malden on Saturday, July 1st, from 1-5 PM.All other services will be private. Family and friends are invit~ Legal Notice ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ON THE APPLICATION OF David D’Arcangelo OF 183 Bainbridge Street, Malden, MA 02148 TO BE A THEATRICAL BOOKING AGENT WITHIN Malden of Middlesex County AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING A THEATRICAL BOOKING AGENCY BUSINESS AS PROVIDED IN CHAPTER 140 OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS. June 30, 2023 ~ HELP WANTED ~ * PIZZA MAKERS * COUNTER HELP * DELIVERY DRIVERS Please call: (617) 259-4482 or in-person: 340 Central St., Saugus Happy July 4th! Follow Us On: OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JULY 1st 12 NOON - 1:00 PM NEW LISTING BY NORMA! 709 Broadway, Everett, 4 units $1,350,000. SOLD OVER ASKING! LISTED BY SANDY! 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath Ranch, 6 Bridge Street, Tewksbury - $499,900. Call Sandy with questions, 617-448-0854. List Your Home or Apartment With Us! Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Joe DiNuzzo 617-680-7610 Norma Capuano Parziale 617-590-9143 ed to continue a celebration of his life at Tonno Restaurant, 175 North Ave, Wakefi eld at 6 PM after the services at the funeral home. In Lieu of fl owers, kindly consider making a donation to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, 10 Brookline Place, W 6th fl oor, Brookline MA 02445 Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Rosemarie Ciampi 617-957-9222 Denise Matarazzo 617-953-3023 617-294-1041 1. Frederick Law Olmstead 2. Electric trolleys (In 1896 the team was named the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers.) 3. Cucumber 4. “Stars and Stripes Forever” 5. Zone Improvement Plan Code 6. Newfoundland 7. “Georgia on My Mind” 8. Coronations 9. Tea 10. The Statue of Liberty 11. George M. Cohan 12. The Galápagos Islands 13. Declaration of Independence 14. Nathaniel Hawthorne 15. World’s tallest skyscrapers 16. Molière 17. 18 or older 18. No; they have varying numbers of legs (although “centi” means hundredth or hundred). 19. A cluster of bananas 20. Harlem, N.Y. Classifieds

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 23 Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $150 per paper in-town per year or $200 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 38 Main St. Saugus (781) 558-1091 20 Railroad Ave, Rockport (978)-999-5408 14 Norwood St, Everett (781)-558-1091 mangorealtyteam.com Commercial Rental ROCKLAND SAUGUS If you have been dreaming of starting your own business, this space is for you. Owner will discuss your plans and dreams and craft a lease that suits your needs. This professional office or retail space is located on busy Union Street right outside of Rockland Center. Present space has two front entrances and one rear exit. There are two rest rooms and additional area space. Plenty of additional storage space in the basement! Multiple parking spaces in the rear of the building. Tenant pays their own electricity and heating costs. Exterior maintenance (snow plowing and landscaping) is shared with adjoining tenant. High traffic and strong visibility location close to the areas major highways. Great location for professional office, convenience store, food specialty, drugstore, hardware, apparel, appliance repair, home decorating, furniture, book store, stationary, photography, art gallery, medical clinic, barber, beauty, yoga, fingernails, dance, massage, pedicure, jewelry, or church. Flexible terms for start-up business. Parking for these two units will be out back or on side of building, not in front, and there is plenty! Large basement for storage included in lease. Other uses are permitted with special permit. Lessee to conduct due diligence with Rockland building department $1,750 Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 Commercial Apartment Rental - EVERETT Spacious and sunny with generous sized rooms best describes this 2nd floor apartment conveniently located just off of Broadway in Everett. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout, especially in the open concept living room and dining room that are both sun drenched from two 5 pane picture windows. Included in the rent will be a huge walk-up attic for storage. If that is not desired the landlord will reduce the monthly rent to 2500.00 but where could you get that much storage space for 100.00 per month? One off street parking space and it must be used by the primary tenant(s) only. No pets. Driveways and parking will be maintained by landlord. Tenant responsible for snow removal on steps and walkway. First and last month rent, no security fee, and landlord will pay 50% of broker feel and tenant will be responsible for the other 50%. Full credit and background check with references. $2,600. Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 This incredible home is nestled on a dead end street. The first floor welcomes an open concept with a center island, Stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops that lead to the welcoming Dining and Living Room for entertaining your family and friends that has a gas fireplace, Adjacent is a 1/2 to the kitchen along with family room, study and leads to a double door that shares a trex deck. The second floor offers 3 generous bedrooms with 2 full baths and an additional storage in the walk up attic. The main bedroom has its own main bedroom and large walk in closet. Wait still more room in the lower level is heated and has an additional 1/2 bath. Did I mention 2 car garage, central air, Central vac, Irrigation system, stone wall and more? $779,000 Call/Text Sue at 617-877-4553 Going on Vacation?? 1 Week Rental- Rockport Welcome to this gorgeous modern family home for rent July 8-15th, in quaint Rockport, MA. Nestled on a quiet private road, yet so close to everything. Easy 5 minute walk to front beach, downtown Rockport, bearskin neck, shops, restaurants, & so much more!!! Fully equipped for beach fun & very family friendly. This elegant home has an open concept kitchen with a large island & stainless steel appliances. Open concept dining nook & living room with a separate TV room. There is one bedroom on the first floor with the option for a twin bed or a king bed. Upstairs has 3 bedrooms. The primary bedroom has a roof deck that was just renovated in 2021 with outdoor seating. The other bedroom has a full bed and the last bedroom has twin bunks which is perfect for the kids. Outdoor area includes a patio, grill area with dining table seating for 7, just off the kitchen. In front of the home has a magnificent fire pit which seats 6. Come relax on the hammock, enjoy lots of shade. Parking for 2 cars only. $4200 Email Rosa Rescigno at soldwithrosa@gmail.com or call me at 781-820-0086 SAUGUS Seller to contribute $25,000 towards upgrades. This trilevel is located in the highly desirable Indian Rock Development. The open concept kitchen offers S.S. appliances & a center island that adjoins a double sliding door that leads to the screened in porch. Open and inviting the first floor can flow like a breeze into the dining room which offers a cozy spot for family meals that leads into the L.R. Stepping down into the F.R. welcomes an inviting fireplace where family & friends can hang out for casual entertaining. Move to the 3 large bdrms that offer gleaming hardwood floors along with a spacious closet for the main bedroom. A 1 car garage attached to this lovely home and bonus rooms in the basement with so much more space. A 5-7 car detached garage awaits the ideal buyer that has loads of untapped potential above the garage that is heated and came be a home gym, teen suite, or enough space for a group to gather. Minutes from major routes. $975,000. Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 Sue Palomba of Mango Realty is amazing. She sold our house so fast and took care of every step in the process so we did not have to worry about anything. Then she went way out of her way to find us our new dream home. Again taking care of every detail. My wife and I highly recommend her. We don't know anyone who will work harder for you. Thank you so much Sue! ~Bob Falta~ Condo for Sale LYNN For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net Studio Condo, 1 Bed/bath. Currently vacant. Condo must sell as owner occupied, per condo rules. FHA approved. This condo is a professionally managed unit, with a pool, dog park, gazebo, and parking. H/P accessible via elevator. Restaurants and bus route nearby within walking distance..... $235,000. Call /text Carl at 781-690-1307 Saugus This lovely 3 bedroom home move right in home hosts a nice large eat in kitchen. This Welcome to Saugus, where this cozy home awaits your creative touch! Nestled on a peaceful dead-end street where you can offer serene space for your ideas and settings. Leave it as is or upgrade the kitchens and baths. This level yard boasts a 1 car garage, fenced in yard and parking for 4-6 cars. The location is excellent with easy access to major routes, market street in Lynnfield, Boston, Transportation and Logan Airport. $419,000. 3 B.R. Ranch with large fenced in yard. Excellent Fellsway location. Property being SOLD AS IS with contents (mostly clothes) to be sold/disposed of by buyer. Perfect for a handyman, flipper, rehabber or do it yourself person. This does not appear to be too far from move in condition, Hardwood floors throughout. Generous garage. Basement appears to have been finished and used as living space at one time... $599,000. Call/text Rosa at 781-820-0096 welcoming floor plan, open concept of living and dining room offers nice hardwood floors where you could enjoy casual or formal gathering where you could enjoy casual or formal gathering. The easy access for washer and dryer hook up on first floor along with a 1/2 bath is a great benefit Updated roof. $599,000 UNDER AGREEMENT UNDER AGREEMENT UNDER AGREEMENT

Page 24 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 ............. # 1 Listing & Selling Office in Saugus “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service” Free Market Evaluations CRE CarpenitoRealEstate.com SEE WHY MORE PEOPLE CHOOSE CARPENITO REAL ESTATE View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300 EVERETT - 1st AD - 8 room Colonial offers 3 bedrooms, spacious eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room with slider to heated sunroom, office, 1 car garage, located on side street near Florence Street Park…$529,000. SAUGUS - 7 room, 3 bedroom Garrison Colonial offers 2 full baths, sunroom, kit w/center island, finished lower level offers family rm and second kitchen updated roof, easy access to all major Routes & shopping…$575,000 Betty Marino REVERE - 5 room, 3-bedroom Ranch, spacious living room, great open floor plan, semi-finished lower level, located on side street on the Saugus line. Great one-floor living!...$569,900. LYNN - 1st AD - 5 room Ranch offers 3 bedrooms, updated full bath, wood flooring, fireplace living room, finished lower level, updated heat and central air, nicely located…$489,900. Betty & Lori were a pleasure to work with. They were accommodating and helpful when we needed guidance. They were also honest about places. They both worked hard to get us to see houses quickly. We saw so many houses. We will recommend Carpenito Real Estate to all our friends and anyone we know! Thank you for a wonderful experience buying a home. - Jennifer & David Houle SAUGUS - Custom, Sprawling Ranch features 8+ rms, 4+ bedrms, 4 full baths, granite kitchen, finished LL provides great space for the extended family, central air, security system, updated roof, large, level, corner lot w/inground pool, 1 car attached gar, circular driveway, located in Forest Highlands....$1,200,000. SAUGUS - Two Bedroom Condo. Fully appliance, eat-in kitchen with granite counters and ceramic tile flooring NEW central air and GAS heat, NEW windows, freshly painted, off street parking, coin-op laundry in building…$329,900 FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 BED, 2 BATH SPLIT LOCATED IN DESIRABLE INDIAN ROCK. 2 FIREPLACES, LARGE ROOMS, LARGE YARD, BUILT-IN POOL. GREAT HOME. BRING YOUR DECORATING IDEAS. NEEDS UPDATES. SAUGUS LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL ? CALL JOHN DOBBYN CALL DEBBIE FOR DETAILS 617-678-9710 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE - RARE FIND! BRAND NEW HOME FEATURING 3 BEDS, 3 BATHS, QUALITY CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. FLEXIBLE FLOOR PLAN. OPEN CONCEPT, CATHEDRAL CEILINGS, SS APPLIANCES, LARGE ISLAND, SLIDER TO DECK. MAIN BED HAS 2 CUSTOM CLOSETS AND EN SUITE. FINISHED WALK OUT LL OPEN FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. SAUGUS $859,900 CALL DEBBIE: 617-678-9710 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE- 3 BED, 1.5 BATH RANCH. VINYL SIDING, GAS HEAT, CENTRAL AC,GARAGE, HARDWOOD, LARGE BASEMENT, ALARM SYSTEM, NEWER ROOF. SAUGUS $599,000 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 617-285-7117 LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED AGENTS WHO WANT A NO HASSLE, NO NONSENSE OFFICE. WE ARE LOOKING FOR AGENTS WHO WANT TO MAKE A DECENT PAY WITHOUT PAYING HIGH FEES. ARE YOU A GO GETTER? PERHAPS BI-LINGUAL? WILLING TO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND? CALL US TODAY!! NEW PRICE FOR SALE -4 FAM LOCATED NEAR PEABODY SQUARE. FULLY RENTED WITH LONG TERM TENANTS. EACH UNIT HAS PRIVATE ENTRANCE. 2 DRIVEWAYS, 8 CAR PARKING + 2 CAR GARAGE. CORNER LOT. 2 NEWER GAS HEATING SYSTEMS, SEPARATE ELECTRIC, CLOSE TO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. PEABODY $975,500 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 NEW PRICE UNDER FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 BED, 2.5 BATH COLONIAL. FIREPLACE LIVING ROOM. 3 SEASON PORCH. HUGE FENCED YARD. GREAT GARAGE FOR WORK SHOP OR CAR COLLECTOR. TEWKSBURY $659,900 CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 CONTRACT FOR SALE - FREE STANDING CONDO IN 55+ COMMUNITY FEATURING 2 BEDS, 3.5 BATHS WITH PRIVACY AND SCENIC VIEWS. LARGE ROOMS AND CATHEDRAL CEILINGS. SPA LIKE BATH. THEATRE ROOM, GYM, AND GAME ROOM. MIDDLETON $1,149,999 CALL JUSTIN FOR DETAILS 978-815-2610 FOR SALE- CUSTOM BUILT 5 BED, 3 FULL, 2 HALF BATH HOME BUILT IN 2020. THIS OPEN CONCEPT HOME IS STUNNING. 11’ ISLAND WITH WATERFALL EDGES, THERMADOR HIGH END APPLIANCES, CUSTOM TILED BATHS. NO DETAIL LEFT UNDONE! SAUGUS $999,900 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING SOON? CONFUSED ABOUT THE CURRENT MARKET AND WHAT IS GOING ON WITH INTEREST RATES AND INVENTORY? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! GIVE US A CALL TODAY!

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