THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 15 Dolphins win 2023 Malden Youth Baseball Major League Division Playoff Championship Chase Clough leads way at plate (3-for-3, 5 RBIs), on the mound (9 Ks) for the Dolphins By Steve Freker C hase Clough did it all for the Dolphins with a championship flair Saturday at Kierstead Park to lead the team and manager Kenny Mazonson to the 2023 Malden Youth Baseball (MYB) Major League Division Championship. Clough went 3-for-3 at the plate with 3 hits, 2 doubles and 5 RBIs for the Dolphins in an 8-4 win over the Red Sox in the deciding final game of the MYB Playoffs. He also was solid on the mound with nearly 5 innings of work, scattering 4 hits and striking out 9. The Dolphins finished atop the regular season standings as well and carried the momentum into the playoffs with two more wins. For the team manager, Mazonson, it was the first championship since the Dolphins won back-to-back titles in 2007 and 2008, as this year they broke a 15-year drought. “We have been MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 3 the league in ’65! John was still teaching at MHS when I got there, and I had him as a senior – a sweet man with a killer sense of humor in tune with the many misfits he had as students. John was a traveler, having journeyed around the world, including Cuba, California, Mexico and Canada. Mr. Carroll’s personality, in my eyes, was bigger than life, with a brilliant mind and a quick wit. Wish I could have questioned him on his many travels. Would love to have known, was Cuba pre-Castro? In Mexico did his curiosity get the best of him (Psilocybin Mexicana, anybody)? California: Market Street in San Francisco? La Jolla Beach in San Diego? • Carmine Belmonte was the Merchandising & Salesmanship teacher. Although I never had him as a teacher, he did hook me up with my first “real” job in 1978 at Faulkner Manufacturing on Eastern Ave. Little known fact: He was Little League President in Beverly. • Mabel “Miss Malden High” McQuesten functions as a clerk for Principal Webster. But she was so much more to students at MHS throughout the years. A beloved figure in the history of MHS dating back to the 1940s, CHASE DOES IT ALL: The Dolphins were led by Chase Clough in the championship game win over the Red Sox. Clough was clearly the Most Valuable Player, going 3-for3 with 2 doubles and 5 RBIs. On the mound he went 4-plus innings with 9Ks. Miss McQuesten was an “enthusiastic supporter” of athletics at MHS and was said to have accumulated the largest collection of press clippings in Malden from athletic events at MHS. She enjoyed summer vacations in New Hampshire, where I believe the McQuesten family were originally from. From what has been told to me by those that knew her personally, there will never, ever be another Mabel McQuesten. • The legendary Samuel Winerman teaches business math and algebra. Mr. Winerman was another respected guy back in the day who mentored and coached many youngsters throughout his storied career. Greater Boston League Basketball Commissioner – he was also the City Recreation Commissioner as well as assistant Track Coach at MHS. Sam spent 1950 through 1952 as Recreation Supervisor for the US Army throughout Europe. “Holy cow,” as Phil Rizzuto used to say. • Miss Grace Crowe, Director of School Nurses, retires after 32 years in the school system. That means Miss Crowe started in 1933. In ’33, Franklin D. Roosevelt was sworn in as the 32nd president. The Great Depression was raging when he uttered DOLPHINS ARE 2023 CHAMPS! The Dolphins and manager Kenny Mazonson (back row at left) broke a 15-year championship drought with an 8-4 win over the Red Sox in the championship final. (Advocate Photo/Steve Freker) very close a couple of years since then but have come up a little short in close losses,” Mazonson. “It was great to see us play well these famous words: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Miss Crowe witnessed history in person. It is said in “Malden Musings”... This might be fun. Saw this on Facebook (where else!), and thought I’d give it a whirl. Let me know what you think, but if your list consists of New Kids on the Block as your best concert and not your worst, you need not contact me: 1. First concert: (1972) The MUSINGS| SEE PAGE 18 and be consistent all year long.” MYB President Felice D’Anna said the win capped a very successful year for the program. “We had one of the highest participation rates in a number of years and despite a few small battles with the weather, we were to get all the games played in a timely manner.” “The Executive Board would like to thank all of the players, coaches and families who worked together to make this such a great season,” D’Anna added. $2.95 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 Lawrence A. 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