THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 30, 2023 Page 11 Malden man, 19, held without bail in connection with Revere Beach shooting incident Suspect allegedly fi red seven shots into a crowd, hitting a woman, over Memorial Day weekend; Was arrested and charged with Everett and Malden men in unrelated incident involving loaded fi rearm in 2022 Advocate staff report A 19-year-old Malden man is facing assault and weapons charges stemming from a chaotic shooting where a female teen,17, was shot on Revere Beach over the Memorial Day weekend, District Attorney Kevin Hayden announced. Dashawn Teleau, 19, was charged in Chelsea District Court on June 8 with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, carrying a loaded fi rearm, illegal possession of a fi rearm and ammunition and discharging a fi rearm within 500 feet of a dwelling.Judge Paul Tressler ordered Teleau held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing. On May 28, Revere Police responded to a ShotSpotter alert reporting seven shots fi red in the area of 127 Centennial Ave. on Revere Beach in Revere. A witness to the shooting provided police with a 41-second video of the incident, which shows a large group of males fi ghting. jy Aurelien, 18, of Everett, produce a driver's license, Aurelien stated he did not have a license and did not know who the owner of the car was. There were two other passengers inside the vehicle later identifi ed as Dashawn Teleau, then 18 andZédarius Walle both of Malden. MALDEN MAN CHARGED IN SHOOTING— Dashawn Teleau, 19,of Malden is charged as being the shooter in a May 29 incident in which a 17-year-old teen girl was shot on Revere Beach. (Courtesy/NBC news) tively been identifi ed as another Malden man. In addition to that shooting on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, a juvenile was previously charged in connection to a separate shooting at the beach at around the same time. Three people were reportedly shot in the incidents, as several fi ghts broke out amid an eruption of chaos in the area. The suspect was later identiBased on the behavior of the STATE AND REVERE POLICE ON SCENE— At Memorial Day weekend shooting on Revere Beach where Dashawn Teleau, 19, was arrrested as the alleged shooter in the incident, where a 17-year-old teen girl was shot. (Courtesy/MBTA Transit Police) mately 9:45 p.m., a Transit Police officer assigned to the North District was at the MBTA's Wellington Station when they observed a motor vehicle driving the wrong way in the bus way into the offi cer's path of travel. The offi cer activated his emergency lights to get the operator's attention and stop the vehicle from proceeding any forward. The offi cer approached the vehicle and requested the operator, later identified as Tahoccupants the offi cer requested additional offi cers respond and subsequently officers located a loaded 40 caliber fi rearm inside the vehicle which all occupants had access to. All occupants were placed into custody for various fi rearm violations. Teleau was additionally charged with operating a motor vehicle w/out a license. All three were transported to TPD HQ for the arrest booking process. Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s office serves the communities of Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop, Mass. CONNIE GUERRIERO, ESQUIRE Law offices of Howard M. Kahalas 6 Beacon Street, Suite 1020 Boston, MA 02108 Cell: (781) 405-5053 Office: (617) 523-1155 Email: cguerriero@kahalaslaw.com LOADED WEAPON— The suspect in the Memorial Day shooting in Revere, Dashawn Teleau, 19, was also arrested in connection with an incident involving this confi scated, loaded .40 caliber handgun in April 2022. Tahjy Aurilien of Everett and Zejarius Walle, of Malden were also arrested on fi rearms charges in that incident. (Courtesy/MBTA Transit Police) One of the males, wearing gray shorts with a large Nike logo on one leg, a white tank top and gray sneakers, pulls a black fi rearm from his pocket and fi res seven or eight shots into the crowd. One victim received non life-threatening injuries and was transferred to MGH for treatment.Seven rounds of 9mm ammunition were recovered from the scene. Other suspects are expected to be charged in connection with the incident as another male is seen grabbing the fi rearm, throwing it in a bag, and running away. According to sources, that suspect has tentafi ed as Teleau in a photo array by the victim. “This was an extraordinarily dangerous and reckless action that could have led to more injuries, or even fatalities.The brazenness of sending bullets fl ying in a destination area for children and families is truly frightening,” Hayden said. The case remains under investigation by Revere Police, State Police and Staassigned to the Suff olk District According to MBTA Police, Teleau was arrested and charged n connection with an unrelated fi rearm incident in April 2022. On April 4, 2022 at approxiMotor Vehicle Accidents Slip and Falls Premises Liability Dog Bites Injured on the Job Our firm Specializes in Personal Injury, Workers Compensation & Criminal Defense. We have over 80 years of Combined Experience

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