Maldden alld a Vol. 31, No. 4 den AADD -FREEBy Steve Freker A new, state-of-the-art Northeast Metro Tech will become a reality in about three years, when construction on the new school is complete in Wakefi eld. Voters in the 12 sending districts, including The Advocate readership communities of Malden, Revere and Saugus, supported funding the proposed $317.4 million project in a resounding “yes” in a special election held Tuesday. Unofficial results released Tuesday night showed residents New Northeast Metro Tech school construction project gets overwhelming support at polls Over 83% of voters in 12 communities back funding $317M new facility; wins in Malden, Saugus & Revere Malden's local news source for 3 decades! CTE OCAT AT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday 617-387-2200 A rendering of the proposed new Northeast Metro Tech high school facility. (Courtesy Photo) in the 12 communities authorized, by a vote of 7,486 for the project and 1,568 votes against, to go to bonding to pay the costs for the design, construction and furnishing of a new Northeast Metro Tech and athletic fi elds. Of the 12 sending districts, 11 overwhelmingly voted in favor of the project. Chelsea was the sole dissenter, as the majority of voters tallied ballots against the project. Northeast Metro Tech is located in Wakefi eld. Its sending communities CONSTRUCTION | SEE PAGE 8 Get well soon, Kevin! Popular Malden Police Animal Control Officer on the mend Offi cer Alkins grateful for all of the Malden well-wishers who have supported him By Steve Freker e has long been one of the community's most recognizable and popular municipal employees. So it is no surprise that when Kevin Alkins got dealt a rough hand earlier this month, he got a pleasant surprise. What may have started as a H Malden Police Animal Control Offi cer Kevin Alkins is grateful for all of the well wishes he has received after being hospitalized after emergency surgery recently. (Courtesy City of Malden) trickle soon grew to a steady stream of well-wishers who showered him with messages of goodwill — and "get well" POLICE | SEE PAGE 9 Shown, from left to right, are Mayor Gary Christenson, “Betty” Christie and Treasurer Daniel Grover. (Photo Courtesy of the City of Malden) M ayor Gary Christenson recently congratulated Treasurer’s Department employee Elizabeth “Betty” Christie on her retirement following 48 years of service with the City of Malden. Christie has the unique disSERVICE | SEE PAGE 15 E Friday, January 28, 2022 BLIZZARD is coming! Are you ready for the storm? City of Malden provides tips and advice on handling the storm and how to get notifi cations Malden DPW crews are ready and waiting to battle the upcoming Nor'easter, which is scheduled to hit Malden and the Northeast beginning tonight. (Courtesy Photo) Special to the Advocate W ith a major winter storm forecast to hit Malden and the Northeast beginning tonight and continuing all day Saturday, the city of Malden is reminding residents of storm protocols. In addition, municipal offi cials from various departments are advising residents how to deal with aspects of what is predicted to be a Nor'easter, with potential wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour and a possible 6-18 inches of snow. Already, a number of events in and around Malden have been SNOW | SEE PAGE 7 City employee retires after 48 years of service

Page 2 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Advertise in The Advocate 617-387-2200 Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY Call for a Quote 617-387-7466 Or email Rocco@sabatino-ins.com We cover: * Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available Close to 70 Malden High School students took part in an MIAA statewide virtual summit called "Stand Up and Speak Out: A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit". (Advocate Photo/Steve Freker) By Steve Freker C lose to 70 Malden High School students participated in the 5th Annual Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit in Friday, a statewide event held virtually, entitled, "Stand Up and Speak Out!" The MHS students participated in the Gallery, taking part in workshops and presentations on a variety of topics related to the DEI theme. Just over 200 students participated statewide and fittingly, http://www.sabatino-ins.com SABATINO 564 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 617-387-7466 Hours of Operation are: Mondays - Fridays 9am to 5pm Saturdays by appointment only T Malden business recipient of NBA/ NAACP/Vistaprint grant he Paws & Purrfection Company at 240 Main St. recently received a small business grant from NBA/NAACP/Vistaprint in the amount of $25,000. Business owners Kashawna Harling and Ralph Long are planning to bring their business to the next level by getting their storefront redesigned and upgraded and expanding the services that they offer. The Power Forward Small Business Grant program aims to create a lasting impact through the economic empowerment of Black-owned small businesses across New England. Through a combined commitment of $1 million, Vistaprint and the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation are teaming up with the NAACP to award transformative grants of $25,000 on a rolling basis. Through this initiative, grant recipients will have opportunities to be featured on national co-branded platforms along with receiving marketing and design resources customized to their specific needs to help their as the most diverse High School in Massachusetts, MHS had the most students and was at the top of the list for most students participating Friday. The event was timely as well since Friday’s academic theme at MHS for all students and staff was an emphasis on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). "We appreciate the fact that so many students took part in the event and represented Malden High School so well," said Malden High 5th-year principal Chris Mastrangelo. "We emphasize our focus on issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion every day, and this was yet another example." Malden Public Schools Director of Athletics Charlie Conefrey, who is a member of the MIAA Board of Directors, also commended the students who participated. "It was great to see such a tremendous response from our Malden High School students to this offering by the MIAA," Conefrey said. "The MIAA provides a robust program featuring interactive events for student-athletes and staff on so many key themes and topics," Malden High students participate in statewide MIAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit MHS had most students participating in entire state, close to 70 in all business grow and thrive. Qualified applicants must be Blackowned businesses with one to 25 employees and be based and operating in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont or select areas of Connecticut. For more information, please visit https://www.nba.com/celtics/community/power-forwardsmall-business-grant.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 3 Mayor assists with agreement between landlord and tenants association to protect long-term Malden residents Special to the Advocate M ayor Gary Christenson has helped reach an agreement between United Properties and the United Properties Tenants Association that will help keep long-term residents in Malden. The deal replaces large, immediate rent hikes with smaller, predictable increases over a period of five years, and it covers tenants who resided in three buildings prior to their purchase by the landlord. “This deal protects families who have lived in Malden for many years from being pushed out of our community, and is representative of my Administration’s commitment to helping wherever possible on this most important issue,” said Christenson. “I am grateful for the willingness of United Properties to work with us to keep our neighbors in their homes. I am also inspired by the leadership and solidarity shown by these tenants, who are effective advocates not only for each other, but for all Malden residents.” The agreement is the result of more than six months of talks between Mayor Christenson, Community Development Director Alex Pratt, landlord United Properties, tenant leaders from the United Properties Tenants Association and City Life/ Vida Urbana, a nonprofit that focuses on housing justice and tenant organizing. Fifteen families from 33 Park St., 46-50 Park St. and 84 Linden Ave. are affected. “This agreement was only possible because of the strong leadership from Mayor Christenson and the tenants, and the openness of United Properties to come to the table,” said City Life/Vida Urbana Community Organizer Katie McCann. “We are immensely grateful to the City, United Properties, and the tenant leaders for taking on this challenge and arriving at this fair and equitable compromise. This long-term deal between a landlord and tenant association will be a model throughout Greater Boston for ensuring housing stability.” “I would like to thank the Mayor’s Office for their assistance in reaching an agreement with these longstanding residents,” lord and the tenants, and with a little creativity, we were available to avoid displacement and keep these longterm residents in our community.” “This historic five-year agreeGary Christenson Mayor said United Properties owner Andreas Tsitos. “Now more than ever, United Properties recognizes the importance of affordable housing and preserving tenancies within the City of Malden and we are committed to working with the City for ways that help stabilize tenancies for other residents. Thank you Mayor Christenson, Alex Pratt, and everyone who assisted in this effort.” “Rents have increased substantially in Malden and across the region, and that makes long-time tenants susceptible to big rent increases when older buildings change hands,” said Community Development Director Alex Pratt. “By working with both the landment keeps rents affordable for a diverse group of working-class, longtime residents in three neighboring buildings,” said tenant organizer Lynette Ng. “Thanks to the support and continued engagement of the Mayor’s Office, and the willingness of our landlord United Properties to make a deal, we can continue to call this community home.” “Mayor Christenson has been a steadfast advocate for tenants for many years, and without him this deal would not have been possible,” said tenant organizer Dianne Richardson. “The same is true of my fellow tenants and the City Life/Vida Urbana team, which helped our association form and has guided us along the way. Lastly, I want to thank United Properties owner Andreas Tsitos for working with us to help us stay in Malden. I hope this deal will lead to future collaborations between the public and private sectors to provide much-needed affordable housing.” SNOW BLOWER SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS Pickup/Delivery Available 1039 BROADWAY, REVERE 781-289-6466 781-289-6466 WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM

Page 4 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Rep. Lipper-Garabedian advocates for policy to assist graduates with student loan debt O n December 14, 2021, State Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian testified in a virtual hearing before the Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Revenue regarding a bill she fi led, H.2985, An Act encouraging employer student loan repayment. Joined by President Rob McCarron of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts (AICUM), Lipper-Garabedian advocated for legislation that assists graduates with the often crippling challenge of college debt and further supports employers in their recruitment and retention eff orts, promising additional benefi t to the Commonwealth’s economy. Massachusetts ranks 14th nationwide in debt that students carry when graduating from the Commonwealth’s ANGELO’S FULL SERVICE Regular Unleaded $3.239 Mid Unleaded $3.299 Super $3.419 Diesel Fuel $3.599 "43 Years of Excellence!" 1978-2021 KERO $4.99 DEF $3.49 9 Diesel $3.499 9 HEATING OIL 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN AVE • SAUGUS • OPEN 7 DAYS Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 A Malden man sentenced for possession of crack cocaine and firearms By Christopher Roberson lberto Lopez, 27, of Malden, was sentenced on January 19 for possession with the intent to distribute crack cocaine and several fi rearm charges. According to federal law enforcement offi cials, investigators searched Lopez’s residence in November 2018. At the time, he was a suspect in a drive-by shooting in Revere which had happened two months prior. During the search, investigators recovered “numerous fi rearms.” The weapons included a Colt .45 with an obliterated serial number, a Glock .45 and two loaded Glock magazines. A bag containing approximately 94 grams of crack cocaine was also found as well as more than $3,000 in cash. On June 10, 2020, Lopez pleaded guilty to one count of possession with the intent to distribute 28 grams or more of crack cocaine and to one count of possession of a fi rearm with an obliterated serial number. Lopez was subsequently sentenced to fi ve years in prison and fi ve years of supervised release. A trusted family name combined with exceptional craftsmanship & professionalism. Call for a consultation & quote. public universities. Overall, 71 percent of Massachusetts students graduate with debt, with an average amount of roughly $31,000. H.2985 would establish a tax exemption for Massachusetts employers that assist their employees who reside in Massachusetts with paying off student loan debt. The bill sets the annual exemption at $2,000 per employee, helping graduates with college affordability, and employers with workforce recruitment and retention. “The broader economic effects of student loan debt are well documented. Numerous studies show the adverse consequences of debt on indicators from homeownership among young adults to small-business formation, family planning, and overall fi nancial growth and security,” said Lipper-Garabedian. “Student loan debt has a disproportionate eff ect on and can exacerbate wealth gaps of economically vulnerable populations – veterans, seniors, female heads of household, fi rst-generation college students, and communities of color.” “I thank Representative Lipper-Garabedian for her leadership and advocacy in support of a program that will help our next generation of employees manage their student loans,” said McCarron. “This legislation thoughtfully builds on the recruitment and retention successes that employers have seen after implementing a student loan repayment program and Representative Lipper-Garabedian’s proposal will provide students and families with another tool to help fi nance their college education and encourage them to remain in Massachusetts following graduation to join our knowledge-based economy.” “Changing economic deKate Lipper-Garabedian State Representative mands and implications from the pandemic make post-secondary education crucial for residents to adapt to and meet 21st century workforce needs,” said Lipper-Garabedian. “Policymakers should embrace tools that make postsecondary education more affordable.” The Joint Committee on Revenue is expected to make a recommendation on the bill in the coming weeks. 63 Years! • Vinyl Siding • Carpentry Work • Decks • Roofing • Replacement Windows • Free Estimates • Fully Licensed • Fully Insured Prices subject to change Ask about our Conditioner! FLEET

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 5 MVRCS Eagles ready for high school Quiz Bowl in opening round action at the end of January. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the teams will compete against each other in a virtual format. Should the Eagles prevail, they would advance to the quarterfi nal round opposite the winner of North Quincy and Hopkinton. Air times – both on television and digitally – will be announced at a later date. MVRCS’s starting four are senior Rintaro Inomata, junior Hailey Ho and sophomores Sinjini Dass and Minh Tran. Senior Son Tran acts as a student assistant coach. The team, under Fay’s direction, has met weekly after school since September 2021, busily preparing and readying for qualifying and ultimately the competition. Produced and broadcast by WGBH, High School Quiz Show is an award-winning single-elimination academic team competition for all high school students in Massachusetts. High School Quiz Show is endorsed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education and the Massachusetts PTA. Shown, from left to right, are Quiz Bowl team members Hailey Ho, Sinjini Dass, Minh Tran and Rintaro Inomata and Coach Connor Fay. (Photo Courtesy of Mystic Valley Regional Charter School) T he Mystic Valley Regional Charter School (MVRCS) Quiz Bowl team has been readying for competition in the 13th Annual High School Quiz Show. After successfully advancing past the qualifying round with some 70 other schools, the Eagles fi nd themselves in the Bowl’s main bracket, along with 15 other Advertise in theADVOCATE Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web atwww.advocatenews.net teams, all vying for the title of state champion. MVRCS, under the direction of Coach Connor Fay, will take on Weston High School Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Paul at (617) 387-5457 for details. WE CAN HELP PAY YOUR HEATING BILLS! You may qualify for ABCD’s Fuel Assistance Program and be eligible for as much as $1,650 towards your heating costs (oil, gas, or electric). Maximum benefit is $1,650 Household of 1 = $40,951 Household of 2 = $53,551 Household of 3 = $66,151 Household of 4 = $78,751 www.eight10barandgrille.com We Have Reopened for Dine-In and Outside Seating every day beginning at 4 PM APPLY TODAY! Last day to apply is April 30, 2022 Residents of Boston, Brookline, and Newton: 178 Tremont Street, Boston, MA — 617.357.6012 Residents of Malden, Medford, Everett, Melrose, Stoneham, Winchester and Woburn: 18 Dartmouth Street, Malden, MA — 781.322.6284 WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 STAY SAFE! Cold days are coming. ABCD’s got you covered.

Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Malden Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday – Carolyn Keohan remembered By Peter F. Levine E ach time we lose another of our elders, we lose a piece of our souls. We mourn. The community mourns. Each time we lose a parent or grandparent, part of us dies with them. Unless. Unless we keep their memory alive. As long as we continue this time-honored tradition, they will not die in vain. An old Jewish prayer goes like this: “As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us; as we remember them.” From what good people have told me, Cathy MacMullin’s mom was a strong, dignified, principled and beautiful woman. A huge regret is that I never got to meet Carolyn A. (Barthelmes) Keohan face to face. I would have loved to have gone one-on-one with Carolyn. But she passed away on January 10 of this year at 84 years lived. I wrote this piece a while back. Cathy’s mom was the impetus for the article, but it morphed into something a little bit more. A short love story for all our moms is what I would like to think. So, Cathy, my sincerest condolences to you and your family. It’s powerful pain, Cathy, but you have friends that care, a lifetime of memories and a community to lean on. My article this week is a Mother’s Day love letter. It is authored by Cathy MacMullin (or “Cathy Mac” as she is known to just about every single person in Malden) with a little help from her friends and is specifically targeted at all the great moms from Newland Street. The ones that nurtured a generation of outstanding children/citizens out of the Newland/Bowdoin Street neighborhood (not to be confused with Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, by the way). But make no mistake; the message presented here is universal. For the love and sacrifice I saw out of Newland Street through Cathy’s words I saw the mirror image less than two miles away in Edgeworth. It is for all the moms out there actually. As I read through Cathy’s initial draft, I saw my mom. I saw Mrs. Laura Damiano. I saw Mrs. Gloria Disano. I saw Mrs. Eleanor Molinari. I saw Mrs. Dorothy Scibelli. Mothers from another era – mothers from the “Mad Men’ era” – deck stacked against them, making sacrifices and fighting like Viking Moms to ensure their children felt loved. That their children had what they needed – that their children had the best possible childhood they could possibly offer them, by any means necessary. Believe me on that one. Making sacrifices that none of us will ever know about, they would have it no other way. So, although this takes place on the “other side of the tracks” (as Cathy likes to rib me about from time to time), I feel as though Cathy’s mom Carol was doing the Lord’s work just as my mom but only a few short miles away. I have a feeling that Dorothy Drago Levine and Carol MacMullin Keohan would have been the best of friends. So, without further ado, let’s get this party started: This article is about what our mothers taught us; community/neighborhood/friendships. Those three words don’t hold up as well today it seems. And we miss that. Would you knock on your neighbor’s door and ask for Law Offices of Terrence W. Kennedy 512 Broadway, Everett • Criminal Defense • Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Tel: (617) 387-9809 Cell: (617) 308-8178 twkennedylaw@gmail.com The late Carolyn A. (Barthelmes) Keohan a “cup of sugar”? Sadly, not likely. Well, let’s talk about growing up in the Newland Street area. Every mom was known, as a sign of respect, of course, as Mrs. Goldman or Mrs. Smith. Never by their first name. They took care of their own children and any of the other children in the neighborhood if their moms were busy. Out grocery shopping or running errands or whatever – didn’t matter. We would not hesitate to go next door to borrow the basics: milk, sugar, instant coffee, or cocoa to make whoopie pies. That’s the way it was. That’s the only way we knew. We were lucky: We had a bunch of dedicated mothers that got together and started the Newland Street Association; this group made sure we all had fun on our 4th of July at Miller Park. We had road races, basketball shooting contests, threelegged races and many other activities. The prizes: ice cream and hot dogs – always plentiful. Our moms made sure of that. Some of our mothers had green thumbs and a way with plants, on occasion giving us lessons on why and how to stay away from them. Then there were other mothers who took pride in their little piece of earth, the lawns of Newland Street. You never wanted to feel the wrath of (any) mom for recklessly cutting across their lawn. That Newland Street Mom’s wrath was known from coast to coast! Who remembers the circle between Newland and Alden with the beautiful flowers and big American flag? Thank you for that, Franco. Who remembers the three “Trees” (only two standing today)? I do. And always will. Mom encouraged us to “go out and play.” The “fresh air is good for you,” she would say. Sports happened 24/7. We had a sponge-ball diamond with two umpires (who can name them?) with clothesline poles as first and third bases. In the winter, the basketball court was frozen over where we battled on ice skates and sometimes played hockey (insert smiley face). Marbles were popular as well as “relivio,” but when those streetlights went on we scampered home lest we feel that mom’s wrath once again. That’s the way it was. Come the cold weather, our moms made sure all the kids in the neighborhood dressed warmly before they sent us out to play. If winter clothes were needed, our moms would head to Sparks or into Boston to find a deal on coats, hats and gloves. Hello, Filene’s basement! Moms were wicked smaht! If our boots weren’t waterproof, Wonder bread bags helped to ensure we’d stay dry. Love ya for that, mom! As a neighborhood in the summer, we hardly went away. And we really did not care. With a mother’s ingenuity and a D.I.Y. attitude, we made the best of our Newland Street playland. We thought we had our very own summer camp right in our very own backyard: small swimming pools, clothesline tents with 45 rpms playing on the record player, picnic areas. If we were lucky, one of our mothers who worked at a sub shop (who can guess who?) brought home subs for everyone. That summer feeling – priceless in the Newland Street Projects. My mind wanders back to Bob Miller and the “Y Extension” – the dances, the camping trips, riding those minibikes, the legendary Camp Madaca and those endless games of floor hockey. Our childhood is full of so many unique (and not so unique) memories, most created by our mothers. Who remembers Zarex, “Jolly Man, “The Whip Truck, “Jimmy the Milkman,” movies in the park, sledding up at Daniels Hill and Thursday Nights? Mrs. Russo and our famous ice-cream trips to the beach with Cathy Doherty. Such memories! We had a police scanner in every home, not because we feared the police but because it kept our moms occupied, amused and informed. When the mothers heard the police would be coming our way, they would call in the brood and bring them safely home. Funny story: One long ago night a group of about 20 of our moms were sitting in a circle enjoying their favorite “beverage” when somebody yelled out that the police were on their way. When the men in blue arrived, there were 20 empty lawn chairs. True story. “This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end” – while this piece could go on, like, for another thousand words or so, due to column length restrictions, I am tasked with bringing it home. This Mother’s Day let’s remember what they taught us. Whether you were from the far reaches of Edgeworth or from Newland Street, don’t matter. Our mothers were universal in their love and protection of us. The love and respect for the “neighborhood” was of utmost importance. Cathy told me that if there was a theme song for the Newland Street Community, it had to be “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers. That’s the way it was, she said. That’s how it will always be in Malden and Newland Street, she continued. Thank you, mothers of Newland Street, and all mothers out there, for the unconditional love you gave to us and any other lost soul no matter what they looked like or where they came from. And for instilling in us pride of community. Our small piece of Mother Earth, heaven on earth: Newland Street. Postscript 1: So many moms, so little column space. This one’s for you: the Spinneys, the Farrys, the Willcoxes, the Sparrows, the Longs, the Eccelstons, the McNultys, the Dohertys, the Geers, the Mcdonalds, the Smiths, the Reddicks, the Spignisis, the Toppings, the Blundells, the Graffins, the Kanes, the Faheys, the Tuxburys, the Stokes, the Strums, the DeSimones, the Vinings, the O’Briens, the Sullivans, the Marshalls, the Tamagnas, the Hydes, the Lombards, the Rogers, the Gagliardis, the Redfords, the Greenbaums and the many others that we’ll remember at another time. Postscript 2: “A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts”—Washington Irving

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 7 SNOW | FROM PAGE 1 canceled or postponed due to a severe winter storm forecast. For example, all Malden Recreation Department programs and basketball leagues planned for this weekend are postponed this weekend. Following are tips and informational reminders from the city of Malden for residents regarding dealing with the storm. Be Notified City officials make every effort to communicate on our many platforms the full details of a snow emergency including timing, restrictions, resources and more.To stay up to date, here is what we recommend you do. Sign up for our CodeRED mass notification system to be alerted about the timing of a snow emergency as well as when the emergency is lifted. We use this platform to communicate by phone call and text.If you know of any friends of family who might not be as tech savvy, we highly recommend this platform. Subscribe to our Winter Weather website alerts. We understand you may not be there to receive the phone call or you may not get all the info you want via text messages. We also understand you may want a place to reference for the all information that was given out about a particular storm. We use our website alerts as a means of ongoing updates throughout the storm to indicate if something as changed with the forecast or if there are other important updates to provide such as declaring the end of a snow emergency and indicating when our snow shoveling ordinance kicks in. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter Once again we will always post the complete information to our social media accounts but sometimes you may have oneoff questions that we haven't covered.Feel free to ask them on our accounts and we will do our best to respond to all questions. Social media as also a platform we use to give mid-storm updates if anything of importance changes.Consider it a "live blog" for each storm. Parking Remember that during snow emergencies, the rules become more restrictive so you will want to make sure that you find out what the rules are where you park. Any exceptions will be noted by nearby signs and details can also be searched on our Street Alerts app to find out what the rules are where you park. You're going to want to pay A major Nor'easter is forecast to hit Malden and the region with an estimated 8-18 inches of snow tonight and Saturday. (Courtesy Photo) close attention to the rules during a snow emergency because they can be very different street by street. Some streets permit normal one-sided winter parking and some streets have to be vacated all together.Once a snow emergency is in effect, enforcement becomes more aggressive and for some streets where no parking is permitted, vehicles can very likely be towed. Check our Street Alerts App to be sure what the rules are. Pro tip for you: Don't just search for your home address but also search for the address closest to wherever you may park in front of.The rules could be different! For those who are banned from parking on their street during a snow emergency and do not have access to off-street parking, we provide a way for you to get off the street. Choose from one of our emergency parking locations and wait for us to declare it is ok to use those lots.Be sure to monitor these platforms to know when to vacate the lots. For our school lots, we require you to vacate no more than two hours after the snow emergency is lifted.If you cannot be there to remove your vehicle on time, don't use the lot; you will be towed. Snow Removal The City of Malden has a considerable amount of pedestrian traffic and we consider those on foot to be as much of a priority as our vehicles on the streets. Our city ordinances require that 12 hours after we declare the end of snow operations for any storm, business owners must shovel their sidewalks and within 24 hours homeowners must do the same.Please review our quick reference guide to avoid being ticketed. Be sure not to throw any snow on to the street.It is hard enough for our drivers to deal with the snow that comes from above so please do your part to properly clear your snow away from the streets and sidewalks. Issue Reporting We know that there are many issues that come up during a snowstorm.Blocked sidewalks, roads not clear, buried hydrants When it comes to home, come to us. WHETHER YOU’RE READY TO REFINANCE OR APPLY FOR YOUR FIRST MORTGAGE, WE’RE HERE TO GUIDE YOU THE WHOLE WAY. TALK TO ONE OF OUR RESIDENTIAL LENDERS TODAY. 617-381-3663 419 BROADWAY, EVERETT MA 02149 Right by you. 61 7-38 7 - 1 1 10 7 7 1 SALEM ST, LYNNFIELD, MA 01940 7 8 1 - 7 7 6 - 4444 WWW.EVERETTBANK .COM to name a few.We do offer a way for residents to report these issues using our issue reporting system known as SeeClickFIx. Please understand that during a storm; we DO NOT REGULARLY CHECK this system as we are focused on the storm itself. Please wait until the conclusion of the storm to request a street be cleared. There will definitely be times where your road will look as though it hasn't been touched.Don't worry; we will get to it in time! With some storms, high winds and heavy snow could mean power outages.Be sure to immediately report any power outages by contacting National Grid by calling 800-322-3223 or by filling out an outage report online. If you prefer to contact us by phone, we do not typically staff our City Hall or 311 Call Center during storms but we will update the voice message to include the latest information.If you have an urgent matter, you can contact the DPW at 781-397-7160.Please don't call during the storm if is a routine matter as previously explained. The staff at the DPW is dealing mostly with urgent or emergency situations. Staying Safe With the possibility of power outages, excessive snow, access to resources being disrupted and other potential issues, it is important that you have a plan to keep you and your family safe.Here are some tips on things to consider in your prestorm safety plan. Be sure your closest fire hydrant stays free of snow.Although the Malden Fire Department actively patrols the City during a storm making sure access to hydrants are clear, you can take the proactive step of making sure the hydrant closest to your home stays free and clear in case the need arises. Be sure dryer vents and home heating system vents are clear of snow buildup.With a major storm, it can be easy for drifts of snow or improper piling of snow can cut off these vents and create an issue inside the home when these gases cannot propSNOW | SEE PAGE 16 Mackey & Brown Attorneys at Law * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * GENERAL PRACTICE * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * CIVIL LITIGATION 14 Norwood St., Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.MACKEYBROWNLAW.COM John Mackey, Esq. * Katherine M. Brown, Esq. Patricia Ridge, Esq. NMLS #443050 Member FDIC Member DIF

Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Malden’s share of new Northeast Metro Tech school funding will be $33 million City’s payments would increase gradually over three years, then settle in at $1.2 million annually for remainder of 30-year term Advocate Staff Report M alden voters on Tuesday joined with those in 10 other sending districts in approving a commitment to fund a new, $317.4 million state-of-the-art facility. Voters in one of the districts, Chelsea, voted against approving the funding, but the measure passed in overwhelming fashion, capturing 83.5% of the ballots overall. All that had been needed in the final balloting was a simple majority, but voters in the 12 districts combined for a large majority in favor. The exact question voted on Tuesday was to accept a $141 million grant from the MassaCONSTRUCTION | FROM PAGE 1 include The Advocate cities of Malden, Saugus and Revere, as well as Chelsea, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, Winchester, Winthrop and Woburn. The balloting did feature very low turnouts, with just 2.7% of Malden residents casting votes, pretty much par for the course with an overall turnout in the 12-district communities hovering around 3%. Malden’s voters were aligned with the overall favorable percentage, with 81.5% voting “yes” for the project. Unofficial results from Malden were similar to those around the district, with 668 voting in favor of the proposal and 151 voting against it. This result was expected, as Malden city officials, including a number of members of the Malden City Council, voiced public support of the project. In Saugus, 7% of registered chusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) to go toward construction of the new school. With that funding in place, the adjusted cost of the new school would be approximately $176 million. Following Tuesday’s affirmative vote, the 12 districts will now be responsible for funding the $176 million bill over a 30-year period. Malden has 152 students now enrolled at Northeast Metro Tech and at present pays $1.62 million annually as a sending district. With the new school on the way, enrollment capacity is expected to increase from 1,250 to 1,600 in all, which would mean Malden might be voters went to the polls on Tuesday with 921 votes cast for a new Northeast Metro Tech, with 547 votes opposed. This total represents 64% of Saugus voters in favor of local funding to support the Northeast Metro Tech School. Voters in Revere also supported the new Northeast Metro Tech facility. Unofficial results of that vote were not immediately available at press time. Factoring in a $141 million grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, the dozen cities and towns will pick up the remaining $176 million of the cost for the construction of a state-of-the-art Northeast Metro Tech adjacent to the existing school in Wakefield. Northeast Metro Tech Superintendent-Director David DiBarri said he is thrilled at the overwhelming support voters showed for the project on Tuesday. “We are deeply grateful to the voters in our 12 sendable to send more students in the future. As for Malden’s contribution to the funding for the new school, the local share would be a $220,000 assessment in FY 2023, according to reports. The payment would then be $221,000 in 2024, $667,000 in 2025 and then $1.2 million per year in 2026 and the same moving forward for the remaining 26 years of the remaining 30year period. Malden Mayor Gary Christenson has already acknowledged the annual payment that would be coming in public statements about upcoming municipal budgetary matters. ing districts for their participation in today’s vote,” DiBarri said. “Their collective support of a new school building, and for securing a vision for a 21st century career technical education that will position our students for success after graduation,” he added. The new Northeast Metro Tech will jump capacity from about 1,280 to 1,600 students and will address outdated building systems and realize code compliance upgrades while featuring 21st-century learning environments, improved Individualized Education Program (IEP) accommodations, state-of-theart shop space, expanded program offerings, a new primary access roadway from Farm Street to reduce traffic congestion, a full-size gym, a 750-seat auditorium, outdoor space for learning and a new cafeteria. New athletic fields adjacent to the new school are also part of the overall project. Meals on Wheels essential during winter months T he winter months are notoriously harder on older adults, especially during this pandemic, which is why Mystic Valley Elder Services (MVES) stresses the importance of virtual and phone assessments, proper heating, physical checkups by your doctor, social interactions – even if we cannot do it face-to-face – transportation assistance and nutritious meals. “Eating good, whole, nutritious foods in the winter months can go a long way in helping older adults regulate their body temperature and stay warm,” said MVES Registered Dietician Candace Quigley. “For those who may not want to or lack the ability to cook, the Meals on Wheels program provides regular nutritious food.” The Meals on Wheels program provides seniors with the necessary nutritional support to protect them against food insecurity, and to help them continue to live independent and fulfilling lives. MVES has provided home-delivered meals for more than 45 years. “Meals on Wheels is for vulnerable older adults who require nutritional support to safely continue living in the community,” said MVES Director of Nutrition Angie Fitzgerald. “Despite the challenges COVID-19 has brought, we have continued to serve home-delivered meals to consumers, and the number of those needing meals delivered has increased.” Since the pandemic started nearly two years ago, the program has served nearly 60,000 meals per month to homebound adults compared to 50,000 meals per month prior to the pandemic. The home-delivered meals service includes the following options as needed: chilled-tobe-heated noontime meals, cold-pack breakfast and supper, clinical diet meals, kosher meals, and frozen weekend meals. In some cases, MVES can provide cultural or ethnically preferred meals in certain communities. “MVES’ Meals on Wheels program ensures that a friendly face of the driver and healthy meal arrives during the cold months and all year round to those who need this essential service to remain healthy, well fed, and safe in their homes,” said Fitzgerald. When providing the meals to the individual, drivers also offer regular check-ins, at a safe distance, to make sure the older adult is doing well during the cold weather. This can be done by a warm smile and welcoming wave. If you are interested in knowing more about the Meals on Wheels program, please visit MVES at mves.org or call 781324-7705. MVES seeks donations of new blankets for Emergency Closet W ith winter upon us and plenty of cold weather still ahead, Mystic Valley Elder Services (MVES) is seeking donations of new blankets in all sizes for its Emergency Closet. The Emergency Closet provides MVES care managers who work with low-income older adults and people with disabilities a place to access not only new blankets but new towels, new sheets, toiletries and largeprint puzzle books for their consumers who need them. Having these items immediately available at MVES can make a huge difference in someone’s life, and they depend solely on donations. If you are interested in donating blankets to the Emergency Closet, please contact the MVES Elder Services Development office at 781-324-7705 or development@mves.org. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 9 POLICE | FROM PAGE 1 — after he unexpectedly ended up in the hospital. Alkins, who is in his 23rd year as Malden Police Animal Control Officer, was rushed to the hospital on Sunday, January 16 with a medical issue that caused him to undergo emergency surgery. For Alkins, it was a pair of "firsts": The first time he underwent surgery and first time he ever stayed overnight in a hospital. It was five days at the Mass. General Hospital in Boston for recuperative purposes for Alkins, who was discharged on Friday, January 21, and is now resting at home, 12 days today after he was first stricken. "I am glad to be home and really happy I was at Mass. General (hospital). They took great care of me the whole time and I was able to come home a bit earlier than (the doctors) had originally thought," Officer Alkins said. In addition to his caregivers at Mass. General, Alkins said he was especially grateful to all those who had sent "get well soon" messages via text message on the phone, by email... or through the old-school live phone call. The messages started com1999, during the administration of former Malden Mayor Richard Howard. Eventually the position was paired with the Malden Police Department by present Mayor Gary Christenson and throughout, Alkins has been one of the most visible city of Malden employees. "I grew up in Malden and I knew a lot of people in the city and around the area before I began working in this position," Alkins said, "Now, it seems like I know everybody." Since he was hospitalized, Malden Police Animal Control Officer Kevin Alkins, shown above with one of the many animals he has participated in saving from abuse and neglect, in this case an abandoned kitten, and an officer from the Animal Rescue League of Boston. (Courtesy photo by Animal Rescue League) ing in the first day Alkins was in the hospital after the surgery, and they have not stopped yet, nearly two weeks later! "I am so thankful to all those who took the time to wish me 'get well' when I was in the hospital, and right up to today," Alkins told The Advocate on Wednesday. "It seemed like everyone I knew was contacting me.... and a lot of people I really didn't know at all, or that well." Alkins, who is well-known around the city as a gregarious, outgoing guy, always ready to help, was appointed as the city of Malden's first fulltime Animal Control Officer in SUPER BOWL SUNDAY FEBRUARY 13 LOCAL DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE (Weather permitting) WE SELL CIGARS & ACCESSORIES everyone from Mayor Christenson and the leaders of other municipal departments like Police Chief Kevin Molis, Fire Chief Bill Sullivan and DPW Director Bobby Knox, as well as dozens of city employees and regular Malden citizens both young and older have taken the time to send a kind word or note Alkins' way. "It has been overwhelming and also very humbling to find out how many people there really are out there who care about you," Alkins said. "It's really gratifying." Alkins said in his absence from his day-to-day job of keeping an eye on the well-being of Malden's dogs, cats and other domesticated pets both in and out of their homes, as well as the city's wildlife, "Several Malden Police officers have been taking care of my business and helping out since I have been recovering. I really appreciate that as well." The Malden Police Animal Control Officer said he fully expects to be back on his feet and back to work in about three weeks. He can't wait to be back on the job, he said. "I love my job and I love working in the city of Malden," Alkins said. "All the good wishes that have come my way in the past couple of weeks makes me feel that way even more." 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 At this time, the state requires everyone to wear masks We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Competitive Prices On All Brands, Good Selection R.Y.O. Buy Cigars by the Box & Save! * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many TOBACCO ----------TUBES Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * VARIOUS GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 STORE HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 8 AM - 7 PM Sunday & Holidays: 8 AM-6 PM Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com

Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Junior Aid hosts Celebration of Presidents O n Sunday, January 23, the Junior Aid Association of Malden celebrated the strong dedication and leadership of the organization’s past presidents. The event was held at Faces Brewing Co. in Malden Square. Junior Aid continues to give back to the community by providing financial assistance to charity organizations with a focus on women, children and health-related issues. Currently Junior Aid is accepting grant applications. Information and applications are accessible through the Junior Aid Facebook page and by email at JuniorAidAssoc@gmail.com. Pictured from left to right: current Junior Aid Association of Malden President Toni Griffin and Past Presidents Maria Luise (19992001), Julie Dortona (1995-1997), Mary Jo Koizumi (1993-1995), Mary Beth Leon (2011-2013) and Priscilla Burns (1985-1987). Pictured from left to right: Celebration of Presidents hostess Kelly Yin and her committee Paula Higgins, Susan Higgins and Stephanie DeCristoforo. Pictured left to right: Junior Aid welcomes two new members to the organization: Cassie Fonseca and Ashley Williams. Asst. Speaker Clark joins 1199SEIU home care workers at personal protective equipment drive in Malden Highlights American Rescue Plan funding; calls for passage of President’s Build Back Better agenda A ssistant Speaker of the Congress Katherine Clark (Fifth District of Massachusetts) joined 1199SEIU United Healthcare East workers at a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) drive in Malden to provide adequate medical supplies to frontline workers and lift up the stories and experiences of the home care workforce. “Our home care workers have been on the frontlines of this pandemic from the very beginning, fighting to keep our loved ones and our communities safe. That’s why Democrats enacted the American Rescue Plan, which provided free vaccines, enhanced wages through Medicaid, improved safety requirements for workers, and essential financial support for families, like the Child Tax Credit,” said Assistant Speaker Clark. “I am proud to stand with 1199SEIU Assistant Speaker of the U.S. Congress Katherine Clark joined 1199SEIU United Healthcare East workers at a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) drive in Malden on Tuesday. workers today in Malden and every day as I work in Washington to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. Investing in the care workforce is essential – to our recovery and our ability to rebuild a more just and more inclusive economy.” Nearly 600 Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) reside in Malden, and over 1,500 PCAs reside in Assistant Speaker Clark’s district. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many health care workers have struggled to access PPE to protect themselves on the job, and that protection has become even more vital with the recent spike in Omicron cases. The American Rescue Plan has provided essential workers in the Commonwealth with increased wages and PPE as well as general support for working families through lower health care costs and lower taxes. Democrats are also working to pass the Build Back Better agenda, which includes $150 billion to expand Medicaid coverage for home care services for seniors and people with disabilities and raises the pay of inhome care professionals, which would be the most transformative investment in home care in decades.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 11 GREATER BOSTON LEAGUE NOTEBOOK: Malden and Chelsea battling it out for Middle School Boys Basketball title Former Everett star Lewis Cine joins ex-Malden High & Tide standout Isaiah Likely in declaring for 2022 NFL draft By Steve Freker T he future is looking bright for Malden High and Chelsea High boys basketball as the two Greater Boston League schools are keeping an eye on their respective Middle School (Grade 7 & 8) teams battle it out for the league title. The junior Tornados and Red Devils boys squads were scheduled to tipoff yesterday at the Beebe K-8 School after each school won their respective semifi nal games on Wednesday. For Malden, eight-grade guard Ethan Pherejasai, from Linden STEAM Academy led all scorers with 22 points, 11 assists and eight rebounds in a 5530 win over Revere. DaShawn Bunch added 11 points for Malden. Chelsea made it to Thursday's fi nal with a down-to-the-wire 43-41 victory over Medford on Wednesday. Both the Malden High and Chelsea High athletic programs are watching for the outcome of this game closely! ***** Former Texas and Everett star Lewis Cine declares for NFL 2022 June Draft University of Georgiajunior Lewis Cine announced recently that he will take his talents to the NFL, declaring for the 2022 NFL Draft. Cine, a former Trinity Christian Academy (Tex.) star, who played two seasons at Everett High, made his announcement via social media. The junior safety was named the defensive MVP of the National Championship game, as he fi nished with seven tackles, leading the Bulldogs to the National Title. Cine signed with the Bulldogs as a four-star safety in the 2019 signing class, out of Trinity Christian in Texas. He played for Trinity for the 2018 season after transferring from Everett High, where he played in 2016 and 2017 seasons. He was a lifelong Florida resident who lived in Everett for two years. One of his coaches at Trinity was Deion "Prime Time" Sanders. He started every game for Georgia in the past two seasons after being a key contributor early on in his career at Georgia. In entering the 2022 draft, Malden High Middle School Basketball standout eighth graders Ethan Pherjasai, left and DaShawn Bunch, right led Malden to a win over Revere in the Greater Boston League Championship semifi nals. Malden played Chelsea for the GBL title Thursday. (Advocate Photo/Steve Freker Photo) Cine will be joining another local standout, former Malden High star Isaiah Likely in the draft class. Likely, a 6-4, 225 tight end, just fi nished a monster collegiate career with Coastal Carolina. Former Trinity Christian and Everett standout Lewis Cine (16) has declared he will make himself eligible for the NFL Draft this June. (Courtesy Photo) Likely was a highly-recruited, three-year starter and record-setter at Malden High School under head coach Joe Pappagallo and then Bill Manchester from 2014-2016.He played one season in 2017 at Everett, where he was a teammate of Cine. **** Malden High co-ed swim wins two more matches to stay undefeated; Captains Tony Giech and Nathan Nguyen lead way Malden High co-ed swim team took a pair of victories to stay undefeated and on a road to a third straight Greater Boston League Championship. Malden topped archrival Medford, 93-75, on the road and also defeated Lynn English, 8463, st home. Against Medford, senior co-captain Tony Giech led a win in the 200 yard medley relay (1:55.4) along with Nathan Nguyen, Liam Bloom and Steven Nguyen in the quartet. Giech also won the 200 freestyle (2:06.13) and 100 breaststroke (1:06.71) to help Malden pile up points. Bloom was the winner in the 50 freestyle (26.89 seconds), Nathan Nguyen (56.25) won the 100 butterfl y and 100 backstroke as well. Malden also beat Lynn English, 83-64. Steven Nguyen, Abby Tang, Emily Tran and Ramirez combined for a win in the 200 medley relay (2:14.25). Tran (2:20.56) won the 200 freestyle. Tang won the 200 individual relay (2:44.94). Zhou won the 50 freestyle 31.56 seconds. Kyle Lee was second at 32.45 seconds. Nathan Nguyen won the 100 butterfl y at 1:06.21 and Tony Giech was the winner in the 100 freestyle (55.46 seconds). Liam Bloom won the 500 freestyle (6:23.91), Nathan Nguyen won the 100 backstroke (1:05.21) and Giech won the 100 breaststroke (1:09.27). **** Former Revere Little Leaguer Donis Rodriquez signs pro contract with Milwaukee Brewers out of the Dominican Donis Rodriquez played for a team called the Brewers when he was a 9-year-old Little Leaguer in Revere. Nearly 10 years later, after moving back to the Dominican Republic, word has been received that Rodriquez has signed a professional baseball contract with the Milwaukee Brewers. Congratulations, Donis!

Page 12 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Meet the 2022 EHS Crimson Tide/MHS Golden Tornadoes/RHS Patriots Varsity Wrestling Co-Op Team MHS Golden Tornadoes/EHS Crimson Tide/RHS Patriots Varsity Wrestling Team, pictured from left to right: back row: Omar Khatimi, Malden Wrestling Head Coach Rin Van, Ghordany Ramos, Pedro Terra, Aidan Jordan, Yousef Hassan, Zach Pan, Joel Vargas, Chandler Timoleon, Jabir Selouani, and Everett Wrestling Head Coach Nicholas Erban; front row: Derrick Sands, Maria Medeiros, Nicole Zeng, Steven Bustillo, Joshua Pacheco and Edwin Barahona. Captains Aiden Jordan and Derrick Sands with Coaches Rin Van and Nicholas Erban Everett High School seniors, pictured from left to right: Ghordany Ramos, Pedro Terra, Chandler Timoleon and Maria Medeiros. Malden seniors, pictured from left to right: Nicole Zeng, Captain Aiden Jordan, Zach Pan, Joel Vargas and Jabir Selouani. Malden High School Golden Tornadoes Varsity Wrestling Captain Aiden Jordan and Head Coach Rin Van Revere High School Patriots Varsity Wrestling Team and Chelsea High School Red Devils Varsity Wrestling Team wrestlers Yousef Hassan, Joshua Pacheco, Steven Bustillo and Edwin Barahona Wrestlers practiced at Malden High School last Thursday night. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Mixed bag for MVRCS boys’ basketball team T he boys’ basketball team of Mystic Valley Regional Charter School saw mixed results on the week, downing Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School (NDCR) of Methuen before losing a one-point difference game on the road against conference foe Innovation Academy Charter School. The team won its second game in a row with a 62-19 blowout victory at home over NDCR before suffering a 47-46, heartbreaking loss to Innovation. Leading the offensive charge against NDCR were junior forward Giovanni Soto with 19 points and sophomore guard Isaac Nortelus, who scored a career-high 14 points. Also contributing to effort were junior guard Michael Tayag with 12 points, senior guard Jacob Stover with eight points, sophomore center Jonathan Saint-Vil with five points and senior forward Brandon Paris with two points. “It was a good win for the team’s confidence at this point in the season,” said Head Coach Tony Ferullo following the win. “Everyone had an opportunity to play in front of the home crowd and that’s something that these student-athletes will always remember.” During the game at Innovation, Soto turned in one of the better offensive performances in program history with 32 points. Tayag (six points), Nortelus (four points), Paris (two points) and Saint-Vil (two points) also contributed to the scoring column. “It was a tough game from start to finish,” said Ferullo following the loss. “We played much better in the second half than the first half to get back in the game. I applaud my team for their overall effort during the last 16 minutes. We just need to lean that it takes a complete game playing at a high level in order to come out on top.”

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 13 Malden High Girls Basketball knocks off Everett and Medford Pair of wins pushes Malden to 5-4 overall heading into second half of season; Tide still seeking first win By Steve Freker second-half surge like the one that Malden High girls basketball finished with in the first half of the season could propel the Blue and Gold Lady Tornados to a postseason berth for the first time in several seasons. Malden Head Coach Scott A Malden's Tori Gammon, left, looks to score against Everett's Emilia Maria Babcock (13) in Tuesday's game. Malden High junior Neveah Cherilus (12) scores during a drive through the lane as Everett's Tatiana Moran (14) and Nehemie Lucien (43) defend. Marino's squad pushed past the .500 mark in the win column with a dominating, 50-33 win over visiting Everett High Tuesday night. Last week, Malden took another one-sided win at home, 48-31 over visiting Medford High School. The two bookend wins came around a home loss, 44-33 to Lynn English last Thursday, January 20. After Tuesday's win, Malden improved to 5-4 overall (3-4 Greater Boston League), just over the qualifying percentage required to gain entry into this year's MIAA Division 1 State Girls Basketball Tournament. The loss kept Head Coach Riley Dunn's Crimson Tide squad in search of its first victory, at 0-10 overall, 0-8 GBL. Malden High's Naveah Cherilus led all scorers with 22 points Tuesday night. Everett's Kayley Rossi led the visiting Tide with 11 points. Malden led at all junctures, including a big 25-11 edge at halftime, with Everett making a run in the third quarter to cut the Malden's Kimberly Vo (14) drives to the basket against the defense of Everett's Kayley Rossi (1). (Advocate Photos by Henry Huang) lead to 9 points, 35-24. Cherilus was again the high scorer in the Malden win over Medford with 19 points. Lisette Curran added 9 points for the Tornado girls. "We are playing better in some parts of the parts of the game, like being aggressive in driving to the basket and getting off more shots," Coach Marino said, "But we have a lot of work to do if we intend on making a real run at a state tourney spot." **** Malden's Girls Basketball schedule continues to be a busy one Malden's Girls Basketball schedule continues to be a busy one, with three games next week. After last night's game at home against Somerville (17), which took place after Advocate press deadline, Malden was scheduled for a rematch with the Somerville High School Highlanders on Monday at 6:00 p.m., on the road. Malden was slated to stay on the road Tuesday, February 1 at Chelsea High (6:00 p.m. tipoff), before returning home for a 6:00 p.m. game hosting Greater Boston League rival Lynn Classical at 6:00 p.m. Looking ahead, Malden closes out its GBL slate on the road at Revere on Tuesday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. Malden High's Yasmine Alayan (3) goes in for a layup. At left is Malden's Lisette Curran (22) and at right, Nehemie Lucien (43) of Everett. Kayley Rossi (1) of Everett High guards as Mauritza Perez-Ramos dribbles upcourt Tuesday night. Malden's Lisette Curran (22) is fouled by an Everett player on her way up to the basket.

Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Eagles swimmers bring home road victory A fter a tough week of practices, the Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Eagles were back in the water at Greater Lawrence Technical School. The Eagles took the chance to shake up the lineup a little bit to get some different swimmers in different events, but the result was the same – the Eagles walked away with the 90-67 victory. Leading off the meet, the medley relay teams went with a one-two-three finish with the top spot going to the Mystic Valley A Relay of freshman Adrian Chang, senior Matthew Loue and juniors Ramy Elaafer and Daniel Nguyen. Following close behind was the B Relay comprised of freshman Lana Santos and grade 8 students Britney Nayiga, Khloe Co and Isabella Cirame. In the 200 Freestyle, sophomore Jason Yan led the way with a lifetime best of 2:01.59. Yan was followed closely by Grade 8 student Jaden Anthony in 2:02.94; Anthony continues to rack up points at a clip not seen by many at his grade level in Eagles’ history. As the lineup was a little different, sprint specialist junior Armando Indresano took on the challenge in the 200 IM, winning the event in a state qualifying cut of 2:10.91 and a top10 all-time Eagles swim. Jeremy Cheng continued his stellar junior campaign, leading an Eagles’ one-two-three finish in the 50 freestyle. Cheng’s time of 22.75 was a lifetime best. Cheng was followed-up by Elaafer and Matthew Loue. In the 100 butterfly, junior Aiden Acuna led another Eagles’ one-two-three finish, in a time of 56.41, a state cut and another top-10 all-time Eagles swim. Grade 8 student Thomas Sodeyama-Cardoso continued his dominance in the distance events with a lifetime best of 5:35.21. The 200 Freestyle relays continued the strong performances across the board. Acuna added another first-place finish in the 100 backstroke, while Indresano notched another first-place finish in the 100 breaststroke. “After a rather tough week of practices…the team finished off with some major speed and dedication. We could not be happier with their performance,” said coach Andrew DiGiacomo. “As we move into the last month of the season everything we are asking the swimmers to do they are doing. If we continue on this path we expect a truly great end to this swim season.” MVRCS girls’ basketball team sweeps the week T he girls’ basketball team of Mystic Valley Regional Charter School captured a road victory over KIPP Academy before coming home to Eastern Avenue to turn away visiting Whitter High School, improving to 5-4. Early in the game against KIPP, the Eagles came out and established a strong rebound presence while looking to push the tempo. The first quarter ended with KIPP on top 10-8. The Eagles kept the same tempo into the second quarter with both teams struggling to score. KIPP ended the quarter ahead 16-15. Sophomore Ava Green, who grabbed nine rebounds, kept control of the boards underneath. Moving into the second half, the Eagles established control by getting after it on the glass and finishing close range. A 1110 third quarter knotted the contest at 27. From there, senior captain Liliana Palomino, who scored eight points in the fourth quarter, and freshman Bailey DeLeire, who chipped in nine points, stepped up and sealed the win with a final score of 41-30. “These girls continue to push for improvement game in and game out,” said coach Jonathan Currier following his team’s victory. “We have had a lot of different lineups with COVID and other setbacks, but we keep picking each other up. Losing Mairead St. Clair in the second quarter certainly hurt us, but Ava Green, Lily Palomino and Breana Nansamba [11 rebounds] stepped up.” Next up was Whittier. The Eagles had a simple game plan from the opening tip: to out-rebound their opponent and control the possession battle. The opening quarter saw great half court execution by DeLeire, who scored a career high 20 points and grabbed four rebounds. DeLeire opened the quarter with the first eight points for the Eagles. Nansamba continued her hot shooting, hitting two long jumpers and stabilizing the Eagles to a 14-12 lead at the end of the first quarter. In the second quarter, Mystic Valley executed on the defensive and offensive glass, but could not convert close range or at the free throw line, falling behind to a 23-21 halftime deficit. The Eagles crushed the rebound battle to the tune of 47-13 with Green grabbed 18 rebounds and scoring three points while Palomino pulled down 19 rebounds and scored four points. The Eagles used that advantage to pull away as DeLeire poured in 10 points in the second half of the 4133 win. Junior Sofia Blandino excelled on the defensive end all night, recording five steals and scoring two points. “I was extremely pleased by the girls focusing in at halftime and coming out aggressive on the boards and to the basket in the second half,” said Currier. “They proved to themselves they can battle back and take control of the game with the rebound advantage. Liliana Palomino and Ava Green racked up career highs on the glass, and Bailey DeLeire scored her career high to help lead us to victory.” New report examines state of education in Massachusetts amid pandemic T he Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy recently released its annual status report on public education to a virtual audience of nearly 300 state leaders, legislators, educators and community members. The 2022 Condition of Education in the Commonwealth examines data on schools and students as they enter a third year of living and learning in a pandemic and offers recommendations for better supporting teachers. After two years contending with the increased demands of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, from adjusting to changing public health protocols to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of students living through trauma and isolation, teachers are stretched thin. Research shows that one in four teachers considered leaving their position at the end of the last school year. As the pandemic continues into 2022 there is an urgent need to better support educators. The Rennie Center’s new report, Investing in Educators: How Massachusetts can Support Educators Through the Pandemic and Beyond, offers recommendations for uplifting teachers right now as well as putting a system in place to offer long-term support and training for current and future educators. “The past two years are a testament to just how much educators can accomplish, even under the most challenging circumstances. But students need so much support right now and we can’t keep asking more and more of an exhausted, overwhelmed workforce,” said Chad d’Entremont, executive director of the Rennie Center. It’s time to adapt the way our education system invests in its key players: teachers. We need to come out of this pandemic stronger, and that means offering tools and resources to help teachers meet the diverse needs of their students.” The report highlights the promising work of districts and community organizations in Boston, Lawrence, Revere, and Springfield that have found innovative ways to support teachers “Even amidst everything going on, teachers continue to inspire their students. They’re working long hours and extending themselves far beyond their job descriptions to support students in and out of the classroom. There’s new technology, new curriculum, and we’re moving full speed ahead on helping students recover academically and socially. All of this takes time, both to do the work and to learn how to do it. While the work of educators is deeply rewarding, it can also be incredibly hard--as intellectually rigorous as it is emotionally draining,” said Shakera Ford Walker, Boston Public Schools’ assistant superintendent for Teacher Leadership and Development, whose department’s work to support educators through professional learning and collaboration is featured in the Rennie Center’s report. “Teachers want to feel valued, trusted, and respected. They want their voices to be heard and used to inform the policy and practices that shape their work and impact the learning and lives of their students.” The annual Condition of Education series’ Action Guide and Data Dashboard examine how schools are functioning during the pandemic, delving into a range of state and local data from school internet speeds to K-12 and college enrollment rates to student absenteeism. The report also looks at the impacts of key indicators like educator diversity and out-of-school suspension rates. The event featured remarks from Massachusetts Education Secretary James Peyser as well as a panel discussion with all three state education commissioners—Early Education and Care Commissioner Samantha Aigner-Treworgy, Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeffrey Riley and Higher Education Commissioner Carlos Santiago. “The fortitude, flexibility, compassion, and just plain hard work that educators at all levels have demonstrated, and continue to display, is a testament to their unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of their students and their communities,” said Peyser. “I’m deeply impressed, although not surprised, by our educators’ response to this crisis, and I know I speak for the Governor and Lt. Governor when I tell you how deeply grateful we are for their service to the Commonwealth.”

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 15 Volunteers make the difference at Bread of Life Hundreds of volunteers make a big difference in the lives of local families struggling to put food on the table. With a staff of just 16 employees, Bread of Life volunteers enabled the organization during 2021 to provide groceries to 37,700 households that included 107,800 adults, children and seniors. All told, BOL distributed 83,700 bags of groceries; delivered 10,500 grocery orders to senior citizens, disabled residents and COVID-quarantined households; distributed 3,036 nutrition backpacks to students in Everett public schools; and provided 47,400 prepared meals through its evening meal program. Bread of Life is always seeking more volunteers who are interested in connecting with the community. It also welcomes high school and college students who need community service hours. Volunteer opportunities include: Make valentine cards for our families and drop off at 109 Madison St., Malden by Feb. 4th. Monday through Friday: 12-5 pm unloading food deliveries, sorting foods, shelving, cleaning, bagging groceries, etc. in the food pantry warehouse at 109 Madison St., Malden. Thursdays: 8:30-11:30 am bagging groceries for Everett Mobile Market at 109 Madison St., SERVICE | FROM PAGE 1 tinction of being the only City of Malden employee to have worked in all four City Hall buildings, which includes the temporary location at 110 Pleasant St. On October 15, 1973, after learning of an opening from a neighbor, Christie began working in the Treasurer’s Office at the old City Hall building on Main Street. The City Hall staff relocated to the new “state-ofthe-art civic center” at 200 Pleasant St. the 1970s. During the 2017 demolition of 200 Pleasant St. and the reconstruction of the new City Hall at 215 Pleasant St., Christie worked at the temporary location at 110 Pleasant St. Christie will always be known for the way she cheerfully welcomed and assisted residents to the Treasurer’s window and how she dedicated her career to providing quality customer service to Malden residents. Christenson presented Christie with a plaque that contained renderings of all four City Hall locations and thanked her for her invaluable service, commitment and contributions. Dedicated volunteers are shown working at Bread of Life. Malden. Thursdays: 3-5 pm distributing groceries for Everett Mobile Market at the Lafayette School, 117 Edith St., Everett. Mondays: 10 am-12 pm, deliver backpacks to Everett public schools, or assist coordinator in making the deliveries. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ CORRECTION: NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS CITY OF MALDEN - OFFICE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (OSPCD) 215 PLEASANT STREET, 3RD FLOOR MALDEN, MA 02148 781-342-5720 KEVIN NESTOR On November 24, 2021, the City of Malden OSPCD published a notice of intent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of funding as follows, On or about December 9, 2021, the OSPCD will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant authorized by Sec. 1011 of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, 42 U.S.C. 4852). The Healthy Homes Supplemental funding is authorized under Section 502 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970 (12 U.S.0 1701 z-2). Funding for both programs is provided by The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, approved December 27, 2020 (Public Law 116-260) and the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, approved December 20, 2019 (Public Law 116-94). Funding is provided for the Malden Lead Hazard Reduction/Healthy Homes Program, a housing rehabilitation program focused on reducing lead-based paint hazards with a period of performance of November 1, 2021, through May 30, 2025. This notice provides the public with a corrected requested release of funds date. On January 3, 2022, OSPCD submitted a request to HUD for the release of funds referenced in the notice cited above. Also, the period of performance is November 1, 2021, through May 1, 2025. Release of Funds Correction: The City of Malden 0SPCD certifies to HUD that Gary Christenson in his capacity as Mayor consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities and allows the City of Malden OSPCD to utilize federal funds and implement the Program. OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE OF FUNDS: HUD will consider objections to its release of funds for a period of fifteen days following the date of this notice only if the objections are on one of the following bases: (a) that the Certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the City of Malden; (b) the City of Malden has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the City of Malden has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58), and may be addressed to HUD as follows: Karen M. Griego, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, Program Environmental Clearance Officer, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development LeadRegulations@HUD.GOV Potential objectors may contact HUD directly to verify the actual last day of the objection/comment period. Gary Christenson, Mayor January 28, 2022 To volunteer, call 781-3970404 or see www.breadoflifemalden.org/volunteer

Page 16 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 SNOW | FROM PAGE 7 erly vent out of the home. Make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Keep your phones and other valuable electronics charged. Keep driving to a minimum and if you need to be out in the weather, take it slow! Check for accumulated snow on your roof to avoid roof collapses. Be sure to include your pets as part of your safety plan. Check in on your friends, family or neighbors who may need assistance. Looking for more tips like this?Visit the Mass.gov storm safety tips website. Myrna (Cohen) Harris 89, entered MASSHEALTH ISSUES FOR HOME AND VACATION HOME spouse as part of the probate proceedings. If the spouse at home transAs long as one spouse is still living in the home, if the other spouse enters a nursing home, the home will be considered a non-countable asset. Therefore, MassHealth’s estate recovery will not place a lien on the home in order to recoup MassHealth benefits paid on behalf of the institutionalized spouse. Once MassHealth benefits are approved for the institutionalized spouse, it is important to then transfer the home to the spouse at home. If the institutionalized spouse is not mentally competent, an attorney in fact acting under the authority of a durable power of attorney can execute the deed on behalf of the institutionalized spouse. Another reason why durable powers of attorney are so important. Once the home is transferred to the spouse living at home, he or she then has the option of transferring the home to a caretaker child, an irrevocable trust or even a sibling that has an equity interest in the home. The reason for this is to avoid the possibility of the spouse at home actually dying before the institutionalized spouse and having the home vest entirely in the institutionalized spouse. Upon his or her death, MassHealth estate recovery will then be able to recover MassHealth benefits paid once it is notified of the death of the institutionalized fers to an irrevocable trust and five years have gone by, the home would be protected and would not be part of the probate estate upon his or her death. In the case of a single person, so long as the box is checked off on the MassHealth application stating that he or she intends to return home, MassHealth will not place a lien on the home. However, upon that person’s death, MassHealth will be able to recover against the probate estate. MassHealth will also place a lien on the home once it determines there is no reasonable expectation of that person returning home. MassHealth will, however, only be able to recover actual benefits paid for the institutionalized spouse, which will be at the lower monthly Medicaid rates, as opposed to the much higher private pay rates. This might serve to protect much of the equity in the home, depending on how long he or she resides in the nursing home. Vacation homes would be considered a countable asset. A vacation home would have to be sold in order to qualify for MassHealth. If dealing with a married couple, the sales proceeds could be used to purchase a Medicaid annuity for the spouse at home. If the vacation home were to be rented out at a profit, then the vacation home would then be a non-countable asset whether dealing with a single person or married couple. Transferring vacation homes to an irrevocable trust as part of advanced planning may also be a good option to protect the vacation home. Joseph D. Cataldo is an Estate Planning/Elder Law Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a Master’s Degree in Taxation. into eternal rest on Sunday, January 23, 2022. She was the wife of the late Arnold P. Harris. Born in Lynn, she was the daughter of the late David and Rose (Goldstein) Cohen. She was raised and educated in Lynn and Newton and was a graduate of Newton North High School. A longtime Malden resident, Myrna and her late husband resided in Florida for 15 years and she had most recently resided in Middleton. Myrna worked at Jordan Marsh for many years, enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and had a passion for her mahjong games. She should be best remembered for her commitment and service to the OBITUARIES Jewish community and Sisterhood of Temple Tifereth Israel of Malden. She leaves her three children and their spouses, Steven and Bonnie Harris of Nashua, NH, Scott and Sharon Harris of Stamford, CT, and Ilene and Frank Twiss of Middleton, her sister Estelle Sanderson and her husband Joseph, brother-in-law Marvin Harris and his wife Paula, sister-in-law Charlotte Cohen, and seven grandchildren, Dennis and Ryan Willette and their wives Maureen and Katie. William Twiss, Marissa Gillis and her husband Joel, David Harris, Daniel Harris and his wife Blake, and Sarah Mark and her husband Michael. Myrna was blessed with six great-grandchildren, Kyla, Max, Sadie, Remi, Meredith, and Harrison. She was the sister of the late Harold Cohen. In lieu of flowers, contributions in her memory may be ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ MALDEN PLANNING BOARD and MALDEN CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING The Malden Planning Board and Malden City Council Ordinance Committee will remotely and jointly hold a virtual public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 32, Section 050 of the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) on the following petitions for zoning amendments, to further amend the following sections of Title 12, MCC: I. Site Plan Review (Title 12, Chapter 12): To amend by adding regulations to establish a Site Plan Review process in all zoning districts for educational or religious use of a building or structure with a gross floor area exceeding 10,000 square feet, whether the building or structure is existing, extended or new/constructed, and for educational or religious use of an existing, extended or new surface parking area exceeding 10,000 square feet. (City Council Paper 405/2021 as amended) II. Table of Intensity Regulations (Title 12, Chapter 16): To amend by adding requirements for Minimum Usable Open Space for Public or Non-profit Schools (City Council Paper 405/2021 as amended). III. General Regulation, Obstructions (Title 12, Chapter 28, Section 060): To amend the current provision (City Council Paper 452/2021). The full texts of the proposed zoning amendments (City Council Papers #405/2021 and #452/2021) are available for public review on the City of Malden website at https://cityofmalden.legistar.com/Legislation.aspx and with the City Planner, Inspectional Services, 3rd Malden, MA. floor, and the City Clerk, 2nd By: Kenneth Antonucci, Clerk Malden Planning Board Floor, City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, By: Peg Crowe, Chair Malden City Council Ordinance Committee In accordance with the City of Malden Local Executive Order issued on January 4, 2022 regarding COVID-19, this public hearing shall be conducted remotely via technological means (Zoom webinar), and no in-person attendance by members of the public is allowed. Members of the public who wish to attend virtually and participate remotely may do so using the following information: Zoom Webinar ID: 965 6359 1842 Passcode: 341907 To join the webinar online, click the link below: https://cityofmalden.zoom.us/j/96563591842pwd=Y1IyQ0dEa3dTakxHUW12MzNXMUtEUT09 To join the webinar by telephone, dial number based on your current location: US: +1 646 518 9805 or +1 929 436 2866 January 21 & January 28, 2022 made to the Brookhouse Home, 180 Derby St., Salem, MA 01970. Barbara "Bobbi" (Voigt) Treacy 90, of Danvers, passed away on January 14 at High Pointe Hospice House in Haverhill. Our sadness is mitigated by knowing that Bobbi is at peace and is reunited with her husband Jack, with whom she shared 60 years of marriage. Born on November 4, 1931, to Earle and Victoria Voigt, Bobbi was raised and educated in Malden and was a graduate of Malden High School's class of 1949. Following her graduation Bobbi attended modeling school in Boston and subOBITUARIES| SEE PAGE 17

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 17 OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 18 sequently enjoyed a brief career with Miss Allen's Modeling Agency. She then went on to work as secretary to the president of Converse Rubber Company for many years. Bobbi married John "Jack" Treacy on September 11, 1954. Much to Bobbi's dismay it was on the very same day that Hurricane Edna decided to blow through Massachusetts. Luck was with the couple though, and by the time of the ceremony, electricity had been restored and the wedding could proceed. Unfortunately, only half of their guests were able to attend but as disappointing as it was, it was short lived. Luck struck again and the most spectacular double rainbow appeared over the church to greet the newlyweds as they exited the church. Good fortune ensued as the following September the couple welcomed their only child, Lynne Victoria. The family moved to Danvers in 1960 where they made many dear and lifelong friends that were as close as family. They were including but not limited to: Joan and Nick DiPaolo; Barbara and Jack Yates; and Jean and Christ Bouras. The group affectionately referred to themselves as "The Rat Pack." The herd has thinned in the last couple of years, but many members are still enjoying each other's company in their golden years. Bobbi was an active participant in the Danvers community. She was a founding member of theater group now known as The North Shore Players. Bobbi not only performed in many of the group's productions but served in many different capacities such as: co-president; secretary; producer; and treasurer ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ MALDEN PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING The Malden Planning Board will remotely hold a virtual public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 9, 2022, on the petition of Valteir Rosa of Mineirao Market LLC on behalf of Richard Gottschalk, Jr., Trustee of K & R Realty Trust (Permit Application # CMID 040423-2021) seeking to amend the special permit granted in Case #19-02 under Title 12, Chapter 12, Section 030 of the Code of the City of Malden, (formerly known as Section 300.3.2.5, Chapter 12, Revised Ordinances of 1991, as Amended, of the City of Malden), to modify the approved plans and to allow outside storage, namely, a walk-in freezer/refrigerator for use by the existing retail sales market, at the property known as and numbered 140 Eastern Avenue, Malden, MA and also known by City Assessor’s Parcel ID # 086 269 904. Petition and plans are available for public review at https://permits.cityofmalden.org/EnerGov_PROD/SelfService#/home. By: Kenneth Antonucci, Clerk In accordance with the City of Malden Local Executive Order issued on January 4, 2022 regarding COVID-19, this public hearing shall be held virtually via technological means (Zoom webinar) and no in-person attendance by members of the public is allowed. Members of the public who wish to remotely attend the virtual meeting and remotely participate in the virtual public hearing may do so using the following information: Zoom Webinar ID: 965 6359 1842 Passcode: 341907 To join the webinar online, click the link below: https://cityofmalden.zoom.us/j/96563591842pwd=Y1IyQ0dEa3dTakxHUW12MzNXMUtEUT09 To join the webinar by telephone, dial number based on your current location: US: +1 646 518 9805 or +1 929 436 2866 January 21 & January 28, 2022 which is particularly humorous since she never even balanced her own checkbook until Jack passed in 2015. Yet again Bobbi made many dear friends such as Tina and Ernie Bianco during her 30-plus years of active membership. She also served as past president of The North Shore Dental Assistants. Bobbi was a dedicated and loyal employee of orthodontists Dr. William Saris and most recently, Dr. Adrian Costanza. The Costanza family was most gracious and kind and treated Bobbi as family. Bobbi loved them immensely. Bobbi was a perfectionist with any endeavor she undertook. She was an extremely kind, generous, and thoughtful woman. She demonstrated an unwavering devotion to her family and friends. She loved showering them with most exquisitely wrapped gifts for any and all occasions. Bobbi also found joy in cooking and entertaining in her immaculate and beautifully decorated home. It should come as no surprise to anyone that knew her that she also has a black belt … in shopping! Bobbi was a familiar fixture at her "Bermuda Triangle" of favorite stores: Marshalls; T.J. Maxx; and HomeGoods. It is the family's hope that in heaven she has been upgraded to Neiman Marcus. Although Bobbi found plenty of joy in her long and wonderful life, her ultimate joy was in the form of her two grandsons: Craig and Scott. She took bragging rights to a new level when it came to "her boys". She was a constant and positive influence in their lives. Bobbi was responsible for teaching them good manners such has never wearing a baseball cap inside any building, cooking skills, how to set a proper table, the importance of a clean home and to even play poker (which she learned while working at Converse and when the guys needed a fourth to play, Bobbi sat in. Who would think?) Bobbi was so proud that Craig and Scott took all her teachings to heart and became the handsome and successful young men they are today. Bobbi was predeceased by her loving husband, Jack Treacy ; sister Dorothy Calvoury; brother Earle Voigt; and in addition to many close friends and all the men of the Rat Pack. She is survived by her devoted daughter, Lynne and her husband Peter Farley of Bradford; her most cherished grandsons, Craig Farley of Danvers and Scott Farley of Austin, Texas; her much adored grand-dog, Molly; and great grand-dog, Ivy. Bobbi also leaves behind her beloved OBITUARIES| SEE PAGE 18

Page 18 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 18 1. On Jan. 28, 1985, 45 recording artists met in Hollywood to sing what charity single? 2. In 1999 at the Pasadena Rose Bowl, what U.S. women’s team won an international sporting event? 3. In what part of the world is a Boston bun (also known as Sally Lunn) traditional? 4. What is an affogato? 5. On Jan. 29, 1995, what team became the first to win the Super Bowl five times? 6. In what John Steinbeck novel’s first chapter is the word “dust” used 24 times? 7. What are lotus shoes? 8. On Jan. 30, 1995, a TV Guide survey found that who was the most trusted media personality? 9. What country has a dish called champ? 10. On Jan. 31, 1940, Ida May Fuller, of Brattleboro, Vt., received the first of what type of check after paying only three years of payroll taxes ($25)? 11. What culture has a traditional red telephone box? 12. On Feb. 1, 2022, what culture celebrates the New Year? 13. In 2022 in Hawaii, Cameron Smith won the golf Tournament of Champions with the lowest-ever score; how many strokes under par was it: 10, 21 or 34? 14. On Feb. 2, 1887, the first Groundhog Day was observed in the town of Punxsutawney in what state? 15. The Vogue Doll Company, which had manufacturing plants in Malden, Medford and Melrose, started producing the Ginny doll in what decade: the 1920s, the 1940s or the 1960s? 16. On Feb. 3, 1902, after an NYC snowstorm, the Morning Telegraph debuted the nickname “the Great White Way” for what? 17. In the 1934 movie “Here is My Heart,” what actor/singer with a nickname introduced the song “June in January”? 18. What instrument has felt-covered hammers? 19. On Feb. 4, 1938, what play by Thornton Wilder set in Grover’s Corners, N.H., opened in NYC? ANSWERS cousins Marilyn and Linda Glover and Pamela Holzwarth. Also, survivors include her most caring nieces and nephews Celeste Carroll, Andrea Voigt, Cheryl McKenzie, Michael, Chip and Greg Meredith and Bruce Voigt. She also be greatly missed by her brother-in-law Joseph Flak and wife Merci of California plus many other relatives and dear friends. The family wishes to thank everyone for their love and support throughout Bobbi's life and especially during the last week of her life. Bobbi was especially fortunate to have had the love from the entire Smyth family and in particular Maria. Maria has always been the nurse on call 24/7 for the Farley family but she really out did herself taking on the role of Bobbi's private nurse during her recent declining health. We are forever grateful. Also, many thanks of gratitude to the Rev. Laura Gronberg and the entire Second Congregational Church family for holding all of us in their loving prayers. Bobbi's family would also like to extend a special thank you to the caring hospice nurses that came to Bobbi's daughter's home in the midst of their positive COVID-19 status. They were like angels on Earth. The Hospice House as well for providing a safe environment during Bobbi's very last day of life here on Earth. Bobbi died peacefully with dignity and grace just as she lived her life. She was a beautiful woman who always made an elegant entrance wherever she went. Special thank you also to Kaitlyn at Weir funeral home for preparing Bobbi for her final grand entrance. She looked stunning and the family is sure everyone's heads turned as Bobbi entered the Pearly Gates of heaven. We only hope Jack was ready and waiting and had "fixed himself" for her arrival! Due to the limitations of COVID-19, a private burial took place and the family looks forward to a Celebration of Bobbi's life this spring. We are hopeful by then we can all gather safely for a time of beautiful remembrance of a life well lived. Mildred “Millie” (Harrington) Tortorella Passed peacefully in her sleep Thursday, January 13, 2022 at the age of 89. Mille was born and raised in Augusta, ME on August 26, 1932 to the late Roger and Mary Harrington. She was educated at St. Mary’s Elementary School and attended Cony High School in Augusta where she graduation in 1950. After high school, Mildred attended the Augusta General Nursing School and upon completion of her three-month affiliation course at Boston Lying-In Hospital in Boston, she returned to Maine where she completed her nurses’ training at Central Maine General School of Nursing in Lewiston, ME in 1953. While attending nursing school in Lewiston, she met and fell in love Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $100 per paper in-town per year or $120 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 with Frank Tortorella, Jr. from Malden who was in the Navy stationed in Brunswick, ME. The two fell in love and in 1956 married and raised their family of six children in Malden. Upon arriving in Malden, Mildred went to Malden Hospital to apply for a job and secured a nursing position on the spot! While bringing up her children, she continued her nursing career and was beloved by her patients, many asking for her to return as a private duty nurse. Mildred and Frank loved going to their “camp” in Maine with their children year round. After the devastating loss of her husband in 1990, Millie found happiness in her grandchildren and traveling with her family and friends. She loved her yearly trips to Houston to visit her son Frank to attend the rodeo!! As more and more grandchildren came, she cherished each one and was so proud of all their accomplishments. She enjoyed working on word search puzzles and watching favorite shows like Golden Girls, Murder She Wrote and Columbo with her family. She was the strength of her family. Mildred was predeceased by her loving husband of 34 years Frank Tortorella Jr. She was the cherished mother to her six children, Leonora Tortorella Tumblin and her husband John of Everett, Frank R. Tortorella of Houston, TX, Mildred J. Tortorella Collins and her husband Lawrence of Malden, Anthony Tortorella of Malden, Amy Tortorella Barbosa and her husband Edson of Malden and Ellen M. Tortorella Batista and her husband Joao of Malden. Mildred was the dear sister of Mary Harrington of Winthrop and the late Albert Harrington. She was the cherished grandmother to her 12 grandchildren, Jonathan and Michelina Tumblin, Frank, Charlie, Nina, Robert, Aidan and Paul Collins, Nathaniel and Emilee Barbosa and Nicolle and Maximiano Batista. Mildred is also survived by special family friend Elaine Bossi and many nieces, nephews and friends. Her service was held at the A. J. Spadafora Funeral Home, 865 Main Street, Malden on Thursday, January 20. In lieu of flowers, donations in Mildred’s memory may be made to your favorite charity. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@ advocatenews.net 1. “We Are the World” 2. Women’s World Cup for soccer 3. Australia and New Zealand (Reportedly, the inventor of the Boston bun came from Boston during Australia’s gold rush in the 1850s.) 4. Espresso and vanilla ice cream 5. The San Francisco 49ers 6. “The Grapes of Wrath” (due to the Dust Bowl setting) 7. The tiny shoes Chinese women wore after their feet were bound. 8. Walter Cronkite 9. Ireland (a mashed potato/scallion dish) 10. Social Security 11. British 12. Chinese (the Lunar New Year, or Year of the Tiger) 13. 34 14. Pennsylvania 15. 1948 16. Broadway 17. Harry Lillis “Bing” Crosby Jr. 18. Piano 19. “Our Town”

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 19 Beacon Hill Roll Call By Bob Katzen GET A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO MASSTERLIST – Join more than 22,000 people, from movers and shakers to political junkies and interested citizens, who start their weekday morning with MASSterList—the popular newsletter that chronicles news and informed analysis about what’s going on up on Beacon Hill, in Massachusetts politics, policy, media and infl uence. The stories are drawn from major news organizations as well as specialized publications selected by widely acclaimed and highly experienced writers Chris Van Buskirk and Keith Regan who introduce each article in their own clever and inimitable way. MASSterlist will be e-mailed to you FREE every Monday through Friday morning and will give you a leg up on what’s happening in the blood sport of Bay State politics. For more information and to get your free subscription go to: www.massterlist.com/subscribe THE HOUSE AND SENATE. Beacon Hill Roll Call records local representatives’ votes on roll calls from the week of January 17-21. There were no roll calls in the Senate last week. $55 MILLION FOR COVID-19 (H 4340) The House 159-0, approved and sent to the Senate a $55 million COVID-19 response bill. A key provision provides $30 million to increase the number of COVID-19 testing sites and purchase COVID-19 tests—with $5 million of that earmarked to expand vaccination rates among kids ages 5 to 11 in communities disproportionately affected by the virus. Another $25 million would be used for the acquisition and distribution of high-quality personal protective masks, including N95s and KN95s, to be distributed by February 28, 2022 to children and faculty in elementary and secondary public school districts. The measure also mandates that the Baker administration pursue the highest allowable rate of federal reimbursement for the $55 million package. “In the last couple of years we have learned a lot about how to treat, prevent and reduce the risks associated with the virus,” said Rep. Bill Driscoll (D-Milton), the House chair of the Committee on COVID-19 and Emergency Preparedness and Management. “We held additional oversight hearings in December and January because we wanted to understand the administration’s current and evolving plans to address Omicron and what might be around the corner in the weeks and months ahead. The funding included in this legislation aims to close several gaps regarding accessibility to testing and high fi ltration masks, particularly in schools. By providing the funding resources and several other extensions, like remote participation in public meetings, the commonwealth can take stronger and focused measures toward driving infection rates down and hopefully keep them down in the months ahead.” (A “Yes” vote is for the bill.) Rep. Paul DonatoYes Rep. Steven Ultrino Yes CONSOLIDATED AMENDMENT TO COVID PACKAGE (H 4340) House 158-1, approved a package of several amendments to the COVID-19 package. The amendments were based on 23 individual amendments fi led by individual representatives. Supporters said the amendments would enhance the bill and help in the fight against COVID-19. Rep. Jeff Turco (D-Winthrop), the only representative to vote against the package of amendments, said he voted against them because they included substantive changes to the tort laws of the commonwealth. “Specifically, the amendment included language that granted hospitals and medical providers immunity from liability for acts of BHRC| SEE PAGE 20 Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma ~ Home of the Week ~ SAUGUS....Wonderful 5 room condo featuring updated kitchen, dining room, fireplace living room with access to private balcony, great open floor plan, master bedroom offers private bath with convenient stand-up shower, second bedroom offers slider to balcony, convenient in-unit laundry hook-up, updated electric heat pump (approximately two years old), replacement windows, extra storage in lower level, two parking spaces, inground pool for summer enjoyment, super convenient location off Lynn Fells Parkway, located in desirable Hillview West. Great unit - Great opportunity! Offered at $350,000 335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. a y avvy S iorenniiooro a avvyavvy iori Concerned Son Dear Concerned, The way you’re describing it, it’s very possible that your mom had a “mini-stroke” also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), and if she hasn’t already done so she needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. Each year, around 250,000 Americans have a mini-stroke, but less than half of them realize what’s happening. That’s because the symptoms are usually fl eeting – lasting only a few minutes, up to an hour or two – causing most people to ignore them or brush them off as no big deal. But anyone who has had a ministroke is much more likely to have a full-blown stroke, which can cause long-term paralysis, impaired memory, loss of speech or vision, and even death. A mini-stroke is caused by a temporary blockage of blood fl ow to the brain and can be a warning sign that a major stroke may soon be coming. That’s why mini-strokes need to be treated like emergencies. Who’s Vulnerable? A person is more likely to suff er a TIA or stroke if they are overweight or inactive, have high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol or diabetes. Other factors that boost the risks are age (over 60), smoking, heart disease, atrial fi brillation and having a family history of stroke. Men also have a greater risk for stroke than women, and African Americans and Hispanics are at higher risk than those of other races. Warning Signs The symptoms of a mini-stroke are the same as those of a fullblown stroke, but can be subtle and short-lived, and they don’t leave any permanent damage. They include any one or combination of the following: • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body. • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding. • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes. • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination. • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause. The easiest way to identify a stroke is to use the F.A.S.T. test to identify the symptoms. F (Face): Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop? A (Arm): Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? S (Speech): Ask the person to say a simple sentence. Is their speech slurred? T (Time): If you observe any of these signs of stroke, call 911. Get Help If these warning signs sound like what happened to your mom, but they went away, she needs to go to the emergency room or nearby stroke center. If the doctor suspects a TIA, he or she will run a series of tests to determine what caused it and assess her risk of a future stroke. Once the cause has been determined, the goal of treatment is to correct the abnormality and prevent a full-blown stroke. Depending on the cause(s), her doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the tendency for blood to clot or may recommend surgery or a balloon procedure (angioplasty). For more information on mini-strokes and how to recognize one, visit the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association at StrokeAssociation.org. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. n r by Jim Miller How to Recognize a Mini-Stroke and What to Do Dear Savvy Senior, How can a person know if they’ve had a minor stroke? My 72-yearold mother had a spell a few weeks ago where she suddenly felt dizzy for no apparent reason and had trouble walking and speaking, but it went away, and she seems fi ne now.

Page 20 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 BHRC | FROM PAGE19 negligence related to care and treatment involving COVID-19. I do not support such a change without a full vetting and hearing process.” (A “Yes” vote is for the package of amendments. A “No” vote is against it.) Rep. Paul DonatoYes Rep. Steven Ultrino Yes HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK'S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature's job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been fi led. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of January 17-21, the House met for a total of six hours and 50 minutes and the Senate met for a total of one hour and two minutes. Mon. Jan. 17 No House session No Senate session Tues. Jan. 18 House 11:03 a.m. to 1:12 p.m. Senate 11:14 a.m. to 11:17 a.m. Wed. Jan. 19 House 11:19 a.m. to 3:54 p.m. No Senate session Thurs. Jan. 20 House 11:00 a.m. to 11:06 a.m. Senate 12:13 p.m. to 1:12 p.m. Fri. Jan. 21 No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com. Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019. Baker to file for $200M in Chapter 90 local transportation funding T he Baker-Polito Administration recently announced plans to file legislation next week seeking $200 million in Chapter 90 funding to help all 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts improve transportation infrastructure and address needs within their local communities. This funding request complements the $31.5 million increase in unrestricted local aid that will be included in the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) budget proposal, as announced by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito at the Massachusetts Municipal Association meeting this past week. Keeping a commitment made by the Governor and Lt. Governor in 2014, the REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BUYER1 RESOP, MARK BUYER2 RESOP, REGINA SELLER1 33A HAVELOCK LLC SELLER2 Administration’s budget proposals over the course of their time in offi ce have increased local aid consistent with tax revenue growth. The Administration’s full FY23 budget proposal will be released in the coming days. “As former local offi cials, Lt. Governor Polito and I pledged to be strong partners with cities and towns throughout our administration, and with these proposed investments in our cities and towns and local infrastructure, we are proud to sustain that commitment,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The budget proposals we have fi led throughout our time in offi ce kept our promise to cities and towns to increase local aid funding consistent with the growth in state tax revenue, and we have consistently fi led for additional Chapter 90 funds to make critical improvements for local roads and bridges.” “Our commitment to cities and towns has remained a vital part of our Administration’s approach, and we are proud to once again increase support for local aid through our FY23 budget proposal,” said Polito. “We look forward to partnering with our legislative colleagues to ensure our municipalities get the support they need to serve their residents and improve their local infrastructure.” This $200 million in ChapBAKER | SEE PAGE 22 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. ADDRESS 33-35A HAVELOCK ST CITY MALDEN DATE 05.01.2022 PRICE $1 300 000,00

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 21 Cash Pay Guaranteed! "If it snows, you'll be working!" FRANK’S Housepainting (781) 289-0698 • Exterior • Ceiling Dr. • Power Wash • Paper Removal • Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES — Fully Insured Mold & Waterproofing EXPERTS • Sump Pumps • Walls & Floor Cracks • ALL WORK GUARANTEED - Licensed Contractor - JPG CONSTRUCTION Cell phone 781-632-7503 508-292-9134 ~ HELP WANTED ~ Construction Help Wanted Seeking Full-Time Laborers Basic construction knowledge, MA Drivers License with clean driving record a must. EVERETT ALUMINUM Call Steve at: (617) 389-3839 Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/ Advocate.news.ma “Proper prep makes all the difference” – F. Ferrera • Interior FIRE • SOOT • WATER Homeowner’s Insurance Loss Specialists FREE CONSULTATION 1-877-SAL-SOOT Sal Barresi, Jr. - Your fi rst call 617-212-9050 SPADAFORA AUTO PARTS JUNK CARS WANTED SAME DAY PICK UP 781-324-1929 Quality Used Tires Mounted & Installed Used Auto Parts & Batteries Family owned & operated since 1946 Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net $ $ $ $ Classifieds

Page 22 BAKER | FROM PAGE 20 ter 90 funding would be available to local cities and towns for FY23. After taking offi ce in 2015, Baker quickly directed the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to release $100 million in Chapter 90 funds that had been promised the previous year, fulfilling a commitment made to cities and towns. The Baker-Polito Administration has released a total of $1.56 billion in funding through the Chapter 90 formula, and if approved by the Legislature, this most recent request would bring the total to $1.76 billion. “The Baker-Polito Administration continues to focus on supporting cities and towns by providing critical resources through the Chapter 90 program and through increases in local aid,” said Administration and Finance THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Secretary Michael Heffernan. “We are proud to once again request these important resources which give municipalities the tools they need to eff ectively improve their communities.” Polito also announced that the Administration’s FY23 budget proposal will include $1.2 billion for Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA), a $31.5 million increase over Fiscal Year 2022 and equal to a projected 2.7 percent increase in tax revenue in the FY23 consensus revenue estimate. Including the FY23 budget proposal, the Administration has increased the total annual UGGA distribution by $253.9 million since taking offi ce. “The Chapter 90 funding program is a lifeline for municipalities as they manage and maintain their roadways and bridges,” said Transportation Secretary/ CEO Jamey Tesler. “Additionally, FOR LEASE - COMMERCIAL PROPERTY the Baker/Polito Administration has created and funded municipal programs like the Complete Streets Funding Program, Shared Streets and Spaces, Municipal Small Bridge, Municipal Pavement and Local Bottleneck Reduction, which have not only provided a generational investment directly to communities but helped repair and modernize the transportation network of the Commonwealth.” Advocate Call now! PRIME LOCATION: Located on Revere Beach Parkway, Everett 6,500 Sq. Ft. Building, Showroom and Garage with 4 Overhead Doors. Call 617-389-4527 J.F & Son Contracting Snow Plowing No Job too small! Free Estimates! Commercial & Residential 781-656-2078 - Property management & maintenance Shoveling & removal Landscaping, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Roofing, Carpentry, Framing, Decks, Fencing, Masonry, Demolition, Gut-outs, Junk Removal & Dispersal, Clean Ups: Yards, Garages, Attics & Basements. Truck for Hire, Bobcat Services. We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net For Rent Everett 3 Bdr. - 1st Floor Nice Hardwood Flooring No Smoking, No Pets Close to Public Trans. Section 8 Accepted 857-888-1537 Frank Berardino MA License 31811 AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 ● 24-Hour Service ● Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Gas Fitting ● Drain Service Residential & Commercial Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES! Office: (781) 233-2244 Classifieds

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 23 ............. # 1 Listing & Selling Office in Saugus “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service” Free Market Evaluations CRE CarpenitoRealEstate.com View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300 SAUGUS - 1st AD - Hillview West 5 rm. condo offers 2 full baths, updated kit., dining rm. open to living rm. leading to private balcony, master bdrm. w/ bath, updated heat, cent. air, two parking spaces, pool..........................................................$350,000. SAUGUS - 1st AD - 11 rm. Tri-Level offers 3-4 bdms., amazing granite kit. with oversized island, great room, playroom, au-pair suite w/ granite kit, 2 laundry hook-ups, wrap-around deck, updated roof & cent. air, 2 car gar., irrigation system, Indian Valley loc. MINT! .............................................................$899,900. MALDEN - Well maintained 4 rm., 2 bdrm. Cape Cod style home, fireplace living rm., hrdwd. flooring, 3 season porch, vintage details, replacement windows, walk-up attic, finished lower level, attached gar., fenced, corner lot................................................................$499,900. REVERE - PRIME BROADWAY location and visibility offers this great retail condo store front with many possibilities. Located on bus line, within walking distance of neighborhoods. Great opportunity to invest and build your business................$600,000. WONDERING WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH? CALL US FOR A FREE OPINION OF VALUE. 781-233-1401 38 MAIN STREET, SAUGUS COMING SOON UNDER CONTRACT SAUGUS - 7 rm., 3 bdrm. Garrison Colonial offers 2 full baths, sun rm., kit. w/ center island, finished lower level offers family rm. & second kit. updated roof, easy access to all major routes & shopping......$489,900. SAUGUS - 11 Unit Building. Cliftondale Sq. Property consists of 3 store fronts and 1 free-standing building, 7 residential units. All separate utilities. All units deleaded, ample off-street parking, INCREDIBLE opportunity...........$2,600,000. LET US SHOW YOU OUR MARKETING PLAN TO GET YOU TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR HOME! LITTLEFIELDRE.COM CONDO FOR RENT FOR RENT COMING SOON - 2 BED 2.5 BATH TOWNHOUSE ACROSS FROM THE BEACH WITH AMAZING OCEAN VIEWS $619,900SWAMPSCOTT CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 SOLD 112K OVER ASKING FOR SALE - OVERSIZED 3 BED, 1 BATH RANCH LOCATED IN THE DESIRABLE IRON WORKS LOCATION, NICE LEVEL YARD. $599,900 SAUGUS CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 SOLD 40K OVER ASKING FOR RENT SUNNY & BRIGHT 2 BED, 2 BATH GRANITE KITCHEN WITH LAUNDRY IN UNIT. 1 GARAGE SPACE AND 1 OTHER PARKING SPACE. SAUGUS $2000 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 UNDER CONTRACT FOR RENT - 1 BED WITH EAT-IN KITCHEN & LAUNDRY IN UNIT ON STREET PARKING. EVERETT $1700 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 OFFICE FOR RENT FOR SALE- COMPLETELY RENOVATED 3 BED 1 BATH RANCH NICE SIDE STREET $499,900 PEABODY CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL? CALL JOHN DOBBYN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! 617-285-7117 FOR SALE - CUSTOM BUILT, 8 ROOM, 3 BED 3 BATH SPLIT ENTRY IN DESIRABLE INDIAN VALLEY $734,900 SAUGUS CALL KEITH 7781-389-0791 FOR SALE- 3 BED 2 BATH UPDATED CONDO W/ 4 PKNG. SPACES, 2 COVERED, XTRA STORAGE, $529,900 DANVERS CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 FOR SALE -BRAND NEW MANUFACTURED MOBILE HOMES. FOUR CUSTOM UNITS LEFT. ALL UNITS ARE 2 BED , 1 BATH 12 X 52. DANVERS $199,900 CALL ERIC 781-223-0289 FOR SALE - BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED 4 BED 2 BATH OPEN CONCEPT CAPE $589,900 SAUGUS CALL JOHN 617 -285-7117 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE - 3 FAMILY & 1 FAMILY ALL ON ONE LOT, PLENTY OR PARKING, CLOSE TO CASINO $1,420,000 EVERETT RHONDA 781-706-0842 UNDER CONTRACT FOR RENT OFFICE SPACES WITH PLENTY OF PARKING SAUGUS FROM $600 - $1400 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 FOR SALE

Page 24 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Follow Us On: COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Sandy Juliano Broker/President Welcome to New England in winter. Due to the extremely cold temperatures, our office may not be open every day. Please call the number below for an immediate response. WE KNOW EVERETT!! Call TODAY to sell or buy with the best! LISTED BY NORMA & ROSEMARIE SOLD! CONDO - NEW PRICE - $449,900 30 CHELSEA ST. #812 EVERETT CALL NORMA FOR DETAILS! 617-590-9143 SOLD! SINGLE FAMILY 39 ARLINGTON ST., EVERETT $529,900 NEW LISTING UNDER AGREEMENT BY NORMA AS BUYER’S AGENT SOLD BY NORMA TAUNTON SOLD BY SANDY! HUGE 3 FAMILY 21-23 CLEVELAND AVE., EVERETT $980,000 32 RIDGE RD., READING $675,000 NEW LISTING BY NORMA CONDO 120 WYLLIS AVE., UNIT #310 SOLD BY JOE! 6 FAMILY CHARLES STREET, MALDEN $1,250,000 CALL JOE FOR DETAILS 617-680-7610 UNDER AGREEMENT SINGLE FAMILY 20 BAKER RD., EVERETT $509,900 SOLD BY MICHAEL AS BUYER’S AGENT 58 BRADFORD ST. EVERETT Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 Open Daily From 10:0 Joe DiNuzzo - Broker Associate :0 00 AM 5:00 PM www.jrs-properties.com Follow Us On: 617.448.0854 Norma Capuano Parziale - Agent Denise Matarazz - Agent Maria Scrima - Agent Rosemarie Ciampi - Agent Michael Matarazzo -Agent Mark Sachetta - Agent

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