THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 28, 2022 Page 3 Mayor assists with agreement between landlord and tenants association to protect long-term Malden residents Special to the Advocate M ayor Gary Christenson has helped reach an agreement between United Properties and the United Properties Tenants Association that will help keep long-term residents in Malden. The deal replaces large, immediate rent hikes with smaller, predictable increases over a period of five years, and it covers tenants who resided in three buildings prior to their purchase by the landlord. “This deal protects families who have lived in Malden for many years from being pushed out of our community, and is representative of my Administration’s commitment to helping wherever possible on this most important issue,” said Christenson. “I am grateful for the willingness of United Properties to work with us to keep our neighbors in their homes. I am also inspired by the leadership and solidarity shown by these tenants, who are effective advocates not only for each other, but for all Malden residents.” The agreement is the result of more than six months of talks between Mayor Christenson, Community Development Director Alex Pratt, landlord United Properties, tenant leaders from the United Properties Tenants Association and City Life/ Vida Urbana, a nonprofit that focuses on housing justice and tenant organizing. Fifteen families from 33 Park St., 46-50 Park St. and 84 Linden Ave. are affected. “This agreement was only possible because of the strong leadership from Mayor Christenson and the tenants, and the openness of United Properties to come to the table,” said City Life/Vida Urbana Community Organizer Katie McCann. “We are immensely grateful to the City, United Properties, and the tenant leaders for taking on this challenge and arriving at this fair and equitable compromise. This long-term deal between a landlord and tenant association will be a model throughout Greater Boston for ensuring housing stability.” “I would like to thank the Mayor’s Office for their assistance in reaching an agreement with these longstanding residents,” lord and the tenants, and with a little creativity, we were available to avoid displacement and keep these longterm residents in our community.” “This historic five-year agreeGary Christenson Mayor said United Properties owner Andreas Tsitos. “Now more than ever, United Properties recognizes the importance of affordable housing and preserving tenancies within the City of Malden and we are committed to working with the City for ways that help stabilize tenancies for other residents. Thank you Mayor Christenson, Alex Pratt, and everyone who assisted in this effort.” “Rents have increased substantially in Malden and across the region, and that makes long-time tenants susceptible to big rent increases when older buildings change hands,” said Community Development Director Alex Pratt. “By working with both the landment keeps rents affordable for a diverse group of working-class, longtime residents in three neighboring buildings,” said tenant organizer Lynette Ng. “Thanks to the support and continued engagement of the Mayor’s Office, and the willingness of our landlord United Properties to make a deal, we can continue to call this community home.” “Mayor Christenson has been a steadfast advocate for tenants for many years, and without him this deal would not have been possible,” said tenant organizer Dianne Richardson. “The same is true of my fellow tenants and the City Life/Vida Urbana team, which helped our association form and has guided us along the way. Lastly, I want to thank United Properties owner Andreas Tsitos for working with us to help us stay in Malden. I hope this deal will lead to future collaborations between the public and private sectors to provide much-needed affordable housing.” SNOW BLOWER SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS Pickup/Delivery Available 1039 BROADWAY, REVERE 781-289-6466 781-289-6466 WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM WWW.BIKERSOUTFITTER.COM

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