Wesley United Methodist Church October 2022 Newsletter What’s Inside: Note from Pastor UMM UWF Trustee Scouts, Calendar & More
Note from Pastor Jana 1 I shared that I would be talking about our vows in the newsletter for the next view months. Just a reminder that the vows we take when we join the church are: We vow to faithfully participate in the life and ministries of our local congregation through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Last month, I invited you to be in prayer for our church. I hope you have been doing this. Our vows take us one step further by being present. What does it mean to have a presence in the UMC? Ken Sloane shared his viewpoint on this vow. "The vow of presence, I thought, was always the easiest. You just have to show up, right? OK, no problem -- once a week I can make an appearance: potluck suppers, good people doing good things, worship, fun times and fellowship -- presence is a breeze! I don't have to worry about living up to that promise. As the years have progressed, I've realized that my promise of supporting the church with my presence is about more than showing up. The main question asked is if you will "faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness." While potluck supper and fun activities fall in that category, there are times when offering presence is more challenging. When someone has lost a loved one (a parent, a spouse, child, or sibling), words seem so inadequate; but we can give the gift of presence. When violence or dishonesty has shattered a family, we can give the gift of presence. When natural disasters have ripped through a community, whether it is a flood 10 miles away, or a tornado 1000 miles away, or a typhoon 5000 miles away; we can give the gift of presence.” Presence is more than showing up (though that is just as important). It is reminding people that they are not alone. It is about acknowledging others in their struggles, their joys, their everyday lives. The gift of presence is going above and beyond without being asked. It’s showing up AND DOING. I have seen that in the life of this church. Showing up to provide meals for grieving families, showing up to care for the building and grounds, showing up to run AV, showing up to lead music - choir, piano, organ, showing up to teach Sunday school, showing up to take care of the finances, showing up for our mission programs, showing up to help one another without asking, honestly the list could go on, and most importantly simply showing up and being the church. Honestly, when you see the life of the church giving the gift of presence, you can’t help but to joyfully show up. Let’s make this vow together to give each other the gift of presence. In Christ, Pastor Jana
United Methodist Men 2 Men’s Breakfast Oct. 1st Golf Outing The tournament includes both ladies and gents. If you are not a golfer, they are planning a wiener roast after the tournament for everyone to enjoy. You will need to register by 9:30 and the tee-off time is 10:00am. The total cost will be $22.00 to nonmembers of Deer Trails. Sign up in the Narthex.
UWiF, General Information 3 Donna Moreton displays her quilt, “Homegrown,” at the recent Belle Point Quilters Guild show. The Guild meets the fourth Monday of each month, 6:30 pm at Cavanaugh Senior Center. Missing Wheelchair A wheelchair that was in the kitchen is missing. If you know where it might be or borrowed it, please let Harley know. Thank you. Photo Credit: Blanche West
Missions 4 + FOR CARNELL ELEMENTARY Ingathering is traditionally a time when everyone in our conference comes together to collect food items or relief kits for United Methodist Committee on Relief. In the years past they have had to adapt the mission because of Covid. It’s not just one day in November at the Little Rock Food Bank. We have been challenged to collect food. Since, we have feeding ministries, we will collect for our church. We will record the amount of pounds and financial gifts we get to report to them. During Collectober, churches are encouraged to “one-up” themselves by collecting more food than last year. This year, we will be collecting food for a special mission. We will be collecting items to create thanksgiving baskets for families at Carnall Elementary. Change Jar money will be used for the meat. Thank you for participating in this effort. ITems to bRIng octobeR 2nd, 9TH, & 16TH octobeR 23RD, 30TH, & nov. 6TH nov. 13tH green beans, Corn, cRanbeRRy sauce Stuffing, mashed potatoes, gRavy Rolls, loaves of bRead, desseRts, Drop off In the narthex
Scout Ministry 5 Wesley’s Scouting ministry, since 1979 has celebrated a number of Eagle Scouts out of Troop 19-B (boys). Now Wesley gets a direct benefit of its most recent candidate for Eagle Scout, Yan Li. He’s an honor-student Senior at Southside High School with significant computer skills, and has benefitted from Wesley Scouting program since 5th grade, starting in Pack 19. On July 7th Yan Li met with Jeff Jones to develop his Eagle project to create a proposal for Harley Strang’s consideration. Wesley’s two storage sheds by its Rockhouse were needing renovation and rearranging, and Yan Li wanted to help with that. On July 15th Harley met with Yan Li and accepted his Eagle proposal, his approach to solving the shed-problem, along with caring of a few other needs surrounding Wesley’s Rockhouse. Good news! Yan Li developed a detailed plan in early August for his Eagle project and delivered it to BSA local council for scope-of-work approval. Shortly thereafter paint & lumber materials were obtained and special shelving ordered, all covered by special donations Yan Li secured. On Aug. 26th Yan Li’s fellow Scouts emptied all items from storage sheds into Rockhouse, and cleanup of shed began. Temporary roof repair was needed on south shed before any painting of interior could start. On Sept. 3rd roof repairs & priming of interiors were done; first finish-coat on walls & doors were also done, all evidence of good work by our Scouts. However, Yan Li’s 18th Birthday made this Eagle Project deadline BEFORE Sept. 15th! With diligence, Yan Li led his “selective few” to meet this deadline. On Sept. 9th new ramps for both sheds were begun, special epoxy floor-paint 1st coat done. The 2nd coat of floor paint and installation of ramps for both sheds were accomplished by next day, along with trees & shrub trimmings and touch-up painting. Many man-hours were involved! On Sunday, Sept. 11th Rev. Jana Green, Blanche West and her wonderful crew of women sorted thru all the items stashed at the Rockhouse, chose items for organizing in south storage shed, with remaining items for donations elsewhere (or thrown). On Sept. 12th Wesley’s items were moved onto new shelves in south shed, now easily accessible in a nicely finished “storage facility!” Yan Li’s Eagle project was now accepted as complete! Final cleanup followed on Sept. 13th. Indeed, Yan Li met his critical deadline and Wesley UMC got a double blessing: renovated storage sheds and an “Eagle Scout soon-to-be”!
Lay Servant Ministries, Bible Study, One Council, and Worship 6 Lay Servant Ministries This fall, there will be 3 opportunities around the district to participate in the Introductory Course. The advanced classes on Discovering Spiritual Gifts, UM Polity, UM Heritage and Preaching will also be offered. It is not necessary to have taken the Introductory Course before taking an Advanced Class, however, to be considered “certified,” the Introductory class must be taken at some point. If you are interested, there will be classes at St Paul in Fort Smith on October 15th. Click on the link for more information or talk to Carrie Miller. https://form.jotform.com/222263824049152 About Lay Servant Ministries Lay Ministry is the work of mission or ministry to which each believer is called. As Christians we are all called to this ministry or priesthood – not just clergy. Each of us has a responsibility to proclaim the Good News and reach out to others. One Council October 20th 6:30 pm Wednesdays worship 10.2.22 10.9.22 Luke 17:5-10 Luke 17:11-19 10.16.22 Laity Sunday 10.23.22 Luke 18:9–14 10.30.22 Colossians 3:12–17
Calendar, Membership Vows Lived Out October Calendar October 1st UMM’s Breakfast 8:00 Planning Task Force 10:00 October 2nd Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 October 4th Boy Scouts 6:00 - 8:00 October 5th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 9th Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 One Council 11:45 October 11th Mission Meeting Zoom 6:30 Boy Scouts 6:00 - 8:00 October 12th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 16th Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 October 19th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 20th Let’s Do Lunch (Cavanaugh UMC) 10:30-1:00 One Council Meeting 6:30 October 23rd Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 Bingo Night 4:30 October 25th Boy Scouts 6:00 - 8:00 October 26th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 30th Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 7 Prayers: Let us know how we can be praying for you. We have a prayer list that is sent out and on the bulletin. Presence: Worship Date Sanctuary Online Total Sept. 4 48 Sept. 11 28 Sept. 18 33 NA. 33 29 Gifts: Date Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 48 51 62 General Missions $3,340.00 $82.47 $2,680.00 $1,065.00 Sept. 25. $1,655.00 Service: Worship: 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 Mission: Food Collection, Winter Gear Collection, Backpack Ministry and more. Witness: We all have gifts to share and we are all ministers. May we go out into the world to share our love of Christ. Go forth as a witness serving Jesus and Loving Neighbors.
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