Calendar, Membership Vows Lived Out October Calendar October 1st UMM’s Breakfast 8:00 Planning Task Force 10:00 October 2nd Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 October 4th Boy Scouts 6:00 - 8:00 October 5th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 9th Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 One Council 11:45 October 11th Mission Meeting Zoom 6:30 Boy Scouts 6:00 - 8:00 October 12th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 16th Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 October 19th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 20th Let’s Do Lunch (Cavanaugh UMC) 10:30-1:00 One Council Meeting 6:30 October 23rd Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 Bingo Night 4:30 October 25th Boy Scouts 6:00 - 8:00 October 26th Bible Study In Person (Cavanaugh UMC) 12:00 Bells Practice 5:30 Choir 6:30 Bible Study Zoom 6:30 October 30th Worship 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 7 Prayers: Let us know how we can be praying for you. We have a prayer list that is sent out and on the bulletin. Presence: Worship Date Sanctuary Online Total Sept. 4 48 Sept. 11 28 Sept. 18 33 NA. 33 29 Gifts: Date Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 18 48 51 62 General Missions $3,340.00 $82.47 $2,680.00 $1,065.00 Sept. 25. $1,655.00 Service: Worship: 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 Mission: Food Collection, Winter Gear Collection, Backpack Ministry and more. Witness: We all have gifts to share and we are all ministers. May we go out into the world to share our love of Christ. Go forth as a witness serving Jesus and Loving Neighbors.
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