Community Rescue Mission Page 5 The Community Rescue Mission’s Board is made up of members of the Fort Smith churches. Norma and Harley has represented Wesley for several years. The Mission is faith based, receives no federal, state, or municipal funds; it is funded solely by individual and cooperate donations. In addition to money & donated food they are always in need of personal items for their residents. Listed below are items that they need on a regular basis. Wesley is providing a drop off box in the church office for donated items during office hours 8:30am-12:00 noon Monday-Thursday. If you have items you want to give and you are unable to bring them to the church, you can call Harley and Norma and they will be glad to pick them up. Helping the Mission with their needs in providing for the homeless and needy is a blessing. Pastors from the churches represented on the board lead the worship service each Sunday. Our Pastor Zeke, leads the services in November. Community Rescue Mission Needs: Twin Sheet Sets Twin Blankets Bath Towels Sugar Kid Snacks - pudding/crackers/fruit snacks… Instant Potatoes BBQ Sauce Ranch Butter Coffee Tea Kool Aid Ibuprofen Tylenol Naproxen Deodorant Bath Soap Razors Sunscreen Calamine Lotion Wesley UMC Newsletter August 2019

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