The recent years since the beginning of the new Millennium have been years of growth and change at St. Edward. The year 2002 saw a new, paved courtyard installed by the CDSBEO as an area for hockey, basketball, and other sports. As former play structures no longer met safety standards, the school council worked diligently, fundraising to replace the former structures. Sadly, in August of 2004, seven-year-old student Logan Wing died. In an amazing act of community spirit, family and friends raised $26,000 in just three months. As his parents wished, this was used to purchase the present-day large play structure beside the school. The Board installed the structure in June 2005, covering the cost of installation. Play Structure ~ built in 2005 ~ in memory of Logan Wing Students playing “4-Square” - painted on the pavement in the Spring of 2010 By 2006, The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario added a portable at the north end of the school to accommodate all the students. A well trained enthusiastic staff, as well as Board programs and a supportive community led the St. Edward students to surpass provincial assessment standards. As well, they excelled in sports activities and developed their faith as shown in participation in the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation and days of retreat in preparation for these sacraments. The parish priests continued to be involved in monthly school Masses for the students and in the life of the school in many other ways. Father Ed Keyes with First Communion children First Communion ~ Spring 2011 ~ Father Wes Chochrek Presiding Grade 7/8 Confirmation Retreat at Foley Mountain May 2011 Grade 7/8 Confirmation ~ May 2011 Bishop Brendan O’Brien Presiding 10
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