Meditation workshop) was probably one of the best decisions of my life. It helped me get back to my old self and be in an even better space that I am in today. So, how does SKY work? It works through the breath and brings about a change in the state of the mind and body. The breath is central to connecting the body to higher levels of our existence, such as the intellect, memory, ego and finally the higher SELF. A specific type of breath, called ‘Ujjayi’or glottic breath is central to the techniques and along with abdominal breathing (yogic breath) leads to an instantaneous calming and energising effect. Prana or the subtle life force energy, akin to ‘Chi’ is stimulated results in a sense of elation, centredness and energy. The spiritual explanation is that working at the subtle levels of existence harmonises our very Being with the wider consciousness. No doubt one can reach bliss, even if momentarily. Medical research (www.aolresearch.org) indicates that regular practice of SKY has an impact on the following areas of the human body and mind: 1. Vagus nerve stimulation 2. Cortisol suppression UPAHAAR 2021 উপহার ১৪২৮ 3

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