1. Sara Franks* 07, wurks (in her assignment during Math class. Photo By Nettie Hairy 2 . Kyle Titus and Sam Wiles, both 06, work tugellter to find the answers. Photo By Mattie Barry, 3. Jessica Milton and Mek Vancey, hfrth U6. work together an Iht'lr assignment , Photo By Nellie Hairy. 4. Kristen Schuller. Peter Galloway, and K > an Musselmail, all 06, work tosether on an assignment in Physics class, Photo By Nellie Bany. 5. Danielle Calcf. 07* works on a pa - per in class. Photo By Nellie Barry, * By Andria Osborne .41atkmic Editor “ Tt.’s a easy class as long as you study or pay attention 71 rairie High School offers a wide array of science classes. Freshmen are required to take Physical Science and sophomores must take cither Biology or Basic Biology. There arc a number of other classesopen to take though. Some of Lhe other classes ottered for upperclassmen include Botany, Anatomy and Physiology, and Chemistry, " \L 2 SriflilCfi We do a lot of math in Chemistry, Labs, hut it s fun; Andrew Ragusi 07, ' ' * and confusing commented. Ragusi isas Clinton Schmitz for his teacher and enTike every subject, each - Although science classes ate required in freshman and sop!mlore years. They are still enjoyable courses LO take for a variety of reasons. Be it class content die teacher in charge, labs and projects in class, or any other detail, there is a reason for nearly any student of any grade to enjoy science in Prairie. joys i ho way he teaches and the stories he id Is, though They are commonly off topic, science teacher has her own personal style of loath ing.
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