It all adds up! Monica Mchowen* Photo by Nellie Barry, 1. . 09* works on her math assignment. \ubre* Boots, 07, works on her math homework during lass. Photo By Nellie Barry, jnnaii H\ nek, (19* 1 * writes her assifoment in her upenda W hilt following aloof; in class* Photo by Nellie Barryi Arissa Ballard, Q&, and Monica Sitiegowftki, 07, work itliter preparing Ihr their final, * Photo by \ndria Osborne. I Icr Albers, 07 checks his semester study guide for his ’. chanced Algebra final. Photo by Andria Osborne. ' C alvin Freest, 09, follows along In class. Photo by Nellie Burry . By Andria Osborne Academic Editor nth is LLM essential subject to learn, ii someone has i iitentums of going into col - lege or not. classes, including Algehtsi, Advanced Algebra, Prairie offers a number of math Geometry, and Preealcuius. Along with the more traditional path nf math vlasies. there are also the classes Integrated ! through TV. and the Al.T math classed Prairie requires Lwo yuars of math classes and a third year of either math or science, bid moat colleges require three full years of math. It is suggested that students looking to gel into college Lake math classes all four years of their Lime in high schfHjL “ Some pans of Geometry are hard but you get used to it. Mv teacher Jeff Snider is willing to go over things , more tfiati once if we don t understand . ' J " Amber Leaves. OH . explained Leaves also mentioned a project thc. Gw.imetrv classes did towards the end of Lite vear. The students had in create rheir own mlnittire golf course and find the solution using Geometry Then when they took a trip rr> an actual miriture golf coucse. tfie sluderds had to ligurc out whaL tine slum est possible solution to rheir hole was. Leaves definite!; enjoyed '. hut project. Though iriaLfi classes can he difficult Lo many students, obviously Prairie teachers have found ways to keep the classes fun. Mnin T,\

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