Chinese New Year Themed Meeting 2017 Toasties’ Tips #3: A powerful fact or statement at the beginning of your speech is often effective in attracting your audience’s attention. In high spirits after the lohei tossing! the festive spirit members turned up dressed in red see tes, te a esoatg t eegetc Team Snake’s fun shot! Dressed in red and ready to rumble!

To be a better speaker, thinker and leader. Christmas Themed Meeting 201 To #1: Don’t panic even if you stumble or say something you weren’t planning to say - chances are that the In December 2016, NUS Toastmasters Club held the annual, highl anticipated ‘Christmas Themed Chapter Meeting’ – a yearly affair to celebrate Christmas and more importantly, to bring the club closer as a family. The festive mood was nothing short of infectious, thanks in no sma part to the Christmas decorations that were painstakingly displayed by the organisers. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, anyone? In the meeting room, fun games and activities awaited a room fu of eager Toastmasters. With Chris’s charm and wit, our members snapped out of a food-induced coma and into an enthused mood. Members were quickly split into groups and given particularly Christmas-y scenarios to ac out (a la charades). Needless to say, it did not take long to have the room filled with peals of laughter. On top of the exciting games and activities, the organisers also had a gift exchange where members traded in the gift the brought for a random one that someone else brought. How exciting! For some members, it was the first of many more exciting themed meetings to come; for others it was an event that has found a special place in their hearts. Regardless of which category you fall under, the Christma Themed Meeting of 2016 has been a magical evening of celebration and camaraderie. Special thanks to the organisers (Chris, Kelly and Zhang Ying) fo their efforts and foresight in planning this event! At NUS Toastmaster Club, everyone is a leader; look out for opportunities to organise a themed meeting of your own!

YEAR-END CLUB CHALET 2016 Toasties’ Tips #2: A speaker’s movements can help to strengthen his or her connection to the audience – be sure to get a feel of the stage before the speech! Fun, food and above all, family. t th hit d liht No – this there wasn’t any gambling involved! role in bringing closeness amongst members to another The first night had many members staying up The beginning of a beautiful friendship.

CLUB CHALET CONTINUED… Preparing for the barbecue! In good company indeed! The eloquent Yunus in the midst of delivering a Toast. T l m R ( a f W a In addition, endless rounds of charades were played through the final night with popcorn popped to accompany the insatiable hearts (and appetites!) of our members. Alvin Teng, a new addition to the Toastmasters family, reflected on his experience during the club chalet, “I thoroughly enjoyed the activities and games we played. They were not only fun but also put us through the battle of wits against one another. Living up to the name of good communicator indeed! Not forgetting the late night heart-to-heart talks we had as well! Looking back, those occasions felt so heartwarming; just like having another home.” Kudos to the club chalet organisers, Cyn Ray, Jonta and Yi Hao for organising such a memorable year-end event. It has indeed left everyone with plenty of memories to look back on with smiles and laughter. To all Toastmasters, we hope that the chalet of 2016 has been the beginning of many wonderful friendships in your life, thank you for being a part of it! Role playing, or real life?

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