L.A. TIMES Lake Ashton Community Newsletter March 2025 Simply the Best! LAPAC Presents the 2025 Showcase ... Four Seasons of Love see p. 29 4141 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 Lake Ashton is a 55 & Older Deed Restricted Community 863.324.6032 863.324.5457 www.lakeashtoncdd.com

YOUR ON-SITE REAL ESTATE OFFICE NO CANCELLATION FEES for Listing Contracts HOME WARRANTY for your New Buyer - up to $650 MOVE-OUT CLEANING 863-318-9542 Terri, Lori R. Lori T & Sarah Lake Ashton Realty 4140 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 www.LakeAshtonRealty.com

NEWSLETTER STAFF Christine Wells Editor cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com 863.324.5457 Valerie LeBlanc Advertising Sales, Layout & Design valerie@lakeashtoncdd.com SUBMISSION GUIDELINES April Issue Deadline: March 14 • Articles can be submitted on behalf of Lake Ashton clubs/ groups/organizations to promote lifestyle enhancing, opportunities, and must be approved by the group leader prior to publication • Email articles to: valerie@lakeashtoncdd.com • 150 word limit. Articles will be edited for length, clarity, and to ensure compliance with districts’ media policies • Include your club contact and phone number • The writing style is third person — avoid using I, me, my, we, our, or personal pronouns Photo Specifications: • All photos must be high-res digital images in “jpeg” format and submitted via email or CD/flash drive • Space will generally allow only one photo per article • The designer and printer will make the final determination as to the print quality of photographs for publication THE LAKE ASHTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DOES NOT ENDORSE OR SUPPORT ANY PARTICULAR POLITICAL CANDIDATE, PARTY, MEASURE OR ISSUE, OR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE. MARCH 2025 Lake Ashton employees are at your service. We want your experiences in the Clubhouse, Golf Course and HFC to be as pleasant and memorable as possible! Do not hesitate to contact any of the below with comments, questions or concerns. LAKE ASHTON CLUBHOUSE 4141 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 Phone: 863-324-5457 Fax: 863-324-5829 LACDD Community Director: Christine Wells cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Office Manager: Sheila Moreland smoreland@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Activities Assistant: Caroline Lane, 863-324-6032 clane@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Operations Manager: Matt Fisher, 863-956-6207 mfisher@lakeashtoncdd.com LW Homeowners Association (HOA) Golf Club - Ron Lavoie, General Manager Ian Peterson, Head Golf Professional Eagle’s Nest - Sandra Goodwin, Manager RV & Storage Center Office Hours Charm City Nik Minadakis, Owner EmpowerMe Wellness ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Polk County Sheriff: 863-298-6200 LAKE ASHTON HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER (HFC) 6052 Pebble Beach Boulevard Winter Haven, FL 33884 Phone: 863-595-1562 Fax: 863-595-1567 LAIICDD Community Director: Karen Van Kirk kvankirk@lakeashton2cdd.com HFC Activities Office Manager: Krystle Funk kfunk@lakeashton2cdd.com GATE HOUSES & SECURITY OFFICERS: Thompson Nursery Rd. (LW): 863-324-7290 County Road 653 (WH): 863-318-0237 863-325-0065 directors@lakeashtonhoa.org lakeashtonhoa.com 863-326-1032 863-326-1032 rlavoie@lakeashtongc.com ipeterson@lakeashtongc.com 863-326-1085 sgoodwin@lakeashtongc.com 863.326.1304 Mon — Fri jsullivan@lakeashtonstorage.com 8 am to 4 pm 863-662-3300 charmcityfl@gmail.com 863-358-0809 kshipley@empowerme.com In case of emergency, dial 911! Police Non-Emergency Numbers: Lake Wales: 863-678-4223 | Winter Haven: 863-291-5858

MONDAY COFFEE Meet new neighbors and to hear about local community happenings, community events and receive information on current projects within Lake Ashton. Mondays at 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom — coffee & donuts available for $3. Theatre Winter Haven will be at every Monday Coffee giving special discounts to residents on tickets at the Theatre and the Ritz! MARCH 3 • Birthdays and Anniversaries • Featured Speaker: Dr. Caba with Polk County Schools • Featured Vendors: Christine Graves Insurance, ComForCare, SealPro MARCH 10 • Bite Me Monday — Donations of pet food and/or supplies for the Humane Society of Polk County • Featured Speaker: City of Lake Wales Updates with Mayor Hilligoss • Featured Vendors: AdventHealth, Edward Jones - Matt Simpson, Tessier Law Firm MARCH 17- NO MONDAY COFFEE - LACDD BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING & BUDGET WORKSHOP • Peanut Butter Monday - Non-perishable food donations will go to the Lake Wales Care Center MARCH 24 • Featured Speaker: Neighborhood Watch Presents Polk County Sheriff Special Operations Bureau - Agriculture • Featured Vendors: CPS Investments, Groutsmith, Diversity Healthcare MARCH 31 • Featured Speaker: Bok Tower • Featured Vendors: Miller's Central Air, Living Water Boat Cruises, Performance Plus Golf Carts IN THIS ISSUE NEWS 6 LA LOOKS 18 SAFETY 24 MOVIES 26 EVENTS 28 CLUBS 32 MIND & BODY 40 GOLF 44 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETINGS LAKE ASHTON (LW) CDD BUDGET WORKSHOP & MEETING March 17 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom LAKE ASHTON II (WH) CDD Friday, March 21 9 am at the Health & Fitness Center CIT Y COMMISSION MEETINGS LW: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm, Commission Chambers, Municipal Administration Bldg., 201 W. Central Ave., Lake Wales WH: 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30 pm, John Fuller Auditorium in City Hall, 451 3rd St. NW, Winter Haven POLK COUNT Y BOCC MEETINGS 1st & 3rd Tues. , 9 am, Board Room, 330 W. Church St., Bartow

Enjoy The Outdoors. Protect Your Skin. Call To Schedule Your Free Skin Cancer Screening! !"# %&'(")'* +),+/"0 123(0"* 4567584 9:;" < =>? Call To Schedule Your Free Skin Cancer Screening! !"# %& ' ( ") ' * +) , - . Offer Expires 4/30/25 | Medical, Cosmetic and Surgical Dermatology Acn e, Eczem a, Moles, Botox, Moh s Surgery an d m ore! 5

HOURS OF OPERATION CLUBHOUSE: 6 am – 10 pm daily CLUBHOUSE & ACTIVITIES OFFICES: 9 am – 5 pm Mon. & Fri. 2 – 5 pm Tues. – Thurs. HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER: 5:30 am – 10 pm daily HFC OFFICES & ACTIVITIES DESK: 8 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday PRODUCE Every Wednesday from 10 am – 2 pm in the Clubhouse West parking lot BAXTER’ S QUAL ITY MEATS & FRESH PRODUCE Fresh poultry, fish, beef in the Clubhouse West parking lot Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm BOOKMOBILE IS BACK! Second & fourth Wednesdays, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch 12:30 to 1:15) in the Clubhouse West Parking Lot. Polk County library card holders can check out and return books, movies, & more! DAYL IGHT SAVING TIME Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 am on Sunday, March 9. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday before you go to bed (some electronic devices such as smartphones and iPads make this change automatically). This is also a good time to check your smoke alarm batteries. 6 GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALES AT BINGO Girl Scout Cookies will be on sale at Lake Ashton Bingo March 3. They will be in the Clubhouse Lobby from 4:30 to 6 pm. GOLF CART STICKERS The HFC will begin replacing existing Golf Cart Stickers on March 3. The dual purpose is to ensure that 'all' golf carts have been registered and to replace existing stickers that are fading and peeling off. Also, the new stickers are larger and will be more easily seen. Lake Ashton residents who have not registered their golf carts, and those who have existing LA stickers on their golf carts can get their new Golf Cart Stickers at the HFC, Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. GATE CL ICKERS DEACTIVATED Gate clickers no longer work at the Thompson Nursery Road gate. Lake Wales Residents can stop by the Clubhouse Tuesday - Thursday (10 am - 1 pm) and Winter Haven Residents can stop by the HFC during posted office hours to receive a RFID tag. Bring your government issued ID, vehicle, and vehicle registration to receive your RFID tag. AVOID A GATE STRIKE When entering Lake Ashton via the Thompson Nursery Road gate please stop at the stop sign and wait until the vehicle in front of you has gone under the gate before proceeding forward. Please ensure the gate is going in the downward direction before proceeding from the stop sign to ensure the reader has read your RFID tag. If you get too close to the vehicle in front of you it is possible the reader will not read your tag and start going down before you are able to cross. Waiting at the stop sign for the car in front to proceed will eliminate the need to back up so the reader can read your tag. Residents that hit the gate are charged a fee of $770. Please take your time entering the community to avoid this charge.

HAPPY St. Patrick's Day You’re in Luck! Weaver Loveless Law is here to help with all of your Estate Planning, Probate, and Elder Law needs! Call us today to schedule an appointment and prepare for your future! 7 863.676.6000 www.welovelaw.com 240 E. Park Ave. Lake Wales, FL 33853

GUEST REGISTRATION HOURS AT THE CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES OFFICE MONDAY & FRIDAY: 9 am - 5 pm TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY: 2 - 5 pm Call Security at 863-324-7290 to register your guests and receive a Clubhouse Amenity Access Card for your guests outside of these hours. Return guest passes promptly upon your guests' departure. There is a locked dropbox on the wall outside of the Clubhouse Office where passes can be dropped off between 6 am - 10 pm or given to security outside of these hours. • One homeowner and all guests over the age of 18 need to be present when registering with Security or Staff. • Guests visiting who are not using the amenities do not need to register with staff at the HFC or Clubhouse. • Guests who will only be using the HFC amenities can register at the HFC. CLUBHOUSE & ACTIVITIES OFFICES HOURS Monday: 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday: 2 - 5 pm Wednesday: 2 - 5 pm Thursday: 2 - 5 pm Friday: 9 am - 5 pm Tickets can be purchased online using the QR code on page 31. HOURS TO OBTAIN CREDENTIALS AT THE CLUBHOUSE Lake Wales Residents can come to the Clubhouse during the following times to receive their amenity access cards and RFID tags. Winter Haven Residents can come to the Clubhouse during the following times to receive their amenity access cards only. Tuesdays: 10 am - 1 pm Wednesdays: 10 am - 1 pm Thursdays: 10 am - 1 pm Appointments can be made on an as needed basis for residents that cannot make it at these times. GUEST POLICY This is an excerpt from the Joint Amenity Facilities Policies. The full policy can be found on lakeashtoncdd.com and lakeashton2cdd.org. Questions can be directed to Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director or Karen Van Kirk, LA (WH) • All Guests, regardless of age, must register with the office of the Amenity Manager and sign a waiver of liability prior to using the Amenity Facilities. • The Patron inviting the Guest must be present upon registration, unless other arrangements have been made with the Amenity Manager’s office. • A Guest is limited to 12 Guest Registrations per year. • Guest passes may be issued for a maximum of fifteen (15) consecutive days as correlated with the guest’s length of stay and may only be extended once for a maximum of thirty (30) total consecutive days. • A Guest cannot be registered for more than sixty (60) total days in a 365-day period. • A Guest’s ability to be registered may be reviewed by an Amenity Manager if exceeding the standards listed above. • All Guests under eighteen (18) years of age must be accompanied at all times while using the Amenity Facilities by a parent, guardian, or adult Patron over twenty-one (21) years of age. • Patrons are responsible for ensuring that their Guests adhere to the Policies set forth herein and any and all actions taken by said Guest. Violation by a Guest of any of these Policies as set forth by the Districts could result in loss of that Patron’s privileges and membership as set forth in Section VI – Suspension and Termination of Privileges.


ASHTON? VISITING LAKE LAKE ASHTON? • The law requires that a person operating a golf cart on public roads or streets who is under 18 years of age must possess a valid learner’s permit or driver’s license. All drivers (car and golf carts) must observe the stop signs and 20 mph speed limit. Adults should not place young children on their laps between them and the steering wheel as this creates a hazardous condition in the case of a panic stop or accident. • Fishing is permitted but anyone over 16 years of age must have a valid Florida fishing license (exemptions listed on myfwc.com), and there is a catch and release policy for District-owned lake/ retention ponds. POOL AND SPA FRIENDLY REMINDERS Re s i de n t s , p l e a s e be tolerant of extra activity at the pool and other amenities. Those hosting family should remind them to be considerate of residents in this 55 and older community. It is helpful if a resident accompanies their guests at any of the amenities. Please shower before entering Lake Ashton pools or spas. Only those aged 13 years and older should enjoy the spas. Do not eat or drink while in the pool or spa, including sitting on the side of pool or spa. Florida health codes do not allow for any beverages (even bottled water) to be in the wet pool deck (the 4' perimeter around the entire pool and spa). PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CHARM CITY AT LAKE ASHTON HOLDS THE LIQUOR LICENSE TO SERVE AND SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT THE CLUBHOUSE, WHICH MEANS NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MAY BE BROUGHT INTO THE CLUBHOUSE, RESTAURANT, RESTAURANT PATIO, POOL AREA, BOCCE BALL COURTS, SHULEBOARD COURTS, TENNIS COURTS OR PET PLAY PARKS. Enjoy Your Stay! WILDLIFE ALERT: WATCH FOR ALLIGATORS Alligators and crocodiles are an important part of Florida's heritage and play a valuable role in the ecosystems where they live. Those who live near lakes and ponds should expect to see alligators from time to time but they should never be fed or approached. If you see an alligator: • Always give these reptiles a respectful distance -- at least 10 feet -- and always leave them alone • If you encounter an alligator outside its natural habitat, call the Nuisance Alligator Hotline: 1-866FWC-GATOR (392-4286). • Alligators are nocturnal animals, more active during the night. After dark, avoid fresh and brackish bodies of water, though alligators sometimes lurk in salt water. Unprovoked bites will often occur at the edge of the water. • Never feed alligators; it encourages them to lose their natural fear of people. • Small children and small animals like pets are generally more at risk than large adults. • Female alligators protect their nests by hissing and opening their mouths; this does not mean they are preparing to attack. • Alligators under 4 feet in length are not considered a threat to humans. As long as residents have a healthy respect for wildlife, including alligators, there are opportunities to live and let live. 14


LACDD NEWS By Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director (cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com) The first day of Spring is March 20 and soon residents will have more daylight to enjoy the great outdoors in Lake Ashton. Try out a new outdoor activity if you haven't already. There are many outdoor activities available such as Tennis (with a brand new color coat!), Bocce, Shuffleboard, outdoor life-size chess, horseshoes, corn hole, and pickleball. While enjoying the outdoors be sure to stop and "smell the flowers". There is not a day that goes by that I don't hear someone say how lucky they are to live in such a wonderful community and they are right! Lake Ashton is amazing. There are many annual Resident activities in March and some special CDD Activities Parties. Don't miss these events outlined in the events section of the newsletter. Mardi Gras is almost here; get your tickets today. Don't miss out on the 2nd Annual Senior Expo on March 19 and Lake Ashton's Annual Car Show on March 23. Only a couple of Entertainment Series shows remain and a pool party and Ladies Day Luncheon are on the horizon! Mark the ticket on sale dates on your calendar. On February 10, LACDD (LW) Supervisors met to discuss Community matters. Several residents were in attendance as Supervisors discussed the recent security transition, pending projects and more. A wrap up of actions taken was sent via email on February 17. A joint meeting followed where the two boards addressed resident's questions regarding the current guest policy and other matters that affect the Community as a whole. Please see page 8 for an excerpt from the Joint Amenity Facilities Policies regarding guests. The full policy can be found on lakeashtoncdd.com or lakeashton2cdd.com. Budget planning for Fiscal Year 2026 (October 1, 2025 - September 30, 2026) begins at the Budget Workshop on March 17 at 9 am. Residents are encouraged to attend so they are part off the process from the beginning. While being in the digital age and having access to information at your finger tips is wonderful, residents should attend meetings (virtually or in person) to hear information first hand. Often times information disseminated via social media, or passed along during conversations may not be entirely factual. It is always best to get the information first hand. If you are unable to attend the meetings the summary minutes are posted on lakeashtoncdd.com. Residents that have questions can reach out to any Supervisor (contact info on this page) or myself at cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com. LACDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS CONTA CT INF O Brenda Van Sickle, Chair 863-324-6191 brenda.vansickle@lakeashtoncdd.com Michael Costello, Vice Chair 863-875-9228 or 732-718-7431 mcostello@lakeashtoncdd.com Debby Landgrebe, Assistant Secretary 863-268-8193 dlandgrebe@lakeashtoncdd.com Steve Realmuto, Assistant Secretary 863-949-0304, steve.lacdd@gmail.com Office Hours After Monday Coffee in the Clubhouse Ballroom Greg Ulrich, Assistant Secretary 863-969-7595 gulrich@lakeashtoncdd.com 2025 CITY OF LAKE WALES COMMISSION ELECTION Lake Wales residents please mark your calendar for April 1, 2025 for the next Commission election. Voting for all Lake Ashton residents that live in Lake Wales will take place in the Clubhouse Ballroom on this date from 7 am - 7 pm. Contact the Supervisor of Elections at 863-534-5888 to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot if you intend to vote as such. For more information on the City of Lake Wales Commission Election please reach out to Jennifer Nanek, City Clerk, at jnanek@lakewalesfl.gov or 863-678-4182, ext. 270. 12

Your IRA Scorecard: RSVP TODAY! Discover Tax-Smart Strategies for Retirees Unlock Strategies for Your IRA Find out which strategies you can apply and how much you could save with our complimentary scorecard assessment. Social Security Tax Torpedo Learn how Social Security benefits are taxed differently from other income and explore strategies to help manage potential tax impacts. SPEAKER: Michael Kennedy Financial Advisor, RJFS Wednesday 3/26/25 @ 1pm RMDs: Strategies you need to know Get insights into Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), their impact on your taxes, and ways to plan ahead. Maximize Your Legacy, Minimize Taxes Learn how to prevent taxes from eroding the wealth you pass to your heirs. HFC Lake Ashton 6052 Pebble Beach Blvd Winter Haven, FL 33884 Lunch Provided! 863-340-6225 REGISTER TODAY 13 Horizon Wealth Planning 1950 Cypress Gardens Blvd Suite C Winter Haven, Fl 33884 Tasha.Saca@horizonwealthplan.com Raymond James and its advisors do not offer tax advice. You should discuss any tax matters with the appropriate professional. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA / SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc.. Horizon Wealth Planning is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services.

LAIICDD NEWS By Karen Van Kirk, LAIICDD Community Director (kvankirk@lakeashton2cdd.com) LA II CDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS Jim Mecsics, Chairman Public Safety & District Operations/Programs Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12 pm 863.875.4554, mecsicsj@msn.com Bob Zelazny, Vice Chairman Golf Course, Pro Shop, Eagle’s Nest, Facilities and Field Operation, Transportation System Office Hours: Mondays 1 to 3 pm 863.325.8098, bzelazny@lakeashton2cdd.com Bill Martin, Assistant Secretary Public Works & Infrastructure, Including Roadways Office Hours: Mondays from 10 to 11 am bmartin@lakeashton2cdd.com Duff Hill, Assistant Secretary Special Projects, Landscaping Area incl. Pet Play Parks Office Hours: Wednesdays from 11 am to 12 pm dhill@lakeashton2cdd.com Roy Aull, Assistant Secretary Facilities/Amenity Management Office Hours: Friday 9 to 10:30 am 973-670-2709, raull@lakeashton2cdd.com Retirement years can be complex, involving health concerns, investment decisions, or planning the next steps if not fully retired. The Health & Fitness Center can aid its residents by providing seminars, often a Lunch & Learn event, addressing a variety of health issues. If your focus is more on stretching your retirement dollars, we also have seminars presented by financial advisors who discuss concerns like minimizing your tax liability or how to maximize your discretionary income and understanding Social Security benefits. Be sure to look for emails announcing these types of seminars. Staying active can assist with health issues as well, and the HFC provides a variety of exercise classes. If you prefer to go it alone there is an array of exercise equipment in the Fitness Center for your use, or if you have a specific goal you have in mind the HFC offers a tutorial on using the exercise apparatuses. Residents can visit the Activities Desk to inquire about the tutorial or check the monthly HFC calendar for its scheduled time. The HFC hit the ground running with the new year. A few items, such as the water fountains near the Fitness Center had filters replaced and the AC units in the Sports Court and the Craft Room were repaired as well. The staff of the HFC strives to maintain its equipment for the overall facility, and while it may be an inconvenience from time to time, everything we do is for our Lake Ashton residents. Please note that the flagpole ropes at both the guard house and the HFC have been replaced. This will ensure the smooth raising and lowering of the flags as needed. The Racquetball and Sports Court floors have also been painted, resanded and re-finished. We want to thank Lake Ashton residents for supporting our annual Health Fair. The vendors were happy with the overall results of this event. We are happy to be able to provide a venue for Lake Ashton residents to host their events, such as the St. Patrick’s Day dance taking place on March 17, which is also a fund raiser hosted by the LA Purple Stars. March will be a busy month at the HFC with various resident social get-togethers taking place. Thank you again for your continued support. 14

Fi rst Cl ass Home Ser v i ce, we j us t happen to be Great E l ec t r i c i ans ! Senior Discounts Military Discounts First Responder Discounts BOOK NOW CALL TODAY (863)746-0005 15

MLK JR. DAY OF SERVICE FOOD DRI VE The Lake Ashton Black Heritage Club organized a Food Drive to commemorate the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday with a Day of Service on January 18, from 10 am to 2 pm, and it was a tremendous success! In those 4 hours the community donated 2205 lbs. of nonperishable food. Doug Reddick from the Lake Wales Care Center stated, “This food will go a long way to help the neighbors in our community that are in need of food. Thank you for caring!” The LABHC sends our thanks and gratitude to the Lake Ashton community for showing up and giving their support. HOMELESS GRADUAT ING SENIORS By Doris Reisinger We are half way through our campaign to collect for the future of these deserving graduates. So far the number of homeless is down this year to about 120 which is encouraging. But the number of unaccompanied students is about 60. That is half who have NO FAMILIES. We are still in need of gift cards, personal hygiene items as well as twin size bedding sheets. Any financial donation will greatly help with the purchase of the duffel bags, laptops and scholarships. We hope to award at least five scholarships to match last year. BOLLA has generously donated blankets for half of the students’ duffel bags. The laptops are mandatory for going to college. Donations can be made out to Polk County Schools and dropped off at the Clubhouse or HFC. Contact Doris at 217-652-6636 or at Monday Coffees if you have questions or to arrange a pickup at your home. 16 What does it mean to serve? The definition says to perform a role or function. Helping others should be a way of life! When my kids were little we started teaching them by example what it is to serve. In the winter we usually keep blankets on hand to give away as needed, my wife is very good about that. During the rainy season a golf umbrella or two is always a blessing, especially when we are driving and my boy says “Dad, I see a woman pushing a stroller in the rain”! Acts of service, like landscape clean ups at Church and schools they love it! When my boys do something next level I reward them with a nice meal from their favorite place. This last time my son suggested we get an additional plate so we can go bless a homeless man we saw on the way. My hope is that we lead by example and serve others with cheerful hearts! -Alex Fuertes, Maintenance Supervisor

NOBO ( NORTH BOUND) ON THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL By David Fix (Trail Name: The Mailman) This is the first update regarding my 50 year-old Bucket List of thru hiking the Appalachian Trail (AT). I have wanted to do this since a teen when I earned the rank of Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America in 1975. The AT is one of the most famous long-distance hiking trails in the world, stretching 2,197 miles through 14 states. If all goes according to plan, as you read this, I should be on my way from Springer Mountain, GA to Mount Katahdin, Maine. Plans were to sign in at the Amicalola Falls Visitor Center in Dawsonville, Georgia on February 26. I will then attend a short class regarding safety on the AT. This class is provided by volunteers sharing “No Trace Left Behind” guidelines and includes information on how to safely keep bears from getting your food supplies etc. At the end of the class, thru-hikers are given the coveted numbered hang tag. (Tags are numbered in the order thru hikers start their hike.) Next month I will share with you what number I am for the 2025 thru hiker season. There is no way to actually prepare physically for a thru hike. It is said you must just start walking the first of the five million steps it takes to complete a thru hike. The first couple of weeks I will keep my mileage to between 8 and 10 miles a day while carrying a 35 pound backpack. As my body becomes accustomed to hiking and carrying a backpack, my daily mileage will increase, with the expectation to hike between 14-18 miles each day. I am hoping to complete my thru hike by late July or early August. In between monthly LA Times updates, I will regularly be posting on Talk of Lake Ashton Facebook page as well as my own personal Facebook page. For now, onward! WWW.BROCKSWINDOWCLEANING.COM 17

L.A. LOOKS Wildlife Corner by Barbara Ann Comer The limpkin is a large, LA (LW) HOA CONTACTS • Marti Schmidt, President/Treasurer president@lakeashtonhoa.org • John Donahue, VP & ARC Director vp@lakeashtonhoa.org • Glen Hart, VP2 & Compliance Director vp2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Tim Doyle, Secretary secretary@lakeashtonhoa.org • Deanne Mayne, Secretary 2 & Compliance Director, sec2@lakeashtonhoa.org chocolate-brown wading bird heavily streaked with white. Most newcomers to Lake Ashton are alarmed when they hear wild wails in the middle of the night. This mostly solitary and usually quiet, unassuming bird can awaken the marsh with its racket. The limpkin's range in the United States is mainly in Florida and many believe it should be the state bird rather than the Northern Mockingbird. Limpkins can be found at Lake Ashton in the retention ponds searching for snails, frogs and insects. Their preferred food is the apple snail and it’s always fun to find the leftover shells with holes in them from the surgery performed by the limpkin. It's a real treat to see limpkins with a line of downy young babies trailing behind their look-alike parents. LA (LW) HOA NEWS Beginning March 19th, we are pleased to announce that ARC will be holding ongoing office hours on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:30pm. These sessions will take place in the Clubhouse Card Room. This is a great opportunity for residents to come and discuss any ARC-related questions or concerns they might have. Whether you need assistance with a project, advice on resources, or simply want to meet our team, we are here to help. We look forward to seeing you there and encourage you to make the most of this monthly opportunity to engage with ARC. Mark your calendars and join us for our next session! 18 CDD VS HOA: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? By Bill Testa, LA II HOA President A Community Development District (CDD) is a government entity that provides infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and amenities, to planned communities (PUDs). The CDD has taxing authority to maintain these services. The CDD also issues bonds to finance construction, repaid over 30 years via property tax bills. Additionally, homeowners pay an annual Operations & Maintenance (O&M) assessment for staffing and upkeep of the district. A Homeowners Association (HOA) collects fees from homeowners to maintain the community, covering upkeep and enforcing Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). In communities without a CDD, the HOA solely handles maintenance. The HOA ensures properties comply with standards through Architectural Review Committees (ARC) and may issue fines for rule violations. Lake Ashton is a CDD Community. As such, the CDD Board is responsible to maintain the infrastructure, facilities and amenities. The HOA is responsible for the standards and appearance of the homes. To simplify our situation, the CDD is responsible for everything in the district up to the resident’s property line. The HOA is responsible for the establishing and enforcing of the rules and standards to be followed by the residents on their properties.

NATIVE AQUATIC PLANTS Many Florida-native aquatic plant species can be found in the waters of Lake Ashton. Pictured at left, clockwise, are the most prevalent: Duck Potato, Bulrush, Pickerel Weed, and Spikerush. For the health of our lakes and ponds, these plants are essential. The roles these plants have vary from shoreline stability to filtering unwanted nutrients in the water that could fuel algae blooms. The Lake Ashton CDD contracts a reliable company for nuisance vegetation management. To protect native aquatic plant life, selective herbicides are utilized. If there are any questions or concerns, email Matt Fisher at mfisher@lakeashtoncdd.com. LA II (WH) HOA NEWS By Connie Strassberg, Treasurer WEST CONNECTION BBQ HO S T E D B Y L A I I HOA All Lake Ashton II (Winter Haven) residents are invited to enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, and entertainment March 16 at 4:30 pm. Bring a dish to share and BYOB. Text Nancy at 314-614-3669 or Sophia at 305-713-0101 by March 10 to RSVP. We now have two flyer slots at the top of the flyer board at the Health and Fitness Center (HFC). At the moment, one slot contains general information about the HOA and ARC, while the second slot contains email authorization forms that you can fill out and return to our management company, Stambaugh, so that we can keep you in the loop with the latest information. Age Verification of our homes' occupants is required by state law to be completed every two years. Every home in Lake Ashton West will receive a copy of the Age Verification form and instructions 20 from Stambaugh in early April. Please fill these out and return them to Stambaugh as quickly as possible. We do not want to risk losing our 55+ designation. If you are a snowbird and are leaving before April, contact a board member to receive a copy of the Age Verification form prior to the mailing so that you can take care of it before you leave. The LA II HOA Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the HFC (please check at the front desk for the location). Our next meeting will be on March 18. The agenda along with the time of the meeting will be emailed to all who are signed up to receive email. LA II HOA's website is https://stambaugh.cincwebaxis.com. To have access to announcements, posted documents, our directory, our calendar, and more, please sign up. For the first time user: In the upper right hand corner of the page, you will find the button marked "Sign In". Push this button and you will be prompted to sign up. To get email notifications, you must submit an Email Authorization to Stambaugh. Contact them at 863- 324-5100 to request a copy of the authorization form or pick one up from our flyer slot at the HFC. LA II (WH) HOA BOARD • President Bill Testa, PresidentLA2HOA@gmail.com • VP- ARC Mike Brennan, VPArcLA2HOA@gmail.com • Secretary Joe Ellwanger, SecretaryLA2HOA@gmail.com • Treasurer Connie Strassberg, TreasurerLA2HOA@gmail.com • Asst Treasurer Ray Rudy, VPTreasurerLA2HOA@gmail.com • ARC Chairman Pierre Duquette, A6lawharc2@gmail.com • ARC Tracker: arctracker.com; area: Lake Ashton 2 . ARC meetings are the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 1:00 at the HFC (please check at the front desk for the location).


LIVING WITH WILDLIFE There are many types of wildlife at Lake Ashton. During the spring many young animals, including sandhill cranes (also called colts), are seen roaming around. At times residents may see a baby on its own and think it has been orphaned by its parents. Generally, if you find a baby animal it is best to leave it alone. Rarely are animals actually orphaned; the parent may be searching for food or observing its young from a distance. Do not pick up baby animals or remove them from their natural environment. Report wildlife you think may be injured or orphaned to the nearest FWC Regional Office at 863-648-3200. Removing the baby could be dangerous for the baby as well as the person removing. https:// myfwc.com/conservation/ you-conserve/wildlife/ injured-orphaned/ While some residents may think it is innocent to throw some pieces of old bread in their back yard to feed the birds or maybe in a pond to feed the ducks, it is illegal to feed wildlife and can create an unfavorable situation. Species with rules related to feeding include bears, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, pelicans, alligators, crocodiles, and sandhill cranes. Feeding wildlife can reduce their fear of humans which may result in aggression and the need for the animal to be removed or killed in order to protect public safety. In several instances, children have been attacked by cranes. Cranes also have been known to damage window screens and do other property damage such as scratching at windows. Cranes attracted to people's yards for feed are put at risk as they walk across roads. Many sandhill cranes are killed each year on Florida roads. Additionally, cranes' diets, which normally are quite diverse, are disrupted when they eat one food item (such as corn), consistently. Heavy pesticide use in lawns also is of concern. Young sandhill cranes have died from pesticide poisoning. People may inadvertently put sandhill cranes at risk when they attract them with feed. This includes accidental feeding, such as when bird seed is spilled from bird feeders onto the ground. It's never a good idea to feed wildlife. Sandhill cranes have an abundance of natural foods and do not need handouts from humans. https://myfwc.com/conservation/youconserve/wildlife/sandhillcranes/ 22

SELLING AND INSTALLING IN LAKE ASHTON SINCE 1997 SUNPRO MOTORIZED SCREENS Includes the industry’s longest warranty and 3 remotes! *Smartphone Home Automation available* LIMITED TIME ONLY — UP TO $500 OFF YOUR NEW SCREEN OR AWNING PROJECT Expires 12/2024 UltraShield Hurricane Screens Retractable Awnings Best Warranty in the industry Includes LED lights & 3 Remotes Products & Services • Accordion Shutters • Bahama Shutters • Nautilus Roll Shutters • Hurricane Screens • Retractable Awnings • Lexan Storm Panels • Privacy and Solar Screens • Motorized Screens Visit our Showroom: 3922 Kenilworth Blvd | Sebring FL, 33870 Call (863) 382-2505 for a FREE ESTIMATE or visit us at MotorizedScreens.com Licensed & Insured State License: CRC#1333798 CHECK US OUT ON GOOGLE REVIEWS 23

SAFETY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH (NW) CORNER By Fay Wood, NW Chief Unfortunately, many of our Lake Ashton residents qualify for handicapped parking privileges due to several physical challenges. There are many misconceptions regarding who and when these placards can be used and the penalties regarding misuse. If a resident requires handicapped parking privileges they can obtain a letter from their physician. Once you obtain that, the Department of Motor Vehicles will issue a placard to be displayed in the vehicle. These placards are issued to the disabled person only and are not associated with the vehicle. The person with the disability must be present and placards cannot be “loaned to family members” for errands, even if it is to run an errand for the handicapped individual. If an unauthorized individual uses the permit, they are subject to the placard being confiscated and cited for misuse which the fine may be up to $250 plus court costs. Additionally, alteration of placards could lead to criminal prosecution. The placard should be displayed hanging from the rearview mirror or visible on the dash of the vehicle. The date and placard number also must be visible. If the placard is hanging from the rear-view mirror, it must be removed while you are driving. Law enforcement and traffic enforcement officers regularly patrol and watch for violations both inside and outside the community. The handicapped parking program is an essential privilege for our residents who need additional THIS IS WHERE NEW MEMORIES ARE MADE CRUISE & LAND VACATIONS accommodations due to handicaps. It is incumbent upon all of us to adhere to the rules so that our neighbors in need can lead a productive lifestyle. As always, your Lake Ashton Neighborhood Watch Team reminds everyone to watch out for each other to reduce illegal activity in Lake Ashton! Thanks always for total community support! SHERIFF JUDD RETURNS TO LAKE ASHTON Lake Ashton's Neighborhood Watch is always proud to welcome Sheriff Grady Judd to Lake Ashton's Clubhouse Ballroom. He will return Monday, March 10 at 2 pm to share his perspectives. Send questions to Chief Fay Wood (fswperson@aol.com). Doors will open at 1 pm for residents for seating on a first-come, first served basis with a capacity of 350 residents. Doors will close promptly at 2 pm. SAFEGUARD YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION A shredding event will take place April 8 from 9 am to 12 pm in the Clubhouse West Parking Lot, sponsored Sally & Ear l Schle y 863-308-295 0 | earl.schley@cruiseplanners.co m www.SandEtravelplanners.co m sally.schley@cruiseplanners.co m by The Tessier Law Firm, P.A. Suggested (optional) donation of $5 will go directly to the Alzheimer's Association of Polk County. In an age where identity theft and data breaches are on the rise, securely disposing of sensitive documents is more important than ever. Personal financial details like Social Security numbers, bank statements, and credit card information can be used by thieves to open accounts or commit fraud. Sensitive documents—such as medical records, pay stubs, and tax returns—contain confidential information that could be exploited if improperly discarded. To ensure security, shred any documents containing: Personal Information, Financial Details, Tax and Legal Records, Medical Information, Business and Client Data, Utility and Billing Statements. FLST # 3906 8 • CST # 2034468-5 0 • HST # TAR-705 8 • WAST # 603-399-50 4 24

MOVI ES This month’s movies are all nominated for Academy Awards Some nominated movies were still in theaters at the time of this printing, so look for them to be played in the LA Cinema in the future! MARCH 4 — 6 (NO 7 PM SHOWING MARCH 4, NO 11 AM SHOWING MARCH 5) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM EMILIA PÉREZ 2024 | R | 2H 12MIN (Sexual Material | Language | Some Violent Content) An audacious fever dream that defies genres and expectations. Through liberating song and dance and bold visuals, this odyssey follows the journey of four remarkable women in Mexico, each pursuing their own happiness. The fearsome cartel leader Emilia (Karla Sofía Gascón) enlists Rita (Zoe Saldaña), an unappreciated lawyer stuck in a dead-end job, to help fake her death so that Emilia can finally live authentically as her true self. MARCH 11 - 12 (NO MOVIES MARCH 13) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM DUNE: PART TWO 2024 | PG-13 | 2H 46MIN (Sequences of Strong Violence | Brief Strong Language | Some Suggestive Material) Paul Atreides as he unites on a mythic journey with Chani and the Fremen while on a warpath of revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. Facing a choice between the love of his 26 life and the fate of the known universe, he endeavors to prevent a terrible future only he can foresee. MARCH 18 — 20 (NO 3 & 7 SHOWINGS MARCH 20) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM GLADIATOR II 2024 | R | 2H 28MIN (Strong, bloody violence) Years after witnessing the death of Maximus at the hands of his uncle, Lucius must enter the Colosseum after the powerful emperors of Rome conquer his home. With rage in his heart and the future of the empire at stake, he looks to the past to find the strength and honor needed to return the glory of Rome to its people. MARCH 25 — 26 (NO MOVIES MARCH 27) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM WICKED 2024 | PG | 2H 40MIN The untold story of the witches of Oz. Elphaba, a young woman misunderstood because of her unusual green skin, has yet to discover her true power. Galinda, a popular young woman, gilded by privilege and ambition, has yet to discover her true heart. The two meet as students at Shiz University in the fantastical Land of Oz and forge an unlikely but profound friendship. Following an encounter with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, their friendship reaches a crossroads and their lives take very different paths. Their extraordinary adventures in Oz will ultimately see them fulfill their destinies as Glinda the Good and the Wicked Witch of the West. CLOSED CAPTIONING: 11 AM SHOWINGS DAILY AND ALL TUESDAY SHOWINGS CINEMA CAPACITY: 55

FEATURE FILM FRIDAYS — CLASSIC AND SPECIAL INTEREST FILMS 11 AM SHOWTIME IS CLOSED CAPTIONED MAY MARCH 7 AT 11 AM SING SING 2024 | R | 1H 45MIN (Language) (Divine G (Colman Domingo), imprisoned at Sing Sing for a crime he didn't commit, finds purpose by acting in a theatre group alongside other incarcerated men, including a wary newcomer (Clarence Maclin), in this stirring true story of resilience, humanity, and the transformative power of art, starring an unforgettable ensemble cast of formerly incarcerated actors. MARCH 14 - NO MOVIE MARCH 21 AT 11 AM WALLACE & GROMMIT - VENGEANCE MOST FOWL 2020 | PG | 1H 22MIN Aardman's four-t ime Academy Award®-winning director Nick Park and Emmy Award-nominated Merlin Crossingham return with a brand new epic adventure, Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl. In this next installment, Gromit's concern that Wallace is becoming too dependent on his inventions proves justified, when Wallace invents a "smart" gnome that seems to develop a mind of its own. When it emerges that a vengeful figure from the past might be masterminding things, it falls to Gromit to battle sinister forces and save his master... or Wallace may never be able to invent again! MARCH 28 - NO MOVIE

EVENTS ASHESTO-GO By Heidi White On Ash Wednesday, March 5 between 10 am and 11 am, the Very Reverend Deke Miller from Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Winter Haven will distribute AshesTo-Go. All are welcome! Drive or walk through the portecochère outside the Clubhouse entrance to receive ashes on your forehead and a blessing. All are welcome to come to Ash Wednesday services at 12 pm or 6:30 pm at Holy Cross, 201 Kipling Ln., Winter Haven. LAKE ASHTON’S FINE ARTS & PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW By Lyn Rogers The 17th Annual Lake Ashton Fine Arts & Photography Show will be on display in the Clubhouse Ballroom on Saturday, March 8 from 1 to 4 pm. The show is open to all Lake Ashton residents, attendance is free and refreshments will be provided. A big thank you to our sponsors The Tessier Law Firm, P.A., Boyett Family Dentistry, The Gallery and Frame Shop and Kevin Weltlin, State Farm Agent. BOLLA’S TRASH TO TREASURE By Diane Dillon Blankets of Love at Lake Ashton will hold its popular Trash to Treasure Sale on March 14 and 15. Pick up some special items and support a wonderful organization serving Polk county’s children in crisis. BOLLA, celebrating 21 years at Lake Ashton, has donated over 18,000 blankets to children in crisis since its inception in 2004. The first Trash to Treasure sale was held in 2005, and the proceeds from that sale were just $845! BOLLA is 501c charity. All donations are tax deductible. All proceeds are used to buy material and supplies to make blankets. Any unsold items will be donated to the Lake Wales Care Center. There are several ways to support BOLLA: • Donate gently used treasures March 11–13. • Shop March 14 or 15. • Buy raffle tickets for the Lottery Tree. • Make a monetary donation to BOLLA. This can be done at the Clubhouse Activities Desk. Please see the back cover for specific sale information. 28 WALK FOR A CURE By David Harrison The LA Purple Stars is having a Walk for a Cure on Wednesday, March 12 at 6 pm around the Clubhouse fountain. All residents are invited to support our fundraising efforts by buying a luminary bag for a minimum donation of $10, check payable to LA Purple Stars. Decorate the bag to remember a loved one who has passed or someone still battling this disease, and return it with a can inside by March 4. It will be illuminated and placed around the fountain that night. Everyone is also invited to join us for our Walk. PEBBLES & PINES EVENTS By Jill Groves On March 14 from 1:30 to 3 pm, the Pebbles & Pines Social Club will be sponsoring a FREE musical performance at the HFC open to all Lake Ashton residents. John Maddox & Tommy Harriman from Maine will be playing a mixture of Blues, Country & Classic Rock for your enjoyment. You may bring beverages of your choice. Please arrive 15 minutes early. We are also sponsoring a CINCO DE MAYO Fundraiser Dance at the HFC on May 3 from 7 to 10 pm. Social hour will be from 7 to 8 pm and DJ Itsy will be spinnin’ the tunes from 8 to 10 pm. Cost is $10 at the door. You may reserve a table ahead of time for $10 at the HFC. Tables reserved may decorate their table. A prize will be awarded to the best “Cinco de Mayo” themed table. ST. PADDY’S DAY PARTY By David Harrison The LA Purple Stars is once again hosting a St. Paddy's Day Party on Monday, March 17 from 7 to 10 pm in the HFC Community Center. This will be our last fundraiser of the year to benefit the American Cancer Society. Everyone who attended last year had a great time so this year should also be fun. Tickets are $10, check only, payable to LA Purple Stars and a table is only $80. DJ Wayne will provide great dance music and, of course, some Irish tunes. Tickets are on sale at the HFC. Don't forget you can bring your favorite food and beverage. Any questions, please call David Harrison at 863-326-6418.

!CDD EVENTS AT THE CLUBHOUSE MAR. 4 6 PM TO 10 PM MAR. 19 10 AM TO 1 PM MAR. 23 2 PM TO 5 PM APR. 2 11 AM TO 1 PM APR. 13 3 PM TO 6 PM Mardi Gras Party Let the good times roll, and dance the night away to a live DJ. Dinner begins at 6 pm and Pardi starts at 7. TICKETS: $35 for dinner and party, $15 for party only. Cash bar available. SENIOR EXPO Visit with a wide variety of vendors who cater to senior needs, such as cosmetic, medical, insurance, health & fitness, and so much more. FREE! LA CRUISE-IN Food trucks, classic & modern cars, great music. Register by March 8 to exhibit. FREE! Sponsors: AdventHealth, Performance Golf Carts, Iceberg Home Services, Diversity Healthcare Visions in Vintage Ladies luncheon and vintage ‘70s themed fashion show. Female-owned businesses, shopping, raffles, and lunch (Cobb salad, cup of soup, strawberry shortcake, water, tea and lemonade). TICKETS: $28 POOL PARTY Enjoy burgers and hot dogs, pasta salad, baked beans, cup of ice cream, water, tea, lemonade, and music by the pool! Cash bar. TICKETS: $20 29 Purchase tickets at the Clubhouse Activities Office or scan/click below: SAVE THE DATES April 9: New Resident Social Keep an eye out for information about the Summer Music Series happening at the Clubhouse and HFC from May through September! https://linktr.ee/lakeashtoncdd? utm_source=linktree_admin_share

LAPAC SHOWCASE By Cheryl Winchester Ashton, watch the sun rise while singing praises to the Risen Lord. Golf carts are welcome and seating will be available. A local Pastor will deliver an Easter LAPAC (Lake Ashton Performing Arts Corp.) Is excited to invite you to join us for our 2025 Showcase: THE FOUR SEASONS OF LOVE Show dates are: Friday, March 28 at 7:30 pm Saturday, March 29 at 1:30 pm and 7:30 pm Extended Intermission and Handicap Accessible at Saturday Matinee. Tickets are on sale at the Clubhouse Activities Desk or online. Ticket prices are $25 for Premium and $20 for Regular. Please come out and support your friends, family members and Lake Ashton neighbors, while enjoying songs we have all loved throughout the seasons of our lives. PASSOVER SEDER By David Harrison The Jewish community of Lake Ashton would like to extend an invitation to all residents to come and share a Passover Seder at the Eagle's Nest on April 12 at 4:45 pm. A wonderful menu of garden salad, choice of brisket or 1/4 roasted chicken; glazed carrots and roasted potatoes accompany each entree. Coffee and iced tea are included for only $23 a person. Matzoh, ceremonial kosher wine and dessert will be provided for each guest. Make an entree choice when signing up at the Clubhouse Activities Office no later than Thursday April 3rd. Make check payable to David Harrison. Call 863-326-6418 with questions. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE By Debby Landgrebe The blessing of Easter is nearly here so plan on attending, Lake Ashton Resurrection Easter Sunrise Service on April 20. Service will begin promptly at 7 a.m, at the Clubhouse garden/lawn, overlooking Lake Ashton (the chess set area). Come join your friends, neighbors, and guests on the lawn overlooking Lake 30 message and as we experience the wonderful victory of Easter. If chilly, remember your blankets! An offering will be taken. See you there. Everyone is welcome. Any questions, please contact Debby 863-268-8193. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and Lake Ashton will celebrate its volunteers at the HFC on April 25. An email with details will be sent to all Lake Ashton volunteers in early March. TRI-SERVICE BIRTHDAY BALL By Cal Posner You only turn 250 once. Join LAVA for the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps 250th Birthday Ball on Saturday, June 14, in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Since their official establishment in 1775, these three service branches have played a vital role in the growth and development of the American nation. For 250 years, America’s military has served and defended the people of the United States, the American way of life and our nation. As our military looks to the future, it draws inspiration from its rich history, empowering individuals to realize their full potential and embody the values of strength, honor and commitment. The motto of Lake Ashton’s 250th Tri-Service Birthday Ball: “Remembering the past, defending the future.” Don’t miss this once-in-alifetime celebration. Open to all Lake Ashton residents. Dress is formal: service dress uniform, tuxedo or dark suit, dresses/gowns. Dinner: Top round roast beef, chicken parmesan, green beans, dinner rolls and butter, garden salad, birthday cake (vegetarian dinner available upon request) Cost: $55 per person (Table of Eight = $440) Tickets: On sale March 31 at the Clubhouse Activities Office, check only, payable to LAVA You won’t be able to attend the 300th Birthday Ball, so you should come to this one!

Brad Kirwan’s Lake Ashton Customers Discuss His Real Estate Work Excellent Our experience with Brad was exceptional! Our transaction was unique in that, Brad worked with us from out of state. He was not only extremely talented as a Real Estate agent, but much more. He took a vested interest in our situation from day one. He is an excellent communicator, tremendous in detail, and went way beyond expectations throughout the process. Also, he is very caring and personal as an advocate, doing what ever it takes to not only to satisfy, but truly puts himself in the shoes of his client. I felt as though he was engaging as if it were his own home to sale. We’ve been involved in many real estate transactions over many years, and Brad is the best agent we’ve ever experienced! He is the real deal, and I highly recommend him. You won’t be disappointed! Martin Kelly & Callie Petroff – 29 December 2024 Verified by RateMyAgent Curious about your home’s current market value? Call for a free Comparative Market Analysis. BRAD KIRWAN 863.280.0390 31

CLUBS CAMERA CLUB By Larry Hillock March is a wonderful time of year to be outdoors enjoying our Florida weather. It’s also an ideal time to capture some great pictures of the wildlife visiting us from the north. Last month the club visited Circle B and captured some great photographs. This month we’ll focus on “Family Pictures” and how to improve them. The March meeting will be held on March 10 at 10:30 in the Clubhouse Cinema.Come join us and share our enjoyment of photography. LA PURPLE STARS By Stan Baron The “LA Purple Stars” are volunteers at Lake Ashton who raise money for the American Cancer Society. Over the years we have raised thousands of dollars to help wipe out this disease that has touched many of our residents both personally or through friends and relatives. We recently held a successful Chili Cook Off at the Clubhouse and THANK YOU for your support. But, now we need your help in regard to another matter. When we started the Purple Stars back in 2014 we were young and energetic; unfortunately we are no longer young or very energetic. Our ages are now in the 70s and 80s and our numbers are down for various reasons. Simply put; we need new and younger members. You do not need to be afflicted with the disease or even a survivor to join, you just need to be someone who cares and wants to help and support those who have this disease. Please contact David Harrison at 863-326-6418 or davhar11@yahoo.com for further information. NEW VEGAN HEALTH GROUP By Judy Armstrong Lake Ashton has a new Vegan Health Group. All vegans, vegetarians and vegan-curious people are welcome to attend our events. Some of the events we've held include a vegan dinner at Charm City, a restaurant outing at a vegan restaurant, and potluck 32 parties. Our next event is Saturday, March 22 at 2 pm at the HFC Card Room. Judy Armstrong will deliver a very important and interesting seminar on the 8 Principles of Health. Come enjoy a healthy, vegan snack and learn about simple and natural ways to improve your overall health. All are welcome! GARDEN CLUB By Pam Klawinski Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Garden Club table at last month’s Club Fair. At the February meeting, Team Members discussed ways to save your holiday poinsettia and Christmas cactus plants, along with starting plants from seeds. The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 12 at 10 am in the Pavilion, and the speaker will be Gene, The Barefoot Gardener! He will share his knowledge on preparing your plants and gardens to be ready for the summer. Please bring your questions. He’ll have the answers! Please be sure to Save the Date of April 9, 9 am to 12:30 in the Pavilion for our 4th Annual Garden Club Plant Sale. This is the Club’s main fundraiser. The club welcomes anyone interested in learning, maintaining or just acquiring knowledge to attend any meeting. No green thumb necessary. LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Howard Mayne The Lake Ashton Democratic Club will hold their monthly meeting March 6. Because of a conflict with other events, this meeting will be held in the Pavilion (near the Clubhouse) at 6:30 pm with social time at 6. Guests are welcome and encouraged. For more information contact lakeashtondemocraticclub@gmail.com LA REPUBLICAN CLUB By Bud Colburn There is no Lake Ashton Republican Club (LARC) meeting in March, however, if you are a Lake Wales resident please remember to vote for Mayor on April 1 in the Clubhouse. Lake Ashton has a significant influence on the outcome of local elections which are oftentimes decided by a few votes. In the last municipal Lake Wales election, a City Commissioner won by only 4 votes! Let's be the deciding factor!


OPEN PLAY MAH JONGG By Carolyn Neuberger Both men & women of all levels are invited to join Open Play Mah Jongg. If you have a Mah jongg set please bring it with you to the games in HFC Card Room on Wednesdays from 2 to 4 pm. For more information, call Carolyn at 516-317-0120 or Myrna at 863-956-6254. LA SINGLES CLUB By Carol Corley As the weather perks up, members of LA’s Singles Club were treated to a presentation at our February meeting by Cruise Planners Sally and Earl Schley, who also live in Lake Ashton. How lovely to be able to contemplate a trip somewhere special. They can arrange individual or group cruises, and other vacation options such as train travel or land tours for singles, groups, and multi-generations. Sally said that the travel industry is booming right now, after COVID fears and restrictions ended. The Singles Club also learned about local fun options, such as Bok Tower, Theatre Winter Haven and Lake Wales shows, and The Ritz.The club meets the first Sunday of every month at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom, although our meeting room will be changed through March to a card room due to LAPAC rehearsals in the space. On Sundays when not an official meeting, members gather to play cards. All Lake Ashton singles are welcome to come. members to help grow our efforts, especially for the Fundraising Committee. If you have great ideas or just love supporting a great cause, now is the time to get involved! We’re launching sewn hearts and veggie-themed carrots for sale and hands-on succulent arrangement workshops to raise funds. Don’t miss Lynn Da v i s a t Monday Coffee at the Clubhouse! Join us and help shape the future of our garden! SPECIAL RESTAURANT ADVERTISING SECTION ALL STAR GRILL 2019 SR 60 E., Lake Wales, FL 33898 (833) 679-9689, allstargrillfl.com Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11 am - 10 pm Friday & Saturday 11 am - 12 pm Happy Hour 2 - 7 pm Two time champions for best wings! Dine in or take out. Full bar with TVs, NFL Ticket, pool tables, darts, games. CHERRY POCKET STEAK N SEAFOOD SHAK 3100 Canal Rd., Lake Wales FL 33898 (863) 439-2031, cherrypocket.com Hours: Sun-Thurs 11 am-9 pm, Fri & Sat 11 am-10 pm. We offer Indoor & Outdoor Seating, Pick-Up, & Delivery By Lynn Davis & Karen Macklemore Mark your calendars! Our next meeting is March 19 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in the HFC Craft Room, and there’s plenty of exciting news to share! We’ll recap all the progress made so far and dive into upcoming plans to keep our garden thriving. The turnout for the two expos was fantastic, with great enthusiasm from the community! A big thank you to everyone who stopped by to support and learn more about our garden. We need passionate 34 THE CROOKED BASS GRILL & TAVERN 1010 N. Scenic Hwy., Babson Park, FL 33827 (863) 589-5887, crookedbass.com Hours: Mon - Thurs 11:30 am-8 pm; Fri & Sat 11:30 am-9 pm; Sun 12-7 pm We serve delicious Seafood, Steaks (including Prime Rib), Burgers, Pizza, Salads, Chicken, Pork Chops, Pasta, Wings, AYCE Specials & a Full Liquor Bar. OVATION BISTRO & BAR Locations in Winter Haven, Lakeland & Davenport ovationbistro.com Offer 1: Free appetizer or dessert with the purchase of 2 entrees/drinks Offer 2: $10 off the purchase of $60 or more Offer 3: Lake Ashton Residents get a free glass of house wine, beer or cocktail with any purchase. Bring this coupon to redeem.

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LA BLACK HERITAGE CLUB By Charles Roland & Pamela June Lake Ashton is a diverse community that offers equitable opportunities for all to participate in various activities and creates an inclusive environment where people can express their ideas. We are DEI! • Diversity embraces differences everyone brings to the table, including race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability or other aspects of social identity. • Equity ensures fair treatment and equal opportunities for everyone. • Inclusion respects everyone’s voice and fosters a culture where people from all backgrounds feel encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives. Diversity is not about forcing quotas. Equity is not about giving unfair advantages to a particular group. Inclusion is not about imposing one culture on another. The United States was built on diversity, and DEI offers significant competitive advantages to both corporations and nations. Embracing DEI will help the USA continue to grow and thrive. Thank you, Lake Ashton, for recognizing the value of DEI. LAKE ASHTON FRIENDS OF MEALS ON WHEELS By Marcia Santino If you have been grocery shopping lately then you probably have noticed the cost of just about everything is on the rise. Meals on Wheels is facing the same challenge yet the need to feed the people unable to shop and cook for themselves throughout Polk County is greater than ever. The easiest way for you to help MOWPolk with this cost crisis is by generously supporting their Thrift Store! The proceeds from their Thrift Store sales accounts for 40% of their annual income. Every gently used clothing, footwear, accessory, home décor, houseware, electronics or small kitchen appliance item in resalable condition you have to donate is greatly needed and gratefully appreciated. If you have a large load MOW will pick it up. Otherwise, we make it convenient for you to donate on the third Thursday of every month by dropping your items off at the Clubhouse or HFC. 36 MOWPolk is a non-profit organization with no state or federal funding. It relies on community-based charity, volunteers and proceeds from its thrift store sales. For other charitable opportunities or to become a volunteer, please contact MOW at: 863-299-1616. To become a club member or for more information, please email lafomow@gmail.com Next “Third Thursday Second Chance” donation date is March 20. DUPLICATE BRIDGE By Don Fuller & Liz Leigh Duplicate bridge is played on Monday at 12:45 pm in the Clubhouse Card Room. The game is open to all residents regardless of skill level. Participants should have some experience playing bridge plus a partner is required. We have approximately 60 players in the group and can assist new players in finding a partner. Registering in advance is suggested by signing up in the Red Book in the Clubhouse Card Room, or by emailing Don at dfuller627@yahoo.com. January 20: North-South: 1st Graham Littlehales & Tom Fleming; 2nd Don Fuller & Jim Ford; 3rd Sonny Robinson & Pat Foster: East-West: 1st Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson; 2nd Trish Kellar & Marian Oshinsky; 3rd John Sammons & Pat Sammons January 27: North-South:1st Nelda Sedlacek & Pauline Pare; 2nd Marian Oshinsky & Trish Kellar; 3rd Don Fuller & Jim Ford; East-West: 1st Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson; 2nd Graham Littlehales & Tom Fleming; 3rd Nancy Golding & Cheryl Tillman February 3: North-South: 1st Trish Kellar & Marian Oshinsky; 2nd Dana Griffiths & Judy Marine; 3rd Dee Mayne & Jeannine Connors; East-West: 1st Graham Littlehales & Tom Fleming; 2nd Janice Fleming & Howard Mayne; 3rd Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson February 10: North-South: 1st Graham Littlehales & Tom Fleming; 2nd Jim Ford & Don Fuller; 3rd Nelda Sedlacek; East–West: 1st Doug Robertson & Judy Robertson; 2nd Chris Verges & Liz Smith; 3rd Nelda Sedlacek & Maureen Ziegler

MICHIGAN POTLUCK By Kathy Keding Volunteers to help set up and tear down the event are gladly welcome! Call Kerry if you are interested. Hi Yoopers or Trolls! We are hosting our Michigan Potluck and it’s time for you to sign up at the HFC! Join us on Saturday, March 15 from 5 to 8 pm. Bring your famous passing dish to share with fellow Michiganders. A great time to meet our Michigan neighbors, share some fun facts and enjoy some great food. Donations of $3/person or $5/couple will help cover costs of paper products. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! SANDY ’ S NYS GROUP By Joyce Notarnicola Greetings to all neighbors from New York! Our March gathering will be appetizers, desserts and board games at the HFC on March 21 at 6 pm. Please RSVP to Deirdre (auntdeda@hotmail.com) by March 17. Please bring an appetizer or dessert that will serve 8 people and if you'd like, your favorite board game. It’s helpful if you can let Deirdre know what you are bringing. Thank you! Newbies: Please send your contact information (name, address in LA, phone number, email and where you’re from/live in NY) to the above email address. We look forward to seeing lots of “old” and new faces on March 21 at 6 pm at the HFC. Looking forward, the April get together is scheduled for April 11. IA MN, ND, & SD STATE PARTY By Kerry Maag It’s time again to have fun at the IA-MN-ND-SD State Party on Sunday, March 23 from 5 to 8 pm at the HFC! All Lake Ashton residents who have ever lived or worked in, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and New This Year!—Iowa, are invited. Bring your best potluck dish, appetizer, or dessert AND a White Elephant item to serve as one of the Trivia contest prizes. Meet new people from your state, enjoy a great potluck and have some fun! Please mark your calendars and RSVP to MidwestStatePartyatLA@gmail.com by March 10 or call Organizer Kerry Maag at 630-776-1752. 37 LA BELLES By Pam Straws We invite all LA women to join the LA Belles for a luncheon on March 26 at noon at the Olive Garden. Please sign up online by March 21. ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB By Susie Escoda There is no March potluck. There will be a pizza party April 17, which will be the last meeting before breaking for the summer and returning September 18. No RSVP required for April’s party! GENEALOGY CLUB By Jane Imparl Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12 at 2 pm in the HFC Craft Room. The topic will be "Tips and Tricks" to help find those elusive ancestors and those valuable documents and/or records. Our February meeting was unique in that we learned how to use AI to "Walk Where Our Ancestors Walked". We found out how to walk the streets that they walked, cook ethnic food with recipes that AI found, and music that they listened to in their daily lives. Come join your fellow Lake Ashtonians look for our families. Questions? Call Jane at 815-545-6655. Hope to see you on March 12. Lifetime Limited Warranty Guaranteed Low Pricing 12 Months No Interest1 Free No-obligation In-home Quotes 863-400-5082 • WindowWorldPolkCounty.com 101 Industrial Blvd. West, Winter Haven, FL This Window World® franchise is independently owned and operated by Window World of Polk County Inc. d/b/a Window World of Lakeland under license from Window World Inc. Fully licensed & insured. License No. CBC1257854 Previous sales are excluded and offers cannot be combined. Minimum 10% down required when ordering. ¹No interest if paid in full within 12 months with regular monthly payments. Bank approval needed. Must qualify. Ask for details.

LA PICKLEBALL By Mark McDuff Pickleball is in full swing this winter here at Lake Ashton. In February we hosted a Valentine’s mixer for our members. There were 16 mixed doubles teams competing for the couples’ championship while enjoying the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with Pickleball friends. We also fielded both a women’s and a men’s team in the pickleball community league. In March we will be hosting a farewell mixer for our Snowbird friends. As always, the courts have been full during our open play times. If you are new to Lake Ashton or just new to pickleball, there are many opportunities for you to join in the fun. Open play pickleball is from 8 to 11 am Monday to Saturday. It is open to players at all levels and you do not have to be a member of the Lake Ashton Pickleball Association to play. All you need to do is show up and rotate in. For the more advanced players, we have Advanced Open Play from 2 to 4 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For new players, Coach Dennis Santino has resumed his Newbie Clinics. If you are interested in participating, just watch for the email blast and sign-up. If you would like to be a part of the Lake Ashton Pickleball Association, membership forms can be found at the HFC. Dues are just $12 per year and are prorated based on the month that you join. The dues are used to provide pickleballs for everyone’s use as well to fund our mixers and social events. We look forward to seeing you out on the pickleball courts! FRIENDLY BOCCE GROUP By Stephanie Iszak We would like to invite all Lake Ashton residents to come out on Mondays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm to play some fun games of Bocce Ball. No experience is required. Anyone who is playing would be more than happy to teach you and go over the Lake Ashton Friendly Bocce Ball rules and regulations. Our Friendly Bocce Tailgate parties for 2025 will be held through April from 4 to 6 pm on the first and third Fridays of the month. Bring your non-alcoholic drinks and an appetizer to share. (Alcoholic drinks must be purchased from Charm City.) This is a great opportunity to socialize and play some games. 38 The Friendly Bocce Tournament will be held April 5, with a rain date of April 6. The tournament will host sixteen teams (32 players) and is single elimination. The day begins at 8:45 am with pictures and play begins promptly at 9. Come prepared with your chairs, drinks, and snacks to watch some great competition. The Award Ceremony for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be held on the Charm City Patio at 4 pm. Jim and Kay Weaver have graciously agreed to sponsor our tournament again this year. They deserve a “BIG THANK YOU” for their generosity. A Tournament SIGN-UP email will be sent in the beginning of March to all Friendly Bocce Players. Any questions, please contact Stephanie Iszak at 609-980-9505 or siszak@comcast.net or Tammy Shields at 863-632-2024 or tammy.shields1221@gmail.com. Looking forward to having many new Friendly Bocce players. LA SWIM CLUB By Sandy White Thanks to those res ident s who stopped by the club's information table at the Club Fair. Thank you to members Mary, Kerry, and Sandy P. who helped with that table. Residents learned that swimming is one of the best and safest forms of whole-body exercise. They also learned that doing it as part of a group is good motivation to be consistent. Swimming on a regular basis also helps to prevent age-related loss of muscle tissue. Additionally, they learned that there is nationally organized age-group swimming competition for those 50 and over. FYI - our club has had participants in Senior Games for the past 6 years, including the National Senior Games, and we were represented by Sharon Swanson at the 2025 annual Polk County Senior Games on March 1. The club welcomes new participants to attend our organized workouts on Monday and Wednesdays 1-2 pm and Saturdays 10-11am at the HFC. All abilities are welcome, but we do ask that you be able to swim two lengths of the pool. We also have a 100-Mile Challenge, where one tracks their laps on a board in the hallway by the restrooms. Set a goal to swim (virtually) to Daytona Beach or some other 100-mile destination. Come swim with us !

LAVA AUXILIARY By Chris Graves LA ROCKERS By Annie Lutz The next meeting of the LAVA Auxiliary will be Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30 pm. LAVA Auxiliary is made up of residents who love our country. It is nonpolitical and any Lake Ashton resident is invited to the meetings once a month on the third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. near the stage at the Clubhouse. During the year we host events to raise funds for our veterans and active military. The Girl Scouts attended our February meeting. They had Girl Scout Cookies for sale and were accepting donations to purchase cookies to send to our military. LAVA Auxiliary started the donations with a $400 check. Speaking of Sweets….The LAVA Auxiliary will be selling raffle tickets for two Solid Chocolate Easter Bunnies made by our local Chocolatier Dottie. Raffle Tickets will be sold at Monday Coffee. The proceeds go to benefit the military and our veterans. Red, White and Blue bows will also go on sale during March. The bows can be placed on golf carts and mailboxes and are a great way to show patriotism for our country. SAVE THE DATE: The annual Craft Fair is October 25. If you would like to be a vendor, grab a vendor packet from Sheila at the Clubhouse. God Bless America! MAGIC YEARS CLUB By Lynne Judd Come join the Magic Years Club to share your enthusiasm about all things Disney, to learn more about what is happening at Walt Disney World and to find out how to get discounts there! At the same time, have some fun seeing Disney movies, getting together for a meal with other members at a Disney restaurant or challenging yourself with Disney trivia. Our next meeting is Monday, March 10th, at 7 pm in the HFC Craft Room. All are welcome. Recently, our members had a great time watching the movie UP in the Clubhouse Cinema and on March 8, we will get together to view Coco! Call 631-987-3230 with any questions. LA Rockers is a group who paint rocks and hide them throughout the community to share kindness and place welcome rocks at the homes of our new neighbors. Our mission is “One message at just the right moment can change someone’s entire day, outlook, life”. We hope you found one of the rocks we spread throughout the neighborhood in honor of Kindness Day on February 17. It was so nice to meet so many residents at the Club Fair! Your donations were gratefully accepted. It was lovely hearing about residents finding rocks, especially ones that were found at “just the right moment”. Hopefully we will see you again at one of our meetings. LA Rockers meet in the HFC Community Room from 1 to 3 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. The 3rd Wednesday (March 19th) is a “Free Paint and Newcomers Session”. Newcomers are welcome to come and give the group a try! Newcomers will be lent the supplies they need for their first session so you must contact MJ Richards (mjmrichards517@gmail.com) at least five days before their first meeting so that supplies can be provided. Keep looking for rocks and if you are lucky enough to find a rock, please post a photo of your rock on Talk of Lake Ashton’s (TOLA) Facebook page. It means a lot for us to see where our rocks go. Attorney Advertisement TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE’S TRANSITIONS Estate Planning Wills Trusts Asset Protection Elder Law Medicaid Planning Probate 863-220-7927 TessierLawFirm.com info@TessierLawFirm.com 520 6th St. NW Winter Haven, FL 33880 39 Attorneys Denise Tessier and David Fall

MIND&BODY SCAN WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE TO SIGN UP FOR CLASSES & EVENTS AT THE CLUBHOUSE! TRIVIA Lake Ashton Sunday Night Trivia will be played every Sunday Night in March except March 23 in the Clubhouse Ballroom. There is a maximum of eight players per table, but no minimum. Bring $1/person to play. All money is returned to the winning tables. Trivia starts at 7 pm. Doors open at 6 pm, so come early, bring snacks, pick your favorite table and socialize. We look forward to seeing you Sunday night! BEGINNING SPANI SH LESSONS Residents who are wanting to learn Spanish, as beginners, are welcome to meet at the HFC Card Room every Tuesday at 11 am for about half an hour. If anyone who knows Spanish would be interested in helping the group out, you would also be welcome. So far the group has a book, Complete Spanish Step-by-Step Premium Second Edition, (McGraw Hill), and the free app that comes with it, and are also starting with the Rocket Languages app, which is free with a public library card. If anyone would like to give beginning Spanish a try, please come Tuesday mornings. Hope to see you there. TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOPS Technology can be a blessing—and a curse. The more you know, the more comfortable you’ll be. Attend this last Technology Workshops led by Lynette Torres, Director of the Dundee Public Library, for a hands-on lesson. Laptops: Friday, March 7, Clubhouse Craft Room 10:30 - 11:15 AM Windows 11:30 - 12:30 PM Mac 40 Phones Part 2: Friday, March 14, Card Room 10:30 am Android, 11:30 iPhone Tablets Part 2: Friday, March 21, Card Room 10:30 am Android, 11:30 am iOS Class size is limited to 15. Sign up at the Clubhouse Activities Office or online. THE ART OF CHARCUTERIE Ready to create stunning charcuterie boards to wow your family and friends? Join our Charcuterie Class led by Resident Culinary Professional, Catherine Leveille, and discover: •Tips for building a perfectly balanced board •Techniques for arranging like a pro •Secrets to pairing flavors that wow every palate April 9 at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. $50 per person - reserve your spot today! Space is limited to only 10 residents. Sign up online at https://lakeashton.ticketleap.com/the-art-ofcharcuterie/ or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. Price includes instruction, a glass of wine, and a completed board to enjoy at home. LORRIE’S LINE DANCING 1 pm Beginner Class, 2 pm Improver Class Thursdays at the HFC TAP JAMMERS Facilitator: Julie Bombard (jbombard73@gmail.com) Fridays, 10 to 11 am HFC Sport Court or Clubhouse Stage. Free! LINE DANCING: NEWBIES & BEGINNERS Instructor: M. Christine Baxter Tuesdays 6 to 7 pm: Newbies (no experience needed), 7 to 8 pm: Beginners (basic steps known) Thursdays 9 to 10 am: Newbies (no experience needed) 10 to 11 am: Beginners (basic steps known) Free — bring your own water for hydration.

BOB ROSS OIL PAINTING Instructor: Kay Lenherr March 8 at 1 pm Clubhouse Craft Room Tropical Garden $35 (payable at class). Sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office by noon on March 7. CARDS FOR ALL AGES Make these cards on March 5 at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Craft Room. Please bring your "travel kit" which includes scissors and your favorite adhesive (liquid glue or tape runner). Cost for the class is $5. If you need liquid glue or double sided tape runners we sell it for $4/bottle. Class is limited to 18 but we can squeeze in a couple of extras if needed. Please call or text Marianne Morcone at 860-712-9440 to attend. This class is held the first Wednesday of every month at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Craft Room. CREATE A CARD March 18 at 10 am in the HFC Sports Court. A guest expert will provide instruction, from beginner to expert, all supplies and equipment, and three beautiful cards to take home for $12. No experience needed. Sign up at the HFC. Call Karen at 262-497-3272 with questions. NEW FUSED GLASS CLASSES Intense Jewelry Class Three Wednesdays: March 12, 19, 26 from 6 to 8 pm at the HFC Craft Room. Create at least 6 uniquely beautiful pendants &/or pairs of earrings while learning several new 42 techniques, including use of decals, layering dichroic glass, glass powder painting and more over these 3 weeks. Sign up at the HFC with a check for $70 payable to Jill Groves. Pre-registration required. All materials are included. No previous experience is necessary. Fused Glass Picture Frame Friday, March 21, from 10 am to 12 noon, at the Clubhouse Craft Room. Jill has developed a new technique for creating glass picture frames. She will make the frame, and you will decorate it. Bring a 5” x 7” photo to class as a guide to pick your design and colors. Sign up at the Clubhouse Activities Office with a check for $40 made out to Jill Groves. Pre-registration required. All materials included. No previous experience necessary. Contact Jill with any questions at manorridgecreations@gmail.com or 419-902-7966. CRAFTING WITH CARMEN Create a wooden bunny on March 18 at 11 am in the Clubhouse Craft Room. All supplies and instructions included for $20. Sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. BEADING IN THE BALLROOM Join The Art of Beading and learn to make your own wrap bracelet on Friday, April 11 at 11:30 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom. All materials and instructions will be included for $10 which is due at the class. Sign up online today!

BODY MIND SOUL Simply Healthy Everything is Connected MONDAYS ✴ 9 am: Weight Training - HFC ✴ 10 am: Beginning Chair & Balance - HFC ✴ 11 am: Classical Stretch - HFC ✴ 12 pm: Aqua Reloaded - HFC Pool ✴ 3 pm: Free Virtual Meditation Session via Zoom: yogawinterhaven@gmail.com TUESDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - HFC Pool ✴ 9 am: Chair Yoga - Clubhouse Ballroom, $5, no equipment or experience needed ✴ 9 am: Cardio Swing & Yoga Cool - HFC ✴ 10 am: Functional Fitness - HFC ✴ 11 am: POP Pilates - HFC Sports Court - $5 ✴ 4 pm: Aqua Motion - HFC Pool WEDNESDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - HFC Pool ✴ 8:45 am: Yoga Share - Clubhouse Ballroom ✴ 9 am: Triple B (Bat Wings, Bellies & Bulges) - HFC ✴ 10 am: Aqua Reloaded - HFC Pool 43 THURSDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - HFC Pool ✴ 9 am: Cardio Swing & Yoga Cool - HFC ✴ 10 am: Functional Fitness - HFC ✴ 11 am: Classical Stretch - HFC ✴11 am: Hatha Yoga with Gina - HFC ✴4 pm: Aqua Motion - HFC Pool FRIDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - HFC Pool ✴ 9 am: Back to Basics - HFC ✴ 10 am: Aqua Reloaded - HFC Pool SATURDAYS ✴ 8:30 am: Water Aerobics - HFC Pool ✴ 10:30 am: Fit Body By Clinton - HFC - $5 SUNDAYS ✴ 10 am: Well-being Is Now (W.I.N.) with Rea - HFC - $5

GOLF LA NINERS By Sandy Hockenberry February isn’t just for Valentines, it’s also for Tiaras and Tutus. On February 4th, Niners dressed in their finest for Tiara and Tutu Tuesday! Pictured above left to right: Claudia Loesel, Jan Wagner, Loretta Hieronimus, Denise LaCaprucia, Linda Reardon, Sharron Murphy, and Cecily Harmon. It was a fun day and everyone looked beautiful! Welcome to new member Linda Allen, the Niners hope you enjoy golfing with this delightful group of ladies. Anyone interested in joining the Niners, please fill out and return an application from the ProShop. The Niners will again partner with the Snively Elementary School to support educational goals set for students. The Niners will be collecting and donating gift cards for kids who meet certain criteria; such as attendance, passing state tests, meeting goals scores and making learning gains from last year’s assessment. Please see a board member to make a gift card donation. March games will include; March 4: a 1-2-3 Shamble (team game). March 10 and 11: Pick Your Partner 2-Day Ringer Tournament (team game, postponed from February). Lunch will follow the tournament finale. March 18: Wear Green Day, everyone plays from the green tees. Shamble – 2 Best Nets (team game). March 25: Individual Low Putts (individual game).

LAMGA By David Kubissa The Season Opener and luncheon brought out 70 LAMGA golfers to tee off in warmer weather on Jan. 29. The event, two best nets on the West Course, was followed by a hot dog lunch with all the fixings. It is the first of many such golf and lunch events that will be scattered over the rest of 2025. The gathering also was an occasion for distribution of a LAMGA golf towel with the Lake Ashton logo. If you’re a LAMGA member and have not received a towel yet, make sure you show up for one of the upcoming Wednesday LAMGA games when you can claim your towel. (See photo.) The March schedule calls for: March 5: Individual quota points; March 12: 3 nets; March 19: 1 net on Par 5s; 2 nets on Par 4s: 3 nets on Par 3s; March 26: Pick your partner: 9-hole scramble plus 9-hole shamble. Gross and net in flight. If you’re new to Lake Ashton and want to join LAMGA, the annual fee is $35. Enrollment forms are available in the pro shop or online at the LAMGA web page in the Community section of lakeashtonliving.com. Red Hoagland Hyundai Challenge, as of Jan. 31: 1.) Tie. Bob Dupuis, Ron Goldade and Mike Renaud, $22.50; 4) Jim Ford, $22.00; 5) Tie. Dana Donnelly, Mark Kennedy, Denis Mulhearn, Les Totten and John Wyckoff, $20.00. Sponsors’ salute: This month’s salute goes to the lead businesses and services sponsoring LAMGA’s upcoming member-guest tournament, March 6-8: Amerity Financial / Burris Warner; Chris Bruser, reverse mortgage specialist, Mutual of Omaha; Bates Capital; Art’s Golf Cars; Red Hoagland Hyundai; Huston Cadillac Buick GMC; Mahalak Auto Group in Winter Haven, Lake Wales and Posner Park; Snowbird Heating and Cooling; and Lake Ashton Realty. We encourage Lake Ashton residents to consider these businesses when shopping for products and services. HOLE- IN-ONE Jerry Ryan (right), on February 9, Hole 7 on the West Course. Congratulations! Home Instead® Care Professionals can provide the care needed to ensure your loved one returns home safely . Call (863) 294-9141 or visit HomeInstead.com/333 FL Lic# 299994096 PERSONAL CARE | TRANSPORTATION | MEALS & NUTRITION | MEMORY CARE Each Home Instead® office is an independently owned and operated franchise of Home Instead, Inc., an Honor Company. © 2022 Home Instead, Inc. 45

LALGA By Beverly Hines March! A month when winter whispers goodbye to us and Spring says hello. It’s a time of renewal, of growth, and of endless possibilities. Our annual Member-Member Tournament was held February 10 and 11 with the theme of “Hearts and Carts”. We had fantastic weather for both days and an impressive field of 64 players each playing with a partner (32 teams) choosing play from the blue tees, blue/green tees, or combo tees. The first day was best ball net and gross of the partnership and the second day was a scramble. It was a great two-day event with friendly competition followed by lunch with Valentine cupcakes. Committee Chair and members were Liz Leigh (Chairman), Cheryl Tillman, Bonnie Simonetta, Sandra Lancaster, Jan Baun, Dianne Holman, and Deb Giannattasio. Everyone will be looking forward to another Member-Member tournament next year. The LALGA We-Care-for-Kids Committee completed the final Charity Drive for the 2024-25 League Season in early February. The Membership donated toiletries to local High Schools, including over 300 items for the School Nurses to distribute to needy students. Nancy Zografos, Chair/Bonnie Simonetta The Lake Wales High School Girl's Golf Team was selected to receive a $100 donation from the league. The funds will be used for transportation and equipment. A committee is being formed to investigate ways that our league can further support them besides the $100 donation. Jackie Tressler is leading the effort and will send out information to the members as plans develop. The league will be holding an election to fill two positions Vice President and Treasurer who will serve for 2year terms 6/1/2025-5/31/2027. The election will be electronic on LakeAshtonLiving.com and will be open for one week, March 19-26. The results will be announced at the LALGA membership meeting on 4/8/2025. LALGA Closing Day event and luncheon are April 8th. More information will be sent to members and posted in the Pro Shop in March. Games: March 4 – Individual Play, Low Gross & Low Net; March 11 - WEST vs. EAST Partner Match Play with lunch to follow play; March 18 - Stableford Team Play; and March 25 – Team Play Net. More information is available on the LALGA bulletin board in the Pro Shop. Red Hoagland Challenge update: 1st place- Joanne McKinley $154.35; 2nd place – Liz Leigh $126.25; 3rd place – Bonnie Simonette $124.75 and 4th place – Sandra Lancaster $122.75. The Challenge is ongoing until the end of May. Pictured right: We-Care-for-Kids Charity Drive resulted in 300 items for the School Nurses to distribute to needy students Pictured below: LALGA Member-Member Tournament with the theme “Hearts & Carts” Pictured below right: Congratulations to Lisa Kennedy on her Eagle (Scoring a 2 on a par 4) on Hole 7 on the East Course on January 16.

TRASH TO TREASURE SALE SPONSORED BY BLANKETS OF LOVE AT LAKE ASHTON (BOLLA) FRIDAY, MARCH 14 4 TO 8 PM RESIDENTS ONLY SATURDAY, MARCH 15 8 AM TO 2 PM GENERAL PUBLIC LAKE ASHTON CLUBHOUSE BALLROOM Trash to Treasure is a Free Event. Those wishing to shop early may buy a Fast Pass ticket for $5 to enter the sale on March 14 from 3-4 pm. Fast Pass is available after Monday Coffee or at the Clubhouse Activities Desk with cash or check. RESIDENT DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED AT THE CLUBHOUSE BALLROOM TUESDAY, MARCH 11: 10 AM TO 1 PM & 5 TO 8 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12: 10 AM TO 1 PM & 5 TO 8 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 13: 11 AM TO 4 PM TRASH TO TREASURE, held every two years, is the major fundraiser for Blankets of Love. Donations of clean, gently used items are needed. BOLLA does not sell clothing, electronics, TV’s, computers, printers, phones, books or Christmas decorations. All donations are tax deductible. 100% of the proceeds go directly into buying materials and supplies to make blankets for children in crisis in Polk County. Unsold items are given to the Lake Wales Care Center meaning your donations continue to help others long after this event. There will be a Lottery Tree Raffle with $100 worth of assorted lottery tickets. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase after Monday Coffee. You do NOT need to be present to win. BOLLA has consistently donated over 1,000 blankets per year to children in crisis in Polk County including Guardian Ad Litem, Boys and Girls at Risk Groups, Pregnancy centers, 10 schools and more. NOTE: BOLLA CAN ONLY ACCEPT CASH OR CHECK AT THE SALE

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