she used to have fun with Chanell! That girl could talk her into some of the best fun - EVER! And what about the infamous girls weekends she used to have? Those were fun, beautiful, and energizing! Oh yeah, what about the writing she used to do? She sat down right then and wrote a journal entry just to prove to herself she still had it. She called this one, Lest I Forget. Lest I forget And think to myself That I’m being too harsh Not answering your texts I stand in the shower holding my breath Fighting the flashbacks Of you snatching back the curtain - grabbing me After ignoring me or being hostile earlier that same night Expecting me to submit anyway Because you’re “The Head” and I’m your wife… Lest I forget And think to myself That I’m wrong to keep Our children at a distance From their own father I get up in the morning And look over to my left And see our daughter Sleeping in the place where she’s slept Since you left… Lest I forget And ask myself Why I’m not at least considering Getting back together with the person I’ve been with for years I think about the fact I’ve been able to: Buy clothes for our growing daughters Get all our bills paid Go to bed without an argument Get so many things done With a focused mind Since you’ve been gone… Lest I forget And say to myself Maybe we can simply do another “restart” And things will be okay I remember that I finally feel as though I can picture my life And the lives of our daughters As ones that may have hope of Being more than ones of suffering I remember the research I have done On what you’ve done to us… And I know there is A reason you are NOT here That I must not give in Because the future of my life And the lives of our daughters depends On me not forgetting to keep us safe from you Therefore… I won’t forget.7 Deja was gettin’ excited, and that was only the 1st tip! With each one, she could feel L I F E rushing back into her veins: 1. “Reach out and rebuild relationships” . Deja was going to reevaluate people that he told her or them to stay away from to see if they were truly dangerous or that was just part of the isolation. In that moment she believed she was ready to explore whether this could be a renewed layer of support for them! 2. “Throw party/gettogether/playdate”. Deja was still struggling financially, but she realized there were plenty of ways to get together without spending money. She figured she’d talk to her children and pick their brains - give ‘em something to get excited about! 3. “Join a local organization, club, or place of worship”. Deja had nearly forgotten about - other places being outside her door, outside of her everyday routine. She decided while she was picking her girls’ brains about get togethers, she would try to help them - and herself - discover what they really liked. And then…GO DO IT! 4. “Go outside and be a part of the community”. Deja didn’t even really know anyone or any annual activities they might enjoy. Why couldn’t she start finding those places? “Alright Deja,” she told herself, “let’s start with one day one weekend a month, look something up, and go check it out. No preplanning, except to make sure it’s open and that’s it.” Deja couldn’t wait to uncover what was out there in her world! 5. “Consider a support group”. She wasn’t sure about talking around strangers, but she’d at least Google it! 6. “Be gentle with yourself and celebrate your progress.” Deja loved the idea of celebrating OFTEN because she just wanted to find reasons to have a good time. Deja went to the Dollar Tree and bought journals for each of them that they picked out. She told them every time they did something

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