healthy, they were supposed to write it down and celebrate it with themselves, however that looked to them! Then, if they felt comfortable, share it with each other. The girls were so excited, they wrote in the journals when they got home about getting the journals! 7. “Stay safe.” Deja loved this one as the reminder that any suggestions or ideas aren’t good ones for her and her family if they will create a barrier or challenge to what they already know keeps them safe. Deja carefully evaluated her situation and decided to wait on reaching out and rebuilding relationships. She’d reevaluate after more time passed - just to be SAFE. As Deja felt her eyelids getting heavy, she definitely recognized the sound at this point. Yes ma’am, it was the sound of the check mark in the box of another part of the Survivor Safe Roadmap, Step #4, Broadening Support. She knew would sleep well. Beloved, please keep reading to see this year’s satisfying conclusion so you can see OR show someone else the pathway for Black women out of abuse. Blessings. By Courageous Fire DV Advocate & Founder of Courageous Fire, LLC seating is limited. Through our grant, your ticket is already paid for, but you’ve got to register to attend. RSVP Here!. 2. Community Training. You want to be more effective in reaching un- and underserved populations. You know Black women are a large part of that population you’re missing today. Courageous Fire, LLC can teach you how. Find out 3. Newsletter! Want to keep up with what I’m doing as a social entrepreneur at Courageous Fire, LLC? Then text CFIRENEWS to 22828! 4. Our Nonprofit: I am Executive Director at Courageous Access, our new non-profit, 501(c)3! This is an expansion of #changingthenarrative. The non-profit arm directly serves the Black women DV survivors and the children they are raising through Black professional-created services. We’re working on 3 campaigns - one for corporations/organizations, one for recurring gifts, and the one that is now up for one-time donations! Please give your tax-deductible support right here: Donate 1. Domestic Violence Awareness Month has a Showcase! Courageous Fire, LLC, sponsored by Polk County Decat and CPPC as well as Courageous Access, will have a special event for DVAM. It’s a showcase demonstrating the empowerment that we access through art, Beloved - you won’t want to miss these incredible Black women! DV Survivors AND Artists choosing their favorite art form to demonstrate how art has done this for them. We’ve chosen a beautiful, cozy space, so 5. DV Prevention for Youth: An energetic, brilliant group participated in this pilot. This whole package comes from Detroit, MI, an amazing founder, Tonjie Reese, and her creation of Eleven24.org curriculum. Funded by United Way of Central Iowa. It just ended at the end of August 2022, and we’ve got their take on its impact for them: Outcomes. Here’s how you can sign up for the cohort that will start in the next 3 - 6 months: Sign Up Link. Our classes enjoyed:  Good food! They chose where they wanted to eat each of the 8 weeks of the program.  Workbooks - these workbooks had just enough for facilitator guidance and left enough room for a youth-centered discussion each week.  Variation of Learning Approaches - this journey was filled with music, TV, movies, reading, writing, individual soul-searching, and group discussion. This allowed the learning to stick.  Simplification of Complex Concepts - relationships is a topic that stumps adults, even after years of practice. However, Tonjie made sure it was simple enough to be practical and applicable  Included adults in their lives - The Caring Adults section made it possible for the youth to share what they were learning to hopefully encourage the adults in their lives to model what their youth were learning. It’s always easier to practice in family circles with people who care and then radiate that confidence for boundaries to others. Tonjie’s section on the website for that made that much easier. 6. Empowerment through the Arts™ has started for this Fall! With the very 1st session, once again Black women are being strengthened, enlightened, and empowered. If you’re a Black woman DV survivor, you’re just in time to sign up for Spring 11

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