you and from you. They show their love for you by giving you gifts. They receive love by getting gifts from you. Do you know of anyone who will give a little gift, “just because.” Do you know people who say to you or others, “I saw this and I had to get it because it reminded me of you.” These people are giving gifts to show their love. For them it is the fact that you had to be thinking of them in order to get them a particular gift. The size of the gift doesn’t really matter. It’s the fact that you were thinking enough of them to get them a gift. That’s what matters. For this person it truly is the thought that counts. Does your partner complain about not getting anything from you or not buying anything fun in a while. It might be going out for dinner, getting a favorite candy bar, a flower, a new outfit, or a gift card to your favorite store. Whatever the gift, even the gift of time, it might be an indication that your spouse might be speaking the language of, “Gifts.” Are you speaking that language back to them? The language of “Gifts” is just one love language. The others are Word’s of Affirmation. Using words to show love. Word’s like, “I love how you do…” I appreciate your always being on time.” I know you can do it, you always come through when we call on you.” Another language is Quality Time. That’s just spending time with a person doing something or doing nothing. It could be doing a project or just sitting watching the sunrise or sunset. It may be a good conversation. It’s spending undivided attention with another person. The fourth language is Acts of Service. When you do something for the other person that they typically do themselves. Helping out with basic household chores like laundry, cooking, cleaning, mowing grass, vacuuming, taking out the garbage or any of those tasks that keep the household up and functioning. But it’s not limited to the household. It could be something outside the home that the other person does that is work. Done with the other person in mind they can be Acts of Service. The final language is Physical Touch. Giving a hug, holding a hand, a shoulder massage, a pat on the back, and especially for boys, play fighting and wrestling, can all be acts of love for a person who speaks the language of physical touch. This person touches during conversations and always wants to greet and end your time together with a handshake and a hug. When it’s a family member it might be a kiss. They show they care for you by touching.

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