But in a positive non invasive way. Those are the Love Languages. I would invite you to explore them if you want to have better relationships as we move into 2024. If you google five love languages you’ll find a wealth of information. As a pastor, I love them because they remind me of Jesus. He tells us through the Bible he loves us. He touched many as he healed, he spent three years of quality time with his disciples before he left this earth. He gave his very life as a special gift for us. The act of dying took away all our sins! He is the love languages all in one! God bless you in this new year. EVERY DAY THEY CONTINUED TO MEET TOGETHER IN THE TEMPLE COURTS. THEY BROKE BREAD IN THEIR HOMES AND ATE TOGETHER WITH GLAD AND SINCERE HEARTS, PRAISING GOD AND ENJOYING THE FAVOR OF ALL PEOPLE. Acts 2:46-47 27

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