SAUGUS Your Local News & Sports Online. Subscribe & Scan Here! CAT D Vol. 26, No.23 CAT -FREE- www.advocatenews.net HEAD OF THE CLASS Published Every Friday T TE 781-233-4446 Friday, June 7, 2024 Town Meeting 2024 Members overwhelmingly support fi ve zoning articles designed to protect residents from route 1 development By Mark E. Vogler he debate continues to rage in Saugus over whether increased zoning restrictions are creating an anti-business environment, or whether adjustments are needed to protect residential neighborhoods along Route 1 from development. More than 80 percent of the members attending the fourth and fi nal session of this year’s Annual Town Meeting voted to approve fi ve articles crafted by Selectman Michael Serino that would add more restricMEETING | SEE PAGE 2 FINAL VOTE BUSINESS COMPLETED: Members raised their hands in support of the fi fth and fi nal zoning article passed Monday night before the 2024 Annual Town Meeting adjourned. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) A SHINING SCHOLASTIC STAR: Sarah Lande Dorielan, the Valedictorian – the top-ranked student in the Saugus High School Class of 2024 – was among the 178 students receiving diplomas at the school’s 153 Commencement Exercises last Friday. She plans to attend Tufts University in the fall to study Biopsychology. Please see inside for her speech, other commencement addresses, more photos and graduation coverage. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) Mid-grade Regular $3.85 3.24 73 59 Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $2.95 Order online at angelosoil.com

Page 2 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 MEETING | FROM PAGE 1 tions to the Route One Business Highway Sustainable Zoning District (BHSD) bylaw. “It’s intended to provide greater protection to the neighborhoods,” Serino said in advocating on behalf of the five articles. “These articles also give the town more control,” Serino said. These are the highlights of the new zoning changes approved by Town Meeting members at Monday night’s meeting: Article 29 increased the required setback buffer from any abutting residential district from 50 to 75 feet. This Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lien * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net measure passed 38-6, with five absent. Article 30 reduced the byright building height from four stories (55 feet) to three stories (40 feet) and now requires a Special Permit from the Board of Selectmen for any height in excess of three stories (40 feet). Structures located less than 25 feet from any buffer zone setback may not exceed three stories and 40 feet in height. This measure passed 38-6 with five absent. Article 31 requires a Special Permit from the Board of Selectmen for any height in excess of three stories (40 feet), up to a maximum of five stories (60 feet.) Any structure over 55 feet in height allowed by a Special Permit by the Board of Selectmen must be at least 100 feet away from any property line. This measure passed 38-6 with five absent. Article 32 requires that struc425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut Street We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-7 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Private Parties Private Parties 4-8 p.m. $10.00 8:30-11 p.m. $11. 18+ Adults Only After 7 PM 12-9 p.m. $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com tures or portions of structures within 50 feet of the buffer zone shall not exceed a height of three stories to a maximum height of 40 feet; this measure passed 38-6 with five absent. Article 33 reduced the maximum residential density in the BHSD from 20 units per acre to 15 units per acre. This measure passed 35-8 with five absent. Planning Board backed articles The Planning Board, at its May 23 public hearing to review and issue recommendations regarding the five warrant articles, voted 4-0 to recommend passage of all five warrant articles. Three of the members – Planning Board Chair Jeanette Meredith and Members Richard Thompson and Robert Long – are also Town Meeting members who voted in support of the articles again this week. In its recommendation to Town Meeting, the Planning Board cited its concerns about: (On Article 29) the impact of commercial and mixed-use development in the BHSD upon abutting residential properties; (On Article 30) the height impact of commercial and mixed use development in the BHSD; (On Article 31) the height impact of commercial and mixed-use development in the BHSD; (On Article 32) the height impact of commercial and mixed-use development in the BHR subdistrict of the BHSD; (On Article 33) the density of residential uses in the BHSD. The state Attorney General’s Town Meeting Member Arthur Grabowski said the articles Selectman Michael Serino authored are “pro-resident,” not “anti-development.” (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) the articles approved by Town Meeting to determine whether they comply with state law. That process may take 30 to 90 days, according to Town Clerk Ellen Schena. The minority view Several veteran Town Meeting members voted in opposition to the articles. Precinct 8 Town Meeting Member Thomas Traverse called Article 29 – to increase the required setback buffer from 50 to 75 feet – “pretty contentious.” Before the Town Meeting session had gotten underway, Traverse had measured 25 feet at the front of the auditorium so members would have a better understanding about the distance. “It seems like everywhere we look, we’re trying to stiff development,” Traverse said. He noted that while there was about $3 million in building permits over the past year, about 30 percent of the storefronts on Route 1 remain vacant. “Somebody has to step up for development. These articles are all anti-development,” Traverse said. Precinct 2 Town Meeting Office must still review all of Member Peter A. Rossetti Jr. also suggested that the articles were adversarial toward development. “This is the third set of restrictions that we’re putting in,” Rossetti said. “There haven’t been any developments proposed since these restrictions started,” he said. “It’s a mistake to keep adding restrictions,” Rossetti said. Precinct 8 Town Meeting Member Arthur Grabowski took umbrage to the way some Town Meeting members characterized the articles as being bad for development. “This is not anti-development. This is pro-resident,” Grabowski said. “Yes, we need development. But we need development that’s for the town,” Grabowski said. “Let’s start representing our residents and homeowners,” he said. Precinct 10 Town Meeting Member Peter Manoogian supported the article, but suggested that the existing regulations would have been effective had they been enforced properly. “This is what happens when developers take advantage of a weak Planning MEETING | SEE PAGE 3 Town Meeting member Peter Rossetti, Jr. said the warrant articles crafted by Selectman Michael Serino would discourage developers from doing projects. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler)

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 3 Town Meeting 2024 Members disengage themselves from Community engagement article; returning it back to its maker By Mark E. Vogler We had a great conversation.” “I’d love to see 50 members F irst-term Town Meeting Member Matthew Parlante says community engagement has always been his motive behind Article 23. But the more it got discussed at this year’s Annual Town Meeting, the less engaging Parlante’s colleagues found it. Initially, the article to establish a Community Engagement Committee passed by a narrow margin. But Precinct 10 Town Meeting Member Peter Manoogian – a supporter – moved to have it reconsidered at a meeting two weeks ago because he didn’t think it had a strong backing of members. Manoogian offered to meet with Parlante and help refine the article’s language so it would be more palatable to members. An amendment that Parlante submitted to members at Monday’s meeting reduced the size of the committee from 10 members to five and modified the language to include this: “The MEETING | FROM PAGE 2 Board or somebody not doing their job,” Manoogian said. “There are still vulnerable neighborhoods that could be impacted by a weak Planning Board. It’s discouraging what happened. This was a good overlay [district] that was abused,” Manoogian said. Long was not impressed with the Overlay district. “If you think the overlay is working, I’d ask you over to Essex Landing. We were promised a hotel,” Long said. But the developer appears to be backing taking part in this. I don’t see anything negative that can come out of this,” the Precinct 2 Town Meeting member said of his amended article. Some members questioned the format, suggesting that what was presented as an amendment should have been considered as a substitute motion. Several members said they thought narrowing the membership down to five members made it less MEETING 2024 | SEE PAGE 4 Precinct 4 Town Meeting Member Robert Long said a Community Engagement Committee is unnecessary when citizens can come to Town Meeting and speak for five minutes on every article. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) purpose of the committee is to engage citizens to bring about better understanding of Saugus Town Government.” The article originally stated as its purpose “to generate more participation of community members in civic matout of the promise, according to Long. Concerns about overdevelopment Selectman Serino, the architect of the zoning articles, said he was motivated to address problems created by developers whose focus was on building apartments. “There is no benefit for Saugus to build apartments for non-Saugus Residents,” Serino said. “The fastest way to change our community is to continue to build apartments at a fast pace. It is important to ters and increase civic engagement through educational forums and existing town public events.” “Third time’s the charm,” Parlante told colleagues Monday night, adding, “I met with my colleague from Precinct 10. strengthen our zoning bylaws in order to prevent the over-development of Saugus,” Serino said. One of his articles addressed the density issue. “My article would lower the number of apartments from 20 units/per acre [to] 15 units/per acre,” Serino said. “A projected reduction from 3,840 potential apartments [to] 2,880 potential apartments. This projection only includes lots greater than 9 acres. This projection does not include smaller lots that could be combined into larger lots,” he said. Dr. Priti Amlani Dr. Bhavisha Patel Eastern Bank Building on Rte. 1S 605 Broadway, #301 * Saugus (781) 233-6844 www.bostonnorthdental.com * Restorative Dentistry * Cosmetic Dentistry * Implant Restoration * Zoom Whitening * Teeth in a Day - All on 6 * Invisalign * CEREC Crowns (Single Visit Crowns) * Root Canal Treatment * Sedation Dentistry ~ Full Mouth Rehabilitation ~ Before After Window Glass & Screen Repair

Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Spirit of the Class of 2024 An aspiring boxer made himself known as a jolly, energetic student whose signature moment was doing cartwheels to entertain and inspire his Saugus High Classmates By Mark E. Vogler E lias Joseph Diaz probably had more fun than anyone in the Saugus High School graduating Class of 2024 during last week’s senior activities – doing cartwheels at will – going head over heels in his graduation gown. He did it on stage at the Saugus High School Scholarship and Academic /Services Awards Night on May 29. And he did it again two nights later on the turf of Christie Serino Jr. Memorial Stadium, minutes before the opening processional Pomp and Circumstances March to begin the 153rd Commencement Exercises. And after receiving his diploma on stage, he did it for an encore, to the surprise of Superintendent Michael Hashem and Saugus High School Principal Brendon Sullivan. Diaz said that was his special way to make graduation night and graduation week memorable. Diaz listed his after graduation plans to study Physical Therapy at Salem State University. “Next year, I want to go to 50 Salem State online so I can travel and train for martial arts,” he told The Saugus Advocate last Friday. The cartwheels come easy to Diaz, who participated in wrestling and wants to become a boxer. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 “I do it in the hallways and everything, whenever I feel like it,” Diaz said. His superintendent and principal smile, but don’t say MEETING 2024| FROM PAGE 3 inclusive. Some questioned the need for such a committee. Others questioned the motive and the concern that such a committee could be turned into a political organization tool. “There’s a thin line between much about the cartwheels. They both looked uneasy when Diaz did one on stage after receiving his diploma. Hashem is thrilled to see the spirit of the Saugus High Class of 2024 and remarked about it during his commencement speech last Friday. “You have had many memorable events, but the one that will stand out for me the most occurred just the other day,” Hashem said. “Wednesday night at the awards night, I was truly impressed with your classes’ excitement and support of one another as you claimed scholarships and awards. It was a wonderful evening and I was so pleased to see everyone sharing such an amazing moment,” he said. Diaz got his classmates cheering loudly when he went up on the stage in the High School auditorium and did a cartwheel after receiving his Scholarship Award. The crowd loved and expressed their approval. community engagement and political activism,” former Town Meeting Member Andrew Whitcomb said. But Parlante insisted it wasn’t political at all. “We have 25 percent voter turnout. Just that tells us that people are not engaged,” Parlante said. Precinct 7 Town Meeting Member Frank Federico noted that some people on a neighAFTER RECEIVING HIS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD, Elias Joseph Diaz does a cartwheel on stage at senior awards night (Courtesy photo of Teresa Tansey) borhood Facebook group “can’t name a single selectman.” “People actually think the town manager is a mayor. They can’t even determine what kind of government we have,” Federico said. Precinct 8 Town Meeting Member Arthur Grabowski said he didn’t “like the fact we’re brow-beating and criticizing residents of this community.” “If there’s voter apathy, that’s their prerogative,” he said. Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Robert J. Camuso, Sr. said he thinks Parlante’s proposal was very worthwhile, given the disconnect between residents and their local government. “This town needs more communication. Residents should be a part of this,” Camuso said. Manoogian noted, “There’s nothing more that can be done to get people tovote.” “A better understanding of town government is the thrust of it,” Manoogian said of the purpose of a community engagement committee. “Hopefully, we can be more collaborative. There used to be a League of Women Voters in this town,” he said. Apparently, Manoogian’s MEETING 2024 | SEE PAGE 9

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 5 A Woman Stands in Remembrance By Joanie Allbee O n the Memorial Day observance at Riverside Cemetery (164 Winter St.) in the Veteran’s Lot, there is a familiar sight year after year. It’s Carole Ludwig Drake covering her husband’s grave. During the ceremony, Saugus Veterans Council Commander Steve Castinetti gives the orders to cover the graves with fl ags. Once again, with fl ag in hand, Carole is at her resting soldier’s side, the honorable U.S. Army Medic Douglas Drake. She gently reaches over to place his fl ag in the veteran’s marker. Medic Drake served overseas in Germany in the Korean War. Douglas and Carole were married at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Feb. 10, 1957. Together, they shepherded their children Doug Jr., Daniel and Debra. (Doug Jr. achieved the high rank of Eagle Scout.) Veteran Douglas passed at age 63, leaving 39 years of wedded bliss. Carole has two grandsons (both Eagle Scouts) and one great-granddaughter. Carole is a true Saugonian and a graduate from the Saugus High Class of 1954. Her this world a better place. Carole is inspired by the late Rosalynn Carter and lives by one of her famous quotes: “Do what you can to show you care about other people and you will make our world a better place.” 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Tues. - Sat. at 4:00 PM Closed Sun. & Mon. Announcing our Classic Specials Dine In Only: * FREE Salad with purchase of Entree, Tuesdays & Wednesdays * Cheese Pizza - Only $10 Carole Ludwig Drake honored her husband, U.S. Army Cpl. Douglas Drake, at the Memorial Day ceremony at Riverside Cemetery at the Veteran’s Lot on May 25. (Courtesy photo of Joanie Allbee) family owned and operated Ludwig Cleaners on Vine Street. Miss Ludwig grew up surrounded by military folk. Carole’s seven uncles are buried in Riverside Cemetery. Three of her uncles are buried in the Veteran’s lot: World War II U.S. Navy Herbie Ludwig and Jim Ludwig and World War I U.S. Navy Samuel Ludwig. Carole was a Cub Scout Leader and volunteered throughout the years with countless organizations. She is often found trying to make Catch ALL The Live Sports Action On Our Large Screen TV’s Scan & Follow Us on Facebook! www.810bargrille.com SABATINO/MASTROCOLA INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available Sabatino Insurance is proud to welcome the loyal customers of ALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU: Our Staff are, Emma Davidson, Jeimy Sanchez, Josephine Leone, Marie D’Amore, Rocco Longo, Z’andre Lopez, Anthony DiPierro, Darius Goudreau, Laurette Murphy, Danielle Goudreau and Tina Davidson. PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM

Page 6 Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 ~ The Old Sachem ~ The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment T By Bill Stewart he unit was the second African-American regiment after Kansas formed the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The regiment consisted of African-American enlisted men for the Civil War. The United States grew the African-American units to 150 all black enlistees and were commanded by white offi cers. The recruiting began in February of 1863, commenced training at Fort Meigs in Readville, Mass., and combined with Camp Brigham, which had formed to train the 18th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and Camp Massasoit, which was formed to train the 24th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. The three camps were merged into Camp Meigs in 1862 to form army units for Celebrating Our 52nd Year Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! MAJOR BRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES Don’t Wait! Get What You Smoke NOW! Buy Your Smokes by the Box & SAVE!! Join Our FREE Rewards Program & SAVE Even More! NEW HOURS STARTING JUNE 1ST: OPEN MON. - SAT., 9 AM - 7 PM / SUN., 9 AM - 6 PM Humidor Specials! Starting as LOW as $99. Complete with Accessories R.Y.O. TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! Green Label Cigar Sale! Buy 2 Cigars, Get One FREE! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 Chris 2024 the Civil War. Meigs was the largest military camp in Massachusetts and trained the 11th, 43rd, 44th, 55th, 56th, 58th, 59th, 60th and 62nd infantry regiments. It included units 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th regiments of calvary, the 2nd regiment of heavy artillery and the 5th, 9th, 11th, 12th,13th and 143th batteries of light artillery. The Unattached Companies Massachusetts Volunteer Militia of 6th, 18th, 22nd, 24th and 26th were also trained at Meigs, the largest camp in the state. Prominent abolitionists were used to recruit, including Frederick Douglass, who had two sons enlist. Massachusetts Governor John Albion Andrew pressured the U.S. Department of War to include African-Americans in the military, who formed the 54th infantry. Andrews appointed Robert Gould Shaw as commanding Colonel – who was a son of an abolitionist in Boston. The 54th was sent to Beaufort, South Carolina, becoming part of the unit of Major General David Hunter, who commanded the X Corps. The 54th was in the battle of Charlestown, South Carolina, including the Battle of Grimball’s Landing on July 16, 1862, and the famous Second Battle of Fort Wagner in July on the 18th. The 54th along with other units formed a frontal assault against Wagner and suff ered casualties of 20 killed, 125 wounded and 102 missing and presumed dead, losing almost 40% of forces. Colo“The Old Sachem,” Bill Stewart. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate by Joanie Allbee) nel Shaw was among the members killed. The Battle of Grimball’s Landing on James Island was the fi rst encounter of the 54th. It was to draw Confederate troops away from Fort Wagner. The battle trained the 54th in actual combat and prepared them for Fort Wagner. The unit continued to serve on the southeast coast. In 1864 the unit took part in the Union Army’s Battle of Olustee in Florida, where the Union Army felt defeat. The 54th also fought at Honey Hill and Boykin’s Mill in South Carolina. The 54th returned to Boston to a hero’s welcome in their parade of September 2, 1865. Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ high-relief bronze monument on Boston Common commemorates the service and sacrifi ce of Colonel Shaw and the heroes of the 54th. The Massachusetts Memorial is now part of the Boston African American National Historic Site. (Editor’s Note: Bill Stewart, who is better known to Saugus Advocate readers as “The Old Sachem,” writes a weekly column – sometimes about sports. He also opines on current or historical events or famous people.) FUN-damental Basketball Camp Open to Boys and Girls in Local Area ..The FUN-damental Basketball Camp, open to boys and girls in local area cities and towns, will be held July 22 to July 26, 2024 at the Immaculate Conception Parish Center, located at 59 Summer Street in Everett. ..The camp will be held between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm for boys and girls entering grades 3 thru 8 as of September, 2024.The cost of the camp is $125. ..Tony Ferullo, boys’ varsity basketball coach at Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden, will be the Director of the camp. ..The purpose of the camp is: To provide all campers with the fundamental tools to help them become better basketball players; To create a positive atmosphere where the camper will learn and have fun at the same time; and To instill the spirit of the game into all campers, and inspire them to continue playing the game either competitively or just for fun. Each camper, who will receive a T-shirt and certifi cate, will participate in various drills, scrimmages and individual contests. Special guests will speak and share their personal basketball tips.An awards ceremony will take place on the last day of the camp, and parents and friends are welcome to attend. For more information about the FUN-damental Basketball Camp, please contact Camp Director Tony Ferullo: 857-312-7002 or tferullo@suff olk.edu.

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 7 The plaques of World Series Park (Editor’s Note: World Series Park issued the following press release this week.) 2 024 is the twentieth season for World Series Park. “We are very proud of what has been accomplished over the past twenty years, “ World Series Park superintendent Bob Davis said. “The success of our endeavor can be measured in the amount of games (over 250 in 2023) played on our fi eld and the opportunity World Series Park affords Saugus young people to play baseball on a first-class fi eld,” Davis said. “We’ve come a long way since we built the fi eld in 2004. As I mentioned in our celebration ceremony in April, the many plaques around the park list those who donated to World Series Park. I invited the people present to take a look at them,” he said. Several people donated several times and their names appear on several plaques. Dorothy Amsden, Joseph Dollard, George Bernazani, Evangeline Cakounes, Peter Rossetti, Karen Roman, the Panetta Family, the Decareaus, Ed Stetson, Donna Nelson Cotter, Russell Tripp, Bill Cox, Bob Emerson, Patrick Rossetti and Mike Conlon are some of the repeat donors. It was because of their donations and many others over the years that the park was able to add to and make improvements. “Their ongoing support has been much appreciated and is acknowledged on the plaques. Also, much appreciated is Sachem Signworks who made all the plaques,” Davis said. Highlights of the 2023 season included hosting the following: all Saugus High varsity home games, Commonwealth Amateur Baseball League playoff s and championship games, a large number of AAU Baseball games, North Shore Baseball League games and Commonwealth Amateur Baseball League games. In past seasons the park hosted state and district Babe Ruth tournaments, Special Olympics, TargetCancer fundraisers, a Multiple Sclerosis fundraiser, American Legion games, Commonwealth AmaOne of several plaques on display at World Series Park acknowledges the contributions of park supporters over the years (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) teur Baseball League tournaments, Coaches vs. Cancer tournaments, AAU Baseball tournaments and a Veterans/Military Appreciation Day. In 2015 World Series Park raised the necessary funds and built the adjacent softball fi eld, with the donors acknowledged on another plaque. A full schedule of games is currently taking place. Many night games, weekend games and three tournaments are scheduled: June 22 and 23, July 27 and 28 and a 9-day tournament July 6-14. The public is welcome to attend all games. There is no charge and plenty of parking. RON’S OIL Call For PRICE MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM

Page 8 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 2024 Saugus High School graduation The Superintendent’s graduation speech By Michael Hashem I want to welcome all of the students, families, friends, staff and invited guests as we come together this evening to celebrate the Saugus High School graduating class of 2024. Each year we come together to honor our graduates and I attempt to write a graduation speech and follow a certain set of guidelines to make certain that it is both memorable and fits the given class. Those guidelines start with a welcome and a congratulations to the graduates. That said, I want to congratulate our graduates here this evening; we are both proud of your accomplishments and sad to see such a great group of young adults leaving us. You will truly be missed. The rest of the guidelines for a speech are easy to describe, yet often extremely difficult to accomplish. I am charged with reflecting on a memorable event or events, providing you with words of wisdom or inspiration, and getting off the stage before you get restless and bring out the cell phones. Seems easy, but it is often surprisingly difficult, but here goes. For memorable events your Saugus Superintendent Michael Hashem (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) class has had many. You are the first Saugus High School class to spend all four years of high school in our new Saugus High. As a class you will always hold a special place in my heart. You were my last class as a principal. For some of you, I have been your principal, superintendent, and even your math teacher. You entered high school remotely, then in hybrid, and finally over the last three years back to a traditional education model. You have helped bring back Color Day, and established hall decorations during spirit week, won NEC titles and raised the banners in our new gym. You performed concerts, plays, and musicals and brought down the house in the new Lemoine/Mitchell Performing Arts Center with your performances of Working: The Musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and Momma Mia! Your class has shaped our Saugus Birthday Celebrations T he Senior Center hosted a special party on May 31, honoring 21 Saugus residents who shared May as their birthday month. Birthdays are always special occasions at the Saugus Senior Center. Each month the Center holds a birthday celebration for any senior who would like their birthday to be recognized. They receive a free pizza lunch, cake and ice cream and a souvenir photo to take home. new Complex and set the standards for other classes to reach. You have had many memorable events, but the one that will stand out for me the most occurred just the other day. Wednesday night at the awards night, I was truly impressed with your class’s excitement and support of one another as you claimed scholarships and awards. It was a wonderful evening and I was so pleased to see everyone sharing such an amazing moment. So that covers the memorable moments from your four years; now comes the trickiest part, the words of wisdom and inspiration. Trying to write something profound is a reach for me so I tried to select a quote that fits the occasion. I looked to literature and found a quote from Henry David Thoreau, “it’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” It is “profound-ish,” but it really did quite fit what I was trying to say. Then I looked into the field of coaching and found a quote from the legendary John Wooden. “Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.” Again a strong quote and you can reflect on it and find inspiration, but not exactly what I was trying to say. I then tried to swing for the fences and quote something more timely and found a fitting quote from Taylor Swift, “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” Another solid quote and it suits the occasion, but still not quite perfect. Now as I was writing this speech, I was getting stuck and starting to close in a state of potential boredom. In the back of my head even now, I am hearing the chant “wrap it up, wrap it up, wrap it up.” So I decided to just be myself and quote someone that has always provided me with wisdom, Douglas Adams. “Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.” Your path to this moment has been challenging and unprecedented. It has truly prepared you for future greatness. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and I hope you all find the success and happiness that you deserve. It has been a pleasure to be your teacher. Enjoy the last few moments of your high school career. Two local students receive Pumpkin Patch Scholarships F irst Congregational Church of Saugus this week announced the Pumpkin Patch Scholarship Awardees for 2024. Joshua Clamens and Dylan Bauer stopped by the church to receive their checks from Carl Spencer and Rev. Bill Ladd. “Congratulations to both incredibly worthy recipients and good luck,” the Rev. said. Joshua will be attending Framingham State University while Dylan will be attending Suffolk University in the fall. MAY 2024 BIRTHDAYS: The Senior Center celebrated the collective birthdays of Saugonians for the month last Friday (May 31). They are pictured from left to right: Front row: Kathy Sullivan, Lucianne Calder (95), Kathy Milligan, Liz Kingsley, Dottie Bockus, Pamela Goodwin, Marsha Golden, Pauline Harriman, Evelyn Malvena and Mary Valliere; second row: James Lazurek, Rosemarie Tenaglia, Peggy Dellelo, Miriam Cianciulli, Elaine Jebali, Mary Dunlop, Mary Macabee (80) and Mike Boudreau; third row: Robert Palleschi, Brian Deon and John Pietrowski. (Courtesy Photo to The Saugus Advocate) The Pumpkin Patch Scholarship recipients for this year, from left to right: Dylan Bauer and Joshua Clamens. Joining them are Rev. Bill Ladd, pastor of First Congregational Church of Saugus (rear) and Carl Spence, a church volunteer who helps organize the Pumpkin Patch. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate)

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 9 2024 Saugus High School graduation The principal’s graduation speech By Brendon Sullivan G ood Evening Saugus High School Community, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 153rd Saugus High School Commencement Ceremony. I want to welcome Town Manager Scott Crabtree, Representative Donald Wong, Representative Jessica Giannino, members of the School Committee, and members of the Board of Selectmen. I would also like to recognize all of the administrators, teachers, and staff members from around the district who have joined us here this evening. I want to thank all the parents, family, and friends who have come to celebrate this important milestone. Finally, I want to welcome and congratulate the members of the Class of 2024, who we honor here tonight. It takes a lot of time, effort, and people to organize a graduation ceremony. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this event happen. I want to take a moment to thank everyone from the Town of Saugus, SCTV, Jimmy Waldaka, Complete Cleaning, and members of the junior class, for all their hard work. Thank you to Superintendent Michael Hashem, Guidance Director Leanne Mottola, Assistant Principal Kimberly Politano-Burns, Dean of Students Jacqui Alongi, Director of Early College Rick Doucette, and the Clerical Staff, especially Mrs. Danielle Ferreria and Mrs. Kim Alba, for making this possible. A special thank you to my friend and colleague, Steve Napolitana, our Operations Manager. Steve has worked tirelessly to make sure the Class of 2024 has a wonderful graduation. Now, to the Class of 2024. I want to begin by saying that it has been an honor and a pleasure to be your principal. You have been an incredibly energetic, and involved group of young adults. As a class, you have consistently impressed commit yourselves fully to that field. I also know that seated before me is a group of committed citizens who are dedicated to making their community a better place. During your time at Saugus High School, you strove to make our school a better place for all students. Make sure that you take this same commitment with you as embark on the next chapter in your life. This year, I have tried to give Brendon Sullivan Saugus Middle High School Principal me with your love of SHS and your commitment to your class. You have led the school with enthusiasm and dignity. I could not have asked for more from a class. As you move on from Saugus Middle High School, I urge MEETING 2024| FROM PAGE 4 suggested revision of the original article drew less support from members, who declined to adopt it. A motion to amend the original version failed 20-24 with five members absent. Members voted 27-17 to return the article back to its you to take this same energy with you into everything that you do. Be passionate about life, and commit yourself to whatever you choose to do. I have no doubt that whatever educational and career pathway you choose, you will maker. Had members voted to oppose the article outright, Parlante would have to wait two years to reintroduce it. Precinct 4 Town Meeting Member Robert Long, who made the motion to return the article back to its sender, said the opportunity for people to participate in their town governPrecinct 2 Town Meeting Member Matthew Parlante said the intent of his committee is to get people “involved and excited” about their local government. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) J& • Reliable Mowing Service • Spring & Fall Cleanups • Mulch & Edging • Sod or Seed Lawns • Shrub Planting & Trimming • Water & Sewer Repairs Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Robert J. Camuso Sr. welcomes an engagement committee as a way to improve communications with town residents. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) Joe Pierotti, Jr. the student body a message of positivity each Friday. Well, today is a Friday. Here is my last Friday message to all of you. It comes from a television show called “After Life.” The quote goes like this, “Good people do things for other people. That’s it. The end.” Class of 2024, you are Good People. Continue to go out and do good deeds in our world. Continue to be shining examples of what a True Sachem is. We are so proud of you. Congratulations Class of 2024. ment is there, providing people take advantage of the opportunities. “Any resident who wants to speak, they can come to this Town Meeting and have five minutes to speak on every article,” Long said. “If this committee is being formed, you might be grossly disappointed in what you achieve,” he said. S LANDSCAPE & MASONRY CO. Masonry - Asphalt • Brick or Block Steps • Brick or Block Walls • Concrete or Brick Paver Patios & Walkways • Brick Re-Pointing • Asphalt Paving www.JandSlandscape-masonry.com • Senior Discount • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 617-389-1490 Designing and Constructing Ideas that are “Grounds for Success” Landscaping

Page 10 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 2024 Saugus High School graduation The Valedictorian Address By Sarah Dorielan H ello, distinguished guests, faculty, family, and my fellow graduates, I’m Sarah Dorielan and thank you for coming together to wholeheartedly celebrate the achievements of the class of 2024. I’ve heard that the greatest speeches are the shortest, so I’ll try to make this quick in the hopes that we can graduate sooner. Before I begin, I’d like to thank the overworked and underappreciated teachers, counselors, administration, general faculty, and the community members that made it possible for us to receive an education at this school. The amount of dedication and guidance you have given us has helped shape us into the individuals we have begun to be. While your work is far from over, advocating for future classes, we appreciate what you have done for us. Everybody has a story, and this chapter has come to a close on May 31th, 2024. These four — well, maybe three — years have been deeply important to our development. Our story begins to intertwine with one another on a bright screen looking at each other’s initials. There was no outline for how our freshmen year went. The task of navigating a learning experience no one else has had exemplifies the resilience our class embodies right at the beginning of our high school careers. That year went by quicker than we could close our computers, and a new chapter of high school began as we collectively struggled through chemistry and a lack of English teachers for the two years prior. Junior year was characterized by it being the first true year of high school not dictated by the pandemic, and it went by quickly. I would say it was the most memorable, but all I recall is rushing to figure out what the SATs stood for, the first failed physics test, the second failed physics test, and so on and so forth. After somehow making it through, senior year went by even quicker than the last, and I never truly realized that this year was over until I was writing up until the last day of school, losing sleep over this speech. The first few chapters of our lives have been written for us by our parents and our teachers, by our mentors and our environments. Now the day has come where we’re entering the first chapters of adulthood, and it is up to us to construct our futures. And I’m looking at my classmates, wrapped up in red and gold, and I see so many different perspectives that will help change the world. I see business ownI’d like to take a moment to NUMBER ONE STUDENT: Sarah Dorielan finished as the top scholastically ranked student in the Class of 2024, earning the honor of being the class Valedictorian. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) ers, physicians, nurses, engineers, politicians, writers, veterinarians, artists, athletes, and the list goes on. There will be people who will try to deny the choices we make in our lives, so we must be purposeful in the way we define our truths and the way we write our story. There are no more bells, no more teachers directing us, so our narrative is directly controlled by what we believe, what we do, and where we want to end up. In order to pursue our goals and daydreams, we must pick up our pens and write ourselves with passion, perseverance, and kindness. Creating a version of ourselves that is ever-changing is complex and comes with its challenges and rewards, but this new era we are entering is a perfect time to learn. Evolving into who we are meant to be is a journey that might take us the rest of our lives, but that is everything we have in front of us. Although I had thanked the administration and faculty beforehand, I would also like to thank two other groups in my life: acknowledge my parents. Their persistence is a major part in my excellence as one of, if not The first Black female valedictorians at Saugus High School. Metaphorically, parents move mountains for their children, and my parents have literally moved countries to provide for me in ways that I could never fully comprehend. There are not enough words to completely thank them for the work they’ve done, so I will say I love you instead. Finally, I’d like to thank the students that I am graduating with for allowing me to be a part in your story — whether it was a short sentence like a passing compliment in the halls or a paragraph as we’ve gotten closer... or maybe you’re hearing me talk for the first time today — it has been an honor to know you and grow with you. Do not let anyone stop you from writing how your story goes. Let your world, the audience of your story, know who you are, and let our individualism become the way we differentiate ourselves in this large universe. There can be no comparison between what you will accomplish in the future and what the person next to you... or... even two rows behind you will do. So as newly-formed authors of your narrative, class of 2024... it’s time for your words to be heard. Thank you so much. 2024 Saugus High School graduation The Salutatorian Address By Gabriella Huber W e’ve all said for the past 4 years how much we can’t wait to leave, and be out on our own. Now that the time is actually here it seems like we have this great path of uncertainty that lies ahead. Soon we will be facing reality and having more responsibility than we have ever imagined. I don’t know what our futures hold, but I wish all of you the best of luck in your endeavors. We’ve grown up together, stressed over exams, SATs, and just life in general, and watched each other form the personalities and characters we have today. A lot has happened over these past four years. There were so many major life decisions and changes that rested on our shoulders – and so many stressors that didn’t help in making those decisions. We were stressing about what we needed to get done, and when it needed to be done, in order to “succeed” in the future. After all those deadlines, essays, and tests, just know that it was all worth it. No matter where you end up, whether that be college, military, career, or a gap year, remember that everything happens for a reason and it will all work out in the end. I believe happiness is in the eye of the beholder, and there will always be something to find happiness in, whether it be in our day-today lives or something we will get to experience in the NUMBER TWO STUDENT: Gabriella Huber finished as the second highest scholastically ranked student in the Class of 2024, earning the honor of being the class Salutatorian at last Friday’s 153nd Commencement Exercises at Saugus High School. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) future. Taking notice of all that gives us joy is a much better way to live than focusing on the negatives. Keep in mind – you should never let anyone make you feel inferior because of something that makes you happy. “If you let people’s perception of you dictate your behavior, you will never grow as a person. But if you leave yourself open to experience despite what others think, then you will learn and grow.” With that being said, failure is a part of life, but looking past the setbacks and moving forward is crucial to your success. One failure doesn’t define the rest of our lives, it doesn’t even define our day. NUMBER TWO STUDENT | SEE PAGE 11

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 11 2024 Saugus High School graduation The Class President’s Address By Jessica Bremberg G ood evening and congratulations to all my fellow classmates, we made it! On behalf of the Class of 2024 I want to thank all of our teachers, guidance counselors, administration, and the building staff for all they have done for us throughout our years here. I want to thank my classmates for allowing me to be your Class President all these years, it has been an honor to do this for you all. After today you will no longer have to hear me begging you all to participate in our events, to pay your class dues, or to help us fundraise. I’m done sending emails that were probably never opened, but please check your emails in your future. Running this class has been a lot of work, however writing this speech has allowed me to look back and realize all the support and help I’ve gotten from my family, friends, and our advisors. I especially never would have been able to do any of this without my vice president, who doubles as my teammate, co captain, coworker, classmate for another four years, and also my friend, Madi Femino. Madi I can’t thank you enough for helping me all these years. I most importantly want to thank my mom and dad for always supporting me and wanting to help me with anything I needed. Special thank yous to Dunkin’ Donuts, and Justin for always being by my side. Alright I’m done with all slow down and try to appreciate more of the little things, like all the interactions with each other in the halls, the simple passing “hi’s, conversations with our favorite teachers, gym class games, and school lunch with our friends. Even with this appreciation SHS Class of 2024 President Jessica Bremberg the thank yous now. Today we are together for one final gathering to celebrate all our accomplishments and a tribute to all of the years of hard work we have put into walking across this stage. Twelve years of Saugus public schools will become such a small part of our lives, yet right now it is all we have ever known. After today there are no more classes or halls forcing us to be together, your future is entirely in your own hands now. Whether your next step is furthering your education in college, going into the workforce, enlisting in the military, or you’re still figuring it out, I know that you all can accomplish anything you put your minds to. In these short four years at Saugus High we’ve learned plenty of lessons, made NUMBER TWO STUDENT | FROM PAGE 10 Remember, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” Whatever happens in life, resilience will always be needed to ensure our wellbeing and happiness. Wherever you end up in life, be proud of what you have accomplished and who you are as an individual. I know you will all do great things, and I can’t wait to see what becomes of our class in the years to come. Sitting in front of me are future architects, tradesmen, doctors, teachers, and more. So whatever you choose to be a part of, whatever you choose to fill your time with, make sure you do so with joy and fulfillment. Work hard in areas you are passionate about, because everything in life is earned. I think my advice to you can pretty much be summed up with this quote, “Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself, and a little less time trying to impress people.” In other words, do what makes you happy regardless of what people think of you. We only get one life, so go make the most of it and find what makes you happy. –Thank you. friends, and created countless memories. These memories are now all we have left from our time at Saugus High. Of all the lessons we’ve learned, most importantly Senior year makes you appreciate what you have. We take so many things in our lives for granted without realizing until they’re gone. High school is a perfect example of this and everything we just simply overlook or even complain about. After 12 years we have become accustomed to all the little things that never seemed worth our time to think twice about. Your perspective changes when you realize that soon this will all be over, and we begin to appreciate all the little “high school moments” we’ve been able to experience. In our final months, we finally began to for what would soon be gone, still I’d find us talking about all the things we “couldn’t wait” for. We couldn’t wait for that class to be over, couldn’t wait for the weekend, couldn’t wait for graduation, and we couldn’t wait for the freedom we held in our future. While this excitement and motivation for the future seems great, why is it that we can’t wait for this current moment to be over? I mean I can understand a little wanting a boring class to go by just a little quicker or a draining day to end, but wishing the time away is easy, what’s hard is finding something good at any time. What you all may or may not know about me is that I’m pretty optimistic in most situations. The glass of water, it’s half full; raining outside, our cars are getting washed; math test tomorrow, we won’t have to do a new lesson today in class. While this positive outlook does get on my friends’ nerves sometimes, there is no harm in finding something good. Like I said, wishing time away is easy, what’s hard is slowing down and finding the positive. You only get to live this moment once, so try and appreciate it for all it is before all you’re left with is a memory. As hard as we try to hold on to our memories, they eventually will fade and someday you’ll forget all about your sophomore year gym class and those eventful English classes. The only thing we can do is live in the moment, worry a little less about what was and what will be. Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” These four years flew by right in front of our eyes and how often did we take the time to stop and look around? There is no way to turn back time, but we still have days ahead of us with plenty of opportunities to slow down and look around. Today officially marks the end of this chapter in our lives, but a new one is only beginning. The future is not something you wait for, it’s something you create, so create the future you want and don’t let anything stand in your way. To the Class of 2024, I am extremely proud of everything we’ve accomplished here. You should be proud of yourselves for reaching this milestone and know that your hard work has paid off. You have bright futures ahead. When you’re all big shots in the world, remember that you were first big shots for a little while at Saugus High. Like I said about memories fading, in a few weeks you probably won’t remember my speech, but if I can ask you to remember one thing it’s to slow down once in a while and appreciate what you have before it’s gone. Thank you Local resident performs at Dance Studio R evere resident Albert Nicholls performed at the Dancesport Academy of New England Showcase Ballroom Dance Performance held on June 2 of this year at the Dance Studio in Brighton, Mass. With a live audience and along with other performers, Albert, with Instructor Saori DeSouza as his partner, performed the smooth Dance: Fox Trot to the tune of “All that Jazz.” The audience appreciated the performance and said the ticket price paid was well worth it. Albert enjoyed cheering for other performers and also appreciates the dedication of his teacher/ owner of the Dancesport Academy of New England of Brookline challenging him to make his best effort in his Ballroom Dancing. Albert Nicholls and his instructor, Mrs. Saori DeSouza (Courtesy photo)

Page 12 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 153rd Commencement Exercises Saugus High School Class of 2024 L ast Friday’s (May 31) graduation ceremonies at Christie Serino Jr. Memorial Stadium culminated a week of celebration for the Saugus High School Class of 2024 and marked the final time together for the 178 seniors who received diplomas. It was one of the best spring weather days to grace a graduating class in recent memory. What made this class special? It was a year when the female students dominated the class in academic achievement. All five student speakers were female – including the top four academically ranked students in the class. There were a few firsts – the first Saugus High School Class to spend all four years in the new Saugus Middle-High School Complex. Sarah Dorielan, believed to be the first African American female valedictorian at Saugus High School, credited her parents as being instrumental in her achieving that academic excellence. It was also the last class to have Saugus Public Schools Superintendent Michael Hashem as the High School Principal. A few of this year’s graduates had Hashem as a superintendent, principal and math teacher during their High School career. The graduation was truly a night of celebration for Hashem, who got to award a diploma to his daughter Rachel, marking the second time in three years that he had a daughter graduating with honors. Elias Diaz delighted the crowd by performing a cartwheel on the awards stage after receiving his diploma – just like he did last week during Scholarship and Academic/Service Awards Night. Class Salutatorian Gabriella Huber Juniors Ashley Moss Rendez and Hannah Duong prepare to lead the procession as this year’s graduation color guards. National Honor Society members Saugus High School Chorus and conductor Evan Smith SHS Principal Brendon Sullivan (center) flanked by Class President Jessica Bremberg (left) and Class Vice President Madilyn Femino (Saugus Advocate photos by Mark E. Vogler) School Committee Chair Vincent Serino addresses the graduates. A Mortar Board brigade of artwork on display Erika Budkowsky celebrated her 39th birthday in style last Friday by getting to kiss one of the graduates: her daughter Nicolly. Saugus High School Band and band conductor Justin Jones The state Legislative delegation and Saugus Board of Selectmen wait for the ceremonies to begin.

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 13 Felix Antonio Torres Ortiz and Lisandra Zoe Torres Ortiz are triplet siblings who received diplomas last Friday night. Jayden Vaquerano shows off a colorful custom-made graduation stole his mother had made for him that incorporates the Puerto Rican, Dominican and Salvadorian flags. Jordan Chantha sports a Cambodian stole for graduation. Nathaniel Chadwick, a National Honor Society graduate, with his proud mom – Tonya Chadwick – a member of the Saugus High School Class of 1990. Twin sisters Gianna and Alexia DiCenso wait for the procession to begin. Alexa Ortega Zavala, the lone senior in this year’s Saugus High School Band, approaches the stage to present the band. Legs up! Graduate Elias Joseph Diaz completes his graduation cartwheel as Saugus Public Schools Superintendent Michael Hashem looks ready to help him. Sarah Dorielan (center) celebrates her Valedictorian night with her father, Frantz Dorielan, and mother, Guerlande Aristil. Graduate Elias Joseph Diaz (left) prepares to cartwheel on stage after receiving his diploma, attracting the attention of Principal Brendon Sullivan. Honor student Rachel Hashem gets a double hug from her parents Gail Hashem, a biology teacher, and Saugus Public Schools Superintendent Michael Hashem. Madilyn Femino, Class Vice President and National Honor Society President, addresses graduates as Saugus Middle High School Principal Brendon Sullivan looks on. Student Council President Grace Fiore addresses graduates. The graduates reception line Getting ready to toss their caps A CASCADE OF CAPS: At the end of the commencement exercises, the young graduates celebrated by flinging their caps skyward.

Page 14 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Saugus native Mike Vecchione almost halfway home to another Calder Cup championship with the Hershey Bears By Joe McConnell T he Hershey Bears were by far once again the best regular season team in the entire American Hockey League (AHL) this year with a 53-14-5 record for 111 points. Their success has continued on in the playoff s with an 8-1 record. The Bears are currently 2-0 in the Eastern Conference fi - nals against the Cleveland Monsters. The fi rst two games ended in overtime triumphs. They won the fi rst game, 5-4 on May 30. It was the organization’s fi rst-ever playoff victory over the Monsters. Last Saturday night (June 1), they made it two in a row, a 3-2 victory. Saugus native Mike Vecchione netted the Game 1 OT clincher. In nine playoff games, Vecchione has two goals and two assists. The Bears opened up the playoff s against the Lehigh Valley Phantoms in the Atlantic Division semifi nal round, winning that series three games to one. They then swept the Hartford Wolf Pack in the divisional fi nals three games to none, which advanced Vecchione’s Bears to the above-mentioned conference fi nals against Cleveland. Again, after winning the fi rst two games at home, the conference finals resumed New St. Anthony’s Flea Market 250 Revere St., Revere, Lower Hall Indoor Flea Market Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission .50 Cents * Free with Ad Lot’s of New Vendors! New Vendors Welcome! For info, call Lynda: (781) 910-8615 ANNOUNCEMENT Saugus native Mike Vecchione of the AHL’s Hershey Bears is shown celebrating his overtime goal with a teammate during the fi rst game of the Eastern Conference fi nals against the Cleveland Monsters on May 30. The Bears won the game, 5-4. The defending Calder Cup champs also won game two in overtime, 3-2 last Saturday night. (Courtesy photo / American Hockey League) this week in Cleveland on June 4 and 6 after press deadline. Game 5, if necessary, is slated for Saturday night (June 8) in Cleveland once again, starting at 7 p.m. Games 6 and 7 are tentatively scheduled for Monday (June 10) and Wednesday (June 12) back in Hershey, Pa., also beginning at 7 p.m., again if necessary. Saugus falls short on a walk off in softball tourney By Dom Nicastro Heartbreaker. That’s how Saugus High School softball coach Steve Almquist described the season-ending 7-6 loss to Oakmont Regional on the road in the opening round of the Division 3 state tournament. Indeed, when the opponent wins on a two-out, walk-off hit, it cuts to the core. That’s what happened to the Sachems, who ended the season 10-11. “This was a heartbreaker as REVERE AMERICAN LEGION POST #61 Is reopening soon! We are happy to announce that we have begun taking reservations for our function hall at 249 Broadway, Revere for events after May 20, 2024 For information, please call 781-284-9511 Leave your name and telephone number. we lost in the bottom of the seventh on a two-out walk-off single with the score tied at six,” Almquist said. “Despite the loss, I was extremely proud of how the kids played. We were a bit undermanned in this game as several players were missing. However, I cannot express enough how impressed I was with some of our younger players who stepped up in such a pressure-packed situation. Two of those players were the sister duo of Hannah (a junior) and Alannah Duong (an eighth-grader), who rose to the challenge to fill a void at third base, as well as eighth-graders Angelina Dow and Julia Strout, who were called into action as pinch runners in crucial situations. All performed exceptionally.” Things didn’t start out well for Saugus in this one as they fell behind early when Oakmont plated three runs in the bottom of the second inning, courtesy of a few infi eld miscues. The score remained that way until the top of the fi fth when the Sachem bats came alive, scoring four times to give them a 4-3 lead. Key hits in this inning came from senior Felicia Alexander, who delivered a two-run single, and junior Danica Schena, who ripped a two-run double. Schena and Millerick led the way with two hits and two RBIs apiece. Unfortunately, this lead didn’t last long as in the bottom of the frame, Saugus gave three of those runs right back. “We fell victim again to some shoddy infi eld defense as what should have been a 1-2-3 inning turned into a big inning for Oakmont, which saw them score three unearned runs,” Almquist said. Saugus battled back and tied the game in the top of the sixth on a clutch two-out, two-run single by senior Devany Millerick. However, it just wasn’t meant to be, as in the bottom of the seventh Oakmont’s No. 2 hitter delivered a huge two-out double to keep the inning alive. “At this point, it became a matter of picking your poison as their two best hitters were due up, so I elected to intentionally walk their No. 3 hitter to try and take a little pressure off the infi eld by keeping a force play intact,” Almquist said. “Unfortunately, the move didn’t quite work out as I had hoped, as their cleanup hitter launched a rockSOFTBALL | SEE PAGE 22

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 15 The Sounds of Saugus By Mark E. Vogler Good morning, Saugus Last Friday night was a great night for the citizens of Saugus – especially the families and friends of the 178 Saugus High School seniors who received their diplomas at the school’s 153rd commencement exercises. The weather was the best I’ve seen for all of the Saugus High graduations during the eight-plus years I’ve been covering the town as editor of The Saugus Advocate. If you take the time to talk to these kids, everyone has got an interesting story to tell about their past and their future goals. I like to get there early and ferret out some of the interesting stories of these kids. This year, I got into the visitors’ parking area in front of the Saugus Middle-High School at about 3:45. The only people at Christie Serino Jr. Memorial Stadium upon my arrival were the camera and sound crews from Saugus TV and Saugus Public Schools. Nicolly Viera Budkowsky, a 20-year-old immigrant from Brazil, was the very first student to arrive. She showed up with her mom at 4 p.m. because she worried about missing the ceremony. Most students began arriving at about 5 p.m. – a full hour before commencement exercises got underway. “I came to the U.S. in 2021 and I couldn’t understand anything,” Nicolly told me. “This is a big day for me. But my mom is more excited,” she said. The day was indeed special for Erika Budkowsky, who got to celebrate her 39th birthday by attending her daughter’s graduation. Nicolly, who was clutching one of those graduation teddy bears, said she hopes to use her high school education and all she has learned to create a store. She said she plans on taking some marketing courses at North Shore Community College. Sometime at around 5, I ran into Jordan Chantra, an honor student that I had met a few weeks earlier at this year’s “Unsung Hero Award” night. I complimented Jordan about the colorful red and blue stole he was wearing. I mentioned that I noticed a lot more seniors wearing them this year. Jordan told me that immigrant students like him wear the stoles, which are decorated with the colors and the flags from their native countries. Jordan’s stole honored his native Cambodian roots. Soon after, I ran into Jayden THE MEDAL OF HONOR MONUMENT IN SAUGUS located across the street from the S/Sgt. Arthur F. DeFranzo Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2346 at 190 C. Main St., Saugus, will be the site of a special ceremony at 10 a.m. Monday (June 10) honoring Army S/Sgt. Arthur F. DeFranzo, who was killed in action 80 years ago Monday in an act of bravery that earned him a Medal of Honor posthumously. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) Vaquerano, who was wearing a very colorful red, white and blue stole. He told me that his mother had it made special for him, incorporating the Puerto Rican flag, the Dominican flag and the Salvadorian flag – part of his immigrant heritage. Next, I bumped into Nathaniel Chadwick, who was wearing one of those prestigious gold-colored stoles, with the word “Honor” inscribed on it. He was one of the 17 members of the class’s National Honor Society. There was a lady in a blue windbreaker who looked like his mom standing near him. Yes, Tonya Chadwick was a damned proud mom. The Saugus native herself was a member of the Saugus High Class of 1990, and she went on to graduate from Salem State College. Tonya told me that her daughter Cherilyn Chadwick just graduated from Merrimack College. The proud mom told me that Cherilyn graduated as a Presidential scholar in the Honors Program with Summa Cum Laude honors and was looking forward to working on her Master’s degree. It’s clear that Tonya’s son is headed for scholastic success after Saugus High, too. He was the 14th-top-ranked student in this year’s graduating class. Once again, I had the pleasure of spending some time mingling and talking with Saugus High graduates about their futures. These are just a few of the stories that I gleaned from milling around Christie Serino Jr. Memorial Stadium. Saugus honoring its Medal of Honor recipient Monday It will be 80 years on Monday (June 10) that 25-year-old Army Staff Sgt. Arthur Frederick DeFranzo from Saugus made the ultimate sacrifice on a battlefield near Vaubadon, France. He was hit by enemy fire while rescuing a fellow soldier. Instead of tending to his own wounds, he rushed back out into combat after bringing the soldier to safety and led an attack on the enemy. DeFranzo destroyed an enemy machine gun after being hit several more times. Despite being struck repeatedly by enemy fire, DeFranzo continued to fight until he finally succumbed to serious wounds. The Medal of Honor – the U.S. military’s highest decoration – was bestowed upon him posthumously seven months after he gave his life courageously for the sake of fellow soldiers while serving his country. At 10 a.m. Monday, the S/Sgt. Arthur F. DeFranzo Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2346 and the DeFranzo family will honor the service and memory of the M c the memor fr a the public is in special c school k t and longtime r about the her F a c or the lif of S or r who ha MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT: U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Arthur F. DeFranzo, 25, of Saugus, received the Medal of Honor posthumously for a selfless act of courage to protect his fellow soldiers on a battlefield near Vaubadon, France, 80 years ago Monday. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) since its inception more than 150 years ago. If you consider yourself a patriotic and proud American, it’s worth reading the Medal of Honor Citation: “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, on 10 June 1944, near Vaubadon, France. As scouts were advancing across an open field, the enemy suddenly opened fire with several machineguns and hit 1 of the men. S/Sgt. DeFranzo courageously moved out in the open to the aid of the wounded scout and was himself wounded but brought the man to safety. Refusing aid, S/Sgt. DeFranzo reentered the open field and led the advance upon the enemy. There were always at least 2 machineguns bringing unrelenting fire upon him, but S/Sgt. DeFranzo kept going forward, firing into the enemy and 1 by 1 the enemy emplacements became silent. While advancing he was again wounded, but continued on until he was within 100 yards of the enemy position and even as he fell, he kept firing his rifle and waving his men forward. When his company came up behind him, S/Sgt. DeFranzo, despite his many severe wounds, suddenly raised himself and once more moved forward in the lead of his men until he was again hit by enemy fire. In a final gesture of inTHE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 17

Page 16 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Saugus Gardens in the Summer Here’s what’s blooming in town this week to make your walks more enjoyable By Laura Eisener W armer days have brought out new flowers, and the landscape is full of blossoms whether you look up into the forest branches, at the ground beneath your feet, or anywhere in between. Irises continue to bloom, and Susan Bishop called to tell me about the beautiful scene at the Saugus Senior Center where irises are making an unforgettable display. Yellow bearded irises (Iris germanica and hybrids) and dark purple Siberian irises (Iris sibirica) bloom around the flagpole, with more elsewhere near the building. Anyone sitting on the benches in front can relax and enjoy the lovely scent of these blossoms this week. Clover is blooming in lawns all over town, and the honey-scented blossoms are very appealing to bumblebees and honeybees. White clover (Trifolium repens) is the species most commonly planted in lawns, as it is short and can be mowed. This European plant is so common as to be taken for granted by many people, but it is an extremely important crop as fodder for livestock, especially cattle, and is widely used in agriculture as a cover crop and a “green manure.” Many members of the legume family (Fabaceae) have nitrogen-fixing nodules on their roots, which can improve the health of soil where these plants grow. For this reason, the popularity of planting clover in lawns is growing. Saugus resident and Trader Joe’s crew member Monique Todd says that white clover is one of her favorite flowers. She noticed that some white clover actually has pale pink blossoms. Irises blooming at the Saugus Senior Center provide fragrant and colorful surroundings for benches at the front entrance. (Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) The flowers of black locust can be seen in the branches of many trees near Route 1 this week. (Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) Clover can grow in much poorer soils than most lawn grasses, but it is not especially drought tolerant. The summer of 2022 was tough on clover, but the rainy weather of 2023 helped it spread and bloom prolifically this year. If you look closely at a head of clover flowers, you will find it is made up of many tiny blossoms arranged in a somewhat spherical shape. Most of the leaves will have a trefoil, or three-leaflet, arrangement. Occasionally you may be lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover, or rarer still, one with five or more leaflets. It will bloom most of the summer and can be found in many places: grassy areas along the side of the road, parks and playing fields and lawn areas in general. Also fairly common in lawns and fields is red clover (Trifolium pratense), which has deep pink or purplish flowers, rather than what I would call red. It is taller than white clover, and the leaflets are somewhat narrower. It has similar attributes Princess tree is stunning with its light purple flowers followed by large heart-shaped leaves. (Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) White clover blooms in the grass near Route 1 with some occasional pale pink blossoms on older plants. (Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) This fringe tree on Lynn Fells Parkway has graceful white clusters of blossoms. ((Photo courtesy of Laura Eisener) as a supplier of nitrogen and animal food. This species is also from Europe and Asia, but both were probably brought to North America as animal food by early settlers, and both have readily naturalized in sunny open spaces. If it’s red clover you prefer, there’s quite a lot of this species blooming on the Walnut Street “clover leaf” interchange as you head down from the Walnut Street overpass onto Route 1 South across from the Adam Hawkes sign. If you look up into the woods in many areas near Route 1, you will see another member of the legume family (Fabaceae) blooming in branches overhead: the hanging white blossoms of black locust trees (Robinia pseudoacacia). This tree was once planted for its strong, rot resistant wood and as a fast-growing ornamental tree. Although it is a North American native, it has crowded out some local species and its sale is now prohibited in Massachusetts. Another white flowering tree with gracefully drooping blossoms is the fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus), which is a small tree or large shrub, depending on whether it is growing with a single trunk (tree) or several (shrub). As a street tree, it is planted on Lynn Fells Parkway, and the fringelike narrow petals bloom just before or as the leaves emerge. They are North American members of the olive family (Oleaceae), which includes such familiar ornamentals as lilacs, privet, ash trees and forsythia. A tree unusual in Massachusetts is just finishing up its bloom this week on Forest Street. Known as princess tree or foxglove tree (Paulownia tomentosa), it produces abundant light blue tubular flowers, shaped a bit like the blossoms of foxglove (Digitalis spp.) It is more familiar farther south, where in some states this native of China has become invasive. Here in the north this tree is very seldom seen, and it is breathtaking when in bloom. Editor’s Note: Laura Eisener is a landscape design consultant who helps homeowners with landscape design, plant selection and placement of trees and shrubs, as well as perennials. She is a member of the Saugus Garden Club and offered to write a series of articles about “what’s blooming in town” shortly after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. She was inspired after seeing so many people taking up walking.

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 17 SOUNDS| FROM PAGE 15 domitable courage, he threw several grenades at the enemy machinegun position and completely destroyed the gun. In this action, S/Sgt. DeFranzo lost his life, but by bearing the brunt of the enemy fire in leading the attack, he prevented a delay in the assault which would have been of considerable benefit to the foe, and he made possible his company’s advance with a minimum of casualties. The extraordinary heroism and magnificent devotion to duty displayed by S/Sgt. DeFranzo was a great inspiration to all about him, and is in keeping with the highest traditions of the armed forces.” Some neat late spring events Next Saturday, June 15, the Saugus Historical Society will host its annual Strawberry Festival from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the American Legion Hall while the Saugus Garden Club holds its annual plant sale on the front lawn of the Roby School on Main Street. Volunteers needed for Strawberry Festival on June 15 Strawberry Festival time is approaching! The Saugus Historical Society will be dishing out old-fashioned shortcakes along with soda and hot dogs in the American Legion Hall on Saturday, June 15, while the Saugus Garden Club holds its annual plant sale on the Main Street lawn of the Roby School. There is still vendor space on the Roby School lawn for those selling crafts on the lawn area. Volunteers to help serve shortcakes and potential vendors are asked to email the Historical Society president at LDELD@ shore.net. This week’s “Shout Outs” We have a few “Shout Outs” for this week’s paper. Debra Dion Faust, building manager of Saugus American Legion Post 210, submitted the first one: “Saugus American Legion Post 210 would like to thank those who came to the Legion Hall on Saturday, June 1 to donate blood in honor of Cpl. Scott J. Procopio and Capt. William G. Shoemaker. Saugus, surrounding towns and cities, and even New Hampshire were represented in those who came to give. And the 24 who successfully did so were a wonderful way to reopen our relationship with the American Red Cross and promote a positive social activity. We would also like to thank all those who helped to get the word out about the event, including the Advocate Legion Breakfasts over for summer American Legion Post 210 would like to thank all those who made the 2023-24 breakfast season such a success, and wish them a wonderful summer. We will resume serving breakfast on Friday, September 6, 2024. Happy 100th birthday, Ruth Robertson! If anyone sees or talks to Ruth Robertson, wish her a very happy birthday. She turns 100 today. And like any new Saugus Centenarian, I would love to interview her and tell her story. Stay tuned. If you know a town resident who is going to turn 100, I would be happy to sit down with them for an “Advocate Asks” interview. Yard Sale tomorrow at St. John’s St. John’s Episcopal Church is hosting a yard sale tomorrow (Saturday, June 8) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Central Street near the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site, rain or shine – exercise equipment, vinyl records, CDs, DVDs, tapes, clothing, kitchenware, books and puzzles, etc. For more details, please call Donna Manoogian at: 617-240-9003 or 781-2331212. The Saugus High School Environmental Club will be there, too. and the Saugus TV channel. Thanks very much.” Sue Fleming, a loyal Saugus Advocate reader, contributed this one: “I would like to give a ‘Shout Out’ to Benny Coviello who retired from Stop and Shop last week after 30 years. He was always friendly to everyone as he did his work. When I was shopping, he always asked if I had someone at home to help me carry my bags in. He will be missed! Good job Benny!!” Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo. Food Pantry notes: The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry is open today (Friday, June 7) from 9:30-11 a.m. at 50 Essex St. in the basement of Cliftondale Congregational Church. A SHOUT OUT FOR CEMETERY FLAGGERS: They were out in full force at Riverside Cemetery on May 24, decorating hundreds of veterans’ graves with new miniature flags. That flagging brigade included Rebecca Wise-Bono, Girl Scout Troop Leader of six troops, who was joined by two of her Scouts from Troop #83409 – McKenna Mahoney and Darla Spaulding. Mark Michaud and his children Ashlyn Michaud and Matthew Michaud and our Selectman Corinne Riley also joined in the flagging of graves. Everyone who participated took time from their busy afternoons to honor and remember our fallen Soldiers by placing flags on their graves in preparation for Memorial Day Ceremonies. Thank you. (Courtesy photo of Joanie Allbee) Firefighter Memorial on June 9 The Saugus Firefighter Relief Association invites the public to its annual “Firefighter Memorial Sunday” this Sunday (June 9) at 10 a.m. at the Fire Department Headquarters at 27 Hamilton St. Friends and family are welcomed to attend the event which will honor all who served the department. Sharon’s Sneaker Crew is back on June 15 Sharon Genovese and her group – Sharon’s Sneaker Crew – will be hosting a Jimmy Fund Yard Sale, Saturday, June 15 at 23 Lily Pond Ave., from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lots of good items: TV, bike, furniture and toys. The second date is Saturday, June 22. All proceeds will go to the Jimmy Fund Walk. She and members of her crew plan to walk in the Boston Marathon Dana-Farber Jimmy Fund Walk this fall. If you need any more information, you can call or text Sharon at 617-966-3475 or email her at sunkin1@aol.com. 19 Mick Foley at Kowloon June The Kowloon Restaurant (Route 1 North in Saugus) is set to host Mick Foley, professional world champion wrestler, for the only one-man live show this year. The event is slated for June 19, 2024. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and showtime is 7 p.m. VIP Super Tickets are $150.00 per person for Priority Seating, a photo opportunity and three autographs. VIP Tickets are $99.00 per person for Priority Seating, a photo opportunity and an autograph. General admission is $33.00 per person and includes the show only. Tickets are available by order online at Kowloonrestaurant.com or the Kowloon front desk or charge-by-phone: 781233-0077. Michael “Mick” Francis Foley is an American retired professional wrestler and author. He is currently signed to WWE, under the company’s “Legends” program, acting as a company ambassador. Don’t miss his only appearance as Mick discusses the legendary “Hell In A Cell” match. For more information go to www.kowloonrestaurant.com June events at Kowloon JUNE 7: Concert Series: BEACH NIGHTS – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 8: Concert Series: LISA LOVE – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 12: Bingo Night: with DJ TOMMY – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission. JUNE 14: Concert Series: SUNSET VIEW – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 14: Mai Tai THC-Infused Seltzer Launch: LIVE MUSIC – 7:00 p.m. – 21+ only and Free General Admission. JUNE 15: Concert Series: DAVE MACKLIN BAND – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 21: Concert Series: UP ALL NIGHT! – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 26: Bingo Night with DJ TOMMY – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission. JUNE 28: Concert Series: DAVE MACKLIN BAND – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. JUNE 29: Concert Series: XS BAND – 7:00 p.m. – Free General Admission or $10 Reserved Seating. For all tickets, call the Kowloon Restaurant at 781-2330077 or visit online at www. kowloonrestaurant.com SAVE to hold its 2024 Annual Meeting & Dinner – June 26 Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE) will hold its 51st Annual Meeting & Dinner on Wednesday, June 26, THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 18

Page 18 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 SOUNDS| FROM PAGE 17 2024, at Polcari’s Restaurant (92 Broadway-Route 1 North, Saugus). Social time starts at 6:30 p.m.; dinner buffet begins at approximately 7:00 p.m. The public is cordially invited and we hope you can join us for the mixed buffet consisting of garden salad, chicken & broccoli penne, cheese ravioli, assorted pizzas, rolls and butter, dessert, coffee and tea. A cash bar will be available. Tickets are $35 per person. Payment can be made by check or Venmo. For a printable copy of the registration form, please visit the https://saugussave. wordpress.com website on the “News & Events” page. Please make payment as soon as possible (but no later than Wednesday, June 12) either via mail to SAVE Treasurer, Mary Kinsell, 11 Sunnyside Ave., Saugus, MA 01906, with a check payable to SAVE, Saugus, or make your payment by Venmo to @ SAVE-org and complete your forms here: https://tinyurl.comSAVE6-28. You may also contact Ann at adevlin@aisle10. net or Mary at Mkinsell@verizon.net or, for further information, please visit our website at http://www.saugussave.org. Please let us know if you are able to join us for a fun and informative evening, as well as a wonderful buffet dinner, as soon as possible. Our guest speaker for the evening, Scott A. Brazis, Saugus’ Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator, will give a brief update on new initiatives and future plans for the Saugus Recycling/CHaRM Center. Free parking is available onsite, and the facility is accessible for persons with disabilities. week. Beetle Juice at Kowloon on July 11 The Saugus Lions Club will be presenting Beetle Juice at Kowloon on July 11. Doors open at 6 p.m. Cost per ticket is $35 and all profit will go to Lions Eye Research and community charities. Contact: Tom Traverse at 781-727-5629. Summer track is coming Coach Christopher Tarantino’s popular Summer Track for youths ages five through 18 begins on July 1. The program is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. at the track outside Belmonte STEAM Academy. Registration will run from June 24-28. Here is the schedule: July 1-5: first formal week. July 8-11: second formal July 12, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.: makeup practice (if necessary). July 12, 6 p.m.: pasta dinner at Prince. July 13, 9 a.m.: in-house meet at Serino Stadium. July 15-18: retrain week. July 20: Summer Showdown, Cranston, R.I. July 24: wrap up. Cost: $250 first year, $200 returning with uniform, $150 if three years or more in summer program; includes pasta dinner, t-shirt, uniform and entry into Summer Showdown. Please note that these programs are not being offered through the town’s Youth & Recreation Department. Please contact Coach Christopher Tarantino directly with questions at 781-854-6778 or christophertarantino24@gmail. com. CHaRM Center is open The Town of Saugus recently announced that the CHaRM Center is open Wednesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Residents will be required to buy a $25 Sticker to use the Compost Facilities as well as to recycle hard plastics. The rest of the Facility’s features are free to use for any Saugus resident. Residents are also allowed three TVs or computers/CRT monitors for free per household each year. The Town of Saugus reserves the right to refuse any material if quantity or quality is questionable. The final date the CHaRM Center will be open for the season is December 14. However, the Facility will be open the following winter dates, weather permitting: January 18, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; February 15, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 2:00 THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 19 - LEGAL NOTICE - MASSACHUSETTS ANTI-LAPSE STATUTE W hen it comes to a well-drafted Last Will and Testament, the drafter should always specify whether a legacy will lapse if the beneficiary does not survive the testator, and whether there is an alternate beneficiary in default. It is also a very good idea to have contingent beneficiaries on your IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, annuity policies, etc. Under Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 190B, Section 2-603, commonly known as the “anti-lapse” statute, if a legacy is to a grandparent or a lineal decedent of a grandparent of the testator, and that beneficiary predeceases the testator, the issue (i.e. children or grandchildren) of the deceased beneficiary will take the legacy. If they are all of the same degree of kinship, then they will all take equally. If they are not all of the same degree of kinship, those of the more remote degree take by right of representation. Lineal descendants of a grandparent include adopted children. If a beneficiary is “not” related by blood or adoption to the testator, and there is no alternate taker in default, the legacy will “lapse” and fall into the residue of the estate. Wellman v. Carter, 286 Mass. 237, 255 (1934). Under MGL Chapter 190B, Section 2-604(b), if a residuary gift to a residuary beneficiary fails, then such share will pass to the other residuary beneficiaries proportionally. As is usually the case with statutory presumptions, the statutory presumptions found in the anti-lapse statute are designed to approximate what the legislature believes the testator’s intent most likely would have been if the testator had specifically addressed the subject. It is better practice in drafting a Will to specify, for each gift, whether the gift is to pass to the beneficiary’s issue if the beneficiary does not survive the testator, or whether the gift is to be only “if he or she survives me”. Issue would include children and grandchildren. For example, “I give the sum of $100,000 to Davie Crocket, if he survives me”. If Davie does not survive the testator, the $100,000 legacy will lapse. The testator could also include the following provision: “I give the sum of $100,000 to Davie Crocket, if he survives me. If Davie Crocket is not living at the time of my death, I give the sum of $100,000 to his children who survive me, the issue of any deceased child to take their parent’s share by right of representation”. If Davie does not survive the testator, and has one son living at the time of his death, his son will receive the $100,000 legacy. If both Davie Crocket and his son are not living at the time of the testator’s death, but Davie’s grandson is living, his grandson will receive the $100,000 legacy. In this instance the gift will not lapse and fall into the residuary estate. The residuary estate is that part of the testator’s estate that is not specifically bequeathed or devised to an individual or entity or that part of the testator’s estate that includes bequests or devises to individuals or entities that have “lapsed”. Right of representation (or “per stirpes” as the two phrases are used interchangeably) means that each “branch” of your descendants will share equally. For example, if you die having had three children, with one child having 2 children, one child having 3 children and the third child having 4 children, but one child had predeceased you, your estate will still be divided equally among 3 “branches” or “stalks”. If the child who predeceased you was the one with 4 children, his 4 children will share equally in 1/3 of the estate. Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney,Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a masters degree in taxation. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Essex Probate and Family Court 36 Federal Street Salem, MA 01970 (978) 744-1020 Docket No. ES24P1611EA Estate of: MARION A. RAGUSA Date of Death: 04/28/2024 CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION To all interested persons: A Petition for Formal Appointment of Personal Representative has been filed by Christopher M. Ragusa of Newburyport, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. The Petitioner requests that: Christopher M. Ragusa of Newburyport, MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond in unsupervised administration. IMPORTANT NOTICE You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on the return day of 07/01/2024. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an affidavit of objections within thirty (30) days of the return day, action may be taken without further notice to you. UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM PROBATE CODE (MUPC) A Personal Representative appointed under the MUPC in an unsupervised administration is not required to file an inventory or annual accounts with the Court. Persons interested in the estate are entitled to notice regarding the administration directly from the Personal Representative and may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including the distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Frances M. Giordano, First Justice of this Court. Date: May 29, 2024 PAMELA A. CASEY O’BRIEN REGISTER OF PROBATE June 7, 2024

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 19 SOUNDS| FROM PAGE 18 p.m.; March 15, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please contact Solid Waste/ Recycling Coordinator Scott A. Brazis at 781-231-4036 with any questions. Brick program for Saugus War Monument The Saugus War Monument Committee, once again, is sponsoring the Buy-A-Brick Program to honor all those who have served their country. If you would like to purchase one in the name of someone who is presently serving or has served, in the memory of a loved one, or just someone from your family, school, etc., the general pricing is $100 for a 4” X 8” brick (three lines) or $200 for an 8” X 8” brick (fi ve lines). Each line is a maximum of 15 characters. The improvement and upkeep of the monument on the corner of Winter and Central Streets rely on the generosity of donors through fundraising. The brick application must be in by Sept. 10 to ensure the bricks will be ready for Veterans Day. Please contact Corinne Riley at 781-231-7995 for more information and applications. About The Saugus Advocate We welcome press releases, news announcements, freelance articles and courtesy photos from the community. Our deadline is noon Wednesday. If you have a story idea, an article or photo to submit, please email me at mvoge@ comcast.net or leave a message at 978-683-7773. Let us become your hometown newspaper. The Saugus Advocate is available in the Saugus Public Library, the Saugus Senior Center, Saugus Town Hall, local convenience stores and restaurants throughout town. Saugus boys lacrosse team shows resilience in comeback season By Dom Nicastro T he Saugus High School boys lacrosse team fi nished its season with a commendable 6-8 record, just one game shy of a state tournament berth. This season marked a significant comeback for the team, which did not fi eld a program last year due to a lack of participation. Head coach Rob Scuzzarella spoke about the challenges and triumphs of the season in a recent interview. “We had 18 kids, and 15 of those 18 were new to the team,” he said. “It was good to scrounge together a team. We had a couple of seniors come out for the fi rst time, and unfortunately, no juniors. So, unless we get some guys to jump on the lacrosse wagon next year, it looks like we won’t have a senior class.” Despite starting the season with an 0-5 record, the team turned things around, fi nishing with a 6-5 run in their last 11 games. “A lot of that has to do with the teams we played at the beginning of the year,” Scuzzarella explained. “We had to move some games around due to weather-related postponements, which made the start of the season rough. But it was nice to fi nish the season on a positive note.” The team’s youth and inexperience were evident, with only three players having any varsity lacrosse experience. Senior captains Ryan Jones and Cam Preston were among the few with previous experience, although their roles had shifted signifi cantly over the years. “Jones was playing goalie because we didn’t have a goalie at the time, so he wasn’t even playing his position,” Scuzzarella noted. Scuzzarella highlighted the importance of every game, especially for a young team. “To miss the tournament by two games is a positive thing with such a young team,” he said. “I tried to harp on how important every game is. To come down to that last week of the season and potentially miss the tournament by one or two games is a tough lesson but an important one.” Among the standout players were eighth-graders Cam Marchand and Jake Kelley, who finished second and fourth in points for the team, respectively. “It’s phenomenal to see young players perform at such a high level,” said Scuzzarella. “I struggled to fi nd a negative thing to say about any of the eighth graders. They came a really long way in a really short period of time.” Jones led the team in points, fi nishing the season with 56 points and securing an allstar spot. “He’s going to fi nish his career with the fourth most points of anybody that I’ve coached in the last 12 years,” Scuzzarella said. “He missed three out of his four seasons but still managed to leave a signifi cant mark on the program.” Preston also had a remarkable season despite facing signifi cant challenges, including LACROSSE TEAM | SEE PAGE 21 Law Offices of JOSEPH D. CATALDO, P.C. “ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW” • ESTATE/MEDICAID PLANNING • WILLS/TRUSTS/ESTATES • INCOME TAX PREPARATION • WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT PLANNING • ELDER LAW 369 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 (617)381-9600 JOSEPH D. CATALDO, CPA, CFP, MST, ESQUIRE. AICPA Personal Financial Specialist Designee Say nir Sa ay nior Long-Term Care Benefi ts for y Senior Seni by Jim Miller Veterans and Surviving Spouses To qualify fi nancially your parDear Savvy Senior, I understand that the Veterans Administration has a benefi t that can help veterans and spouses with long-term care costs. We recently had to move my elderly father into an assisted living memory care facility, and my mother will probably need care too in the near future. What can you tell me? Searching for Aid Dear Searching, The Veterans Administration (VA) does indeed have an underutilized benefi t that can help wartime veterans and their surviving spouses pay for a variety of long-term care costs. This benefi t, called “Aid and Attendance,” is a special pension that’s paid on top of existing VA pensions for eligible veterans and surviving spouses. In 2024, it pays a maximum of $2,727 a month to married veterans; $2,300 a month to single veterans; or $1,478 a month to a surviving spouse. The money is tax free, and can be used to pay for assisted living, memory care, nursing home or in-home care services. Currently, around 156,000 veterans and survivors are receiving the Aid and Attendance benefit, but many thousands more are eligible who either don’t know about it or don’t think they qualify. Eligibility Requirements To qualify, your dad must have served at least 90 days of active military service with at least one day of service during a period of war, and not have been discharged dishonorably. Single surviving spouses of wartime vets are eligible if their marriage ended due to death. In addition, your dad will also have to meet certain thresholds for medical and fi nancial need to be eligible. To qualify medically he must be either disabled, or over the age of 65 and need help performing basic everyday living tasks such as eating, bathing, dressing or going to the bathroom. Being blind or in a nursing home due to disability or receiving Social Security Disability or SSI also qualifi es him. Single surviving spouses have no age restrictions, but they must require help with basic everyday living tasks to be eligible. ents “net worth,” which includes assets and annual income combined, must be below $155,356 in 2024. To calculate this, add up your parent’s assets, which includes their personal property (like investments, real estate, etc.) excluding their primary home and vehicles. And tally up their income over the past year (including Social Security, pensions, interest income from investments, annuities, etc.), minus any out-of-pocket medical expenses, prescription drugs, insurance premiums and longterm care costs over that same period of time. The VA also has a three-year lookback to determine if your parents transferred any assets to ensure they would qualify for benefi ts. If so, they may be subject to a penalty period of up to 5 years. How to Apply To apply for Aid and Attendance, you’ll need to fill out VA Form 21-2680 and mail it to the Pension Management Center (PMC) for your dad’s state. You’ll need to have your dad’s doctor fi ll out the examination information section. Or you can also apply in person at a VA regional offi ce near your parents. For more information or to download application forms see VA.gov/pension/aid-attendance-housebound. You can also call the VA at 800–827– 1000 if you have questions. If you need some help, you can appoint a Veteran Service Officer (VSO), a VA-accredited attorney or claims agent to represent your dad. See VA.gov/ ogc/apps/accreditation/index. asp to locate someone. If your dad is eligible, it can take months for his application to be processed, so be patient. You should also know that if your dad’s Aid and Attendance application is approved, the VA will send a lump sum retroactive payment covering the time from the day you fi led the application until the day it was approved. Then your dad receives monthly payments going forward. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. ior

Page 20 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 OBITUARIES Dana L. (Smith) Giunta O f Malden, formerly of Saugus. Died on Friday May 31st at Melrose-Wakefield Hospital. She was the beloved wife of the late Joseph M. Giunta. Born in Lynn, raised and resided in Saugus for over 80 years, she was the daughter of the late Ransom G. and Merle (Russell) Smith of Saugus. A secretary at Saugus High School for many years, Mrs. Giunta was an avid quilter and member of the Hammersmith Quilters Guild, and a member of the Cliftondale Congregationand Carson. She loved and was lovingly supported by her sister, Susan M. (Smith) O’Brien of Melrose. She was also the loving sister of the late Russell G. Smith. Dana loved her family and al Church, serving on the Deacon’s Board. Mrs. Giunta is survived by two sons, Michael J. Giunta and his wife Teresa of Michigan and Brian J. Giunta and his wife Daisy of Reading; and four grandchildren she adored, Andrew, Nick, Ruby Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $175 per paper in-town per year or $225 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 9. What system of measuring precious metals’ weight has a name like an ancient city? 1. June 7 is National Donut Day; Brooklyn’s Manila Social Club’s Golden Cristal Ube Donut is the priciest donut (reportedly $1,200 a dozen); what is ube? 2. How are Toody and Muldoon similar? 3. Which has more gold: Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve Bank of NYC? 4. On June 8, 2002, who defeated her sister at the French Open tennis tournament? 5. Who created the world’s rarest vinyl record, which only has one copy: WuTang Clan, The Who or Elvis? 6. What culture originated dirty rice? 7. On June 9, 1973, what American racehorse won the Belmont Stakes (and the Triple Crown)? 8. In “Moby-Dick,” what was Captain Ahab’s right leg made of? 10. On what animal would you find a howdah? 11. On June, 10, 1692, what first “witch” was hanged after being pronounced of guilty of “Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries”? 12. What type of verse is also the name of an Irish city? 13. What sports player was nicknamed The Stilt and The Big Dipper? 14. What colorful bird is the state bird of seven states? 15. On June 11, 1979, what well-known actor – known as “The Duke” – who appeared in “Brown of Harvard” and first starred in “The Big Trail,” died? 16. What in a bottle is ullage? 17. June Cleaver was a character on what TV sitcom? 18. On June 12, 1939, the Baseball Hall of Fame opened in Cooperstown in what state? 19. Who have been the two divorced U.S. presidents? 20. On June 13, 1774, which of the Thirteen Colonies (founded by Roger Williams) became the first to ban importing slaves? ANSWERS friends, wanting nothing more than to be surrounded by them. She often spoke about her morning walks, Thursday night gatherings, and swimming with friends. She looked forward to and depended on daily visits with her cherished sister. She leaves behind many with broken hearts and will be missed. She was loving, connecting, loyal, brave and kind; to be loved by her was to be truly blessed. Relatives and friends were invited to attend visiting hours in the Bisbee-Porcella Funeral Home, 549 Lincoln Ave., Saugus, on Thursday, June 6. A funeral service will be held in the Cliftondale Congregational Church, 50 Essex Street, Saugus, on Friday June 7 at noon. Interment Riverside Cemetery in Saugus. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory may be made to the charity of your choice. Marisa (D’Angelo) D’Alfonso O f Saugus. Died on Wednesday, May 29th at Melrose-Wakefield in her memory be made to the National Mutiple Sclerosis Society at www.nationalmssociety.org Relatives and friends were invited to attend visiting hours in the Bisbee-Porcella Funeral Home, SAugus, on Wednesday, June 5. A funeral was held from the funeral home on Thursday followed by a Funeral Mass at St. Joseph Church, Malden. Entombment Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett Hospital at the age of 55. She was the loving wife of Antonio D’Alfonso with whom she shared 37 years of marriage. Born in and raised in Malden, she was the daughter of Domenica (Saraceni) D’Angelo of Malden and the late Nicolo D’Angelo. A 1986 graduate of Malden High School and a resident of Saugus since 2006, Mrs. D’Alfonso was a homemaker and cherished time spent with family. Marisa is survived by her son; Antonio D’Alfonso Jr. of Wakefield, her daughter; Gina D’Alfonso and her partner Joseph Field of Saugus, grandson; Jojo, brother; Nicolo D’Angelo Jr. and his wife Maria of Saugus and several nieces and nephews. In honor of Marisa’s long battle with MS, the family would appreciate donations Phyllis I. (Goodwin) Smith P assed peacefully on Tuesday, May 28th at Concord Hospital in New Hampshire at age of 97. OBITS | SEE PAGE 21 1. 2. 3. 4. Purple yam They are police officers in the TV series “Car 54, Where Are You?” The bank Serena Williams 5. Wu-Tang Clan (“Once Upon a Time in Shaolin”) 6. 7. 8. 9. Cajun (Louisiana) Secretariat Whalebone Troy 10. An elephant (to sit on) 11. 12. Bridget Bishop Limerick 13. Wilt Chamberlain 14. Cardinal 15. John Wayne 16. The amount it is not full (like between a cork and wine) 17. “Leave It To Beaver” 18. New York 19. Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan 20. Rhode Island

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 21 OBITS | FROM PAGE 20 She was the cherished wife of the late James H. Smith. Born in Lynn and a proud longtime resident of Saugus, Phyllis was the treasured daughter of the late Murray and Pearl (Robinson) Goodwin. She was also a dear sister to her late siblings, Harold (Sonny) and Leta Littlefield, and maintained a close and enduring connection with her nephews, niece, and their families. These relationships were a source of great joy and comfort to her throughout her life. Phyllis dedicated many years of her life to working at McClellan’s in Lynn, where she was a valued member of the customer service department. Phyllis had a deep affection for cats, their companionship brought her much joy and comfort throughout her life. She also had a passion for puzzles, she may have conquered all cat puzzles ever made! Phyllis was the loving mother of the late James H. Smith Jr. and his wife Christine. She was the adored grandmother of Shannon I. Wilson and her husband Robert, Christopher J. Smith and his wife Donna, Nicholas Smith, and his wife Jamie. Phyllis was also the proud great-grandmother LACROSSE TEAM | FROM PAGE 19 recovering from knee surgery. “Cam had his best game in our win against Revere,” Scuzzarella mentioned. “I’m going to miss both Cam and Ryan a lot next year. They are two of my favorite kids I’ve ever coached.” The future of the Saugus boys lacrosse program remains uncertain, with many factors outside the coach’s control. You just never know who will choose to attend Saugus High School and who will go another route. “It’s a little frustrating,” Scuzzarella admitted. “Parents are going to do what they think is best for their kids, and if that means not coming to Saugus, there’s not much I can do. But I’m hopeful for the off-season and the next few years.” Despite the uncertainties, LACROSSE TEAM | SEE PAGE 22 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www. thewarrengroup.com. BUYER1 Arreaga, Guilian G BUYER2 Lopez, Edisa C SELLER1 46 Serino Way LLC SELLER2 ADDRESS 46 Serino Way CITY Saugus DATE 05.10.24 PRICE 750000 of Cassidy, Jameson, and the late Hailey. Her love, legacy, and her fondness for feline friends will live on through them. Relatives and friends were invited to join in celebrating Phyllis’s life at the Bisbee-Porcella Funeral Home, Saugus on on Wednesday, June 5. Phyllis was laid to rest at the Riverside Cemetery, Saugus In lieu of flowers, those wishing to honor Phyllis’s memory may consider donating to Affordable Housing Lottery Atwood 728 Broadway, Saugus, MA YOU CAN COMPLETE AND SUBMIT A LOTTERY APPLICATION ONLINE HERE: the MSPCA at the Northeast Animal Shelter, 347 Highland Ave, Salem MA 01970 or through their website at MSPCA.org. https://form.jotform.com/SEBHousing/atwood Seven Studios @ $2,050; Thirty-Four 1BR @ $2,154; Twenty-Six 2BRs @ $2,566, Eight 3BR @ $2,949 * Tenants will be responsible for paying electricity (which is used for cooking, heating, hot water), water, and sewer. One free parking space is included. Additional spaces can be rented for a fee. Pets are permitted and there is a maximum of two pets per unit. Rents after the first year of a lease are subject to change. Atwood is a brand-new, 300-unit apartment community located off Route 1 in Saugus, featuring high end Studio, 1BR, 2BR, and 3BR apartments. Through this process, 75 apartments will be made available to households earning no more than 80% of the Area Median Income. All apartments feature stainless steel appliances, in unit laundry machines, and quartz countertops. The building amenities include an outdoor pool, fitness center, resident lounges, grilling stations, pet spa, and more. The building is located on Route 1 and provides easy access to Boston and many local businesses and restaurants. Units are expected to be ready for occupancy in August 2024. Maximum Household Income Limits $91,200 (1 person), $104,200 (2 people), $117,250 (3 people) $130,250 (4 people), $140,700 (5 people) $151,100 (6 people) --Public Info Session: June 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm via Zoom. Go to zoom.com/join or call (646) 558-8656 and enter Meeting ID: 818 9317 7595, Passcode: 088159 Application Deadline: July 16, 2024 at 2:00 pm. Completed Applications must be delivered by this date. Applications can be sent to: SEB Housing (re: Atwood), 257 Hillside Ave, Needham, MA 02135; or faxed to: (617) 782-4500; or emailed to: info@sebhousing.com. Lottery: August 6, 2024 at 6:00 pm via Zoom. Go to zoom.com/join or call (646) 558-8656 and enter Meeting ID: 857 2736 5609, Passcode: 276410 Attendance is not required at Info or Lottery sessions. To view the recorded sessions at a later date, please search for Atwood on the SEB Housing YouTube channel. For Lottery Information, Applications, or for reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, go to www.sebhousing.com or call (617) 782-6900x1 to leave a message or postal mail SEB Housing, 257 Hillside Ave, Needham MA 02494. For TTY Services dial 711. Free translation available. Traducción gratuita disponible. YOU CAN COMPLETE AND SUBMIT A LOTTERY APPLICATION ONLINE HERE: https://form.jotform.com/SEBHousing/atwood

Page 22 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 LACROSSE TEAM | FROM PAGE 21 the season’s end was a positive experience for the team and its supporters. Senior Night We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! American Exterior and Window Corporation Contact us for all of your home improvement projects and necessities. Call Jeff or Bob Toll Free: 1-888-744-1756 Frank Berardino MA License 31811 • 24 - Hour Service • Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial Service Gas Fitting • Drain Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount 617-699-1782 / www.americanexteriorma.com Windows, Siding, Roofing, Carpentry & More! All estimates, consultations or inspections completed by MA licensed supervisors. *Over 50 years experience. *Better Business Bureau Membership. Insured and Registered Licensed & Insured Complete Financing Available. No Money Down. Free Estimates Carpentry * Kitchen & Bath * Roofs * Painting Decks * Siding * Carrijohomeimprovement.com Call 781-710-8918 * Saugus, MA General Contractor * Interior & Exterior ~ Help Wanted ~ Electronics Technician Full time / part time electronics technician position working for a family owned and operated company. Repairing and maintaining amusement machines, jukeboxes, etc. Work consists of shop time and work in the field. Possible overtime available on weekends. Experience in the amusement / gaming industry a plus, but not required. Send resume to jmagee@actionjacksonusa.com or call 1-800-356-6112 if you have any questions. * Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling * Striping Handicapped Spaces * Free Estimates Tom’s Seal Coating Call Gary: 978-210-4012 CORLEONE CONTRACTING & MASONRY COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Concrete Flat Work New Fencing New Decks Block Masonry New Foundations Repointing 857-340-8852 Quality Professional Work GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Insured & Bonded. Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. Call Robert at: 781-844-0472 was a highlight, with a packed crowd and a celebratory atmosphere. “It was a great night,” Scuzzarella recalled. “I’m really happy for these guys to have a good end to their senior season.” Saugus’ young talent and dedicated coaching suggest that better days are ahead for the program. Reflecting on the season, Scuzzarella added, “I’m proud of what we accomplished this year. It’s not just about the wins and losses; it’s about the progress we’ve made and the potential we have moving forward. These kids have shown incredible heart and determination, and that’s what will carry us forward.” SOFTBALL | FROM PAGE 14 et to the left-center field gap, scoring the game-winning run. The kids really played hard in this game, and I couldn’t have been prouder of their effort, especially being shorthanded. What really stood out to me, though, is that after the game, the Oakmont assistant principal and AD came over to me and said, ‘Your team is all that is good about high school athletics today. The class and sportsmanship that your staff and kids showed during the course of the game was exemplary.’ Despite just suffering a heartbreaking loss, this really made me feel proud as others took the time to recognize the kids’ efforts and to commend our program. It was especially nice of them to do this and was certainly greatly appreciated by our entire team.” LOCALLY OWNED

THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Page 23 MANGO REALTY INC. Let's make your real estate journey a success—schedule an appointment with me today! r real estate journey a succes LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME? Finding Your Dream Home: Meet Sue Palomba, Your Trusted Real Estate Expert CONTACT US FOR A COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR PROPERTY TODAY With an impressive 29 years of experience in the real estate industry, Sue Palomba brings unparalleled expertise and dedication to every client she serves. As a seasoned professional, Sue is passionate about helping families and individuals find their dream homes or perfect investment properties. Her personalized approach, coupled with a deep understanding of the market, ensures that each client receives tailored solutions and guidance every step of the way. Known for her integrity, warmth, and commitment to excellence, Sue Palomba is the go-to choice for anyone looking to make their real estate journey a success. Schedule an appointment with Sue today and let her expertise guide you towards your real estate goals. Contact Us; 781-558-1091 infowithmango@gmail.com www.mangorealtyteam.com Mango Realty - Sue Palomba Reading, MA Gloucester, MA This home offers the main bedroom on the first floor with a full bath. 2 electric meters. This property is ideally situated in a prime location, close to Market Basket for all your grocery needs, and close distance to the commuter rail, making your daily commute effortless. Enjoy the convenience of nearby shopping centers and major highways, providing quick and easy access to the airport, as well as a seamless drive to downtown Boston. The perfect blend of suburban tranquility and urban accessibility. Call Sue at 617-877-4553 or email at soldwithsue@gmail.com. W Wt t H F Y We Want to Hear From You Saugus, MA Here’s your chance to own not one, but two beautiful pieces of land in the sought-after area of Saugus. This unique package offers endless possibilities for creating your dream estate or investment project. Nestled in the tranquil beauty of Saugus, each parcel comes with its own address and a combined price of $995,000. Don’t miss out on this incredible value! Call Sue at 617-877-4553 or email at soldwithsue@gmail.com. Welcome to your new beautiful home! This gorgeous year-round rental apartment has all the amenities you will ever need. Adorned with gleaming hardwood floors, elegant high ceilings and bathed in natural light. This well-maintained space exudes warmth and comfort. With convenient washer dryer hookups included, keeping up with laundry has never been easier. To maintain our standards, we require a credit score of 680 or higher along with references. Enjoy a pet-free and smoke-free environment, fostering a clean and tranquil atmosphere for all. Call Rosa at 781-820-0096 or email at soldwithrosa@gmail.com. Peabody, MA Discover the charm of this delightful 2bedroom haven, featuring gleaming hardwood floors and abundant natural light throughout. This pet-free, smokefree retreat offers convenient washer/dryer hookups and requires a 680+ credit score with references. Call or text Rosa Rescigno at 781-820-0096 or soldwithrosa@gmail.com. Saugus, MA What's your dream home feature? Is it a cozy fireplace for those chilly nights? A spacious kitchen perfect for your inner chef? Or maybe a stunning backyard oasis for summer barbecues? Visit us on Facebook at Mango Realty - Sue Palomba and let’s get the converstaion started on our comment section. You can also send us a text or call us at 781-558-1091 or send us an e-mail a infowithmango@gmail.com. Let's start a conversation and get inspired by each other's dream home visions. Plus, who knows? We might just have the perfect property that matches your wishlist! Incredible opportunity for investors and developers. This long standing confirmed pre-existing licensed commercial fishing pier / residential property abuts the Saugus Waterfront Mixed Use Overlay District (WMOD). The current owner is now petitioning the Town of Saugus to have this prime waterfront location entered into the WMOD. The current use of the property includes boat storage and residential use with a permitted accessory dwelling unit. Rockport, MA Nestled in the heart of Rockport’s Cultural District, this quintessential seaside New England home offers a blend of historic charm and modern convenience. This 3 family residence boasts 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, making it an ideal retreat for multigenerational families, a lucrative investment as a short-term rental property with a proven track record, condominium conversion opportunity or an owner occupied residence with 2 income producing units. Revere, MA Immaculate 1-bedroom apartment with ocean view in a well maintained building, $2,250.00 monthly rent includes heat, h.w., a/c, in unit laundry, and 1 off-street parking spot. Pet friendly (small pet). Close to MBTA. Monthly rent $2,250.00 - call Peter 781-820-5690. Providing Real Estate Services for 17 Years Servicing Saugus, Melrose, Wakefield, Malden, all North Shore communities, Boston and beyond. Joe Duggan, Broker/Owner Ronnie Puzon, Broker/Owner Lisa Smallwood Lori Johnson Dragana Vrankic For a free home market analysis, contact us today. Pat Torcivia Lucia Ponte Michelle Luong Dale Brousseau Annemarie Torcivia Michael Foulds Diane Horrigan Buy. Sell. Join. Tenzing Rapgyal 781.231.9800 Joe Scibelli Justin Dedominicis TRINITY REAL ESTATE | 321 MAIN STREET| SAUGUS, MA| VILLAGE PARK TrinityHomesRE.com


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