Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, JUnE 7, 2024 Spirit of the Class of 2024 An aspiring boxer made himself known as a jolly, energetic student whose signature moment was doing cartwheels to entertain and inspire his Saugus High Classmates By Mark E. Vogler E lias Joseph Diaz probably had more fun than anyone in the Saugus High School graduating Class of 2024 during last week’s senior activities – doing cartwheels at will – going head over heels in his graduation gown. He did it on stage at the Saugus High School Scholarship and Academic /Services Awards Night on May 29. And he did it again two nights later on the turf of Christie Serino Jr. Memorial Stadium, minutes before the opening processional Pomp and Circumstances March to begin the 153rd Commencement Exercises. And after receiving his diploma on stage, he did it for an encore, to the surprise of Superintendent Michael Hashem and Saugus High School Principal Brendon Sullivan. Diaz said that was his special way to make graduation night and graduation week memorable. Diaz listed his after graduation plans to study Physical Therapy at Salem State University. “Next year, I want to go to 50 Salem State online so I can travel and train for martial arts,” he told The Saugus Advocate last Friday. The cartwheels come easy to Diaz, who participated in wrestling and wants to become a boxer. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 “I do it in the hallways and everything, whenever I feel like it,” Diaz said. His superintendent and principal smile, but don’t say MEETING 2024| FROM PAGE 3 inclusive. Some questioned the need for such a committee. Others questioned the motive and the concern that such a committee could be turned into a political organization tool. “There’s a thin line between much about the cartwheels. They both looked uneasy when Diaz did one on stage after receiving his diploma. Hashem is thrilled to see the spirit of the Saugus High Class of 2024 and remarked about it during his commencement speech last Friday. “You have had many memorable events, but the one that will stand out for me the most occurred just the other day,” Hashem said. “Wednesday night at the awards night, I was truly impressed with your classes’ excitement and support of one another as you claimed scholarships and awards. It was a wonderful evening and I was so pleased to see everyone sharing such an amazing moment,” he said. Diaz got his classmates cheering loudly when he went up on the stage in the High School auditorium and did a cartwheel after receiving his Scholarship Award. The crowd loved and expressed their approval. community engagement and political activism,” former Town Meeting Member Andrew Whitcomb said. But Parlante insisted it wasn’t political at all. “We have 25 percent voter turnout. Just that tells us that people are not engaged,” Parlante said. Precinct 7 Town Meeting Member Frank Federico noted that some people on a neighAFTER RECEIVING HIS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD, Elias Joseph Diaz does a cartwheel on stage at senior awards night (Courtesy photo of Teresa Tansey) borhood Facebook group “can’t name a single selectman.” “People actually think the town manager is a mayor. They can’t even determine what kind of government we have,” Federico said. Precinct 8 Town Meeting Member Arthur Grabowski said he didn’t “like the fact we’re brow-beating and criticizing residents of this community.” “If there’s voter apathy, that’s their prerogative,” he said. Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member Robert J. Camuso, Sr. said he thinks Parlante’s proposal was very worthwhile, given the disconnect between residents and their local government. “This town needs more communication. Residents should be a part of this,” Camuso said. Manoogian noted, “There’s nothing more that can be done to get people tovote.” “A better understanding of town government is the thrust of it,” Manoogian said of the purpose of a community engagement committee. “Hopefully, we can be more collaborative. There used to be a League of Women Voters in this town,” he said. Apparently, Manoogian’s MEETING 2024 | SEE PAGE 9

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