e a Safe & Happy July 4th! Vol. 32, No.26 -FREEwww.advo tenew et ery Friday ve State Rep. Turco hosts seaside reception 781-286-8500 Friday, June 30, 2023 City CFO presents overview of $262M Budget Plan to City Council By Barbara Taormina T he City Council Ways and Means Subcommittee beWELCOME: Barbara Survilas, Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky, State Representative Jessica Giannino and former Speaker of the Mass. House of Representatives Bob DeLeo are shown with host State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco during the host’s seaside reception in Winthrop. See page 14 for photo highlights. (Advocate photo) Revere Office of Elder Affairs Director Debra Peczka DiGiulio Honored as Unsung 2023 Commonwealth Heroine Special to Th e Advocate L ast week the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women announced the 2023 Commonwealth Heroine Award honorees. The annual awards recognize women across the Commonwealth for their extraordinary contributions to their local communities in public or community service. Among this year’s honorees is Debra Peczka DiGiulio, a City of Revere resident and employee nominated by State Representative Jessica Giannino (D-Revere). “Debra Peczka is a shining example of an unsung heroine who works tirelessly to make the City of Revere a better place for our seniors and all to live, work, and visit,” said Rep. Giannino. “I was proud to nominate Debra because in addition to what is in her job description as the Director of Elder Aff airs, she goes far above and beyond what is State Rep. Jessica Giannino is shown with Debra Peczka DiGiulio, Director of Elder Aff airs for the City of Revere, was honored as a 2023 Commonwealth Heroine Award at a June 23 State House ceremony in Boston. expected and truly cares about our community and its people.” Before her time as the Director of Elder Aff airs in the City of Revere, Deb began her career in public service with New York Air in 1982, and she retired from United Airlines 34 years later. Travel is a passion that she continues to pursue. Prior to her apAWARD | SEE Page 15 gan a long, deep dive into the 2024 budget proposal at their meeting Monday night. City CFO Richard Viscay came armed with a PowerPoint presentation and slews of facts and fi gures. He gave the committee an overview of the $262 million budget plan, which he described as responsible and balanced. A handful of city department heads also presented individual reports of their department budgets. Viscay buzzed through a series of slides showing millions of dollars of appropriations. He started with the big numbers: $49.2 million for city departments and services; $124 million for schools, which includes Revere’s share of the costs for Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School. Fixed costs, which include employee health insurance, pension obligations and debt service, were listed as $53.2 million, and water and sewer costs – covered by ratepayers – were $35.6 million. Viscay also showed slides that explained the city’s revenue. An estimated $112.7 million is expected from property tax payments. Local receipts include excise taxes and taxes on hotel rooms and meals. State aid, aka Cherry Sheet revenue, is $114 million with $98 million going exclusively toward education. Another $12.2 million in state aid is for general unrestricted government use. Viscay hit on some key factors aff ecting next year’s budget. In BUDGET | SEE Page 6 Councillors, Police Chief applaud Suffolk Downs Concert By Barbara Taormina M usic has returned to Suff olk Downs and the City Council couldn’t be happier. Not only are they pleased to see concerts available nearby for residents, they were almost gleeful about the way HYM handled one of their pet issues: traffi c. Tom O’Brien of HYM Investments was at this week’s council meeting to discuss the transportation operation involved with the Re:SET concert series, which featured Steve Lacey, LCD Soundsystem and Boy Genius. O’Brien said HYM worked with Revere Police and Fire, Boston Police and Fire, State Police and the MBTA – all helped with the planning. CONCERT | SEE Page 22

Page 2 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Chelsea Jewish Lifecare Hosts 2023 AJAS Leadership Summit CHELSEA, MA (June 2023) — Chelsea Jewish Lifecare, a highly respected leader in caring for seniors and the disabled, was the proud host of the 2023 Association of Jewish Aging Services (AJAS) Leadership Summit. Over 40 CEO’s and Executive Directors from across the nation came together at the Leonard Florence Center for Living. Affi liated with Chelsea Jewish Lifecare/Legacy Lifecare, the Leonard Florence Center is the country’s fi rst urban model Green House® skilled nursing facility and now cares for more individuals living with ALS than anywhere else in the world. Chelsea Jewish Lifecare CEO Barry Berman, Legacy Lifecare President & CEO Adam Berman and AJAS President & CEO Don Schulman welcomed the prominent group. Barry Berman, who has been CEO of the nonprofi t for the past 46 years, presented the fi rst session, explaining the unique history and mission of the organization. From a small wood-frame house in Chelsea that took care of a few elders to the sprawling campuses now in Chelsea (two locations), Winthrop and Peabody, Chelsea Jewish Lifecare has grown into a renown healthcare entity. Berman also discussed designing and building of the Leonard Florence Center as well as the Cohen Florence Levine Estates, which was the fi rst assisted living in Massachusetts to offer a subsidized tax credit program. Attendees had the opportunity to meet the residents of the Leonard Florence Center and hear, fi rsthand, their inspiring stories. “We are so appreciative to AJAS for the opportunity to tell our story to such a distinguished and talented group of individuals,” said Barry Berman. “These leaders set the stage for solving the complex challenges facing our aging population today.” Our 50th Anniversary Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! Chris 2023 * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES ALL MAJOR BRANDS Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes FOURTH OF JULY SPECIALS! Packs of 4 or 5 Premium Cigars or Buy the Box - All at Discount Prices! NEW STORE HOURS: Mon. - Sat.: 9AM - 7PM Sunday & Holidays: 9AM - 6PM R.Y.O. TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! SPECIAL SALE! TRAVEL HUMIDORS & ALL BONGS! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 --------HUMIDORS ON SALE! STARTING AT $99. COMPLETE! --------tionally publicized incidents of anti-Semitic acts of violence and attempted destruction. Speakers included Joshua S. Levy, Acting United States Attorney, District of Massachusetts and Jeremy Yamin, Vice President of Security & Operations, Combined Jewish Philanthropies. Additionally, Annette Cooke, President ZDCoach discussed “C-Suite Executive Coaching: Early, Mid and Pre-Retirement Years,” providing learning approaches to promote self-awareness, change, and growth. The summit concluded with a panel discussion, led by Don Schulman, which focused upon “Operating Strategies in Our Senior Living Communities…2023 and Beyond.” Panelists included Mike King, Jewish Senior Life, Rochester, NY; Kathy Callnan, The Cedars, Portland, ME; Adam Berman, Legacy Lifecare Chelsea, MA; and Jeff Gopen, Jewish Home Life, Atlanta, GA. “Our relationship with Barry term rehab residences, ALS, MS and ventilator dependent specialized care residences, traditional and specialized assisted living options, memory care, independent living, adult day health, and homecare and hospice agencies that deliver customized and compassionate care. About Legacy Lifecare Legacy Lifecare Inc., a nonprofi t management resources collaborative, provides smallto-mid-sized organizations access to the infrastructure needed to succeed in today’s complex world. With deep expertise in strategy, fi nance, operations and support systems management, Legacy Lifecare enables its not-for-profi t affi liates to preserve their missions and identities while gaining access to sophisticated managerial services and collaborative opportunities ordinarily only available to larger organizations. The second session, entitled Community Security in Relation to Racism and Anti-Semitism, delved into the growing antiSemitism in the country. Two of Legacy Lifecare communities have been the recipients of naand Adam Berman and Chelsea Jewish Lifecare/Legacy Lifecare dates back many years,” said Don Shulman, President & CEO of AJAS.” I am excited to showcase these innovative homes to our members.” Adam Berman noted that it was meaningful for the organization to host the two day summit. “It was remarkable to have so many industry leaders together, exchanging ideas and brainstorming a wide range of topics.” Added Berman, “We are truly honored that AJAS chose our organization as the site for such an important event.” About Chelsea Jewish Lifecare Chelsea Jewish Lifecare is redefi ning senior care and re-envisioning what life should be like for those living with disabling conditions. The eldercare community includes a wide array of skilled and short

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 3 ~ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Ralph Celestin announces candidacy for Ward 5 City Council R alph Celestin, award-winning documentary fi lmmakRALPH A. CELESTIN Candidate for Ward 5 Council er and community leader is announcing his candidacy for Revere City Council - Ward 5. Ralph is the only candidate running for Ward 5 without any current major associations he is obligated to serve and hold an interest in. Ralph’s “Promise Campaign” is 100% self-financed and accepts no donations. He wants his neighbors to save their money, not take it! This is the fi rst of its kind for a City Council election and as of right now, Ralph has amassed over 300+ signatures from residents promising to vote for him come September 19th! Ralph has spent years in the blistering heat volunteering throughout Revere and greater Boston with MASSPIRG. As a HS varsity starting player and college athlete, he coached dozens of youth camps and helped special needs children at local Boys & Girls clubs. His hours of community engagement is truly one of signifi cant note. During the peak of COVID, he worked heroically on the front lines documenting emotionally riveting human interest stories of those impacted by the virus, fundraised for businesses strugCANDIDATE | SEE Page 23 ~ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ School Committeewoman Rizzo Endorses Jaramillo for Councillor-at-Large REVERE - Class of 2012 graduate and candidate for Revere Councillor at-large Juan Pablo Jaramillo earns the endorsement of School Committeewoman, Stacey Rizzo in his bid to become a Revere City Councillor at-large. Rizzo was a school nurse in the Revere Public School District and has been serving on the Revere School Committee for over a decade. She also currently serves as the President of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC). “I have known Juan since he was in elementary school at the McKinley, where I worked. He was always going to be a fi ghter for our city and showed ENDORSES | SEE Page 19 Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net Like us on School Committeewoman Stacey Rizzo and City Council candidate Juan Jaramillo. Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma  Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. $2.95 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602

Page 4 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Northeast Metro Tech students get safety harness training from Gilbane Building Company S www.eight10barandgrille.com OPEN DAILY FOR DINNER AT 4 PM. CATCH THE CELTICS, BRUINS & NCAA SPORTS ON OUR 6 LARGE SCREEN TV'S! m uperintendent Dave DiBarri is pleased to report that, as part of the new Northeast Metro Tech building project, students in the construction trades got real-life experience and training in the proper use of modern safety equipment and practices thanks to the project’s construction manager – Gilbane Building Company – and the project team. In support of the school’s misWE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 Subscribe to the Advocate Online! Your Local News in 6 Languages! www.advocatenews.net sion to educate students through experiential learning, Gilbane and the project team enlisted Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware to ready students for their entry into the fi eld, demonstrating construction site best practices for fall protection. Gilbane, Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware gave a one-hour demonstration with jobsite simulation with a student volunteer. Angel Santana, a junior carpentry student from North Reading, volunteered for the demonstration, getting a unique opportunity to experience a jobsite experience that afternoon. “The main objective of this training was to ensure our stuRepresentatives of Gilbane Building Company, Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware provided Northeast Metro Tech students with a demonstration of the latest safety equipment. (Courtesy Northeast Metro Tech) dents are trained in using the latest best-in-class safety equipment by those with fi rst-hand knowledge and experience in the fi eld. We are extremely grateful to Gilbane, Guardian Fall Protection and Colony Hardware for organizing and presenting this training,” said Superintendent DiBarri. “Gilbane has been a great partner to Northeast Metro Tech, and this is yet another example of the ways in which the company has really gone above and beyond.” The demonstration was one of several Gilbane and the project team have put on for Northeast Metro Tech students this year. Other presentations were focused on topics like safety, injury prevention, and guidance from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 5 As America celebrates independence, a Revere native serves aboard U.S. Navy’s oldest commissioned warship without the military.” Chea is grateful to others for helping make a Navy career possible. “I would like to thank my parents for pushing me to do something better and the people I’ve worked with for leading me throughout my career,” added Chea. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657  Soevn Che, Petty Offi cer 1st Class (Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class James Green, Navy Offi ce of Community Outreach) By Megan Brown, Navy Offi ce of Community Outreach BOSTON – Petty Officer 1st Class Soevn Chea, a native of Revere, Massachusetts, is one of nearly 80 sailors celebrating America’s 246 years of independence while serving aboard USS Constitution. Chea, a 1997 Cathedral High School graduate, joined the Navy 21 years ago. Today, Chea serves as a logistics specialist. “I joined the Navy to travel, for the educational benefi ts and to do something greater than myself,” said Chea. Skills and values similar to those found in Revere are important to succeed in the military. “My hometown taught me resiliency,” said Chea. “You have to be strong in the Navy and you have to get back up every time you fall.” USS Constitution is the U.S. Navy’s oldest commissioned warship, and the crew is handpicked to promote naval history and maritime heritage while raising awareness of the importance of a sustained naval presence. The ship earned the nickname Old Ironsides during the War of 1812 after British cannonballs were seen bouncing off the ship’s wooden hull. USS Constitution was undefeated in battle and captured or destroyed 33 enemy vessels. With 90 percent of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fi - ber optic cables, Navy offi cials continue to emphasize that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to trained sailors and a strong Navy. “Our mission remains timeless – to provide our fellow citizens with nothing less than the very best Navy: fully combat ready at all times, focused on warfi ghting excellence, and committed to superior leadership at every single level,” said Adm. Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations. “This is our calling. And I cannot imagine a calling more worthy.” As a member of the Navy, Chea is part of a world-class organization focused on maintaining maritime dominance, strengthening partnerships, increasing competitive warfi ghting capabilities and sustaining combat-ready forces in support of the National Defense Strategy. “The Navy contributes to national defense by keeping trade lanes open,” said Chea. As Chea and other sailors continue to train and perform missions, they take pride in serving their country in the United States Navy. “Serving in the Navy means a lot to me,” said Chea. “It means I am protecting our country’s freedoms that we wouldn’t have                                                                            Enjoy. Connect. Celebrate. We’ll be closed Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the holiday. The bank will be open for regular business hours on Saturday July 1st and Wednesday, July 5th. You can access your accounts using our ATMs and Online & Mobile Banking. Thank you!          

Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 BUDGET | FROM Page 1 addition to hiring 11 new fi refi ghters, which brings the total force to 119, the city plans to hire fi ve new police offi cers, which increases the department to a total of 115 offi cers. The travel and tourism department has been merged back into the parks and recreation department, while the building commissioner and city inspectors have been branched off into a unique and separate department. Viscay also noted that the city’s health insurance costs have increased six percent since last year and the property and casualty insurance bill is up nine percent but now includes costly new cyber insurance. Viscay stressed that no other money from grants or federal aid programs has been worked in to balance the budget. He described the budget proposal as “vanilla,” with no big new initiatives, or hot-topic spending. He suggested that as residents mull over who should be the next mayor, the goal is a level-funded budget that keeps things moving. It will be up to the new mayor to provide some direction for the new high school or other major projects. Committee members had the chance to ask questions to City Solicitor Paul Capizzi about the legal department. Councillorat-Large Steven Morabito asked about a more than $500,000 line item for legal services. “It’s an enormous jump,” said Morabito. “What you want for your department in settlement fees is so much more than the mayor recommended.” Capizzi said the money needed for legal settlements was impossible to predict and he asked for a large amount just in case it was needed. Election Commissioner Paul Fahey explained a few differences in his budget due to state mandates for early and mailin voting. The three upcoming elections, which include the Presidential primary in the spring, are the major reasons for the increase in that department’s budget. The committee had few questions or comments until City Clerk Ashley Melnick presented her department’s level-funded budget. Committee members took the opportunity to praise Melnick. Calling her the greatest city clerk in the state, they thanked her for her support, assistance, guidance and expertise.


Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Acting Mayor/Mayoral Candidate Pat Keefe unveils campaign headquarters By Tara Vocino A cting Mayor/Mayoral Candidate Patrick Keefe Jr. opened up his campaign headquarters along Broadway on Saturday. The headquarters is where Hill Insurance used to be. Shown from left to right: campaign manager Elvira Mora, Ward 2 City Councillor Ira Novoselsky, Keefe’s son, Patrick Keefe, mayoral candidate Patrick Keefe Jr., supporter Domenic Boudreau and Keefe’s wife, Jennifer, during Saturday’s Keefe for Mayor headquarters opening. Approximately 100 people campaigned in the rain on Saturday along Broadway in celebration of the HQ’s Grand Opening. Shown from left to right: campaign committee manager Elvira Mora, Youth Strategy Director Minnah Sheikh, Mayoral Candidate/Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe and super volunteer Denise Sao Pedro. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 “Same name, phone number & address for over half a century. We must be doing something right!”                     www.everettaluminum.com                    Shown from left to right: brother-in-law Brian Herbert, Mayoral candidate/Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe Jr., wife, Jennifer Keefe, sister, Stephanie Herbert, and nephew Jenarro Herbert. Celebrating 65 Years in Business! Summer is Here!

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 9 Resilient Mystic Collaborative receives $2.25M from Barr Foundation Three-year grant to help collaborative reach for $100M in public funding 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday December 2022 coastal fl ooding in Rumney Marsh (Photo credit: Loretta LaCentra) T he Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) is celebrating a $2.25 million, threeyear grant from the Barr Foundation for continued support of the Resilient Mystic Collaborative (RMC) and regional climate work. Convened by MyRWA and 10 Mystic River watershed communities in September 2018 and now led by senior staff from 20 cities and towns and nongovernmental partners, the RMC focuses on managing flooding and extreme heat on a regional scale and increasing the resilience of our most vulnerable residents and workers to extreme weather. Collectively, RMC communities have secured nearly $57 million for climate resilient projects in the Mystic River watershed, with the goal of securing an additional $100 million in public funding over the next three years. “The Mystic River watershed needs to take collective and significant action to prepare for a stormier, hotter, and less predictable climate future,” said MyRWA Executive Director Patrick Herron. “This funding enables our communities to achieve outsized public benefi ts and make progress on our goals of climate equity in the watershed.” “We are pleased to be able to make this investment in the work of the RMC,” said Barr Foundation Senior Program Offi cer Kalila Barnett. “Their focus on closing climate equity gaps across especially race and income, and commitment to centering the needs and aspirations of people most aff ected by their eff orts really align with our values.” “Because of COVID, many more people now understand what GreenRoots has been fi ghting for since its founding, to ensure that people in historically disinvested communities have the same ability to deal with challenges like climate change as people in wealthy communities,” said GreenRoots’ Waterfront and Climate Justice Initiatives Director, John Walkey. “As a co-founder of the RMC, I’m glad to see us work to eff ectively focus scarce public resources ANGELO’S FULL SERVICE 1978-2023 Celebrating 45 Years in Business! Regular Unleaded $3.359 MidUnleaded $3.739 Super $3.989 Diesel Fuel $3.739 Heating Oil at the Pump $4.759 $2.99 9 DEF HEATING OIL 24-Hour Burner Service Call for Current Price! (125—gallon minimum) DEF Available by Pump! Open an account and order online at: www.angelosoil.com (781) 231-3500 (781) 231-3003 367 LINCOLN A  A Hours. Mon.-Wed. 6AM - 6PM / Thurs. & Fri. 6AM - 7PM / Sat. 7AM / Sun. 9AM-5PM Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Resilient Mystic Collaborative on the people who need them most.” “We’re proud to be a founding community of the Resilient Mystic Collaborative,” said Woburn Mayor Scott Galvin. “Being part of this group has enabled us to secure resources and funding for important community climate change projects, including design work for the 11.3 acre climate resilient Hurld Park, the Shaker Glen wetland stream/ trail restoration project and the Horn Pond fi sh ladder. Over the years, this partnership has been invaluable.” “Communities along the MysGRANT | SEE Page 18 Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net Prices subject to change    FLEET

Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 MBTA receives $2.96M in federal funding for advancing transit reliability in Chelsea, Everett and Revere T he MBTA announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has awarded the T with $2.96 million in funding for implementing transit signal priority and signal metrics to prioritize buses through 37 signalized intersections in Chelsea, Everett and Revere. The award is part of the Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) program grant, a $52.78 million investment package under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). In this round, ATTAIN expanded eligibility for projects in communities previously lacking in investments, including rural areas and areas of persistent poverty. “Your zip code shouldn’t determine whether you have access to safe, affordable transportation,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in the USDOT FHWA press release. “With President Biden’s investments in innovative technology, we’re helping communities make transportation safer and more effi cient, particularly in places that haven’t received enough resources in the past.” The MBTA’s project, which aligns with the Biden Administration’s environmental justice initiatives, was one of eight national projects selected to deliver innovative, technology-based solutions designed to improve the travel experience for the millions of Americans who use highway and transit systems. Communities benefiting from this grant award are home to some of the MBTA’s most transit-dependent riders and have historically lacked access to frequent and reliable bus service off ering connections to the rest of the network. “We congratulate the MBTA, especially the Transit Priority and the Capital Program Planning teams, for being awarded this critical funding that will ultimately result in faster bus trips in some of the MBTA’s most transit-dependent communities,” said Massachusetts Transportation everyone involved, the cities and towns we serve, key stakeholders and elected offi cials, MassDOT, and the Congressional delegation, I’m confi dent we will be able to deliver faster and more reliable transit service to our riders in these underserved communities.” “In Everett, where our resiPATRICK KEEFE JR. Acting Mayor Secretary and CEO Gina Fiandaca. “The improvements to come to these bus corridors prioritize reliable, equitable service, and we are grateful to the municipal leaders, members of the Commonwealth’s Congressional delegation, offi cials, and advocates for their collaboration on this win that builds us toward better service at the MBTA.” “Thank you to the FHWA for awarding the T these funds. Upgrades to come as a result of this award include the technology to create a regional Automated Traffi c Signal Performance Measurement (ATSPM) system that will support current and future intersections where the MBTA implements transit signal priority,” said MBTA General Manager and CEO Phillip Eng. “This will result in more effi cient bus service for residents who rely on transit to get to and from work, school, healthcare appointments, and recreational opportunities. Thanks to the collaboration and support of dents lack rapid transit service, it is imperative that we work together with our state and federal partners to make the existing bus service as effi cient as possible,” said Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “We look forward to these investments as a building block for future improvements as part of Bus Network Redesign and the Silver Line Extension.” “Many of Revere’s residents rely on the MBTA bus system to get to school, work, and to access services and amenities throughout the region,” said Revere Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe Jr. “These improvements will help support those residents, and hopefully entice new users to access a more effi cient and reliable bus system. We applaud MBTA for their efforts in securing this grant and thank USDOT for their leadership in making this happen.” The intersections to be upgraded under this grant award are part of Phase I of the Bus Network Redesign. This work is folded into the Better Bus Project, which focuses on improving system-wide bus service and emphasizes equity within high-frequency bus corridors. The design work for the project is expected to be complete by the end of 2024. Construction is expected to begin in 2025.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 11 ~ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Stephen Damiano Announces Candidacy for Councillor-at-Large T o my friends, neighbors, and fellow residents of Revere: It is my distinguished honor to announce my candidacy for City Councillor-at-Large. This city has been my home my entire life and I have watched it undergo many changes. I recently purchased my home where my wife and I plan to raise our two young sons indefinitely in what is a fourthgeneration family home that my grandparents built. My parents and brother live in the city as well as my father-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother, aunt and uncle and several of my best friends and their families. I am a graduate of RHS class of 2004. I am rooted, I am invested, and I’m not leaving. I am not a politician. I am currently a stay-at-home father with professional experience as a union carpenter and restaurant general manager. Though not necessarily related to government, these jobs have taught me about and emboldened my sense of leadership, commitment, patience, understanding, team work, the importance of foresight and planning, and most important of all common sense. Raising two sons has just kick back and relax and his answer to me was simple but pure. He said that the reason he wanted to continue to work, specifi cally at city hall, was because “he lives here and he cares very much about the outcomes that affect him, his family, and his loved ones”. His words resonate deeply with me and I’m sure with many of us. As the campaign season STEPHEN DAMIANO, JR. shown me the importance of being impartial and open minded and to truly evaluate every situation individually and make an adjustment according to the needs of that very situation. These qualities are the qualities I think are important for someone to represent a whole with. My late grandfather, Pasquale E. DeMarco, was a proud and loyal employee of City Hall in the building department for many years into his last. When I would speak with him about him still working into his ripe old age, I would ask him why he was still working, why he didn’t want to RevereTV Spotlight L ooking for a fresh new dinner recipe to kick off your summer? Watch the new episode of “Fabulous Foods with Victoria Fabbo,” which is now playing on the Community Channel and YouTube. Victoria’s guest this month is local caterer and chef Brandon Bing. Chef Bing takes you through the preparation, cooking and plating of his dish of chicken with peppers and onions, and collard greens. This episode of “Fabulous Foods with Victoria Fabbo” will be playing on Revmoves forward, I am making myself available, reaching out, and visiting doors to listen to what you have to say because I care very deeply what happens to us in our future and everyone’s opinion matters. I want to protect what I love. Revere’s future is my children’s future and it’s all of ours as well. I decided to run for city Councillor-at-Large because I believe I am the best candidate to break the chain and give us someone motivated and driven to secure a better future for our children and ourselves. I value your support and am eager to earn your vote on September 19, 2023. Questions? Call us: 781-2840387 Email us: Damiano.Stephen. candidate@gmail.com Follow our campaign progress on Instagram: @damiano.stephen.candidate Future. Facebook: Stephen Damiano Jr for Councillor-at-Large Twitter: @SteveDamianoJr My Home. Your Home. Our ereTV at various times over the next month, but watch it at your convenience on YouTube to follow along with the recipe as they make it. The Boston Renegades took on the DC Divas in the fi rst playoff game of the season last Saturday at Harry Della Russo Stadium. This game streamed live on RevereTV and is now replaying this week. All home games for the Renegades aired on RevereTV and have stayed posted REVERETV | SEE Page 19 JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM memberspluscu.org 781-905-1500 Equal Housing Opportunity MEDFORD NORWOOD DORCHESTER EVERETT PLYMOUTH *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. 4.99% APR is for a new car with terms up to 48 months and requires monthly payments of $23.03 per $1000 borrowed. Payment does not reflect credit life and/or disability insurance and may differ slightly due to rounding. Other rates and terms are available. APRs are based upon member’s credit score. Rates effective 6/9/2023 and subject to change without notice. Membership requires a $5 deposit in a share/savings account. It’s Enough to Get You It’s Enough to Get You Auto Loans 4.99%APR* as low as EASY ONLINE APP FREE PRE-APPROVALS Apply online at memberspluscu.org today!

Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Tanning Salon Come See Why Sizzle Tanning is The Best on the North Shore! Beach-goers no longer have to carry beach chairs, thanks to the “Beach Box” P9S REDLIGHT Therapy Tanning SIZZLE OFFERS HIGH-END, STATE-OF-THE-ART SUNLESS AND UV TANNING! VERSA SPA PRO Sunless Tanning FULL SERVICE HAIR SALON & ESTHETICS ALSO OFFERED! 302 Lincoln Ave., Saugus Cogliano Plaza * 781-231-1006 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 AM - 8 PM / Sun. 8 AM - 7 PM CCheck us out at: www.SalonatSizzle.com Sizzlesaugus For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net Instagram@sizzlesaugus Colin, Rory, 4, and Graham Sheehan, 1, alongside Keefe, played corn hole. By Tara Vocino A cting Mayor Patrick Keefe, Next Stop Revere, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) unleashed the brand-new L.L. Bean “Beach Box” stationed along America’s First Public Beach on Sunday morning. A trailer set up at the foot of the Markey Bridge, the “Beach Box” is fi lled with beach chairs, umbrellas, toys, books, and more to guarantee a summer of fun on Revere Beach. The “Beach Box” will remain on Steve Szymanski who visited from Connecticut, said it’s all here. He said it’s convenient not to have to carry everything, especially while traveling the T. Vitor Munoz, Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe, and Beatriz Burger grabbed beach supplies on Sunday along Revere Beach. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) the beach until August and be open for visitors and residents daily from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., starting Monday, June 26. Loaners can pick up the equipment, using an honor system to return it by 4:30 p.m. that same day. According to event organizer Charlie Giuff rida, parks and recreation staff will oversee replenishing the equipment. Special thanks to partners Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, Boston Harbor Now, Revere Beach Partnership, and SpringHill Suites. For information, visit 220 Revere Beach Boulevard, near the State Police barracks. Laura Rosenthal, who grabbed a beach chair and lunch bag, said this is a great idea. Sizzle Voted #1 Tanning Salon!

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 13 Mass. Health Connector hosts 4th annual beach volleyball tournament and enrollment event Attendees Gloria Dove and her grandson Elijah, 6, Cambridge Health Alliance Community Health Worker Gloria Mejia and Community Health Worker Sheylla Kennedy handed out health information. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) By Tara Vocino T he Massachusetts Health Connector hosted its 4th annual beach volleyball tournament and enrollment event at Revere Beach on Saturday. The Health Connector welcomes all local residents, including MassHealth members at risk of losing coverage due to expiring federal COVID-19 protections, which includes thousands of residents across Massachusetts. The Health Connector has launched an unprecedented multicultural campaign to reach transitioning MassHealth members, and local navigators from regional agencies were on site at Saturday’s event to help enroll them into new, aff ordable marketplace plans. 6/26 Revere SUMMER LUNCH MENU JUNE/JULY 2023 Please visit us on Twitter and Facebook at RPSDiningservices for more information and updates! Revere Summer Lunch Program free meals for children upto 18 years old, at the following sites: * Beachmont School 11-1 *Hill School 11-1 *Paul Revere School 11-1 Monday-Thursday *Revere Beach Bandstand 11-1 *Sonny Meyers Park 11:30-1 *RHA Rose St 11:30-1 *RHA Adams Ct 11;30-1 *Ciarlone Park 11:30-1 *Louis Pasteur Park 11:30-1 *Costa Park 11-1 *DeStoop Park 12-1 Menus subject to change and locations may be subject to close due to inclement weather and/or participation. Pizza Crunchers Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk Chicken Breast Sandwich Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk Ball Park Frank Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk McDonald’s Burger Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk Melissa Remington and Alison Sherman, both customer service professionals for Mass General Brigham Health Plan, handed out information. Laurentiu Craciun, of Boston Chair Massage, gave a 10-minute massage. Jose Martinez, 5, got a “Superman” face painting on Saturday at Revere Beach. 6/27 Dinosaur Nuggets Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/3 HOLIDAY CLOSED 7/10 Pizza Crunchers Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/17 Pizza Crunchers Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/24 and 7/31 7/4 HOLIDAY CLOSED 7/11 Chicken Breast Sandwich Side Salad Fruit or Juice Choice of Milk 7/18 Hamburger (Halal) Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/25 Garfi eld Elementary School students Ana, 7, and Sarah Gonzalez, 5, made fl ower crowns. 6/28 Pizza Crunchers Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 6/29 Chicken Breast Sandwich Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/5 Ball Park Frank Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Milk 7/12 Ball Park Frank Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/19 Ball Park Frank Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/26 Dinosaur Nuggets Veggie of the Day Fruit or Juice Choice of Milk 7/20 Dinosaur Nuggets Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/27 Dinosaur Nuggets Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk McDonald’s Burger Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/21 Spinelli’s Pizza Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/28 McDonald’s Burger Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 2 All meals come complete with fruit, veggies and milk. Lunch Alternatives offered daily: Sun Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Cheese Sandwich, Turkey & Cheese Sandwich Breakfast is served at Beachmont and Hill School from 8am-9am-Monday through Friday, Paul Revere School 8am-9am Monday through Thursday. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 7/6 Dinosaur Nuggets Veggie of the Day Fruit or Juice Choice of Milk 7/13 East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Community Health Worker Silvia Molina gave out brochures. 6/30 S Spinelli’s Pizza Veggie of the Day Fruit of the Day Choice of Milk 7/7 Spinelli’s Pizza Veggie of the Day Fruit or Juice Choice of Milk 7/14

Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 State Rep. Jeffrey Turco hosts seaside reception Lots of close friends and supporters: former Massachusetts Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo, Northeast Metro Tech School Committee member Anthony Caggiano, State Representative Jessica Giannino and East Boston Municipal Court Clerk Magistrate Joe Feretra. Friends and supporters of the popular representative: former State Representative RoseLee Vincent and Vincent and Justine Denietolis. L Revere’s 55 Court Rd. was fi lled with friends and supporters for State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco; introduction of the State Representative started with colleague Jessica Giannino. ast Tuesday evening, the Committee to Re-Elect State Representative Jeff Turco hosted a seaside reception on the docks at 55 Court Rd., home of his neighbors, the Famolares. It was a beautiful location and the weather cooperated for the evening’s festivities. Valet parking to a delicious Chinese Food buff et made the evening very special for the capacity crowd. Friends, neighbors and supporters from Revere and Winthrop poured into the reception area. Colleagues from the Massachusetts House of Representatives also joined in to show support for Rep. Turco. Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Bob DeLeo was on hand as part of the introduction team, which included State Representative Jessica Giannino and Majority Leader of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Michael Moran. Since elected, Rep. Turco has championed many bills that served the Revere and Winthrop Communities well. State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco with Paul Verone and Joe Carbone State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco with his daughter, Grace, Chuck Famolare and Jim Nigro The Turcos, Jeff and Melissa, welcomed his colleague State Rep. Joe McGonagle of Everett. State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco took center stage and thanked Majority Leader Moran for his kind words and support. Jimmy O’Donnell, Candidate for Revere Mayor/Councillor-at-Large Dan Rizzo and Cathy O’Donnell with Representative Jeff Rosario Turco State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco pointed out the low fl ying planes and joked to Mass. House of Representatives Majority Leader Michael Moran for mitigation money as he began to thank all in attendance for their support and friendship. Turco went on to speak of his future intentions to make Revere and Winthrop ready and fi nancially stable for the future, with the help of his colleague State Representative Jessica Giannino, and a new plan as the communities begin to grow and move forward. Former Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo has a legacy of helping and sponsoring bills to better the City of Revere and the Town of Winthrop and, as Speaker of the House, bills that improved many communities around the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. On Tuesday night his job was to help introduce his friend and former colleague, House Majority Leader Michael Moran, who introduced Jeff Rosario Turco. Former Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo and Vikki Mucci are shown with Chelsea District Court Assistant Clerk Magistrate Jim Dwyer and Revere businessmen Jim Nigro and Nick Restuccia. Representative Jeff Turco welcomed guests Caleb Manchester, Dave Eastman and Candidate for Revere mayor/Councillor-at-Large Steve Morabito. John Carlo Pami, Marc Birritteri and Sibby Birritteri with State Rep. Jeff Rosario Turco

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 15 Friends and supporters: Marty O’Brien and veteran Jim Williams with their choice for State Rep., Jeff Rosario Turco. Some of Representative Jeff Turco’s special guests: former State Representative RoseLee Vincent, Candidate for Mayor of Revere, former Mayor and current Councillor-at-Large Dan Rizzo and Nancy and Ed O’Neil. The Majority Leader for the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Michael Moran, was welcomed to the Revere/Winthrop communities by a rousing round of applause and proudly introduced his colleague in state government, State Representative Jeff ery Rosario Turco. 13. Patty Pace and John Marchese joined State Representative Jeff Turco dockside last Tuesday evening. AWARD | FROM Page 1 pointment as Director of Elder Aff airs at the Rossetti-Cowan Senior Center in Revere three years ago, Deb was the Administrative Assistant to Mayor Brian Arrigo for the fi rst four years of his Administration. Deb has served on the UNITED We Care Board, CASTLES Board and Revere TV Board of Directors. 14. State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco welcomed Suff olk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden to his seaside reception. Deb was recognized and honored at a ceremony on June 23 at the Massachusetts State House that was hosted by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women. The Commission is an independent state agency that was legislatively established in 1998 to support equal opportunities for women in the Commonwealth in all areas of life and to promote their advancement. CityofRevere scan for eligible items DPWHOUSEHOLD CLEANUPDAY 15. Revere Councillor-at-Large Tony Zambuto stopped by at 55 Court Rd. to support State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco. Mattresses ($35) Batteries (free) FREE shredding Light bulbs (free) Household Cleaners and Pesticides (free) ....and more! Saturday, July8, 2023 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM | REVERE HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT 101 SCHOOL STREET, REVERE, MA Pictured is Debra Peczka DiGiulio with her son, Ben DiGiulio, at the June 23 State House ceremony in Boston. Misc. Furniture ($5-$20) CASH OR CHECK ONLY! SENIOR DISCOUNTS

Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 BBB Scam Alert: How to spot a credit check scam when apartment shopping M oving this summer? Watch out for a new twist on fake rental ads. According to multiple Better Business Bureau (BBB) Scam Tracker reports, scammers use fake tenant credit checks to trick potential renters into compromising sensitive personal information. How the scam works: You fi nd a good deal on an apartment while browsing rental listings online. When you call the number to inquire, the owner asks you to complete a credit check before you can see the place. If you agree, they’ll send you a link to a website where you can get the credit check done. The website might look professional, but it’s all part of a scam. After you enter your sensitive information and pay for the credit check, the “landlord” will disappear. Your credit card information could be compromised, and you could even be at risk for identity theft. One consumer reported the following experience: “I gave my name, address, and social security number to obtain my credit score from this website. I was asked to take a screenshot of my score and send it to the same address that emailed me the link. Afterward, I was sent an email with a showing time, but the house number was not listed on this email or on the listing on Craigslist.” Afterward, the consumer was unable to reach anyone about the apartment. Their calls and emails went unanswered. How to avoid credit check rental scams • Be wary of lower-than-usual prices. If the rent for an apartment is well below the going market rate, consider it a red fl ag. Scammers love to draw people in with claims that sound too good to be true. • Do some research. Search the listing online, as well as the associated phone number and email address. If you fi nd another listing for the same property in a diff erent city, you’ve spotted a scam. Reverse image searches can be helpful, too, as can searching the alleged landlord’s name along with the word “scam.” These searches only take a few minutes and are well worth the eff ort. • Always see the property in person. Many rental scams involve listings for properties that don’t exist. Something is fi shy if the renter refuses to let you know where the apartment is before you complete a credit check or pay them a deposit. Be wary, too, if you are given the address of a home with a For Sale sign in the yard. You might not be in contact with the actual owners. • Verify the property owner’s information. Contact a licensed real estate agent to see who owns a property or check the county property appraiser’s website. Ask the landlord for a copy of their ID to verify they are who they claim to be before you off er up sensitive personal information like your social security number for a credit check. If the landlord refuses or gets upset, you could be dealing with a scammer. SCAM | SEE Page 20 LIFE ESTATES AND STEP UP IN COST BASIS O ne common dilemma facing the remaindermen listed on a deed is how to calculate the cost basis of the real estate in question upon the death of the life tenant or life tenants. This is an important issue as the remaindermen need to know their cost basis in the event they subsequently sell the real estate or rent it out thereby requiring depreciation calculations. If, for example, a father deeded his home to his two children and reserved a life estate on the deed itself (essentially the right to use, occupy and possess the home for the rest of his life), upon the father’s death, under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 2036(a)(1), the fair market value (FMV) of the home at the time of the father’s death would be the starting cost basis in the hands of the children going forward. If the FMV of the home was $600,000, the law treats it as though the children paid $600,000 for the home. This of course helps tremendously to avoid or greatly eliminate any capital gains tax upon a subsequent sale of the home. What if the father and mother both deeded the home to the children with reserved life estates? In this situation, since the father deeded his 50% interest in the home to the children with a reserved life estate, upon the father’s death, only 50% of the property is stepped-up to FMV upon his death. Since the mother deeded her 50% interest in the home to the children with a reserved life estate, upon the mother’s death, only 50% of the property is stepped-up to FMV upon her death. As a result, the home would have to be valHealth Insurance Options After a Spouse Retires Dear Savvy Senior, My 63-year-old wife, who’s doesn’t work, is on my health insurance plan through my employer. When I retire next month and go on Medicare, what are our options for getting her health coverage until she turns 65? Is there some kind of Medicare coverage for dependent spouses? Need Insurance Dear Need, Unfortunately, Medicare does not provide family coverage to younger spouses or dependent children when you qualify for Medicare. Nobody can obtain Medicare benefi ts before age 65, unless eligible at a younger age because of disability. With that said, here are your best options for covering your wife. Affordable Care Act: In most cases, your best choice is to get your wife an individual health insurance policy through the Aff ordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance Marketplace (a.k.a. Obamacare). The Marketplace off ers comprehensive health coverage, and she won’t be denied coverage or charged extra for preexisting health conditions. And thanks to the American Resued at both the father and mother’s death in order to obtain the new cost basis in the hands of the children upon the second to die. You would take 50% of the FMV of the home upon the father’s death and add that fi gure to 50% of the FMV of the home upon the mother’s death. Furthermore, 50% of the FMV of the home would be includible in the taxable estate of each spouse upon his or her death. What if the father and mother reserved a life estate, as husband and wife, tenants by the entirety? Would that make a diff erence in the calculation? The answer is no. Upon the father’s death, he in essence gifts his life estate to his wife. This is referred to as a life estate pur autre vie. Upon the subsequent death of his wife, there will not be a step-up in cost basis of the husband’s 50% life estate given to her as she simply did not retain a life estate in 100% of the home. She only retained a life estate in the 50% that she originally gifted to the children. She did not retain a life estate in the husband’s 50% interest. Only he did. This is pursuant to IRC Section 2036(a)(1) dealing with retained interests. Joseph D. Cataldo is an Estate Planning/Elder Law Attorney, Certifi ed Public Accountant, Certifi ed Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a Master’s Degree in Taxation. cue Plan and Infl ation Reduction Act, the Marketplace now provides enhanced subsidies through 2025. If your income falls below the 400 percent poverty level after you retire – anything below $73,240 for a couple or $54,360 for a single in 2023 – your wife will be eligible for a tax credit that will reduce the amount you’ll have to pay for her policy. The Marketplace also ensures that households with incomes above that 400 percent poverty level will not have to pay more than 8.5 percent of their income for a benchmark policy. To see how much subsidy you may be eligible for, use Kaiser Family Foundation calculator at KFF.org/ interactive/subsidy-calculator. To shop for Marketplace plans in your state, visit HealthCare.gov or call 800-318-2596. Or, if you want some extra help, contact a Marketplace-certifi ed agent or broker at HealthCare.gov/fi nd-assistance. COBRA: Another option is the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), which is a federal law that would allow your wife to remain with your company insurance plan for at least 18 months after you make the switch to Medicare. But not every employer plan is COBRA eligible. Contact your employer benefits administrator to fi nd out if yours is one of them. You also need to be aware that COBRA is not cheap, requiring you to pay the full monthly premium yourself. But, if you’ve already met or nearly met your employer plan’s deductible or out-of-pocket maximum for the year, and don’t want your wife to start over with a new plan; or if you fi nd your employer’s health plan to be more aff ordable than the Marketplace plans, it makes sense for your wife to keep her current coverage under COBRA. Short-Term Health Insurance: If you can’t fi nd an aff ordable Marketplace plan and COBRA is too expensive, the next option is shortterm health insurance. These plans, which are not available in every state, are cheaper, bare-bones health plans that provide coverage for one to 12 months and may be renewed for up to three years in some states. But be aware that short-term plans don’t comply with the ACA so they can deny sick people coverage, they don’t cover preexisting conditions, and they can exclude coverage essentials like prescription drugs. To fi nd and compare short-term health plans, try sites like eHealthInsurance.com or PivotHealth.com. Healthcare sharing ministries: One other coverage option you should know about is healthcare sharing ministries (HCSM). These are cost-sharing health plans in which members – who typically share a religious belief – make monthly payments to cover expenses of other members, including themselves. HCSM’s are cheaper than paying full out-of-pocket costs for traditional health insurance but be aware that HCSM’s are not health insurance. They don’t have to comply with the consumer protections of the ACA. They can also reject or limit coverage for having pre-existing health issues and can limit how much you’ll be reimbursed for your medical costs. To look for HCSM plans, comparison shop at the three largest providers: SamaritanMinistries.org, MyChristianCare.org and Chministries.org. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 17 Local residents earn Dean’s List Honors from MassBay Community College T he following Revere students have been named to MassBay Community College Dean’s List. They achieved this outstanding academic honor for the spring 2023 semester. • Ana Fernandez, who studies Liberal Arts and Early Childhood Education • Dang Nguyen, who studies Electrical & Computer Engineering • Azemina Plavsic, who studies General Studies To be eligible for the MassBay Dean’s List, students must complete at least six credits of college-level courses, be in good standing with the College, and earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. About MassBay Community College: The college is the most aff ordable higher education option in MetroWest Boston, off ering a robust portfolio of courses and more than 70 associate degree and certificate programs with fl exible day, evening and weekend classes in Ashland, Framingham and Wellesley Hills and online. MassBay students receive an unmatched educational value by earning stackable credits that transfer to bachelor’s degree programs, and workforce-ready skills necessary to advance careers in high-demand fields. MassBay’s Associate Degree in Nursing (RN) and Practical Nursing (LPN) programs were both ranked as the #1 Nursing Program in Massachusetts in 2020-2021 by national nursing advocacy organizations RegisteredNursing.org and PracticalNursing.org. Since its founding in 1961, MassBay has been accredited by several governing bodies and remains fi rmly committed to its mission of meeting the needs of the diverse local communities it serves. To learn more about MassBay, visit massbay.edu. ~ CIT Y COUNCIL NEWS BRIEFS ~ Council wants end of paper bag fee T he City Council is taking a second look at the ordinance that bans retailers from packaging purchases in single-use plastic bags. Councillors agreed that the ordinance needs to be amended to require stores that are 20,000 square feet or greater to provide free paper bag alternatives to customers. Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino proposed the amendment after learning one large Revere retailer was charging customers 10 cents per paper bag. “The bags break. They’re not well made.” Serino told fellow councillors, adding that the fee is a corporate policy that increases corporate profi ts. “I just wanted to fi x this so larger grocery chains can’t charge 10 cents or any fee for a paper bag,” said Serino. Councillors were all on board with changing the ordinance, but Serino cautiously said he wanted a legal opinion from the city solicitor to make sure the city could impose such a requirement on a local business. “I think this is a great change,” said Councillor-at-Large Anthony Zambuto. “I’m disheartened that a major grocery chain is charging the fee, and we have to change the ordinance to correct their greed.” The council voted to refer the proposed ordinance change to the Legislative Aff airs Committee for review. Gibson Park to get a makeover Gibson Park is in line for a serious makeover. The City Council approved a resolution to fi le and accept state Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) Program grants for the construction and improvements to Gibson Park. Plans include the reconstruction of the ballfi eld into a multipurpose athletic fi eld for a variety of activities with lighting for extended hours, a perimeter ADA walkway and new tennis courts. Gibson Park has already undergone $460,000 in improvements and renovations. In 2019 the playground area was expanded with new and accessible playground equipment; new fencing and walkways were installed and the ballfi eld was restored. The city has used PARC grants to renovate Oak Island Park and more recently to renovate Liberty Park with new play structures, a new poured safety surface for the playground and new seating. The estimated cost of the Gibson Park project is $760,000, of which $500,000 will be reimbursed to the city in PARC grant funds, if awarded. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

Page 18 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 GRANT | FROM Page 9 tic River are already feeling the impact of climate change and it is imperative that we meet these challenges with swift, decisive action. The new Barr grant for the RMC will help us do exactly that,” said Somerville Mayor Katjana Ballantyne. “Together we can reduce risks, adapt to changing climate patterns, and foster more resilient and equitable communities. I want to thank our colleagues in the Resilient Mystic Collaborative for their hard work and unwavering dedication to fi ghting climate change.” “Several of Arlington’s landmark climate projects in recent years relied on data and partnerships – as well as funding – secured by the Resilient Mystic Collaborative,” said Town Manager Sandy Pooler. “This award from the Barr Foundation strengthens our ability to accomplish our climate planning goals collaboratively, such as preventing fl ooding and reducing extreme heat.” “We’ve been working to strengthen our climate resiliency and extend needed resources to our more impacted communities,” Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn said. “The Resilient Mystic Collaborative is critical to our climate action work and will directly lead to increased protections for our residents.” “The Town of Reading is committed to addressing climate change by implementing robust solutions that center the most vulnerable members of our community,” said Town Manager Fidel Maltez. “This work takes a collaborative approach and resources beyond what our Town can provide on its own. The RMC provides our Town with technical support and proven community engagement processes that will aff ect lasting impact for our residents.” “The RMC is creating regional collaboration across municipalities to develop longterm resiliency solutions to climate change which knows no boundaries,” said Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “Individual communities cannot do this critical work on their own. By sharing information and resources, our environmental work benefits exponentially.” “The intensifying impacts of climate change are unevenly burdening communities of color, new immigrants, and vulnerable populations in Chelsea,” stated Chelsea’s Director of Housing & Community Development, Alex Train, AICP. “The RMC has enabled us to work with long-standing community partners, like GreenRoots, by adding capacity for regional solutions to coastal fl ooding, urban heat, and air quality that will stem displacement, combat public health disparities, and allow residents to prosper in place.” “The RMC is leading regional collaboration to address the impacts of climate change across municipal boundaries and Cambridge is proud to be a part of this amazing organization,” said Cambridge Commissioner of Public Works Katherine Watkins. “A perfect example of this is the Amelia Earhart Dam, which provides critical protection from coastal fl ooding to numerous communities, but is owned and operated by the state. Through the RMC, the conversation about the dam has shifted from individual communities identifying the dam as being vulnerable to a coordinated eff ort with DCR to elevate the dam and other coastal fl ood pathways.” “We designed our facilities in Assembly Row and Charlestown with climate change in mind,” said the Senior Project Manager for Mass General Brigham, David Burson. “We knew this wouldn’t be enough, however, and understood the need for a regional strategy and coalition to address the larger climate vulnerabilities that we and the communities we serve will be facing. The Resilient Mystic Collaborative has provided an effective forum for this regional conversation, and has been an incredibly effective catalyst for the funding and implementation of this essential work.” “I have been part of quite a few partnerships,” said Lexington Town Engineer John Livsey. “The RMC really delivers. I am really proud to have been one of its founders and still involved fi ve years later.” “Winchester has been working to address increasing heat, fl ooding and water quality issues,” said Winchester’s Sustainability Director, Ken Pruitt. “Through our participation with the RMC, we have access to resources and experts that are helping our community become more resilient to climate change. The RMC is a valuable partner, and we are grateful for its support and collaboration.” “When we worked with Cambridge on fl ood mitigation planning for the Alewife neighborhood, it quickly became apparent that the city could not protect itself on its own,” said Noble, Wickersham and Heart Partner Barbara Landau. “We understood that solutions had to be regional. That is when the RMC stepped in and provided its terrifi c and eff ective framework for collaboration and the ability to secure funding for critical projects that benefi t the region.” “People say that cities and towns in Massachusetts don’t like to work together, but the RMC is a great counterexample,” said CH Consulting Principal Carri Hulet. “For fi ve years I’ve seen folks work across borders with tremendous good will and it’s paying off . The people who live and work in this region will benefi t for decades because their leaders today are doing the hard work of regional collaboration.” “Our success has been a blend of hard work, high trust, and very, very lucky timing,” said MyRWA Senior Policy Advisor Julie Wormser. “Right now, the federal government is making a generational investment in equitable, climate-resilient, nature-based projects that make our communities safer, more just, and more beautiful. Barr’s generous investment means that the RMC is ready and able to leverage this funding to bring more priority projects to fruition.” Mystic River watershed at a glance The 76-square-mile Mystic River watershed stretches from Reading through the northern shoreline of Boston Harbor to Revere. “Mystic” is an anglicized version of the Pequot word missi-tuk (“large river with windand tide-driven waves”), and the Mystic is now one of New England’s most densely populated, urbanized watersheds. The seven-mile Mystic River and its tributaries represented an early economic engine for colonial Boston. Ten shipyards built more than 500 clipper ships in the 1800s before roads and railways replaced schooners and steamships. Tide-driven mills, brickyards and tanneries along both banks of the river brought both wealth and pollution. In the 1960s, the Amelia Earhart Dam transformed much of the river into a freshwater impoundment, while construction of Interstate 93 filled in wetlands and dramatically changed the river’s course. Since then, many former industrial sites have been cleaned up and redeveloped into new commercial areas and residential communities. The Mystic is facing growing climate-related challenges: coastal and stormwater fl ooding, extreme storms, heat, drought and unpredictable seasonal weather. The watershed is relatively low-lying and extensively developed, making it prone to both freshwater and coastal fl ooding. Its 21 municipalities are home to 600,000 residents, including many who are disproportionately vulnerable to extreme weather: environmental justice communities, new Americans, residents of color, elders, low-income residents and employees, people living with disabilities, and Englishlanguage learners. 1. On June 30, 1864, President Lincoln signed the Yosemite Valley Grant Act to protect the area; what Yosemite Board of Commissioners member was a landscape architect who died in Belmont, Mass.? 2. The Los Angeles Dodgers’ name comes from the need to dodge what? 3. What vegetable has the most water? 4. In 1987 what John Philip Sousa march became the offi cial National March of the USA? 5. On July 1, 1963, the U.S. Postal Service began ZIP Code, which stands for what? 6. The Grand Banks are closest to what island? 7. What popular song is Georgia’s offi cial state song? 8. On July 3, 1996, the British Prime Minister announced that the Stone of Scone would go back to Scotland; what is the stone used for? 9. In the 1600s what beverage in Europe was so expensive that it was kept locked in wooden boxes? 10. What is the more common name for Liberty EnlightAnswers ening the World? 11. On July 3, 1878, what songwriter of “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” “Give My Regards to Broadway” and “You’re a Grand Old Flag” was born? 12. Where would you fi nd the largest tortoises? 13. What document does July 4th commemorate? 14. On July 4, 1804, what author was born in Salem, Mass.? 15. What kind of similar buildings would you fi nd in Dubai, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai? 16. What French playwright of “The Doctor Despite Himself” and “The Would-Be Invalid” said, “One must eat to live, not live to eat”? 17. On July 5, 1971, the 26th Constitutional Amendment was certifi ed, granting voting rights to those of what age? 18. Do centipedes have 100 legs? 19. What food is known as a hand? 20. July 6 is National Fried Chicken Day; reportedly, in the 1930s the Chicken and Waffl es dish was created in what locale? CAVARETTA AND SON, LLC ~ DRAIN CLEANING SERVICES ~ Frank Cavaretta - Over 21 Years Experience * Main Lines * Kitchen Sinks “You clog it, we clean it!” 24-Hour Service * 781-526-4750 1. Frederick Law Olmstead 2. Electric trolleys (In 1896 the team was named the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers.) 3. Cucumber 4. “Stars and Stripes Forever” 5. Zone Improvement Plan Code 6. Newfoundland 7. “Georgia on My Mind” 8. Coronations 9. Tea 10. The Statue of Liberty 11. George M. Cohan 12. The Galápagos Islands 13. Declaration of Independence 14. Nathaniel Hawthorne 15. World’s tallest skyscrapers 16. Molière 17. 18 or older 18. No; they have varying numbers of legs (although “centi” means hundredth or hundred). 19. A cluster of bananas 20. Harlem, N.Y.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 19 OBITUARIES Michael Ferrara neral Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church in Revere at 12:00pm. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. A Visitation was held on Thursday at the funeral home. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. In lieu of fl owers, donations can be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 6704, Hagerstown, MD 21741 or at www.cancer.org Bernardino Guerrero, Sr O f Revere passed away on June 26, 2023 at the age of 87. Born in Casacalenda, Italy on August 16, 1935 to the late Giovanni and Concetta (DiGenova). Beloved husband of 60 years to Anna (Donatone). Devoted father of John Ferrara of Revere, and Joseph Ferrara and his wife Maxine of Georgetown. Cherished grandfather of Téa, Nicoletta, and Adrianna. Dear brother of Ninetta Iasenza and her late husband Nicolino of Italy, and Lina Annuario and her husband Luigi of Italy. Adored brother-in-law of Nino Donatone and his wife Ofelia of Italy, and Nella Donatone of Italy. Also survived by many loving nieces and nephews. Michael was a very proud tailor and designer who made all of his own suits. He cherished spending time and going on vacations with his family. He was also an active bowler and bocci player that he enjoyed with friends in his league. Michael and Anna always looked forward to planting and tending to their vegetable garden every spring. Funeral from the Paul Buonfi - glio & Sons-Bruno Funeral Home 128 Revere St, Revere on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:00am. FuREVERETV | FROM Page 11 to the appropriate playlist on YouTube. It’s obvious that the Boston Renegades have had another dominant season. To see the results of this game or watch games from this year and last year, head to RevereTV’s YouTube page. RevereTV will soon be playing the recording of this year’s annual mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Park in Beachmont. Check out the Community Channel in the mornings over the next few weeks to catch the recording. This mass will also be posted to YouTube. Later on on Sunday, RevereTV was at the Second Annual Revere Beach Pride celebration at Waterfront Square. The sights and sounds coverage of this year’s event of 47 years to Rosa Hernandez of Revere. The loving father of Angelica Guerrero & husband Carlos Rosales of Woonsocket, RI., Bernardino “Bernie” Guerrero, Jr. & wife Aida of Lynn, Maria I. Guerrero of Arkansas, Carlos Guerrero & wife Carolina, and Fredy Guerrero, all of Revere. He is the cherished grandfather of 10 grandchildren. The dear brother of 11 siblings, living & deceased. He is also lovingly survived by many nieces & nephews. Family & friends were invited to attend Visiting Hours on Thursday June 29th in the Vertuccio Smith & Vazza, Beechwood Home for Funerals 262 Beach St., Revere. A funeral will be conducted from the funeral home on Friday, June 30th beginning at 10:00 a.m., followed by a Funeral Service in the funeral home at 11:00 a.m. Interment will be held in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn. O f Revere. Died on Saturday, June 24th at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton, after sustaining a heart attack, he was 75 years old Bernardino was born on May 25, 1948, in San Vicente El Salvador. He was one of eleven children. Berardino was raised & educated in San Vicente. He was married & began to raise his family in El Salvador. He journeyed to the United States in the early 1980’s to start a new life for his family. Once he settled with a job, his wife and children followed. Bernardino was an extraordinarily hard-working man. He provided for his family by working very long days and usually every day. Bernardino was truly a family man, who would do anything for his family. He is the beloved husband will soon be posted to all RevereTV outlets. Some community coverage still replaying on RevereTV: what to expect at the Sandler Square Mobile Market, the Revere High School Underclassmen Awards and Showcase, the RHS Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony, the Garfi eld Middle School’s Band and Spring Concert, and Revere Public Schools’ Observance of Juneteenth. All community coverage plays on the Community Channel, which is 8/1072 on Comcast, and 3/614 for RCN subscribers. Every RevereTVproduced program is posted to the RevereTV YouTube page. ENDORSES | FROM Page 3 it from a young age by the way he cared for and mentored his classmates,” said Rizzo. Pointing to Juan’s advocacy for more funding for the Revere Public Schools as a legislative director in the state senate and as education advocate, Rizzo added that she was “delighted by the advocate Juan has become to strengthen our public schools and to help the most vulnerable in the community. We would be lucky to have him as one of our city councillors at-large.” “Ms. Rizzo has been one of the mentors I most admire in our city. She has always been one to speak truth to the powerful and has never backed down from the righteous fi ghts on behalf of our city’s students. I am the trusted and experienced advocate that I am today, because leaders like Ms. Rizzo invested their time into me. I am deeply honored to receive her support and look forward to working alongside her in city government to improve the lives of our students and parents,” said Jaramillo. The race for one of the three open city council at-large seats is intensifying with over a dozen candidates crisscrossing the city to gain the support of voters and community leaders. This endorsement is one of the many endorsements earned by Jaramillo whose campaign is on full throttle receiving the support of community leaders from all walks of life; from neighbors, former Revere mayors and state legislators serving Revere to current city councillors who wish to serve alongside Juan next term. Jaramillo said that “while it is encouraging and humbling to receive the support of people that have witnessed his growth in the community, he is working hard for every vote.” Should all candidates make it on the ballot, there will be a scheduled preliminary election for the city council held on September 19th, 2023 with a fi nal general election on November 7th, 2023. GAMING DISTRICT MALDEN GAMING DISTRICT check us out at P www.MaldenGamingDistrict.com Questing, Billiards, Bouldering, e-Sports, VR, Room Escapes, Karaoke and Magic, plus many great restaurants, shops, and breweries all in Malden Center! ~ Home of the Week ~ LYNN.... Welcome to this lovely well maintained Ranch offering 5+ rooms, 3 bedrooms, full bath. Located on side st abbutting Lynn Woods Conservation. Kitchen with S/S appliances, open concept to dining area,                                          approximately 15 years. Don’t miss this one!             View the interior of this home right on your smartphone.       Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

Page 20 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 By Bob Katzen If you have any questions about this week’s report, e-mail us at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com or call us at (617) 720-1562 GET A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO MASSTERLIST – Join more than 25,000 people, from movers and shakers to political junkies and interested citizens, who start their weekday morning with MASSterList—the popular newsletter that chronicles news and informed analysis about what’s going on up on Beacon Hill, in Massachusetts politics, policy, media and influence. The stories are drawn from major news organizations as well as specialized publications selected by MASSterlist’s editor, Erin Tiernan, with help from Matt Murphy. Both are pros, with a wealth of experience, who introduce each article in their own clever way. MASSterlist will be e-mailed to you FREE every Monday through Friday morning and will give you a leg up on what’s happening in the blood sport of Bay State politics. For more information and to get your free subscription, go to: https:// lp.constantcontactpages.com/ su/aPTLucK THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records local senators’ votes on roll calls from the recent debate on the Senate’s version of a $55.9 billion fi scal 2024 state budget. $750,000 FOR REGIONAL LIBRARIES (S 3) Senate 39-0, approved an amendment that would increase by $750,000 (from $15,967,600 to $16,717,600) funding for regional libraries. “I’m proud to sponsor this amendment to increase support for our regional public libraries,” said sponsor Sen. Jake Oliveira (D-Ludlow). “By passing the amendment, the Senate has sent a clear message that it stands in solidarity to support free thought, diversity, inclusion and equity across the commonwealth through our public library system.” (A “Yes” vote is for the $750,000.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes $600,000 FOR WALKABLE DOWNTOWNS (S 3) Senate 39-0, approved $600,000 for technical assistance to cities and towns to promote compact, walkable downtowns that have a “vibrant mix of commercial and residential uses, cultural and recreational amenities and access to public transportation.” “I was honored to deliver my inaugural speech in support of … $600,000 toward the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative … in the Senate budget,” said sponsor Sen. Pavel Payano (D-Lawrence). “The program is adminYour Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $150 per paper in-town per year or $200 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 istered by the Executive Offi ce of Economic Development and provides technical assistance to municipalities hoping to revitalize their downtown areas. I fi led this amendment so cities like my hometown of Lawrence can improve their downtowns so they can continue to thrive for years to come.” (A “Yes” vote is for the $600,000.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes $1 MILLION FOR BIRTH CENTERS (S 3) Senate 39-0, approved an amendment providing $1 million for the awarding of grants for the development and operation of freestanding birth centers. Priority for funding would be given to birth centers that serve communities historically impacted most by racial inequities in maternal health including high rates of maternal and infant mortality. Birth centers facilities, usually staff ed by nurse-midwives, provide a less institutionalized and less restricted setting than a hospital for women who wish to deliver by natural childbirth. Amendment supporters said there is only one remaining birthing center in Massachusetts. They noted the amendment would lead to much needed additional birthing centers in the Bay State. Amendment sponsor Sen. Liz Miranda (D-Boston) did not respond to repeated requests by Beacon Hill Roll Call to comment on the approval of her amendment. (A “Yes” vote is for the $1 million.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL FUNDING FOR MASSACHUSETTS-BASED RESIDENTS’ STARTUP COMPANIES (S 237) - The Economic Development and Emerging Technologies Committee held a hearing on legislation that would create a $500,000 pilot program off ering competitive grants to Massachusetts residents who are starting new businesses. “I believe in the potential of our citizens to drive innovation and economic growth,” said sponsor Sen. Patrick O’Connor (R-Weymouth). “By providing support and resources to local startup companies, we can foster entrepreneurship, create SCAM | FROM Page 16 • Be cautious about credit check websites. If you need a credit check, always use reputable sources, such as those recommended by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at https://www.consumerfi nance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-dojob opportunities and contribute to the overall prosperity of our state.” FOOD LABELS (H 2205/S 1390) – The Committee on Public Health held a hearing on proposals that would standardize the date labels on food products sold in the Bay State by establishing two kinds of date labels to mitigate widespread consumer confusion and reduce food waste. The “Quality Date” label would indicate the date on which the quality of the food product may begin to deteriorate but it is still acceptable for consumption. The “Safety Date” label would apply to certain high-risk food products, signifying the point at which under any storage conditions, consumption of the food may pose a safety risk. “Food waste is an enormous problem in the United States, with an estimated 30 to 40 percent of our food supply – about 400 pounds per year per American - trucked to landfi lls according to the USDA,” said sponsor of the Senate version of the bill Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Lowell). “This, despite the fact that many residents continue to struggle with hunger. The current voluntary labeling standard is confusing and bills at the federal level to create a standard labeling practice have stalled. This bill creates uniformity in labeling to make it less confusing, in an eff ort to reduce food waste. These changes to create a standardized food labeling system will eliminate consumer confusion and reduce food waste, which in part will help to reduce hunger as well as benefi t retailers and the environment.” “In my role as a co-founder and co-chair of the Food System Caucus, reducing food insecurity and food waste are two important priorities,” said Rep. Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury) who sponsored the House version. “This legislation addresses both by providing standardized language that diff erentiates clearly what food is still safe to eat and donate, versus what food is not.” CHINESE-OWNED COMPANIES IN MASSACHUSETTS (H 413) – The Economic Development and Emerging Technologies Committee held a hearing on legislation that would establish a special commission to study the fi nancial relationship between i-get-a-copy-of-my-credit-reports-en-5/ For more information Visit https://www.bbb.org/ all/moving for more tips and advice. Learn more about common rental scams in the BBB study at https://www. bbb.org/article/news-releases/21033-bbb-investigaMassachusetts businesses and Chinese state-owned companies. The commission would identify Massachusetts-based assets held by Chinese stateowned companies, determine the extent to which business operations conducted by Chinese state-owned companies aff ect local industries and assess the corresponding dangers posed to the Bay State’s economic wellbeing and sovereignty. “In recent years, the Chinese government has attempted to use its economic power to infl uence the policies of foreign governments by imprisoning visiting businesspeople on spurious charges, abruptly terminating contracts with foreign companies after upfront expenses have been paid and stealing intellectual property,” said sponsor Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading). “Massachusetts companies, specifi cally those in the biotech, software, manufacturing and fi - nance sectors, are particularly vulnerable to pressure applied by the Chinese government. The proposed commission will provide vital information about the nature and size of Chinese investment in the commonwealth and will assist lawmakers in identifying the state’s economic vulnerabilities and devising a strategy to protect local industries.” ALLOW 16- AND 17-YEAROLD YOUTHS TO VOTE IN LOCAL ELECTIONS (H 3576) – A bill heard by the Election Laws Committee would allow cities and towns to permit people aged 16- and 17-year to vote in their local city and town elections and presidential primaries. Current law requires that voters be 18. “The benefi ts to lowering the municipal voting age to 16 or 17 are many and include increasing voter turnout, especially in local elections which are historically low, creating lifelong civic habits and strengthening our representative democracy,” said Geoff Foster, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts. Supporters noted that studies have shown that 16- and 17-year-olds score evenly with 21-year-olds on questions about political knowledge, tolerance, political effi cacy, perceived civic skills and community service. Many cities and towns over BEACON | SEE Page 22 tion-rental-scams. Watch out for a similar scam where the “landlord” claims they are out of town and unable to show the property. If you spot a rental scam, blow the whistle! Report your experience at BBB.org/ ScamTracker to help build consumer awareness and frustrate scammers’ schemes.

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 21 ~ HELP WANTED ~ * PIZZA MAKERS * COUNTER HELP * DELIVERY DRIVERS Please call: (617) 259-4482 or in-person: 340 Central St., Saugus                     WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES!    AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 RON’S OIL Call For PRICE 21 FIRST STREET MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM                                                     We follow Social Distancing Guidelines!       ADVOCATE Call now! 781-286-8500 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net                                                     Classifieds    

Page 22 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 BEACON | FROM Page 20 the past few years have approved home rule petitions lowering the voting age to 16 for their municipal elections. But none of the proposals were approved by the Legislature and most were shipped off to a study committee where they died. ALLOW NON-CITIZENS TO VOTE (H 671) – The Elections Laws Committee’s hearing also included a proposal that would permit cities and towns to allow non-citizens over age 18 to vote in local municipal elections. The elections in which non-citizens could vote include an election for mayor, school committee, city council, town council, select board, a school commitAmerican Exterior and Window Corporation Contact us for all of your home improvement projects and necessities Telephone: 617-699-1782 Toll Free: 1-888-744-1756 Email: info@americanexteriorandwindow.com       All estimates, consultations or inspections              Insured and Registered Complete Financing     tee referendum and a local ballot referendum. “Non-citizen residents of Massachusetts are already participating deeply in civic life by attending parent-teacher conferences, working toward college degrees, donating their time for community projects, running local businesses and of course, paying their taxes,” said sponsor Rep. Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge). “That is why I am proud to refi le this legislation to extend voting rights in municipal elections to noncitizen voters of the commonwealth.” A similar bill fi led by Connolly last year was shipped off to a study committee where bills are rarely actually studied and are essentially defeated. It is a way to kill a proposal without holding a vote on the bill itself. SLAVERY REPARATIONS (H 3921) – Rep. Brandy Fluker Oakley (D-Boston) has proposed a late-fi led bill that would create a commission to study and develop proposals for lineage-based reparations programs to redress the harm resulting from the institution of slavery in the state, systemic racism against enslaved people and their descendants; and the lasting eff ects of slavery and institutional and systemic racism in the Bay State. “Celebrating Juneteenth is not only about joy and fellowCOMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Happy July 4th! Sandy Juliano Broker/President Follow Us On: OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JULY 1st 12 NOON - 1:00 PM NEW LISTING BY NORMA! 709 Broadway, Everett, 4 units $1,350,000. SOLD OVER ASKING! LISTED BY SANDY! 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath Ranch, 6 Bridge Street, Tewksbury - $499,900. Call Sandy with questions, 617-448-0854. List Your Home or Apartment With Us! Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Joe DiNuzzo 617-680-7610 Norma Capuano Parziale 617-590-9143 ship, but also about recognizing the work that needs to be done to make the commonwealth a more just place for all,” said Fluker Oakley. “This bill is an actionable step toward making reparations for Black Americans a reality not only in our state, but also to inspire our nation to do the same. It is not enough for us to just speak on these issues and acknowledge them, but we must also put these values into practice and support legislation that will make a real change.” “With the median net worth of $8 for blacks and $247,500 for whites in the capital city of the commonwealth, the time is now to move towards reckoning with the systems that have continued to contribute to causing this divide,” said Repair America Collective spokesperson, Aziza Robinson-Goodnight. “We’d like to emphasize this is just the beginning, repair for Black Americans is long overdue. Since the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620, Massachusetts has claimed to be the enlightened moral center of the New World and forming a commission to study and develop proposals for lineage-based reparations programs is signifi cant for Massachusetts. This is an historic step for us all and brings us closer towards holistic repair for racialized harm.” QUOTABLE QUOTES – Special “Who’s Looking At What Edition.” According to the Legislature’s website, here are some of the top bills that visitors to the site are searching. Fiscal Year 2023 $55 billion plus state budget (H 57) Protecting the rights of older adults and people with disabilities by requiring all nursing homes to establish a human rights committee with the power to investigate the complaints of residents (S 399) Regulating dress codes in schools (S 290) Allowing a person to change their gender on their marriage CONCERT | FROM Page 1 “We expect the professionRosemarie Ciampi 617-957-9222 als to tell us what to do,” said O’Brien. “It was an amazing event from start to fi nish,” said Councillor-atLarge Marc Silvestri. “From parking, to entrances and exits, security, it was unbelievable.” City Council President Pro Denise Matarazzo 617-953-3023 617-294-1041 Tempore Joanne McKenna said she received just one call about noise, from an elderly resident who lives near the track. “Congratulations. It’s great to have this back in the city. You’re doing a fantastic job,” she told O’Brien. Police Chief David Callahan also praised the event. “We were included in the traffi c plan. It was very professional, one of the best I’ve seen in 30 years. There were certifi cate (S 975) Prohibiting any non-electric cars from being a self-driving car also known as autonomous vehicles (H 3298) HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been fi led. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of June 1923, the House met for a total of 55 minutes while the Senate met for a total of 42 minutes. Mon. June 19 No House session No Senate session Tues. June 20 House 11:01 a.m. to 11:16 a.m. Senate 11:05 a.m. to 11:12 a.m Wed. June 21 No House session No Senate session Thurs. June 22 House 11:01 a.m. to 11:41 a.m. Senate 11:09 a.m. to 11:44 a.m. Fri. June 23 No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019. no arrests, no trouble whatsoever. It was an excellent plan,” he said. Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito did ask O’Brien about their original plans, which included an indoor concert venue. Morabito said an indoor venue was desirable for residents during the winter months and for local businesses. He asked O’Brien if an indoor concert space is still part of the plan. O’Brien said HYM still wants to create a more permanent indoor venue. They are now working on the 25 percent of the property that is to be dedicated to open space. “The outdoor concert was an attempt to bring people to the site,” said O’Brien. “Now, we can work to make this better. Our next show is in September.”

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 Page 23 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com BUYER1 Ponce, Victor M Raupp, Jean Watson, Diana A CANDIDATE | FROM Page 3 gling to stay afl oat fi nancially, and highlighted nursing homes that excelled in protecting their most vulnerable. For over a decade, Ralph has hosted free networking events locally and globally providing complimentary food and creating a safe space for people to come together and build lifelong friendships while progressing in their careers. One of his most memorable public events was held at the Point of Pines Yacht Club, which is generally only open to members exclusively. His work in social impact is unparalleled. Ralph promises to prioritize elderly care and service as the cornerstone of his Ward 5 canBUYER2 Amador, Crisela Ode-Melo, Ana P REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS SELLER1 SELLER2 First Fenno LLC Driscoll, Robert H Dix Street Rt didacy. He has both his eyes on the MBTA Bus stop changes. He promises to help businesses in Ward 5 that have been staples of the community for decades remain where they are, as they are. Ralph also promises to advocate not just for the Point of Pines area like his opponents but all of Ward 5, examining the parking policies currently in place and addressing all that darn traffi c! Ralph is the ideal candidate for this position because he will transfer his astute business acumen and high-level professional skills in project management and email communication to make sure he serves his term as one of the best to ever do it. For more information visit: VOTERALPHCELESTIN.com Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma 38 Main St. Saugus (781) 558-1091 20 Railroad Ave, Rockport (978)-999-5408 14 Norwood St, Everett (781)-558-1091 mangorealtyteam.com Commercial Rental ROCKLAND SAUGUS If you have been dreaming of starting your own business, this space is for you. Owner will discuss your plans and dreams and craft a lease that suits your needs. This professional office or retail space is located on busy Union Street right outside of Rockland Center. Present space has two front entrances and one rear exit. There are two rest rooms and additional area space. Plenty of additional storage space in the basement! Multiple parking spaces in the rear of the building. Tenant pays their own electricity and heating costs. Exterior maintenance (snow plowing and landscaping) is shared with adjoining tenant. High traffic and strong visibility location close to the areas major highways. Great location for professional office, convenience store, food specialty, drugstore, hardware, apparel, appliance repair, home decorating, furniture, book store, stationary, photography, art gallery, medical clinic, barber, beauty, yoga, fingernails, dance, massage, pedicure, jewelry, or church. Flexible terms for start-up business. Parking for these two units will be out back or on side of building, not in front, and there is plenty! Large basement for storage included in lease. Other uses are permitted with special permit. Lessee to conduct due diligence with Rockland building department $1,750 Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 Commercial Apartment Rental - EVERETT Spacious and sunny with generous sized rooms best describes this 2nd floor apartment conveniently located just off of Broadway in Everett. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout, especially in the open concept living room and dining room that are both sun drenched from two 5 pane picture windows. Included in the rent will be a huge walk-up attic for storage. If that is not desired the landlord will reduce the monthly rent to 2500.00 but where could you get that much storage space for 100.00 per month? One off street parking space and it must be used by the primary tenant(s) only. No pets. Driveways and parking will be maintained by landlord. Tenant responsible for snow removal on steps and walkway. First and last month rent, no security fee, and landlord will pay 50% of broker feel and tenant will be responsible for the other 50%. Full credit and background check with references. $2,600. Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 This incredible home is nestled on a dead end street. The first floor welcomes an open concept with a center island, Stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops that lead to the welcoming Dining and Living Room for entertaining your family and friends that has a gas fireplace, Adjacent is a 1/2 to the kitchen along with family room, study and leads to a double door that shares a trex deck. The second floor offers 3 generous bedrooms with 2 full baths and an additional storage in the walk up attic. The main bedroom has its own main bedroom and large walk in closet. Wait still more room in the lower level is heated and has an additional 1/2 bath. Did I mention 2 car garage, central air, Central vac, Irrigation system, stone wall and more? $779,000 Call/Text Sue at 617-877-4553 Going on Vacation?? 1 Week Rental- Rockport Welcome to this gorgeous modern family home for rent July 8-15th, in quaint Rockport, MA. Nestled on a quiet private road, yet so close to everything. Easy 5 minute walk to front beach, downtown Rockport, bearskin neck, shops, restaurants, & so much more!!! Fully equipped for beach fun & very family friendly. This elegant home has an open concept kitchen with a large island & stainless steel appliances. Open concept dining nook & living room with a separate TV room. There is one bedroom on the first floor with the option for a twin bed or a king bed. Upstairs has 3 bedrooms. The primary bedroom has a roof deck that was just renovated in 2021 with outdoor seating. The other bedroom has a full bed and the last bedroom has twin bunks which is perfect for the kids. Outdoor area includes a patio, grill area with dining table seating for 7, just off the kitchen. In front of the home has a magnificent fire pit which seats 6. Come relax on the hammock, enjoy lots of shade. Parking for 2 cars only. $4200 Email Rosa Rescigno at soldwithrosa@gmail.com or call me at 781-820-0086 SAUGUS Seller to contribute $25,000 towards upgrades. This trilevel is located in the highly desirable Indian Rock Development. The open concept kitchen offers S.S. appliances & a center island that adjoins a double sliding door that leads to the screened in porch. Open and inviting the first floor can flow like a breeze into the dining room which offers a cozy spot for family meals that leads into the L.R. Stepping down into the F.R. welcomes an inviting fireplace where family & friends can hang out for casual entertaining. Move to the 3 large bdrms that offer gleaming hardwood floors along with a spacious closet for the main bedroom. A 1 car garage attached to this lovely home and bonus rooms in the basement with so much more space. A 5-7 car detached garage awaits the ideal buyer that has loads of untapped potential above the garage that is heated and came be a home gym, teen suite, or enough space for a group to gather. Minutes from major routes. $975,000. Call/text Peter at 781-820-5690 Sue Palomba of Mango Realty is amazing. She sold our house so fast and took care of every step in the process so we did not have to worry about anything. Then she went way out of her way to find us our new dream home. Again taking care of every detail. My wife and I highly recommend her. We don't know anyone who will work harder for you. Thank you so much Sue! ~Bob Falta~ Condo for Sale LYNN ADDRESS 409 Fenno St 474 Revere Beach Blvd #603 Cheung, Alex G 48-AR Dix St DATE PRICE 06.07.23 785000 06.09.23 425000 06.09.23 295000 Revere Studio Condo, 1 Bed/bath. Currently vacant. Condo must sell as owner occupied, per condo rules. FHA approved. This condo is a professionally managed unit, with a pool, dog park, gazebo, and parking. H/P accessible via elevator. Restaurants and bus route nearby within walking distance..... $235,000. Call /text Carl at 781-690-1307 Saugus This lovely 3 bedroom home move right in home hosts a nice large eat in kitchen. This Welcome to Saugus, where this cozy home awaits your creative touch! Nestled on a peaceful dead-end street where you can offer serene space for your ideas and settings. Leave it as is or upgrade the kitchens and baths. This level yard boasts a 1 car garage, fenced in yard and parking for 4-6 cars. The location is excellent with easy access to major routes, market street in Lynnfield, Boston, Transportation and Logan Airport. $419,000. 3 B.R. Ranch with large fenced in yard. Excellent Fellsway location. Property being SOLD AS IS with contents (mostly clothes) to be sold/disposed of by buyer. Perfect for a handyman, flipper, rehabber or do it yourself person. This does not appear to be too far from move in condition, Hardwood floors throughout. Generous garage. Basement appears to have been finished and used as living space at one time... $599,000. Call/text Rosa at 781-820-0096 welcoming floor plan, open concept of living and dining room offers nice hardwood floors where you could enjoy casual or formal gathering where you could enjoy casual or formal gathering. The easy access for washer and dryer hook up on first floor along with a 1/2 bath is a great benefit Updated roof. $599,000 Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma UNDER AGREEMENT UNDER AGREEMENT UNDER AGREEMENT

Page 24 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 ............. # 1       “Experience and knowledge Provide the Best Service”        SEE WHY MORE PEOPLE CHOOSE CARPENITO REAL ESTATE View our website from your mobile phone! 335 Central St., Saugus, MA 781-233-7300                                    SAUGUS - 7 room, 3 bedroom Garrison Colonial offers          level offers family rm and second kitchen updated roof,         Betty Marino REVERE - 5 room, 3-bedroom Ranch, spacious living         located on side street on the Saugus line.    Betty & Lori were a pleasure to work with. They were accommodating and helpful when we needed guidance. They were also honest about places. They both worked hard to get us to see houses quickly. We saw so many houses. We will recommend Carpenito Real Estate to all our friends and anyone we know! Thank you for a                              wonderful experience buying a home. - Jennifer & David Houle                       extended family, central air, security system, updated roof, large,                                                 FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 BED, 2 BATH SPLIT LOCATED IN DESIRABLE INDIAN ROCK. 2 FIREPLACES, LARGE ROOMS, LARGE YARD, BUILT-IN POOL. GREAT HOME. BRING YOUR DECORATING IDEAS. NEEDS UPDATES. SAUGUS LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL ? CALL JOHN DOBBYN CALL DEBBIE FOR DETAILS 617-678-9710 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE - RARE FIND! BRAND NEW HOME FEATURING 3 BEDS, 3 BATHS, QUALITY CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. FLEXIBLE FLOOR PLAN. OPEN CONCEPT, CATHEDRAL CEILINGS, SS APPLIANCES, LARGE ISLAND, SLIDER TO DECK. MAIN BED HAS 2 CUSTOM CLOSETS AND EN SUITE. FINISHED WALK OUT LL OPEN FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. SAUGUS $859,900 CALL DEBBIE: 617-678-9710 UNDER CONTRACT FOR SALE- 3 BED, 1.5 BATH RANCH. VINYL SIDING, GAS HEAT, CENTRAL AC,GARAGE, HARDWOOD, LARGE BASEMENT, ALARM SYSTEM, NEWER ROOF. SAUGUS $599,000 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 617-285-7117 LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED AGENTS WHO WANT A NO HASSLE, NO NONSENSE OFFICE. WE ARE LOOKING FOR AGENTS WHO WANT TO MAKE A DECENT PAY WITHOUT PAYING HIGH FEES. ARE YOU A GO GETTER? PERHAPS BI-LINGUAL? WILLING TO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND? CALL US TODAY!! NEW PRICE FOR SALE -4 FAM LOCATED NEAR PEABODY SQUARE. FULLY RENTED WITH LONG TERM TENANTS. EACH UNIT HAS PRIVATE ENTRANCE. 2 DRIVEWAYS, 8 CAR PARKING + 2 CAR GARAGE. CORNER LOT. 2 NEWER GAS HEATING SYSTEMS, SEPARATE ELECTRIC, CLOSE TO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. PEABODY $975,500 CALL RHONDA 781-706-0842 NEW PRICE UNDER FOR SALE FOR SALE - 3 BED, 2.5 BATH COLONIAL. FIREPLACE LIVING ROOM. 3 SEASON PORCH. HUGE FENCED YARD. GREAT GARAGE FOR WORK SHOP OR CAR COLLECTOR. TEWKSBURY $659,900 CALL DEBBIE 617-678-9710 CONTRACT FOR SALE - FREE STANDING CONDO IN 55+ COMMUNITY FEATURING 2 BEDS, 3.5 BATHS WITH PRIVACY AND SCENIC VIEWS. LARGE ROOMS AND CATHEDRAL CEILINGS. SPA LIKE BATH. THEATRE ROOM, GYM, AND GAME ROOM. MIDDLETON $1,149,999 CALL JUSTIN FOR DETAILS 978-815-2610 FOR SALE- CUSTOM BUILT 5 BED, 3 FULL, 2 HALF BATH HOME BUILT IN 2020. THIS OPEN CONCEPT HOME IS STUNNING. 11’ ISLAND WITH WATERFALL EDGES, THERMADOR HIGH END APPLIANCES, CUSTOM TILED BATHS. NO DETAIL LEFT UNDONE! SAUGUS $999,900 CALL KEITH 781-389-0791 THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING SOON? CONFUSED ABOUT THE CURRENT MARKET AND WHAT IS GOING ON WITH INTEREST RATES AND INVENTORY? WE ARE HERE TO HELP! GIVE US A CALL TODAY!

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