Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 State Rep. Jeffrey Turco hosts seaside reception Lots of close friends and supporters: former Massachusetts Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo, Northeast Metro Tech School Committee member Anthony Caggiano, State Representative Jessica Giannino and East Boston Municipal Court Clerk Magistrate Joe Feretra. Friends and supporters of the popular representative: former State Representative RoseLee Vincent and Vincent and Justine Denietolis. L Revere’s 55 Court Rd. was fi lled with friends and supporters for State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco; introduction of the State Representative started with colleague Jessica Giannino. ast Tuesday evening, the Committee to Re-Elect State Representative Jeff Turco hosted a seaside reception on the docks at 55 Court Rd., home of his neighbors, the Famolares. It was a beautiful location and the weather cooperated for the evening’s festivities. Valet parking to a delicious Chinese Food buff et made the evening very special for the capacity crowd. Friends, neighbors and supporters from Revere and Winthrop poured into the reception area. Colleagues from the Massachusetts House of Representatives also joined in to show support for Rep. Turco. Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Bob DeLeo was on hand as part of the introduction team, which included State Representative Jessica Giannino and Majority Leader of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Michael Moran. Since elected, Rep. Turco has championed many bills that served the Revere and Winthrop Communities well. State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco with Paul Verone and Joe Carbone State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco with his daughter, Grace, Chuck Famolare and Jim Nigro The Turcos, Jeff and Melissa, welcomed his colleague State Rep. Joe McGonagle of Everett. State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco took center stage and thanked Majority Leader Moran for his kind words and support. Jimmy O’Donnell, Candidate for Revere Mayor/Councillor-at-Large Dan Rizzo and Cathy O’Donnell with Representative Jeff Rosario Turco State Representative Jeff Rosario Turco pointed out the low fl ying planes and joked to Mass. House of Representatives Majority Leader Michael Moran for mitigation money as he began to thank all in attendance for their support and friendship. Turco went on to speak of his future intentions to make Revere and Winthrop ready and fi nancially stable for the future, with the help of his colleague State Representative Jessica Giannino, and a new plan as the communities begin to grow and move forward. Former Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo has a legacy of helping and sponsoring bills to better the City of Revere and the Town of Winthrop and, as Speaker of the House, bills that improved many communities around the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. On Tuesday night his job was to help introduce his friend and former colleague, House Majority Leader Michael Moran, who introduced Jeff Rosario Turco. Former Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo and Vikki Mucci are shown with Chelsea District Court Assistant Clerk Magistrate Jim Dwyer and Revere businessmen Jim Nigro and Nick Restuccia. Representative Jeff Turco welcomed guests Caleb Manchester, Dave Eastman and Candidate for Revere mayor/Councillor-at-Large Steve Morabito. John Carlo Pami, Marc Birritteri and Sibby Birritteri with State Rep. Jeff Rosario Turco

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