Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023 BUDGET | FROM Page 1 addition to hiring 11 new fi refi ghters, which brings the total force to 119, the city plans to hire fi ve new police offi cers, which increases the department to a total of 115 offi cers. The travel and tourism department has been merged back into the parks and recreation department, while the building commissioner and city inspectors have been branched off into a unique and separate department. Viscay also noted that the city’s health insurance costs have increased six percent since last year and the property and casualty insurance bill is up nine percent but now includes costly new cyber insurance. Viscay stressed that no other money from grants or federal aid programs has been worked in to balance the budget. He described the budget proposal as “vanilla,” with no big new initiatives, or hot-topic spending. He suggested that as residents mull over who should be the next mayor, the goal is a level-funded budget that keeps things moving. It will be up to the new mayor to provide some direction for the new high school or other major projects. Committee members had the chance to ask questions to City Solicitor Paul Capizzi about the legal department. Councillorat-Large Steven Morabito asked about a more than $500,000 line item for legal services. “It’s an enormous jump,” said Morabito. “What you want for your department in settlement fees is so much more than the mayor recommended.” Capizzi said the money needed for legal settlements was impossible to predict and he asked for a large amount just in case it was needed. Election Commissioner Paul Fahey explained a few differences in his budget due to state mandates for early and mailin voting. The three upcoming elections, which include the Presidential primary in the spring, are the major reasons for the increase in that department’s budget. The committee had few questions or comments until City Clerk Ashley Melnick presented her department’s level-funded budget. Committee members took the opportunity to praise Melnick. Calling her the greatest city clerk in the state, they thanked her for her support, assistance, guidance and expertise.

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