Maldden alld a A Vol. 30, No. 17 den -FREETHE ADVOCATE – A HOUSEHOLD WORD IN MALDEN FOR 30 YEARS! AD O C TE AD CAT AT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday Malden Police train in life-saving measures Chief: “Highest priority is the safety of the resisting subject, the public and the offi cers” 617-387-2200 By Steve Freker M any factors contribute to creating a desirable place to live, with fi nancial considerE Friday, April 30, 2021 Malden designated as one of the 'Top Spots to Live North of Boston' in regional analysis Ranked #2 in communities where average single home price is $500K-$750 ations coupled with quality of life and amenities off ered by the community. MALDEN | SEE PAGE 11 Councillor Linehan hosts Fellsmere Pond Cleanup Malden Police Lt. Richard Correale (back to camera) explains the procedures to Malden City Council President Neal Anderson, Mayor Gary Christenson, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Bybiose Larochelle and Police Chief Kevin Molis. By Th e Advocate D uring a time when there is heightened awareness and discussions about police use of force, the Malden Police Department was engaged in training that Malden Police Chief Kevin Molis said “shows our dedicated commitment to protecting lives.” The members of the Malden Police Department recently underwent training at the Malden Police Department facility in the areas of life saving Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of the Conducted Energy Weapon, which is more commonly known as TASER. In a recent interview with The Malden Advocate, Chief POLICE | SEE PAGE 9 SBA Administrator Guzman announces opening of applications for $28.6B Restaurant Revitalization Fund U .S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman recently announced that the SBA will begin registrations for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund on Friday, April 30 at 9 a.m. and will open applications on Monday, May 3 at noon. The Restaurant Revitalization Fund, which was established by the American Rescue Plan, will provide $28.6 billion in relief funds to restaurants and other food establishments which have faced significant losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the program’s fi rst 21 days, the SBA will prioritize the applications of business owned and controlled by women, veterans and socially and economically disadvantaged applicants. “Local restaurants have felt the impact of COVID harder than almost any other sector. Programs like this, which recognize that impact, are critical as we help these businesses recover and remain essential parts of the cultural and economic backbone of our communities,” said State Representative Steven Ultrino. “I’m incredibly grateful to Steven Ultrino State Representative FUND | SEE PAGE 7 Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan hosted a community park cleanup at Fellsmere Pond on Saturday, April 24. Mayor Gary Christenson, State Representative Paul Donato, Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O'Malley, Malden Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors President Donna Denoncourt, volunteers from the Bridge Recovery Center and Friends of Fellsmere Heights, and dozens of residents plus the Malden Department of Public Works assisted in the eff ort. See page 8 for photo highlights. (Photo by Amanda Linehan)

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