Maldden alld a Vol. 33, No. 5 den -FREEYour Local News & Sports Online in 6 Languages! Subscribe Here! AADD Special to Th e Advocate L ast week Malden Catholic High School rolled out the red carpet for Ndaba Thembekile Mandela, grandson of world-famous Nobel Peace Prize recipient Nelson Mandela. The Malden Catholic community invited Mayor Gary Christenson and surrounding city mayors – Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria, former Melrose Mayor Rob Donlan and Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn – to participate in a program that honored Ndaba for continuing his grandfather’s grueling fi ght for justice and racial equality. Ndbaba shared his life’s work and insights with the entire student body. Ndaba is an accomplished author, activist, entrepreneur VISITS | SEE PAGE 7 CTE CAT AT www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday Ndaba Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela, visits Malden Catholic 617-387-2200 Chris Simonelli Ward 7 Councillor Mayor Gary Christenson is shown presenting Ndaba Thembekile Mandela with a City of Malden Citation. (Courtesy of the City of Malden) STATE TOURNEY BOUND! ‘Marino Train’ rolls to 10th win; KOs Whittier Tech and qualifies for States Malden Boys Basketball on seesaw, sweeps Somerville after pair of losses; Noelsaint (21 pts.) just misses ‘triple-double’ in win I By Steve Freker n Malden, many residents and elected offi cials agree: Putting the cart before the horse has adversely aff ected just about everyone in the city who travels through the heart of the city. Nearly three years ago – in E Friday, February 2, 2024 City Councillors: Putting the cart before the horse on Rt. 60 bus lane project has cost residents dearly City Engineer Yip cites progress in lessening travel time due to recent traffi c signalization ‘tweaks’ Yem Lip City Engineer June 2021 – the Malden City Council voted 8-2 to approve the MBTA-backed bus priority lane initiative which involved a dramatic remake of the city’s Route 60/Eastern Avenue/Centre Street travel artery. The vote COUNCILLORS | SEE PAGE 7 Mayor’s 2024 State of the City Address to be held at Anthony’s M ayor Gary Christenson is pleased to announce that his 2024 State of the City Address will take place on Monday, March 4, from 8-9 a.m. at Anthony's of Malden (105 Canal St.). This will mark the fi rst in-person gathering for the State of the City Address since the onset of the pandemic. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m. and coff ee will be served. The public is invited to hear Malden Head Coach Don Nally (left) and the bench erupted after a big play against Lynn Classical on Tuesday at home. Players, from left: Savion Silva-Clark, De’Shawn Bunch, Kevin Goncalves, Colin Okoth, Jose Ferriera, Jamal Pomare and Ryan Bowdridge. (Advocate Photo/Henry Huang) By Steve Freker T he “Marino Train” has been on a bona fi de roll with six straight wins to kick off January. Malden High Girls Basketball stormed out to a 9-3 record when the new year kicked off : 41-32 over Medford, 64-46 on the road over Lynn English, 40-38 on the road over Everett, a very satisfying win at home on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day over a strong Arlington High in non-league play, then two more wins: over Somerville (41TOURNEY | SEE PAGE 14 Mayor Christenson outline the City of Malden’s achievements and future initiatives. Free tickets will be allocated on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis through an online portal and will be required for admittance. Details for obtaining tickets will be provided soon. Due to capacity, seating will be limited, and residents are encouraged to secure tickets early. For those unable to attend in Gary Christenson Mayor person, the event will be captured by Urban Media Arts (UMA) and subsequently broadcast on Public Access Television and UMA’s YouTube channel. We hope you will join us as we come together to celebrate Malden’s resilience and achievements and the path forward.

Page 2 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 FBI director: China’s cyberhackers preparing to ‘wreak havoc’ on critical U.S. infrastructure Advocate Staff Report I n sheer numbers, they appear to have an overwhelming advantage. FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday told members of a U.S. Congressional Select Committee that his agency believes that China’s cyber operatives outnumber all FBI agents by at least 50 to 1. He warned members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party as well as the general public that Chinese cyberhackers are preparing to “wreak havoc and cause real-world harm” to the United States. Though cyber offi cials have long warned about China’s off ensive cyberattack capabilities, Wray’s dramatic public warning illuminates the high level of concern at the top of the U.S. government about the threat Chinese hackers pose to critical infrastructure nationwide. The head of the National Security Agency and other senior U.S. offi cials also testifi ed on Chinese cyber activity in front of the panel Wednesday. “China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if or when China decides the time has come to strike,” Wray told the House Select Committee on Wednesday. Chinese government-backed hackers, Wray said, are targeting things like water treatment plants, electrical infrastructure and oil and natural gas pipelines. The Chinese hackers are working “to fi nd and prepare to destroy or degrade the civilian critical infrastructure that keeps us safe and prosM Christopher Wray FBI Director perous,” Wray said. “And let’s be clear: Cyber threats to our critical infrastructure represent real world threats to our physical safety.” The Chinese government has previously denied allegations of hacking eff orts. The hearing comes in the wake of an attempt by U.S. and Chinese offi cials to ease tensions in the relationship between the two superpowers. At a meeting in November, Chinese President Xi Jinping assured U.S. President Joe Biden that China would not interfere in the 2024 U.S. election, CNN reported on Tuesday. The focus of the hearing was not U.S. elections but how Chinese hackers are allegedly infi ltrating computer networks at ports, energy plants and other key infrastructure in the United States. Gen. Paul Nakasone, the head of the National Security Agency, told lawmakers removing hackers from U.S. critical networks is an ongoing concern. “We need to have a vigilance that continues onward,” Nakasone said. “This is not an episodic threat that we’re going to face. This is persistent.” JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM Malden, Saugus two of over 200 communities receiving Mass. Cybersecurity Awareness Training grants Some 78,000 employees from municipalities and public school districts will receive cybersecurity awareness training By Steve Freker alden city offi cials and employees know fi rsthand of the eff ects of an unexpected cyberattack. Just over one year ago, in late January 2023, Malden municipal operations were ordered shut down by Mayor Gary Christenson when the city’s Information Technology Department detected a brief – but serious – invasion of Malden’s digital systems. Services were restored several days later, when deemed safe to go back to work with them in use, a virtual eternity in municipal government. The cyberattack served as still another “wakeup call” that the dangers of cyberattacks were never going away, and Mayor Christenson and members of the Malden City Council pledged to reinforce an already strong, state-of-the-art cyber protection system with more budget funding, following an in-depth report on the local attack by city IT Director Anthony Rodrigues. Rodrigues informed the Councillors that Malden would continue to seek grant funding for more training against the dangers of cyberattacks for Malden municipal employees. “Despite everyone’s best efforts, this [cyberattacks] is a huge problem for every community in every state and we will continue to fi ght it as best we can,” Rodrigues said a year ago during a detailed presentation to the Malden City Council. “We will continue to make sure all of the holes are plugged, even though sometimes it is like a game of ‘whacka-mole’ – you address one issue and another pops right up.” “These attacks are well planned and very well funded,” Rodrigues said at the time. On Monday, the HealeyDriscoll Administration announced that Malden and another Advocate readership community, Saugus, were two of the 2024 Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program award recipients. “Administered by the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security and its Offi ce of Municipal and School Technology, this program will provide 78,000 employees from 227 municipalities and public school districts across Massachusetts with critical cybersecurity training to better detect and avoid cyber threats,” the Governor announced in a press release. The 2024 Municipal CyberseMalden and Saugus are two of the 227 communities who will be recipients of Cybersecurity Awareness Grants. (Courtesy Photo) curity Awareness Grant Program is designed to support local government eff orts – like those in Malden and Saugus – to improve overall cyber readiness through comprehensive online end-user training, evaluation and threat simulation. According to the release, “Awarded communities will receive licenses for end-user training, assessment and phishing simulation procured by the Executive Offi ce of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS).” Program participants begin their training with an initial cyber strength assessment to measure baseline cybersecurity awareness. “Following the assessments, periodic assessments consisting of training modules and simulated phishing email campaigns help participants build good cyber hygiene habits to increase their awareness of deceptive techniques used by bad actors to gain unauthorized access to government systems,” Mass. offi cials stated. “At the end of the program, participants complete a final cyber strength assessment to measure their progress.” “Our administration is committed to partnering with our municipalities to move forward on our shared IT and cybersecurity goals” said Governor Maura Healey. “We are thrilled to see so many cities and towns prioritize cyber readiness through the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Training Grant Program.” “Programs like the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant really move the needle with our municipal workforce, which is where the rubber meets the road on cybersecurity,” said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll. “This program, provided at no cost to municipalities or employees taking the training, makes clear that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, whether we have IT in our job titles or not.” Anthony Rodrigues City of Malden IT Director “In my time as the Commonwealth CIO I’ve had a chance to talk to municipal offi cials from all over the state.” said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Jason Snyder. “In every discussion, cybersecurity comes up as a top priority. EOTSS is proud to advance the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s priority of supporting municipal cybersecurity readiness. We work best in Massachusetts when state and municipal organizations work together, and this grant program exemplifi es this commitment.” The Commonwealth off ers the training program free to municipal organizations, which are further supported with quarterly threat briefings and weekly newsletters with cybersecurity best practices and program updates provided by the EOTSS Offi ce of Municipal and School Technology. Municipal information technology offi cials also receive monthly summary progress reports that detail the number of employees who inadvertently clicked on malicious links contained in the simulated phishing emails, off ering important visibility on the threat landscape. According to state offi cials, “In addition to the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program, The Healey-Driscoll Administration off ers a number of other programs to further support municipal offi cials in their cybersecurity and information technology modernization efforts, including a Free Cybersecurity Health Check Program, the Community Compact IT Grant Program, and the Community Compact Municipal Fiber Grant Program.” **** For more info on the Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grant Program, visit https://www.mass. gov/municipal-cybersecurity-awareness-grant-program.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 3 Malden High School Alumni Hall of Fame seeks new nominations Banquet, induction ceremony set for Friday, May 3 Distinguished Malden High Alumni enshrined in the MHSAA Hall of Fame By Steve Freker M any notable Malden High School alumni are already enshrined in the MHSAA Hall of Fame, with outstanding accomplishments in many diff erent fi elds and professions. From internationally reThe deadline to submit nominations for this year’s Malden High School Alumni Association (MHSAA) Hall of Fame is February 28. By Steve Freker C alling all Maldonians, past and present! The Malden High School Alumni Association (MHSAA) needs your help. The 6th biennial MHSAA Hall of Fame is hosting another banquet and induction ceremony, which will be held on Friday, May 3, at Anthony’s (111 Canal St., Malden). The MHSSA is asking for nominations for this year’s induction class. MHSSA President Anthony Dickinson said input from the community is vital. “Family, graduates, teachers or administrators or former attendees know who among their colleagues have made exceptional achievements in their chosen careers or made outstanding contributions to society and should receive Hall of Fame recognition,” Dickinson said. An individual is eligible for nomination 10 years after graduation, or 10 years after attending Malden High School. Inductees may be selected from the following categories: Arts, Business, Community Service, Education, Government, Media, Military, Sciences, Technology. Nomination forms reiterating the qualifi cations for selection to the Malden High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame are available online at the website www.maldenhighalumni.com or at the Main Offi ce at Malden High School, 77 Salem St., Malden. The deadline to submit nomination forms is Wednesday, FebNOMINATIONS | SEE PAGE 10 Mid-grade Regular $3.98 95 73 87 Gary Cherone Former Judge Emma (Fall) Schofi eld Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $3.65 Order online at angelosoil.com Former Governor John Volpe Bobby Sager nowned billionaire entrepreneur, photographer and philanthropist Bobby Sager (Class of 1972) to worldclass rocker Gary Cherone, the leader of fabulously successful band Extreme (Class of 1979), former Massachusetts Governor John Volpe (Class of 1926B), Malden’s longest-serving Mayor, Richard Howard (Class of 1970), a noted judge, Emma (Fall) Schofi eld (Class of 1902), and Pulitzer Prize-winning Boston Globe columnist and author Kevin Cullen (Class of 1977), the list of previous honorees is illustrious and lengthy. Following is a list of the enshrined members of the MHSAA Hall of Fame. Inducted in inaugural Hall of Fame Class of 2014: Gary Cherone (MHS 1979, Arts), Kevin Cullen (MHS 1977, Media), Heather (Kahn) Braver (MHS 1985, Media), Keith Knight, Jr. (MHS 1984. Arts/Media), James Matisof (MHS 1954, Education), Judge Philip Weiner (MHS 1972, Govt. & Law), Judge Emma (Fall) Schofi eld (MHS 1902, Govt. & Community Service), Dr. George Holland (MHS 1955, Education) **** Inducted in Hall of Fame Class of 2015: Daniel DiSano (MHS 1986, Business); Paula Sneed (MHS 1965, Business); Bobby Sager (MHS 1972, Business); Dr. Stanton Shernan (MHS 1977, Science); Marie (Colantuoni) Coyle (MHS 1949, ALUMNI | SEE PAGE 15

Page 4 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Malden legislators celebrate state grant for new Early College program at MHS S tate Senator Jason Lewis, State Representatives Paul Donato, Steven Ultrino and Kate Lipper-Garabedian and the City of Malden were excited to announce a $100,000 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to support Malden’s new Early College program partGerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! ALL MAJOR BRANDS Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES STOCK-UP EARLY FOR CIGARS & ACCESSORIES! SUPER BOWL SUNDAY IS FEBRUARY 11th WINTER STORE HOURS: OPEN DAILY 7 DAYS A WEEK, 9AM - 6PM R.Y.O. TOBACCO & TUBES ON SALE! WE MAKE HOUSE KEYS! Green Label Cigar Sale! Buy 2 Cigars, Get One FREE! A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 Jason Lewis State Senator lege program gives students the opportunity to take college courses and earn credits at no cost before they graduate from high school. Early College allows students to get a head start on their higher education and contributes to significantly higher college enrollment and completion rates, particularly for low-income, minority and first-generation college students. This state grant will be used to build MalCelebrating Our 52nd Year Chris 2024 Steven Ultrino State Representative den’s Early College program in an equitable manner. “I’m very excited that we are able to support Malden High School as they build their Early College program in partnership with Bunker Hill Community College,” said Senator Lewis. “The benefits of this program – especially for English learners, low-income students, and students of color – are significant, and will enable more Malden High graduates to go on to higher education.” “I am thrilled to see the successful establishment of the Early College Program at Malden High School with the grant of $100,000,” said Representative Donato. “The ability to earn credits toward a higher education degree is a useful tool for our students to jumpstart their education beyond high school. Senator Lewis, Representative Ultrino, Representative Lipper-Garabedian, and I will continue to advocate for more opportunities to better the education and future of our young constituents of Malden.” “As an educator myself, I understand first-hand how important it is to prepare our younger generation for their future careers and give them every opportunity possible to ensure success,” said Representative Ultrino. “Early College partnerships like this one will open many doors for young people in our community and I am excited to see more Malden students benefit from this program with Bunker Hill CommuGary Christenson Malden Mayor nity College.” “I join the legislative delegation in celebrating Malden High School’s participation in the Early College program, a State initiative established by the Executive Office of Education while I served as Chief Legal Counsel,” said Representative Lipper-Garabedian. “Early college programs provide students, particularly low-income and first-to-college students, with opportunities to enroll in postsecondary courses and attain college credits while in high school. This session, I filed H1286, An Act relative to college in high school, which would codify this program in our general laws and establish a Massachusetts Office of College in High School, responsible for overseeing high school programs that expand student access to college and postsecondary opportunities. I am thrilled that Malden students, through the District’s partnership with Bunker Hill Community College, now will be able to access high-quality postsecondary coursework and realize greater college completion and career success through the Early College program.” “The City of Malden has been a leader in Early College opportunities for our students for over a decade, and we are truly appreciative that the legislature has recognized that progress with a grant to help strengthen those successful partnerships in the Malden Public Schools for years to come,” said Malden Mayor Gary Christenson. Paul Donato State Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian State Representative nership between Malden High School and Bunker Hill Community College, continuing the collaboration these schools have had for many years. In March the Healey-Driscoll administration approved this program for several high schools across the state, including Malden High School. The Massachusetts Early Col

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 5 Job Program geared towards people 50 and older continues at the Malden Public Library T he Malden Public Library continues to off er an online job support program for people 50 years old and older. The 50+ Job Seekers Program is a free service, and people 50 years or older are welcome to join any or all of the sessions, which are held on Zoom. Anyone interested who doesn’t have a computer or isn’t familiar with Zoom is welcome to come to the library and borrow a Chromebook during the sessions. Library staff will make sure anyone interested in participating can do so. The morning sessions are from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and meet on the fi rst and third Wednesdays. Here are the session dates and topics: February 7 – LinkedIn (Part #1) February 21 – LinkedIn (Part #2) March 6 – Resumes (Part #1) March 20 – Resumes (Part #2) April 3 – Cover Letters & Using AI in the Job Search April 17 – Networking May 1 – Interview Strategies May 15 – Interview Practice June 5 – Thinking Outside the Box June 12 – Marketing Plan The Library is excited to continue off ering this program and encourages anyone interested to attend. Call the Malden Public Library with questions at 781324-0218; ask for Marita. Hearts, hugs & hope: an Alzheimer’s Support Group Feb. 27, 5:00 p.m., at Forestdale Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Community T his support group for caregivers meets in person at Forestdale Park (341 Forest St. in Malden). Dealing with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia isn’t easy, so it is helpful to share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you’re going through. You will also learn about proven strategies to help you better care for your family member. RSVP to 781-3338903 or reception@forestdalepark.com. Forestdale Park Senior Living is a project of the nonprofi t Volunteers of America Massachusetts, which has supported local seniors with specialized services for over 75 years. 50+ Job seekers Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available Sabatino Insurance is proud to welcome the loyal customers of PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM

Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 ~ Malden Musings ~ The Malden Sun-Times & Shawn Brickman By Peter Levine I am binge reading The Malden Sun-Times from the 1970’s courtesy of Ron Cox. Ron donated many back issues to me while cleaning out his desk at MATV (aka UMA). Perusing a Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Daily 4:00 PM Closed Sunday Announcing our Classic Specials Dine In Only: * FREE Salad with purchase of Entree, Monday & Tuesdays * Cheese Pizza - Only $10 Catch ALL The Live Sports Action On Our Large Screen TV’s SHOP LOCAL & DROP BY FOR DINNER! www.eight10barandgrille.com Shawn Brickman (in the middle) at the 621 Tavern & Grille on Broadway fl anked by his best buds, from left to right: John Furlong, Bobby Jones, Shawn, Mike Pitts and Benny Talbot. special edition of The Malden Sun-Times from 1977 was a cool trip down memory lane for me. Many names of old friends, such as Shawn Brickman (who appears throughout the whole decade), Billy Smeglin and Dave Angelo, are mentioned. A couple of items stand out. In 1976 Shawn Brickman was 11-1 for the Malden High School baseball team! Eleven wins, one loss as a junior! Amazing! He and Billy Smeglin would go on to fame (if not fortune) pitching for many more years in various leagues at many diff erent levels – Smegs fi nally hanging up his cleats last year after rotator surgery at the ripe old age of 64. Shawn dominated the Inter-City League for many years before hanging up his cleats. Now retired from the USPS, he spends much of his time these days as a man of leisure, a doting, loving grandfather, and elder statesman at the IACC. Here are a couple of fun takeaways from The Malden SunTimes of March 31, 1977: “It will be a rebuilding year for the high school boys’ baseball team with only fi ve players returning from last year’s varsity. Of those fi ve, only two have seen any real var~ Home of the Week ~ Nestled in The Woodlands, this exquisite custom Colonial beckons you home. Boasting 8 rooms and 2 1/2 baths, its spacious open floor plan is perfect for entertaining, complemented by a cozy fireplace and gleaming hardwood floors. With convenient first-floor laundry, a finished lower level, and a 2-car garage, this residence offers unparalleled comfort. Enjoy serene summer evenings on the farmers porch in this sought-after neighborhood. Your dream home awaits! 5 SANDERS DRIVE, SAUGUS Carpenito Real Estate is now Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Real Estate OFFERED AT $925,000 (781) 233-7300 335 Central St. Saugus Commonmoves.com ©2024 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. sity action. All-Scholastic Shawn Brickman pitched to an 11-1 record last season and Billy ‘Smegs’ Smeglin who started late in the season came on strong and lost to Catholic Memorial in the State Tournament 6-5 on a fi ve-hitter.” “John Furlong had some limited experience at shortstop and Tommy ‘Quinner’ Quinn played in the infi eld and outfi eld last year. As of now they are leading candidates for shortstop and third base.” “The lack of space to practice in the bad weather has been contributing factors to the prolonged tryout period. Some possible candidates for diff erent positions have been mentioned but these are still tentative because of the cramped quarters. The three leading candidates for catcher thus far are seniors Kenny [Karyn’s little brother] Lockhart, Victor Souza, and George Salie.” “First base possibilities are Ricky Flammini and Michael Svenson. The outfi eld is also still undecided with Timmy Buckley, Eddie Moffi tt, Steve Petruzzello, Billy ‘Goat’ Trodden, Donnie King, and Steve Powell as possibilities. Powell is also a hopeful for the pitching staff along with Danny Cook, Eric Provitola, and Steve Spinale.” My note: That is an outstanding pitching staff !! The Malden Sun-Times of August 12, 1976: “St. Rocco’s Festival” - “The Traditional St. Rocco’s Festival (it is NOT a Festival, it is a Feast!) will begin tomorrow, and continue through the weekend (Aug 13-15) in Ward 2 (Edgeworth), and will be marked at various times by entertainment, religious observance, and a procession through the streets near Saint Peter’s Church in honor of one of the Catholic Church’s most revered Italian Saints.” “The festival [it is NOT a Festival, it is a Feast!] is directed by Father Antonio Cintola, pastor at St. Peter’s, and will begin on Friday with a Mass in honor of the Saint in the Pearl Street Church. The mass will be followed by a concert at Devir Park by the Joe Sica Orchestra and a performance by Roberta Mauriello, church soloist and entertainer.” “The activities on Saturday include entertainment at Devir Park by the ‘Refl ections,’ a musical group featuring Ron Merullo, and ventriloquist Vikki Taylor who has enchanted audiences throughout Europe and the United States.” “On Sunday, there will be a High Mass at 10:15 in the morning at the church in honor of St. Rocco, with sacred music by the St. Peter’s Senior Choir. This will be followed by the Procession through the streets around the church in honor of the Saint, and lead by many local dignitaries and the Immaculate Conception Drum and Bugle Corps of Winchester. A benediction and singing at the Church will follow the Procession.” “Sunday evenings’ entertainment will begin at 7:30 at the traditional Pearl Street location, and will include Jack Alessi, the Don Alessi Trio, Giuseppe Pisaturo, his daughter vocalist Luci Martin Zampitella, and accompanist Vaughn Beau.” “Daniel Brandano is chairman of the St. Rocco Committee. Joseph Falcone is Treasurer, Luci Martin Zampitella is Director of Entertainment, and Joseph Smarilla is Procession Marshall.” “Other committee members include David Angelo, Anthony Brandano, Gertrude DiAvola, Anna Marie De Filippo, Muff - ie DiDonato, Edith Falcone, Luigi Firmani, Salvatore ‘Butch’ Gennetti, Anthony Guerriero, Michael Lozzi, Donna Petto (Pitts), Henry Petto (Pitts), John Puleo Jr., William Spadafora, Tom Toomey, Gregory Umile, and Richard Zampitella.” This one blows my mind (as we used to say back in the day)! Imagine debating equal rights for women?! The Malden SunMUSINGS| SEE PAGE 8

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 7 Maldonian named to Dean’s List at VISITS | FROM PAGE 1 University of New England M eghan Pothier of Malden has been named to the Dean’s List for the 2023 fall semester at the University of New England (UNE). Dean’s List students have attained a grade point average of 3.3 or better out of a possible 4.0 at the end of the semester. COUNCILLORS | FROM PAGE 1 accepted a Shared Streets grant from the MBTA, which included transforming Route 60/Eastern Avenue/Centre Street from two full travel lanes to just one lane for all vehicles, a full bus-only lane and a mini-lane for bicyclists. At the time of the vote, it was agreed that part of the overall plan was to have the main traffic signals on the travel route – particularly those at the busiest intersection in the city, at Centre Street/Route 60 and Main Street – examined and calibrated to ensure that traffic did not become gridlocked due to the new, one-lane travel configuration. This work was to be done first – before any other part of the project was undertaken. Cue the “horse,” the traffic signalization. The “cart” here was the direct street painting and sign-labeling on the roadway. The latter part of the project was completed within months, or even weeks after the key City Council vote was recorded. As for “the horse”? That part of the Malden version of the time-worn proverb was addressed just recently, over two and half years after an as-forecast curse of traffic congestion has at times brought Malden Square to a standstill. A full explanation of the issue was sought and received at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting by one Councillor who was not even a voting member at the time of the 2021 vote, which has caused undue turmoil on the sole facet of traffic movement, or lack thereof. “I’m like everyone else sitting in traffic that doesn’t seem to ever move and swearing, just like everyone else,” Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli said Tuesday night. “I just want to know how and why this all came about.” At Councillor Simonelli’s official request, Malden City Engineer Yem Lip and new-to-City Hall Transportation Planner Jack Witthaus appeared before the Councillors to discuss all of these issues and answer questions. Perhaps the most important news of the night came when Lip revealed that, in fact, work has been done in the past several months on replacing UNE is Maine’s largest private university, with two beautiful coastal campuses in Maine, a one-of-a-kind study-abroad campus in Tangier, Morocco, and an array of flexible online offerings. UNE is the state’s top provider of health professionals and home to Maine’s only and renewing signalization in and around Malden Square at the light station. At another meeting last year, Councillors found out that a problem with traffic signals was that they were incredibly outdated, to the point they were only able to be calibrated with a rotary phone, if it all. Lip reported a major news item: “Traffic is now three minutes quicker westbound on Route 60 in the morning, which was the area of the most concern.” Councillor Simonelli said that was the major focus of the meeting. “My intention on requesting this appearance [of Lip and Witthaus] was to basically find out what happened with the lights. That is what we all want to know. “Who gave permission to put down the paint before the lights were fixed?” Simonelli followed with another question. Lip said the MBTA grant money was in place quickly and when it was discovered the traffic lights apparatus was faulty, antiquated and far from a quick fix, the decision was made to go ahead with other parts of the project. “Fixing” the lights through calibration as soon as possible was always the intention, Lip said. “We had the plan. We followed the plan,” Lip said. “So, when you discovered the lights couldn’t be fixed [in a timely manner], you figured at least we could do that part of it,” Councillor Simonelli said, referring to painting the bus lines and cutting down to one lane of traffic. When Lip confirmed that scenario from Simonelli, the Councillor asked, “Are the lights working now?” Lip again replied in the affirmative. “Yes, they are and westbound traffic on [Centre Street/ Route 60] is moving three minutes quicker.” Ward 2 Councillor Condon said, “The signalization has helped the traffic flow, but they are finding different routes. They are flooding our neighborhoods with a different type of traffic – West Street, Pearl Street, etc. – and it’s not just my ward, it’s all over.” Ward 4 Councillor Ryan O’Malmedical and dental colleges, a variety of other inter-professionally aligned health care programs, and nationally recognized degree paths in the marine sciences, the natural and social sciences, business, the humanities and the arts. Visit une.edu. ley said, “Can we do like Medford does with signage reading ‘Residents only between certain hours’?” Witthaus is new to Malden, a native Californian who designed and implemented traffic plans in both the private and public sectors: in the second-largest city in all of Silicon Valley and in and around Stanford University. He is the first Malden municipal transportation planner, coming out of retirement to work in this city, his first primary task being the implementation and oversight of the comprehensive, state-funded Complete Streets Program. Before Lip addressed the specific Centre Street/Route 60 situation with the City Council on Tuesday night, Witthaus gave a detailed explanation and status update of the Complete Streets Program, which he now oversees as transportation planner within the city’s Office of Strategic Planning and Development. As part of the state grant-funded Complete Streets Funding Program: “a Complete Street is one that provides safe and accessible options for all travel modes – walking, biking, transit and vehicles – for people of all ages and abilities.” Witthaus explained that on behalf of the city and through the guidance from the data and resident response gleaned from numerous public forums attended by residents, he has adopted a stance of taking a “human-based” approach while formulating a Complete Streets approach to the city’s travel planning, as opposed to a motorized vehicle-based lens primarily. Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan said, “I appreciate you centering this [Complete Streets] work on people.” “A human-centered approach is the best way to go,” she said. At the end of the presentation, Simonelli said he was very pleased with the information he and his colleagues received. “There will always be growing pains and as Councillor Peg Crowe has said, we don’t know if it will ever work [Route 60]. But we will continue to communicate and we appreciate the important and up-to-date information that was shared tonight.” and Co-Founder & Chairman of Africa Rising Foundation, and he has committed his life to empowering young Africans through mentorship, education and leadership development. He works to ensure that the lessons, voice and message of his beloved grandfather – one of history’s greatest teachers and humanitarians – will endure. Mayor Christenson presented Ndaba with a City of Malden Citation thanking him for his unwavering leadership, dedication, compassion and commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others and for making the world a better place. Subscribe to The Advocate: www.advocatenews.net RON’S OIL Call For PRICE MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut Street We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-7 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Private Parties Private Parties 4-7 p.m. $9.00 12-9 p.m. 7:30-11 p.m. $10. 18+ Adults Only After 7 PM $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com

Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Join a listening session about Transportation-Related Air Pollution “D o you care about clean air? Join the Community-led Improvement of Air Quality and Health in the Lower Mystic (CLEANAIR) project for our Malden listening session where we will explore current air quality research, hear from climate health professionals about how transportation-related air pollution (TRAP) affects us, and learn MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 6 Times of August 12, 1976: “Voice of Malden” by Debbie Freeto: “This week, the Malden SunTimes reviewed residents of Malden about one of the referendum questions on the upcoming November Ballot. The question asked of a random sampling of Malden voters went as follows: ‘There will be a constitutional amendment (to the Massachusetts Constitution) on the November ballot called the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); Will you be voting for it or against it?’ “We obtained the following responses... • Anne Falzarano of Boylston Street: ‘Yes; I think everyone should be equal and that’s all there is to it.’ • Florence Buchanan of Glenwood Street: ‘Yes, because I believe in equal pay for women - that no woman should be deprived of a job in any office because she’s a woman. If it’s not going to hurt the family, deprive the children of having a mother around, I’m all for it.’ • John Disano of Adams Street: ‘Yes, I’m going to vote for it,’ but added, ‘I have no feeling about it.’ • James Daily of Maple Street: what local activists are doing to fight for your health.” When: Wednesday, February 7, 6-8 p.m. Where: Malden City Hall (215 Pleasant St, Malden). Food, childcare and interpretation will be provided (Mandarin, Spanish and Portuguese). Attendees can enter a drawing for an air purifier! ‘No, I’m against it. I don’t think we’re ready for it. It would create too many legal problems with things like welfare and alimony payment. I’m not a chauvinist but I think we should go a little slower - think it out a little better.’ • Percy Wagner from Pleasant Street: ‘Oh sure, why not, it’s a good thing. Nowadays, why shouldn’t women have the same rights as a man?’ • Thomas Buckley of Plainfield Ave: ‘Yes; from what I’ve read about it, I believe in it. Women should be on the upper echelons of business - women attorneys and teachers, for example, don’t get equal salaries. Women should have equal rights in all areas.’ As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – on a Shawn Brickman personal note...arguably the best athlete of my lifetime Shawn dominated (Malden) sports (and most of us at one time or another) for decades. From Little League to Babe Ruth League to MHS, on every basketball court in the city, including the uber competitive Malden Men’s Recreational Basketball League, through the Inter-City League (and beyond). Who remembers Shawn’s Questions? Please email cleanaircommunityengagement@ gmail.com – information in Arabic, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese is available at mysticriver.org/calendar/2024/2/7/ love-your-lungs-malden About the CLEANAIR team: “The Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) works to improve clutch 1985 series finale clincher as the “Miracle Mustangs” came roaring back defeating the Melrose Rams after being down three games to none?! Shawn going six strong innings, limiting the Rams to four hits – final score 3-1 as the Eddie DiGiacomo–led ’Stangs won their first championship (in front of 3,000 rabid fans at Playstead Park, no less) in almost 20 years! Well, that’s just one of Shawn’s many accomplishments through the years; space limitations prevent me from listing them all. Best thing about his long and storied career? Yeah, he was a bulldog on the field; a killer on the hoop court; the type of guy you would gladly follow into battle. But he was also a humble and unassuming human being – to this day one of the most down-to-earth people I have ever known. He never acted the role of (arguably) Malden GOAT. He was your teammate first, no matter your talent level; always supportive, always treating you with respect. Shawn no longer dominates the hoop court (I bet he could if he wanted to) – now dominating the bocce court at the Italian American Citizens Club, where his teams are regularly in the hunt for yet another championship trophy – anoththe lives of the more than 600,000 residents of Mystic River communities through its efforts to protect and restore environmental health, natural habitat, and open space throughout the 76 square mile watershed. MyRWA is joined in this project by a team of experts from Tufts University, University of Michigan, Boston University, AIR Inc., STEP, Cambridge Health Aler trophy to hand down to his beautiful children and grandchildren (right, Earl?). And if I may dare say one more thing about Shawn: a sweetheart of a man. Postscript 1: I just love the accompanying photo! Taken at one of Malden’s best family-owned restaurants (621 Tavern & Grille), you can actually visualize through the image what good pals these five gentlemen really are. Their friendship spanning over 50 years – the smiles on their faces, the ease with which they embrace each other says it all. Furgie, Jonesy, Brick, Pitty and Benny: five of Malden’s finest people (and athletes) captured for the ages. Postscript 2: I called 621 Tavern & Grille one of Malden’s best family-owned restaurants, keeping in mind that Floramo’s of Malden (“where the meat falls off the bone”) now sits on Centre Street. John, don’t get me wrong; we love you and we thank you for settling in Malden. Best steak tips and mashed potatoes around and we are very grateful you are here. Your joint is right up there also. Keep up the great work (and food!). Insert smiley face. Say hello to your sister Lisa for me. Postscript 3: You got a friend in me... John Mehos and Shawn Brickman go so far back... They liance, Everett Community Growers, the City of Malden, and the City of Everett. The CLEANAIR project is guided by a 10-member Community Advisory Board made up of representatives who live and/or work in East Boston, Everett, Malden, and Charlestown. For more information on the project team, please visit mysticriver. org/cleanair.” remember their first pizza together at the Highland Café, their first saucy sub at the Big A, their first clam plate at King Neptune’s; buying their first pair of Chuck Taylor’s at the Converse Retail on Pearl Street; probably even their first case of Schlitz purchased out the back door of the old Elmwood on a Sunday afternoon. Harry’s little brother Johnny gladly shared his thoughts on his longtime friend: “I’m proud to say I began blocking for Shawn in the fall of 1971 on the Pop Warner B squad. Through Beebe Jr High and Malden High School, tag rush and flag football leagues you always knew who the QB was, no questions. It was an honor to play with one of the very best our fine city has ever produced. By the way, we just finished our 30th (?) year of bocce together and YES, he’s been called one of best on the court there too. Shawn Brickman my friend for over 50 years!” “You’ve got a friend in me, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, we stick together and can see it through, cause you’ve got a friend in me.” Peter is lifelong Malden and a regular contributor to the Malden Advocate. He can be reached at PeteL39@aol.com for comments, compliments or criticisms. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/ Advocate.news.ma

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 9 Library’s February Artist is Hazel Queen T he Malden Public Library will be showcasing artwork by Hazel Queen during the month of February. Hazel mostly paints portraits and her art is focused on topics like music, girlhood, gender fl uidity and gender expression. She is currently in the eighth grade at the Linden Steam Academy. On February 12 from 6-7 p.m., the Library will be hosting an Artist Reception and everyone is welcome. Mayor seeks associate member for Board of Appeal M ayor Gary Christenson is reaching out to Malden residents to fi ll the vacancy of associate member on the Board of Appeal. The present vacancy is the result of a member stepping down from the Board. The seven-member Board (fi ve members and two associate members) operates under the mandates of M.G.L. c. 40A and the City of Malden zoning ordinance. The Board of Appeal assists in the administration of the City’s zoning ordinance by considering appeals to vary dimensional controls (lot size, frontage, height, setback, etc.) when a literal application of the ordinance would impose a hardship. Residents may also appeal decisions of the Building Inspector to the Board of Appeal. Board of Appeal members are appointed by the Mayor with City Council confirmation and serve a term of three years. The Board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The primary diff erence between an associate member and a full member is that full members participate and vote on all petitions, hearings and/or matters before the Board for which they are in attendance and do not have a confl ict of interest. An associate member participates when there are not fi ve full members available for the hearing. Typically, the need for associate members arises when a full member is absent from a meeting or when a full member is present but has a confl ict of interest. Associate members should plan to attend all scheduled Board of Appeal meetings and prepare for them as a full member would, in the event they are called upon to participate. If all fi ve full members attend, the associate members do not participate. If there is one member not in attendance, hearing participation will be alternated between the two associate members. To apply, please complete the online Boards and Commissions Application: www.cityofmalden. org/BCApplication. The deadline for accepting applications is Monday, February 12, 2024. If you have any questions, please email kmanninghall@cityofmalden.org. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net Hazel Queen (Courtesy of Malden Public Library)

Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 EPA announces inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts Arts and cultural strategies will support ongoing progress in treasured water bodies across America Contact Information:U.S. EPA Press Offi ce (press@epa.gov) B OSTON - (Feb. 1, 2024) – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox announced on Tuesday EPA’s inaugural Artist-in-Residence Program in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts. Assistant Administrator Fox made the announcement at Healing, Bridging, Thriving: A Summit on Arts and Culture in our Communities, which was co-hosted by the White House and National Endowment for the Arts to recognize the profound impact that arts and culture play in shaping our lives, communities and nation. By launching this program, EPA is investing in arts and culture to boost engagement, awareness and participation in critical water challenges ranging from aging infrastructure to climate impacts like flooding and storm surge to investment in safe drinking water. The Mystic River Watershed Urban Waters Federal Partnership and Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership is one of the six chosen locations to participate in this fi rst-of-itskind program. “Across America, EPA is working hand-in-hand with local partners to ensure drinking water is safe, and to restore and maintain oceans, watersheds and their aquatic ecosystems. Incorporating arts and cultural strategies into our work can reveal new ideas, unlock opportunities, and help us fi nd new and enduring solutions to pressing water challenges,” said EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox. “Through this partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, local water leaders from the Puget Sound—to the San Juan Estuary—to the Delaware River watershed, will have new tools and resources to support water restoration and climate resilience.” “This new program spotlights the environmental connection to the arts and culture; it will bring greater awareness of unique challenges posed by climate impacts to our communities, especially those that are overburdened disproportionately.” said EPA New England Regional Administrator David W. Cash. “We are thrilled that our region has been selected to have an Artist-in-Residence, via our partnerships with MassBays and MyRWA, and by doing so will empower our communities to use their voices and get active, and will reach and inspire future generations and leaders for environmental protection.” “This project will help connect communities to their rivers and estuaries – where the rivers meet the sea – in a whole new way. MassBays is thrilled to partner with the Mystic River Watershed Association and EPA to make it happen.” said Pam DiBona, Director of the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership. “As the most urban watershed in New England, it is so important to connect people with nature in their backyard,” said Daria Clark, MyRWA Engagement Manager. “The opportunity to work with an Artist-in-Residence on community co-created projects is an exciting way to bring nature to the forefront of our cities and to spark conversation about the watershed ecosystem that we’re a part of.” Water is essential, yet the water challenges faced today are pervasive and mounting. Many communities suff er from poor water quality, too much or too little water, and aging water infrastructure that is in urgent need of replacement. Overburdened water systems are further stressed by climate change—unpredictable weather, sea level rise and fl ooding. These challenges require engagement at every level. Water leaders are increasingly turning to artists and culture bearers to help bring visibility to water issues, create more inclusive planning processes, and leverage infrastructure investments to provide additional benefi ts to the communities they serve. EPA is establishing an Artist-in-Residence program to continue and expand these efforts in the water sector. In 2024, EPA will support artists and culNOMINATIONS | FROM PAGE 10 ruary 28. They may be sent to: MHSAA, Inc. P.O. Box 47 Malden, MA 02148 To be considered, and to help a special Selection Committee make its decision, all applications must be completely fi lled out, including a brief narrative expanding on the specifi c qualities and achievements of the ture bearers in six long-standing National Estuary Program (NEP) and Urban Waters Federal Partnership locations that are doing critical work on water restoration and climate resilience. “I believe that the integration of arts and culture can help to strengthen many aspects of our lives and communities, which is why I’m excited by the Environmental Protection Agency’s artist in residence program,” said Maria Rosario Jackson, PhD, chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. “This is an opportunity for EPA to deepen its community engagement while also expanding an understanding of how artists can contribute to multiple sectors.” EPA’s Artist-in-Residence Initiative was developed in response to President Biden’s Executive Order on Arts and Humanities, designed to spur investment and alignment of arts and culture across the federal government, make art more accessible to people from underserved communities, elevate new voices through the arts and humanities, and expand opportunities for artists and scholars. EPA’s inaugural Artist-in-Residence program will focus on opportunities to advance the goals of the National Estuary Program and the Urban Waters Federal Partnership, long standing programs that have restored and protected treasured water bodies across America. Public and community engagement, outreach, and education are vital components of both the NEP and Urban Waters programs. Incorporating arts and cultural strategies into EPA’s place-based programs will support innovative approaches and create lasting impact. Learn more about EPA Region 1: https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/epa-region-1-new-england nominee. The Selection Committee will select the nominees to be honored from the submitted forms as well as from previous nomination forms that are kept in consideration for three event cycles. The MHS Alumni Hall of Fame was founded in 2014 to recognize exceptional MHS alumni. Any questions? contact MHSAA President Anthony Dickinson: anthonydickinson@gmail.com

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 11 Beacon Hill Roll Call By Bob Katzen THE HOUSE AND SENATE: There were no roll calls in the House and Senate last week. This week, Beacon Hill Roll Call reports on the number of times each representative sided with Gov. Maura Healey on her 24 vetoes of mostly state budget items in the 2023 legislative session. A two-thirds vote is required to override a gubernatorial veto. In a full 160-member House, the governor needs the support of 54 representatives to sustain a veto when all 160 representatives vote—and fewer votes when some members are absent or a seat is vacant. Healey fell short of that goal as 25 votes was the most support she received on any veto. The House easily overrode all 24 vetoes, including nine that were overridden unanimously. No Democrats voted with Healey to sustain any vetoes. All 134 voted to override all the vetoes. Only GOP members voted with Healey to sustain the vetoes, but no Republican representative voted with Healey 100 percent of the time. The three GOP members who voted with Healey the most times are Reps. Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica) and Nicholas Boldyga (R-Southwick) who both voted with her 14 times (58.3 percent); and Donald Berthiaume (R-Spencer) who voted with her 12 times (50 percent). The GOP member who supported Healey the least number of times was Rep. David Vieira (R-Falmouth) who voted with Healey only seven times (29.1 percent). NUMBER OF TIMES REPRESENTATIVES SUPPORTED GOV. HEALEY’S VETOES IN THE 2023 SESSION Gov. Healey vetoed 24 proposals that were approved by the Legislature in 2023. Here is how your representative fared in his or her support of Gov. Healey on the vetoes. The percentage next to the representative’s name represents the percentage of times that he or she supported Healey. The number in parentheses represents the actual number of times the representative supported Healey. Rep. Paul Donato 0 percent (0) Rep. Steven Ultrino 0 percent (0) ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL HEALEY FILES $58.15 BILLION FISCAL YEAR 2025 STATE BUDGET – Gov. Maura Healy filed her second annual state budget, this one with a price tag of $58.15 billion. The package calls for about $2.07 billion or 3.7 percent more spending compared to the fiscal 2024 budget she signed in August 2023. "We are tightening our belts," Healey said. "I want to be clear about that, Our economy remains strong, but the revenue picture is changing. Pandemic-era funding relief has gone away, and nationally, the economic recovery has stabilized. So, in this environment, it is important that we manage spending in a way that is making strategic choices, examining the impact of every dollar we propose to spend and that we bring our budget in line with a rate of inflation and in line with the resources and the revenue that we have." “What Gov. Maura Healey is proposing is an irresponsible budget, coming in higher than last year which was already too high, while missing the much-needed reforms to curtail our immigration problems along with making our state more competitive,” said Paul Craney, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance. “The governor is continuing to spend taxpayer money on immigrants, while cutting spending on taxpayers, closing a state jail and shifting money away from dedicated savings. The governor describes this budget as fiscally responsible, but this budget reflects a state that is fiscally crumbling from the top down.” “As a former mayor, and someone who has traveled around the state listening to our local officials, I’m proud of the way that this budget proposal responds to local needs,” said Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll. “We’re fully funding the Student Opportunity Act to make sure our K-12 schools have equitable access to the resources their students and educators need. We’re also increasing the amount of local aid going to cities and towns and boosting Chapter 90 funding to improve roads and bridges, particularly in rural communities.” “Gov. Healey has filed a fiscal year 2025 budget that calls for significantly increased spending across state government, but those aspirations need to be tempered by the fiscal realities facing the commonwealth,” said House Minority Leader Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading). “After six-plus months of tax revenues coming in lower than expected, Gov. Healey has already implemented hundreds of millions of dollars in mid-year cuts and downgraded projected revenues by $1 billion for fiscal year 2024. At the same time, funding for the migrant shelter crisis continues to drain much-needed revenues that would otherwise have been spent on other programs and services, with no end in sight.” The budget now goes to the House which will craft and approve its own version and then it moves to the Senate which will offer a different plan. A House-Senate conference committee will eventually hammer out a compromise version that will be approved by both branches and sent to Gov. Healey who has the power to veto any spending and any other items. The House and Senate can then choose to override any of the governor’s vetoes. GOV. HEALEY SIGNS EXECUTIVE ORDER INSTITUTING SKILLS-BASED HIRING – Gov. Healey signed an executive order requiring all state agencies to institute skills-based hiring practices. The order requires hiring to focus primarily on an applicant’s skills, knowledge and abilities rather than educational credentials. The only jobs exempt from the requirement are jobs when education degree conditions are absolutely necessary for the performance of the job. In addition, people in charge of hiring will receive training to help them implement these new hiring policies. “As the state’s largest employer, we rely on a strong, diverse workforce to deliver crucial services and programs for Massachusetts residents, businesses and communities every day,” said Healey. “But too many job applicants are being held back by unnecessary degree requirements. This Executive Order directs our administration to focus on applicants’ skills and experiences, rather than college credentials. It will expand our applicant pool and help us build a more inclusive and skilled workforce than ever before. Our administration is leading by example, and we encourage the business community to join us by adopting similar skills-based hiring practices.” “Massachusetts has an incredible opportunity to leverage its platform as a major employer, lead by example, and encourage more employers to do the same,” said Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Lauren Jones. “As employers, including the commonwealth, embrace a skillsbased hiring practice, we will collectively open more opportunities to hire, retain and develop the diverse, skilled talent employers need to grow and thrive in regions across the state.” FREE BUSES (H 3266) - The Transportation Committee held a hearing on legislation that would create a 1-year pilot program for free access to bus service for the MBTA and regional transit authorities. The measure also would establish advisory committees to evaluate the impacts of the pilot program on ridership, equity, increased access, efficiency, ontime performance, cost savings and other metrics. “Sen. [Pat Jehlen] and I filed [the bill] because access to public transit is critical to the well-being and economic development of our communities,’ said House sponsor Rep. Christine Barber (D-Somerville). “As we continue to see lower ridership compared to before the pandemic, removing barriers to public transit is an important method to get people out of their cars, decrease bus waiting time, decrease carbon emissions, reduce traffic and improve health.” PRIVACY OF COLLEGE STUDENTS (H 4266) – The House gave initial approval to a bill that would prohibit colleges from being required to release certain student education records to third parties that request the records. The prohibition would not apply to federal, state or municipal agency requests. “This bill is about protecting and safeguarding the privacy of our students in public higher ed and ensuring they have the same rights as all students who are afforded the same protections under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act," said Senate sponsor Sen. Jake Oliveira (D-Ludlow). WAIVE FIRST ANNUAL INSPECTION FOR NEW CARS (H 3255) - Another proposal before the Transportation Committee, offered by Rep. Jim Arciero (D-Westford), would eliminate the initial state-required annual inspection for brand new vehicles for one year. Supporters said that the legislation is based on the fact that pre-delivery inspections (PDIs) are required by each motor vehicle manufacturer from their dealers prior to the sale of a vehicle to a consumer. The PDI check list parallels the state’s vehicle inspection checklist and is an unnecessary duplication of the state’s inspection process. STATE PANEL DENIES EFFORT TO REMOVE FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP FROM MARCH 5 REPUBLICAN PRIMARY BALLOT – The State Ballot Law Commission dismissed a challenge that alleged Donald Trump is ineligible for office due to his role in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, ruling that it does not have jurisdiction over the case. "The commission, having reviewed the materials submitted, has determined that the State Ballot Law Commission does not have jurisdiction over the matters presented," the panel wrote. "Donald Trump's name will not be appearing on the presidential primary ballot as a result of the submission of nomination papers or a certificate of nomination over which the commission does have jurisdiction," the panel continued. "Rather, Donald Trump's name will appear on the presidential primary ballot as a result of the Republican State Committee's submission of his name to the Secretary of the commonwealth on September 29, 2023 … This submission from the state party should not be confused with a certificate of nomination.” GOV. HEALEY PLANS TO CLOSE OPERATION AT MCI-CONCORD – The Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) announced its intention to shut down MCI-Concord, a medium-security men’s prison which currently operates at 50 percent capacity with an incarcerated population of approximately 300. The shutdown is proposed by Gov. Healey in her fiscal 2025 budget proposal. The shutdown needs legislative approval before it goes into effect. The DOC said in a press release that the decision to end operations at MCI-Concord and relocate its staff and population is based on a “thorough assessment of decreased housing needs and the aging facility’s high maintenance costs.” It noted that the closing “allows the department to dispose of the property, making it available for non-correctional purposes and potential redevelopment to the benefit of the surrounding community.” “During its first year, the HealeyDriscoll Administration has worked closely with the Legislature, community partners and advocates to invest in justice initiatives that have contributed to the lowest rates of incarceration and recidivism in decades,” said Public Safety and Security Secretary Terrence Reidy. “Strategically consolidating DOC resources makes financial sense and enables the department to build upon the proven, evidence-based rehabilitative programs that support successful reentry and improve outcomes.” The Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union’s Executive Board announced it is adamantly against the closing of MCI-Concord or any other prison. ”The Executive Board feels that the closing of MCI-Concord or any other prison will burden our already violent and dangerous prisons,” the group said in a statement. “We are witnessing extreme and daily violence at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center [in Lancaster] after the closing of Walpole.” The statement continued, “With over three hundred inmates at Concord our classification system will undoubtedly need to reclassify many of these and other inmates statewide. This will potentially place higher risk inmates in lower-level facilities, thus placing our officer’s safety at risk. We ask the governor, Public Safety Secretary and DOC Commissioner to halt any plans to close Concord until a comprehensive plan is in place.” QUOTABLE QUOTES “Partnership between law enforcement and the communities they serve is the cornerstone of effective public safety. This funding is an investment in the enduring success of strong partnerships. Through this grant program, we provide public safety with essential resources to enhance community engagement and deliver evidence-based programs.” ---Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll on awarding a $1.9 million grant to support statewide strategies for violence prevention and enhance community-based partnerships. “We are incredibly excited about this program, which will make a difference in the lives of residents across the state and provide greater affordability, opportunity, and access to all MBTA service for residents as they travel throughout the week. This underscores the bold vision and commitment of the Healey-Driscoll Administration to deliver equitable, reliable and resilient transportation in a big way.” --- Massachusetts Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt on the MBTA’s announcement of several fare change proposals, including the introduction of a reduced fare program for riders with low income, that aim to improve equity, increase ridership and simplify fare rules, “Climbing rents have propelled cost burdens to staggering new heights. In 2022, half of all U.S. renters were cost burdened. The number of renter households spending more than 30 percent of their income on rent and utilities rose by 2 million in just three years to a record high of 22.4 million. Among these renters, 12.1 million had severe burdens, paying over half of their income for housing -- also an alltime high. And while rental markets are finally cooling, evictions have risen, the country is seeing the highest homelessness counts on record and the need for rental assistance is greater than ever." ---From “America’s Rental Housing 2024,” a new report by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. “Overall, the story of criminal justice reform in Massachusetts since 2018 is largely positive. This research finds crime and incarceration have fallen, and we have significantly expanded services for many. Our challenge now is to continue with a focus on reducing the large racial and ethnic disparities in our prison populations with housing, treatment and restorative justice practices.” ---Lee Pelton, President and CEO of the Boston Foundation, on its new report “Criminal Justice Reform in Massachusetts: A Five-Year Progress Assessment.” HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been filed. They note that the infrequency and brieflength of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of January 22-26, the House met for a total of one hour and two minutes and the Senate met for a total of five hours and five minutes Mon. Jan. 22 House11:01 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. Senate 11:22 a.m. to 11:38 a.m Tues.Jan. 23 No House session No Senate session Wed. Jan. 24 No House session No Senate session Thurs. Jan. 25 House11:02 a.m. to11:55 a.m. Senate 11:13 a.m. to 4:02 p.m. Fri. Jan. 26 No House session No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019.

Page 12 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Malden and Mystic Valley Regional Charter High Schools hockey programs celebrate seniors By Tara Vocino M alden High School and Mystic Valley Regional Charter School co-op hockey honored seniors during their Ice Hockey Senior Night at Allied Veterans Memorial Rink on Saturday. The REMM co-op team consists of students at Malden High School, Mystic Valley Regional Charter School and Revere and Everett High Schools. Malden Mayor Gary Christenson (at left) with Revere Mayor Patrick Keefe, Jr. during Saturday’s REMM Ice Hockey Senior Night at Allied Veterans Memorial Rink. Shown from left to right: Malden Public Schools Athletic Director Charlie Conefrey, Malden High School players Jake Simpson, Aaron Al-Marayati and John Summers and Mayor Gary Christenson. Shown from left to right: Malden Public Schools Athletic Director Charlie Conefrey, father Steven Simpson, Malden High School hockey player Jake Simpson, mother Erin Simpson and Malden Mayor Gary Christenson. Shown from left to right: Malden Public Schools Athletic Director Charlie Conefrey, brother Nicholas Summers, mother Janell, Malden High School hockey player John “Jacky” Summers, father Deano and Malden Mayor Gary Christenson. Shown from left to right: proud sister Nicole Deguire, mother Jennifer, Mystic Valley Regional Charter School hockey player Lukas Deguire, of Malden, father James Deguire and Supt. of Schools Alexander Dan. Malden High School hockey player John “Jacky” Summers with family members, shown from left to right: proud brother Nicholas Summers, mother Janell, “Jacky” and father Deano. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Shown from left to right: Malden Public Schools Athletic Director Charlie Conefrey, father Ghazi AlMarayati, Malden High School hockey player Aaron Al Marayati, mother Karen Rockwell and Malden Mayor Gary Christenson. Shown from left to right: proud father Brian Brandano, Mystic Valley Regional Charter School hockey player Jonathan Brandano, of Malden, mother Mary Goreham, brother Michael Brandano and Superintendent of Schools Alexander Dan.

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 13 ~ Mystic Valley Regional Charter School Sports ~ Eagles Swim Team Earns 17th Consecutive CAC Title Eagles Earn Senior Day Win Seniors, pictured from left to right: Makda Johannes, captain Jason Yan, George George and Miriam Johannes. The Eagles Swim Team Champs, from left to right: Back row: Belinda Mwebaza, Britney Nayiga, Noely Mendez, Nicole Kelso, Isabelle Pennachio, Makda Johannes, Gracy Thapa, Miriam Johannes and Crystal Tang; front row: Melina Catic, Isabella Cirame, Lana Santos-Albuquerque, Khloe Co, Brook Burke and Sydney Cao. Commonwealth Athletic Conference Girls Swim Championship Top Three 2023 1st Place 2nd Place 200 Medley Relay 200 Yard Freestyle 200 Individual Medley 50 Yard Freestyle 100 Yard Butterfly 100 YardFreestyle 500 Yard Freestyle 200 Yard Free Relay 100 Yard Backstroke 100 Yard Breaststroke 400 Yard Freestyle Relay Top Four Teams Team Score T Mystic Valley (MV) Isabella Cirame MV Isabella Cirame MV Lowell/Innovation/Nshba Crystal Tang MV Britney Nayiga MV Belinda Mwebaza MV Isabelle Pennachio MV Khloe Co MV Mystic Valley Blue Hills t was Senior Day on Friday for the Mystic Valley Eagles. Four seniors were honored prior to the Eagles’ meet against Greater Lowell. The Eagles were victorious with an 89-71 win. A few highlights of the meet: • In the 200-yard IM, Jaden I 3rd Place Blue Hills M. Johannes MV Lucia Antonucci MV Isabelle Pennachio MV Nicole Kelso MV Lana Albuquerque MV Sydney Cao MV Miram Johannes MV Makda Johannes MV Lana Albuquerque MV Lowell/Innovation/Nashoba Makda Johannes MV Lowell/Innovation Brooke Burke MV Sydney Cao MV Britney Nayiga MV Mystic Valley Mystic Valley (MV) 638 he Mystic Valley Varsity Girls Swim team competed in the Commonwealth Athletic Conference League Championship Meet at Lynn Technical High School on the afternoon of Thursday, January 25. In the meet, the Eagles dominated the other eight teams, winning Gold in every event and scoring 638 points – outdistancing the Co-op team of Lowell/Innovation/Nashoba by over 300 points. In a dominant display of speed and endurance that set the tone for the day in the first event, the girls relay team of Sydney Cao, Isabella Cirame, Lucia Antonucci and Britney Khloe Co MV Lucia Antonucci MV Lowell/Innovation/Nshba Lowell/Innovation/Nshba 296.5 Nayiga took first in the 200 Yard Medley relay with a seed time of 2:00.81. In the nine individual events, Mystic Valley swimmers placed first, second and third in every event. Winning both their individual events were Isabella Cirame, 200 Free and 200 Individual Medley; Britney Nayiga, 50 Free and 100 Breaststroke; and Sydney Cao, 100 Free and 100 Back. Isabelle Pennachio and Lana Santos-Albuquerque won gold in the 100 yard butterfly and 500 yard freestyle, respectively. In the two other relays, Mystic Valley also swam to victory. In the 200-yard freestyle relay, Crystal Tang MV Blue Hills Greater Lowell 239 Winning Time 2:00.81 2:09.46 2:23.58 28.81 1:04.84 57.46 5:59.31 1:52.11 1:04.98 1:12.30 3:50.91 Blue Hills 223 the team of Antonucci, Crystal Tang, Santos-Albuquerque and Kelso placed first with a time of 1:52.11, and in the final event of the day, the 400 yard freestyle relay, Mystic Valley’s team of Cao, Nayiga, Cirame and Santos-Albuquerque placed first with a time of 3:50.91. The Eagles will be back in the water on Saturday, February 3, at home for a last chance meet and again on Saturday, February 10, at the MIAA Sectional Tournament at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. For more information on Mystic Valley athletics, visit mvrcs. com/athletics. Anthony took first with a lifetime best time of 2:10.21. Anthony was followed by sophomore Britney Nayiga in a time of 2:30.35 and Khloe Co in 2:31.54. • In the 500-yard freestyle, sophomore Christian Antonucci added a lifetime best of 5:15.81. • In the 200-yard medley relay, the team of Jason Yan, Antonucci, Kevin Sodeyama-Cardoso and Lucas Freitas placed first with a time of 1:46.22. • In the 100-yard IM, Yan placed first with a time of 57.16. • In the 100-yard butterfly, sophomore Thomas Sodeyama-Cardoso led the way with a time of 56.24. • In the 100-yard freestyle, junior Sydney Cao placed first with a time of 56.81. • In the 200-yard freestyle, Kevin Sodeyama-Cardoso led with a time of 1:56.80, followed by Lucas Santos in 1:57.58 and Isabelle Pennachio in 2:12.94. • In the 50-yard freestyle, Antonucci placed first with a time of 23.89. ~ Malden Neighborhood Basketball League ~ Week 4 Team 2024 Malden Neighborhood Basketball League Games behind Streak Lakers Bullets Sixers Celtics Kings Pistons W L 0 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 3 1 1 0 - 5 2 4 4 4.5 W - 5 W - 3 L - 1 L - 2 L - 3 L - 1 Sat., Jan. 27 at Ferryway Game 1 – Bullets 60, Celtics 35 The first game of the weekend showcased L. Guertin (30) of the Bullets lighting it up throughout the entire game. He was involved heavily in each quarter, especially the first, by entirely outscoring his opponents by an 11-10 margin. Teammate C. Mijar added a solid 13 in this somewhat small revenge victory over the defending champs. Celts Newcomer J. Sweeney was involved in scoring each quarter and he had a team high of 16. Game 2 – Pistons 54, Kings 52 The Pistons edged the Kings in this one, thanks to huge fourth BASKETBALL | SEE PAGE 15

Page 14 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 TOURNEY | FROM PAGE 1 39) and 59-24 on the road at Chelsea. On Monday night, Malden Head Coach Scott Marino’s Golden Tornados made it seven of eight wins with a 4532 victory over non-leaguer Whittier Tech at home. The victory pushed Malden to 10-5 overall and made it the fastest trip to the postseason in all of Coach Marino’s years heading up the program. This is the third straight season Coach Marino’s Tornado team has clinched a spot in the MIAA Division 1 State Girls Basketball Tournament. With Monday’s win, Malden improved to 10-5 overall and 8-4 in Greater Boston League play. Malden had five games left going into last night’s road trip at Medford, which was played after Advocate press deadline. It was a hard-fought win with plenty of countries heard from as Coach Marino got positive contributions from everyone on the roster, including senior captains Angie Colon and Tori Gammon. “It was a team effort and that is what we are looking for every night out,” Coach Marino said. “We win when we get contributions from everyone that gets in there and our players now expect that from each other.” Malden led at all junctures: 11-7 after the first quarter, 2113 at the half and 31-22 after the third quarter. Whittier made a mini-run in the fourth quarter to shave the lead to 6 points, 34-28, but Malden, led by the shooting of Ina Tolete and the rebounding of Amanda Ebenezer, kept the visitors at bay. Malden Girls fell to Lynn Classical in battle for GBL top spot Last week, Malden stormed into Lynn Classical High Tuesday, January 23 looking for “Lucky 7” wins in a row. The winner would leave the gym with sole possession of first place in the Greater Boston League. Lynn Classical hung on for a 38-35 win and the top spot in the GBL race. Malden dropped to 9-4 overall and saw its win streak snapped. Malden has been getting solid contributions from senior captain Tori Gammon, who leads the team in scoring, senior captain Angie Colon, Amanda Ebenezer and Kim Tropnas, among others. Malden also dropped a tough game at home to Revere last Thursday. (See Photos from Malden-Revere in this edition.) Next week, Malden is on the road Monday, February 5 at Salem High (1-9) at 6:00 p.m. and then is home in its final Greater Boston League game on ThursManicha Exilhomme (25) dribbles down court in a win over Chelsea. day, February 8 at Malden High’s Finn Gym at 6:00 p.m. The Malden High seniors will be honored on Senior Night at the MHS Finn Gym on Monday, February 12 at a special 5:00 p.m. start time. **** Malden Boys Basketball on seesaw with a sweep of Somerville, ending a three-game slide Up-and-down it goes for Head Coach Don Nally and the Malden High Boys Basketball team. Led by senior captain Zeke Noelsaint, who was game-high scorer with 21 points, Malden played one of its best games of the season in a 53-41 win on the road at Somerville High. Noelsaint missed a rare triple-douMalden senior captain Tori Gammon (24) drives against Chelsea. ble of points-assists-blocks with 21 points, 12 rebounds and 9 blocked shots. He also threw down a thunderous, two-handed dunk to finish frosting the cake. Sophomore guard Ethan PheZeke Noelsaint (22) goes up strong against Lynn Classical with Wyatt Dessert at his side. (All Advocate Photos/Henry Huang) jarasai scored 10 points for Malden, despite some gamelong special attention from the Somerville defense. Malden also got solid performances from sophomore 5-man Kaua Fernandes Dias (6 points, 7 rebounds, 3 blocks) and senior Jamal Pomare, who’s been banged up much of the season and out of action. In other recent games, two solid wins – over Somerville (5451) at home and Chelsea (5447) on the road – were followed by two straight home losses to non-leaguer Melrose on Saturday (58-38) and Lynn Classical (54-49) and, a horrendous, 6041 loss on the road to Revere. At 5-10 overall, Malden can little afford to drop any games at all – if it wishes to play in the postseason. “We have been inconsistent and it has hurt us.” Coach Nally said. “In our wins, we have shared the ball, worked our inside offense game and played solid defense. “In the games we lost, we allowed the opponent to dictate tempo and we did not defend like we have to do in this league,” Nally added. Against Classical on Tuesday, Malden senior captain Zeke Noelsaint had 22 points, 12 rebounds and 5 blocked shots, including 6 points in the fourth quarter. No other Malden player scored in double digits and there was the difference. Lynn Classical also scored 18of-21 at the free throw line, and Malden was basically a no-show at the line, 2-of-4. Malden hosted Medford last night at the Finn Gym at 7:00 p.m. and next week plays an exhibition game at Belchertown (Mass.) High School on the road on Saturday, February 10 at 2:30 p.m.

BASKETBALL | FROM PAGE 13 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 ALUMNI | FROM PAGE 3 quarter output & outscoring their opponents, 25-11. Led by R. Wallace with 18 and J. Bly dropping 12, the Kings had the game in hand – up 41-29 after three – but they lost in the final frame. A. Brathwaite did most of his damage in the first half and led the way with 17, and Z. Pierre had 12 in this losing effort. Saturday, Jan. 28 at Ferryway Game 1 – Bullets 72, Pistons 47 The Pistons could not slow down L. Guertin of the Bullets, who did all his damage in three quarters, ending with a monster weekend & a game-high 31. C. Mijar went 5-6 from the line and added 10 of his own. Followed by a pair of 8’s and 6’s … The Pistons needed a little more fire power but did fairly well on their own, thanks to N. Sullivan with 19 and J. Bly “who had himself a nice weekend,” ending with 18 Game 2 – Lakers 47, Sixers 40 The Lakers were slow to score in this one but it was S. Warton who led all scorers with a game-high 21. Sixers C. Joseph had 10 of his team-high 15 in the second half to help get it close, and A. Martino (10) paced their squad in scoring. For Jan. 31 (after press deadline), the Celtics were scheduled to play the Lakers and the Pistons were scheduled to play the Sixers. Next Week’s Games Sat., Feb. 3 Sun., Feb. 4 Sixers Celtics Lakers Kings Bullets Sixers Lakers Pistons —This article is based on info from Malden Neighborhood Basketball League booster/statman/former MNBL 26-year Coach Glenn Higgins. City of Malden 215 Pleasant St. Malden, Massachusetts 02149 conservationcommission@cityof malden.org City of Malden Massachusetts CONSERVATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act (as amended) of the Massachusetts General Laws and the Malden Wetlands Protection Ordinance that a Hearing of the City Of Malden Conservation Commission will be held on Monday, February 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom and an in-person option at Malden City Hall. Hearing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) filed by the City of Malden - Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development for proposed improvements to the Linden Community Rink located at 0 Hunting Street, Malden. Portions of the proposed work will occur within Bordering land Subject to Flooding (BLSF). On March 30, 2023, Governor Healey signed into law a supplemental budget that includes an extension of the allowance for public bodies to meet remotely until March 31, 2025. This meeting will be conducted via remote participation and an in person option. In person attendance by members of the public is allowed, and all effort will be made to permit public attendance of this meeting, in the manner specified below, via remote access by internet, telephone, and if available via public broadcast of the meeting by Urban Media Arts on public access television channels. Public access will also be provided by posting minutes, and/or a transcript, recording, or record of the meeting on the City of Malden website at cityofmalden.org as soon as practicable after the meeting. Additional information/guidelines for the public can be found here: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/updated-guidance-on-holding-meetings-pursuant-tothe-act-extending-certain-covid-19-measures Meeting information is as follows: https://cityofmalden.zoom.us/j/95514254549?pwd=eGxRNkt2aks1Mnphbm9tRituRFBRZz09 Meeting ID: 955 1425 4549 Passcode: 193528 Dial by your location: +1 929-436-2866 US (New York) Isaac Slavitt Chairman February 02, 2024 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BUYER1 LEBLANC, SAMANTHA BUYER2 SELLER1 AHMED, SYED T SELLER2 Science); Lt. Richard V. Dargie, Posthumously (MHS 1939, Military Service); Hollis E. Durgin (MHS 1940), Community Service). **** Inducted in Hall of Fame Class of 2016: John McCarthy (MHS 1964, Business); Diane (Katz) Portnoy, MHS 1963, Education); Marc Phaneuf (MHS 1982, Arts); Brigadier General Theresa (Ciccolo) Prince (MHS 1978, Military Service); Virginia Diane (Shahbas) Yardumian (MHS 1946, Education & Community Service); Governor John Volpe (MHS 1926, Government). **** Inducted in Hall of Fame Class of 2018: Diana (DellaPiana) Cataldo (MHS 1958, Business); John Boris (MHS 1964, Community Service); Noreen Grice (MHS 1981, Science); Nicholas “Dick” Robinson (MHS 1956, Media); Edmund A. Trabucco (MHS 1934, Government); Ann Carol Grossman (MHS 1965, Arts); Joanne (Assetta) Iovino, Posthumously (MHS 1965, Education & Community Service); John Haynes Holmes (MHS 1968, Community Service). **** Inducted in Hall of Fame Class of 2022: Nancy Finklestein, Posthumously (MHS 1960, Education); Norman Greenbaum (MHS 1960, Arts); Michael Goldman (MHS 1967, Government); Ron Cox (MHS 1966, Media); Richard C. Howard (Class of 1970, Government); Sandra Vellerman (Class of 1977, Science); Phillip E. Hyde (MHS 1982, Technology); Albert R. Spadafora (Class of 1964, Business). For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net Page 15 NEW CLEAN VEHICLE TAX CREDIT MAGI of $150,001 in 2023 and $175,000 in 2022, he would not qualify for the tax credit. He would be over the limit in both calendar years. Vehicle manufacturers are T he Federal government provides for a tax credit up to $7,500 for new electric vehicle (EV) purchases and up to $4,000 for used EV purchases. In order to qualify to the tax credit, you must meet the MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price). The MSRP is reflected on the sticker and includes options, accessories, etc. It does not include destination fees and taxes. For most cars, the MSRP cannot exceed $55,000. For sports utility vehicles, vans and light trucks, the MSRP limit is $80,000. You also have to meet the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) test. For a married filing joint return taxpayer, the MAGI must be less than or equal to $300,000 for either calendar year 2023 or 2022. For a head of household taxpayer, the MAGI must be less than or equal to $225,000. For a single taxpayer, the MAGI must be less than $150,000. As an example, if Vinny and Alice purchased an EV in 2023 with MAGI of $750,000 in 2023 and MAGI of $250,000 in 2022, assuming the MSRP of the new vehicle does not exceed $55,000, they would still qualify for the $7,500 tax credit. If Charlie, a single taxpayer, purchased an EV in 2023 with required to report the EV information to the IRS as well as the purchaser of the vehicle. The manufacturer must provide this information to the purchaser at the time of sale and must also inform the purchaser as to what the maximum tax credit available is. IRS Form 15400, Clean Vehicle Seller Report is used by dealers to report this information for both new clean vehicles and used clean vehicles. Starting on January 1, 2024, taxpayers can now opt to claim the tax credit as a reduction to the purchase price as opposed to claiming a tax credit on his or her individual income tax return. Even if you report no income tax on your total tax line of your tax return, the IRS will still refund you the $7,500. To claim the tax credit, you must include Form 8936 with your tax return. You should check with the dealership as to whether or not the EV you are purchasing is eligible for the tax credit, and in what amount. There are requirements as to final assembly being in the U.S or Canada, a certain percentage of battery components being produced in the U.S. or with countries with a free trade agreement with the U.S., etc. The requirements have changed for 2024 purchases. Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a master’s degree in taxation. Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. ADDRESS 20-30 DANIELS ST #205 CITY MALDEN DATE 01.19.24 PRICE 335000

Page 16 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 avavvyvy avvy S iorn oreniioor a avvy iori by Jim Miller Of Malden. Keeping Older Drivers Safe on the Road Dear Savvy Senior, What safety tips can you recommend for older drivers? My 86-year-old mother, who still drives herself, had a fender bender last month and I worry about her safety. Back Seat Daughter Dear Back Seat, With more and more older Americans driving well into their 70s, 80s and beyond, there are a variety of things your mom can do to help maintain and even improve her driving skills. Here are some recommendations by driving rehabilitation specialists that work with older drivers. Get an eye exam: Because about 90 percent of the information necessary to drive is received through our eyes, this is a good fi rst step in ensuring your mom’s driving safety. So, get your mom’s eyes checked every year to be sure her vision and eyewear is up to par. Get a physical or wellness exam: As people age, it’s also very important to monitor changes in overall health as it relates to driving. Medical conditions like arthritis, dementia, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, sleep apnea and stroke can all affect driving. In addition, many seniors also take multiple medications or combinations of medications that can make them drowsy or lightheaded, which can impair judgment or aff ect refl exes or alertness necessary for safe driving. So, an annual physical or wellness examination and medication review is also a smart way to verify your mom’s driving safety. Take a refresher course: AARP and the American Automobile Association (AAA) both have older driver improvement courses that can help your mom brush up her driving skills and understand how to adjust for slower refl exes, weaker vision and other age-related physical changes that can aff ect driving. Taking a class may also earn her a discount on her auto insurance. To locate a class, contact your local AAA (AAA.com) or AARP (AARPdriversafety.org, 888-227-7669). Most courses cost around $20 to $30 and can be taken online. Make some adjustments: Adjusting when and where your mom drives are another way to help keep her safe and behind the wheel longer. Some simple adjustments include not driving after dark or during rush hour traffi c, avoiding major highways or other busy roads, and not driving in poor weather conditions. Evaluate her driving: To stay on top of your mom’s driving abilities you should take a ride with her from time-to-time watching for problem areas. For example: Does she drive at inappropriate speeds, tailgate or drift between lanes? Does she have diffi culty seeing, backing up or changing lanes? Does she react slowly, get confused easily or make poor driving decisions? For more evaluation tips, AAA off ers a senior driver self-rating assessment exercise (Drivers 65 Plus) that you or she can access at Exchange.AAA.com/safety/senior-driver-safety-mobility. If your mom needs a more thorough evaluation, you can turn to a driver rehabilitation specialist who’s trained to evaluate older drivers and off er suggestions and adaptations to help keep her safe. But be aware that this type of assessment can run anywhere between $100 and $500 or more. To locate a professional in your area, visit ADED.net or AOTA.org – search “driving practitioner directory.” When it gets to the point that your mom’s driving isn’t safe anymore and she needs to quit, you may need to help her create a list of names and phone numbers of family, friends and local transportation services that she can call on for a ride. To fi nd out what transportation services are available in your mom’s area contact the Eldercare Locator (800-677-1116), which will direct you to her area agency on aging for assistance. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Passed away peacefully on January 23rd, 2024 at the age of 40. She was born on March 16, 1983 and touched many with her warmth, kindness, and loving spirit. Crystal is survived by her cherished son, Patrick “PT” CalliLEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID CONTRACT 2024-H-1 2024 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM MALDEN, MASSACHUSETTS THE CITY OF MALDEN invites sealed bids for Contract 2024-H-1 of its 2024 Roadway Improvements Program. Bids will be received at the office of the Malden Engineering Department, 215 Pleasant Street, 3rd Floor – Room 340, Malden, MA 02148, until 1:30 PM local time on Thursday, February 22, 2024 and at that place and time will be publicly opened and read aloud. In general, the work of this contract shall consist of the reconstruction of 5 streets, or portions thereof, in various locations totaling approximately 3390 linear feet. The work includes reclamation of existing roadway pavements, excavation of existing pavements by cold planer, adjustment of utility structures, the construction of new roadway pavements, setting and resetting of granite curb, construction and reconstruction of cement concrete sidewalks, driveways and wheelchair ramps, and related appurtenant and incidental work. All bidders must be prequalified by Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) in accordance with 700 CMR 14.00 Prequalification of Contractors and Subcontractors. The contract will only be awarded to a MassDOT prequalified contractor. Contract Documents will become available Thursday, February 08, 2024 and may be examined and/or obtained at the office of the Malden Engineering Department, 215 Pleasant Street, 3rd Floor – Room 340, Malden, MA 02148, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. City offices are closed on Fridays. A deposit in the form of a check payable to the “City of Malden, Massachusetts” in the amount of $50.00 will be required for each set of the Contract Documents. A refund of the deposit will be made for Contract Documents returned in good condition within 4 weeks after bids are received. Bidder’s requesting Contract Documents by mail shall include an additional non-refundable check payable to “Hayner/Swanson, Inc.” in the amount of $40.00 per set to cover handling and mailing costs. The bids shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, satisfactory to the City, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid. The bid security shall be in the form of a bid bond issued by a company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth; or a certified, treasurer’s or cashier’s check, issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the “City of Malden, Massachusetts”. Cash deposits will not be accepted. A Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the bid will be required of the successful bidder. Contracts for work under this Proposal will obligate the Contractor and Subcontractors to comply with applicable Federal, State and local provisions regarding prevailing wage rates, insurances, labor, equal employment opportunity, anti-discrimination and affirmative action. Bids may be held by the City of Malden for a period not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of bidders, prior to awarding the Contract. The City of Malden reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids received if deemed to be in their best interest. CITY OF MALDEN BY Yem Lip, P.E. City Engineer Malden Engineering Department February 2, 2024 OBITUARIES Crystal Ann (Firicano) Squibb nan of Malden, who was the light of her life. She leaves behind her sister, Coralee Barrett and brother-in-law Robert, of Windham, NH as well as her brother, Jesse Firicano and his fiancé Jennifer, of Myrtle Beach, SC. Crystal will be fondly remembered by her nieces and nephew: Amanda D’Amore, Ausjoli Denehy, Diamond Firicano, Alexis Barrett, and Dylan Barrett. She is also survived by many aunts, uncles and cousins. Crystal was preceded in death by her beloved mother and father, Cythina and Antonio Firicano of Malden, as well as her fi ancé, Patrick F. Callinan of Malden. She had a deep love for animals as well as an appreciation for music, fashion, and shopping. However, her most cherished role was that of a devoted mother to her son, PT. OBIT| SEE PAGE 17 LEGAL NOTICE

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 17 OBIT | FROM PAGE 16 Crystal will be remembered for her infectious laughter, her unwavering love for her family, and the compassion she extended to all who knew her. At this time, no services are planned. In lieu of fl owers, the family kindly requests that donations by made to Light the Path for PT: Crystal Squbb Memorial Fund GoFundMe. Stephen R. Stocker Of Malden. Passed away suddenly on January 22, 2024. He was 58 years old. Stephen was a lifelong resident of Malden and worked for many years as PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF MALDEN LICENSING BOARD Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held before the Licensing Board for the City of Malden at City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, Room 108, Malden, MA 02148 on February 27, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the application of Liquor Market II, Inc D/B/A Liquor Market of Malden, 388 Eastern Avenue, Malden, MA. Application is being made for an off premises S15 Package Store All Alcohol Beverages 7 day license. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. Lee A. Kinnon, Chairman Andrew Zeiberg, Member Paul Lee, Member Dated: February 02, 2024 ~ House For Rent ~ Furnished Comfortable House - Malden Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net Very comfortable fully furnished large 3 bedroom, one family house, 1,656 ft. in Malden, near Melrose line. 15 minute drive to Boston, located on 1/2 acre lawn/forested site. Quiet neighborhood. All utilities/ wifi/landscape services included. Off street parking. Convenient public bus transportation, minutes to Oak Grove MBTA and Wyoming commuter rail station with direct train line to downtown Boston. Short/long term OK. No security or fees required. Pets okay. $3,500/month. First and last month required. Credit and reference check application. Avail. Feb. 1. Call Joe at: (857) 350-0575 Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. Call Robert at: 781-844-0472 an electrician. Stephen was the loving son of Peter J. and Philomena (Brady) Stocker. He was the dear brother of Peter J. Stocker and the late Theresa M. Stocker. Stephen was the cherished uncle of Robert Stocker, Ryan Stocker, and the late Paul Stocker. Funeral from the A. J. Spadafora Funeral Home, Malden on Thursday February 1st followed by a Mass of Christian Burial in Sacred Hearts Church, Malden. Relatives and friends were invited to attend visiting hours at the funeral home on Wednesday January 31st. Interment was in Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden. 1. On Feb. 9, 1895, what sport – originally called mintonette – was invented in Holyoke, Mass.? ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ 2. Charles Ponzi, the source of “Ponzi scheme,” emigrated to what city that is in a dog’s name? 3. What number is the next Super Bowl: LII, LV or LVII? 4. What musical instrument was used in the 1960s hit “Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport”: steel drum, theremin or wobble board? 5. On February 10, Chinese (Lunar) New Year starts; 2024 is the year of what animal symbol? 6. How are Goat, Luna and Three Sisters similar? 7. What is a printer’s devil? 8. On Feb. 11, 1878, the fi rst bicycle club in the USA was founded in what New England city? 9. Who is the NBA’s oldest active player? 10. Reportedly, which country has a “chimney sweep mafi a”: Switzerland, UK or USA? 11. What three-letter word means a computer program able to perform automatic recurring tasks? 12. On Feb. 12, 2004, the Mattel VP of Marketing announced that what dolls felt “it’s time to spend some quality time — apart”? 13. What American author who died in Hartford, on a trip to Boston in 1869, said, “One of the most winning features of Boston is the politeness of the people”? 14. February 13 is Mardi Gras; what is the traditional Mardi Gras dessert? 15. In what county is the place that is the namesake of the USS Housatonic, the fi rst ship sunk by a submarine (in 1861)? 16. In 1400 on Valentine’s Day, King Charles VI created a royal Court of Love in what city that has been called the city of love? 17. How are electrons, neutrons and protons similar? 18. On Feb. 14, 1966, who achieved an NBA career scoring record of 20,884 points? 19. Reportedly, in the 1800s, Chinese immigrants in Massachusetts developed a sandwich from what Chinese dish? 20. On Feb. 15, 1927, the silent fi lm “It” was released; who was the fi lm’s star (or “it girl”)? ANSWERS 1. Volleyball 2. Boston (Boston terrier) 3. LVII 4. Wobble board 5. The dragon 6. They are names of American Niagara River islands. 7. A printing offi ce apprentice 8. Boston (the Boston Bicycle Club) 9. LeBron James (39) 10. Switzerland (The government protects the sweeps.) 11. Bot 12. Barbie and Ken 13. Mark Twain 14. King cake 15. Berkshire County in Mass. 16. Paris 17. They make up atoms. 18. Wilt Chamberlain 19. Chop Suey 20. Clara Bow Classifieds

Page 18 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 AAA Service • Lockouts We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett J.F & Son Contracting Snow Plowing No Job too small! Free Estimates! Commercial & Residential 781-656-2078 - Property management & maintenance Shoveling & removal Landscaping, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Roofing, Carpentry, Framing, Decks, Fencing, Masonry, Demolition, Gut-outs, Junk Removal & Dispersal, Clean Ups: Yards, Garages, Attics & Basements. Truck for Hire, Bobcat Services. MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 Frank Berardino MA License 31811 ● 24-Hour Service ● Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Gas Fitting ● Drain Service Residential & Commercial Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES! Office: (781) 233-2244 FIRE • SOOT • WATER Homeowner’s Insurance Loss Specialists FREE CONSULTATION 1-877-SAL-SOOT Sal Barresi, Jr. - Your fi rst call 617-212-9050 SPADAFORA AUTO PARTS JUNK CARS WANTED SAME DAY PICK UP 781-324-1929 Quality Used Tires Mounted & Installed Used Auto Parts & Batteries Family owned & operated since 1946 Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net $ $ $ $ Classifieds

THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Page 19 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net - LEGAL NOTICE - City of Malden Massachusetts Board of Appeal 215 Pleasant Street Malden, Massachusetts 02148 Telephone 781-397-7000 x2161 MALDEN BOARD OF APPEAL PUBLIC HEARING Advocate Call now! 617-387-2200 advertise on the web at www.advocatenews.net The Malden Board of Appeal will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6:30 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada) at Malden City Hall, 215 Pleasant St, Room #106 Herbert L Jackson Council Chambers, Malden, MA on Petition 24-001 by Lourdharry Pauyo seeking a variance under Code of the City of Malden as amended – Title 12 MCC 12.12.190 (F) (1) (c) – Specifically, The Location of a Marijuana establishment within 75 feet of any residential use - as per Plans CMID-063016-2023 at the property known as and numbered 28 Broadway Malden, MA and also known by City Assessor’s Parcel ID #123-481-125 Additional information, Petition and plans available for public review in the Office of Inspectional Services, 215 Pleasant St., 3rd floor, Malden, MA or online at www.cityofmalden.org or https://maldenma-energovweb.tylerhost.net/apps/SelfService#/home Nathaniel Cramer, Chair January 26, February 2, 2024 Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $150 per paper in-town per year or $200 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 Thinking of selling your Saugus property? E V E R E T T Desirable 1-bedroom apartment in Everett, conveniently situated just off Broadway, will be available in early February or possibly sooner. Priced at $1,975.00. For inquiries, please contact Peter at 781-820-5690. S A U G U S C O MM E R C I A L & R E S I D E N T I A L P R O P E R T Y Sue Palomba and Peter Manoogian, proud Saugus residents with a deep understanding and love for the community, are your reliable guides to present your property with accuracy and professionalism. They understand that buyers are not just purchasing a home but will also become part of a community. Reach out to Sue at 617-877-4553 or Peter at 781-8205690 for a complimentary market analysis of your property. Discover the benefits of our low commission structure and let them showcase the essence of Mango, bringing a blend of excellence and satisfaction to your journey. SUE PALOMBA Founder Mango Realty Inc. Exceptional investment opportunity! Long-standing commercial fishing pier/residential property adjacent to Saugus Waterfront Mixed Use Overlay District (WMOD). Owner petitioning Town of Saugus for inclusion in WMOD, providing diverse land use possibilities per Article 18 in Saugus Zoning Bylaws. Zoning contingency applies to sale. Property features licensed pier, boat storage, residential use with permitted accessory dwelling unit. Utilities include electricity, water to pier, and natural gas to dwelling. Deed transfer for pier rights. Offered at $1,455,000. Contact Sue at 617-877-4553 for details. 3 8 M A I N S T . S A U G U S ( 7 8 1 ) 5 5 8 - 1 0 9 1 soldwithsue@gmail.com 617-877-4553 PETERMANOOGIAN t Agent Mango Realty Inc. pm1963@comcast.net 781-820-5690 Mango Realty has extended our business model to rentals, property management and short-term rentals and use the platform such as Airbnb, including our Rockport office. Contact Information: For inquiries and to schedule a viewing, please call Sue Palomba at +1 (617) 877-4553 or email soldwithsue@gmail.com. 2 0 R A I L R O A D A V E . R O C K P O R T ( 9 7 8 ) - 9 9 9 - 5 4 0 8 Discover the ideal fusion of charm, convenience, and comfort at Revere Apartments for Rent. This exquisite 2bedroom, 2-bathroom residence occupies the coveted first floor of a 40-unit building, ensuring a serene and private living experience. Immerse yourself in the contemporary allure of the updated kitchen, featuring newer floors that seamlessly complement the overall aesthetic. Convenience is elevated with in-unit laundry, completewith awasher, dryer, and refrigerator for added ease. Securing this haven requires the standard first, last, and security deposit, along with a one-month broker fee. The monthly rent stands at $2,700. To qualify, applicants must boast a credit score exceeding 680, provide references, and undergo abackground check. For inquiries and to seize this opportunity, contact Sue at 617-877-4553. or soldwithsue@gmail.com Availability begins March 1, and please note that pets and smoking are not permitted. Immerse yourself in the vibrant surroundings, including nearby trails and eateries, making this residence a perfect blend of modern living and local exploration. 1 4 N O R W O O D S T . E V E R E T T ( 7 8 1 ) - 5 5 8 - 1 0 9 1 Classifieds


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