Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, February 2, 2024 Join a listening session about Transportation-Related Air Pollution “D o you care about clean air? Join the Community-led Improvement of Air Quality and Health in the Lower Mystic (CLEANAIR) project for our Malden listening session where we will explore current air quality research, hear from climate health professionals about how transportation-related air pollution (TRAP) affects us, and learn MUSINGS | FROM PAGE 6 Times of August 12, 1976: “Voice of Malden” by Debbie Freeto: “This week, the Malden SunTimes reviewed residents of Malden about one of the referendum questions on the upcoming November Ballot. The question asked of a random sampling of Malden voters went as follows: ‘There will be a constitutional amendment (to the Massachusetts Constitution) on the November ballot called the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); Will you be voting for it or against it?’ “We obtained the following responses... • Anne Falzarano of Boylston Street: ‘Yes; I think everyone should be equal and that’s all there is to it.’ • Florence Buchanan of Glenwood Street: ‘Yes, because I believe in equal pay for women - that no woman should be deprived of a job in any office because she’s a woman. If it’s not going to hurt the family, deprive the children of having a mother around, I’m all for it.’ • John Disano of Adams Street: ‘Yes, I’m going to vote for it,’ but added, ‘I have no feeling about it.’ • James Daily of Maple Street: what local activists are doing to fight for your health.” When: Wednesday, February 7, 6-8 p.m. Where: Malden City Hall (215 Pleasant St, Malden). Food, childcare and interpretation will be provided (Mandarin, Spanish and Portuguese). Attendees can enter a drawing for an air purifier! ‘No, I’m against it. I don’t think we’re ready for it. It would create too many legal problems with things like welfare and alimony payment. I’m not a chauvinist but I think we should go a little slower - think it out a little better.’ • Percy Wagner from Pleasant Street: ‘Oh sure, why not, it’s a good thing. Nowadays, why shouldn’t women have the same rights as a man?’ • Thomas Buckley of Plainfield Ave: ‘Yes; from what I’ve read about it, I believe in it. Women should be on the upper echelons of business - women attorneys and teachers, for example, don’t get equal salaries. Women should have equal rights in all areas.’ As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – on a Shawn Brickman personal note...arguably the best athlete of my lifetime Shawn dominated (Malden) sports (and most of us at one time or another) for decades. From Little League to Babe Ruth League to MHS, on every basketball court in the city, including the uber competitive Malden Men’s Recreational Basketball League, through the Inter-City League (and beyond). Who remembers Shawn’s Questions? Please email cleanaircommunityengagement@ gmail.com – information in Arabic, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese is available at mysticriver.org/calendar/2024/2/7/ love-your-lungs-malden About the CLEANAIR team: “The Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) works to improve clutch 1985 series finale clincher as the “Miracle Mustangs” came roaring back defeating the Melrose Rams after being down three games to none?! Shawn going six strong innings, limiting the Rams to four hits – final score 3-1 as the Eddie DiGiacomo–led ’Stangs won their first championship (in front of 3,000 rabid fans at Playstead Park, no less) in almost 20 years! Well, that’s just one of Shawn’s many accomplishments through the years; space limitations prevent me from listing them all. Best thing about his long and storied career? Yeah, he was a bulldog on the field; a killer on the hoop court; the type of guy you would gladly follow into battle. But he was also a humble and unassuming human being – to this day one of the most down-to-earth people I have ever known. He never acted the role of (arguably) Malden GOAT. He was your teammate first, no matter your talent level; always supportive, always treating you with respect. Shawn no longer dominates the hoop court (I bet he could if he wanted to) – now dominating the bocce court at the Italian American Citizens Club, where his teams are regularly in the hunt for yet another championship trophy – anoththe lives of the more than 600,000 residents of Mystic River communities through its efforts to protect and restore environmental health, natural habitat, and open space throughout the 76 square mile watershed. MyRWA is joined in this project by a team of experts from Tufts University, University of Michigan, Boston University, AIR Inc., STEP, Cambridge Health Aler trophy to hand down to his beautiful children and grandchildren (right, Earl?). And if I may dare say one more thing about Shawn: a sweetheart of a man. Postscript 1: I just love the accompanying photo! Taken at one of Malden’s best family-owned restaurants (621 Tavern & Grille), you can actually visualize through the image what good pals these five gentlemen really are. Their friendship spanning over 50 years – the smiles on their faces, the ease with which they embrace each other says it all. Furgie, Jonesy, Brick, Pitty and Benny: five of Malden’s finest people (and athletes) captured for the ages. Postscript 2: I called 621 Tavern & Grille one of Malden’s best family-owned restaurants, keeping in mind that Floramo’s of Malden (“where the meat falls off the bone”) now sits on Centre Street. John, don’t get me wrong; we love you and we thank you for settling in Malden. Best steak tips and mashed potatoes around and we are very grateful you are here. Your joint is right up there also. Keep up the great work (and food!). Insert smiley face. Say hello to your sister Lisa for me. Postscript 3: You got a friend in me... John Mehos and Shawn Brickman go so far back... They liance, Everett Community Growers, the City of Malden, and the City of Everett. The CLEANAIR project is guided by a 10-member Community Advisory Board made up of representatives who live and/or work in East Boston, Everett, Malden, and Charlestown. For more information on the project team, please visit mysticriver. org/cleanair.” remember their first pizza together at the Highland Café, their first saucy sub at the Big A, their first clam plate at King Neptune’s; buying their first pair of Chuck Taylor’s at the Converse Retail on Pearl Street; probably even their first case of Schlitz purchased out the back door of the old Elmwood on a Sunday afternoon. Harry’s little brother Johnny gladly shared his thoughts on his longtime friend: “I’m proud to say I began blocking for Shawn in the fall of 1971 on the Pop Warner B squad. Through Beebe Jr High and Malden High School, tag rush and flag football leagues you always knew who the QB was, no questions. It was an honor to play with one of the very best our fine city has ever produced. By the way, we just finished our 30th (?) year of bocce together and YES, he’s been called one of best on the court there too. Shawn Brickman my friend for over 50 years!” “You’ve got a friend in me, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, we stick together and can see it through, cause you’ve got a friend in me.” Peter is lifelong Malden and a regular contributor to the Malden Advocate. He can be reached at PeteL39@aol.com for comments, compliments or criticisms. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/ Advocate.news.ma

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