THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JunE 23, 2023 Page 11 Everett Democratic City Committee hosts 2023 Caucus T he Everett Democratic City Committee held its 2023 Caucus on Saturday, June 17, at the Connolly Center to elect delegates and alternates to the Massachusetts Democratic Party convention in September. State Senator Sal DiDomenico and State Representative Joseph McGonagle gave updates on their current work at the State House. The City Committee extends its gratitude to Senator DiDomenico for helping defray the costs of the event location and for providing a delicious spread of breakfast items and coff ee. The 2023 elected delegates are as follows: Ward One: Stephanie Smith, Margaret Cornelio and Antonio Cornelio; Ward Two: Michelle Garrity Goudey, Rebecca Garrity, John Goudey and James Henderson; Ward Three: Tricia DiDomenico, Francis Parker and Katy Rogers; Ward Five: Steven Zeller and Paula Sterite; Ward Six: Samantha Lambert and Mary Puleo. Committees in Wards One and Six were also able to organize and elect new officers. In Ward One, we would like to congratulate Chair Wayne Matewsky, Vice Chair Stephanie Smith and Secretary/Treasurer Margaret Cornelio. In Ward Six, we would like to congratulate Chair Juan Soler Ramos, Vice Chair Mary Puleo and Secretary/Treasurer Samantha Lambert. St. Mary’s High School Term 3 Honors List S t. Mary’s High School announced its Honor Roll and Principal’s List for the third quarter of the 2022-23 academic year. Honor Roll students must achieve 85 or above in all of their classes. Students earning Principal’s List status must achieve 90 or above in all of their classes. The following student from Everett has achieved Principal’s List: Jason Spaulding, ’26. Saugus-Everett Elks Charity Meat Raffl e T he Saugus-Everett Lodge of Elks will be hosting a pre–Fourth of July Barbecue Meat Raffl e on Friday evening, June 23, at 7:30 p.m. Come by and win burgers, sausages, steaks, dogs and more for your holiday cookout. All proceeds benefi t local Elks charities.

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