Name European Technology Platforms (ETPs) Partners Various General Description Industry-led stakeholder fora charged with def are characterised by addressing challenging is medium to long term, creating community add approach. They are driven by industry, compa the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) s biotechnology and utilisation of marine bioreso Five of the ETPs are directly or indirectly relev *Sustainable Chemistry Technology Platform ( *European Biofuels Technology Platform (Biof *European Aquaculture Technology and Innov *European Technology Platform ‘Food for Life *European Technology Platform ‘Plants for the *Bio-Economy Technology Platforms (BECOT produced a final paper The European Bioecon EuroMarine Lead partner: University of Gothenburg, 3 other partners Integrates three large European marine netwo that were funded by the Sixth EU Framework P Consortium. EuroMarine will provide a rich and diverse sou research that can respond rapidly to societal n Integration aims to optimise European marine ecosystem modelling. This is to be achieved th Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology
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