Website fining research priorities in a broad range of technological areas. They ssues for growth, embodying major technological advances in the ded-value, involving high research intensity and requiring a European ared with ERA-Nets, which are driven by research funding agencies. In sector, five ETPs of the total 9 are directly or indirectly relevant for marine ources. vant for marine biotechnology and the utilisation of marine resources: (SusChem TP) for industrial biotechnology fuels TP) has an Algae fuels task force vation Platform (EATIP) e’ (Food for Life TP) e Future’ (Plant TP) – many aspects applicable to marine algae TEPS), an ETP that grouped the biological platforms together, the has nomy in 2030, which is also relevant. orks of excellence (EUR-OCEANS, MarBEF, Marine Genomics Europe), Programme for Research and Development, into a EuroMarine urce of the best expertise and innovation available in European marine needs, environmental demands, well-being and sustainability. research, in particular in the fields of biodiversity, genomics and hrough the advancement of an interdisciplinary approach to research. http://www.euromarin econsortium.eu/ http://cordis.europa.eu /technology-platforms/ 183

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