OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY Our commitment to providing the best place for our employees to work and improving the quality of life of the people in the communities in which we operate is being achieved by creating value for everyone. By everyone, we mean not only our employees and subcontractors, but also all the stakeholders affected by what we do, from shareholders to customers, governments and the communities that are close to our operating locations. We support education, health and empowerment in host communities and sponsor sports and cultural development initiatives in our communities and elsewhere. We are committed to aligning our sustainability framework ‘in accordance’ with the comprehensive option of the latest Global Reporting Initiative’s Global Standards premised on (GRI) G4 guidelines at the global front and the SEC Code of Corporate Governance in Nigeria. As the largest cement producer in Africa, we are committed to disclosing material information against all disclosures required by both local and international regulations that relate to our business activities. To keep our sustainability objectives on track, we will also set targets for our core KPIs that will be strategically aligned to our sustainability approach and linked to the material issues identified. Setting new ambitions for sustainable development We are responsible for applying our abilities, products and services to solve challenges. We constantly strive to minimise the environmental impact of all our operations, from mining to cement production and distribution. In line with international practices, we have identified and implemented several measures to ensure a sustainable mode of operations. We realise that we play an important role in the local economy and consciously strive to support local businesses to service our local operations, which in turn improves the lives and prospects of the local communities in which we operate. 42 Annual Report 2016 Helping the Federal Government to achieve its Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) is not only the responsible thing to do, it is also strategically relevant from risk and growth standpoints. The SDGs foster new business opportunities and build markets and relationships around the world, while improving our environment and society’s quality of life. Our social initiatives aim to work hand in hand with the local communities in regions where we operate. By building a strong workforce through employment of local people and contractors, the empowerment of youth, the provision of educational help, provision of high quality infrastructure, driving improvements in local healthcare and improvements in community welfare, we will contribute to the SDGs and reinforce our commitment to building a better future. We are also committed to including details of how our initiatives and activities contribute to the achievement of the Global SDGs. What we do: Health and Safety Health and safety management is a key priority for Dangote Cement. As a result, we are committed to the implementation and maintenance of an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) to ensure the prevention of occupational accidents or ill health that may potentially affect anyone who works at or visits our places of business throughout Africa. A Technical & Operations Committee was created by the Board in 2014 and was charged with the responsibility of reviewing safety, health and environmental performance and improvement plans. We also have a strong commitment to the continuous improvement of the way we manage our work places and observe compliance with legal and regulatory requirements that govern them. We aim to provide a conducive environment for all stakeholders in the manufacturing industry. Some of our efforts are confirmed with the packaging and sales of our cement product which have the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment series BS: OHSAS 18001:2007 certification.
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