About Us OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY Our Health and Safety personnel conduct regular health monitoring of our staff especially those that work in the plants to certify that they are not negatively affected by company activities. These medical assessments include chest x-rays and hearing tests. We are determined to create an embedded safety culture across all our business operations with the objective of minimising the risk of accidents and achieving zero fatalities. To check that we are meeting our benchmarks, we carry out internal health and safety audits on lost time incidents, fatalities and medically treated cases. External health and safety audits are also carried out regularly by industry regulators as well as certification bodies, at our invitation. Emphasis on employee safety is key. We have systems in place to ensure that all accidents are recorded and that all serious accidents are fully investigated. This data is then subject to close scrutiny by senior management and presented monthly to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to ensure that adequate health and safety measures are taken across the business. All staff at the plants are free to raise their concerns with senior management regarding OHSMS. There are medical facilities and medically trained staff on duty at all operational sites with ambulances available for emergency evacuation to local or national hospitals. All medical staff undergo regular training and testing. Commissioning of new concrete road in Ogun State A comprehensive and ongoing safety training programme is conducted by dedicated staff and supplemented by external contractors. We work closely with our contractors and exchange knowledge to ensure that our procedures are aligned. Dangote Cement operates in accordance with each country’s OHSMS legislation and our OHSMS policy is reviewed every five years for continuing suitability, thereby providing the basis for setting and reviewing Occupational Health & Safety objectives and targets. In order to develop a positive health and safety culture throughout Dangote Cement, we are committed to complying with national and international rules and guidelines concerning health & safety. Environment Dangote Cement believes that sound environmental management, together with a proactive approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities of climate change, is fundamental to making its business better. We are committed to the highest standards of environmental performance and recognise the part it can play in improving the sustainability of the environment. We are committed to the implementation and maintenance of the National Industrial Standards ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System (EMS), which ensures a systematic approach to environmental management within the defined scope of our operations. We are committed to complying with relevant legal requirements with a view to providing a sustainable environment for manufacturing, packaging and sales of cement. By this, we aspire to the continuous improvement of our operations. We conduct environmental baseline studies before building our plants and also carry out periodic environmental monitoring of air emission and air quality with particular attention to dust, waste water discharge, and noise emissions. We ensure that all our plants are issued EIA/ESIA permits as required by the local legislation and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Annual Report 2016 43
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