Melissa Morris portfolio 5.
why hello there! I have been in the field of graphic design for over 4 years now, having recieved my Bachelors of Visual Communications in Summer 2020. Provided here in this little booklet include the various designs, layouts, advertisements,and illustrations that I have created over the past few years. All to build up a strong portfolio whose talents can be used to help YOU in your future project endeavors. Instagram: @The_MelRose_Gallery
Table of Contents 1. 2. Branding 3. 4. Advertising D’Addario Poster Georgia Aquarium Large-Scale Campaign Flood Insurance Two-Page Flip Ad Howls’ Moving Castle Typographical Poster Layout Design FSC Work 4-23 4-13 Eye-On-You Portfolio Builder............................................. 14-23 SavoryJapan Cooking Classes ............................................ 24-31 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 ......................................................... ................................ ........................................ ............................... 32-43 32-41 Type-Moon U.S. Campaign/Catelogue .................................... 42-43 . Graphinica Art And Design Magazine ..................................... 44-47 44-47 Farmingdale State Health And Wellness ..................................
Branding eye on youportfolio builder Eye On You is an unofficial portfolio building website platform for artists who wish to better organize their work for prospective job seekers to see. The platform also encourages communication between artists with friending and forum posting. Created for Graphic Design 3 as practice for the upcoming Senior Project Expo, this project was executed using Photoshop, and Illustrator for backgrounds and logo development, InDesign for book layout and stationery, and XD for the UI Design. 4.
Show off what YOU can do EYE ON YOU the general look and feel Eye-On-You has a distinct, colorful look to it that celebrates artists of various different genres by displaying their work in the background. The logo is meant to be bright and inviting to users of a young-adult and college-aged demographic. The blue and green colors of the site give great contrast and serve to better highlight information of great importance, the typography follows this same rule. 6.
Color Palette Used for the logo only Header Used for the logo and most of our Light Teal C- 66 M- 3 Y- 47 R- 79 G- 185 B- 159 K- 0 Pantone 3375 c Medium Yellow C- 4 M- 33 Y- 92 K- 0 R- 242 G- 177 B- 52 #f2b134 Pantone 136 c Red-Orange C- 1 M- 82 Y- 83 R- 237 G- 85 B- 59 K- 0 #ed553b Pantone Warm Red c paragraph heads. Trench is a thin, wide, modern font in contrast to the classical body font. Trench Color Palette Used for the website and some branding Body Used for most of the body/small text. A classical, easy-toread font that is also a part of the 5-families of type. Aa Aa Dark Blue C- 90 M- 75 Y- 55 K- 68 R- 5 G- 28 B- 44 #051c2c Pantone 296 c Aqua Blue C- 99 M- 87 Y- 2 K- 0 R- 35 G- 65 B- 155 #23419b Pantone 286 c Dark Teal C- 91 M- 50 Y- 58 Medium Teal R- 12 G- 81 B- 83 K- 34 #0c5153 Pantone 561 c C- 81 R- 48 M- 39 G- 115 Y- 50 K- 14 #307374 Pantone 7718 c B- 116 Beige-Yellow C- 13 R- 222 M- 28 G- 184 Y- 48 B- 140 K- 0 #deb88c Pantone 727 c 7. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()? Baskerville, (regular) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()?
the stationery The stationary of Eye On You prominently displays its logo,contrasted by the soft rainbow hue and blue of the background. The background gives a great look into branding imagery as a whole without revealing everything. 8. This branding component is also used for the advertising and the majority of the branding book. The way the colors are laid out makes our brand unique in presentation, yet not enough so to be intelligable.
the poster This poster advertisement prominently displays the text and option list of what our website can provide for artists in terms of features, as well as the end result of what they can get out of it. 9.
the ad This magazine ad is more interractive in the sense that the phone graphic hides a QR code that viewers can use to browse through our website promo and even post a promotional piece of their own without signing up. 10. All one has to do is place their phone on the page and be connected to the site! Their work will be posted on the site under a promotional page, and the viewer will be able to save that page as a picture and even get feedback!
the branding book The branding book brings out much more of the brands imagery by showcasing viewer-submitted work in the background. The rest of the book showcases the brand in terms of their visuals, values, marketing, and offerings. The book gives off more of a modern vibe in terms of layout, especially with the balance of color, opacity, and typographical layout. This was done in order to relate it to our brand while also being professional and informative. 11.
the website The main crux of this project comes in the form of the website, which offers plenty of interractive opportunities for its users. This includes, uploading work, organizing your portfolio, posting work to forums for critique, and searching for connections. 12.
Branding savory japanlearn to cook japanese noodles The idea for SavoryJapan came from one that can be considered quite relatable for the average college student. How often does one consume instant ramen noodles as an easy dinner? I wanted to create a company that would be fun and educational for college students to cook a variety of foods without relying on the same cup over and over. The idea served to teach and bring people together through an interractive experience. While teaching a worthwile life skill, participants can learn about foodfrom a different culture from their own! 14.
1. How Often do You Eat Instant Noodles? A. x3-x5 a month. created from user polls The entire idea came about when we had to pitch an idea to a group of participants that was based on recreating something ordinary or not thought about as much, and turn it into a revitalizing new business that makes the user rethink what they knew about the product. Hence Ramen noodles, something typically regarded as throwaway junk food in styrofoam cups to Americans, when in Japan it is a signature, national delicacy. I set out to change the mindset of people that typically consume these products. 16.
Fette Mikado Color Palette Used for the logo only Rich Black: R- 0 G- 0 B- 0 #000000 C- 75 M- 68 Y- 67 K- 90 White: R- 255 G- 255 B- 255 #ffffff C- 0 M- 0 Y- 0 K- 0 Red: R- 234 G- 55 B- 69 #ea1945 C- 8 M- 98 Y- 73 K- 0 Header Used For Paragraph Heads And Certain Emphasis Points. Fette Mikado is more bold and Unique, while also having a more Eastern Flair. Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^& Color Palette Used for the website and some branding Body Used For The,Advertising, and the paragraph rext. Optima is a more formal and proper font in comparison, makes the company have sophistication. Rich Black: R- 0 G- 0 B-0 #000000 C- 75 M- 68 Y- 67 K- 90 White: R- 255 G- 255 B- 255 #ffffff Orange: C- 0 M- 0 Y- 0 K- 0 R- 231 G- 140 B- 66 #e78c42 C- 10 M- 53 Y- 82 K- 0 Optima, (regular) Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^& 17.
the stationery The stationary Savory Japan is also one that proudly displays its iconography on the cover. The colors are bold and warm, perfect for a food-based company. The design was based with a distinct18. Modern Japanese flair, with the imagery consisting of a flat image contradted with bold color, a staple of Japanese design in pop-culture.
the poster This poster advertisement features more of what the brand is about, cooking together in a professional environment. This poster would be displayed on school campus’. 19.
the ad This post-card ad was designed with the same theme in mind as the poster, to show off exactly what our company does in a manner that will serve to entice the audience. This time, since postcards are directly20. held by a person, (and often discarded without a thought), this serves a practical purpose of having an easy recipe on the back. This way, people can hold on to the postcard to gain wasy access to the recipe whenever they need it.
the Branding Book The branding book organises all of the information gathered from research done, branding choices, and advertisements all in one cohesive space. The book has a bit more of a traditional layout to it, yet is still elegant and cohesive in presentation. 21.
the website/result In the end, we were asked to present our final idea to our colleages and ask if they would ever use the service we created or agree with its ideals, the answer was a resounding YES! My colleagues loved the accessibility of the design, as well as its major appeal towards people of our age group at the time. 22. Portion of Homepage
9. Would You be Willing to Gear Towards a Brand That You Know Always Prepares Their Foods With Fresh Ingredients/Recipes Straight From The Country it Originally Came From? A. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL 5.
Advertising d'addarioHorizontal poster This poster was created in the unique style of a local, famous brand in Farmingdale who makes guitar strings for famous musicians. (Please note this poster is not official.) I created the poster in the unique style that reflects the website, a dark background with glowing spots of color, and highlighting the musicians who currently use their brand. 24.
Advertising Georgia aquariumlarge-format campaign For this assignment, I was assigned to a group of other designers in order to create a large-format advertising campaign for a topic of our choice, so we chose to celebrate the worlds’ largest aquarium located in the state of Georgia. One of the designers I worked with is also the model for the pictures, Raquel Allen. As such, both pictures were used with permission from her. I have posted only my work to the side here. Vertical Sliding Poster 26. Horizontal Subway Poster
Initial Image or One Result Of Flood Advertising flood insurancecontinuity two-page Flip For this assignment, I was assigned to create an idea for a continuing ad that contained a very short story or a beforeand after image regarding the chaos a flood can bring to a home. For this ad, I came up with two distinct ideas. 28.
Same initial Image Another Result Of Flood I couldn’t decide on just one idea, so I decided to fully flesh out two didtinct ideas, each having the same beginning but with radically different conclusions. The first one ends in a more whimsy, non-sequitor way, with family being prepared for the worst-case scenario. The second ending is more dark in humor, with the family being caught off-guard. 5.
Advertising Typographical Movie PosterHowls Moving Castle Redesign/inspiration One of my last projects for college, I was tasked to reimagine the story themes and logo of a movie of our choice and reimagine it using ONLY typography. I decided to do” Howl’s Moving Castle”, a 2004 movie by famed animation director Hayao Miyazaki. I handdrew the new logo utilizing pieces taken from the titular castle, and made the background a heavy steampunk theme in order to perfectly fit the tone of the film. Hand-drawn Logo And Posters On Side 30.
Advertising/Layout Design type-moon campaignLarge scale, multimedium campaign In one of my last assignments before the end of my college career, I was assigned a huge project involving rebranding portions of a company that is not known too much and create a new campaign for them. I chose my favorite Japanese gaming company, Type-Moon, and branded a campaign for them in order to appeal to a wider-western audience by introducing to them Type-Moons older works. Branding/Product Catelogue For U.S Official Logo 32. All images and character designs used for this campaign belong to Type-Moon and were created by Kinoko Nasu and Takechi Takeuchi, this, like many projects listed here were created for educational purposes only, not commecial profit.
Although the cover art is official, I had to design the rest of the cover mockup myself. Many of their products have never been released in the United States. Fate/Stay Night: Video Game Advertising/Layout Design Brand CatelogType-Moon Campaign This is a branding/product catelogue that I created for the Type-Moon campaign. It was actually the last piece that was made for it, although it serves as an excelent introdution piece into the company. It depicts some of the work the company is best known for. 34.
The Garden Of Sinners: Movie Lunar Legend Tsukihime: Video Game The Products page contain the main cover art for English localized box sets for Premium editions utilizing official, recent promotional art by Takechi Takeuchi. Also showcases descriptions for the game and screenshots running along the top and bottom. Screenshots are taken directly from the game and movie openings used to promote the game in Japan. 35.
The Garden Of Sinners Movie 1 Campaign Material Posters and Mockup Examples (Characters were hand-drawn by myself) 36.
Lunar Legend Tsukihime Video Game Campaign Material Posters and Mockup Examples (Characters were hand-drawn by myself) 38.
Fate/Stay Night Video Game Campaign Material Posters and Mockup Examples (Characters were hand-drawn by myself) 40.
Layout Design graphinica magazineart and design magazine This is an earlier assignment, though it is still one of my favorites. We were required to design the cover entirely utilizing type and the paragraphs of the articles using the principalities of type with H and J’s. I designed the website with a more underground, avantegarde look. Taking a look at more under-appreciated artists and looking more closely into the structure and reason in some aspects of design. Cover Design, Spread Bio On Artist, Type Tips & Tricks 42.
FSC Work Health and wellnessDepression Screening For official experience, we were assigned in groups for an Agency set-up class in order to create promotional material for use for the campaigns of Farmingdale State College’s Health And Wellness Center Semester-wide activities. This first poster advertises a Depression-screening event for students in the campus to address their stresses. Illustration was done by me, Headline and text Layout by Colleage Melanie Wolff. 44.
FSC Work Health and wellnessred watch band The Health And Wellness Department assigned us another task of creating a campaign for the Red Watch Band initiative, which is a lecture program dedicated to teaching college students the dangers of alcohol poisoning at parties, which is required for dorming students. We decided to use infographics in order to portray the facts that typically lead to alcoholic poisoning and alcoholic reliance in college students, and then included steps on how to face the situation when one is confronted with the issue. Background and Layout was done by me, Infographics and research by Colleage Melanie Wolff. 46. To be different from the previous campaign, the department decided to place doorhangers in front of the dorm rooms. Vertical Flyer, (Direct Left), Horizontal Poster, (Upper Right)
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