the confidence to step out of my comfort zone into the unknown. To this day, I can remember many moments in the classroom and in chapel where different Shiloh faculty helped me understand what it looked like to actually walk with God and trust in him completely. I can say with all sincerity that I would not have made it through the struggles of the last ten years without that investment. It was at Shiloh that God pressed into my heart the belief that God’s Word was true and worthy of building my life on. As I lived and pastored in San Francisco, this belief was tested over and over as I consistently interacted with individuals from other religions, 01 02 friends from the LGBT community, and an overwhelmingly secular culture. Time and time again, I saw His word proven true. It was at Shiloh that I learned to work hard. From two-a-day football practices in the August heat to classroom settings that pushed me academically, I learned the powerful difference both preparation and perseverance make when trying to accomplish a goal. It was at Shiloh that I gained life-long friends. I can remember one of my teachers telling our class, “You show me your friendships. I will show you your future.” Little did I know the truth of those words as the friendships made during my time at Shiloh not only helped me navigate life as a teenager but even more than that, continue to challenge and 2020 VISION 21
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