DISTRICTS AND ZONES The following supplemental regulations shall apply to all development in the Brice and Main Street and East Main Street Insight Zones. The intent of these regulations to promote the development of the City’s autooriented corridors to allow for more residential development and access to employment opportunities. The standards and guidelines set forth herein are not intended to stifle innovative design. Instead, these regulations should serve as minimum standards and guidelines to ensure that new development and redevelopment advances the purposes described under this section. V. Transit Supportive Development A. Enable bus stops, pullouts, shelters, and appropriate road geometry. B. Retail, office, institutional buildings provide convenient access to transit: (1) Walkways connecting streets to buildings; (2) Within ½ mile of transit stop: Bicycle facilities, including bicycle racks and areas for storing scooters; and (3) At major transit stops: i. Buildings located within 20 feet or provide pedestrian plaza; ii. Reasonably direct connection to buildings; iii. Accessibility for disabled persons; iv. Easement or dedication for shelter if transit provider requests; v. Lighting; vi. Accommodations for seating or leaning; vii. Bicycle facilities, including bike racks and areas for storing scooters. 50 VI. Exceptions and Reductions in Parking Standards A. There is no minimum number of required automobile parking spaces for uses within Brice and Main Street and East Main Street Insight Zones. The applicant may propose a parking standard that is different than the standard under 1105.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading for review and action by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. (1) Site has a bus stop with frequent transit service located adjacent to it, and the site’s frontage is improved with a bus stop waiting shelter, consistent with the standards of the applicable transit service provider: Allow up to a 20 percent reduction to the standard number of automobile parking spaces; (2) Site has dedicated parking spaces for carpool or vanpool vehicles: Allow up to a 10 percent reduction to the standard number of automobile parking spaces; (3) Site has dedicated parking spaces for motorcycles, scooters, or electric carts: (4) Site has more than the minimum number of required bicycle parking spaces: Allow up to a 5 percent reduction to the number of automobile parking spaces. VII. Lot Coverage Bonus A. The Planning and Zoning Administrator, subject to review, may approve increases to the lot coverage standards as follows: (1) Lot coverage may increase by up to one-half square foot for every one square foot of proposed automobile parking area to be contained in a parking structure, either above or below leasable ground floor space (e.g., residential, commercial, or civic use),

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