REYNOLDSBURG ZONING CODE not to exceed a 20 percent increase in allowable coverage. (2) Lot coverage may increase by up to one-half a square foot for every one square foot of proposed parking area paving that uses a City-approved porous or permeable paving material (i.e., allowing stormwater infiltration). (3) Lot coverage may increase by up to onehalf a square foot for every one square foot of City-approved water quality treatment area (e.g., vegetative swale or bio-filtration) to be provided on the subject site. (4) In approving increases in lot coverage under subsections i-iii of this section, the City may require additional landscape buffering or screening, above that which is required by other provisions of this code, and may impose reasonable conditions of approval to ensure the ongoing maintenance of parking areas and surface water management facilities. (5) Notwithstanding the lot coverage increases authorized by this section, all other development standards of this chapter, and other applicable provisions of this Code, must be met. VIII. Building Height Transition To provide for compatible scale and height relationships between new multi-story buildings and existing single-story dwellings, new buildings shall maintain a building height transition to adjacent single-story building(s), as follows: A. This standard applies to new and vertically expanded buildings and structures (in any zone) within 40 feet (as measured horizontally) of an existing single-story building with a height of 20 feet or less; and B. The building height transition standard is met 51 where the new or vertically expanded building or structure meets the following criteria: (1) The existing single-story dwelling is located within 40 feet of, and on the same side of the street as, the proposed structure. (2) The height of the proposed structure is not more than 120 percent of the height of the subject single-story dwelling. (3) Where the proposed structure is to be located between two existing single-story dwellings, the height of the proposed structure shall not exceed 120 percent of the average maximum height of both adjacent dwellings. For example, where the two adjacent dwellings have an average maximum height of 24 feet, the new or vertically expanded structure shall not exceed 28.8 feet in height. C. Exception: The building height transition standard does not apply when the approval body finds that the subject single-story buildings located within 40 of the subject site are redevelopable. “Redevelopable,” for the purposes of this section, means a lot either has an assessed market value that exceeds the assessed market value of all improvements on the lot, based on the most recent data from the [name ] County Assessor’s Office; or the front yard of the subject lot is large enough that it could be subdivided based on the minimum lot size standards of the applicable zone.
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