COMMON REGULATIONS vii. Bare earth shall not be considered landscaping or a landscaped area for the purposes of meeting the landscape requirements herein. Land area shall be considered “covered” if it is used for growing grass, shrubs, trees, plants or flowers, or if covered by decorative rock, stone or wood chips, or otherwise landscaped as provided herein. This provision shall also apply to single-family and two-family dwellings. viii. These landscaping provisions are not intended to require multiple or overlapping setbacks, buffers and perimeter treatments. When more than one (1) such standard applies, that standard which results in the higher landscaping or buffering requirement shall apply. Buffering and perimeter treatments may be located within the required setbacks and may be counted toward required open space except not as usable open space. ix. Utility easements which conflict with required buffer yards, perimeter treatment, parkway or median standards may require an alternative design approach to address such conflicts. D. Tree Preservation. Unless exempted in accordance with this subsection, all existing major trees shall be preserved. The Building Inspector may approve the cutting down, removal or destruction of a major tree/trees when the tree or trees interferes with the proper development of the lot, provided that the lot is the subject of an application for approval of a zoning certificate, development plan approval or variance, such application is approved and one of the following applies: i. The tree or trees will be located within the public right of way. ii. The subject property cannot be arranged in a manner to avoid removal of the tree or trees at the same time permitting the desirable and logical development of the lot. iii. The tree/trees are located within the proposed driveway to service a single-family home, and such driveway cannot otherwise be relocated. iv. The tree is damaged or diseased or can be proven to be of poor quality. v. The tree/trees are an undesirable species in its present location. E. Tree Replacement. Each existing major tree removed in accordance with subsection (d) above shall be replaced with one (1) tree, having a minimum caliper of one and three-quarters inch (1 3/4”) as measured one foot (1’) above ground level. F. General Landscape Standards. i. The following standards shall ensure that landscaping is used to improve the aesthetic quality of a development or site in addition to providing a functional purpose and year-round interest and/or screening. ii. The size of landscape elements and materials shall meet minimum standards and be consistent with the size of the project and any existing streetscape. Minimum plant sizes are as follows: iii. Landscaping in parking areas, driveway entrances and intersections shall be designed to meet the minimum clear sight triangle as defined in the Zoning Code. iv. Monoculture, or the extensive use of a single species of trees, shall be limited in order to minimize the potential for disease or pests to strike a particular species resulting in significant same-species loss. The following limits shall apply: v. Plant materials used in conformance with the provisions of this section shall conform to the 144

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