REYNOLDSBURG ZONING CODE specifications of the American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) for number one grade and shall have all wire and twine removed prior to planting. All trees shall be balled and burlapped or equivalent. Grass sod shall be clean and free of weeds and noxious pests or diseases. Plant materials which are known to be intolerant of the area in which they are proposed to be installed, or whose physical characteristics may be injurious to the public shall not be specified for use. vi. If any trees or other plant materials die or become diseased and must be removed, the property owner shall be responsible for replacing all materials that were removed. In the event that existing preserved trees die or become diseased and must be removed; the replacement shall be based on the tree credits Table 1105.07A. If trees or shrubs are removed for convenience purposes, the property owner shall be responsible for replacing all removed materials elsewhere on the site. If adequate space is not available on the site, the replacement shall occur at a location approved by the City. Upon issuance of a citation, corrective action shall be completed within sixty (60) days unless the Development Director or designee determines that weather constraints require one additional sixty (60) day period. Failure to meet the requirements of this section shall constitute a violation of this Zoning Code and the penalty requirements shall apply. vii. Trees and shrubs shall be planted so that at maturity they do not interfere with utility service lines and traffic safety. Trees planted near public sidewalks shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent physical damage to sidewalks, curbs, gutters, pedestrian ways, bike paths and other public improvements. A protective tree grate and vault shall be provided when trees are planted in paved areas such as plazas or sidewalks. This provision shall also apply to single-family and two-family dwellings. viii. When an applicant presents that the placement of all trees and shrubs as required in this section would create an impractical landscape effect, a portion of the trees and shrubs may be located in alternative locations on the same site, subject to approval by the Development Director or designee. ix. In no event shall a landscaped setback be less than six feet (6’) in width, nor shall the width of the landscaped setback be inadequate to allow for the installation and healthy growing condition for the required amount of trees or shrubs. x. In order to promote efficient irrigation and maintenance measures, berms shall not exceed a slope of three to one (3:1) and shall be graded to appear as smooth, rounded, naturalistic forms. xi. To insure that landscape materials do not constitute a driving hazard, a clear “sight triangle” shall be observed at all street and access drive intersections. In the case of a city street intersection, the sight triangle shall consist of the area between points twenty feet (20’) along both intersecting streets from their respective edge of pavements. Ground cover, perennials, shrubs and trees shall be permitted within the sight triangle provided that perennials and shrubs do not exceed a maximum height of eighteen inches (18”) and tree trunks shall be devoid of limbs to a height of eight feet (8’). G. Street Tree Requirements. It shall be required in all zones and districts that applicants plant trees along public streets of their development. Trees shall be planted in such manner, type, quantity and locations as approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission in conjunction with the site plan and design review process, as defined by the following conditions, and that any undeveloped street or existing street with undeveloped frontage shall conform to these requirements at the time of the development. 145
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