REYNOLDSBURG ZONING CODE v. Auto-Share Parking Spaces. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a land use may be reduced by up to four (4) off-street parking spaces for each off-street parking space that is reserved for auto-share parking; provided however the satisfaction of this parking reduction condition may not result in an off-street parking space reduction in excess of 10%. Auto-share parking spaces shall be designed in a plan to be submitted for review by the Planning and Zoning Administrator; such plan must propose how the auto-share parking spaces will be reserved for auto-share parking. vi. Transit Proximity. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a land use or land uses may be reduced by up to 10% if more than 50% of the subject property is located within 1,200 feet of any public transit stop. If an existing transit stop is subsequently eliminated, any previously permitted parking reduction shall remain valid, provided that an active transit route remains within 1,200 feet of the development. vii. Bike Lockers and Shower Facilities. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a non-residential development may be reduced by 5% if such development contains shower and clothing and bike locker facilities for bicycle commuting employees. The required minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a multi-family development may be reduced by 5% is such development contains interior bicycle parking for residents. In each case, the reduction shall apply only to that portion of the minimum off-street parking requirement attributable to the employees or residents that have access to the shower and locker facilities. viii. Review and Revocation. Upon the grant of a reduction in the minimum number of off-street parking spaces hereunder, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall periodically review the land uses associated with any approval to determine compliance with such approval. If the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines upon review of any approved application that the terms of any approved plan are not being complied with, then the Planning and zoning Administrator may revoke such approval, and the applicable land use shall be required to satisfy the minimum off-street parking requirement otherwise set forth under Table 1105.01A hereof. G. Parking and Loading Design Standards i. Location. A parking space required for a dwelling unit shall be provided on the same lot as the dwelling unit. The standard size for a parking space installed in accordance with these provisions shall be 9’ X 18.’ A parking space required for a use other than a dwelling unit shall be located on the same lot as the use, except that some or all of such required spaces may be located on another lot within three hundred feet (300’) of the use if authorized in the approval of the site plan. Parking or loading facilities shall not be permitted on the right-of-way of any publicly dedicated thoroughfare, except as provided by a public authority. ii. Setbacks. Off-street parking and loading facilities, with the exception of driveways leading from the public right-of-way to aisles or spaces, shall be located as follows: 1. Required unenclosed parking spaces for Attached Single-Family, Detached Single-Family, Two-Family, and Multi-Unit Dwellings may be provided on paved areas within the front yard required for such structure. Parking shall not be permitted on unpaved areas; 2. No part of any parking lot shall be located closer than five feet (5’) to a public right-of-way; 3. Parking may be located in the required front yard in any industrial district, but not closer than twenty feet (20’) to a public right-of-way; 127

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