COMMON REGULATIONS 4. In any commercial district, parking shall not be located in the area between the frontage and the front setback. The area between the frontage and the front setback shall be improved as a grass and or planting area. Ingress and/or egress through this planting area shall be restricted to a driveway or driveways not to exceed thirty feet (30’) in width. Under no circumstances will service roads and or driveways parallel to the right of way be permitted. the grass and/or planting area and driveways are to be made a part of the plot- grade-utility plan and are to be approved by the Service Director and City Engineer. iii. Screening. Any parking lot which contains more than ten (10) parking spaces and which is located closer than fifty feet (50’) to the lot line of any lot which is used for a dwelling, school, hospital, or other institution for human care shall be screened by a fence, wall, or hedge of acceptable design installed at each edge of the parking lot which faces the use noted above. Such fence, wall, or hedge shall be no less than four feet (4’) nor more than six feet (6’) in height and shall be maintained in good condition without any advertising thereon. The space between such fence, wall, or hedge and the lot line of the adjoining premises shall be landscaped with grass, hardy shrubs or evergreen ground cover and maintained in good condition. iv. Access. Adequate ingress and egress from the public right-of-way and within the lot shall be provided for all parking and loading spaces. Access for all parking and loading facilities (except those required for Attached Single-Family, Detached Single-Family and Two-Family dwellings) shall be designed to permit any vehicle entering or leaving the premises to be traveling in a forward motion. Driveways shall be located to minimize conflict with vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the public right-of-way. Driveways and service roads shall not be located parallel to the right-of-way. Driveways for non-residential uses shall not exceed thirty feet (30’) in width at the right-of-way line nor more than thirty feet (30’) at the curb cut line of the street unless otherwise approved by the individual or administrative body reviewing the site plan for the subject property. v. ADA Requirements. All parking facilities that require accessible parking spaces shall ensure that a portion of the total number of required parking spaces are specifically designated, located, and reserved for use by persons with physical disabilities, in accordance with the standards in the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The following standards apply: 1. The closest parking spaces to the main entrance shall be devoted to the required accessible parking spaces; and 2. At least one accessible parking space shall be 12 feet (12’) wide to accommodate an accessible van or paratransit. ANGLE OF PARKING Parallel Up to 50 degrees 50 up to 80 degrees ONE-WAY 13 ft. 13 ft. 17 ft. 80 degrees or more N/A TWO-WAY 20 ft. 22 ft. 22 ft. 22 ft. 128
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