financials Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets Year Ended December 31, 2018 Public Support and Other Revenue Public Support Contributions Commodites Contract - USDA Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Contracts Fundraising/Direct Mail Appeals Fundraising Events (net of expenses $189,820) Grants Grants, Temporarily Restricted Grants, Capital Campaign Hunger Prevention Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP) Grant United Way Total Public Support Other Revenue Co-op Food and Paper Products Revenue Shared Maintenance Revenue Public Warehousing & Rental Income Interest Income/Realized and Unrealized Gains Total Other Revenue Total Support and Other Revenue Expenses Co-Op Food and Paper Products Salaries Employee Benefits & Payroll Taxes Agency Rebates Building Operation Expenses Conference Fees Consulting/Professional Fees Equipment Repair & Maintenance Feeding America Membership Fundraising Appeals Expenses HPNAP Insurance Membership Fees Printing & Publications Postage Special Events Expenses Staff Travel Supplies Telephone Transportation-Commercial Utilities Vehicle Expenses Waste Disposal Miscellaneous Depreciation Total Expenses Change in Net Assets $ 1,829,858 699,225 133,335 1,778,722 966,014 489,722 104,850 626,745 1,742,168 53,045 $8,423,684 $ 8,101,655 1,151,170 67,526 25,907 $ 9,346,258 $17,769,942 $ 7,352,677 4,129,706 1,340,292 350,000 122,606 11,124 105,338 186,847 20,486 280,763 965,106 167,704 13,589 46,826 47,314 217,370 14,012 219,724 31,439 22,720 247,813 451,315 215,364 107,026 642,118 $16,234,237 $811,764 Expenses by Function Program Services - Operations: $15,332,269 Management Services: $1,009,329 Fundraising Services: $967,681 5.6% 5.8% 88.6% Why I Give... Volunteering at the food bank gave me a good purpose and a good direction four years ago when I was in a very difficult spot in life. I didn’t know how much I needed to experience it until I was there. I am honored to give back by sharing the experience with others to interest them in volunteering. -Chris Imperial, Volunteer Program Services - Operations Management Services Fundraising Services

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