The Wishing Pond Rwitwika Bhattacharya Kolkata, India October had arrived in Kolkata with an array of dazzling colors and cheerful sounds. Goddess Durga was here with her children. The pandals were gorgeously decorated, the people were beautifully dressed, and every living heart was filled with a joyous excitement. Well… almost every heart. Priya Roy was probably the only miserable soul in the otherwise festive times. Her mood was gloomy as ever as she sat at the table having her breakfast. Dressed in her white shirt and grey trousers she was already ready for work. She was required to wear black pants but true to her bad luck its button was found torn. “If you weren’t such a pushover”, the outline of a short and stout woman emerged from inside the kitchen, “your boss wouldn’t be walking all over you” “It’s not like that, Mom”, Priya mumbled nervously, “they need me there. The other girls have taken leave” “And YOU can’t?” Priya winced a little at her mother’s shrill voice. “I… well… “ she squeaked like a mouse, “I’ve not been there long…” “Nonsense!”, her mother cut her off, “you’ve been working there for more than a year now! They don’t give you a day off because you don’t have the guts to ask!” Her mother tied her hair up in a bun which usually signaled the end of the conversation. But before Priya could relax her mother had one final thing to say. “Such a disappointment you have turned out to be. Learn to grow a spine, Priya!” With that her mother went back inside. Grow a spine! If Priya really ever grew a spine the first thing she’d do would be asking her mother to leave her alone! If only she had gotten that job in Hyderabad! How far away from her parents she could be! But would her rotten luck allow these blessings? A big fat NO! Anger had only begun heating up her body when the chills of anxiety ran down her back. She was late for work! *** The festive season has many positives, but a smooth travelling experience is not one of them. The ominous black cat crossing her path on her way out only confirmed her suspicion that the trip to her work wouldn’t be pleasant. A very antsy Priya sat fidgeting beside the window as the bus moved forward like a snail. She felt like each passing 3

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